HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 4 (2)411,
oo, so's-
IVI4 too rself apree
Quo, That Will
moan: Oeere
ts thing*n4,owe
ettdd osffetd th.
esrerntorI ,e4 wdl4i0O:
'4,144*Y krooW
ing that hei well
44,.-• •
QUO Vance Iu gnagain tate
tevere ettack leTIPPsO, whiClt
00,4iitetivd UStantliftetiteet-
for some time. and Mrs. Archie
`WaldiE. ,\Of htiii L4111ittpent' SoodaY
and Mondeo\ the ooloOto of Mr. and
'Arth. Coop's:belt s,;310,,"
Beitetise eta Miss Myrtle: liena4
11.- W. Felleavetethe-Peet, Wei*
Mioa Tillie Ileot -speot the Nut -week
under the parentel roof, Rebyion Lioe.
'Miss Anoleereestilere let*
Sturne4l' after s enUijg W
the 000* . '.:00\glito1CDo
tOk4t4,0; when,t
'1ile OP'
4 ' Outifelgo**Protote Voto*,
kolobtiodtitclioifitiid K44,0
• 5
' YOO&tioe„. t
by Re F etcher,. oun
e }leve the ifervItaleat couple ere unetteintled. The bride
resenteitastety hdoomeoeppeationce.
la gPwn44' autifu.: dress of
4,7,0044444.1- 4444#44.44,
....mg-, r..a.
Pl P
talitat• i' �yeI, 1.9,
work of Miss Minnii yun)otrimmed,
with. valeisciennes I ce and insertion,.
After the ceremony an excellent wed-
ding eupper was tweed, and the bal-
ance Of the evening spent in pleasant
amusement. The presents were many
and beautiful. The happy couple will
reside on the groom's tine farm at
ceosettotte.„...- - o ___.............—o-
le vicinity attended the :wedding of
---fialttirtettoolautte - a number rout
Feb. 28th, at 0 o'clock porno, of * fo
oner-oreelilento bereo-alise-Amini
\ •
(fader Atworette,
ra.4-eorpotOh Pe9Pleoso....
' THURSDAY, Mar. 5, 1908
rituron, has recovered f mu his illness
member of South
ef grippe at Ottawa,
Ii all the bills presented to the Leg-
islature regarding automobiles become
law it will be safer to be run over than
to own the mita. de sprit, over white silk trimmed with
New 13runavvick has elected a Con- satin ribbon and lace. Blitia Agues
fervittlYe-00Yeentnents 32 to 12,_withoRubena..eister of the brideacted as
three Inde -ndent-LiWreit000The.Libtobridearmtid.andoniuleoespretty-p_ietu
power-inothe--prov dressed- -in -white silky -while Mr. R.
• s
a • # 'AfrO oanies ryan,
also of that township. The ceremony
wise performed by Rev. Bartlett. The
parlor, where the marriage took place„
was decorated with on arch of ever-
greens and Pink and white room un-
der which the bridercouple stood, The
bride looked charming in white point
/ .4 I.. 1 4
-osoNtAnstin ooPringleosolehtceonfotheolorideo.
e-Killatteochairman-nethe.Draole areltSe4--itO.lflottsilki-ongdeclr000rogt
- Mon board areaway eommissionerte .tomiteking Iittle. ilower ogielo-o-The.
died at Ottawa on Sunday from rime. ittoonfa present to the bride,- as a
monis. Ills death is considered -a -I
to the country owing to his wide
knowledge of ea,ilway matters.
--- Times 'without number, have we
teochers tell children not to
place their pencils in their mouths.
Now comes the news that a girl in the
United States le expected_ to dio. 3. of
boning, caused by wetting the pen -
ell with her lips. -
Hon. Nelson Itiontheith has intivaat-
that ate Increase might be made thlis
year in -the annual provincial subsidsr
to exhibitions. Mr. Monteith believed
it would be greatly to the advantage
of the agricultural societies to hold
mere banquets, and to have other
aocialfeatures in connection with their
On Friday, March Otb, the Liberal
Coaservatives of South Perth will
hold;their annual meeting in the opera
Mitchell, at 1 p. m., when a can-
didate' for the 00n:talons will be nom-
inated. Is it not about time the Lib-
eral Conservatives of South Huron
platoolorocandldote- in the field!' A
tandidate should be given a chanceto
become krtown in the riding.
The'DenliniOn House of Commona
worked, some over, time last week, one
oontinnal eittings being from p. m.
oti Thursday to 12 p. ni. Saturday.
Tho opposition is itOltlOt18 to probe in-
to certain affairs in the Marine De-
partment but the Government refused
to bring down the papers and in con-
sequence the long drawn out battle
ensued, ended. only by the Approach of
the Szobbath.
Po II. Bowyer, M.P.P., for East
Kent, is anxious to increase the taxes
on roitittore. `2`1)o the members of
this House realize," declared Mr. Bow-
yer wood applause, "that the roilways
are only taxed sroo per Mae for both
municipal and provincial taxes; whilt-
MiehigOn they Ray $400, in Ohio
-Massachusetts. $1.500? In the 'United
States a possenger rate of 2 cents per
mile teoevers. andtheUnited States
farmer is given a better freight rate
than the Canadian farmer gets."
The Statesman like replies of Hon. .1.
P. 'Whitney to the Toronto License
Holders and to the Dominion Alliance
deputations that Waited on the Govern-
ment last week show that the Ontario
troverninent is sincere in its action to
do just what it thinks best in the mat-
ter of licence law. Mr. Whituezmade
no promises to either teMperance or
Nacre people and is determined to do
the right thing by the whole People.
His replies were unanswerable and all
who heard him Mutt hive gone away
etith a higher opinion of the matt that
theyorould,have had he hesitated or
fencectorittelbeir requests.
'Then .your bl.00d, must be in
a very tisd.-coadfticia. , You,
rtitinly know ibat, to lake,'
fliett 'take it— Afer's 43trsg•!''
ARC 11 youldoub-4,1then'
onsitit your\ ddetor:We 'know.
Oat be ;win say siboue this
wind ,o14 '
ch• *tilt giostlowYboo 4�tvuj OrOittiO
i TyIebilLbaer`
wirif tyloir Eversi•ualig
.--The dining -yawn IV
decorated with red and white bunti
and *page of evergreen and smil
At the finishing of the bride's ta
numerous toasts were given, to whi
the groom responded. The eveni
was spent in music, recitations a
games. The ,presetits were numero
and costly. Guest* were present fro
Toronto. Stratford, St. Marys. V
quhar and other places. Mr. and M
. Bryan will reside on .the Base Lin
Blenshard. Congratulations.
The household effects of Louis Wa
Per. Sr..- were offered for sale On Sa
urday last os were oleo those of Chit
Willert.`Sr. Bossenbeorrof Zuri
weilded theltaunner. Zito i#Valper h
Pince sold his dwellil Whitt daughte
Mra. Fred Willett.- here watt no se741,
vice in the "Evangelleal church las
'Sunday evening owing to the Past
not feeling well.-OnTueedity evenin
at 5 o'clock Kleinstiver an
Miss Effie Willert were unjtedin. ma
more-. Rev.Vhini of the Lutheria
church officiating. They are well an
favorably known here having .teen
sidente of this village from infatic
Fuller Particulars next week. -Job
Hoffman has moved with his Limit
and effects to this village. Ile is e
gaged as &renews in the Plaining in
Thelollowing is the report of th
standingef-thepopils of the,,DashwO
Public Schoorfor-I'ele Nanses in o
der of merit. Div. 111.-V. Class-
Willert. V.:Graybeil, N Kellerman%
Kellermano. 13 Graybiel. IV 'class.
V Guenther. 0 Schroeder, L Geetz,
Hartlieb, Graybiel; Geiser,
Slot -etre, W Masser, 11 Snell, el Ehlers
31 Meis toe 11 Gaiser, G Palk%
Davis, 0 Willert V Siebert. plass. 11
Guenther, E Onettther, 0 Goet
V Beokenshire, W Pfaff, E Willer
A TSenosti, Mahlers.,L Stire„ L Si
G. W. Shore, Teacher
ILL-jr. HL -P. Ttematostff-
Melsatioon J 1outTedge78, °Gossip*
77 (honors); 11.Vincent 70, A Koch 01.
11 Sehroeder Of. Jr, I1.-1 Wombat
80, F Wiliest 75 (honors); L Mosser 73,
W Miller 74 Sr. Pt. 11.-1-1 Schroe
der, M Hoffmann, L Steinhageo,
Melsaac. Na. on roll 38, average 31.
M. V. Carling, Teacher
Div. L -8r.11. -K Stire 00, W Zim
mer 83. L Edighoffer 70, M Vincent 78
K Guenther 77 (honors); A Sebroede
60,0 Kellerman 01. Jr. II. -6 Davis
80, E Guenther 73 OhonorsO, H ()hien
their 08, V G000man in, 1 Zimme`i62
Sr. Pt. 11.—hl Schumacher, L Schism
Heber, T Zimmer, 14 Sch-roeder. Jr
Pt. Gostinan.111 Willett, arid
%V Siebert equal. NOlom roll 38, ever
age 33. W. It, Corlinot, T000lltro f
(Roo Antllicr SocolO
Mr, Felix Wild has purchased th
Town ILdI on
,holt ePent
dere hem feat emek-witb, toitop.
entei-oVeed Toeng, who was (spite iR
witIrthe-OttiPpe. ie. We go vttittioato
*tete, 4041110e and expecte to be
beek in the.titare, Ina law dityt000W.
J. Anderson bee sold his feral at the
liver to his emein-laworesionle Totrosioro
Mr.Anditrift0ti WiliTinisee on to. :the
tertu. he recently rented fesup WO.
britthee Will. Tbe boueiLnd lot Mr
10rOOTotioo, Otioght' from‘ Vbarloe
4111a4o. boo been, SOX '0) Rao'
noastliomt 0014,ot O"ii
• Seett
1*7 °
ed t .isay thatthe operation we*
tees and diet lets well u1-o-the-I:ammo
, •"--Purc
ed a L. 0. Smith Visable ptowritintt
machine for hie office work. It 1.a
great improvement over his other
machine, which he exchanged for the
new one, -Our citizens were greatly
disappointed on Monday morning
when they called at the Bank, only to
Asettlastracti0.a3.s-44 beeitseetitiotoot
rss that
we are being ignored to a certain ex-
tent and -the time has come when pat-
ience has ceased to be a virtue. We
oireratosea-tosituo werhen° the lirano
eiose.Bank of Commerce witloopenoetoot
this has placed our people to a great
deal of inconvenience. especially since
it has been reported so often that bus-
iness would be transacted here at such
and such a date. Unless some step is
taken in the near future, a petition
will be circulated in town and the
neighborhood, inviting some other
Ranking institution and we are sure
it will have the undivided patronage
of the people. -A quiet weddings was
emnieedoett Toorenn-
s iron- o imesso-Maith---3ed
tifIrolitt-Tteitt, of this tawn. --Rev.
.1tesat-officiated at the -ceremony.
Mr. And Mrs. Finkbeiner will reside
hoth--ets.r hwt
of the village. A host of friends ex-
tend congratulations and 'wish them
every happiness through their married
School Reports
The following is the correct report
for S.S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month
of February: V -F. Heamate SR. IV
-Honors: G. Dearing, G. Sanders, P.
Triebner, R. Willis; Pass; S. Willis, E.
Triebner. E. Shapton, P. Dearing, W.
Shapton, F. Preszcator. .18. IV -E.
Welele III -Honors: S. Willie, 0.
Parsons; Past: A. Willie, O. Preszca-
tor, G. Penhele. II -R. Parsons, M.
Willis. G. Henn:Ran, 0. Statilake, O.
Triebner. L. Sanders. PT* II -Q. Pars
sons, O. Dearing, T. Willie, L. Sad-
ers V. Preszcator. Ste PT. I
Triebner, V. Box, L. Hilt 0.1landere:
JR. Pr. 1-W. Heatrian. P. Sanders, C.
Hamilton, O. Hamilton, E. Preszcator.
Best Spellers, in order -G. Sanders, F.
Triebner, 0.- Preszeater, R.-Parsosis
O. Dearing. Number on roll, SO; aver-
age attendance, 28. '
WM, L Titiengrai, Teache
The following is the report of Ce
Oralia Public School for February. 1908
based on Cxaminations, general pr
ficiency and good conducto-Class V.
Mervin Matta., Wilfred Hodgens. Joh
Denopsey. Sr. IV. -Iva Essery, Mary
Banton, Andrew Coughlin, Frank
Bandford, Maxwell Bartham. "' Jr. IV
-Bessie Anderson, Luther Butt. Sr.
111 -Fred Essery, Fred Fairhall, Elva
Brooks. Marguerite Hanlon. Jr. III
Stella Neil. Sr. II -Mabel Beaman,
Rose Hanlon, Wesley Culbert, Stanley
McFalls. Jr. II-Ethel-Oulbert, Eddie
Alexander, 'Wilson Culbert. Pt. II—
Leonard Abbott, Della Brooks, Harry
Elston, Lloyd Baynham, Gerald Han-
lon. Sr. Pt. I -Vera Davis. Pt. 1 -
Hazel Rssery, Rex Mills, Ruth Cough-
Gordon Ofilbeit, Irene Alexander, Flo-
ra Huxtable, Archie Hicke, Ida Tay-
lor- Number -on-roll tooloveroge at-
tendance 33. - •
‘4.000ttom Svrotoo, Teacher.
dren Enjoy it
_ -141 -have-soied-Voltsfeete. E.14;4COO011t
with, SUO greatost safoist'aetice. with ony
WWII. It is a w000lorOnt core for
'4-11 and (sere tbreat., 1 believe it. sows
the life ef ray littlo coo,' who was
very sick from. a protracted cold est his
leave"- I
I MI1S. ANNIE1IRAt#1131aER. '
oiloielz.::01, gi3O: fo,c,tio colitstooto
toranto I get great coosfe'et with it or
Oriert avni1114re,e1Vieary.colo pO44,5"2„ 11, .itii:I. t, : tt rtt :6 t ori
r ,'' 10't ,Xt
t, ', I ' tt
id *N.03' helee
'or1L .. 4,0
otot.04,: 6 ovgooO 4t, ,
t000lOooep ' sending nit
te, Drs41'..A. lissom. 14i.°' V rent*. Ali
good atog iet keep lis, 0,- ''')
tit rtiestlipt
• : Whalen
matutv,, 7017,
twine of Mr. -and George Squire.
Whalen on Wednesdate_ Feb. 201h,
when tkecir daughter Ettie E.,
was unit in the holy bonds of metre.
niony Mr. Edgar Hooper, BOO of
Ur. John Hooper of . _Metropolitan.'
Rev. L. Bartlett. of Woodham oft:Whits
ed. Precisely at 5 o'clock as the wed-
olingzaaraltawooeplsgood -
laid PitAlmintiothe bride' tordireitthe
parlorleaning on the arm of her bah-
kee beautifully gowned in white .silk
with M.o._ bridalizeit_antoctirti
shovrer bo net of white carnations.
Weiss -too --rOtatitoo*Pe"'
groom, acted. bridesmaid and look -
ea charming in a gown of white mulle
and carried pink carnations. Mr.
Freak Squire. brother of the bride,
ably supported the groom. After con-
gratulation* the guests numbering 180
all partoolc of the sumptuous supper
prepared in the dining room which
was prettily decorated for the occasion
after which, the evening wassipent In
speeches and music Woodhull
chorrand other!. The oiredirng pre -
Iota oretitAitmerctilio-itiaeostr
6 intim
rlais on Mr. Hooper's beautiful
in on the 8thsTme 6f- aliiiishard:
They have the best wishes of a host of
frien for
I 1 •
Sohn Cluff spent Sunday with
friendsonThames Road. -.Owing to
the storm an Sunday the congrege-
tionset both churches were smile --
John and Dick Kinsman, attended the
wedding of Mies Squires of Whalen cn
Wedneeday of lest week. -Mise Alice
Ifyckman has gone on a visit to her
sister Mrs. G. Vanhorn Wanstead.
--The Ladies' Aid 9f the Methodist
church here are holding an oyster sup-
per on the evening of March llth.
The speakers for the occasion will be.
the Revs. Wilson of Staffa, Smith and
Toll of Hensel,. Music will be furnieh-
ed by the Staffa Methodist choir. The
Hibbert opheatra will also be in at-
tendant*. Admission 25e. and 15e.
The committee, are ;sparing no pains
to make it A success. Coisie and have
a, good time.
r: Mr.. J09. Hawkins spent a coi451e of
days of this week at Clinton, attend-
ing to County Council matters per-
taining to the House of Refug .--Will
a- Hunter spent a few'days the pst week
- ! visiting relatives in ,Toron -The
a new choir made their initial appear-
ance on Sunday loot, 'under the man-
agement of Mr. A. Andrew., The
..choir is about 20 strong and are doing
very nicely. -Mr. Wm. Coultis and
family mov-ed to Exeter on Tuesday
lasts -Mr. Thos. Hodgson, after spend-
ing several weeks with his sister, IVirs.
R. Skinner, left for the West on Fri-
day lest.
-Victor Appel, nisi' has been emplay-
ed in the Sandwieli branch of the de-
funt Sovereign Bank, arrived home
lest week. -Miss Lydia Ort returned
home from Detroit Ufa week.-Lonis
Pein of New Hamburg, visited friends
t wn Lost ,week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Pfile have returned to their
• hem° near Bad Axe. diaich.-Satimel
- Rennie Visited in Berlin and other
. pieces in that vicinitao loot week.
Orville Ehites of New Dundee is now
employed in the Dominion Bank
brarich,lince the Sovereign wm
ed.—Fred Manus has dioposed of his
e 'berber business, to
50 acre farm of Harry Guenther. 10
21# coo. 13. Stephen. for 102200. Poe*
ession to be given en March 15th. Mr
AVild intends moving mite the _farm.
Arthur barber
o of Blake.-Mitte Roxie Either will ,lie
, employed as assistant milliner. at .I. J.
.1%terner's when theopring -tomb opens.
* —Owing AP 9.11Positioil fV010nutother
of nittribera o the Liithetiin thureh it
. 1. not expected that the pastOr, 'Rely
04 a 3. W00% will be able,ta ht:Ild an
English services.—..11. gm/doll an
1 family have moved to PO Lamont's
feriu.—We arepleesed to learn that
tileorge Clitnpbelli. Br.. 'of Ststlelo is
oblO to bo Around airoio, atter a
-t000th'e illneos.—Dovid Fautt of 'rale,
Mieto, to visiting' relot‘oes in tow*.
He was feeinerly a resident of the tith
Con.. neorly 30 yeire eite.e-A grata
ball and ettioselosetti boac oil Mtireh 2.
n Eon's Holl.00 IL, Well,' on Wed iteit,
Joy rettived the soitneOrs of the death
of his oonufro•lsoi Mr.', MeWottetto, of
%willow, ,Mich.,, The sod. ,event vt?se
quite unexpeeted as the Olatives tied
eilotSheard t het f%t* loutbetos ill. '
Wleninteetoeirt St. Mary* . chuich,
otlin,„ thore tOok piece. On Wednete
iiks.rebriiierit VItlio the marisiege e.
, eoto-toestn bell, okin of ,‘ Campbell.
1 tor Bloke. *old . "otiorioreneeTOOnOO.
1 "OP .tPl" of _Si" I or. Of thellauble'
tine. - - The--iiidojos:L*0o lotto
b Kitt Ilk* pz.Uv beme of Milit.
on..wh. titter of
dor the l*ppv
their pot
o •Oiletolkt, , r
HO also purchatsed-a fine work herae
from Mr. JoSheplierd. Mr. ora (Tie
men intends moving into the house
vacated by Mr. Wild in our viIisge.
A very plea000t time woo spent by all
wluoiittendecl the Y. P. A. entertaitio
went. in Zimmer e Hall on Thureday
night. Tbe house was filled and the
.wae thoroughly etsleyedr The pro,
m of floosie, recitetiontO etel
ceede go toward the Onying of a now
eeootstttetttooT,--41r. and Mrs. Mats
ts Merlork wisti to 'annoxince the
go gement or their clang It Or, Ronne,
, iftio Charles W.11'14,1(4. et ',Wash.
itOOZO‘to MOO U.S.A.
1' A Woo Revival Meetioga tire being con.
tiotted in the RoortgoLcal ehurch this,
week. Tbloviee
ers *re well attended
liter Lost ,Sooday• Rev. LIL
and iterri g .ettioono hove been de,
,‘W000toro Peesiditsgogidesaoorf oDerliN
tho opeclateommtioion eer.,
In the eifetliog, the oervite wits be
44114 111to5rOt *Ilk*. Two
U! ee were IdO C
Olintemo Feb. 29. -Mrs. W. J. Big:
gitis, a vddOW, who lives alone on Toe-
eph street, was found dead in her
housesatnoontoelay.- Master -Milton -
Cook, a neighbor boy, who_carri
Water for her, went its usual this
morning., but 'could not get in, and, at
noon, thinking something might be
wrong. he and his father forced an en -
trace -to the house and found her
dead on the floor. She was tia'Vears
of age, and the doctor attribute's her
death to heart failure. &ler son, Wil -
liens, lives oti the Lando road. near
Other deaths recorded toolir are:
Hoist Raney. aged 53, a, firmer, on the
London road and son-in-law of i A. D.
Wiltse; Mrs. Oimleton. of Goderieh
Townehip, aged 82, wifeof Adam Can -
loon, the late treasurer of the town-
ship; To J. Meeker, of teem -at -Um tee
of 00,, a highly respected citizen- and
n old resident
Mitchell: The unerel of Mrs. Wm,
V. Mabel on the t)6th bad .fully 1
rigs in. the cortege. She wes ver
estimable ladr
e can eq y (AU
0 r
Oft o
Provi et
nom!rn n logo
��i trstsg
ro- tikletiO
teeets' ziotools
tiveetatalose°Kuttot:essudesolu"... "'woo
ur graduate.: otoi zoo aro co
0000, ,
oes Debilil
will cut*
soruzeli PhoiP
IteerT"es. tiiiiii,44;itTotreurilk;
,Mento awl Pot
'moo e Or Porter, the
purity ond merit of which •
has been attootpd by'
experts at the great exhib:
!ceI 41ce. ero
(tneoporated by lot of Parliament 1855)
Read Office,
Capital raid Up
47 Montreal
OFFICE HOURS 100. so to -2 p. • SATURDAYS, 18 1. ro. to to. ot.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest/Wowed
avingiank Departments VOW furtherootteo totems on Savings account* Mil be
ereditod quartetly inatosd tootr000 to tomato.
• Deposits of $11 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the'Donirniiin
• Doom: & Cooto/NOr Solicitors- N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
es. ,
toldoessono To
Dies. Kennedy & Ker
Owing to Dr. Her -
ton being deceased,
Dr. J. IO.ICerniedy.
Medical 1 Dirootor,
has soot ated with
hins Dr.Konnedy Ir.
who boat been with
this firm for several,
years, so hereafter
business will ton-
dtictod under tbo
name of • • -
Dos It Et. How/
• 1
Thouottuts of young and iniddle aged tuen are anomaly *wept
to o prentoeure grave through ItiORIAr toomookmooto.
PXCXS.SESOOND )31.001) DUBOSE% If you have any of the
following symptoms consult too before it is too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy. speclos before the
eyes, with dort eircies under therm. _oreok ck, kidneys irrita-
ble. polpitition of the bead, bastaut„ droono and losses. sedl-
linentiourite. pimples on the face, eyes sunken. tollow cheeks
timeworn expression, poor nienioro. lifeOto distrustful. lack
energy andotrength, tired mornings. traitors nights, ohange-
able ntoods, weak manbood, immature decay. bone IlaiOst, tair
loose. sore throat etc. , -
. blood of the Oktinf, and unless eatIvely cradic!rtleedt:rreo°07:bnsel
oo t an roost serious diseases. They Sop the very lif
syniptotno—OUR Now itiOrx D tures than.
system mo
ay ffo0:.'c0:.'future getration.. n
.eware of Mercury,. it onysuppresses the
.., . .
OUR New METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure octo arid nuke*
man ot yol, 'Under its iriflueoce the bratO tocatues active, tke blood parificd co that sill
pitopieo lOntohco and ulcers diosporar. thencoves become stpong 419 btoci. Ott trot nolo
vousuess, bastatultOso and deoppndency voids . the eye Ofoorrieti 'brizIO the foerfoil otoil
ear. tooet
rgy rrono to the body, ani so tbe rad, playsioil. nod vita oyaterns are itivig-
coated; all Orolos oottse—no Mot* vitO mtote t ort the Footetto Oont let quacios aroi rokirs
rob you of yoir hard earned dollars. Wo will our., you or no goy.
DEROfCluirstoo. E00 FROO-°The GOIden Monitor° OS/worsted)
olitooitterosto loirstod_you-svoltoofororoliouestopinionOtree
o _ _, _
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