HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 6 (2)Z1. .41 delft rh' tebou Sunbrnel , can elle-ettow e ter ---when—"' Shiretrderd attest •,114,7001' 1. 4-4. "-tailored oome /rote ret ehe Ire'lxitn-PUYA-r4f-0.-PA1 sts 1lUeSuons and crooked tenswere far a long time." he 644, .“and. 1 row Glare yew forgiveness fornot It og eet your mind at vise betere about .hearn's evhereeleoulte" • "Suribeem,14 evbereabeutet' ette 'd mop& :fic r.twt ii: The ri • but.. CIIW.'And I, have JungoJ ktn beforet how Seethe:tax distneaeers ....„--an1ewhereetee-Forlettrve-ItlitlWrilfr7 the first. I helped ha to escapteei and Sir . . "Ab! Bill wait rigbt ihent._41111_1_410h -- —Tata- "Ife eald Sir 11 -t -dA had .done ithu et. 4 :Als 8. 4'lle said so," exclaimed Sinclair; his tones full 4 sudden Itunge.y interest. "And wher • .„ Gollsefotts et her noetatte. She turned bvirs head aside .flit .,.2_t`1,Vell„elreehtliate-iLettattLelletepeopite •ziir7itTtghizt-f-4tiirAtllf.'e*tt. ,..Atnz,nntany'-ttthTg''-4rericrrttttWrteOrlt(fAit •4-eand,we neither •of _as thought you -knew "Yet )You• illtafook 'no ?or a det'ec- tive-----' • "Yee, si4 tut f explained that, ditto, I t have hert TbftVi anyhow, WA' tlf"' .1' 6 ref) , • her.' • . at it might ba helpful wel.le that; she i Wet your bother's Pernive-Mat-a0Aitellta II , tet.' Mind, ,Blirse * good *Mt. im hie Way, but he and law don't ht end never will. Hes been e god de; father in the Pest to, I1er*belter on .--;Stintreatil Is Lady iltrarlt04'3.*W011,7 .P.147,01US worry me tor more. You moat wa:t -RWetoetelleerou- theeineeend Ana& But I don't rntult *tying •,1 was .oemin.g- Ilrackloy to tell; Lady Cruse, and then; thought it would be no use, for ----retrilave- about -Wes - to rate But YoUr Unele was the wriirme, and we've,beeil- very Wed to- her, anzi what Mit will say to me I don't know!" Wttir wittch she tell beck 12.0011 the usual feminine weepon, weephltg, And so eoplette were her vats, so- ineelterent !w! w'ds. Ibat Sitteleir- Oo tater_ _ 4teeene eeneltietwiledfeti,:letararshorty," .he edit thr weltrese. 4`arid keep her unUl 6 -turn." ty to the station, to Inquire about the returri-trahr-to.tinntene• Ife-Vou !Jetty With htm. and Lady Cnzse wouki *V1 1 Along you knew 1 W4S lyirtg 61)014 Sun. - beam.. 1,Viia1eve'r pu think of ti tndr t wier not- And , t.ve thou s. sYmPathizedi;iiand, longed •be tell • youbut since you have bon In Landon 1 Ore trlitd to find 3,•ou, itret to top )lou that. and then ,because--ti\cre is a MYste.tY bout Sunheam.-I want yOu to tell roe ail about ft." The leek lic was watching .tor Ante cereandelter--ceeeseshi in .Itts. "Thereon tenible mystery now,- whet I read in the paper----" she Murmured, plueking nervously at her gown. "Stni- beim-but yeti know all, no doubt, for you said u Came from her now, or did 3 hear wreng? You r2ee,• the heat and sudden meeting you was,ezpset "You ° heard. rightis: I saw Sunbea last niitht." She sprang forward eagerly. , "How did she look and was she real- ly in prison, my peer darling!" she riaalmr041. 'Oh, 8aVOher, from that, Mr. Sinclair, end. • The wordsN+iltro strangled by her sobs. • Sinciair Aoki is hand aeothingly on hers, saying skr-wly:,- •4_!Sambeatn is out of•,prison-on ball, • Lady Cruse got her out; for.Lady Cruse loveS her as though she were her daugh- ter. Hefty quivered visibly. • A leek of fear darted into her. eyes A thein of sud. den jealousy shot through hor loving heart. For a second she lutted Lady -Crew - • - --414Now-yotr-wilikietir-me4hegnisteriV • continued Sinclair gently. 'No ono wilt be any the, worse ler it tieing known, t leer -my Melte Delp!), was„to I 'thinkyou rind yet* brother must knew *one -thing, Lady 'Cruse v.xtuld give lunch to know, and. v , '7.72 - ife-iletrwitta-hstak-frour9ier-withRi-- cryof despair "Don't ask in There's nothing nothing -I earl tell." elle etied., *Sunbeam is in area* trouble, It her trial wfil Come off very *0411. we cannot save her from an undeeerved pursislotnent, we caat least, maker mat- lers easy for her by Tirol/tag that Mrs ts tot a "conetet's •daughter She le ire nocente-yeu and I know that -but hoW save her frmn the public, how peeve her Inriceince to elle Can 'you tell me, do ltn5w?" hew.. sly 1 7' the *ireia 1 didn't kttow; thou lee. home tied to -yelif to much about her, you Mffst believe that. 'And it there Was a tnyeeery about her past, it wolleiree bele her in, thee tuntler;woutit it? Its 411.1% It tt, 'otill4. Besides, it Might tead k 1116 die'-eaverY Et Ihe real cello -et 14ra10d burrteiL). Sinetoir looke4 thoughtful. Ills au. 't• 4, r , c MIMI v V riAttrit 1 u1 aet?: ' Ws* he ree e't weletieet, ,Iii iottity ' Aua,- - hut poi,. mot% to, *Pot iti. the. querter Ike Watttod. OrBIIt - ,. i .4. Pti,:*tent. al14•04401.1 gt *goof kr alleto114'eF 4ifl ibthtl4 1 A 44 ,15;ttit, 14 0 t, their hvLng in *CL. aami drew beck with a. pealed , timiree .‘11, bid wihk'*w4 /rent efer SincIetr's meeting with fletty„.end veered that /1bd onthTg -to do wiUt.Sunhesen " hi t Itani wAjt' *bout huts .!h : itei, an thn lefty's distretee bad %etched bum. reused also at the theugtit *of aneterebelpingelhe...evoe her Bight, for it was evident that,sW was running away 00111 DWI" cent that z theretore would return, to „her.,„*.oftAtempt •1s bad primpUd 1irn 10 aecoMPlut•y eke thereto* ribout Sufl beam. TM fear. ontte wtU' ftiee seemed ineempretse.neible, unless it was due to StinbettrWetaehent teen, which, nsturelly v.-411dd alarm any et her 'friend*. *1 ntl. ita 6 at in Ilettyz rterhiss and alarm. And be Mid beard enough`about Sunbeam to gtwee that this respeetable, hortest-loeking women was the aunt who had brought her pup, the Sister of.ehe oonviet-bUrillar. ' that juneturef Ids thoughtaseurned eterse-,A h. teehe- t .g4dIre-Peir091. beer:'11- 1 t • •L. 4 nen to sect more lh „tow- • on•is, th4ugl nibureettrierUi out et sight. Then hei tabu! hAu51.$11 11, it 4 1.'4te4, e , freJrn , h.n stover ,1e1 Whole, tht aver- anma1. vete MOW and itrai rolkaes the shake. To show ii1reast enumrePtion-V*1111004-40- jerinionts Ows, The OiWS were lcd sWein ra- tion; and in addition *It they would eel ot eut or 'Intent *lever.. The porn WAS Oa iiit43 106 tengthala-trteett tut. (er Which also Shredded,. the team stalks, The first two experiMente were c.vhducled Zirideet the North Oti, t with Stowefl Evergreen, planted At.,-wIlOwAldellte,L.tudiAndegANet hthigtle sm -pert cent eat thefodder 1n the Wet, thirtrorse,in the4eoond,,,and .nine per cent.. In \(he third experiment., - It is probably a toneervative statement that one-third o the stover is ',lost ,when. fed •the, cs t t*zg.Unais; co or I u substituted' oUe rtn d the nfIxiit- • ,follete -feeder t.044.1* un t tr4n. fl meet. u • v at. ran' ..t111,.'" Vet sOggestiona ere not AO be •*. tt*,judgnient t of the cing ways eeiential t tiert CRI T 417-ato ,. tew ni�n1ls ego. To -day ne%apeper in the anetropoUtan dailies are, end tht sigendid re41.4.11,$' se simple than one one Pt glst Pluld Prt * 461 ettnee; cpounJ IONIA o ounce; . Corn nod Syrup Zers3prIl1e, three ,outtees. Mix by sk lit abet. - tie' and -tate tit feaspoottfa itcses atter' each meet and at bedtime. That) are ell simple ingredients..making an ab. Bobi1eX-,11-"Flu16A boof1121-41e14,-Itt -444", ••• - • Ithentnatistn: aS every -one knows,ia a sym tom of ddorianotdjildntte e Vitkr"Eat eys-10,-properly - flulCt or tLaJn tistim the Wed the uric acid an other Matter which, if not eradicated.eter- i'a the urine or through the skin po remains in the blood, decomposes orals- I - einie caudsingttm unteld eettering and foamtty of rhetnnatisra. his prescription is said to be * di healing, cleansing end inilearatin tonic to the kidneys, and gives -almos imitmliate relief in all forms a. bladder and urinary. tmubles trul beckathe. • a nett ; etri uebo gtvenit•twente to thldy .ixtun ot the stover 'bran mash is fed; six ‘Jr sever* pounds vf'culd then be sufficient, • , EWAN PALL J. Banker.. '..savs.a.,tvat“ Thelegte...4WilestregneArit!ah"„E --vott-freuhuirOr. find nd-the-Soudettelaurturnireit andlitty million inhabitants -the might,iest city upon the face of the earth, although lts huge population exceeds that of more are its nee: wttich busk the , tem and -0144 the *lover at the same time, and they give very satiefeetory *salts. Any machine that, will Thor. eughly shred the 'ladder ls prefereblo te one that simplycuts It. Fodder That -shreddedl-ettnratdiatelY --011 be at t t ,next moment •-theecorner t whispered ere the aun set. u in ..rta4,1 V. 0 t. ,, But Oil Mit return to the room he swe ustd„v01101 the corm* is the clunk' feund it .eutPty, ' Ms bird had Itc,IWIte f_ag.rUrntiled Off again after 's momen. Inquiry proved that Iletty had been 04Z-.94fatt* . .., one too many for the waives*, ant al. 1 ut 110u.st-0, teors hod' vollOtoll tbens most as soon as he had gone sue." buttor ehe lord smelt* etrangezewhe had I wiped her eyes en4„ ,setkping all aside, been so tdod . and as fie TriPtert° lett The hotel and 'vezzished front thew :cue)), acroutinled with her afteire,,; tarn eight. Evident *eviler fears ttad revived I .11.fs heck on her and retrace 'ha atePa and. she had fed feeM.hiMe ,,. ;,- towards Euslon.,- Why be bad .: w cd In .disgust wandered looKK to, the tier -IMO the'lbus, why lit, had Startled lation, Altbottgh. lie .kntni he' .ntIght her by the Adrange-vemark, she could Ittal her in a dar •or "twec Tilic .4th Virnaltner4akti-at4i11-4Prents,..heineant *erre deMped, antilte felt that unto hit nu um, or i by her slietteo., iboutdit, had furtheteproof I* 0044 neither tell 11#10011 0-0,--the-vrriong track. At Alt toady Cruse Itor SuebetinK,111al. what,. he, events, She was sate. And she had not tlia(1 long sYsPededreene reelly true. 'betrayed MIL._ .„. Also be inflected that 14 had bungled - liad 514004c411 that a certain hen' tearfully In letting Betty ,esetrpe, hixn, sera -dodged hervfolloWingter at a Safe tor his ettite'to litili was lost, and. he distaste* atter she had alighted from. feet, convinced that Bili . alone alum tbe 'Ws and until she " reeched ber prove Surbeam's ihnoeceee. Only .1WO tkAtrke4 She 19401 '114t ii !e:1 16° re"' days tow Were , Tett before the trial, and "Ilea as t° 13111!4- °fa Especially although theyi se re= pe u . ed,sho-adanowla-lhatunk.u_tes their hearts, they' knew thateunleat Stns. atery St' Aubin ente" the nearest l/a" wain betrayed the men she was wed. he stallort and • plunged Mkt ra 'low log she would be prOclahned guilty by voiced :ec-"wellati9n vitth the inspector , °I4Al.dtubott'ith, .t. Aubln to' vett Eileen and all the world. . 'had pro lo. help_ber, he telt a. lurking Pity for .Sun1t4in, and. believed., 'her iturece., nt. Ile zoo thought that Et - leen was -genuine- ire her -belief-4. 41* ptrrs gnat. Therefore, be' felt nowlitat what Ise hadbegun tri • joke must be carried out In times*, and • -that hi* sulden• thought -that the -WOMan be had treated to her borne oettld petit* telt Of Sunbearres innocenee-must not elegt lade__ as Lmpoasibe. Eileen Tn'ght beanerry..with him at ilret..But later, Thi:-leiv*Fe,-ilfet-iikiiild-thilit him for priventnne her teem making terrible- mistake„ though : for the ,pre - &tot .tehe need know nothing at alle But the tale he had to tell was not silt" believed by jhe thlateedeit •*• ClIAP41ell XXIX, Thincart -guessed,il was ieftrthat fetfilkt. tie,EtY Green. ittn elm from the • botei during his tillort absence -leer ,ot what he might silt mako.ber say, and et what she had ;dread" divulged, Clutching her .preeletre headline, she etepped' resolutely' into the quiet side Street. and oiled hurriedly towards the' bustling .todit road beyend; Never had itengedewis-•arderntrterreartrima, never had the busy thoroughfare beck. Oiled so tempttngly. "fhe sound ot her footsteps on thel deserted pavement struck terror into' her, and she fell ter. self a landmark 'Visible to *11. It 014 she oeuld reach Hie ,uolorne as iiiii-re It .. tre'Sincletr WWII..ji to soover her baervel For sh(. 'knew ho tneant to qttestion.berefurther, to w reit, her so. ret fooM her. She glineed,latcla nerve. usly to ape if the Waitreaa ;or Sinclair vieve fellowing her, and Sighed. relieved, -no lattn. Ot living. holttg shOwori be-.. Wen, her and tlie hotet illive more Steps end she would' bee fitife:ea, few more steps and— . • Slut oollided herevilY WIth's Ittll .rnane who seemed to hove Orung up sudden, tv beetle her. AS he ' looked .00-t?.%. ,epologetteally her heart tint hanstem----Per-Verh&Po-40-woo' friend of 'Mr. S tales. The thought spuivid" her on. ' 6 brolo into a heavy,. gpastoodio run; • I a overtook her., , "Can t •do anythirtg. ter Your het tiek- ed. "You seem in. eelturry. 'Shalt I hail a cab?' She shod: her head, too lemattileae t k U&1.„sierAding the danger argely„ 11 not entirely. vOldede-Tbla---involvetteeettrtsiderable- extra timpenee. Waver, which son*, *nes renders it of ,sernewhat doubtful carmat eb presided in any large Ivan- tity when toot* without groat danger et Ili' Tepidly becoming unlit for feed - tog. . Farmers having power .eutters their own can- *bred at ono. time suffici- ent for a Nitoalct Use without danger of 41 II • Ito. spelling. ' Cern stover sitenktnot, bo the only ked given the animals if profitable re. -turns are to .bat expected from its ue. Atter Me corn plant has well ripe ed leels_byeeko mean* as irentable as .ha and it le a heat producer rather than a -flesh former,and hence a itself an traproperly beletneed ration. One would *peel,* small milk yield .11 stover was he extrusive food ot mach tows, for ressortab:e•guattlities of digestible pro. fen must he sUpplied when a large mitch flow is desired. When growing animals are wintered on corn- stover only they wilt de, very" little Moe than maintain their wel ht, for nrowirt s k also needs diges . protein to produce bone and muscle. Menj experiments havebeen made with ranch cows, comparing cut corn. stover as an exclusive coarse feed with an equal quantity ,ot ,=.good hey, the vain rations .haing that MUM. 111 both cases. ,and the onthe ration being pm. Iy halikAced.i. 11* c4rAL.,akwor._.1:41- ti0114 Itaire produced from three-fourths a; Much to *mama:1104y the same quantity or milk daily' 43 the hay ra- tions. the yield being influenced, some- what by the length of lhe feeding peektd, and the Quality of lhe stover. While such a method of feeding is decidedly • superior to feeding threstover exelusive- 4,Ye:41-ofta,:undoubledlythte,,,Improve4-0 en. When lath town are fed on stover L'- the only maise food, they tat it 'well for a short time, but goon begin to tire of It, and then will eat no more than two-thirde as much stover as hay. lacks tbe Zaoriiay-and nds,.0 , !arto tgeket:414441411. it.te4.anIm14, Is. !, '1041 41 it' two 1110 ' - operate' 10 prevent ani.. fodder fromgl*toit,t0.14. aLtt• logo' milk, .rnals tad 1041 2$01reie IS, ' Vit„ 0011110. y.ietda. tor long per:4U lar.are obtained' faun s•• . quantity 40t bay. The' *S.M. .. are .00110eftble In ths Oasis ,nt gitawlng statars when , fed , On' •gran and xtrn *loser., • The, steera rap., JdIy Ur� of '. taco ;toad ,, than do the, 1-11:4 'even . air, notsuppositl he muttered -coldly; - “And, you .Shall have thern„, if yuIb do what 'Ugly, ant if time we May. tail altogether,. St. Aul!tn. -*The et'omerr me," me, and4 for alt 1 know, act, at lon 'The totner -you set 414 work the better. "We can't work wdbout proof," ooloi tht 6t14r. • • *'Nonsense' exdialined St. /Whin hot- ly. "Ant f to karat it lo you, or where Aut 6'.'ar 11 ag 0, noto to€ *iktenclt a 014sigh of resigrzation. ther y* stir' ,exclaitned tint a* liaty entered the. ,hoti,itinntriedly end ccdib door tkinrid ter., *Wet "aiiee -bin up -to? 1 ntuet "set eiente; 'Orme "1 catr-get you ne itt a r vend," h ,e.entillued persuasively, ,as they tuche 'splfhens were ter than. berore 'This ,.thee husy .peeentent together, Ivcratani$ elGrfn bevayed tet„ • She xnL la'S eyo ; '1;411,. I tell yeti heet.itAt..1 knot.-stst ity.Ort3 stili wrattgling-With her wish *beet her dleappettraneer Etta .how shel Mr the invffered help. They wero 01106 to live with. Lady it:Neter oeke tvietuity„ f.10$11,31)1‘,Aous and, i -,an ed. after it' &light !pause, durIttg ultkh tee day for ben, :toe mid tea a stoldt 114,tily tad, tom we.n,1.•.mnski tow .5'.1te *home ,of her deuhte. 'Ulty !Wiwi al -.034 oouleeetaio 001 his tut..16Perd:4ng 111111 enfetr.e.' tee big'piate.' and ilicrt‘'ere , **Vis" abet Murtnorid •thettly ceelre ft.,--,thOtigit-teso.,.-4;41-404etcd oltn ha. its Ainelittr itt r 1 to wrek'l(rfre 'a'- !o !di d e.henn. Ietze,,e fee'..iatiett skitter:4e, . Thi 4* 64 116,1Pswil .11t1 Orrat:t and retti writ,1 Ifts Ur.*kr hcr•Atatlitip* '111:14) 1441ytrewil's In her- bereavearkutt latt featIcway And fesr fled !torn t miS `ft oniXer Whit -0Mflit.t litit0',"te!ti'.% (N4- t.14 ,Ottit?li0114 that f. Pi wment 'IlitrtiaNt ail *tiger and magnifk,„1-Tittit, tibiArrisa Oil.** It ob. ate ,ettittl fel!! Alter .litL,10.1ty" nerd mentlen 10.1 • ."L'stete."' , flIneen 'Iln!shed. elet„ V.e.* rn it theft "elteee, 10 tWo 41relyernert_in 114-ei• etalibal in .into Tustork Station. She wee ete:Itrede.1 tdet aletti .teeSpe; tsto clout) •'bad iittfr$ thts ; Oath. t ;,:want * vtu.0) Akt ta'\ (Oifliflg:flow. WV ft!ettv,i1I r 40., ere were. riulte tr mein) he hocl. obeyet. ani w flog fvt, tY.;,:t. 1,04 tO th ti..'31fittg-Vtlfeth.' ere ittiN,top,rd ittte herr sCot- tor e:ca eileted eeith tereinZ'Ae•1.4 il 11 h 1,-4,116vve1, and sal Patin het. "We Ar0 ltrIty fr 1 qi' '41,.v.16:.rta,041. • mettlk 1m/4 tkitte ttralte. telef at bet ettellX'. et t the' bat**. I tl Vt" , r Ite 'tatted lo her rigida. 4as, eut, Wee Ito trne,todofl ',no me * their rosea ler s - an sto0 yam.% ° ett., Ifryaftrtnean • .te 4 [ etre, *wetter Were* :en el 17..fee't • -IreeNWefl 1t bet to then thet A '.0 t 11 So tsr mechanical ,ttlon nnoerned, 114 haat *talc will be lob., idned With,440.0441ed 610e.... A .PrOe *rLy:balitteed ration mitele *ow* bould tortsiat: ot one.tivrd grain -Mix* nec and twodhirds eOarze fodder; for Ung.stoek rth,./0,,Oot !atom, and 114 bialante 11 , I a 1404 tti.rot. ent 4 which the world le, divided, yet is the 11:t4tEithrnelessih t *forevIregrkft4eetpceet%Ilityn. tilnxiwte earth.nr and in the early spring, the ettinosphe* et London is transformed into a thiek murky compound of fog, mingled with 4110-sm9.4-fuziaimln:,,,'00414,1443,411119cLeeS--obinneys,y,„:4a4141Uei,, ght4ove1 ,t14. r rt. City, at noon.day. and -obscures the ausn treetualty as thougli it were, • And when one'of theite London loge", -halWilY, however, infrequent-enwee perfect pandemonium results. For the atmosphere is so impervious that a brit- elmoat invisible a few yards away. Every vehicle is Preceded by one or two wildly shouting men car- rying "links," or torches; and ions are repeatedly •occurring. provok- ing outbursts of not too polite mate. dictionitind bjurgations from the driv- ers and their attendants. For a pedei.- trian 10 attempt to cress a street would be but' to: court disaister; while *iron wa rung ng e pavement a tend - eel with, considerable difficulty and even danger. „ The sense of locality too, appears ire be comPietelY lost, and crowds are taindesely wandering along without the slightest idea, where they are. And so it, gees on, tour natter hour,, paralyzing business, creating Mdeserih‘ able discomfort, and alas, aiding and abettingthe letheti ravagesof the angel f death, whose_spear_ls_ruthlesaly into the breast ,00f muittitulee.1 both of the aged and Infirm, and also et the very young. But at length a strong windearises, and in a -compm- tively short time the !mirky Jog is lriv- er the atmosphere becomes quite Veer, and the sun shines brliantly in a cloudless sky. And snake too,- le the experience el many In- reference to their own tire. They are wandering in-lhe gloom and murky obscurity of doubt and unbelief; they realize that even if there wisre heaven they are net fit for the,00mparty o fpure end holy angels, and that they would tm farMere at home ist the congenial see* of the lest; those Who ArArsted-raligio&-an4-who-ridiettled, piety. And, then in a moment, ot re. morse, at the .fell prospect, they Mi., militate -theMselves before the Almighty, apd by the aid of the Doty spirit* they 11411 14 Son of Dtid was scourged a.1 thelr Subetitittes The clouds and 411Y -4:404z' fort, --1 sunshine aol Ilia love and aol Ills favor • r2.• eot'er .44 ; TUE ANswgn.: Teacher --it rtu.. are kind:and polite to your p Ornate*, whet will be the re., matt" Scholar..."117011 think th' ty can lick oar • - ptuiling thing fa hhelk404Cel aspirant Is how. long he shOuid keep the ,ro0104.,Seeking works, a htutc-hook the.mostiopopular With ell elesitea, of ;Wok., Speculation 'is the wax,.., ohe loge " "Of lirbetfittrilia- Other -Allow is s. bigger fool than lea himself tee 5.41 id •C Ihe--shark-is aligned. Ile is nol the'f6rocious tlter et the seas ho'is •represented to be, ut an e rmd-fistr K ttmilhonaire has rad a standing offer AA $1,000 ibr,se, years pest for autheillr proof or a O. where a ehark has attacked and killed a man. .The atone:, hoe never twee, earned. For ,yeans the writer had t daily swim In the shark-infeeted waters of Kingston. Jamaica, Hundreds of felVie •I eve bethed there every day for oenerat There is no case tin record of, anyot bting bitten by a shark. 41 is the sam at all the I.Ve.st Indloa'and South ;lime Ts. 1.4 * .40 In Savanna la Mar Harbor a young pig jumped overboard trent a ship. 'fbe water was alive wittr'sftsrts..---we count., ' ed no fewer than eighteen -but On fied, itt terror at the, pigs splashing, and it. :swam a- quarter of a mile to land in. safety. - • • A shark Will not evin Eer17.R' salt pork.', or any other deed bait. unless it is kept perfootlyetl11.fn the Water. It 61134; /Ma ikelt-Seell.140-appr03.eh And -retre41.-OVer thirty times bet:4re 'it plucked up tour. ofte to dart In and make .a grab. The - stark Is really the s raga Ot the net the tiger: • ,•••••,...i.v.V.V. PMI, POINT AND PATII0S. Forethoueht is a welleinfortned party that Ow* Pou a tip on how' vonseterteet. going to talk. - It is funny !tow Marty MOM iiteen things than good .onee people gen thnk to quote at you; - A lesson le never tear:lel until ie graven in with the memory of a 1..2sS. by ,not learning it sooner. • It is mighty pits)* ter the fete?ws Isecaught,,e4letigueeeetet other ,eha6 waS to blame. 'The best prof that a man 'Az wife' is In the answers he slit to the questIons she will as wbetite gets, home. Peepla grumble about havin ' owork Atiorneye,free eould t s Welted just hire some one It* think for %ern. When 4 'Mtn thilika he tas roaeh solid :ground and annornce t, he generally easy for .his enem.fes„. Folly *only the Until* hunonily P1113 tspAttientet for _teaching them Itobat whom reatly t It ler easy WWI * Men hOW 10 attest anything, hut an entirely Itit it rriatter to° show bim bow to do 0 rt on -the et e kt book to stand: the, t ---)k.ny kind 44 e. ha ' woman it the hes the ri , , 0 a, • ; A 4.41. • 7 I .0 77? -401 ,Lt:44! 7.4" ‘itt;i• .t4t lit*ISV't44.4t, 'V '