HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 7 (2)•••••••••-", 17"-- • ilx•, , NV , ' ' '. pee, ;lei • IA , , • * 4, , ' i ) •4 4ir; t ' .r. ' it 1 t . 'Ilislioilei. Ntt ( ,o ?, , .. s If. tonneed100, el etereen 0 ,,,a,,,, o _the -- said 'el Josisiii-0,:iiiiiefei ',,,, l',114,k4ONY ',/,'AffXd .0,021).$0104)1 AlltS 1114,51.01t Will t.,V: handed to a. opmforissio,n 61 'tour or five' men, who wilt h ve author tier: v it tliey ,d ' a iipon to the t centenary fund and a, portion to lhe elarferitti-ifet — , 0 r ,suiptxi 41 , 1. let e it tits :iiiiteeir , , 4 4 1 f, ekbrato „ i ,ke Landk, went Petition, it is, ididereiood, eit I in - elude , Sir " George Dri , , a er an lonel ' , . . . T. Denison, Toronto. lion A.detarid Turiooni and Ma or Garriemof u I 1 DISEASE IN THE -MONEY. hter of Cheap Lodging itotelenks Of alalianant Searla0na. esA d pateh from New ee 'h 11 flopkirli 'MIS manager of Miler Hotel, iNoieliteeanaeleinnettio money, whieh he kdeleo-eeontraetodietoatigaan'teioe Udine, a disease Whiclt ise-ustially fatal. Ile was cashier of the Meet, in which todgings! aro, Ora, .to the peor; endei0 ekpabtly handled hundrede of dirty, germ -laden bilis oenting from the slums of the city. The physicians - :Amy itheteels-Iiier-einlibtetitateitterilltieaso •was.00mmunicated throw:h these bille. 44444•444.4.4444.48.i. 01,4 TOWN SIOS FOR SALE. Grand Trunk Wilt Offer Some Itiergains. patch feone Nforttreal se) The t simultaneously * tite epring. Airerely ihreo ot these) town sitee are rade:eye! loritiamet,trailKtgr*-040Dati4- miles west of Winnipeg; Nokomi, 382 treks west of' Winnipeg, and To- fleidi 'en Beaver tilike, 'fifty nines 038t, of Edmonton. At the dIvisional „points the prime eit town, lots will range Beam $100 to $500., While in smeller places -fleterteilli run inuctiTtivier, alto -get Wei rates for+ the latterephiciee,ehareeereekiiyet. aitotitined- Ifeatetheeentinierriovinesiteeeeb Ate eriettereeretereati pureltaser,s have sent -in- requisitions to the office in, tharge of the eate. This, of (verse, will not apply to Prince Ru- pert, the Pectic terminal, where there *itt be a • historic sale of building lots ter the future city whea the ilead ready to open the .aution sale. SEED Lie NOT SCARCE. En soh 'Wheat In iligoiYeseepariliiiit- __. Oafs Must he Imported. A despatch from Ottawa says: G. IL Clark. Dintilion Seed Commissioner, Md the Agrieuitural Committeeen 'Wed- nesday morning 'that the losses In the west through the bad eeason last year went practically eontineti to twelve per cent, of the *mere between Port tr- inity and the Rocky , Mountains. The nelority of that per cent. had Pitt all Their eggs into a basket; in other nerds, had Relowed ,the idea .ot grain raising to the exeleteion- of everything else. There was enough geed wheat in the west to enable the purchasing there of all that was required for the sections en--neetteetef-44--Seteleioats- weehei ave to be imported in, considerable qiumlie. ties . • i "-net Britain and .Prince Deward [stand es the places whence the most. of it• would oorne. He predieted that it would be found ,to he 'exceitent quality. Mr. Clark, how- Au-0,sted the advisability of every farmer in the west testing barley and oat seed before planting. • :1647 Aft 4k--7,4* • ,Iloute to Lake Michigan. . despatch from Ottawa says: The Canadian Government hesgranted the -retlue,at of the United •Stat es Oetiern. talent for the paage of another United ' Steles war vessel through the Canadian genets, to be used on elle great lakes, latest addition to the 'UMW states Havel flotilla on the lakes is tho Nash- • villa, -Of some thirteen hundred tons. , She is to Le used in the training of the is-eiseeth ourth naval vessel which has been al- lowed to pass the Canadian canals. 4 4 FEWER LOANS'AND DEPOSITS. ▪ • . January Bank !Returns Indicate a Gen. enttSurtailment. A despatch from 'Ottawa. says: The lamiary statement of Canadianechater vd banks was issued by the 'Department of Milano on Thursday. It Indicates that tho procees of: ehortoning sail leas persisted in during 'the month. Thus, as coznpsrel with December, the banks decreased their not circulation e1ronr-$71-,5 to P36171-.376;1"enritifite loans foom, J56,598451 to $540.957.058i saving deposits decre 4 .A61976 to 833,9,407,291, and deposits on +demand 'fell from $157,185,414 to $146„. "2574963, Thus the liabilities of the hanks Were tedueedeen all by -about, nine mil-- SLIPPED INTO 1.1014 VAT. •'Newly Arrived Englieliman Meets Ter - Tibia Death at "Soo." . Mr. Kerinedy's Bill to Make Railways A. despatoh from Sault Ste. Marie, . Ont., says: W' Illiani Goddard, employed . Responsible. ssi's ie In the veneer mill of the Leto Superior AA despatch fromOttawa says: M. Corporatton, was o eerely scalded nedybill to amend theraibits• -AorteTiteiselay that he died front h'ijuries- act hy_ rendering , --the tompanies ifl • tho-eltiVettk-tite--siPWAritifte God- -.1.917:JAlleelainageetione,..biLarit4... -74r1 weir Ourfirtr lira"; yard, whete Vat sparke, front locomotives was discussed Otitaining scalding steam and Weed in the Rattle -3y Ciettunittee of the Com- akolisiit riper heated to great intensity mons on Tuesday morning, Mr,, ifat ..soni.o.manuee-unknomm..L.fiteGtvorini—on—beirefeofe....thoeentliwa s .1w4lipped-intle-the-entrance-lo-Aone-of7suroited-ari on men t a if 4,,h6 vtit$4 th-Pough bolo 24 qb.Y 26 Istielitot, On, oclupensatect an owner 01 proper - Ile , sees he the vat 30 seem*, his ter whichwas insured. tho amount of creams bringing esdstance. Goddard, the insurance should be Paid to tho rag. VI* was 22 yenrs al ago, wile an Eng. way company. The oommitke seemed •.• liebinatt- attd had been in Canada About to favorably reeetve the idea, and heid weekeii • ' • the hilleover for coilsideratiori. ; rr ; ell ' e tar ,74 • 'heat -No. g white and. treeii celestite - and ne ed at 9-1Ke= esetsille. Oata-No. g white en. trek i Toronto. 5 and Outside at, 52e. „ • ,44 • d it Tozitc. Ilye-No, 2 filleted at 81 to 82e out- side. Buckwheat -65e outside. Peas -No. t quoted at 85 side. Barley Ne. 2 quoted t 71 to 72c ;out- xtra ale ide, and eels.? • Shotan As, 32 • . firie, out. 25 Lrz';''''''"f'-"Ct'Ikr.%Ttrt-Prtont'retr*--- A.pples-Winter $2.50 to $3.50 Per barrel. . Beans -Prime, $1.65 to $1.70, and hand-picked, $1.80 to *Iloney-12 to 13e per pound for trainediesirel $1.Z -10, -,U,541 -„ter itembe., Ilay-No. 1 timothy quokAl at „$16 to 'ffrhervelieetFRzL- _Stre,10...to...110.50_...k ton, on-traek rOrmarr.444•44.44.44114•44........Pikarrourr LIABILITY FOR Fittru.s. oI rLi THE F Grant rauchise of the Ontario P4W orapauy. 'A despatch troth WashltigtOn\ itt,301: J. W. Seiencer* the Britislyseitintiet • MiSeioned by the Geological ,Survey ;anode. to Involigate ,tho Niagara problem, digcussed on Wedneal; , ellect,. of its * plants upon its scent, iliStalWoe ot' the Ainericari • ralken, 1)r. Speeteer ap. r tore 'Vie ,.11ou-eei Rivers and Med- greeelifed data the 'request et the Ontario ter a ,pewer frtitiehise. Ti elup *iliPotteret-,wetildereq. uireeforif. usant table feet of water‘ per sek*,;, onl,, whi01 Dr. Sponcer .tentanded rotte, Wien to twenty-five per Ont. otAhe Ii4ocharge of Niagara, Diver, and yrOuld OVittlity 1rke tho WhIripoot repktv, tower the river- bed: up tothe fa, bra up the sur, raft rotk, At the foot et IttA AtnerSon 110110AL 4;s1,-.1$4.111Aligt.lberogit csur me e -1,6051 mr,:ssfon et the "ai*gt et thete rint *Vet Viielt the .114 WZr.t lart,10 thin," 1#,V4, water Would . destroy about $00 feet of *the tkelk_ien the_easteree Aide_ of -the -pea Horseshoe and brectie up the Au: an foils trite separated' streams. Tee totef tog& of both falfe would .he ceintract. tele roughly, from 4,000 Vet to IMOfeet aria the diaineter of the great kite front 1,200 to 800 feet. This diverefeat of the Water will:prediveea shrinkage et iho tior*hae Go that what tejntens. sintirety on. the Canadisetesitlee--ie lietiridery lit." .••• “tir, 4 D N W ) 1 Vioni, filir OW* an. nktlei 9 .11, flb» hI,•ie Ike' 0 vUe3s 2t r I ;e have reduce; gate 10 eii1s-per .100 "pounds, , Prince Felward ooluily doctor."' hey eidt o twee el leo et Guelith • Horticultural Soc'ely offer prizes tor, the best.kept Th 'taw' 're • en V' I jUdg . w1keij to thi eentri of das.&iit itood heneektli the ,portreit white Gen. Vodare reed thedeeis tettoe, which orb); hefert thereens allenee in trio eourtireom, Oteeeiet „ suppreseed go when Gent Steeesel, Ca falai tioileited iu du y last month $3.830,914, a decrease of 105.847. • Canada's Imports 'tor larinarY total. Iva$23.084,i50,1, 'a decrease of $3*150.- 681— Canadian exports • last month total. led ,$21,676,782 ere of $3.031. .1414121% or 4 ultty-Turkeys, &poised. 13 to 140 per pound for choice; ehieliens, alive. 6 le 7e per pound; dressed, 9 to 10c; ducks, dressed, 10 to 1.10 pee peutid; ssed, 9- ito.10c. THE DAIRtMARKETS. _Botter-ePound prenis 25 to 26c, _and large rolls, 23 to 240; do., inferior, 21 le 23c.. Creamery:rules at 30 ito 31e, and- solids -at--28- 4o- 29es - -e - Eggs -New !aid are quoted gs 21er. eer dozen in ease tote. Chkeeee-13,4 to 13uo per peund\ in jolabing way. 1100- PrIODUCT;5. Mem-bong clear. 9ge per pound in *Aso lots; mese pork, $t8 to $18.50; short cut., $22. to $4.50. Hams -e -Light. to 'medium, 14 te 14eee: de,., heavy, -12 to j3� ; roll*. 10 to lege; shoulders, ttge to Mot hacks, 10e; break. fast bacon, 15e. Eart-Tierees,, inlo; Inks, 12,1; pelts, 123•1e. • • BUSINESS AT It,t0iN iltEriftr-e-al, -Feb. M. -Eastern Canctla No. 2 white oats et 53e, Na. 3 at 500, No. 4 at 43e, relectol at. 47c, and Mani:. Ube rejeeted al 49 to 49,Sle per bushel ex store. Floure-Spring wheat patents. $6.10; eciotedee $5-50't Winter WI.)est Pa ents, $5.50; straight relieve, $5 10 :83.23; do., in bags, $2i15 Iff-SiteNl; extras, $1.- 80- to $1.90. Feed-Mantiette Fran. $22 to $23; shorts,. td, $24: Ontario bran* .$es to $22.50; to 125t *torte,- $22.50 10 Stet per ten. lnoluding tags; pure grain niouille, .$3,e to sae. Provesions-Ilarrets short cut mess, giee.eo to eine half bbl, *14.5 to- 31125 - clear fat backs, $23.20 to $24.50; Icing cut, heavy mess. ni 1124; half Pales. do.. $10.50 to $11.25: .dry snit long etear cks. P aee 13.50 10Ort;Iftigi biErets heavy fl1C beef, 1, $11; hall bbls. dos 45.50 to 36; p�m. pound lard, 10 .to 1.1q le,..1.8eiieltOttle-reelderede , 2-0 • ., 10 15; Windser -bitten, Ii3 to 1534e; treeh killed abattoir &reseed !tags, $8,25 tc 13.50; *live, $5.85 to $6. Butter all'eerrades, •80i tee, Me; fte4h receipt., es to, 29c; dairy, 24 to ititee Cleave -- MU to 13%.0. Eggs -American *elect- ed- new" 1a,4 are sellYng at 34e; ordi./... ry at 27 to 28c; Montreal limed at 2/- o 22e per dozen. • ustrEii STATES MARKETS, ' Iiiineapolis* Fel>. !le -Wheat, $1.00,sitt JtaY. $1.00 No. 1 bard, Jo 11.00; NO. 1 Notthant, $1. kr *1.03;" Nor 1.01; No. 3-- Northern t•c-first---ptitentvtlff-AS-A4r- , ond patents, 45.05 SO 010: lira tlelri, $4.t5 . to $425; seoltid Otters,. $1-20 • le .30.,'Brattie4n bulk, $20. _ e i Duluth, Pete Mei-Wheat-No, 1. herd, 'fit.03„-"e No. 1 Northern, $1.01e4i, N. North011,' 98 '•-a; Maj, $1.00,4: ;Wee'. 1.01g, , , , .' •tjVg..:STOCKi,MAIIKETS. Toronto,. Feb 'tilieeTles expeitt' trade. 14 Very slow' Walla* of lho ,proper mi ot eatiki ChoiceWelters' oeallte were VI good roundghht.siw„sts itttliI:4,14it,,rszireHlughanit '',11.44itimmitton,cr t!htue, lib." iiild a 'reit? 1).,i4/W Vrought as na mealturo greaTs we,re tekenger al .rio to 81.$0. Alt sloth as* Stkti Wag' id In peyeril_instkom tor tot-, t63,' il uee stee iaiwit 1)ticei. Of elte'.'ci, rattoid fatial on .10 up. CoMmon aril utedieto cows, lit from am. to $3,59,.., . 8 turaker of hcavy 1..,,tct. ' \,,,,;-Pre iiiffereil Met, wereistisinger at.'$,!./.50 to $4. The donand iler, , Itrai4 ectvit raeet• ' Co, litf liters .Stell Bern to to Vi, and rnt 1 at 1,.1-1, to til. ... . llog4: w' --o 'a 0 t:eh:14ani Ile trotit ref:. :t! kr 41 It SQ t ti $3 Ito argued that Ho loori,ring'or.ti*,/- . watkr 40 the . liesineielibovei theeettifief-itS 1 flitifiliweinfil iteerease1- the slope of :the . fa rivo, .so that I 0 surface et, !Joke, Erie :se wilt 'be lowere• itieree .feet, whieh li .i lent *reeled lee er . Letie iterate eintesie Leilie Miehigen.. Aleee4y, leak a .tiAll use, Latio 'Elle has teen isoevere'il ill , kit -finehes.. TiAs .amourit cf' tQ,i,vt g:I't lolltule...4 that of the l'itifeaiio Celia! tt,iiiiti at prireent is tekinie, fire thou- qi ilailileieeled_efeeteel -tietitete et--eitieride- f" .rionttoelkft tv'XI no ,or.clostEtris tor r-if-14,13*4-7---arkirriAirots •; ar.liklavq1, th.: !LTi'tratel Stpt.',:eng:rtitz4- '14114,004 ttAt; to. .1-trrse flie Itepth tteCtkago Cetill oilM,.orte.tOot wtitztit. E. V..itkver ::412,440.0k------------"' pe-clors migrant,s with !waffle's are hardeeet place. in anticipation ot the freshets ot the Grand River. • Tho Montreat Shipping Federation 1 le deeided to ieut down longsherecuerrai wave. thisepring. The -Ittifiteitereof --Marine proposer- _ _ 414)514- -ot -$10.04*--Perifereneidie rect lino to 'France. ' - r4 zw • • „ liamilton foundrymen claim • their moulders are peid a rata higher than, Le_ _paid eleiewhoto endjeropose reetuo time" . A - A - ••-•••• • Obstruction tactics in the Montreal Council have prevented the payment of men who removed snow- trout the streets. For the. first ten 'months of the pre. sert, ilscaleyear -Canailats-ouetotneeol-- lettiOng Wae $47,251,155, an increase of 86,451,816. The anmuil report of the ing & Northern ()Wail Hallway showed an itteNA,Sit of $16,581,45 .34 net earn .ings over the previous year, Maniteba, pre pixies • to tine members lot munielpat *outwits for the failure, of any .minticipkiity to cheek the growth of 0oxieetis wecels. Mr. =lobe Penman -of Perla; Ont., has offered to eantributo :Moen theustind dollars tow-art:Le a. new school 0 the Council will raise the other $10,000. Joseph Githeault died in Cobalt lios- paid from *juries reeeived by a tree airingiJpoi hhn. He lay helpless in the snow for SIX hours, and had halms and feet frozen; Pigeon, the SL Vincent 'de Pau eget felts the story of -ilie-Montreal Court House robbery. and'says It's con- fessiort le made for the purpose at free. in Retrace, who is innocent. Allegations of the Afontreal Street lailtvay Company that the .ivie pay list., for removing., snow waS padded wilt probably result In an Ai-west/ga- t:en of elyio nifairs at, Montreal. „Longshoremen at Quebee ere roporkd to have deterinined on an inertias* of five- cents an -hour when navigation opens, ttnef*i -demand may cause the C. P. 'II. to mak, Three Rivers the ter. minus tor its Allinitic stearnam, Mr. Dan0 se sort-OlVne,p efixera.Neweitiorkeolehisesote's-deal with a request from a firm of undertak. ftS to send $155 for funeral 'expenstet. After the znoney was sent a -message ea -received- ine-Aliestione-sayingehe- w e ng . 4.4$ defending th4 fortress had been ex- hatisted and against the protest Of W$ 'tellow-ollicers and without the Smirnalle. knowledge of its earamandnt. Oen. TEN YEARS' IMPRIS6N- MENT, ) io aelausly -oommuk the .sentence_ o ten • years' oimilitement in a forirees in oonsidtrat oe , , 4,4 *, b 'hrofieep neaMPaltins. ' • At the 0.40otleatien that ho was L. 4 Eu othet .teetod, momentary he was (taw with ,lice 414 IP • rm. Seek, Mice? riegrImani was for ieffenees agdritst 44e-ink/le. wilmgaznly 11 unmoved. Geo. Smtrneff lookaa q pleas4-4 and Oen. Reuss' eyea flitedvith Waimea". ediately the sentences were do- lifered, Gen. Steessel. reeetIve'd s,np4 ' • , Doom iftnhne on th iU1der of hie &en, who was alao a military oftloar at ietteititut,--eie—eieeeee CANADA'S OLDEST 'WOMAN. Death of Mrs. Funn New Wiltortoril- An Aged. -deepakirfreereffamiltan- sayseeieterit leaseeteciveditienrorrei7veiebsteedkeeiri 04,14. e„lk.r:WVettnid.ot....Mrs'„..E1 'S+ flI—W4IF • 4., r. Pl't0SFECTS. Shipping Men Believe Buelness Wit I* -++++++++ng Greater tNin.,Moitreal AgYSL en txe- -received word That- tt*: -140 Ire many chi te, but they p deceased her4 and he resided for the past k* years. with ha ierraiddkugh. „ilia -Jimmy -Mike-, Who -la -wow art old wenutn. For over 100 yearsedeecas- ed . had been drawing an Indian allow - ;once. ' SCARCITY OF ARMY 1110.BSES. Gen.- Hutton .itecommorids, Purcbaatm Agetteles'in Colonies. I A despatch from' Lonekm says:: The e LinitiedeSeWieo Institutkin on Thursdey 04001issed 1h4 serious •-.ahortege in the horse. supPly from. the 'military stand- point, Genoa!' *sir E. Itutton speto of tho ideterionettent notiotable in Can. edit and Anatratiai and sea he had, dono 441 Irt , Ma -pewee' to draw,. atteti- tion :to ilits Importance of develoefing Ike class -of heist" most -required. Itt the ease of both oimairlelf.a horse -pur- chasing agency should I* formed by the War 01110e. P,44 I GMAT enrrAm It is. rumored in London hat. ,T11,4 Tiines may be offered tor sate.at Pith -c auction.. „„ The, Deitish Government will' probtth ly tarzy. through without, alteration Ina naval progratnme presented by the Ad. UNITED STATES. Throe men were Med rt ed In an explocio rnruiw 171- The- tplestion of *giymt; -votes- to Wee, etteit-is- now-beferisethi Assembly. An Ohide teaoher punished a boy for vidiating her ruka, by 'itrivifig leek' through •Ide tongue. • Diatneind eings valued at $15,000 iire stolen, :in firoad 'daylight from a New Oritart5 omelet ,store. PhilMelphi charged ferry, f eht d teetiVes tetiO, oanta .eirciist.lain 4t nMalip'.ed 'utf;de., Cern. rotervut a virl rightem, ai .4 • i re3teg1 Chitago,. leid 'the poIfeet $h biti tttken part it titty hurglarks. Four white' Men rind o'ver meni-wiem. -kinixt,-*.tn- fn a lioeteter mill at .11.0.1(!ey, Tho French ;outposts at Casabifint hicoot.;hn_ roitted aen- (Itt D'Atriede* Oommunicalkiha • The Detroit' Mich.) novae of .Pourree. Eon tioared last year -4344000, which wit 1" lifroed into the City toeitsttrit'e, eoultoctra of the, greet .lakos for -,ear 1167' was $1,3871919 to, an t -!ttst if 10 per Cent. on .the on"' f1106. t' • r 1, Moine, I. Itchy, n&1Penian er, who fese5iied Vein' tIrttisti rvrt, ---,AntfiL, . , i','-twivr'At'.0a.sti,i'lii-V61p--Ti'44'a-'*t; .. .. 1 or party 'at tho he • ! :;:t:fr:, „.,,,.: ft ' .1, , 1 ' ' k of Ittempttlii, Tenn. i flu 0 ..._ . it'nth end, wik, ' te, Of t t., P. 1 , re, **lett ot i , itt Ihe business It caik handle ;during bitsy months. A table was received on Wedneselayesta=ting _that all C. P. irtie, Vats sailing to St. John daring -Moth "have been' 'heavily beeked in second and third Masses. SUNDERLAND COM TuOUBLE. .1111011.11... Ariiikryenere Dilated, in to Assist tbe Local Pelice. - despatch from 'Sureterbnii, tengi bend, says: in view of the recent de. hi tnonetrations the unemployed here, whose ranks 43, being augmettitol daily leie the enginee allied to the shipbuita- - big, toilet, 300 men from the Royal Artillery garreeen have been dratted to , asSist tho pollee should occasion rise. The engineers went em strike two days ago, atter ',voting by an overwhelming, . tfority-i0oteto accept a reduction IA wages. - Russia's* mxtgrarnme of naval retort. iruction involves an expenditure of $1,0784000.000. til ROT F1111 T AT II Despera e Mou. and Women Arrested at St Petersburg. A despatch, from St. Petensburg says: Bitettinte-that-liact-beoneplaireet. eeiliveseeca-oxidteiteepereeneiges, frustretod by ihte 'police on Thursday night by a suotessitat Ot meets in vett. ens parts, of the eityceiggregating lefty eneneemd„ womenee-Thia isetheegteet rnb4)f-t-ermri8t.evnrtskn-by police in the, capital. The entdorifite of them, were heel* alined, sone with bombs, ,ondthOy made desperate re. sistanct gairist Ibe polto.. fioring the *Are* of ti* arrests ton. policemen Were **molded madon was killed. - BAGGED PlFrit TE111t011167,6, -The opoallons contr0 eround the pato* Of Grand; titiRoNtoltolas levilth, *Who, it 1* surintsed-i. was . the Immedleto obloot ot the ,plot.. 'Late on Ihtiesdity several- hUndrod geridarilles drew cordon Around; an'.entine oily Duke's pilaf*, comprising *tx Iturideed etc upiodeittpartenetits. - Agents Of the .1,• top to bottoiri and tineaethed stores of i. i 1 . DYNA.MITE IN A MUFF,. A jatationably_ lotreased woman, was trested on the streak r. She oareled a , ity 01 dynamile, and was atoorted by a Mtn who eV* flat uncloir h•Ta belt* an infexnal machine of a new type. Both e opened lira when the Wk. approached Ahern, wounding lihroct,pf then. Mother WoMen etilea 4ra*, IrAss4ect the entranoe to tfissupett Petit kilted ., IlOnnut during Ihe Alruggle:, Two Men were arrea!pd the ,Gran akela, iorte of whom.* a rat 1141- ai Anarehist. While the paw ltiverO arresting 'a *meat on gasp() Wand Ito 41attgerouslywound two ot It Is expected that the poliovil otake fittllittr 'efferktelOeitauneLierteeittter tneoteeeeee her* of the teniorista Who Inote bitert 4tglintzing vlgoraualy and -Planning , Hirt Givea xpliteh ',front- '41te , Mr. 1.Zet4iing 110 itista.110 Iullien providing tor the eitteblish'ing seisteen ofireeverierrient'ennuitiee. 110 .wmturinn.Wol'ithat 11 Ly adviliAbt4 t "rtutherItat lite so* of Ofivortimmit antioE ties "to tlre end that Itablts -of %brat be prehtftted, toil that therthy ePportutity givien 10 ttie peepf Canada 'to provide tor ekt ate by„iiitettle ef• ennui- IIM 'If totoltea then 'fifty +Mott uct -jryes tte armulllaa10 be ptav by $110$ ment of Vertu t Axed' ArKt.deft titnor tIt etmovit rite- itk,-.-titkittat -fAS 0 -,e'elete) ohnipttletiott iot tvhih eroilt• t 4eh onnuifie5.10 L•3 nnuitant?Jii rea .etisoers zet0t. ty t pvlibIN,11.0$ thort r tii tau t .fe be rrs watt thrk. 1I6 p;oporty tt, tont to b.1 mt-tr4tif.igst proft,-ess,'„ Oltchttl„,41W4ssoltoksioiaotivi Paid, with intent ki des defeitekt ereditorat mita, 0 tient leeirt ca'stilished, shai it-45IMpraeset l000r ? - els ‘34111.4e At. NWT 11 \ 46.