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Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 8 (2)
0044 . .13O( . Hugh Oke is still quite ill. Whites Jetei:=, titb. is ill... r•., J. it nes Sieell, Main street, is ems, d t4 ,the hous0Owiaam tt ilines;a. Deli has ,ved in the buss Ir .W hn s,:, Willi** ttreet d be tele laonefi isaatrin»e its arei ih re 1 iny✓�41���4 ' a b ac a K•atht T as ; I *„ YX l�nr lln,ri•wt9�•: atiR.` irRda RTid...Y Y turning"t rtiiofs ole Io R Hca 'of"the Mil changed pulpits ons A complete sheen charactera et the ;I n eut Erida na s. ung trona his recent illtnc►at , but it Will be some time before, he will ort! as if Don't miss the Opportu1 itg. ga l ._. Maas. James Waiters has been laid up with a severe attack Of—grip We , ::les . :n t shls49 reeov . ��yy4Nctn9+LAS..,...-,tdY������Gi:Mdt3;�Z1Y:AIf/L At'aA'Rf'L'Rl�➢I'IY' Sittings of the Division ° Court will • TAIVE.A. be held in Zurich on Tuesday, Feb. 4. in Exeter on Feb. 5, and in Crediton .� :. s -se t Tai,101% -s :„. - on Veba d. Matter lt3ft:t'$ra orals Exeter, - erste rtaine a few of -his -11tTe easy - tea t a;: thda day of last week. We are _pleit ed to rot, that the salae of our esteemed friend, Rev. Dr. Ramsay of Ottawa, has been in- aasbtaiiit *atter creased"'by $300, and the missionary There is no clubbing rate too • + givings by ;0, i for Arivoexeit subscribers. We the best mid cheapest list -that van- bgdath of Miss , rfUTd of rarkhill, slat; tllint+an, as 1.- I, With a. targe Mnnber eecurced :gid Atli oar bftye to -do -1s --ea _,wq..;- .,• �i+e�a�� "�i%� �'Qf`f� _..m,n..�....r.�,,�_ ma., ter of`�l`r,��ir l� ?eke on dr, �art�rrinlsters dent± '7`be �... n�, R � r Cill"er.. a:>i e e iiae. d eaa ,.sessions erre lattlI et s .attested . .. - _ aeatlt>snded the inters Mae_sad µb ..tbae comm, ionem of et ors ra..•... JKw. Ja41e .•.,.+w �-ua.J....:k. tf.Y� �.i.a......1 1!, r.1 _ ._..'u, ..... ....1.._..,:. i , ,1.. :.. .T ::: _ _ .. ... '. : ....-. ,..:r. v5:3 • .,k ._.a✓:_ :r1Yt. -.0 -.A. e- .-..F .....r �� or T �•-�-� tj-:l'` ilvttit'l.�s.e-t1�.1�� .._.,� _: ,. _ _'.,. _ � - - �Li' iik�� !�-il,'✓i'B-t-T�-r�C4"� E��--�tr--@fl s h..+F*,+i-!tem tF�>�+]1,x6r�,W F• .-w. i t r>�t i3li�k�` lie- i • lr � Andd' yatrr�iii o#'ifie 1. �h0 �� � ��; . ' a T � ;..,_ i1 T . _ ' 4 . tier' . se ° .< y A. ,Q. Bobier. of the Public- and , High ,, �c� hool Trus-... ► � .. ions were S. av •y' "" ` Ad -tees' De<partlnent of the 4Jataatario Eda�t- made as ,usual, in the case of `, Varna Marriage Lice issued at the `and Bla..e _whit sem:= ::, .-, �. -..�o: �. mike- - w ..... -.... lig l u,lw stilt seer- �....� ... Locate .__,_,k_.. ..�.__�w„r..�...�rfifi�oreu���oran::,fttsarzatar�aa�=neu .�:. .; valuable information and is to be die. t0 ear. are nowt self.suttitaia. Mass to *Out. tributed among the trustees of the province. A.�:msn�9a�k.ari.�.WV.:�.m•�r ..�ciitcr• W ..._. �xr.•t.s;lddM.., m:•�'vymLSGsi5L"N• :`f, b JIW%Yt .'WPP"• ,Mita Reward, teaelier,iia i11 this wee . connpletwtha a.� ots.re ;tr< res aerie clna raetera at the lien«Oliel entertain,. n Ht Friday night. 25 and 'lir es'tata Our boekey boys drove thrttughr storm Tiseasdaiy eight to IIelrnsall nd ,played a'onte-sale`s game With the teen) otthkitVillage* The,visiterawereti.k« initin,PMetre7q 444 ntlre rrtxlt w r b defeat, 'bya :wid.s i Martin of ;: s�, tn.� � DOattle 4. itattea Wheat Baxley.. axlaey...s##.!•p..., R.Y.. 50 • las#�.P Y...#..sR..#.R o atoms, r ll'lait►rt' ' r cwt l rtof o�r rt * •* 4i esL+pl'o �et,o'skiit vete of thinw i ,sa nd "to l •the o ee +las ►t 3. St uhur • t4. � •`'� Mavlr+a set• et rl :U e •,p yr M nae `er ; 3. Senior, Sc� -T e.ri `Dr. ,�►mOs nal B•: McKay, .&nditeti; Trus. teea .fo the next fiver ars, . Basis., den, J A; Stew attt,1. mi h Af r enerr �.,,, •.. «— thecongrregat on, served era , dainty luncheon and.;thoa pre rent -spent * pleasant hourtfigether, iefee is 'shire ton. , 1 *The death occurred ; in Edmonton on J{anuary 17th -of a fo tiler resident Jame* Ching, son of the late. Thomas Ching of ,Hay. Mr. -Ching {h td been ill about three weeks of typhoid fever. He wee thought to have bin. getting better hetpnoum znaiat. ting - e. end came very. c ckly...._He.had- been in the 'West 25 years. Mr. Chin was wshi aoarried: O. daughter of the late James. Leadsmen of Hay •Township, 'and ebe, with one daughter and one son, sur- vives. Presbytery et giros. Word .was received here of the The Presbytery of uron met in On Means street, brick story and aa►1f dwelling, in good state of repair. pply to Mrs. Perkins. ter. teems cows* ` Dr. Ovens„ London. Eye and Ear Burgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel. Exeter, hn Friday, January 31. Grasses properly fitted and diseases of dye, Ear ems Dietee treated.. For caught, headache, grip, pneu- monia, asthma, fits, fevers and all chronic ar-'cables. W31.11. BLATcHPURD, Agent for Canada. Varna **ad waste*. tutu y around & ran. Apply, at this office. . Mr. Wit. Barrows, who has been suffering from rheumatism, is improv- ing. ; T e (''on n ty au . i 'on at G€odericb this week. Robt, McLean of 0 der tch was elected Warden. Rev. H. A. Ben-Oliel will deliver one of bis ()ciente! Lectures entirely differ- ent'to the one ativen two years ago, in. Opera House, Exeter, Friday jam is Teamsters are busy bringing the supplietsolicsforthelotelisandhatch ehops. Much of it it taken from the. and is of good quality. ` Me. Thos. Oatneron will bold aan aue- tion Sale at the Metrr©politan ,Hotel, Exeter. onwFriday, Feb. 7. Parties having articles for sale may have sauna /( entered at Ms office on or before Jan:' 9Oth. .A•,1ittlen ntisha .. rrred:, t.o two pr minent Stephen Thursday night es they were returning from Seafortb, whether t ' y had ben-; �deliverr ng Issit t -::x to the Retfurningf O eery, ..i,i'l honk between Mr. Sid.. Davis' and the as track on the Crediton road and threw them out. The horse got awaybut was c rptur-ed atCrediton and broug'bt ° hack to the hoatie of Mr. Davis where the unfortunate, ones were beinga made comforbiblo after tha>, accidents No ' hurt or damage WAS done. PONT MONKEY W I4B THAT COUGH use. itowFr'S WHITE- PINE__ TA . Build only« at fiowey',e Drier Stere,,.., :Big.;bottle ler 2*oo.'„ To' r clamed yR� ' doesn't mean to pay } • Most. Just bsteanie It *non pin a big price for his elothes arcisn't rrnake them - e ,e oust- _ _. t+eyrriyar{1'may y�be lythe i.,i.f, R`i7i t but the tit may not be richt. Al. wasrae be lrastet end bit f*hrrici ofthe moment are bore. , l O,sr._Iatilfleinjc lee.:fl rrt►t-_ - - . -ries* iinds-otir prrieesi: within 'reach of *11. chawsarrat `ellen * Er(C On Saturday mornin ; Mr. R. N. Treble met with an accident at Exeter North when &lag goingfor a load of wood, as a result of which he has been con- fined to the house fora few days. Be all ped on a' piece of ice on the road. fell injuring his kee. cap. A first ii i i t In vesttnent,whieh f Health, as held. ire the_ office of thea ie often forgotten but is veryeseentiaal, Secretary , on Monday, 27th at one sera: **Place your money where the safe - O of the principal is assured." You o'clock. Menrbettirs present,Dr. Sweet, should always be able to exercise caan=�teve Boater, S. Sanders, Dr. Brown. ung and Inspector Bis►tt. Per Dr. trol over yo'ir 'principal, that is, to Browning, seed by . S. ,Saints that convert it, or at leastpart of it, into Dr, sweet be chairman.--.C.a !seed. cash with readiness.. should occasion The minutes of Lest meeting were read arise � ' es s & ' u tMme t ey stopped playing thane re a rding cb tk,en x# die - hockey in God,ericb. Last year the cteaed, per A. Q. Bobier, 'd by S. rowdyism theyexhibited was as die.That the instructions `as � Sanders. grace to the town and last Friday given in the Public Health Manual -re - night they outdid themselves at Olin- garding ''children,' attending school ton when they attacked referee, play- when chicken pox is i flea family be ere. , and Joe. Wheatley, the chief of carried' out by the Bo d. 'Qhildr en police, with the result: them the chief its must not attend rshool >«ntil they i. cop ?eai` tom heal. house "allow ng hahi; cure s certificate from the medical mJThe O. H.doctor that they are free - of disease, suspended that Goderichteam-and----erne^ per A. Q. Bobier, seed- by. Oes Christie. of the players, named :"Wiggins, has -Carried. In view of the fact been suspended forlife. of the presence elf snu�lpox.---ice The H. 'Cit'ilmot. Young and Mai .luneighboiing towns the Board would Aht2ns_opera L T y .:urge :that: _all of the _children art- i d to x tending the school be v titer audiences in the Opeza. House on iC t , a+ cinat+ed t rsdalr;Fr-•dayxanc3':Brttaurdayaiglrrtt once;•.and-as-an--inducement-would -re The pe f rrmape were• well attended comae. rid that the Council of the vii., -esels i �is 1 a rad epee/ lar a b,eaas• the eXPeiaeft barna for,:th> company r next h 20 nd child en resident- iFeb.n the the ng. Mr. Shaw, treasurer, presented his annual report and Messrs. Ander- son and Strang who were a •.i`nted to audit the books reported t i same as carefully and correctly kept. The next meeting of Presbyterywill' be 'held in Clinton Tuesday, arch 3rd, at 10.30 noon: or noattta. , The first meeting of the local Board Pies were very good. The invarriaeiy appears here once a year and Mr. Young has no fault to find with the patronage accorded the conn.. pony, nor have the people' any fault to find with the company. The plays. are always clean, interesting and in- structive. -The return of Young and his-compatn 4 y to in Exeter. The fancy dress and racin catoivaatt =Mammrdass ightitrth t ttended by -skaters sok-spectators ►♦ ► ' x.. . e re g , ! . andel tl • ,a isle , number, wile the races Were clo>I►e annd interesting. The ;prize. winners were:-Fancyy dreg d gent,. owa Case Eratd•:, ;..:Van •`yy dressed, lardy. Mian sHettie Siviety canal character, H. Darman; Local take -off. George Hockey,,rrepresenti g *fat man; the er allest boy and l in costume, , De. lett, harrlton and' Vera Marshalls one mile ,~slice, O. Acheson: Hoye half miles Herman Elliott. The lodges were Messrs. Samuel Sweet and. Get)* And - ergots The band furnished excellent, music. Vick.' Ferscaaart tore ebrjaiar . sail a Leri periodssoiuee overt fr inJanuer<y lute the lit and grid of February. A mercury period also cos. ers theca: i rstsweek its Februna rry. The. (noon is in perigee on the .last and in coni action with earth and sun on the rd."'moi iia period Will be ushered: in ,is Jaaanurt*ry goes out with very low bis. romerer and the advent* of rain and one* storms froira western a ioae. 'Duiringthe 1st ; :to Std ,of ,F, berute M err a ti ilk. east** ' y over the smutted'. On the reertangents of : *WM arras rain willturn into furious b aerasof' sand snow, -: ly: over *11 sections central and, norr•tb. ern states; The cuhninatingcr'isis of this period, Will ba within fort -eight l�trross'of.,sunrllee on the: 2nd. t'Pithirs municipality; also would urge that all citizens who have not been sutaceesful- ly vaceinaated during the last seven year to be re -vaccinated -as sr pltotec- tion against this loathsome dieeese. -. Carrriedd. - Jos. Seniore,.'Sec'y.• .-.- int cw tAs<MMA c ' ora av+� :w PO! l.+t Vii': . )r •. .,,. Wye•'. 4'..�7.• •.' ,il 4 '1 w-. ✓ 1 kr, ! • eyy Q �'M+T• to Ni, 1 . } "� . w�"p"s?I'ah P >e xa S v • oyer;4e, ,ri.`.!,,• •;..t• S.*+Q 'Titoothy,. 2.0 0, •2 ►n nva F.3X:�::�w.. ♦ n !y'"Cc ".TN,•,kv2 ^ tb n - Rf busingsC_`aB ':1_Kffirerriarditrare. t� gable article for the toilet •.._.,. W4cWa•!i')iS:UC-Y".7�T7�"Miln3>O','»,`sM17WfyRK+Lti.,,',MRC makes the face and hands as sof t -has velvet, prevents chapping, cures roughness redness and any k,r tenon. .; 4: of taha skims, If you have never tried - .MELISSA, A BALM - dora:°t•aacceptany ;other -- ..r_.�-y fore ou neve . bestedsitra,_ anVail z iiia -••Y ^M W - , . rt fiii s�iliura ie9re'' sndle.—Ekii _ .: ingsto-pay .i .v -_ sums or exceedingly elaborate designer, but most peoo. pie want style. combined with serviceability at a moderate ,.--soutlay.':--Ourc lineeaflli.Abe•:hill,<e cactly, being°rich° in -design' _- -- - and reasonalsl_yririced. Our extensive lines include SIDE- BOARDS, DI'NGI TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES, PAR- LOR TABLES, CHINA CABINETS, etc., etc, •. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Where-everrytoilet necessity its stocked are a line which we are introducingand � we are - showing a specially fine selection in- elegant designs. Mie. Ed: Graham of Ooderich and Mra (Capt.),:Willoughby. of Windsor are visiting Mra. Chas. Lindenfelt. Miss Ida Jory of town and Miss Net- tle Reddy of Usborne are visiting. friends in London and St.Thomas. Bliss Fletcher of Kirkton and Mrs. David Golding of Sunshine, visited Mr. and Mrs. . Wm. Fletcher this week. Tuesdayto visit at the home of •Mrr:. James ll in Tuckers:with for a • few Mr and Mrs. Jos. Holmes of Sasithe toon, $ask., who have been visiiting}r` relatives In Blenheim and London f'or some weeks, sipent part of . the week the nett of Mr. and Mrs,. John P, • r. olanes was apleasant caller at the Advocate Office. He is a firm be- liever 'in: --the future--of--the---'Fest- end; particularly his own town, Saskatoon . ch t eu inert d° In-- T elation Tisn three years from 1500 to { a r a We believe - in being ready for- .the eerie buyer.-- Our new Spring. Stock is now on our counter and inure arriving every - day. -Come and see them and let us help you to choose your new dress or suit. - New Dress Goods - - All the new fabrics in the fashionable colors are now open for your inspection. Y ou will find our stock • right up-to-date. NYew name, Seccamoose, Taffeta, Lustre, Serge, Venetian and Badcloths are the new goods for spring. � \Ub Net"wrxsts and ~. •.riY^_t'-•�Y'2*,^[,w.w.sserwm,.r:ams hr .__. �'4 -.kT .:�"::rs •r l: ...'_^'^^ c �'-^d .^_,.... .�-.ham .. _ < .... Mr, f. B. "Carling neva in rrtdon Mondaay. - Miss Lyda Oke iia home from Toronrt- to• an A Vita. ° Mrs. Bonsoe of Londonvisited Mrs. Marshall this week, v Mint Maras.,-+ f Lucian iia visiting her sister,' Mrs. WS. Cole. - Mr. L. H'. Dickson *as in Stratford ou busines. Wednes<dairy. Mr. Johns of Varna' is visiting his brother, Mr. Thos. Johns. Mr. Gih s&. Dortvood of St. Matrryar,v'ss.. it,ed. in town this week. MIsit la Johns 1 went toSierniars a we+ek tt► visit for tw. ,, t# nh Me a d P avLondon- rit vel -1 ttinrg here. Ile is on the sick lief. Mres. JolrrrCn•Bowcliff'e of Clinton vis- iwted' riende•in and atoned Exeterthis Mr. Joben ' nuance and Miss 011ie Quutrrtce 'visited Its -Anser< Omits this week. { Miss Edith Robineanturned la.t week from a 'visit with New York friends. e tte . aug; vrlrq•event West Ar a!Arrr atgc'�..,harr n' turned t4 her home asre.. r Mr: --J lit ow of ave the Ade tea pleasant t� rno ' r kaay. +Buis'vlaiting friends .ntear', Kippers , x . Mrr. _ .. � , .. - � an m� 'Welsh, w+th+� b been here ., vent hour* of sunrrlse oto thea 2 : d el ►herte Y,islting O traeio friends iiiilltFasl Iter raikeddserlaanI'o' io+d. ;for 'erad Weeks, returned to his 'b m e A � wat'e, broad and • far reaching, inn Kam `e dneaday, p'','"` : ' - .... I'll � 'IM fromthe °�iriwC►eral6t Bye' •+�rrwrs � isshh`a� inisaa, l► , gttressIvaely'fr►oareaa ' at be 2nd to the learning t erre, at Load b. One :1 F a tea elrr7�E�s�ve ' �t s�► llyd tko� return .t, lii>n, as s of the Winter*Ill Jnr at this W`e eeday +oaring tOflim. ioal. Ate; `isle +spa thettt�srJwaa � {� Bulli to '�Stb_-. +� ' r •°• li`llc1use eXcnrtsd>tsta est 4 O►tinned thr:tetalts l it the dr fr1f+ ;Dir. g : tconditions' s' wlll •e � storm* +. wt a orf rs tp arsd n« tra1 ontouch. i_.li... i't.'.rt:,* 1.'' ' ,fdir.t'.. .I' .tit a..�, l .., , .,...,. Y +1QIIiM►fi`iWi�s... ,11 t,+' ."1^ ' .rYti.�..'y„ �JL, ,,..�._.�.,. ,. I _. .-Ail,ne' .'forel hg*:: -Wallas* ern -to how in Check a 1u .anui. fAttta: rill: » : at o d rlces..-- .A "BL I.3"D fAN' • would give everything on •earth for eight: Itis man's most precious ppooss. anion. Yet many abuse and, neg1t it. Stop and think if you are • TREATING YODH .ROS. RIGHT. Then come and havens teXt tine there to leartrn how they should be treated in the futures Our examination coete- ou nothitnlg M "I",li „g s rwres tyre su i ties .. _ " -w,r' if . p lr . I" eras 1 ' ort as�• ��- t Bttle slant lomat-len-Iva ha -trainee ase tsbe' fold` for. • Will be tieed very much this. season . for trimming*.. We are well supplied wftb them and can :show st u -a large assortment: Don't forget our tailor tirade 'suits. -We 'have some pette rns for *tieing st the lowest prices. . A; brand new lot of En just opened up N. The r err t, wear lave ever sbo ' sratnt • ►' -to see them a quality. We r , sir y ar<u can't !lbs _ ftp of a '. ' i s textni dul' n , r -rr r w e►11 uln a did'e lit tura; las a aati1 pirratterna.' mar would arca r >otia t oric supply nowar` wbi 0118. ,Trade at *Mt Oli You will war' i t oto ° I ,turns soon. °' Whyaot We'havestsehoice *toe` log. BLEACH + N A BRI; BLEACH i I FASB FACTORY. LONESDAZES ate 'abate our tot, wit* squared . up.