HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 7 (2)A
(iy• ie.
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' "\e -e4 '404iC
n r t' gra
ty starving. In a ease* of indigestion
, ItOlf deatis box ei •Dr. 'Williams"
nk Pi'are worth ell the sttgxtures
rue' gro*Ot frui110.- led to
zany ,taaletta invek i
it, atmc,3Srlii,re and habitaillltie,14t,gYa'
. tr,'-; cf artzto,red'• t Ik71,1 With OM
1 tea(laat '1041.riarneritai some ot Ihe •ettaa
neoli ef eleep•sga seinefing belie
aske,E_Olral-atelt.----la, c' '
r, mg' ta_alioelaS
ao.t7 r. ena et •
ar, ;1'4-1
, , to'vs 11(4
!.,4t . la'
,,.V 0$1) ),leery
., '. '
a ' 'II
1fltLaffectiene date 10 irtita-
the ariltafUS attrptce, are wait*.
d lay
portjes.: of itctien
d • 4J. ythtact ipk 4.
Sit ;Maar logy.. ilh.
iiy C 44,144Itilt$* reve
561. F -143.47X11/4,
it They strengthen and tone the
eche thus enabling it to eq the
nature intends it &Nutt! do. •
Mr Paul Charbenneati, S. Jerome,
. Says; :.,"For months I lingered
tottu es from indigestion. After every
'Mead -the misery was intense, so that
linallY ate mest sparingly. I tried
EVeret so-called indigestion tums.-•tairt
'their did me no good. My general
hvat1i. hem toanmedowar."---taeuffered
, rzlnr-ts,
4r4Trai:ss and In
.UtIlit"beart. Often afterathe
would be afflicted with a
Ihcrng sensation, Finally my mo.
eed „me to try Dr. •Williams'
Pink Pills. tinder :the use of ibis me-
dicine Me trouble began to dietippear,
*4 in ,teas than.a couple ot months-
eenipletety recovered my health
eatt now tatioY a hearty meal us
Well es any ione„"' ,
ie bemuse they make new, rich
that Dr. •Williams' Pink Pills 41-
0411`.-- rf----;0141t.
.fts ef...adrlNald ;and WOrnanhoed,
Trirli„e'lriteltelitedeolTerS 4-1** by *Mei-al-
• The lir.. Wiltiains' Medicine 'Co
Parte Used for Rroair of Itresis Was
• Pound to he Valuable Ore.
A singular discovery et gold has been
Made at the Twyn Ballwrn mountain
nge, at lientlys, neat Newport. Tfie
on the farm from which speciinens
('1 Ibo quartz were taken is of an ex-
tremely rocky cher:4+r, and the stones
lutve from
Tepair of roasd. It -is said to have
bn found that these stones are very
rich in gold; in fact the assay shows
that at ,a moderate estimate the gold
• yield would he at lost 3 davlsa.pet ton.
• A sendicale is being formed, and the
oWtters of the farm have' teen offered
ik substantial sum for the property. It
it else stated that the geed -bearing
*trate, ,which 'are blow the outcrop of
The coal and lime.stone measures,' are
confined Wane particular farm, and
egotiations, arp. in progress for seeur-
anather 50iii the immediate
ighborheod, ltie news of the &is-
ecivery has created great interest in the
and so forward are the nage-
ItaVens that it expected tbet opera -
tins will be started in the course of 'a
kw weeks.
'nt e.eleganee, for
every Vile%
, •
ProPettiesi -a • '4. -
' direct-a-tn." w/tha- .r ' ' whaa
P (?-1 t
at., so
condor with over 7,
t trot
to 'eitupendueute
gZredited, .the
yenta, ani
• •
and in ex optional easea 0;000 10
earl tords. Balloort voyagiug, however,
establishes the ' fact tbat birds never
19a loaailythfilg liko t1ese-dlitances
above the earth. Piot 3. Poeschel ot
Oranictott records as altogether uousu.
al the paesage ,of a baitoon in which
he,Was'thrarigrea-flock of -SW at * --0-4414-
t 41414001 •oot 2-,200 yards. -The birde
dashed against .the basket of the bal-
loortand-generallyeaeled as -if -thee -had
_Witairiiaitlitakr-- -
it'd flight at the great,etevatieps for -
rt lypsatimel is now .regarded as phY-
iinpessible. The rarefaction of
the air Le too great to Permit of flight
+without terrible exhaustion, especially
ae breathing would be difficult. • Be.
sides, the coid is too extreme at
height of 16,000 yards, for. instance, the
tbermotrieter cuopiaing to GO decrees
The observations of .balloonists show
that the vast majority ef birds keep
Y...111in...1,00dayarda Oa_ the._ 417
• -7-c9.1..4141k
I quently observed at a -height ot 1,-
ards, -a- lark- 'was - anace- -aroma tele -
ed at 1.900 yards" and an eagle Is on
record at 3,000 yares.
, '• niLr a
1 g ' 0 ,
*., ?ir•r ,.
- -
,t • • r• ...
14 it
. 41*'' tlic
: gle§:1 .;441.11g.
. . t 4,4r,lin f• tp,neuqi1uir...
e. und thrig 44 the
If nO‘nitenteln 'is eal:d to, ill, the nuc.
it geS601)' ii liable to Spread Own
-. jTallf, --1X41:c
Dbe nit'
eS),.01,1,504:.;, .a won en It . has itsbi
A-ebettleaot flicklet-An 'V,Constunp v
Syrup, taken according -to efireetionSi
will subdAe a cough in 4.
Thle.essertion ten be
dreds„aietio_bave-•triedaitae Viteatida'
ha'bear testintonyatO US.nieritsa ..that,
maY know what a splendid• meal -
tine it is. , It posts you only 25 evil's
„have.beeli -benefited' by its Ilse. • '
• SOMeti11104 a WISe man poseaeas• a
feel' for financial reasons.
• WHAT' ,0,41.611$ '11P.ADACII00
Sao* oatobor to, 141,ir Colds *** 04 moot 'fre.
quauct emu. Of RO*44040. .1.4k1E4TIVZ %tom°
gulags& reaneret 0444411, R. IV. 0 veto On box 3143
"It's "cause he doestrt talk baek that
Pi' •oyster's giV4r1 so inueli sauce..
771111PWRittallre trarailm-
•-A * -0****41**;4414-
Women who cheapen themselves soon
learn that men- do not eare-afor- bar-
Stubborn Case Healed by Zam-Rollo
The most troublesome and obstinate
of ail scalp troisble is Ringworm.
Mrs. H. Girdlestone nt 106 Flawdon
Brantford, Ont., says: "My daughter
/led ringworm very bad, so bad that I
tves Cornealed to have her hair cut off.
I obtained a preparation from the drug-
gist to paint the sores but instead *
curing, e Ringworm dev aped into
nasty sores rnatterating and smelling
badly. I saw Zarn-Buk advertised in
the newspaper and immediately sent -
for a box. After several applications
I <multi see a great improveraent, and
as 1 kept up the •Zam-Buli- treatment
daily the disease was -soon checked. The
nasty sores were thoroughly cleaned
• and healed •and all trace of Ringworm
banished from the child's scalp in a
few weeks after oommencine tvith
Zairelluk. I 'cannot, recommend- lam-
Ruk kw highly."
• team-Buk tures uts, burns, chapped
hands, coid sores, itch, ulcers, eczema.
running soma., eaatarrla, Plies, bad legs,
rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, ab-
scesses and all diseases of the akin. Of
'WI druggists and stores, 50c., or posi
paid 1111)011 receaat et price, from
Birk Cce, Tomato. 6 boxes
The mother who, in her gratitudefor
what Baby's Own •Tablets have done
'tier child, zald thet. "There's a smite-
11,7,.,443,,4.PC,,,, c00 ,!1, ' a• verX., IIRLV
very rstie pufise. `The tablets cure
Abe minor afintents of babies and
ung children, and make bright, snail-
-log; happy little ones. Mrs. John Young,
- Auburn, Ont. says : "I have used Babe's
' Tablets 'for more than a year and
allaTaartaL1140- 'aILS.Llitalicite4hat,
r agi411-irlialik4"-illief -afte-4)410ii- .
«Id at teething time„ end for stemeeti
nd tewel. troubles.. 4`ou elonl, need
i if *'01). keeP Baby's Own Tab
10 Me .lienee.") That's about the
Itightat ptbise a ,mother can give and
APS Irtte. ' every word of it. You can
• get the TabletMom any retaidne dee-
ke or by mail at 25 -cents 4 hos from
The 1)r. Willienitst Medicine Co., Brock -
Ville; Ont.
. as,
A certain lartheko has the reputation
Or. neer being able to say a Plain
es7 er •"no " in reply to a question.
ada-ya.ltvo•tadiesf-hia actoraintanee
dascusstng this muiiarity, when
a item anteuneed that she felt
that she• ceatitd riatie 1110 tallga4ve
lividoi say iliTelp pail
next Met 1l46 geralterean, she sa.id .to
• him:, "IS 1111.76_,"U', Mr.: tainton,„' a
- Muth. 4 widower', Madam," he mime
ed,: with a polite bow, "as . at, se
table; feta a Iran to he UN) has • rt.ver
' Weal ii Peselane. . ," St- *CM"
tit 1110 ''saOritt khan iha t'i'.'er)ift at A
lao.•2 0W IN
ONE flit:
iitogo---,Qouit* -Table,
if It Nall* to tat& Z. W.
t) t pit oult bolt. Itie.
8110 dismnient is knocking at our
• 'doer;
Complaint le loud and 'strong.
The-tieree utoegnito seam) Is gone
,Say of • U,
diaa•tlie Prime
i:nj Edward VII.
4 '7, -at Rut, the cynosure -0 eks
In WU. Is now uge,rbiT Ale.glocted
and eta elope& Re whei was,,',01e0 So
active and brilliant, now sufferin from
an incurable. Malady, Arags on a mire:T-
able eXistence, ahnest in Want.
• WAS Ken- tly WIFE.
The Otrli<14S TalleYtand, his\aon
was •ablel\te
th'a justice' to .ay -surround him durin
her lifetime With the utinost core and ate
After her deatet Ilia 6010nd OA, who
bears the title Of *Duc de 'Valeneay, and
who was seine time IteSband of Mss
Beton. Morton, was , appointed the guar-
dian Of bis lather. Why Is it *that since
lirtiolife has become more and indre
bard for the poor' old man, who., weak
once the goy Prince de Sagan? It is a
Investigation shows that the Duc
Tntleyrand still has the !means to_live
0040 int- t
..,aagea7epeeeeelaplaea'kkir;it tkinent
dces not trouble itself to see whether
miiis-teSed -tor the purpose for
which whichalla was set_ aside._ For 41.
0. Duke's allowtere for
lising expenses has been cut down to
less than fifty francs per week.
They a.r)0 a Powerful Nervine-Dys-
pepsta cauSes derangement of the nerv-
ous system, and nervous debility
once engendered is difficult to deal
with. There aro many testitriontals as
to the ejficatey of Parmelee's Vegetable
riffs In treating this disorder, *bowing
that, they never fall to produce good
results. By giving proper tone to the
-digestive organs, they restore egOili-
brlu s.
This poor old man, who was one ed
the most refilled in the world, is rele-
gated to a tiny upstairs room in the big
family mansion, 57 Ilue St. Derninique.
which Was *nee the scene of so many
fine fetes, among others the famous ball
of the Beasts, which caused so much ink
to flow in the press of 1.M two head -
The ferneirr matehmaker usually goes
about disguised as & chaperon.
rm. !Wang*, Prairie &retches end
every forth of contagious Itch in Iranian
or ardmals-eured in 341-miniitet by Wel.
ford's Sanitary bottom It never hits.
Sold by en druggists.
Some men wear good clothes be-
caiso they can't afferd not to .
d. in • Their Aellara-Parraelees
Vegetate Pills are very mild in their
action. They do not cause griping in
the stomach' or cause disturbances
there 44 So many pills do. Therefore,
theoreaet delicate can take them With-
out fear of unpleasant reSults. 1Tie.y
can, tod, be administered to children
without imposing the penalties whigh
ollovrthearsirof 114t, SO -Carefully
Kw' hen Iles occurs, many people
ray n to it. •
• Vault
geti Lon is liable to hecome chronic, pro.
diming 4 cow:Mien of the mucous mem-
Unities known is cetera)). Catarrh lasts
an' indefinite,
is essentially a
chroada ooridi.
• relieve it.
'What Should be done when a person'
catches' told is to take a few doses of
Takert at the eriSet* Perinea *would
breatc up the told and fretient all the
train or symetenrs which usually How
• But, even in eases where the cella has
been etegleeted and hoarseness or a
_0011gb. UM- developed, Peruna ean ho
tared upon to give. prompt sand per.
menentasehel, -- ' -
toun_tries have .given testimonials as to
the value of Peretta in such casts.
tealleaVed Dr. ilartnaanti Advice - Re.
stored -to -Health.. *
Mrs. Samuelle Vigneau, Avre au Berd,
Isle, de La Magdaline, Canada, writes:
"/ write 10 MI you that 1 am perfectly
,well. 1 leek only three bottles of your
Peruna,*imoording to your advice and
the directione in your book and it re-
stored my health."
• Mr. Matthew 0111rre, 145 W
Pall River. Mass., writ6:• "About tour pears ago I consulted a
physteian to get relief from ae. cold
_settieliam „
on my lungs. Ile gave me medietne,
but four weeks*" use of it did me no
"a deeded to try Peruna and after
;hiking two bottles my lungs began to
heal. In six 14,01111.1 the ough, catarrh ,
and theeat difficulties were all cured."
t "emu • a
leitO , •
4.7, vt.:•?;.
ono passes the door of the house, one
hears pen le remark, "Yes, yes; 'what ,a
lesson it j"
How small a doetor's pills are when,
CoMpareal with his. hill.
Great Medicine-Tontl, one ofw the
pioneers of French Cantata, lest a hand
and were &a troll hook as a substitute.
Ile was In the habit of boxing the ears
iletoiya liatlarris- with -this-iron
hand, and they have remarked that It
wa,s• "great medicine." Dr. Thomas'
Eeketric Oil is great medicine; it takes
hold of pain with an iron hand and
knocks it, out of the system.
Braggs-"Yes, Siri, am a eeliamade
Wagge-"I thought there was a touch
of the amateur abont you."
moSt promtrient ,figure in trx admin:s-
tration of affairs. • Seturn will then be
stationary in the tiorpsOolae of .the Pre-
aerit ..Governinenta" aa. .
Do not delay in getting relief for the
little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Ex.
terminater is a pleasant and sure cure.
11 you love your chiki why, do you let
il suffer when a remedy is, eo near at
had several attacks of colds
from time
kto time and finally a se-
vere attack \developed Into catarrh.
"I was advised to use your cele,
brated catarrh remedy, arld after
taking three bottlos 1 find my4t11
compktely cured, and I no longer
suffer from catarrh or colde.
"I can cheerfully i4ommcnd
die-and---eata "
... ,„
If Pertina had no other medicinal -
value than the promptness with which
it relieve,s oorn10 n toids, it would he
well worth whil for row family to keep
it La the hoUSe Censtently,
In the evining. The Queen was sue-
rJunded y ladies who have already
"taken the cushion." As tustomai7,
JhaaQueen on _entering the salon or4r-
el them to be sealed. Thealadie- ,who
are about to receive the highest honor'
ir. the ecurt 01 Spain tiee led by a
aponsor. The lady presented eourtes-
xe three' times, and the Queen cour-
tesies in return and says, "Sit Alown,
please." The lady then sits down on
eueldon before the Queen alla speaks
to her.
The Op genn comes along.
"Isn't he a eine little darling?" said
the torid mother, proudly. exhibltin
the Cherti.b.
ther. 41/e's funnier than One -of the$0
ineehanival toys. You don't heeds to
wind him \up.'
"Ilow Mita can you hold, anyhow?"
ed thc vooniaa, in ainzaaernanta-4
-.;-.41-7441e1-k4e*$ Inunr:\said Eston
egalong, resuming opetallons.
'habil' never been -tested- lair loamy lull'
1..ittle Willie -Say; :pa, what is a
scheme? .
Pa -A sallow, my apn is aqinething
that usually faits through shortly al.
ter you invest money in it. •
NLN• -
D N EY,14 tkCei,
kim Aro- -6#7,e;
riyo_ men has halt ;t.
wife -L-6" -believe he 'fia
„ It is easier to 'apologize for what you
didn't do „than ter what you did wrong.
,"Aera* to:,
Rut 'elearat cat Et41'f,tvitt a 41y, "
erer eur tratcrs tviti,n !Mao
1,•..cor tom .say "Nae4s.t1f mi
tre t ttuw.litt
ft Itonotv,oy*s, (leto.'etylv ‘T,Viiiit re.
4: tItk.t. t!,,a1g1,0 •,s ding.
1'v:ft1 ci bOilte at crAv.
ipar.:An rokoco ND.
10 11114 .Trouble in Coioni.t.s ind•
Egypt, ..tsirriktuers,116retiki.
it astrologers, especially those who
teretell the happenings of ayear before
itsbirth, really believe their own pre-
retions, they. must haat .none butthe
loorniest or toullOoks for the year 1906,'
and . must, indeed; be miserable) men.
Deareasaa 10 trade, increase in the price
wars and ruincrs-c-t.war..4;
,sedition and *vett, political ups end
damns, earthataakesa international trou-
btes, disease, and • other troubtes,' are
all predicted for the 'taming ,year. The
price ef wh-at will be high, says an
troot ercpg„
"Spheral,' kalitor 41 th\. 41Ferteris
and a new wtel„Cy, 'Wu:twee," 'was et
rttentlY toldcri calculate
'.iathoreaeepe ter the' year, and tc
ibo„TdcrnteMln i 010
to &Ix food‘ti
Ike 3Tr 1203 Es likely lo ProVe One
tbe Meat tatetritt in lite hiStOrY
gUintl. neat' Vittett'a
t na,• Uranate, and ,Stiturn, win
drdinalm sfgns. GM be itotttilhle'
itio gei.etopnient great po:litical, triseS
On the 3rd .ct January Ifort. w211
total tatipte ct the sun in, the, eign
Cipticornth:5 tbas, elcs(..., to the pc$1
tkR cf. Nfars in, the 'Itoyal ber4sz.'-orN
and, CdprWrit rulcs India, we trihy
Itthk kr tin'cuttrook s,iditi-en'and re-'
itrath pAtV'jispth.
iteriircte; ecnlInti. I Co
htt3 4nr.*,5%cla te.
svfer ,durZng the itt,M, 'tt tho
.c,at litIng• the& . :Ow 74a!an1 an:!
it: Seta' trdia rt rt
ttrtaty5 IX 'the' .ittelltf
4 revell, • •
he pesibaki tht
cnolcOv ntlei and e1k.4%3
rtr:.'nett i7n the , t, 190,4
Chin-abet:CO effmt Setae
titeetsitts 14 Zola. mei 'e71\,eri.
Itt,” pricactit
,t joodge 'that Ist will be
Are.0 a 4
t MI' it •
Grunting Grandee Latiles Peivikae of
Sitting in Queen's Presence.
A mammy eheirackestie.of the court
et Spain took place at the Royal Palace
recently for the first time, in the reign
Tho-presenVKing and Queen.
Spain have the privilege of keeping
their lulls on in the pre-senge of the
meneirchs.• Grandee ladies of Spain
have the privilege ef rernainnag seated
beferelhe monarchs, and the ceremony
(or- Olatitinilitrifift-ptivitteae it. -cat/NIT
ushion, aS it cOrtaista in *Ming on
shion7(4 red ilarnaat before the Queen,:
Th c eeraincarly kid; piece at 6 o'eteek
hJLLLAII for the worst cold,
theoharpest cough
Cure ---try it on a guars
*taw e-of-rtr:tir
iures doesatt actually
- CURB 9uicket,
Grandits than artything you
' ever trieilr Safe to
take,-exiothirig in
Coldsand it to hurt even a
eileeeit comniend
UI UJ. Shiloh's Curt-
• 25c., sta