HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 2 (2)eeeeteh„„ ireeitt a , 4 :14 mparative ntatA) e tti4S/ S°41:04141 fae v -ttle Inerear 1M4,, ceithr ; Stara' 1 • t 1:number 01 e49, • As the reeult ef ix/glee:Lees. made; by the ofileere*ert- 1uard7rit. hos tech feendt hat earge numbere et Ow of innettpoxelaavo occurred without raedeked ems& 41*-* Iith *h 1h43r- patients were sith tering. In other instances eases had keen cOnceated on aceount of fear ot quarantine. This has resulted In the 4pread sit the disease. in Many muoi. . :Opal/ties Vie diseaee was not recogniz. but teas ()reposed, as chiekenpox evesesepeeetemerebeetitet th47.01,,, 1,1,1 kont., , •11. 0 V , ,'4) ' Iii; ertetete .. L'!' e' efItriieb ee ,. . , 1 °i*.4,t10 0 4. IVO iitx .),s. u )' 2*Ir: U4i4..,,lhAra, /1 ; •Illtilt.;117; , ' 1.. " ',-*Piel., *14.4104 ' 0$ iii theprevionS hvel,itile 'mantis, Lut the..dtzoe , was of' a .rnore severe tette, end iti wae, l'esponibld ter 425 4,1patts* as against 04 kr tbp Prezed* VAST17.41 BIM •-• s. wa s* in th nakt- way mittee Thurs. ts y ..torning th, irastet.' pote2tion ralin,7ay lev c the iblaly, • settied, teetierte c iown'Kit.14,°14/11.nvl wa7s alf"ik4 4,1-7*,Q4C1)1.*in 0 4a, allOci1.dtti'00., 01,11) 6,874144Z" ,„.31-111:'61%‘1.14:114:k4' 4, 4.71„ #POW.-.; tgl.ti*,•' . tatn4 ,$04,4.1i,th' Or ,, .;" , rcgtilit onRt..,/ r,,ree4eha .of the 'illtilwItY, Pguratilt Ithe ,Privy: rktacifisor, pf Abe. 1,.$440:r4)414,4,0009.,L,-04,e9.,044,:' Ves,.• thir local cu1brLUee-h1 health 'questions Is _evidenced by the fact that the re- turns made to his depertment report on 92 per cent. of the estimated popu- lation of the proevince. There has been an Increase in the number of cases of measles and ecarlettna notified, but the VONVIVelSITC ea, . Os t • 1,?:1A11, CON NM NEWS ITEMS ,11AFPEN1N6$ FROM ALL TUB GLOB. , releftraPh Briefs From Our Own an'd Otaer Countries of Recent Event*. Hoterke, a Syt'lan, Is now serving sere - •knee. . A fest udenteefrom- -Lava UltiversitY, Montreal, who visited Oh- tawai were efiniPelled-to'give up Spoons arid other stIverware` belorigirig_e0 the Russell 'louse, after they had Wanted the train for home GREAT BRITAI.N...e. Sixty.throe euffragelks were se eneleondore '....4 ..*i _ ..erere ro*.wereet-A.41Wit-ial-S-wite, r-eafter be patd-ty (teepee. The Canadian Patine. Railway is pre- paring to mine „coal at flosiner. The Ontario Board of Health sug- gests a standar() of milli for Inunan use. Wheet is being shipped •out of Fort .Witiram at the rate of 140 cars per day. Louis Birk, the. Hemilten newsboy, was fined forty dollars for ceiling, papers 14)n. Sunday. Peterborough bricklayers and stone, masons have decided on a 9 -hour day , for 190$. An increase in erlree for last .year. was reported by Chret Constable Grasett of Toronto. 8. Mahan of .§4Ine,f, Man., was trempled to death by a horse she was trying to feed. Ottawa °orrice, in view of the New Brunswick decision, Will tax all civil rerirants on incomes. A large ineetang. at Cobalt, on Satur- day, passed . resolutton, in favor ol Separaten from Ontario. Earl MeLeed, aged eight years, was killed at Prince Albert, Sask., on Friday, by the upsetting of a Two men we kilted in a coal mine at S 'eine t 2. 1 .ling upon them from a height of 760 ket. The reme% al ef enow from :tient- . real streets 'has cost $124.517, half of , which wee Le paid by the street raib way. ---- Fred. Andcre, eaehier in the T. & .0. Rrailwuy at cx,tran, 'committed suicide by shooting tirnoxef in the., head, on Saturday. Dr, John 11. Fisher of 18 St. Patrick streel, Toracinto, died Saturday after- noon „of blocd poisoning, after an ill- _ nees«fonly_ two dare_ _ ffarieiretZaii- real has decided to place an insurance on all pupils, to avoid suits for 'dam- ages es in the Ilnehelaen fire. ' The Lozelen toanieters have won their strike to keep their pay at $1 per day end laborer's pay has Leen Melees- , ea from $1,2.5 to $1.50. ' SI. ,Crithannes Courreil has- etespen. -ed. with the -services et Three. O'Neill, !fleet superintendent and Theme Reel - tie'. San kse scale inspecter., ,The Minister cf Lands ani, Minee" In- . -trod reed -a hill In - the 1.egisteture to .r On bona fide settlers the rights ' te n incrals on Lands kr which 'they bave 'received patents. Tee., family -of, Mr. Robert Nlartin of 'tomtits:in\ were asphyxiated by gas from fOli skive, on Friday. NIrs. Marlin arid etie son are dead, and Mr. Marten and enether sTn wit prebahly recover. At Vietcrie, It: t, ore Seturdee, , "tialtdrunken aik1rwalked tee' Me. "Nene evires feeler Teereiterrreferer-Tn - ending (town be Mi5r;c1 his hotel and telt, iing a frev trottis later at lee hes- itate). tleorge 1Plgete, o coravI2t in St. Vila. ,fitta, de_Pata -rocre;roviiers-4--tra se req- 0 t -lot " tfie trk• • 4e „.. ang a sa e m J1 ItvurtheAre, for wt4la crime, Atrabant . such ,crassing s rperly, protected' ;,n neterdance With" order;, ieguii. ; bons', end 'dirpet,l,One„. Or lentee$ perre eton. ie given by ootrie repletion 4)r or. ler1 iht---61111*--5.1_1.fte.,,teg !P1Y:0 _14 • 4 lAt:' .=..rna ---- ..--- "Th▪ e company shall hey° until thS first day ef Januar', 1909„ to eomply wit ia the provisions *of this- section." 4 t DEAD AGED -1118. "4,10 • yo „re 0 nib Passes Away in *est. despatch tram PetertioroUgh &ayI. Iriformotion has beta *Milted heroof the:Aeith-ift NeShitte irtanitOtiee eife 'Aiegire, fernier- resident of Peter/xi; *ugh County, who finessed away at the age of 108 years. • Iler maidenflank was Maragaret:•Jameson, ane she was born in Ireland on. Aug. 151h, 1800. She came to Canada in the early part of the terituty and settled In Caven Township, Peterborough County. She moved to Maneentsetedth..,eere.„nra,mieonoin 1686 to „ettett had ri!sided„ there aineo.The rants. Hy records showed that she Would, have gai't:"*ffhct:tr....*v::24) v clalneseeteeeet era od. '1",trjr.„-axeeiTS.: Linden County Council will- probable nm cars for women only during rush BURNED BY MOLTEN Mar boars. Arthur Mine, a man ef many aliases, J,jftMetal ons was sentenced at Bristol to seven e rs 37 .1 - Ifit. prison ;or bigamy. The first reading, of a Government , bill prohibiting smoking under the age "or sixteen has passed the British House of Commons, • Carl Luevig von- .Velthelin, found gielty in London of attempting to -ex- tort money by blackmail, was sentenc- e.' ta twenty yearseineprison; .. .. moominOwnOloo UNITED STATES. Deputy Chief Kruger 'el the New York. Fire Department was killed while fight,' ing a are on Friday.. Receivers were appointed on Satur- day for the Mutual Reserve Life As- surance Company of New Vera. Floe& at Pittsburg have tarred mil - lien's of dollars' damage and thrown te,„000 Men out of worle Ten sailors were droWned on Friday when the American COW ship Enaly " A Toronto woman propoSCs to erect an apprtinent house in Boston to be occupied only by fatuities with babies. Representritive ItatueY of Illinois tad. vises the United Steles Executive% to fight the Standard Oil Company by put- tinvoil on the free iist. A . fifteen-yea/teed • Loy was klatee stubbed in a fight with some tamPan- i4;ns in the House of CorreetIon on Randall's Ishind, near. New York, on Thursday. Peter loorney and 6eorgg two waiters, a ,Aw yorjc, each 30 3Tars afereereeleartitteertirieldieehleTeeerli` - room by inhaling gas. The House Committee an Naval Af- fairs at Washington has authorial() oh appropriation of $10t,000,000 for the United States navy for the next fiscal year. Throe .eflicials of the •Big Six, a New k .hren'ehea-itte- triternatletiatTe graphital -Uriton, were fined $250 each end ,sent to jail for twenty. -day e for disobeying an injunction. GENERAL. Prince Eitel Frederick, seecnd son of the German Eraparor, Is onyi visif, to There will probably be a new group - hag of the pewers on the near eastern questron. Mere thari•hali t/evrque neefunfeil., for in the Japanese budge. was e.Nppn. ir iiorMainalith, . Me. G. 11. iteid, form'er Premier of Aestratie, eay' Mr.' 'Deakins' defence eelterne has Immiliated the country. A British exreelition agaloet_ sh ' Atristhen the forthevestern l'eentid c f belie, hag careured the tribe's meet iperiant strorighetd. fi) 1- Be Disallowed Ey the- Do io Government. , „ 7de.' deetritA' teern filerva ceye':,.11 O re ev -1 0441.14 tw :, v:(.,7.-; tar -ea -it 'Itic;o.., serat., :e.,,,,,re erree , , e" rt"erie ee-t11,-.-4--oer-7;4t- 4, 7- -1,the......21s.elFeel.erent tolti,ctz' ta ,1 .... tIotz.n1141a , Y;,..7...1 r la !..',011 .0Ai)"..1 s4',-.'ilt? , 1! ,a 1 11:.-1,-..c.h.!.4 x.•-:.,..4-il- -.,t--1-.,q .,1 4 0 p - I . t. ' . C.k 4 IP t:** 141C0:4?' ErO e De -zee t'C 51) areleet ceeer 3.4 03.4",70, rse di vide; the etoeet,6 ean she ritlente iirty !ivt?tni %e .1 icainc,lt 4416z -rite t 4.1qtr4p'. \V; regefeie P 4 tin na; 4.41, 5•Crc: el-ere:eel, et .eeeetere,,,..,,, iteeCee-eX:4-it'Vreeteltittelterat-e4-are.4tetetel..iert"; esriti!'eetS-- tee ebeerteoe, (tee.. 7% 4.72.)t -cf- its= • e -e-: eee.e, eseee:seet Gies, ree1t.',1, e'er:telt-lee es2attree4, jer;.eil laYA-1.-ye u t434 41..t14' tip ct•,1-3,,,,, r, tee, ee oo ' " fiea•re ere Iree 'relt:enti-sent- teeeir f.a tteY • Ao trA 137 e.be I3-11Li4tr.1 tvaSh tito 11::41120, 0 Workmen. A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says: A dozen men were burned, two al` them fatally, in a terrific explosion 01 niolten steel at the Monongahela least furnace of the National Tube Oina. pany, Centre Street, Metteesport, neer hes% early on, Wednesday, The huge- steel-platee furnaces, 100 feet in height, burst at the tap hole, and 50 tons el (quid metal dropped to the floor, ac- companied by explaskms as it spread and splashed over the heads and bodies et the workmen near by. MEN OVER 65 TO qILIT. , --- rand Trunk \ Issues Orders - Some May he Reeneaged.- A despateh from Ottawa says: Orders have been issued to the heaste of the Grand Trunk Railway System instruct - Min re service all employee who have reach - fee the age of 65 Guaira. Tele Is In ac, cerdance with the new penekai rue% Prevision is nuide for any of those wee are 'over 65 but snit active. On oppli. cation for g renewal of Ilwir term con- eet.eration will be taker/ 4i thole viittui. PORTION OF TOWN WRECKED. Explosion, of bent/mite in a Church in - Turkey,. - erseerietaiilinoplesedeeptilelr-sayse•- wbole Armenian quarter of Win, AA - nee Turiteee has been destroyed -by' the explosion of a case of dynamite, ITA 011 Armenian thurehe where a -quantity...of revolut'onary wearer's and explosives was hAden. Soldiere were sent to eleze tee contraband, and a fight followed, during which the-explos'errececurred. It Is stated that a great enumberepeeee. sons were ji1led. . • ...e --........4.....s........ lib LOST RAND -A-ND :Is,* .sP0000kuo, ThOnut, Leroy fumy injured hi Ce It Explosion. I, A despatch •frotri Cobalt says: Whilst reelatg an uperese to connect, with the surface. from the east •drift, ThoUlit.1 I.elloy, a Frenehrnan. aged 56. and a ,nati,ve of , Buetenghani. fell into the ,,Kerstall 'shaft lerilitesday. In toine Alannevirriof_y,el, oxplable(1-110,-;eAllse some locr pewder ,to expkele. Ife filed rum arm badly_ lacerated, kist two thos gers and a thumb and had to have all tye wanoved. LeRoy,' W10 Is a UMW -With -a Urge' reinity, now liee• its 3 preCerious Condillen at. the kcal hese pital, " . -.......,..,e„,......,-,..... -- SIIOT IN HIS DOORWAY. Shooling Gallery Proprietor Accidental 1%Voontled. , .. . ki. despatch ft -34 Pert Arthur says: ‘ aniel ...McLeodi, roDrieter ior• the, ahoot. 't,T ganerY +Gn" '!!:e 3t ;836 of two. tioni• Street, tee- %stet ilt the ettlallt • ‘ a had fM11 A 11,-e113bro rim In , the 'hands ef Etnest 'Wiesen, lite ploye of a r:val gallery oat the oPpOsite sido, of 'Ito stevet on Wdnesday night, Tbe weund fq ser,Ous. Bat!1. men ex., 1 plain tha siti`lor.ng as occUten, hal. Titer:, oNtre standing in eeppeeite deentea ttia Ito fi'tfo 1,1;q4 ,f.EsIl1rge4.1.1x1Xe W .wn' was eelnii!ng its s IN li. 1 EREADIWIliFFQ - 1 ‘ leli retenearate„__Feb,- 18,..Mrinitebe Nc. 1 northern, $1.1e4; N. W 4 xxi tbern, 1 ; t'‘v td hcat, ‘0,,Np, 4 feCi CO P.014., „„ . . . , * niareeey.,-rheateeNo. while, ' t5'74( . Ne.'e, K t' . A ,, *$‘ 01 to . fP , 000P11 4 \ *71t.. 4. e'en, for4titee ., . tx !Fe -; gO'teei,4011 ` xi'&r , . s • e ,•, „ • .s . 'ti ,ICZ„ kl IS, .„ rivliu"lik,aek5,1y;)'40::, ' o. ' 1 r o 41 O. le4 ‘,..,2; ' !M 49 to 50c• ontside. . . • Flour.r-erh:41 of tbe leading AfanitOta Etades , are very Jim+, os folkmu; pats onts; ..spiv141 brartria,;cowls, 45.40r. I vinar.bali.g.. ' ' t ,- - Obtained, are uL 44less than $24. per ton. When „part et a ear the price ranges froni $22.50 up ' • • Shoris-The price Is now W4,. buy, ers.' begs. , seeeeseoe - eeeeria.-eseee'e-„,„oo-esse COUNTITY PRODUCE. Poultry- - Young tur18ys, extra choice . 13c to 15c YotIng gee, se- ; 90 to lie 'Young decks .... Sceirell Chickens, ehoice 94 to Ile Old fowl...„ tie to •80 Inferior chicks and 'fowls s,5e to ileatteerr7 Cr , prints . 300 to 000 do solids 028c to 00e Dairy prints250 to 27c do large rolls 23c to24c ittterte Infetor-206 to 21e ge-4torage, 21o*to`22c dozen to -34e; or iurgran 1e -for twArts, in job lots here. - Beans -$1.70 to $1.75 for primes and $1.80 to $1.85 for hand-ple-ked. Potatoes -.70 -to- Zes per bag in.. ear tots on track here. lloney-Stratned steady at Ilc to 12e per pound for 60 -pound pails', and 12c to 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Baled „Stratv--$10 per ton on track here. Baled Hay -Timothy, $16 to $17 in ear lots on track here. 5 a ,.e ',f . ,..x,, 1 ii t;4:g l'-' ( Abx...44.1),,,'.:. ; . Mt 14114' :L ft. ZIPtlik4it I ktOhtunnett . .,r, 1,6•1/4 g 14)04 di4ute 'bel'.0.-c'era'. , Wks, 0e,.6040d0; ,ratt.04 Ctrid• Ue tgki; --t'iAe---rfc-akait--p,*e.at-tkyt. .-.Iite , Amedans. The police arrested iev- ,krak Sunnites . and ?the- • met) 'demanded, their releese; which demand was re. tas/t1., The iniiii theretipear etoned tile _Kr erelLeirenAeleceeetrtherriv _ uunitosKi er e i.o f. t ‘e. n 'at :e . . r. ' 1 , , • ' it is.letteicit,thpt, or.itzs- weilii 4 led,: ' omi . Their bodies Moved by rOlotives 'allPfilic124111„nr.rsei:v7,:di's4,ai s'4'itritrr c41411c$74"acs iler:47A.1'''''''-''''''. .10 ' tiventually, , the troope were: Ien ted out.' and ilre POW eampanit, at ,nits ila lite streets. The native quer. fir hewever, is eteleemally quiet. mina , ifrep„ • let e4titA 4 Aersi Inju. -14i4 " .11 ALDED TO DEATIL no.000P0000 Engineer .and Fireman on a Grand Trunk Train. ttelreZVEM,Mit ger Iratir''Inonf 'Montretd on the 6raud Trunk Railway dtte here et 10.80 on Saturday night leftritie track after Pestling Enetrnan Springs station through a brOken rail. The engine, af- ter gong a car's length on the ties, -tell Over ene its:sideexaseitiwilee, bag- gage car eking with it. The paseenger care all kept the track. William ,Itole- -rts•en Martin;"*Iiremen, was ecalded, to cath, end, Alfred Parks, engineer, did In the hospital here on Sunday from the Injuries received. Both- resided in Ottawa East. Parks was a years *of age and leaves a witkiw and family artirr-was-nraeriedatiliontethreeemord ago.; Those In the baggage -ter receiv- e.,etralehreelses, but no. t o LAND'FOII 61ILIT'Atit Si -11;4C' Recruits for Boer War Prtin the West to Get Two Quarter Sections. e...47.4414734,;.-Ulext7X-ta Oliver gives notice of a resollit:on fav- oring the greeting of two adjoining quarter seritions ef Domenton, lands - *Venable for heeneetea.d entry to every veil/Meer Who et• the time of his en- lestimert, for- militerY zervieeoin South rxa\ifl.104902---waseresident nailed in Manikiba, or in The lionise Jena) districts of Assiniboia, Sasliritche- win or Alberta, or the Yukon, the grants to be selected and entered before Dec. elate 1910; cultivation to commence , within six months after the entry le made, and after that residence and cultiVation to continue on the same een- t,„4-elF*--.1tr49011-*A=14-e-tioieReet.'eaderei Ileu (al eandellie vehnifeere ma-34- e*--tehetelleeetilettee C t 6.1 r - slig0000doOmoolo PROVISIONS:\ Pork -,'Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per barrel; rnees, $18 to $18.50: Lard -Tierces, lleee; tubs, 12c; pails; 12eee. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - Long clear bacon,' 9140 for tens and cases; hams, medial and light, 14e to 15e; b hams, rge, "elc to 13e; backs, 160 to 17e; shoulders, 40e; rolls, 10c to. 10Xc; breakfast bacon, 14ce green meats out of pickle, leless than, smoked. .•1101.1.114...0111 MONTREAL MARKETS. ey. Blew Up a Bank and Got $12,090 in Cash. A despatch from Rich HUI, Missouri, says: Securiog $12#30 in cash, after dy- namiting and totally wrecking the V.- 000 building cd 1,4e Farmers taut Me- chanics Bank in this city, five bandit, heavily armed, lerror;zed the town here early on Wednesday, and after exchang. tug shots with several armed citizens es. caped to -the rough country eeuth of here. No one was injured by either the shots or the explosion. The dynamiting of the vault of the -bank a akened the iv.rn and he • siltation h r led 1. the bank building. Many aerived In time Poo see the robbers riding, away. Some of kthe citizens opened tire, which was returned by the fugitives. Cashier I. W. Jambson -said the thieve.3 had secured all the available cash in the bank. The building was completely wrecked, and many neigh- boring structures shattered by the ex- plosion. The sheriff of the county or- ganized a Posse lout as the robbers secured a good start, there is little profs o th ir .n overtaken llfontreat, Feb. 18. -Eastern Canada No. 2 white oats, 53c; No. 3, 50c; No. 1 48e; rejected, 47e, and Manitoba i.e. jected, 49c to -49eec per bushel, ex - store. •A steady volume of trade is being done in flour. Choke spring wheat put- ents, $6.10; seconds, 115-S0; iviiike wheat .atenti", $4.75.; jsitraight tellers, 45,50; in hoes, $2.67; extra, $2.05 to sea0. lre keel millked market is tiers ac- tiveManitoba bran, 1123 ftt $26,50; mid- dlings, $27 to $29 per ton, including bogs; milled mOtrille $28 to $32, and feireogealieeanouillecileata-437,-pere Rolled Oats and C.orn-Rolled oats, Cern, $1.60 to 0.70 Per bag. Th'p firm undertone ials the local cheese Market is being well maintained. Sep- tember westerns are selling at 13e to 13Xc for whtte, and 134,0 to- 13X4 for (entire& Butter -Grass- goedse 20o to 30e; cur- rent -receipts; 2W---t--o-23e. \ Eggs-Newly-latd, 32c to 33e; tretect, eVrtee-17erNse. rliiiitede-2LA-WMTN45. 2 15'e to 17c. ' ° Ititeivonse-Banee s street Out 'METZ, ,e0 $2e,to $23; halfbi3 - rtels, $11.75 to.$12.. 25, clear tat back, 10 to $24.50; long cut heavy mess, .$21 to $24; half-barres do-, $10.50 to $1115; dry salt lol clear Wicks, 103410 to 1134e; barrels pia e•brof, 643.50 to $15; half -barrels do., 15 to $7.75; lamb heavy rnes.s beef, 4110 to Sit; half -barrels do., $5.50 to $0; com- pound lard, 10c to Ile;, pure Jard, 12,ic 14 13:1 kettle rendered, 1234e; '0,7indsor taoefie13ceelianie,12e; t�'i33, 4keelloid-- tug to size; breakfast baeon, 141 to 15e; Mel( Ititteet .abattiair dressed, $00- 10 -*-8.15; ia1ive4 $0.25 lo $0.50. , _. , CA.;i-ttE MAflKI1.. ,TottItto, reb. 15. -Not many expert cattko were offered; a few. pfeked ones gold as $5a20., Other elietre epertets sold. for $4.75 .to $5,15. There *ere plenty of good butchers* "cattle offered t1II1 prices eased oft' a bit,45 being the Molest pee& tor. 01,2,ked gtraiglit• 'tads:cif cliefte eat- tk‘lirouglit from $1.50 to $4.00, Me1i- 901,40.0o and .contrueit, kohl 83.40 te‘ .1%.WJiurrt 0.,fid,'`'otfmtr.kol tows *ore strctiger, .tnedium arcliing:. at 3315. tO. $3.01 and tsOtatnOi 3450 to Very few A -teeters Were ,On the markets. loVof 50 sold for $1 'to VIM. There *asa g001 supply of etilVe:$' di, whiie frZete 441 not, iteqVite..taite ,tva. goy. ShOkj,, ever(elettedy et-kern- r:ces, and werel in :good 4tnan1., trade i0'aiJ, b6.th .grainled: orld ;fl, '$s S1owel!,1„, bUt, 'St' re- un!glanged., 1' • The ellea ert Iteel repeeted tbat.gel. stb4,, ntnatittt th,.$ largo ,n'uttibels iefferrt. iltfa \EA $ 10\is� Acres. lid sti. . , Npouttol. ' , . dc rqi::t1,1, •rl,-ri Wint:rAl SR : Ttit s,l,to _ilit0a .a.cres -.4t.farnt..lands.--114,4- titarig.n„rt ,to lto‘J ,Canalian lti'atherit '; ltruilcy..-4 li 1 'ci. teilng c tav-ge. Iind kV:ratlY iivab ' V1ri.:31.;`t,ti 1,,,,,t'St l'apt. The, pI.,-s, *it ITredereloOd to 'he $10 etee etre, whkh ' :4 0;itiaCd(r1 a gt Ot n leWyee riekti elittwo ct 1,441 *r In triets. found gOly ZiGtrr PERSONS KILLED. •••••••••••••••,, Big Four Passenger Train Siruck an Electric Car. A despatch. from Toledo, Ohio, ertes: t-people'were killed and -a dozen injureel -when a, Big . Few passenger 'rein struck a Toledo & Western eleo- trihocar at the . Michigan Central cross- ing, in West Toledo on Saturday night. Acocneling to an eye -witness, the On- ductor stopped at the eressing to flag ttieseet,neelreeoesIeti040114-:k0e•St?Atte trig, lie motioned to the motorman to stop, but the signal was either ultimo derstood or not heeded, for the ear came ahead and the cofli&an bellowed: PLORENCE NIGIITINGALE. FreedOm 61---Loneloneloebe-tortferred-on Fantaaalgurar. atcli from' Lando says: The ratkin of the City of London will «nter The freedom of the ity on Flo'. a Nightingele, the 'organizer of Abe nursing in the Crimean ••War, and who. bits •otherwift made herself ,beloved by her eherilies to soldiers. She is now 10 her 891h ei/ear. 416610006$4.6.1614 • • atEAT Menu% OF irvotonS. 'tat' rt Grey ,Will Address Chlet Mattis- ' Oates Of eiespatehofren'ae-TorOletOotayse---His- theater-icy Jho• GoVernor-Gqieral visit :.Totordo -the firs1.-week-4n „Merck for the purpose' of addressing 4, gath- „ring-therttitreeldayorrotet MIMIC -evlic, to re be invitelr d .5re by ids llenor the c I !tutertant.Cirovernor of Ontario. EiGullt TnovsArim in' LE. • ......,,—.., • ,,. , Distress Reireemtno Acute in literilti -- ' , Socialists Demand Relief. • A• d,espateh Thom Beeline Germany„ seers: More thane80,000 workingmen in - this city :are weeiout employment, and a Council of Ministers was held a few , days trgo to provide measures for their relief. Tbe sOcialistfe . party in the. Reichstag Is,, very iniistent that some: - thing 'shall, be done artd the Ministry 4oefetecethe4elestions-Astoeprecticateoesee-e-,1 - ooneluskins •werse reached. . ' \ CHILDREN'S COURTS. In view of the fact that- the Br tish Parliament is now considerOg a hill providing kr the eatahlisbinent el- chit'. - '- ,drat's armee, it is' Interesitng lo »ad 7 - --100fttiArk) pioneered 'the ,way toe the , We. in 1891 'the Ontario Legislatiira, passed the Children's Protection Act, -whiciroutlined a -systenrfer theseparate trial of children, and this lee:stollen was supplemented by a Dorriinion Act irs 1894. The attention -et philanthropic workers in the United S tes was di,.. !I r 4,3 teted . the advantages O \ Ma Ontario law through addresses giv n by 11.1i, 1 1. Kelso at the World's Pair in Chicago and other points, and In -1898 er chile (Irene; court law was paesed by Min- as, by Colorado In ri900„„ lather Slate rel WitirliViiiptil-Stitleessriliailfiiit7' e*c1etles and Workers in 'Great Britaio. wet supplied with caplet Of Itie-I-Oft- - 1o_laweetind_ehildeentra-4,ourtee1itivereeree Iretitly been started- in illrmingbam end. - other ,Engiistri elks. ' oundp Ar titspald, •Vold 'Attaseked, Ly' a Ino Itts.t atcv..%4, tht day, Jrk /,:cligt Vkite nsfl Lia,a sailants dtwt\aley, 'tth 'tont tuld fcirevii; Its* ttic ailhn in the fight, pp, * i.-oWthy tiLizto. A ..tkrt had ElIed L tt%If4titi•-•‘,IAAV8'an yixtohe .s Ifefore powered. , ere taw the father cf a:1'6w deathtoftg,*aa trtstil d fl1t rnms4e4Theien*n • t tk tbe print:Ice cut to Iarlg bm• &On says, flora,r,w :reoclit tho,. jrio 10. astandsVii n t?eleKli, tat "%vat' • n,cked' dOtvir e.kgb• a deb as he rat f the etior. ntKth.'".,4* ' , sTin tviticit the totntincd, 43t LLr4013 f() 44bduo tt:e rxntu „k• Matt te4.'..actl fcr.' fought eVeit ineb the way,1110. ” ngnt)e,1 1.,141E4 sfrIfICLIC, a 11,, *c's L'7-tera drall)„ Ecuo 41 3 a th Cab wive imtsi th , 4 tee' nate, 06,1,