HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 5 (2)Z
si in town lut oul
tit to' /Ilyth
afcera t riaIt at the .home of
tbeir uucle,-gel of Detroit
14 home on ti . 0 Tmet0,1,
,ner, Vho gnattt an, o -on for
e At '
, !r
,.trl' o•ba
returnedfrt 4
toearr tI?*theia get*
• tt, you en10) your tiner
loom itYon had earned it".
answered Meandering Mkei
wouldn't Oink 'of intrudini any ttter-
vcnavy con5gr4tiOiti ' into dis ,0e4Wri
cf liowkothi zni .1003 cbgtir”' vastt
'rs*? Y.94 I.V.vip
it."60 ,q4
turied t� Herlin on Tuesda
es la health. Rim
3tra, 174 Rata left on Monday
lin, Where she will maga
, •
Ilition4 .Tle teath of Robi
geturnceit1,' to ,'
I bis,de
tb rr?'IIfi wk
# :
inucbr 4 01 ItlAttltto eatatth .of tlie
kiad, thtest and ;Ate sell. I was so 14a41
th doctors feared ' eensamptien. ,I,
t many physicians and .zuediciuest..,
siesket surgested Om,
Ote,lssy ' atu,toW:Per
dit -11,*(1 it
,i 4110
r kn.tiWn. 1- Jo
3'0.10 Worl
;oust beautiful line.otkitation.
ery, i3tbIes Hymn Books. Oc., at
Awa Down Pricei. 1,
Vali and see them
Cook's Cottan Root compowit
Th pest V Tente. and
ty-4oughter, Thc skirt was a en.,ar,11.
00%r 0heavy weight serge; the ot,,,,tater,
LIN c';;;UML•lAs11- 1,trAnwhites ail four
piet izerx
piece a rich, Idaik +cardinal with the
DIA5/01113 DYES, and th's axe prettier
Un ever-before."-
l_Frcti T. Vopkins, Winnipeg. Mau
Vo r Sporting Costum\es.
Every winter the Women of Canada
ti mune fashionable shade of the DIA-
D DYES to iecolor spot, ted and faded.
Snowslio2ing and Tobegganing
ccstrmes, Vr such work the DIABIOND
DYES give rich laid perfect co/ors tha,t
neiocr fade iu,stut or washing.
DO NOT BE by the state -
mends' of any merchant or dealer that
'Woof and Silk ani vital materials); Cotton,
ul Linen (vegetable niaterials); and
Mixed e.,!oods (in which' vegetable water.,
'MAU in -you,' 4aris
Time at Homo
muit our coursO,te he itt every !wow in
iptuar where there are lathes, pa have dceltled
to civet (infect to the public our Unproved si5
<laurso in ,dresstnakolg, including our Ltdres
Syltem for wholesale price, $5.00
•As there are a faro* number of People, e6t
we Wsend-syrn steand first Iowa (wiljeh
teatJws how to make , a perfect fitting waist,
ogestere4t.i any_addre„aa_jn After you.
zro ygsn Can learn. KAUe..00 and we
fifrward 'full 'Course of iessous. Inenvo d.
oot ',end unkss 'yoU wishto learn dressmaking;
we am so slue aultune atm karst that -we guar-
.• ante.:Iff love 5oU0 to anyone we cannot teac .
1e9,7,ons teach how to c'U,t. tit and put-
t/00011er. any ger:nest (nun tbae, lamest aunt
wait rant to the most elaborate drci.. 110.111
the orgy cottrAin Canada that the whole family
-can 'tam lalt-offir ntembet-talaw t ttPs Wee,
beeti fn latincss for _ten Tee" tiaTo tAitein
fjvot !Beware vf imitatton$. tole
:haw tce- toll** to 'dopy °Ur dVs. and eVett
vplainted *bete they Were not.ScitOwt) to be the
Invenetor of this course. No adv. is =nubile
wit/tont our W0.00 geaptutee4 •
Write for particular&
Addregs:-SANDERS'prtxss.ctrrriNa senoot
111, erie, Street. Stratford, Ontario* "Canada;
Tully well ssitit 'the
"ar'•_ .406
Lotdori,forthe ruiovaL of. growth
IettaigaOng bpleudidly
We trust heti:rouble
turn;-,.-The'-following flker& - were
elected at. the recent meeting of the
Hay AgeleultutaLSocutkg67409,,,,li:
Willett; Diteetorat 3. Deeber.--B. S.
Pliillipe. Jobe Geiger, 0.Nilber,3.
Rey, Jr.; JO", Sararus. O. °twat& E.
Faust. -Miss Annie Bietilder, wbo has
been visiting her parents on the Baby.
Ion line, last week returned to litchi-
. Josiah Martin and Mose* Wilde.
MAU have'also returned to Michigan
after a pleasant visit with friends on
the Babylon Line. . ,
Ilittuirntrn.-weailii* Nue rang out
merrily On Wedneadey at the borne of
Mr. end Mre. Edward Doduntn, L.B.
W. when their daughter Mise Mary
R., Was choeen as the happy bride of
Harry Couch ft highly es 'Warned test.
dent of Chiselburst. The bride was
given away by her father and OA she
was led to,the parlor elle presented a
ed, after
with- dye -solutions. They require (
ere -ft -04T -rigrAllytollrayeItliat -
same effect en these- different- tut'
is a chemical impossibility. •
Send us your name •and address
and we will mail to you free of cost
Diamond Dye Amulet, New
Teddy-Itear Booklet, and Diamond Dye
Cook Book. -
WELLS & RICHARD,SON o., 1.3tartu
asoroastatr. a'. Q. •
We pleased...to ribtri, that John
corn en4 John Pot who have
been quite 111, are. con aleselitg.-At
anInnatineetIng of Abeadeesk Hall
the old board of trustees was re-sp.
'pointed and J. O. O'Brien wesiittpolW
ed caretaker for the ensuing lean
Sunday nett-1,iversary sertices
will be held in St. aura church to
commemorate the opening of -their
church. Sertices.ovill be bektat
nu and ?pm. when Rev. Cornish, the
newly appointed rector, wilt itsfiiCiatta
The annual meeting of the'St. M
Rirkton and Exeter Telephone
R. N. Shier, secretary of the company,
showed revenue for rentals and toll of
$18733.10; ea -pease. As5413.43, 1. net gain'
$1203.9/ for the year.
RitutettstentcnThe home of Mr.
and Mm. Wm. Balfour was beseiged
the otherevening by about two bun-
dred neighbors and friends" who, on
earurng of their liateuded'Aerparrure;
had amembled to bid, them good bye.
Addresses; !.;readiugs and recitations
were the erder_or t.be_elivEinlr-but the
Most interesting .feature was the verb -
address -of Sell -Tufts to. Mr.
Mrs.fialfour, afterwards followed by a
presentation of handsome Morris
chair.. Although taken cotnpletely by
surprise Mr, Balfpur with much - emo-
tion thanked the onors for their very
Itindreatembran • di b. •
arA, tiro • t won ,
rieveir ban Wit"
t.he friends left .behind. At the ton -
elusion of the program a vomit ;Appetit.,
izing lunch was served to All _present.
their departure after thanking Mr. and
Mrs. Balfour for theft 'bind' hospitality
and, wishing them many,years of her
eiffiesin their new 'home atSf. Marys.
Omild will address* Missionary
meeting in Boston Methodist church.
Greenway,on Friday evening nett.
Charles Jincks weal** bread smile
these days. No: wonder for he Is the
happy fatherof a young son. Both
mother and babe are doing nicely.
Miss McGregor is daily improving.
Charles- Ilvinsd*le -is ;recovering from
the eitaitiRit his recenftecident.-1114'
tvas working ;Around a horse when be
Snlinal klekell him on the, arm and.,
side -of tbehead; which-- rendered- Min
unconscious for oevetill'bours.-While
out driving recently Mr. Melth had
!be Misfortune to have one of le,best
h ' the ice and bre* Itelra.
-.Meers Mex. Molleath and now*
McKaty, who hese been on the sick,
listp•are conitrdescing...A, number a
'out, till**, are laid up with.
Cafladfai HIP II
Wanted* -
2 relia. elt EIS agenta, Zoe- 'Exeter
, and surrounding vonntry to sell. our
specialtlet; MAYNARD PLUM, PIT&
ERLANDAAsparintric alubs,
eral of fruit and Ornamental trees,.
You can make monev out of our stock,
where you would fail with common
• atock. supply
outfit freeload give exclusive territory
4Groteere of high grade nursery tock«
• Toronto, Ont.
N.11.-tipecia1 terms to suit agents
working part time.
at -management trains more
Bookkeepers, Stenographers's*,
elegraphersthamany- iither in
'Western Ontario,. N.'6'extra•
charge tor two courses. '
Most eminently qualided
struct4ts. Graduates assisted to
. • .
good „positions. Other colleges
. engage our graduatexasteechers.
Individual instruCtioni.
letion, Civil SetvIce4 Penman;
ship, Shorthand, Bookkeeping,
etc. -
:-Iftli.41_#pigto.t for information
.aliont Cass ildiliAltiattsattekillit-
1110 Grades astalseen
about tnpubHeb 44.. Ile* None
of the e *1 TOophone, DI»
reeto,-y for the 1)1*triet of Wes-
• tern\ ties ineindteit t
• T4w1of Eelcr. , Chaoges o
firm , C1)11/j1COS of street
ittltire or orders for du 11 -
tato entoes should be han ed
in itt- onee to .
, Blft
Contalse, ,
Is entire* isztlks '
tido ever oftted for Mkt.
\ A.good.rellable
With A. Perko, atheat
Ak Warden. intuit
trith rnitsartwo
L. A. lifosie4, sil ,
--aud-whliskent-rertereit t
htttiVni by Using ( anMian HaIr It
in which she is held in this community.
Your correspondent joltus with the
host of friends in wishing Mr. and
lir& Couch a long season of health,
peace and prosperity.
St, Marys: The wedding of twoi well
known residents of town' was celebrat-
ed at 'Wellington street parsonage on
Thursday' when Miss Lorene Stewart
became the wife of Robert Carroll.
Rey.-14cringstliurofficht -Therwa
real in town.
enamor oeso,car or Tomo, tot
tem cm= $
Traeleot:Chereyamakes 010 thet, be le sen_lor
partaer of Mellon of T. J. ettetiey kCo. /piabait.
Mei theCtlyellkaledo,, Meaty sod Mete eke*.
eakt, tad that ism aro will pay at attm et ONE
o o - 41
, DOL04118 for each- and Ayers cot
traltafrit earaletbe cured-bythe use of
Catarrh 0101241tY
. Strom to IWO* Sae rthed Itt- my pres-
ence, this Oth clay her,..A.1). IMO. -
(UAL) si.w.atusotr,
' it T POLIO
Ball's Catarrh Carel* taken taternall ad Ads
oet the 1004,0011Liphoote Of the
Seidler free.
Mrs. Robert !gateau was called to
Detroit Wednesday evening owing to
• bus illnese- of her -brother-1w
jamea McOosh, who at one thne
was s prominent business; roan of this
• lace. -The Rev. D. P. McMenamin' of
.-ketrieVechurch.,Brault* is en.
o Ingra few weeks' visit at_his
iri Montreal. -Mrs. N. R. Stanley has
returned from Port Huron where she
attending the ,funeral of her cousin,.
the late John Calder who died sudden-
ly at Jeffersonville, Ind. ' fle"formerly
lived in Port . McComb.,
tem f tigeo;r1 .1711-0WirrWliO
until recently was postmaster at Clan-
deboye And where- he also conducted
general store. Mre. Jas. Itittrin_of
celaintanees; in this neighborhood.
Mies lifargotret13:eete of Jackson, No
bruks, "eh° bass been enjoying a vhit
in-Biddulpiraut vicinity has- otie-ta'
London -At a' meeting of the Presby-
terians held Wednesday .eyenings at
whleb Ill Mr. AbreY, the( moderator.
pftside41. 'wee decided to .extend
unanimous call to Heir. McLean of
Ooderielh to the pastorate of -Otoiston
thurchin this village. Tbevulpit hos
been vacant since Rev. Mr. Paton left
in'October Wt. -Heber Metrellet Who
lately levered his connection vrtth the
Mooney Biscuit A; Candy 0414 of Strati.
ford, bas skposition.
as We. -
tern for Unit"; -MO-
nomad lo CO., of London, taking the
place of bhp uncle. Wes. Ilawkibatitt
Wit* hot beth tranfterra to.Wiet4peg
to mimess the westernbusiness for
the earns firrn....lobts Jackson,
old resident of 'this 1ace, but who has
beeii residing la Strathcone renewed
acquaintances bete leat week, *loth**
, been Waiting in Seetottb.-411se• Son.
dere of LOOM *hilted trloOdi here
doriug the Week. -"the County Court,
cil at London kat week appointed • Dr.
W. T. Beating . trusteeon the High
School Boatit, ' ,
Stewart, tit this village, digt,
of his lat.ectir tniste. near Groot.
on last week-, Chas. ri,of Grant*
rehatool 100 *tete* and Jame*
Brya.n,Ree of 8411401pb, the mnaire
Tbe.intice tealissAwas la the
nrighl,orbood of .419.000s-Vhei,ettritog
club istolkitiglietiouetr 44,,buisaing it.,
new *kiting littk,the coming Somme
Tjie eetimiteil,tost f tbo How, hulkl
$2,1500,' iflO feet long and TO" feet.
and modern in every rrspt-et.
Tbe opening of the new 40drifellow
1141 on William streetis expettoito
tako p1ae et the hitter end of the
month. is* Nora wodo,, of ,tybetty_
eitebet atthe Cedar Swamp Separate
1 IWO.. The school has
ing to the 1.trd *We f
atytne tit lUt the
bnrCivIiele went to Lutic-;,,
turd* take the anni.
aetwjcee In the R feeon
• of tbit plsce, oc.upIed the pnlplt
ihe.4 h4Ve two very dear
Agnes and.11orence.
Ilit44144elvis4he-mo .te-pok
"Oh; Agnes is -much"MOW,
titan Florerice--smcmg the girls.'
"Introduce mc to Florence. I am
partial to Rood -looking girls."-,Ratt".
as-C(y •-
ib diieaseaiidth-oy.
in -Iii» 2Lba
previously the townline tf
, eP4eri tp. end went west , about 13
eamago, _once F.,e41140
witbbis . ,
,A$0,the ,greztt'
t OA: 14 0 4
'orld41: It. t
,r?ngtIkner'ot iunVill i
etiog d eetly ou all the vital .a
*ving' yonti) ni vigor. #4,14 strezag,tb to.
0 *otera, At all drug iota 50c. and $I,
gAr-4... $p.cuw,. Limited1 !reroute.
Sportsmati-Any good hunting in this
part of the country?
Native -Lot's of, it. .
4ortsman-4Vhat kind of garnet
Native -No game at all, just hunt.
• In the play, of course, the villain is
always properly chastised by the boo;
but in real life, unfortunately, it fre-
quently, 'happens that the villain is six
feet tall and ' a good boxer. -Puck.
Mrs. Ralling:-You haven't got that
splendid butler now?
-Mrs- Parvenu -Nor he. was , a- -Iran&
IL.1 -1C-4'1,
it!_wigt74IfeliWZ1576. .rTh27.
lolfirtilto.wr—tridrfelidTertiri “
*sh at-2111=114liestelzhiaLleedgm_t
-roleinii:-.--PWliat is a ,volcaiiiil"
asked the teacher.
"A mountain with a fire inside," said
one.. -
A smile of comprehension spread
over -the puzzledfaceof the smallest
scholar as she asked, serprisedly, "Is
that a mountain range?"-Harper's
Idoeszine. . •
Reeder -Scott said a clever thing to.
41a., ,,V44114. that lock is-4--good-bitAilcs
framing, fur it seldom strikes twice
ra the ante place. -
Heed r -Yes, and as a rule neither
of them i *et!, to. -Pennsylvania. Puna
4400' you think you could 'ever marry
for looney?'
But tit' sure 1 could soon
learn to love a gtrt who bad a million
or tw,cr."-Chicago Record -Herald.
told you she would dim:kiss you
if Z came in between." ,
"Yes, she has, WI right, but you're
dead one, to0."
°• mc .t?
Was sittar4es"--,'Grentrrma
it Com.
• ts.
Itttitlie.....Mammti*: I told Aunt Bele
the 'grew hotnelier every ,day,
Mrs. Sliniton-You 411401 tell her
"i.4.1(141111%..(11,tot ,t,YrT.3ste,,wo'uld have ___*41*.
"What are they gomg to do When
theyIonae00dn'teyn I:6- glee cthrough-sltl• e a, r iLife. g UD tli
streets r
- 'Lay 'env down ' -of courtet,
How . else would 'anybody be able to
tear 'em up later op,. silly r Balti-
"rhey say that, 'after seven re1ieir-
.2101110b44,411mIllitt.lbt-wtaill .
"Overtrained, -I suppose." -Cleveland
Is very happy after getting all 'tilos
1,61:1144shilterti.Oh,tlifo. She onlY. got
-PtaYgoer -Orations! islet -that
• Usher -No; ilist paid for sbc, I be.
Dude -They say cigarettes will turn
ihe skin yellow. .
Ilts."?tiert-That's -so.-Every time I
tech my bolt smoking hget i tanned.
Mail and Exprest. • .
"You looklike st regular 'beer Aritti
ler-_,Zoer_3644,11#0014-,eitt. fisc
ber -
4.Ves, tun: I often tint of de ,fif.
-teen, cent-drinks.-Alut---whaet-de,--use„
when a gent ain't got'
de price?"-Kan-
5*S City Journal. 9
"We /used to tkisk she was-
8i,,,itit*:eosivv;taitatur iatS nvio k, ve rt t was
now that sheis rich, we mere
ly tote the evidence of lassitude and
turati.".-Chicago Post; „
Nelion Cromwell, reptesen
, dive of the "Prentill Num** taro,' oft
revintly railed on 'President
oog:'...y it Wtshieeoe. Vt. CtOnt.
.,ortitthitig of ,* soottstean. and
during the .intertilfew he told the rresi
4etit t sportittg autedote. -
0SOnte years ag6:%he 90,14,,,t1 spent,
GerOsarty ,shOotitqt
orate.„ To 1* .Gerroait 4tivit*itittaitle
happettid to Ifteltk that 1 Prefeirre
to .ishoot.Itt Akira.teatise there lor
a spice or ilmiget ti e sport there.
"'Mb, sala toy Ifiertit 'sots like
0)kt of .51*pler vittoir sport? 'th ?
Den ,on go old 'shooting mit
neiLE4t I tittle 1fq,00t mint brtiet,‘,
tiT.14,0* in, the , grl'-:-T-Tkistoili"rest;'----
rtriir4 proprietor thstfrta
is new tvalitt. chasing * thicken
he yard,
'What love yoti tlat bow/'"
1*,timilet;a21 tr.molta, 11:41:sortonded .., tti_ 4i nen
Igper's rontletnati 4*t watt
t-f:cken smOtittrett w14 nattikrooto
nt ,A`Writ tryire to Smother- kiss.' set
ckicajo News
BYO ti lgit -delicious-110*min
aVort with, ttiat snappy cr
hard to obtain in cheap
44., to the pounci.
citifesen kadieg sett*, *We its ohe douses' mote deptenstun. order
tome Cade:
toodsome two-eotor wet cam satadi; toreedei hattoie inois4easee
ai -facon. back qr., tow* Mil Cote40 661100. rade. ft14 Photo* tako bit our
4t-004:etitia- wISi-teeeetATAMSUEMiti-wask
'sod Coliasbuk.:
erssaitroors ars wog to sass astssuisst tettrat tfttk
. , .
A iarje'gtowe *f say* tair"r
0010 eaceptiottelly fahe
ur*tofbzriey Tope*, by tar tlietiest **
yeacen." We *itgfort- beetitelp tret
-oIekt1Mse eee4wcQryperson
r ity$044044•411
rster„yos *ay
(*tour carradiatirkesii
!rstasto kite tap** ett