HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 3 (2)inglet adMit piuer re ije It tituk bc*i over_ (nC & fere i *-4074k4s.4. au the werktionse ' IA a .f4-4,440 Irs ln sign the- lime* Thee betit emits a ;levelly- tredition,„ Wigeb.• •1 preAded by TJwis4,.ied ihrere'ett, few deee -ago 0 -:(4 81reettelinethe, Vole' .'rep . theetverkfteetterhy ,trerit g 'TC. .1aVillet4 detlifht e Pe eeiguesir :eel( pa-Sessims d Atga Partugueaa '1,070 SaUth-WftS' IL Ws an arta id 511,401 eqUar0, '013.31 tald a PeP11.14ttk0 15,000,t*X1; ,!`• to Call* N'er4a .1,04114,1s, 00');14Viar0 1,1 •p;iig &1u45 LL 110.t •1na East Afiiea, •- Ares 3OtJ4JL?et tie& „ Kr4OCKS344tuta h_los.sauustaitIa,,,rIst:41*"1"°"."11"11;49-111441:14 AT YOUR .1)00 .11 • l Vrgt* Oal of Pia. S-scatIt 1* thlartoctol4rtr' thqcogel17.11;141st rag OA* or , inst. It Uzi* tas lumnit boot* tit wytkoitts:17:44,11;0! _044.'1:irollimt*Att r/le. Het to t brsak kidttyi .i. Yeerres Piet* kie eess2Setetr%belteartelb p.fscbretteleie iteeetr tet' "1st, a **d po,tI3r4-01s114.•,, e, *Item; I aek *d eeretbeee tO.Hel ae$ etraah. ,diste . 4un QI1 of Pi* 1,teti;., , Uree lo appetite; Fein* in: 'Abe • litzehe and side. I tried severalrifled!. inee. but they did sett help Ult. My Atenditice was growing .worse end a general breakdown threatened. I alept exerly at night and lOst much in ,weight, and began to fear that I Wits ;drifting into, ctuViiitir invalidism One eleY 'Oiler reading a newSpaper I was ettracted by the statement sof a fellow sufferer Who had been cured through ,lhe We of Dr. Williames Pink Pills. I „lied spent much Money without get- ,tinereelilikett;AreX;I:71111ttir Wfi);,e,04.4noreese 'hut the vire was,. so eortvincing that I 0044ded to give these a ta1. i am 310w .imerei than thankful that I did ise4 • Af- ter the*first eettele of weeks they he. Ilan to help me; and in seven weeks •'After I began the pills I was as well ae ever I had been- 1 am now cenvine, ed that had I tried Dr. Willtarns' Pink =Fills at the outeet 1 weuld not only have been spared much suffering, but would lutve saved money as well." - Mete Ted blood is the cure for !V Si 1-3471rWr-Wit. --Mew -Nth- WertTWA IS wily- they titre -Eger MititatraintreltitS'Ilitattr digotticee, rheumatism; neuralgia, heart palpitation ryslpelas, s. and the Ilea aches, baekaches, side- eche,ti rind other ills of girlhood and kvornanhood. The pills are eold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50 front The Dr. Williemes' Medicine' Cee Brockville, -- Ont. . Seven hundred children Eire being boarded out with fester enothera eat - Wed over the district West Ham's difficulties *re to a ter- tain extent due to the crowds of *Me- ted -led who have develdped the work- house habit. There are ZOO able-bodlid women in the price. cf Ilfe, in the 'Workhouse1 end over a hundred eble- bodiee mea betwen the lages of 16 and 30. The latter are strong young fellows, most of whom made their acquaintance Ntihr.,1,14,-JattAlt- 'etIn their elaildleied.. BY going at irriti morning after breakfast and picking up a dinner when, they can they are able to escape the labor, such GA wood chopping, stone brealcing or cern grind- ing, which would be their lot if they remained Inside all day. West Haan has the best dietary of any workhouse in the Kingdom. Ilmak- fast consists of four ounces of bread and a pint and a half of porridge. Lun";. 0Eonr and a halt ounces et ..e-1-Werfir;Fleres: efekeeseperd7 geereiheesarner-ReneunieofenternerVvi -itv41 Va`elatiles.. Wir Yippee,. eiglarsiiine. "cririirlifeadeandrerfireentrefeliteithwere: given out. Infirm- men live- beits-T. hay a lunch tetween breakfast and dinner. cans:sting of breed end butter. end e Weep of plum cake. They ere allowed tflbnotvl, pnd in the evenings can piav dratightc, baratelle or dominoes NO task Is set them. Ma infirm Pauper* are Boarding a Sanitariums al -Seaside •sErt :es threnighout. Great • Britain .--iihoear lacer employment --Ter-ie- aponerhie fore-atute distress in many • towns, the, trades most. affected being 'building, engineering and ,chipbuild- big. • Owing, lopparently to the slackness eltrade the folly workhouso (4 Great; London are filled to overikneing. The latest refer/is show that in these were: - houses there are 0,183 boarders, and that 45,821 people aro receiving out- eloor relief. Thts gives a referee! 26.5 paupers to the thousand of the popula- r ellen. It ie. Impossible tograntall the a 4plicattons for admittance to thee ,-,Istftutiens, awlethe authorities, in the r 'efforts to grapple with the situation, ;have feSerted to the .18vel elan at ac- ceptirig the help of proistenal board- ing-house keepers. :The managements ,4Sside Sanitariumslave sent circu- lareeeereeeeworkhouseettutherities-everieh. • eay le tied: 'Our staffs art idle; our ere reartvorked. Cannot we help each The effete bn;e, been accepted in sev- ere) :instances 'rid many pau- pers have been t to fashionable re- • sorts to be nursed back to health 'amtel enriotmdings luxurieus teyond their dreams. Arid, ruilikele.though it may seem, the • wOrlthouse . tuthorities . adreiting• this solutien of the dertulty ere ACTUALLY SAVING MONEY: In the United _Kingdom Appear e to hn . Decreasing. r Temperance adyeale.s haver reveon • for congratulatien over the figures in the returns. Last year in the- Ueited Kingdom 33431,344 barrels were 'con - stinted 06 against .33,501,110 barrels in le the previous y ars But though the Aggregate simnel, consumed was; great- er the amount r head tesmeller, es the fellowing table shewe; Year ending ' Anilines 'March 31. Barrels, Population, Per head. - - -1e03er.-35-169A10;:e41.90t.000...30.34 1901-34,738,637-42.371,000-29.51 1905-33,810,124-42.793‘000-2.8.44 1906-33,504.110...43.V1,000-27.90 1907.-33,731,314....43,659,000-27.81 .The.se figures. do. not include imeert- re beer, which was 57,E29 barrels in 19S6-7 Spirits show the some decrease. Not only has the renrungeten per head de- clined, but the total quantity _retained tor sale at -home hag,' actually dellued 14r comparisem with -len year ago. In 1590-7. 40,30000 proof gal'ona Of spirit paid duty hi th's• oauntry-4-32100,000 dtstilled at tome ana.- 8,200400 import- ed. Last year the ipiantity was on 30.800.000-32,500,000 distilled • at tome and 7400,000 imparted., The /isappearance al small ireweeipe has led to a bontinuous decrease in the riumbCr of licenses is.4.ned. In ISG ikre--Vigill--60125-1*. nt-11-7,-.471111f.11. J_NA_ the=et'figures have now dropped to 1, -035 - Patent medic:nes centinue ti grow in popularity. The stamx.einty raid kit tlie:r sato in 18904 was £251,720, ant in 10004 41.57,1C.0. In Scotland. appar- ently, patent mediceles make little head- way. The duty paid upon tlrien ten years ago was just under 42.000, and last yfer it had not yet r7aen to if.„3,000, et.— BABY'S WELFARE • \ MOTHER'S CHIEF CARE 11 eests.c20 shillings a head a weett for infMnary inmates ill pocrlouses, whrre- 64 the smattertuitt ere sating bra.rders . The one chief °desireof' the mother a is that her little ones shall be healthy. al Me reduced terms f 13 eiellings Week:' and good natured. Every tno, 1:44* 011-1-41rn 10 this Mrt• 0,f London, is limb that werkhouse not only iteCia mtnoda ling. 200 per- ps snore than it is certified .for, 'tatt pars from that elstriet are beere. • Ing cut In eighty-five different institie dittrill ' if she tvili give teem an mal C. -c' &se of Behy s Own 'Tablets. Th. se Tablete cure celie, indigestion, censtipati,ore Sliarriesea, -teething trim tees and th other little ills, et chiM- V.trie, pet incluinig luriatics eresylums.1411. Nir! ..'., JA -Brun, carillon, Que., pan the chapel e,cnneetied welt 'meows seyea-- eraby's Own T4blett taw 'been 1 li the,. 101 voigrotii m mrs Iwwels.• &ad, for 'teething and always _to ,09___ a „Rani_ of grqtat ,vatue to 7ruy baby.; , ' I lAvol, tc I scree of life.s.'falIures; ,-- lierd Them fa regulate her starnaell-a _.n, thcto am , tcrme wee, Lave weir. tee LINA cr iresults." old by me- &eine, dealers er bv mall at tee a bolt frees The Dr. Wei:fame' A.ledielner CO., Brockville, Ont.. , male& kr. between' thirty end krty )cars,S6t;En .0 the inmatee es y lLey toughkr theh* .ocentrY in te Critata. Several whole:families ore in' !n:tur s sticrid 10 1 .utbtailittgl until su2b ie ns Irn-:n eon motile a freih star& y farnidE0 c ttlerly .undaserv- lf a man lins incney to him% bit friends ,will,sladly furnfSh t,1`.4 itatei. ,• e No man ean terwhat lita Vito is go.: itg to do by whoa lets her lo d43. 11 o man n t tapetete 01 gover441g termsell Ws up to Watt to ut, ntinitsrio Tb trieky tnn rrzdy ittrered;\ tut hls tt,..veqs seldern /Wit*, " - 6rm.se:enze .1s a !toadthing r/C,S' f Ova It yen tre In butty to, get &tkno ZriunItiest,erellie-kind, tat oiler telllw on, it ..S3v0 terriele, „ eve and Din, ma I talplid,,latalillie area IC38 equalierniTese, Papule I lUver ih China. ,Area 5 square miles. Population 110,000. • .Thnoris an bland in Malay Wage, bait of which with Pato Ceimte tog, Is Portuguese. - Area .7,200 square Petpulatioe 300,000. l'ATBEtt'S =BMA --A 9111.011 Mr, Chas. Neble. ttlf 375 Colonial Avenue, Montreal, the assistant aid operator of the G. N. W. Telegraph, C. and cured at thegreat " herbal balM. Ile states the fact aa follows: "The disease started in the Lack of my hands in the form of small Sore.3 and eruptions., 'These were Very irritating and when rubbed and *crotched turned into very painful sores. I tried waters, lotions and salves, but the diseases continued 10 ispread and so I consulted a doctor. He tOttled mefor a ump,,_butatin. the d!.,.. and I oterio-ecielef. Th lEte-trett :rorreffielelii ifrel Ir- tatZ�fl. lit all Our tette nat..%_Ykly_trea nd-**--werireererr-inuctreeisheertertedr tia al/ -we tread _proved unavailing. Zera- nrile a supply. I tried', it first on a small etch ef the eczema, and this showed FA much improvement that I was eon- vinced Zam-Buk would do good If per- severed with, and therefor* obtained a empty. Each application greatly re - Hewitt the Itching, pain and sorenees, and it was not long before the erup- bons and soros dried up and dime:). reared. In a few weeks from oommenc- int. with Zara -Birk every sped wee, re- trieved. The children who had also taken this disease were treated in the same way and have each been cured." Of all druggists- and atom 50e. box • ork posepaid from .the Zam-Buk Oa., To - Tonto. • LEAP YEAR ETHICS. "A young lady should not waste genilemanes "As to how," ejey letting hilt; eat] when she -does not mean to propose." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE' 16AY Take LAXiTIVX BROW Quinine Tabiets Dratted* refund mossy iftti1j. to 4111r411. X. W. rtiguature le on each bee. Sia. The Passenger --"How dare you use such terrible language to the poor horser The Calithe,11-Pan't help it. meant. But If you we; a real lady yoa WOUldIft understand itr Tite\Vitretcfsed Condition of thousands to thafactthat they neglect- the eirsplost sus of their When is Ole conaltiou " Ferraris" will you up and evil yon atrestth. • Mind yauf own business and let other people ieeenianage theirs if .they want to. Irepurliets in the Blood, When, the Vetensotethereireineyeateieleter impurities in the blood are, almosture tefollow, and general derangement of -serstenteeseeneze----Perrnieleft Veg ble Pills will regulate the kidneys,. so that they -wilt minicar 1eaftby 40 - Eon and prevent Ito ea pllealkns which certain) omit when there is de- rengemosit of these delicate organ47 eis a- restorative these Pills are in the first park. • Ilrnry--"And 'shall . meat again te-morrow, dear? To-morraw -.shall I egain clasp yet? In my orals?' To -iter - row shalt we v-enew—?" Edith Unice repiine to-toreow, Henry; to.marrow ts,our washing day:* „ not Mange. Prairie Serat4t-and every -forrrilif tentagtoviittltin Immarr et* animals cared in a minutes by Woe teas Sanitary Lotion. It now tails. So by ail druggists. Most people he are in love tot a$ eiough they wire delightfully miser-, able, ' ---littaitta tit* tent Thhva irWt backer "The 1) 4 lif"' Menthol Pletter. eetit 1 bag* en4 thosiouLtheir, t tothi viekee 004.1.14 Dote 4r wriusee• VAN REPETITION. - • oUng ac ,'"Manunii .is &nner Imeazy'ivad.:6 ,Vvrpat are weAping. tlunraa---"It4 rosJy de4r, and,inc her,iagain to flys 31ett-spotlit-4f 441, ireee seep 'she make.° sestcrilay. Gem% the hieteleg." ' Young Jatk.:-."1 *redt eesterdey; efe have to a$k .4c'W scUP0..419, ideat't, her at all. ilowIrthatt" , °She hasn't the time. We have twa ghil4rett." "Well, well! After all,eh 'droll are a blassingr esees• We All Ireve Missions ise the World.- There is' a work to do tor every man ion earth, -there ts a functlon to per - for everything on earth, animate and inanimate, Everything hoe a mite sten, and the mission of Dr. Thorris4' Ecleetrie Off le heal burns and mounds of every descripikm and cure cosh% etee0tereastel,LANttellok, rif the reepiratory organs. THE FEST= SEASON. Wife -"Then 708 won't porno to the Jones', with me?" Ilubby,--"Certahtly not. I'm bored to death of visiting. I'd rather go to a lunatic asylum." , friel more at home there, I suppose?" itsriviriturAwysatIv-witer intatAittenns,,, or riot -44 or3s4ass !to*. _AR*, "Isyar% fader well to do. Ikeyr "No, he ain't; he's hard to\ do." Give Holloway's 00111 Cure a trial. It removed ten oorns from one pair , of feet lyithout any pain. What et has dene once It will do again. KEEP IN DEBT. Keep in debt to your appetite and every meal will seem a banquet. A useeee Owe, drives eteep.ead comfort sway. ALM. lam Aalseas relieve* bard irres,tb- pais le the chest Aut4 initettinv of the taloa. u t* It tie* to the erea. :45"""oacrtis" ) :04 1 717-,Pit.o.:97 o' rod 14a. isity to recuperate, esturellre to Mapriti MOOki 11100VMENCts kJ* 1.1. Si to the aseriare relklt of !MS** tile nik$44K change trans worry sad care. and to de 4"---"I"--t,""*"":"----"'-'"'"a"4"" I these at aiettersee vet. Is the mission et • "• The Welland," the base of The St, Oath. ; 'FIIE. 11 amines Well." Aapli Om utaineisr. St. Cethericcif. or say Agent of Grand Trask lien. w\ ay. Weal. . , TBLIE-GBIAOSIXYA "They say very few authors sleep nore itthanhow r'eVhours rnuchilltatilabe" r they trunush other people." --A Cure for Ithquviattsge-:Tbe inirte "ifb"ii ntire .ititiVita: irtiatid-Viseek. Is a fruitful cense of rheurnattc pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condttion of the liver. Anyone subjected to this painful *fere eon will find a remedy in Parmelee* Vegetable Pets. Their action upon the ktdneys is pronounced and most bene- ficial, .end by Pestering healthy action. they correct Impurities in Rio blood. - /RAGGING,: , ,............. --___ItatrieM. qtingereerereeiderliik . 'Wevia lad, hike the mere, _ . "Thit's nothing. We've actiiilly- tied the church 'Paw." • VMAT CAUSES IIEADACIIL Tres Cktober-to May. Colds syn the sod ire - cm!" of Headaebs: lilltotaZ5.10 ovas ammo w e .._. Why , Go South ? Try a Visit ts tho Famous • Of the , ii _ LttiIIiE ---- , Aoms------,-- itlEALTli RESORT-• In the_Niagara Springs -, .„...,. ... Penh) las , II .... .... . The treatment •et Itterrresiness an•d Itiseustatissi et Sigclalt7, , arm ' Taita WitLtitinik , Sit 4AVO4IUF*0 TOQ -BlIGOBSTIM- - M. MeGulre (to hospital atteedent)e- Phviat die yip say the -dodere, name owast ' •• - • A.ttendant--Or. Kilpatrick. Mr. MoGuire-Thot seitlest No • w ' en ilt-ffit rheum to operate on e -not if 1 Iteew • it. Attendarde-Why riot? • Mr. ?dcGteire-Well, se, eee, my .name b Patrick. "What makes lackey Whistles blow so early be the morning, dad?" The engineer, wants,. to wake up everybode who doesn't have 10 go to work as soon as be does." 71100.104.10 It, is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Inflammation of the flings is the eampankm of neglected colds, and once finds a lodgment in the, system it is eifficult to .deal with. Treatment with lbeklees Anti-Comsumptive Syrup, will eradicate the cold and prevent mitten from setting in. It costs littler end is as. satisfactOre as ItIs surpris- Eke Milton in Great Milan - Twelve • An estartats has recently been- mule ot the Catholic -population in the Brit - la. Isles. This is returned as 5% mil- Boni4-2,180,000- for Great Britain and $,820 000 for Ireland, In the directory for 1007 the estimate was stated to bei Quick's*** for the 'worst uick vatt tap tbe heaviest cokl-and SAYE t Shiloh's ur.. gold under" * guarantee Coodhs to cure colds and coughs lit..04 it quicker than any otr.r s.soults ptisittelna-or your, comity batch. Streare d_o_lucciess comatead Stuleh's Cur& 25c.. wce $L, "from five millkeis and a bait to live and three-quarters." On this ahowisig. tatting the etitelde. Opt there Is a diti ferenee of aquarter-* nulilon be ' tween the estimates for 1006 and 190. Whether this is a toes or a mistake in previous estimates is not shown. The Catholics in the are returned as follows: - United ,Itingdom 5,500,000 Gibraltar, Malta and Gore .... 215,000 Afeca .... America.... 24810,060 Australasia .... 1,082„5044., 12,053,100 • In last year's directory it Was state ed that the "total Catholic populat'ea of the British Empire is probably *lieu, ten millions and a halter R must be emphasized that the to- tals of "Catholic pepukition" are este. mate % pure and simple, and that hie esmpilers of the directory state 'hi* fact most explIcMy. • tGreat :Western Railwa OFENGLAND. • " • M\34, E. W, reoestily,,,spnitki :1011, ,ficAs., at41*TRADERS BANK 740: TOIWYNritibAwiarlall givettirith. int,ormition In rem), ta 1644WAS sop ?Anatol= 41341 raPan'ttolit -• C. . woman*hapes her children Will keer liefirlifeestieeetseptirerherephetore graphs weal.' • Comfort thy daysaitiroiiiel Amp by sight fol. tow the use of Weaver,* Ceratarfor skin troubles. ,:a/intatietrutzloomestiist they be. Thie ohno A man is toollsh to borrow -tremble if be can find another an foolish erough to Una him , Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals 41 as a worm medicine; the name its Ma- ther Grave' Warm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroytr of the FCC • NO. DIPMIESICE, _ , "Nitamma, may 1 get on the donkey's back?"• . ":ski, deer. ,,But SI you are Good Papa Will take you on his back., ,That wll i • to just the •sarno.""• Agent at 'the door) -"Tell your (her, girl, that I has* hareAL 'Vr4 deitut wis.ittng scap. it cleans every. 1111w ‘anve.4 4abcr. Every hcusew*•111 ir.tares1.0 in cur pftparatilon." '0 • Utile Gtri,-"Sia Isn't. She isiet iituRlf:te: she's a etub woman." etengoo, lifscure (to akat(er who' his throug1+-"Stat13?, aa.„ Man eady! XCtcs ANTMIN4,, ."t hear Dr. „le 24.is tor- une jeet, novie" • •• • "\Vb ho.s he ditteotred titer .1k*,- but 644 found out; a he* d " Trile PAtiOUS liCALTtl ReSdier enioe world -vide reputation for its kise.like e4ui* •-fottspal tita-acellsoes tile hole* raislerof to seats* after health orrest, by its eta* of pby,1c1aii trained nurse* anti allot:alas&aM be inereaoing pattous3e frord Canada. Iasi ts very 4pp:eclairs In itAreo.lsniend. ationat Ott 'fro*. • VCARS* EXPBRIENCS • le, the me of the best in Medics!, liurgicalt KIertriell seal ,Olsdrotherepeutic irteetnteats sad thollecat,tteatztot teorrovin the *Aptly -11414$411 amatramtr-patteat et-theeCtittior,oI that *Ma wilt *pore *wet Wyatt mit Suited ---tatAsir4silivideafseedea: - - = ToAtioe* erfilitelf A KAVrtir Olatterrevra mood Vidal features thaV will nt,t be t011til feaewbore, sad we ',vita your 'eon*. wrests and lastoselista ens raw are u it ib,t1and aur moire No to, star et temais retelreit. Willa kr biekittX and pa .eeel tavern the f teffek * yagIA. to get ou 31 feinl:.elertel It Wilt by c 0 a ftOflO11ANY, Wiirttat