HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 8 (2)414.11C,t.
i 44
it,. - are offte.
• big bei bargains in
suite effeed in
, 'Huron en,
nOttil VOSS the Opportu
eutoreso noes.
There is noc1zbbing
e too good
for ADVOCAAT* s'd*crfters. We have
the best an4 icheapest 1ist that can be
secured, wind .1170a have to do is call
lata take advantage Of it.
• t 31' •
y -A7
cam•ju ja
Ov v eighty PeoPiejske Port
1 4 e'. Te0,0P1,0 at rione, opera. Unglie.,
Thursday. Ildeteh Otb.
wJw ha ' ii„, '
A , dilsIity4)rWatria7w°41cirstItiar 0
.rb. SoItlWOLt, wbp[ias been ill is ilintte.li spin able to tet ru
tie to be out Pitt. !fora°. , P
Ore. Wimere of Loedon etid son 0
R. C. ,of Damon City were thegoe0
foratete,dala of forrner'*brotbe
Et K
iven by the Bachel es end ,Etenediete
good trowd .eiloyed the dance
. en Idenday esentOto ‘, • .
Tboellawkitio is en t 0 ickJJr.
*Mt. _. Mise WIla ..,•1 44 ,
,Uv Ernet(riggi w.
10 40,00,140 tO atiend to her, journinflt3 from .Jirn
I 4 tbe store ustin , 04 le0tOtk ect.
, oiri., , 4 $7.04,,S00*3N..,,,
., ,. 0.444:71,ir.*ijui1.- rg7)t#10t,
!. 4*4 a * Atitoqulto
r es
'Safldersahd yer
Hurdon Iwo receiireil invitation* to
attend the Couference•of thoNationel
Sanitarium Asoeition, to be ineelueit
over 1_2y_BueExt*ileliel EarlGrer, and
a luncheon to be ;given by the Mayor
ciCouncil of Toronto, on March Itht
Mra • Wi1IKan) Hawk:thaw., received
Son of London'Townthip, vrho died on
Friday last *god 77 year'," Mr* Rawk.
almw and daughter, MANI Joan,Ieft
that evening to attend tne mem.
The Exeter curlers wiso took part in
the bonspiel in -Seaford% loot week
triode ngood record, having reached
atiflua1s in Lh tropbyand cou.
-ui 20.13Seafortb 21.14, and wore' :it:
beaten by laiteknow 22.10, and by a he has only been there 5 mop
tber Seaforth risk 14.12. Tebhutt formedy taught in Exeterr.
ierier-of -1444rts-hl-riteeitt-of•*;
urge" is ho* Mr. W. D. Sanders, Preit...1 Lethbridge (Alta.) Daily Herald, con.
ident of the South Huron Farmers' j. It:doing the portrait of Dr, 1. U. Rivr
stitute, describes the meetings held in ,ersi, a tormerstell.knoffri resident and
the various place* in the riding last prefeasional man of Crediton. The LARGE BOTTLES CENTS
weekall of which.vith tbe-exception. -Doetorleeevidently_becotne--1*---PoPtt- -
of Varna; he Presided over. The at lar and useful cittten_Otthe -town Of "ILA
tendance• wati-verygood in teem -case,- 1111-Yugartil Where 44' 141s-resided--.1en-11.01-.11. .11-7.1101.14.716
evening,programs were e tertainingt train Oticarlixto the 14:- 1.1tOk- Theaddiesses._wyrere„ yery_profiteble, the , iltelteased niediane4140°. 41-01 • Tablets •
et; wtL tion
1#t• *00 00,0,•
ea* !Cy $'0.oqo.
tonf. 0,0 t ••-•
101004 to
- ,-, -
.boot1n snatc1, took,
• .tireen two 0 (lex'choaen by 3. Fftton
and W. as 13.ander$ GO Frulsy I t tbe
at ttei ' upper
Eseb side c-onsisted of Put ab" ters.
rs. S. Saidterrilie rece v ' sr° .
from ber-aister, litre. L. Meisitine,, of
the death of her little grandson
u his ea, 0. oorn over
the bouSehold. Rio death wee caused
by toething and measles.
The Triistee Board of Galt, hee
ifitown iteapprecistion of the eervices
of one oftheir teachers, b_y increasing
the aalary of Mr. Ches. Tebbutt, son
of Mr Fred Tobbutt Godericb
. .„
• ,
• ,
. . . „ , .•
• - t•,,,,f,0 ,t. • • ,....t•-•4 ••• .
' 4.,„1. • 1.71,;qt%**(,.:--02...-,,,,,,,,,,zi
a CU 0 • COUG
• Whir exsperireent when' 711 c
get instant relief from
obes Cou
Ark 4r441.4s
*Web ie sicientificallY prepared
and abeelutely hart/dem to even
the smallest child, and every bot-
tliref,-*1174-0, guaranteed or the
money refunded.
-- tit Stcrart Isms mbooty on sate eery
•--tilarriage,ljeenses lamed at the Ad
vacate °Mee.
Titree men Leila? sample fur tined
coats. Pig raises. Stewart's.
*mat* ilessr.
On Witbsm street. brick story • and
half dstelliteratt good. state of :repair.
Apply to Mrs. Perkin*. r
Ladies' limit limit 11414/T. ht 'gnat-
Av.,' Rouble raise 55e. Clearing at
Zar- Stortlita: "
vosetts•semiscs ablideaus.
Rave volt tried VOgedgetaing's Kid-
ney Cora ,Ire% its a wonderful rem-
edy. The heart cure is Just as good.
Try it once and you wRi be satisfied.
Salve half Wee.
M. Bf.axesivosity,
• ,Ageut for Canada.,
Ir. *vote 'Cool**
Ors Ovens, tondon,tie and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
(s prpez1y ). Iteidey.X
tted And ditieasel of•
Eve, E -w a4 Noseteated.
To learn the art of barbering. Good
smut boY. F. E. ,Wit.fx.e. Exeter.
grip test
• RAvreen Seafoeth and Exeter. on
TitertA44y, FAA. 20t1t..*cmaltgrip. con-
taining ncotchsapaud other articles
Returo to this (Mee.
Snell & Rowe are moving into Mrs.
lohne store Orli ereekn
IL oflins and Miss Bon.
dation received *wed last week that
their sister, Mrs. Rose, who visited
here,a -fear weeks ago, is dangerously
ant her home is Montane.
e t!antate, emp1eof
' under the; auspices of the Main Street
`Elevor: b League. will be green, in the
00erot Blouse, oa Thursday e ening
ug tore.- -
\ Clinton: The death occurred on
lOth of * well known and highly
mopected .00nfg lady f Clirtten, -Jam
Mary A. IL.0111** in her 2Ist year.
DO:S."1 MtiliNgY WITH
Ante • ,
ITE piNg anil TAR
osily Ilovirey's Drug
r e 0
0 A
0 RN
lagerrierater- roe .t.Itiksaat,,7
# 01'64
time -
• 1 /
tibias eifeetedliTM feeler t tOWO
itt of #0 t
Mr. Daniel McCurdy, -died at the home_by_o_tuuldsome_lusioriat t _Ttfat„the
of of the Doctor is decidedly popu ar goes -- 15 OiSlas A BOX -
week, at the Age of 0 rnonths and 2
days„ convulsions being the cause of that the town of Raymond is compo
tills. St
You can •not find . us unready- fur
business in any ifie of Hardware,
Is what the
den of Stephen, °n wednetdaT °I last out eitfing wheu the fact " is • known
death. This is the oecond bereave. ed°fnes'rirnaltihMee'rmary.T.rilady the:stale:1ft
ment in the family within a short time, opponentWAS a Morinan of more or lam note in
Mrs* McCurdy having Pulled .way , the town. A foot note to the portrait
just a few months ago. The family sit _
# yin "Dr. I. li. Rivers, one of the
nio OernPathY °I a ito!ge circle °- foremoist citizen:: of Southern Alberta.
friends...,. . ,m., ,, Lilo is a auccessful, practitioner. *bust-
i'vetie know"- ittlPiveit 'mot men ling mayor arul an enthusiastic *dye.
who •figuree out suc,h teinge. .2.1%,hat we cate ofevet;)thing that •swill advance
are tit) have five pay daps in reeruary Rayancio..,
for the first tithe in thirty-two years?
Yep. February began on SaturdaGot "Est fift4iii*t t'110 Iiilltetreorsestra Store
another par day, five of 'ern in a I. . A brand new Ottrelt of Boots •and
To get live in the month of February Shoe!. This Cracking. Big Remelt:
Ws got to be leap year and Saturday Sale Will continue all this week. We
the first day. ThXt happens every , mean boldness" and sill the goOde in
twenty-eight years ordinarily, but as the store go at Rattling Big Bargains.
we 'jam It leap year in 1900 it will -Terme °ash -that means No Credit.
'the rst tittle we had; so many pay ' We eerteiolY sell goods very cbeen.
etkvelopes for 82 Years.' - its the cash that does it. No tronble
oedon,Brown the young lad who to show Loo -ds. Also for sale Cheap,
was sent to Ooderich two weeks ego, 1)neilevr 'ftti°1:41 cash "Oster' one
new steel see, and two pair of counter
for breaking into the etore of • Beaver new i
'at Farquhar, came up -before .....„7,„,... The sore is also, for Mle or to
Sedge -Doyle on Thursday last and '"-Lit.. ' T—toijm-12
plWed guilty of the offence on -three ‘.14 TT '..4'R°DAInc'g, Exeter'
-zonn*-andAttettihe judge had even ' A Rost Pennell:Me. rit..
him athorough led -tiro -on -the- effect"- Au-elehange-tilit-us an.-old---Ger,-
of wrong doing he sentenced Brown man who had a boy of lvbom he WAS
to four months' imprisonment at hard very proud, and decided to Ond out
labor at Goderich, tbe light sentence the trend of his mind. He Adopted**
being given owing to his previously pevamethod by which to fest him.
goW character. L. II. Dickson of Ex. He sliPPeil foto the bol!0 room , One
eter appeared on behalf of the young morning and Placed on his table *bat-
tieofwhiskey.,ti,,,' Bible and a -sitter
Advorrisies, .1 donut. Now, said he, when dot, .boy
The average merchant usually gives-
comein if he takes dot aonar he
advertising too
store managetnent and too ml
much or toP ;,.,ie going to be a beeznis man; if he tales
creditIf the dot Bible he's going to be * Preacher;
service are bad -if the istoiik is _andgoing to be &drunkard. Then be if betakes dot whiskey. he's, no good
And the sales force inefficient and dia. hid bebind a door and welted to iree
courteous -he is likely to have a near Which his son would choose. In tame
opinion of theeftleacy of advertisT --ng-1 the boy whistling. Ile ran to the tab.for advertising can de very little for a rie ,,,,,,ieked_u__,
p theBibleandput it un-
,..*,,.tort_t_Aof that *trts.,..,' iln-t_s,,,..13e,-Pth.,...„erint.„„nai-,..-4•14riaris-ermr9--then---onatched-up7tbs•
'''"'''''''' '''' ""•"''''''"" l'i 4114;.;•Ii‘.""1: 'bOttle4 took two or three drinks; pia.
with *good stock of inerahandise and ed up the dollar and ,P,iitt it -into his
excellent -service is apt to think that it
is pocket, and thea went out anitehin
13°t EteaNalwt t° aaverti*e• Wino*. The father ricked- ,fils h
thinks be can stet *1°°14 without it °I, ___,....outirmb.,boultuttbo&oramaiscistim-
. . -,-... . --ieo....4.acamot,-4e-is going to lie Vied,
v Theft _Ve e-- -Isitie*gan4,0
more this feet Omuta, bei advertised.- Male Sericast r Poems _
,treoree. The better the at re is the 4, ry
Rom Hardware and Metal. A Iteectione _Storm Period Is in
"as, siter.estei was the Otter. *t ttle.VPeniPtt of till trt00
oe t the lst the ;icon ts pereree a
were stein alableatIllrenv gaainate wAeAr_dt *hilt New Moon falls thet
it w*i thror-ug-Er -no -fitrit—of -ou—rir. We alOWletrorneter *ndstorrnsiif wind.
were ready to so to press sit 3 p, rn. an 4111 and scow willbe- reached on and
Wednesday and wet forced , to wait tot:Chine them dates. • At this time
until Friday night rote our bundle the vermil &Moot will be strongly in
arrived from Toronto' although we faro; making violent t,ropical,, storms
had ordered theta to come by expree.more than probable in t o Isoutb, with
For some reason however t eyivtblizzarde- 14tite over
'ea by freight and ste,no fr,eight trairoe.' ti:IrttheTrttn,:toscie:ri: Ihtwirtatoilif the .'011
toittuFreidalirifran"cknyllie werdarLSroe t''1731410 tben"car ligertitlesTOwrio rffist
domed -into -the storm
e $ the cone
M c period 0 days; report 01
such phenotoens. may reaon*lly be
looked for stithinsixty hours Of noon
on the and. A ticgo10 Stortn period
funs from the 4th to the Vtb. t is
central an the eth. blot* lion
the Celestial equator au the 4t1s„
cury t urbin
Iylng in that city' AA' thiciltne. ,We 'tent
ord three tin3ee ave
;take:xi-nit of the carand expreso.
td o Exeter. but that WO 'VOA done*
onsequently otoich against oiir desire
we had: to wait. We di:dike very
itch the ineonsierdenee thus given
our pitrobei and also do not ttl?Prore
ef the 'fitopte.turry tondition It
pl*cts us la in the *Mee The peAront
o it the eiTice:liOwterft, its134
IlY took it „gOod.tieturedly f.r
whlcb they batte Otir - • sleteem.
Mr.Jai.Oould Hu
,bssitts tAir
,1tlie fivafltytook the a
oS *I1 stit tbetn
b$ eitW*Lly
I It
fi "„ • #
1 #
tienv will Needle ar 4
with electrical (Iiiiturtraness
this 000th, and cult*
weath�r maf-beexpett
with cab* ts.icoin
northward from
sers.--'whitelot wysatiftv,vin comewhi
the-01ftint*taitek of this
Ingu*oetprtsottbein 1
proress thwied and astw*r-d.
IS_ C-616 Phm B
A uiet weddinfetook,placiron W
nerday afternoon' Feb. 20tb, at 2 gr.
at the Initete , the bride?* moth
lira Smith Newcombe, when. h
daughter, Min Mary Elizabeth,
came the .bride of Mi.- Ed. Ilowald 01
Zurich. The ceremony WU Performed.
by Rev. A. IL Going. The bride was
*Misted by Mist( Mabel Iolintar Of
StratfOrd, while Mr. John Webb of
tleoetall acted as best Man. The bride's
deem was ct cream crepe de .ithertw
trimmed with taffeta silk, and her ito-
leg away gown "Ica of tory bide chit.
fon broad with white silk waist.
They. left on the five o'clock; train for
•S Wilford to' visit • bride s *other,
Mr. John Newcombe.The tag wish-
es of tirkir friends extended to tbe
young cimple.
An efficient combinati
*Ideli-strerunIted -the -
Nutriments af Bee
!r,otdc Polio& Olean'
Irt1e of
• ,
e 'Went and this it jest_the
ni ure-Wet bsndle. ROM r$,Oplit are willing
Frg$1414.1d6alivith tiftattelitAIP
- Dur flnea-flhigblil exactly, being ricb in design
and•reassonablflificed. -0iiiiiitensivelines include SIDE.
are *line Which we are introducing and we are showing
otepecially tine selection in elegant designs.
Homo Eurnishers - and Emeriti Dirootors.
rfloN1 o.
tit. , ,
o win •11
showing the Swellest Line
a Ei Season that we have cm
re Our toners. Drary Waii
theLateet Style and trinuned wi
est of -Laces and Embroideries.
For 438
The -beet ever shown -Wegive yOu-sothethhi
et/3r for ti3o xtra good for this prcc
timnied_w rliprUettriatiffirt—
or. Etnbroidety
.tylish, looking,
In cime of sodden *Aim.
Oen Welt* fora ute 013011-
la diseases its nee *111 1* fol.*
IOwed by prom results,
If ion are just recovering
m the cts of
ouflh1n4tb1i an ezcelieut
10 to regal n
soldonij by
d go�d for the money.
With Laceor Embroidery
Je o Xelo
* littin
. . •
you ever bought for the.
price. Ailover'Enbroid
ered Fronts and Sleev
wi 00
000 .
0 0.
ig is r.tti eijo attit belt
majority of der
ow Stripe and Plain
004,1 -fitting
vey coat a styllsh
11 ;
ur stock
h T