HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 7 (2)0
S 1
oyal Comas issio
ating It.
• .•
4 The
, a dearly 'stow
efic. at -Zee -a* ases„cauer not to, aeY
ereet c.17 .0,244,truation.' but,
tte desigt. The plata
*314-zaaeL2teseaseruzaien wereworts
,e'S tea geeteat, care and tor-
iiEseeeee-Ing on the 0117
'edoptod as stand-
-- oictruction. Ole de-
. detail scent to
=T-eaeze ,r prov
.exaa,eama etrain on the
- euem acre%ss the river. In
4.["*" -"g geoter than ever
cp,gtneors failed to
Cesee tae usual working tor.
straie were not
uk-z-mllid me, and the de -
were -worked out
steam a madern bridge -talki-
e eseee of the great middle
s laatt,tt
Walla aujieerilea
llapseie ildta.•
tart net pan '1040 • or
abatheeeeteniesion•baS erriv0. Fee,
alhaatesigeu trial, engineeott the
Pheenix Bridge Company was palmately
zesponsible, his design being efteewa_rds
enproVed by Mr. Cooper, consulting Oa
110Ct elf the Quebec 'Bridge Company,
bolng seeegnized as authorittes ibis
continent in the matter of 'bridge cons
struction. After both bad passed on
the decn M. was approved by the Goy -
me •• ,g„..„eatejameeleal n
av .11 0110 a 44:
.11. is said, f-und no cerelessness or any
.rea-eon f Jr critiasm.
That ate (tercets 4n,1 the '+ent design
earl be remedied and tbe b adgetinaily
construe -led is now lee opinion of the
The eotenaerstort, of course, makes no
Madge Company ler the eollapee
pond •stalements •aullined ebeves.
-sayeateibille forgeheeettaaneial4oss In-
volved, etc., will have to be settled
voirrsilt0.4 . TUX 1Eit9IN1 41A'Floraill;•49 Vim, AtLOE.$I,
erkiS et • ‘C.41 Le, Gtaln,
, • tfuser.,'Prilry r rodlike, at
iUi !karat* moos E4,08,, OK!. thi
tent* at° 41°41
' 1,i,i
with *ices . Arm , No 1
. ,
' 'ilgrettli.ta'
tateled ikt14&ke p�rt;. No 2 at
$1.17; lake perks, and No. 3 ata$1,I13,
lake'. porta, • *
Ontario Wheat -No, 2 white and red
quoted at 96. to 07e onside, and No. 2
miecetdr.t 9a to tlage out. icke
No. 2 white on t • cle Toronto,
54e, and outside at sig to ,52e.
Corn --No. 3 American new yellow as
quoted at 6434 ta 65c. Toronto, and No.
solfliduBoeuickwheat-Unchanged at es;i, to 670
diaid72 ' -1311k Z
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 86 to 86eac out.
2 quoted at 73 to 740 out-
side; No. 3 extra at 72e outside, and
41. 4 41
harts, $24 to $25 outside.
A,pples-Winter $1.75 to $3 per bar-
Beans -Prime, $1.74 to $1.75, au
hand-pialied, $1.80 te $1.85.
lemey-12,- to 13c per pound lar
1L1strateed„----medelA --$1174 to-eee-50--
tem bs.
Straw -$10I -8:11/.50 'Et 1011 on tress
---°Potatcareeerare TiTira",:iren-Tiffere&-ir-e66-
10 ,S1 perby on trace.
Pdultry-Turkeys, dressed, 13 13 14e
per pound for choice; chickeni, alive,
7 te 90 .per pound; dressed, 10 to 12e.
ducks, dressed, 10 to lic.
F1rnijat- NroAfilkahit
the Afridi
terb 2.a=e1.n4on says:, Lord
lie frontier war in the
rer ogaeast the Zalikakhel
"eking rapid and uc-
ces Tee purpose of the
eo pearaish the tribesmen
raids Into Indian Terra
a merrrsrkably short caul -
tem ;scattered and
' Lave been destroy-
raeir• tha tribesmen, have
es thought here to re -
reorganization of
eaer as carried out by
Weeny Atkins is
ameens learned from
war. • The British
tea enemy-Mactpe
4311., -els between them,
The rt'vantage of all mettl-
e _ Inas talethod of procedure
tirPriaaet ackest eatartested the natives,
'who me.--rae...ate-Yeed Ivor Riotr sniping
teeta aist g&ras made by the more
oar. r4tes acee•rearel co:nem formattoa cm -
ado -ea ter reeevee expeditterte.
The74,,,.7-0 tirtre on time Ma
alletEeeta'a' most troublesome
neP.ghtsca. te the people of north-
ernfeelave *nay taw, •lor centuries
be £tareel *of swooping down
ir�o-ttafrese_s„ situated in a land-
tas; beim seeszTaied as "a countre
itrei "ten upsale down coun-
s.» ri!es--"leaesea ani murdering when -
v tte E'reLa,-a teal; them. It was thoky
104 triitz-2 ra.".at whereby the Brite
U.kp& e Etabar were captured
ta they who formod tho
the a-,ece.,--teagaeln Tirah, and re-
ene unconquered and
• emtaaosi----aCarepaign there
been atT=baiii o crZtine which the
I Wee< tire rni comniittel. Net-
the jpiS,CMIS nee tte properties of
tzwzando have been
re tee- taaaie -41aand, taterans-
The tetree aseaat egoinst the Zaklca
Eke z .ocreafeai.1 a 7.040 men under
tlaRie-Gee-e_area -Janos Wileocks. 80
fax rc-r'•-t-np were *Daunted,
• '
only three battalions were engaged,
but 'these worthily represented Eng-
land Seatland and Ireland. They were
the Warwielashiros. the Seaforth High.
lenders and the Munster Fusiliers. In,
addition there were detachments from
various Sikh,. Gurkha and Punjab re-
giments, .stntadrons of the 37th Lancers,
mountain batteries and sappers.
Meade LenislatIon is Proposed' by Dr.
• Clapp, M. P. P.
Mai -automobile legislation Ls to be
one of the features of the Legislature
this session. Dr. Clapp, M.P.P., will
W a a bill giv;ng-oounties_po.
4 prehibe the use byautoinobiles of
°minty roads duririg certain days of the
week. In order that the measure ellen
be •most effective, Dr. Clapp suggests
that the "close season.' shall include
Saturdays. Sundays and Mondays. • The
measure is the inimediiate result of an
clad -foot -long petition on -the subject
from 'Brant township. -
Mr. P. H. Bowyer also has an auto-
mobile bill before the Legfslatune. It
provides that machinee on meeting a
funeral must 'turn down a Oleo lane or
street or the driver be penalized by a
line of' $10 or 815. '
inism-timrs ONLY ADMITTED,
Government Has .Scheme to Impriove
Class of Brilish !meth:rents,
ffrimigration iegulation will be issued
shortly providing that after April 15
nexteanyeeerson -tomingato-Canaila
assisted passage drawn from any chari-
table or similar institution will not be
subject .4e exclusion if he •is provided
avalth* a certificate from • the Canadian'
Departibent in London that
wel make a suitable eettler. This
is done lacause It is found _That in
nto and other large cities many in-
alividuals so sent out have -become a
blie charge.
Seamstresses in London
• Virorkshops.
ta.4 reeeived
nt4h tram Lou -
Lew en Wedneeday
Se-area:my efatbe Na-
aaseeeeslaee, eeagae. cited a
ass let sweating %vie-ob.
•to 1 ctize.' Ap-
es, are eeetinuGaly
teal fn•bernas.
and in. harnas
•tfir :.°sfaeat bee'n told to
na Cast Eni. A trou:sers
sataan aft mutt by
„petiz. Okniip
/14 boil eller* werIced
tr 4t g o get.
IPA ,to f Leh her
she soniMirnes drank to the extent of
fourteen cups a day. At riight her eov-
sering was the trousers which were be,
ing finished. With much pleing of the
needle tee worker's hands bad beoeme
Starnn!lng s iiafl a ba"..4 iti
came of its branches, and in Wool-.
sch Cheap shills are made, for'as lit-
tle as stepenceethvelve cents) & dozen.
Aga and again one hears of', poor
scarnst&aS405 who have pawned the Ma.
get food.-
brie! given rem for shirt -making to
!::tinneEast London thee
tithle*er a oomparative,ly smell, trade
set respell, to tvhich ‘there b much sweat.
ftig. trushworker tor lilting a. thou -
stn.! holes with bristles, whieh she baii
first to palc into approprialit bundles
mil then secure with %irk ,gata atm»
400111C3 haildpetiny (1,Atelve and,* bat
U. •
The ii: againstoterealing hIt tha
been pfttotivig has mood
ii4ing (ha,Conmons and,
,biroants tot
•a• ' 1400,44,400
Butter -Pound prints. 25 to 26c, and
large rolls. 23 to 240; do., infenfor. 21
to 23e. • Creamery rules at 30 le 310,
and -solids- at- 22-10 29e. -
Eggs -New laid are queted at 28 to
29a leraloz1,1 in case lots.
Cheese -13 , to 14c per peund In a
jobbing way.
. _HOG PlielletiCyS.
Bacon -Long clear, Oefie per poun En
case lots; mess pork, •$13 to $18.50;
short cut, $22 to v.1.50. •
Hams -Light to medium. 14 to 14gct,
do., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 10 to 10eac;
shoulders, 9aa, to 9 -Xe; backs, 16c; break-
fast bacon, 14 to 15e. •
Lard ---Tierces. 11%c; tubs, 12c; Palle,
Moetreal, Mareh. 3. -Grain -Eastern
Canada No. 2 white oats at 53, No. 3
at 48 to 49aac, No. 4 ot 43 to 48e‘04 re-
jected at 46 to 47c, Manitoba rejeckei
at 49% to 50c per bushel, ex store.
Flour -Choice Spring wheat patenig,
211.10; seconds. $5.50; 'Winter wheat pat-
ents, $5.50; straight rollers, $5. IA)
do.. in. bags, 82,35 to $2.58; extras, SIM
to $1.90. Feed -Sales. of car lots of
bran were made( at $23.50, and shorts
at $24.50 per ton, including bags.
Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; shorts, $23
to $24; Ontario bran. $23.50 to $24; mid-
dlings, $25, to $26; shorts. 824 to $24.50
per ten, including bags, and pure grain
mouille at $32 to 834. Provisions -
Barrels, Short cut mesa, $21; balaeareeje.
heavy mess, $20;wha1f-barrels do.. $10e
50; dry salt lorik, clear backs, 10ele;
barrels plate --beefe-1118.50--toe tilkehalf---
barrels do., $7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy
mess beef. $10 -to $11; half -barrels do.,
85.50 to 36; compound lax•d. 834 to tm:.
pure lard, 11 .y, te 11,0; kettle rerelese
ed. Ilea to 12e; hams, 12 14 1330; br•eax
fast bacon, 14 to 15c; Wlndor bacon
14% to 15e; ?reek ktl1e 1battotr drew -
ed hogs. $8,25 to $8.50; ?dive, $5.75 to
$5.90. flutter -Fell grades, 32e; freak
receipts, 28 to 20e; dairy, 1 te 26e.
cheese -13 to13XO. Egg --Afarket
fairly actives •wlth e" firm undertone.
American selec'ect new leld are selling
al 30e4 ordittary stock at 27 to 28c, tee
Montreal limed at 21. te 22c rev dozeit.
. a- ,
Duluth, March 3. Wheat-No.,1 ha
‘1.0i1 •
tha' AS:
t t'oc,
ta lo
ttoyot. t'Nteti WI"
i6 aeill* 4ibo. vteeett
l; ' ho
Ulan- I Ice it the 'aean
iS eroposed to have Hamilton fire -
wen On duly We've houra sit a, time.
Sudbury residenta are seekteg tbe Glee
errenerit to appoint a Freneh-Spe „ng
Judge for that di4rict.
The Winnipeg Grain Exchange es
been practically dosed as A testa% o
WarenJ. I. Hill ts reported to be 10,?°'
paring to build a railwaY Parallel to
We C. P. R. between 'Brendan. and
A stratet ear narrowie esettPel beatg
smashed by a tocomative -at London,
ete al a few feet of
v es
_men .
m '
awietes,..-..,..e-alesaieseetee- oseelitie.....
Maeirenzteeend the- Toronto Rati-
tes passed into the control of h r Wil-
Sherbroke CounOil has deeided_ to
purchase the eke:tele light and gas
plant cif the Sherbroke P. ae. & II. Co,
for $259,000.
itederlek Nleholson, a cripple, 'WOS
be ht e clothing taking fire While he
Aveaseeeekla e-liseldtrinereese- ----a-e--
.A Mil o go , kamplteArifiiii i*Z.--d
over stoo -to ,th.ff ,t4a, bsis . n OteeeV-
-ettiateattat-eXaltalMatatttliat,- ---fa7---40t•
Willer Ma'am, an old Yukon miner.
An order teunpelling electrie head-
lights on lo,tontotives is being contem-
plated by the Railaray Conamisslon,
who have given the railways hettee of
the proposal.
The British army estimates for the
year call for $151,185,120. The naval
estimates- amount to $161,597,300. -•
• Representatives of tbe employers and
strikers; reached a provisional agree-
ment lottkIng to the settlement of the
shipbuildWg sttike on the Tyne.
[Are:, guerittliee if ciolored oleomar-
garine are being sold- Hs Witter aitt -age
Twelve jurymen who decided a ease
by a flip of a coin were fined $50 each
m New aaerk and their verdict was set
General Stoespel has appealed to the
Czar for a full pardon.
The Austriah Foreign. office believes
Turkey would risk a war rather than
yteld the sovereigety• of Macedonia to
• the concert of European powers.
• Nunzio. Nazi', firmer Italian Ministet
• et Public Instruction, has boon found
guilty of embezzlement and sentenced
to oteven 'months and twenty days fa
A. carriage in which Queen Wilhel.'
ritina and her husband; Prince Henri,
weto driving, was wrecked by a street
-ear at The Hague, but the reart couple
'escaped Unhurt.
The Czar's speech to the members. of
the Duma whom he received, in audi-
ence is regarded as a new guarantee ef
permanent syntert91,Tw2taimr,
tniakiletis h flumOng Mad at Ja:Zieati,
-A despatch from Junea,u. Alaska
caps: Two Serviart miners, one union
And the other non-wilon. died on Tues-
day, and the burial of ono precipitated
ft riot In which the pollee wen() called
eat to reelore order. 'The; union man
was burled' 'pea0eably, but when Ilse
priest•4n charge of the funeral services
alternpted to say Mau for the IWO,
union ruiner he found The elturel door
locked. A• mob of 200 Makin mon re.
altlesetedathe prit* tzi renrgt to -bowl
ponsailienist. :The priest declined. Tim
disturbers attempted lo ,stap the hearso
y bold lag tteeteeeseebel •
reeded be dragging.ia numfgr of Inen.
away from the funeral preesseloni The
marshal tieempted te restore order,
but for the time being was powerle3s.
The epowd fellowed Ahe body" to the
cemetery and made another disturbance
there. Order was finally- restere-d.
one was injured. '
14, *
'orthern, VAX: Met, $I.O43I
Knnespolis, March, 3.: -Wheat -May;
$1.64% to $1.0534; Juty. $1.04; No. 1.
hardi 81.0914 lo it1.10X; No. 1 Northern,
$1.06,81. to $1,0n,o•#* No. 2 Northern, $t..
04!.'0' to $1.05%; No. 3 Northern, 10
6!.03%, Flour-Finst patents, $543 to
$5.44; seoond patents, $5.15 to $5.30;
timt Clears. $1423 to $4.35; amend clears,
$3.3(i to $3.40, Dran 1 bulk $20.25
to 323.50,
Toronto, March 3... -Exporters aris not
offering very .readilx, lead of huliti-
sold at $t 14.$415. The 'WOW ogee
paid for picked slots watt $5. Choice.
loads hrOught from $4.50 to $6.85.
um $430 to *1.50 and conunen $3.40
10. 81. tluithasE mime are sought after,
and good tines sell up to *CM 4 lot
of porrinion, 'oovve were 'deft.* market
hod lt$ 10*-la8 00 was pAkk-tor-ox
of thein.
Calve, were dull, a ooropinttireiy
large offering selling leinsrly. at *I to
06 Sheep and lartibt Itre, atesd,y
Utter bringing.
tad ,nold at 06
sit $6, to S.
, a_risItieneit
FitS8IA WAN'FS TO riarrir
VOA ¶de Recent 'Ang10-1Rvastan
A' despatch front London says: mat.
Arminittrililatobery,-oritudat; tirte
inlormatain and vicipfs upon iriferna-
Ilorzat politica command respect Ihraugh•.
out Europe, intakes. a gloomy propbe4,
de-dares that the recently made An.
eolveratorf wilt be rerudt-
Med- by Ilussaa. 'whenever ok now otti
*saiit. goat .at pause chitteniehL
assert* 'that Russa Is preparing tor *
War against Great lItitein as a weans
of &roar* atlentlon froprinternal
Wm, , ita adds: *Istottirnkoeukt be
popular in rinse* than, 'a war
tightutd. The nultslan peasants
*duetted loibetteiro
t alikatedl*, 4spari* but IA.
oUy by tttettitii. An* new rettrett.
, bnt itenot
ar ea*
. •
lLiO ye. te. fecettal4W
, •03.40.g., rVi t
w 'thlhequev AR-
Rultb. lr4o4ftzOed-, lit to '1loUse..0-tein.,
stsons. ora Thariday afteeneott. It was
,totowe 'that it .woulciebe a (trestle .tem-
Veraitee measure, but few if any expeet-
ed euebe eweepting proposals as the
If knacteed, the bill will rediree the
anisting !teemed houses in Erigland
and Waite by out -third; in other, WOWS..
g w31abareb *bout -thirty tixatsend
te every 600 or 800,, peopleIn towns.,
,and one for, every 400 or 500 In tbe,
ecauttry ‘14tliatriets, compared with the,
presentegeneral average of one for ever/
37G inbabitente.
_Compensation Will be given to those
who are dfspessessed, this being levied
sears no oompensattori wilt- be paid
when a license is taken away.
• Ivan ngeotealasaehtve newt,lieetim
1 .
) ,:otriiPlo ' 4
tusat to gPallt a.new'!t.ezimi w111 b4 1O'
seinstatle inky area* three alareltY 411.1
ether poll; a, ptim` hotae. outsio.tnt
t,...dyldort, will to allowed lo keep cppen*
nly three hours on Sunday. •
With the vieva to ,pseventing cluba.
from bmottillig virtually laettaes,.
and evading the law, they are brought
u Rhin the' Act, and must renew their
licerve annually. They must also sub*
mit to pelice Inspection. There wilt
be no exception, end the law will be
tlftitvireterSt. "'Meet' n
with the workmen's beer -clubs.
311-0:0% of filo Peace will wholly act
kleallY' as the licensing authority. They
are empowered to order ehildeen etl-
tapely excluded from tomato close bars
at polling days, find to decide whether
women shall be employed -a -a baritields,
valttla affetateatataiti
perty In license, which theoretleallY
bus always existed, but bas been alloW-
ed-Wteoatto-its-conlrol. •
Was Robbing a House in the Absence
Owner: --7-----
A daapatetefrom. Granby, Que-esae.ee
Wehes2ay efter burgTarizii g houe.e
stranger was disoovered in the house
ty a neighbor, Thomas Robinson, who
ordered ban to leave. •The burglar
• threatened to shoot if he was not left.
alone. The Robinson man then sum-
moned hes brother and, another young
fellow ant) came back to the house.
They ordered the burglar to drop some
tur.dles lie had, but he refused and
started to run away, with -the three
young men in hot pursuit. They Anita
Ty overtook him and insisted that he"
should give up the artieea, but be re-
fused, at the same time threatecing
them. Robinsbn, who had provided -him-
self witt a rifle, shot the burglar down,
after which he 'gave himself up to the
• ,
Itecovder Weir, a Malir'alt,-• Thseatred
• With Death.
A despatch Irvin Montreal says: Re-
cerder 'Weir Tentenced six Italians W•ho
were found witb obncealed we•apops on
Ttursdey._ The Sentences ran from
415 or one zoorithiarliard-taber -to
cr cite moult. Each one will have to
furnish two reliable securities of $250,,
each that he will keep the peace .fors
one year. Aftee the sentence was treek
posd on be ltalikins a number of them
wet and threatened to • kill„ Reeorder
Ver. ,Tbeir party was broken up, and
the police aro seeking the men who
made the threats agahist the :Recorder.
Percy Brown Sentenced at Montreal to
Five Years.
A despatch from Montreal says: Percy
Brown, a dangerous thief and pick.:
pocket, was sentenced to five years in
ChoqueL Brown asked Dr. Picott, police
phesician, for opium, saying that he
bad been used to taking between fifteen
• tavern ititatt§TelVe4 itakTiind that
he might die if the supply were alto.
gether 4ut off. Dr. Mott a!Loe4 him
oreviarter of a grain every th •or
.lour hours. '
Eniversal Munielpal Suffrage Bill Pass.
• Ira Danish Chamber.
A Oeseiateh frem Copenhagen aays:
The Universal municipal Suffrage nut
passed its third reading inthe Lands.
thing on Thursday tee ViteS to
Natives of India: Being Stirred tae by
A d;:
espatth ftsOm Bo:toneajeseeeeeeessee,
eieertaarafitottrlirdfiaafiael• ytatiaaaatpiaarea-- 'La'
experaniseeciuditioneet--affaiteestbleisa s-
eat India. - The natives thee assert aro
epenly defying the Reitesh. They have
beyeotted tile Britiah goode, and Davie
refused to handle cargoes shipped by
British merearants. In the interior ihey
are on the verge of open revolt, and
In many places they are arming and
preparing to combat British rule). Age
tutors are largelyresponsible for the
present conditions. They are inciting
the natives to acts of violence. They
lielfeve tire Japanese will aid them if
tbey should engage \ in war . with 134 -
Lain, and they declare they will be
torous. 10 In the larger cities the feel-
ing against the 13ritieh and foreegners'
le general*astaken the form of a her.
eon, and commerce is great4 hamper..
e4 The Neuerifels was delayed 44 days
st Calcutta waiting for ter cargo. The
natives refused to work on the irct ter
• longshoremen coukt be got together
and it was weeke tefore a gen of
who would- toa4--41zo -slit)). • Colevata
harbor at that time Was. ailed witheirit-
ielS steamers unable .to gerrerga6a-
The Cartage Companciliety.
s T10hreaten Stk.
• A despatch from Montreal toot It 'a
very probable tharl• actions wilt be taken
against the city owing to the wetted
canditical of the streets. Mr. E. E. Bel -
court, Manageztof the Shedden Forward -
deg Company, stated on Wednesday
merning Oat his company had put uo
with Montreal's bad. Streets for many
oroars and that the directors were in
fsvor *of sung alio city for MAO dam-
agoi. 11epresei4atives of the Canadian
Transfer and Dominion Transport Com-
paniee•said ithat if 4he Shedden people
took action against the city. they wet*
practically certain to f011 w suit.
Queen Wilhelm*** find \ Consort 'in a
- -Seidel-03 Catena* Atekterita
A desPatch front ThoIaUo says
-Queen. Wilhelmina arid Prince ilenry,
bet.• husband, had a miractdous escape
froni seriouS inlury In 4 carriage acct.
• dent near the 1 palace on Wednesday.
The Prince was ;driving the Carriage,
10 whialt her-tth
rils.ty, was alao seated,
• In a narrow p t of e' road anelec-
tric street car; eximing at fail epeed,
suddenly Collidedwilt the vehicte be-
fore the Prince•eould tune; out, • The
• carriage was 'badly wrecked. three
wheels' being torn off, iliit neither the
�ueen nor the Prince was hurt.
Ashdown's House Guarded by De-teo,
*dyes During:a Reception.
A daeritet' tem -WI nig%
sera5.11Con has ben G•lia&V.4 heit4 by the
meagre,. detaiS wilt% have leaked
ftlraugh. orEcial . circles ot an tt.q.entpk.
t? 1313Ck 113'n41 to extort .triOney from
lltoygre ,A51144wn, undcr thrkqt dy.,
namito tresideriee ho r4.
viee: op the Maper're-milted) eivattatiy-
bots),Itettz, • wle thrormed hiln.11hat
untesa SLOW wrh lett: under a• bla0“.
eklhicn, the sIdow'31:4 441-41realway in
frent cfhi WillOnte., that night big.,
vel=itd Thetword.
the, kfter iniLeatel That it eni-
r!n ft4n VOWS, NteSTir
,-„ag a tmeptiot th:Ativentg. col
home. 'tyro :thrOrtged With.
44:11t. eittens. 'Il`tiguemntto 'any
pr'oata 4,etectst3 Were Aeneas
hit antl, 11E) guVa o411«0 amt.
Witiio'utt Isnottlegt - iiiidur --
y 4tieir het.,* -t, viras,Iabiring.
Itthe evening the detective; toguni4
tin Italian Who was 'alUnteting, back. -
ward and ' icrward , near wlx:1•6
Roney W451 5lipPOte0 (0 1.* (le)okiite.4,
but 41-4,1 41ed, Ni Seture onyinealmin- -
0 ,lig oVidcrtaN a:Elf:Ariel the sfc!'ei. rot*, ,
vie men o,rei iymvineeil he Wes implr. 1,
cat101. Ile, claimed t,e had ak perteci
rfght ...1,o-tvul thiv-Strtri" it ha -tlii-i;"
%hell and ta fere Ile Ilsed. Ever selee '
1110.1.1cttAive ham ht: eco el woli cri
he Klee, het up ito +lite Pilt'xilt, L3ve
itc,'Citfe to ily eQlizal 6.011P4 i'f tic*
13.rilttiVrtg killv, Iles Uls rx./. fends
ell to 'zill'ey The lartty cf hii wcikttp,
tIttINt!igh be pratses to believi Iher
tItAirtaleelr,)tac!crip 1v30`4 tpt dare IS
61r,r7 tit tiro litrettt.
. .,,