HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 6 (2),..*•*+*st..*4 .-++++ •-1). • rgett 1 1111-« Hitwriw:. elteet Iter. eyes t fear. Molient, news :eta d Ibere b but iett otheet. Iti 9t, hNtu Alth ..14e Urekey Varke rvIev weal the. cru Although be teed leileet It d'' h , .4DiI yu did nt IaIc the thing and a biow. put; them togettter tho linneuereldet "etat what' he demanded, surprised. as aenteittet Collie, Sunbeam, teal uS« "Don't you hope to be eleared Wore Yotir friends. why sheuld exia not trust those who suebeet you?" . 114L9 - '' . ' - ' - t"Ot eon -me," she murrturrtel. confute "Weed. there is Mthtlig hut what lied' and alarmed '4Cher stupidity. "'But , .es treattiyeeti , .4,4 fAll*WAtigtgaliiN14464441A4144400 atalereeeett,......„feee. - elluetugle the Poem She d,lryngio-Awl endng ibe hautikercluef-that' Is all, There to her sentence, is 'ling mere' inAtty not?' he - interpoSed, 'Wender. trt her hesitation and apparent netv• 1 ingly. "The num Inter be, 'caught. ousnees made one., at leasneot' her ,eteilb, the NUL* on That would ers. suspect tnoree-suSpcct-that the man, he the ',best thing eossible • tor you." nhe had soca disappearing was not tin, She eat silent, her heed 'howed,, "No, known- to hers, could,' if. she, 'Melted to mr cried.' -her heart._ Out her Lips were oclear hersell, be produeed, But be stiff and her tongue frozen. aaid very. little., What uestions i -Vere "Why should that not hewn?" he put to her were, pet ,by* Lady Crag% persisted, touellingt her' hatr gently, end not commented on by any one. just where the hglit from the larrip "It will be difficult to prove your In. turned it into -golden , Sheen. "Why nocenee," he ventured at, last.. Situ - iteeand-turo Ishouldethatenet be the. best- thinginn the soz-,-.-btaratic ehr• _ _ '15.0144.14d7 St g. That Mines re age tbat4e-WeendenoteliaveerepanteLed Cruse's goodness lo me in such fash-, Inured, his, mouth close to her car. ' presence. Her face pater than •usind, her eYee shinng with suppressed eag- erness, ithe latd, More beautiful than utere desirable teteir had lie.eker felt Mere, SlUte of. her. When 'he- eeede-eloluettlieseet.4oedo ter.- ILI:tinge to ....etVe.40.-eginteneetried -trey. to gotten he rupture e between her 'awe Lady Cruse, he had weeesed by her- unnetter and ,hatitsnokin Words what les re. Ward Might tee Thet..reWtard bie.meent to clahn atc vice, if he eouble get -her hinteelf; and ef that he' hattno fear. She would' want to speak to biro atene. Then he would seize his opetortianity. Ile had waltel yearnter. hoe. Now, turely, his time had °ewe. eS,Ite was speaking when. he 'entered Ike loom, mad as , their eye e met, her AV1100.400 1* e_ eau A tO1,-;-Vitiere- a sIillp -couldeetriYeate-titteredriredeettiffereethe 'Lowe 'In daylight, expesed as it is on every sido. Ito Yeti believe that ver" slot), or the. more feasible one that what burglar there was happenedto be in the house -'a eldeld moue ,us taldng notes'—?' "Both are possible," be replied non. ehalanlly,. as be seated himself, and Ibted aCKAS at Eileen, whose eyes -were still nPen hinl• * "Ilettre you n strolling round to the oilier In a. t net of RIC* disApNint. ment. n "I came straight from my reoree Dueines4 claimed my attentlon and ens solitude,-"ereptied, Aublre- with- a lite tie gesture of Impatience. "Iterate, Jar. told:, naveyouturned -priest Or Mot. seek thee you catechize like this? Must , we all -like royalty, keep before the eye'' Under cover of the tow 'laugh and re- sumed tonversation he tufted to Eileen. "I- want to speak to you," he mute I"And shall 1 teU yob: whir "Yes, ees, we know that; but we can- She raised a startled face to his. • riot make the urbed see things. With our Every vestige of coloring ebbing front tves„ unfortunately. We hoped- YOU it, she 'looked almest wralth,like in her would 'he able tsi tell us 'more than you kar. have-,eentething tangible, so that wo . "Shall I tell you, Sunbeam?" he re- eould by one fingers on the thief. for. wilted, glve me or asking. you, my child, but i -do net knOW:i she faltered. - b.ad you ever seen the wort before?" f "Because you so*. the man -Yeti do Lady Cruse laid her tea 'earessInge'. not want hen to bo caught -you, ate 1y-onesartheanetreree-she ape Pr "Do net mind my asking that, dear, tow eftesper, • she added,' "but you might have seen She started haek a little t "now do vaiu know that?" he Ice Stiqbeam felt dizzy with leer. It ed. "Why do you say fir would be so easy to say _ yes And-- 40.- "Ilowedo- I knew nett? Demurer -I toil herself 'for ever; but then it 'would. 'read it in your face; my clan Because mean her father's arrest e She could I sow it in your manner, your hesitas not expect them to let* him off,* even lion, your leer. Ob you may trust. mei, for her. ,She looked across at Duncan tilyi,44rel4tV • tinol,iringly. • ‘Vhat dotal she sloe 'rho, last Words slipped' out at his Idust she lie, even for her father's sakst ,reeruth unnotteed. lee had so often •*It was e\111 over so quieltly; she 'Called her darling la his mindt But stammered. - 'You surety do net think, hearing it, ete blushed, and retreated it mold have been my father --do you?" further beek Into ker ehair, -her -heart What made her ask theequestion she thremping eleteity,lier face flaming. never knew, hut the IninuThe 41Anitteoni he _co•“ peat to be eirclotl._ $11.4- read tho eon.' Artist. me, Tell me your secret I know ..iternalreir her thoughts upon their eour father. Give me hie address 'and faces with a little, thrill, of triumph. then,-' — - *They had teemed sof She must not "But haven't al It. 110 hadn't time let them know• -that she we a shielding to Otte 11, and—' hint. She must - hide his guilt at all She paused, he -trifled at herself. She - • bad practicaffy admitted that she had. - "What seemed -yen haveedene had he seen BM* been the manr *sited Lord Cruse Oil "Oh, don't ask me,' please don't Make lasts • lite say anything?” she pleaded hurried - And. she could_have sereamql vdth., .„...exy_father4s__Inges_ltw teller for their ..susploion had Passed, has never let me know wher�. he is. _ she hersolte_had put them oft Jt Her Bow vine I tell pou anyibingrt father Wu sale tor the present. \Duncan took her trembling hand and , "Oh, I do net know! 1 cannot sayr drew her to _him: • , she erted.- "But if 1 had knownhe had "Sunbeam, little Sunbeam, yoil know the pearls 1 Must letve done something I run your friend. Can you not trust coitid net let him go with them.- m? I want to help you. bint Can t t -toed eau ht •wittend mere - • Diniean -locking At- her-DunettltwIUt jitticlWt'ird-ii4iw and" Ifietightfut gaze. he 11111111 bet- htid, • The 'Hush ebbed slowly • from her face, • She dropped her eyes. - _ette•.eseetepity,t'-eeeeteltiltried Lead s Oily Iv; had a clue! Out ..now, tdi less the an is caught ,susPielon wUt stilt overefoud you--des!tllo our friend. , and our teller in you.' know:" whispered Sultheazn\. told ber hits were very dry, "but 1 an do willing. As long as you oil do nOt susriect me, bad as it will be, fman _beer It." •• • • ,l'Evert to several months' imprison- ment' demanded Lady Cruse seedly. • .Senbeam etarled, teelting up with hereer tee te Those houre in the cell had hoen ter-tit:Ile enoughb etttesetif,et mist .be sio," ahg, slam- rrierediat bet. e The re:.cre thee etteetessed Met poeitten the nst Me -debit &Were to peeve Sunbeam s emcee:lee. was fete on sutetantiat hail the tratit was Iterael te ciente Oa, then was no • liteeltng that. arid Eileen weutds Hwy at* enew, carry on the peoseetiten. He aldet, evi-11 if she were now wilting to witteltraW it, it wee too late, the polled , ,bad 'It in hand and efi'eady the netee' 43/' tte TpSa el the tackeie ttruse worts wae„treeted atte,ed. .0eitstete, in -the sheetsnewsptifeez teed Were staging 'tstjty, "Berettity o Etaekley Perk; teestaes everts titeteee." Sentteassa heariege tee\vet bee 11.41Nd en • ttr tztrt eel hil bei'Llteeere Iter er4s.,te • •wese ttelerratne, ehoiee-phatee tee t! t. meeise eered ate, had - levet '.5*D letetee ttiertade Crasea gekeeete,tce tke ebeele hxsc teen tee ratl le; ,(e.,,tell lineveitttete. ,e•-lteet0 -,Sh0 vi teletett lttere yer te,teee let ...the teesfesse wee inti-e5e; lett reef tett terve Ste ceetel net Ley reed"le mTied at seelt peteete Itresevets• etie tett a tset filxnhr rttel iockErig tee. sew' Deeseen fc,Sttir,l) fra !tit st:,• tie/ tc.-vete'eeteet be, tette -.1",Teette 5 ter. She set telege:ete, •tye teereelee3 neve terteere. e, nee zif(itte. • t.i.••A r.:1 /tele (.-:t t41.entene,ired. l*nenteltireeet Intra71-:, tette?. ist 141 )t t rtme 4;Ivi),T tcyl s he tut. Itcl the *oiler ' tetan say nothing. Oh, why 40 ru tatiold Ki! nothing Mere." * Then you no louger call ene friendr - -She priccd up reponottoriz, : °You know I ile)". i• 44 on PO longer are lett Itter ht OM* Mined« his epti ott bet quivering bee. She • bulled 11 asid0, ter:1011141g. , "You , kilo* 1 dia."camethe nrailled rePilf. Nally i cannot -to peal* you-. say thing; I -do not knoweethinge minuet ' ' — "I promise eti tell nobody. To set lei work In my own way. 1 want to see your father for other reaeonse Will yon not .tell me where be it?" , • $he earned e troubled fade to his. • "I do not know. 1 ested him to in where Aunt-Ifette s. and*eoh, Wind s• lean, p fle Caught her to him ‘Itith a laugh.' 411v Sunbeam!''Itcs, cried. *oh, doutlr She. murmuml. *Tot" :Vat' W1i3t 'Wilt Miss Diviere shy! Mr. SittelMr, realm er bow angry witl he. how she destiteee- me rodyr t'ettestliv'ere anl I. sire no longer %stele her gmay. tetrivt%._' uttlattime . lott ')Z11. vi bt ocnr 1410 enettitnglytangtnes, tier etierm- ng 1siehing teee. end Wei:eine et tiely frOit under kr lesig"tlasteeg'., ,erebtit _ . • "tetOt to the kt. 03rt.-,$1 'VI* ndeeette ',Niel will 'not' be reereear' t rter. 1 an ft* and verytkriety. ,Suol• -m;f went you to Warm my heart t ' AV n1„4,0 mtt1 le3AM" detitcrIrtg Itsaltled leek to L0 t'Wri gpt wat 1mu. Y6 tut3t fttL It L 'i yett -etee *rree r: ni 1 pm teetter, tV ees. tett •oriett Smite r lies. "hbreers, net - I rn M 'SVC.fi7it try tend. kwe '`Itteeet. IttVerett Ye -,1 letr, rimmed, hi4 facitjLta,e1.0.p, . Her own :gr.vd, pine, -•eziettleno* fr,Q •• . te .11e. c01441 40111Y hOrte:. that 1•IMws indifferent to him than before -Donean -tadelorsaken--here Fr he felt *are, although be know nothing de - nite„ abut • Duncan's titsatiptaetrice meant her freedom, ' Besides his,- eyes had been 'opened effectually at the ne-toyod neivousty with her fan; AS she replied In so low a tone, that he "Presently -in the aelary will be the safest place." He 'leaned back with a. simile. So etie would see -himekme, In a see spot, safe from Interruption! 1k kneW f:of her ownewttekethe aviary,-ie-bea hal pairn'' house piled with TitrnetiOUS. font -1)f-zteritletrinItt-,-Wrs-bood- theni 10 be left in peeee after retiring :tor The -night.. Therefore in 'giving han rendezvous there she plated herself e- - or no hrtrielption. She must *nese what woutd happen. Its.beert leaPt tor joy. Site leviedehiltteefterettlit_ tw.epite of the Patiertee that had t'hareeterleAt hint so :Many e'earS be, found It herd, to *sit. unlit the. Otytt flut.,iigurtI for .the tete-e.tetes by *With- drawing front 'her gueets With the ex- 'euse that ter neura/gis had I.ady i.arkin followed Iter Mein -tle isom, krigt eotiSirts had had no (ippon; tunity ofeettehltoging conilderices alid* CoW 1110 moment fior such hal paS5el« Cileen WuliIgledty have avoided ttnY eenvereetiert -with - -Durteartte ?dater *hese half :eXiSr-tsed her tialuient of Sutibeani had greatly disri!eased, hos, • • tircxn Ave y pen'He thng fo vie, arilif ee what deea EilOeri?" Ottd s4.6:els. Itla affairs i!4 tot concern M.« I stIPPeist," 'said .Eiteen with a. litttei • Adige's, face great; solttnin. "Ileva 'ten that het ' Yett ere ev• tiitg 14zten. nd 114:11.44re« sl th6iteli yott IMpl:1187yer gttr,41 toSt101*.1.0,1,ra.tre 114 to telt:co why ! he ttiorit 1f1 Lett end ,teey. Ceiree, roperily. Oreoureebe leIn* Way. resporteitle, foe ,the ,g3,r1., 1 kraes Lt !fleet 'lee fled. b- tzt. *.eett -she lie Mere -14 :Mut -.tett .I410 th'int. Adele Itt tell you 'Whit he lett: tor., t131<,! -to tel.' 'Ile and, 1 ire ;tb. levee+ 'ertgefeel, To yencn. st eV:11 OWit Piet 'he tete °-ereasly,. insetted tie Vuitttet .thie Suitheeet. ite,tet Mt. tte te.te ellete:et letteesOlt they \. tent leste eft Velt,tteety arel dtegreceec. etthetees. 'I tele, ta cMiPate le eitittet Ittiteeeta , f enty teseete ottd letters toteee" e.ete..teire&„ telets1;si.st etettale. be' 10. 41 rAt,for. ir,otme Vr)„,1l £ trrc Telly;pa less that ty f',11;0,, eveg tneltere tlifeett hitt't 41,0Y1‘...4 ttene ett, ever iTee." "eel Pere:eye t."ettesr glia*see Mete nee,. 'We tett 44n0r140itt. ,t tee 4:a-aity. tuKtus OU*eef 'roam, eapital in1 knw- .1lieing jealousifyour negh • 1y (aLfIIIseeUon oF 'the, ,beet , and, ser,od, bet feeding and oaring for the Mitre** tbetIthey_metY Rre. due,. Rotel resulie It £eatneltefee %Ought, or"-itteri Seinee. . reties vet& ,er *mite 0 II they thought. thetetteernee*. «i4w,txt the *h 'breed kwLto" iirce thelr beauty and -these who tre.ett them to Improve: thele practical qualllieee But ,stielt-' 4 vlew b mien. shlee for at -the bottom beth men ere itepirert 1y the oolutoon-setrit-elUhree e prevenient. Ect,Othe eras to he et; tard, though different,- am not neees. steely antegoneetic, 'Practical. ‘qualities jOiT ctli even mete * ba9,1 itlAt 1 NMI the -ivtoct and 1t quite itlinge-- bat; 'ow 0034 ea body ot Sa,ruer7 er .: Inch't Te 4414-"' troco end to erd tho ftat almanac. 0,3 201.3 Itoe wee h1e anitve etetea rieeri tt. tittlo meat o'borin to not Interfere With the beauty of a 'town: and beauty does not eiblIterete, Fractleal elealities, Both can coexist in the Owe fowl. '3--1"rwrItir 413 'Afgrottrtliboeit _ea tziaL 171 ipth. T.o-or -ever lama be ;mill' three Th.t ieutsth thertoes t. _totter,* .ete_.141AAtotee =•At•,,the 4•*241"" Antl-rleF Aber nth, 4t -'614d'1161WcHS'' Tido 4tasratn mho you oetiette- how the oCUT.-P_rent parts of t beet aro put toeotteer atta„. 'hew they lows, 14y, tollowiny; thee* detail,* tn***. orement carefully and usmg *fltth paticro-rt In elnetruction. you wtjl -soln !Me little-esditeir-Ye-sEset tr!at 146IX Malt* good time through the „, water, _Mite audeleri_ 411-reeet ....,.owneet,...huratsese!at. lotereeeke eSineeseedesioreeneeareeeoltingebetter. etteettleettet lierseiebaseite ..eseerenaille-theet..„ee ett!!.Aittv 11.*L-.4etit 0-4.042,11 1t*a1*;tee 'billet -49--teede-fore--thee Welters -as--4 does to-pareliese a* stock oternerchw dise. , 'Do your sheep owe you 4nythitm? tion, neg:ect pareless feeding es the It they do ILIA yeeur fattl. Poor selec. root ot the trouble; The farmer with a big 'Ulrich, ot rnarkettible, togs hes that comfortable feeling whieh Comes of having money in the bank. Our .advice ts get the ha - bite , h auteenottle has not effected the value-• ,* = ways brig a good priee no matter it atztemobiles- become-- oenunen as wheelbanowe. A.: -cove further _peeliermancee'llenelly *depend* largely on t care and- (to- yeloptvienthe 4,,,'eta--In't he Anse etwo--or- threet-Yora ot her itttlat•etteee believe, d possible, with improper teed and care to. injure )(Alves so ea to imeetir their future Usettitneestetheir , digestive Or - gala 'ere dwarfed and Stunted the some as theio.botUes and later ‘on, when we ask them to take a lot of feed and con - Vert 'it 'trite milkt they sitar; We ean t *Wie have not been developed and 4145:--Ina.-Ai: IL bner. - r,get ...experieneste in handlIng cattlo ed ta correspondent carefially to avoid ,suele as' had been on starvation diet, and also, careftilly to *observe the effect *of negleet sufficient 10 &telt growth on ardmaiseatideptents, We-cenedosenuch te keep antratits" thrifty in addition to immeshing Stough eied. Regularity time er feeding, care to 'give levier quan y, a • urn S Wti r an Oa * warmth and aspdtet in • winter, 0. cone retrial° '1;tts,elith-elatteor -tnotiny ose ulef trig, and with, all These pointa:foliserved them eiin be a better develoienent, f emlatalswithemuele-lesiefooththe'en is - necessary where, theSeepoleittetreeoveie eked. Them can bo est letle_eioonore , itteritteit .treOsi detalle, and there tertalnly can' he no toorentuy- In 6110;04 ,young ortlinitls to fall Off In flesh. - euilly BrIdg 1.0•41n, Seine and•Pour4ve , iVOn P -01x414. tnoIrver;flelne,Akt ou hesine-ahout-lias-one---Journey - steeme.,• W-terrytnenc,_ The Jatt-Ireutl* lizug petitioned:4w- thipviiiagers for a bridge: But the king replied that It would cost too much, atte besides it was, not really needed. 1**o_yeare later the Ont. with Queen Mary. had occasion to civaa the Sono . at this point. The royal cosieli was paced upon the boat. In the rolddre. the stream, however, the horse* took I ht and Jumped Into the river, ear. .ux, the • king anti queen along with them. Thera wits great excitement Until the king was rescued. • Next day the Xing declared It was -Itaidesa--lit-, pliehmente which the other leaked. • • The two men heard that them was in a town tuitme milts *Way s. viten", man who wished to buy a trick horse. So. they traveled .together t� that • toWn. On the :yet 4 -there they event Thee eve . Me* W,hlta stets stbeetie to the *tole. -Toon'. white -SO ',ono eros looking, he Painted ht-T1790---latit-horie *11 wbitiand painted Mr. Green's whlte horse en. tire*, black. • ror he know that the eirell$ Mon would eureiy choose lir. eteerita 1.1oroi so the hatteirtittintais gra Green Stlepected nothing. Of ifto711M-dAY ther-appeit botors the buyer 'and *eked WO\ 10 souse:their bowie* Mr. White 11111$ Vei,r1r nOlOb ,scripoycki tttiltdi_thet.lh 'I • . was ordinarily eo gentle, now plunigs4 dreared and not keep *till. • in_ Anger, he_cutele tole whore risht-atireee Om back of the ,hOra. 'there was left * white streale,,Lwhere the hiatiir ,,pidtit- had r:orr Under the Whip. And there. ts on the reativanses. of the 'Alotack"' h ras patted away immediately: he -now -troetonit-mattelled-that-Mr---Wh. -villainr-livoutd-iher-dliceverera'-An& horses ware . washed completely of ' their pante and lir. White *tunic away., leaving mr..Oreee. in complete • noltianistrus or thall vays be on the alert to find Aut. what cxtn. be o1 in yOurn-marlott--- pro.' :tiumit. ani put Ott the Merkel la sm. ,attraltive Wine ' - A suteeteetitt farmer wrItee regarding 1.he*tarttfu1 use of_lanterns about barna: IX not fake aIttriterrito--- a ,boiril al alt. BrIve 'a nail above ultxdomr.0utm king,,Ang the link' outside the windoe4 that answer* well. It you went to put On style, reek* 4 email box, to et eatstde the window and. hold the lantern. Lino part of' the bok with It:. ft you like, -but it alashbeard lentern" geed eneeighe 'Every farmer eltould, by eatelut ex. •perenent ineitesehtervellene find out owing , "totted the Zoo the to;cittr was titi, ins, *or popes; For the lova Siert the little tents glaat04, at tho _wonderful est- -xnals -Itt-Insen-*Yed-lronoeire hut- *Tory :iask tfuooteniact 11T...et'40etert orfoitoboollot 0441.10.104010 , W er doo4"4/411**14.0smulit *it tbaltrikif act! 42. aarstasatlani , deer the teacher. oohed: "Tteee anybody k0w *hit a rinnisgeto. tar . Oit Ttatt*in."* eagerly bon "At Sao redautiligag TIIE BEA NEED. . , IttrevereesT,Itere are plenty of bee lin ho z. re, gaVillittOWilitt '1,01110 , , Mitheel'eat. Wirtt ev need -One :talikig Atte Nutt 414$0,* _.)tOtv. n his lecallty, 404 one hxs 1rUcuIal' Aral. *IN,Ot study Only, pre , whet knostet' 14,wo rounsel, The treuhlte-w3h nearly' SI fortneret (3 that tkey het do Os Welt al the,y fitInatlil Mks and general poet' forms Ing ; do. Oct pay. Thousen1s. of ferne trs /have, by experidient, fatly &rated WS, fel; and ittts juet z.tr eversevheree as that two:theres Iwo Are iott be'too Mr.:7110y. or tee e tly hatiatei1, upon, thNt, The tiok yietti oi oiw t 1oroasif'1, by mrlur.ard Irtaftutot milk.; 044 Not trey Manta theft 'he kind- fl4 tut' inteltigerr" for tn-e AU know tte Itytearig ti t .ts a 1Unctinr,ott.. ill the ,itorkcf tte 41411/ that r!altsfrth th�1,n'!2es. rt Verngss •Theeeteetiv the' rr Ar!)! AkOe' 1.% 10 rot tt tow into • t uttitel Mate as Wiley as peesible, viiINT giAtza utia. rt I.Doit ., • ..Notuilli and iIeld It was e;ttraordlnarl' , • * tut not enough money was tuenlehed for the =building of the bridge, and by ,..tht, time all-wee-aPerat -Atvettit- -lathed * - - parapet On teeth aide. .1tt Ole *tote, of courec, It wag very tyangeroust tar tram- . -*lam and' *twat -potion* teli3Over'the- t nnnretected• Ides and were drowned la the, river be *- Thirty yea afterward. during, ..-.-11thret -V1-.--,Ualt , --X1l4. Ibe.clittano-nt -the two Iowa* sent another date aitozi 0 Eneittaansittettntrt-to-aiwttnit-q ' 410' made We, Th. Wag replied, through st.ravaritan duke, that the bridge, was all , right as it was -And .that a parapet wog VICO& • *ticarteditre obl!gedl -3/41ritiverireltrfag—' . the bridge the borne*: took the bus 1* *hair teeth'end:bolted. "X* ovet Oa bridge otte of the hatiota; swerved from; •11101 4100ros, Went ovev-the ., -,• and dragted---the -other -horst and coach with ,hint. 2*.oho poor duke and lxLe daughter, who, eccoteponled, bil** llobtr. , nearly drowned. .,,,,„ ' • No sooner wiat, 'be Outalisted• out Ot the Water than be 400040*1144141 tbgit . . pet be placed itantedistely n slie;:ot the '..dangerous bIdg. 110 'tankful understarni *WhY ne 004 bali • hod this done leeireeeetee, ,, ,, e • , At:latat Natality hew ill DrulKat tom': ,A eliteiL. Attire .*,any Year* or, Pattilin wattiogl Oser• the bddgi peeled *he . . arratee • of Leule X ,00141ere of .111111 'FIFA •TiffifrObile an leglOng O iif A. . "I to •Oix snoltycoddle ter*" 'Ceftainly, Jo*, Lie*- • . A •ao 't tot ze iewn 1MIL it Xs twee that tzt he 1r 1eetertgreintlide Mete ge• e Sh41 liked eti'1.-be4ete Ile, ewer" thte ebe. wtre softie teseseen, 41 tt!et Weld *resent Duratertle rton 'kr Or" ef Seth. uttiot pitt441140.. Pot s1r,at fiteerre soern on het Otter* , UM; *• trae, 1* COrtillitted.t