HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 7 (2)aiy CoVie. tn !fl3ntIy1 het arta ,aeOund.
.giri. "Get
g4ing -ou away.'
SunhcamostarW. Stelden Joy goaded
I .1K3rt VMS elen free. BD longer
ispected I thit,tteefrZendb *text wirols
mpottber deht..:The long 1n ot
fd,l? 114 n'oti la4king yet,.
We 144'0410e all woan 11(4. .1w
l4 Pr 1.1.0,,PiVentt. -YOU 00.,:alloved;
liustand 'has tortunidel.
4014i• lgi4;ttait-4 4
ar4 "0 '
ih a
thitil rAY tto411; That-
pped suddenly, and gierete4
.t.Tttly Cruse v.11,3 4tarticl epeS,
ialOw* Iny chitd, that you will do
y*-.tue uttimt to help mo to lind them.
A44 I 014 wet 611411•6ThrTeANI. But Wlial
ilittesses 1003 at present ts!
ettiOn. .A:4.Pgli Yott ;Pro ta.,oN KV-%
, • - •
leekod s‘e,t48,
Y riero
'steptii • •
1a1. With'. On arifiry gesinte 11
,sVilliat else *Qum 1 dgr.aatitmed the ..ittrSt choose 'beisveren Is. italtar i101.111
,171.11 fl Passionate tones,4ier tigait filling cut.,Or us; wittehJs.tt to tot Me, as --a
'With ditipair as she read Dungaree. , larinvi• sar-t
ii;Vtat rather -have throteri them, to VI "Poigive meainge14* hut 1eau°
tbe,bottem of the sea than reamer them 1Mt lea" 01'4 °IMO altene'll°11
at such o. cosi: finimaseo La1y cruse "Fudge! You love her. You* have
.• 'cliosen, and I admiee, Your taste. *I .a
'But 1 did' not khovii 141,1 I tl,it j td fortier-4 Village hire With a
;t my duty to detend iny visitors.' vice father. Can I bold up Th3 bead
eisieriereitteiclehrelaileteiteittr. ,staottoteieuisrrieittioraeleri rtia.4ierigititkitielettite4e=reeeireerireirieeree
WilS• Sunbeam. TOey took tier half an *Eileen, my Chile. yOtt ere taitind
hour ago." • a yourself. .11.0 eerlous
-"• Vhere tor - "Kiss and be friends. perhaps? No,
OTo filmdom" replied Eileen, naraing Dunon. I must say I have tied lily best
tt,e, county tow n'eve miles oie, she to keep you from Sunbeam, but now I
,,41Pratietlitoosetseatitivsliahirel re-Oreittoteetetteseeilthrottreletettitha,
1-in-Tietkoyest-but lie-tuimed-oside -But-for,811 that.sott wo.14.:get het, yet,.
th an ,angryinurniur, andmoved over She Li. In prison. Love cannot unlock
- ShttdrialtWO' Parieetteiteitearthedi IFOril'01.1bkoukbzir.;:,
- her husbatid. elle-smiled
"Adelei, do you think no wrong?" ime "She is innooent," he said.
Sexed Eiteen, turning a pleading face to "So you say lc -Well, go to her, Re -
Lady Larkin, -member you ere free, Remember else I
"Not quite, tlear," replied Adeler.seoth. AM leer, enemy still.. I give you tip bee
Jerrie". "Bet perhaps hasty. I can hardly cense: I wish to prevent your glying me
deve--Saribermr-coulductru thine op- That is nIL leave my amour-
- r.....teirnite--.rt.iirliteiValteit inntileetveirrioe -
'Alt, but In tams° you,must be, out her leart, os...,with_hertved.,head,_ kg
- wbon-her
• voilmer-Isiten'thitiks-inortrlet-
-Arid-yeti all elong--1.- guessed the -girl .was
• Ohe swept from the room as she
spoke. She felt that the anger and des-
• 'appointment struggling within ber
•, mould betray her if she remained with
, her guests any longer. • For, although
she had dreaded Dimearr's behaviour on
telexing of Senbearah arrest, be had
expected more open support than she
had received- -
An that b all the thanks I get for
saving their things al ney, own discom-
fort i" she Istormed as she pushed, open
the library door.
Half -way across the room she stopped.
For at one of the writing tables sat Dun-
can, his face Whit0 and Otero, his eyes
-intent on the work before tern.
***Duncan," she said, alinost unoon-
sekiusly, "I did not know' you were hero,
.Ilo raised his beadand looked atter.
She shivered. His Oyes were s cold,
they cut like steel.
"I am going now," he replied stiffly.
"1 have been writing to Sir George Cade,
in cob 1 lot see him, and—"
ear 1 0"--ster-risoel
with a thrill of anger.
tiAizaiallailisi !mewed:I...m(10e-
trate. I am glad you came in now,
Etleen. I ivanted to speak to you alone,
• to tell you that I am going this evening
to Munton. The cruses and I have de-
cided to put up at the hotel."
The eolor ebbed from tier face, and
id*, 'AO& ‘ViraiajW*1 With angr ..
, -ffi-You are leavtng4lraekley r she oski
ed. Her voice oounded weak and low.
. above the tunitilt in her brain.
"Yes. You see we feel that some one
• °tight to be neer Sunbeam -you have
k. been very cruel to her -she must, _see
that -we three, at all events, believe in
err veringly„ her slight figure swaying
te and fee with the violene,e of the mo -
lion that Ahook lier. "Beside, ev!litt, OlOt irroe,jeuitie.he snorely. done _ewttat lee- eworlo. moo -tante -a figirreeheade
Wide othe
. * "014
hat '
4441,4y °I: 434011 INat,37
010111. _ _
au.° r,1*.igt007.11-4 ,rt1fi:17‘
Merl it* SUbSe4Oent. Wi010.1141iiet»,
aL Witat'VV,0,$, the good ot repetitiligAt
liked added.
,a -one- has' ewe 'WA iso god. to mi.
a* you taro And yet -if you knew--
• ut your pearls, Lady Cresol Oh,
if only theiritoulri be found! it to-
ot you, atter teeing them, ,to say 1 arn
innecent. For, of course, (hinge look
pad &wellies , IVI*104,104460€4ound
in-----" '
"I know. Cf course you have some ex-
niatattieleof stleireteiWiesereteloontere*Olk
you mwt have $01110 mystery to tell us
later. Not. now, though, in this plaoe.
Connie let os leave It and go back."
But Sunbeam stoodstill with it world
oP fear * her face. How, could 5110 go
beelt-ice Ilrackley?
, eohere,..eanrtee /maned,wringing
her helots, nervously. "Meese don't ask
let t'erP. Liwould rattier ot.q
. 'most: inst orinntek ortlOraeleley
Nieto so terrible that I dare net 'return
with suspicion ern upon me. I—"
"Nor do we °sic you to, dear. We are
staying et the hotel, and will remain
e until this. is Vete eleared dp. That
is where I mean to tale' you now, for
tee do net intend returning to 13rachley:
,Oeine, I have a.,earriage.wiLing.No inie
.,,,Mkga..14411,y-Pit,k01-quAl4 4,1-1 PYFst
Irk Suntioures TO0111,, '640;17.6agir
• Eileen and the village policeman, an4
drmanded the missing pearls, Sunbeanc
realized that after all her father had su
cceded in Ids quest to some extent, 4u1
that the task she had set herself was t
be harder than She had imagiroxl. Her,
horror and distres,s were mestaken at
onee for lieirfei guilti as eho listened in
sitenve- to- tho fore-ant:a; oxeitedi amuse -
Von, enable to oleferid herself in any
way, and determined snore than ever to
shield her father.
But she did -not expect ouch sudden
measures to be taken, and drew back
with a try as the policeman explained
hir intention of taking ber away at
once. Then, reading hostility in Eiteen's
white face, sherrealized thather friends
were absent and thateresistanee would
Suitheant bowed ter head to tOtie the
team in ber eyesi• flow oould oho he
aeher1aU*erftt the-expenae-ot
• fr d? •
OfliY. I Potild. find
ito nothing -nothing -to show my grati-
tude for' all you have done ter me, not
even that I"
Lady Cruse smiled tie she drew, the
-itirl-he her. .
You Miele IOW Irate seulr'Seribaint.
-And 'new here`o dinnere-Orid CinSeatind
Duncan. Smile, and forget the stem."
Risfl her head' Suntrearn Wheel
S1)* at Dunhi*n'11i sraike wormed, her
-to toe heart. Trust med. affection Shone
in 1113 eyes. How ezuld she have pic.
tured them full of doubt?
(To be eantintied),
iq;.ity et lho tie'., not le the cheap!.
x pr.f.4:e. r and r-
4tePze e ir,Mht wOy
irk sOett 4 'IritriscielOie. Ile' eheted try
to 130, a 'quo" lot goad quality, that
rtta (Ix -for generattors,. and tipt
4.ip in2r1p,20, Ue prod, elfreele et
SOe that may t tised.
' . nd. 119 shoutt always 1ECIJ 11
.,titio • Cd,-;,11,ts...160.4.., .bti. ltr.A
;w4s. ik..11-.41stAa
4SYr$12,0; ,
oKL Ily• W
en V)0 OkOtte. of 44(0 ',,her101itaree
ya 1e1'r,
e most plifitiblet hisis
ntlinOtherS mid great-
grandinother4 both ,Siiktiof Ilts Pt-
digree. fie is the stOred-up xesult, oi.
what lies back- ot him. The quality of'
his, ttneestors will have more 'effect -on
L s- --offepringilhao Ilto. perrokinanee, of
his mother. She gives to hith what she
Inherited more than what she OPS.
„a-stray-beietelooln rinhetitediestielitigic
and yet for some reason, be herself,
only an ordinary performer; on the con-
esereeeiviei --eisterrehreeirso-ofenLoorseir-fer 'rnieW°
the pail simply a sport. but not hav-
ing skng tide of inheritance in a
dairy' lion, size has nothing to eon-
vey io son or daughter. This will ex-
• Plain why oft many ,Shortbetro-oows,
that are lerOta PertOrM,04 thelnieirtSi
Tali Utterly to toreetieirteseir own dairy
OlitilitY 'to their progeny. Their line of
treeeVeg is from a beef ...hereditary, or
many generations, and litey give Poi
progeny what they Inherited. A cow
breeds from her litoed, Oa from hr:
udder; co we mast have dairy perform_
awes, if WO get our merle& worth
when buying a bull.
Most aseuredlY, the-Barerele eight in
bis oonetteetaile asto the opreirt i,,r4,414p
of .4he-4init in eleterimterretheielieriter
of heifers that come • fore letn. The
• IAN lined lee An Ett
squs.ve yards, or 435CA qtuaro feet.
yawn, 40.og the clInter's teaming, eet
,n4t drivo the horses too far or t4,ir too
„greiat a la'n'Ut +Off 41W Witheat
RA 434..13113. T-50 hek'so has a lory,"
citgtilt4 attl, cannOt- Otaati
bungo os3 Avg ds'0 man. ,117ere/o-e,.,
you oeki,atipoiit.*hen driving
Ikrirpur*,.b SO1na• ;sum i:r.
1.4eyt.R.vet 0444
3(15 11J3 •2Uit' '2111, ' Y4210: ncrao-.‘
, .
1.T.-teelliig' et Vellet---,Thellionglit-of-m
turning to IlrackleY, and hieing Eileen's
soorniul cycs.„%hatt_been_toolerritdc...lnit.
now, though atilt suspected, the burden
would not be so hard to bear; with only
those who loved her with her.
"If only I could find the pearls," she
mused, wishing that Bill bad given her
the .address he bad promised, and wife%
now she felt she would 'never get. "If
only I could tell them all 1 But how can
I, in spite of all their goodness?"
---Shortettria- Mite- netnews -when; after
her arrival at the hotel, she entered the
sitting -room +Lady, Cruse' hadengaged
and onto taw to face with Lord Cruse.
Though he leid always been kind to her
she ;still felt shy ,witli him, and. wonder-
• ed if his devotion to his wife would make
ram, despite himself; really believe her
innoeent. For it was commonly said
•that Lord C111,30 believed, and did every-
thing, that his Wife wished.,
. , -Ite-40ek--,%unbeain's- liand-an
her, away without a murmur. end passed milted into her tore with his eyes full
thrOugh the hall lined with whisPertog, er. kind sympathy, she knew that in his
shocked servants, like a young
walloing to the seaffoldi her head met,
r lieeet of heart- ler did not doubt her, and
gained oourage. `from the fact.
ber lips set in proud resignation. "Poor Sunbeam, rex yon have been
"AS bold as bress," as the murmur made, the scapegoat, have you?" he said
that. swop owa s • ier. t b le gently: "W-eir,-Wil slat
Rio - - tears help youth
. hroug-fl-
so bard lookeerieba ••,. you___40c,tc,•
• . g -
gushed forth, and she wept unre.strain- beams gel' overclouded sometimes, don't
edly, in spite of the constable's presence. • they r .
"Cryhe ROA a bit of good," he mut- "Then you also believe in me r she
hoe& "You fork out them pearle, or exclaimed, her tiles quivering with erno-
say what you've clone with thorn, and hen.
_Wain` rieleooleeaffeittiltileierleire....e.....eorreoureerlisio.LeVii.ee.a.Viiitier-o-seeirseit
your thot offence: myself and Sinclair."
Trier words 'had the -effect of restoring Again her heart thumped with toy.
bei self-control, and. remembering that But he was at Brackley. Eileen might
It was winger to keep silent, sho turned in time make him think otherwise. For
her face to the window, checking the he loved Eileen.
eager words she longed to utter. "It was very kind of you to trouble
. 'Your -first, offence." the man liad•about me-," she continued, looliing up
said in what he mont to be a concilia- gratefully. "Lady Cruse told me what
1417 tone' his eyes rt -ling ladintringlY you did -had it not been LOP that I
an her trimbltd faet% Stm'itilirered -VS- Si lir lave rezeolmet there all ni ht."
1.‘ ' 11 1 1 - 11• e er (TeShe gave a little shudder as she *eke,.
'say that ? 'Knowing who and whatehe tie laughed. \t •r • • • .
4 411.11'.
114444 +4 + ++ +++ + 4-44+++:t
Profesoir C. 3. S. Bethune,
11.(a.., of Department of Entomology in
• Ontario Apitulture Oaltege, Guelph, re-
plying to a letter of iequiry_ from Mr.
.- -Eynon, Palter& Bowinenvillek,
writes :
• The oyster -shell bar,lc louse is -6t,.
very difficult insect to. keep in control.
We find th.e bes.t remedy is to spray the
trees thoroughly on any mild day, at this
time of year with a wash made of a
PC und and a half -of ninequickly slaked,
to a galleo of water. This le the pro -
pedlar), and As large -ti quantity _May be
made as you find necessary. Tee wash
sho 14 bosjningh1yjt*s
every bit of the tree from top to bottom
shows while. Where, a tree is at all
badly affeeted it will be well to repeat
the operation just before the buds open
io spring. If wet weather should set in
immediately after spraying, you may
Hiatt ' •
In that ease it would be well to repeat
the operation, but if a few days go by
t uThIfn,°Iire—applica al-W--teirrerie
The oyeter-shell cate spends the win-
ter In the egg stage, which are deposited
by the female underneath the scale which -
coverer her own body. -The effeet
o 1
when it flalreis off froth' the 'tree, and
thus-remoiring the eggs. Where tee Hine
remains on the tree it prevents the eggs
fr.ona hatehing out. In the spring of the
year, Rate' the blossoms have fallen
from the trees. 0 you watch any In-
fested twigs, you may find, With the aid
of -a magnifying glass. minute lice run-
ning 'rebout. These are the. yo,ung that
• _hatched -Or& _
rizove about for a day or two and then
enrich themselves to the bark, and gra-
• dimly- :become covered with -a -scale.
liurnig„11115 .41.m.“.y41#1t. 110,11 NV9:
tected, they may be etteetiallii treated
iinukn or wiz1l1 01
1,56ap•sohitkn. We -have found, bowever,,
that after applying the lime wash, twice
• Mere are very few survivors tett 1.t
tvoutdnot be desirable to treat your
trees with lye after the leaves' have tome
Out. be it might. Eort9usly injure the
feliege. Tbe wood ashes form a very
goes] fertilizer, as ithe potash contained
Ii them maks down through to the
'coots. If you could get all your frutt-
growers to- praetice the sprayin,g With
thaw, in the course of two or three' rare
_sem would fled your broltar,ds oomOlete-
ly clearest of this pest. It te happily ere
•no- eneans-sa-difileirit to contrel ras the
„feireilese Peale-
urn- s0t-6110-etry ittati-Yoix
yeti!' heighborlzood a. %valise foe to the
eliplethanethisisettle-inseetanamelyi lh
Apple- Maggots evhielt ietteeks -the
• burrowing inr dirtotiens and render -
frig ILitseleas firr market puromee. The
only rrinelly farlaxiwn for it •is 10
other up and immteliately, destroy .oil
'fallen fruit. or' ea ./et.soene., young pigs
have the run of the ,oreleirde and..they
tojethe woriol- or en •
Wit.S. would not the whole world dayou eerier I elite oineverei11e eke
eiery one yxpeeted, fled that TitTdlV - n-requ ion. oe totting
lie would meeteie Keens enke myself are OM -
-- "; sheeny? What4oxed -Lady-it:ruse sari- .ii fenti they intend Ois-seiinelair, fitAir-
.4). I - - . -
.-. ..ie 'Tau. _might have waited, or----* Arid Mr. Sinclair? . . .It was impos- eerie is thee ne you must bank."
"Aeld let the chenees of getting tack sible that they should a.greei With a lot
'the pearls gross. Of ceurse, she - "And you also," replied Simbearn.
w le
re unkind ignorant people 4 . . theY at •"For 1 underetand then that without you
gave them to an aciomplice-if ehe lias- least %wiled act dlifcrently 1 -nnt Wtv. I stiiiuld not be here. I shliPose it was
ni leaden then -and We have- discovered she wished tfie pearls hint not one!gIt unusual to -e-" • ' i
that no one entered the honee. Oh, you enly her hither luid taken eon:tilting else esehanti eindaehe he interrupted, teen.
may stick tip for her, but slip is, guilty.
elaistead. sernetiu°
ng boo -wine' to an- ing aside. She Unit her brows; ,
sho ht,$•.deeeived you all, ba, ut 1 orleer , other, to Eileen even. ., . . She was. ei cannot. for he IS. at Braehte-Y, so tar
throogh ber from the first. ' Tell sufficiently human and resentful to wish eiellase i must, mane the one upon tee
that when yotz cee her, if you like.. And' gthat. , is --I don't cam" ire ree soot." she exclaimed With a little laugh:
She laughril hoersely, unit turned her I3ut the 111''re she eelleew° tomore "Sinclair' is here also," .he replied.
difficult she lea it would be to prove her peeping at her over the bey* he had
brining thee. teem las. For, despite her trin4eiiiv, to .
even these two, without evined.
One Or bravrida-Orer..e.,ye4AVera wet 'with. betraying 'Bill, al that by the 11W 11-01 - Ties hot" Oaroe tlifoded ter ia , a tioi_
.not le.oe her, anct- -that tat. P.0Posoed -the leirter 'and grimness of -her iirioiae Mr- Siee• la r left BraekleYr she
brig in the ieortd 11-001 not ;nue him pesition. she might never be ete.arrd o.,! asliot,in.wollirit*_toqes.. , i.,,z, L .. ,, a
looitiarte* but Sunbeam", -.'" . - - ' -- - etiepieiree. everoliwy-iiiiiiSt"lieiitive her 41''.--S., , Thl iS.,I,S laying licre. al....:!o. Yo _
Morin of passiolk swept .through ber. guilty to some extent. INkil hope wall- fee, Sunbeam, your friends lynnd not
If" She exited have tilled SitribeaM, haw, te lie.r died a sudden 441111Shepassed fofacike you,,ond.r-f,
tow gladly woutil sho have dono it int ol thi., sombre :hultdh4 with a Wavy • unut then, .ske, "tdis4 filvier,e, had me.
1 .bave do 71e, You llev'er LK, ,'" $440 ',1',""‘-`" le rn to. the place her tether knew as me word died. In her ,throate A' Sud -
'4°1 °Ise Y°13 414411 41),„Pr4), "14/1,„N.,1,1„,,,at 'wort Thee was ttie ptexe she \had, been eerosted. and she 13-.....0 , „
out as bts•filienee mnained tlikbix)ku-h, well as home. Therefore, bow'couttlohe den Irepe had etretigled it. Could it be
Slie, I riot aorre-ltietrOtinnif-AAPPriate teagine -the -world would treiter. upon: ..o., sioteerhee_Oinreair eierlongieani eered
, Fes e r
Of 'lids cot et yotiter, orici---P , her., ,Even 'her staunellest friend "Iiitts1 ,t(pt Filleeno That, lie end left her far.
°And yet you; T( £' Rig love Tliv.! doubt her Nvord. She shiveied (Again. evert itut syhy sbtould, Ite do that? As
.: .n, ' .-,..' 1 ,„, „,-..... „IL burt her .ta .Se, Illinean'aieyeeeiryillr leriliadeleiirelilasere iid preteeted her he
iso t1Q41f-ttot ctiwaY5 \c't, Pere -cut -0u ,tin_, shadow otil ouspielon within therm evidently fet •if. liki 41,b(ii• -tor fiSe-M'; kiirf
1 i ' . '• , 1 t, , ,,%. , . . . and they tooled at her iront;every thearieo tide dreary troupe; Palters he
4'36' 3'-u nkv" '1ave "1,...v4!" m' '' eerncr el the cell sire hrti peen taken „hut t,oiarrettod, with pion about it -but
,eteittotid, 'lashing Around tip011 to. , •'' anyehieg erel wiss latp0§Sible. Mil lief,
•11„.,rd,,,it,tr „1„,4t-tiiiettalitf-5N-rec.tOs• time' ter.-lioure, .wateltififietleieriftadotro ,:bitteiiiefayeedoo .141._...Davirac, tittO
i , uu3 tuna,--AN*C41 itten,..yo: are Wel- dapet, on. ur •,:y0114 -ii mow," oht firm. woo,. soon . undo up. , listen *two httle
I will be pr)e, to no- (Tie. I willInot praying for i .0016qt ti...,,..,14,ar Mr trei_nbl_e welea.soleirri to Book y 004 \ to •hik
heft -team Now. 41 -AutliCCWVAlintylWarGbErrittil
rfl; kilowittat t11011I1V 1°1/ 1133"' 11 SeProd as Ilhoilch she bad been /tidy. Lateen sael lie Owed Eileen, a
th "r116'1° ber'-et I wInt Yda ,picticts their bitterc'xweetnea$,' sktpieton hal t*en etiarim reely, rli
C.i• At* biag # 4e 'tivasi
147,00invil rtan lAY," tnd semen her lithe ,T \Aim itte..1:0
thitican stendk4 himself 4ic;aitst the rattled in the. kek, iu;'it 6*4
10/e* r°11 th"' $134101----,OCk her
qpenod,- and Lady* Cri.se -etit
as though Gtrucli. biltriay wati a eine ere or rain,
le Was free! $1te said ‘.0 1 She wished ,$-bc.myt, my poor erattd r she ex.;
List goe
1 aimed; holding Out l::'c•t. arms.
thick, and *trait:0, "do you mean tletating nces titmbittig bettcs,th tittrt.
nnd voEce sound, slinwant, ,; k110 tiod 0301•1 sto stood kuti
, kngd ta ask what natty-
. ttiO rettit'll Of the ihouse par -I
hat -Sinclair had done to preen
betty 'so quickly, • but. shynem
her tengue„ She telt inert afraid:
-ver ot pnentictiing the name slit
Vaiat SCsli Say? That you da not ore twr, epeang teemeas her.
'" love& PrescntlY .Lady C4n9e CalMS In.
stiftintly 'for • aoh, Ltmly Oraire, then yen loll ta- noble most try tei 1ok beppy, Still-
*. "I ilird not Sey that," cha inktruphl, ace. on fottcred'ttairrt," ahill'taid„ laying her hand ort lho
' "11610 4111 .111° S3-4‘.'‘ 4/0 caY 1101 1 ora '11! ,conme pot I kn Oct / your ,0,-ggi.sllintfig hits she paso‘,(41 behind
ttlii174''1"----11.11"11111:241Ftt't 441 .t.":''PIT Jiti••Joi-d-Y -i;i-44F uutirein.1,46- -*Atm titejently,,,- -dianer„:wo
. art 110:40 or tiOt 1J'4.V.C.11 thOW MAN' u•vatio up tu7 • „um "'eat 4zir /iota snd
txt:Iwn me and _Itit You go "Viou altiady do so by not gobbling tvkle-tve earl de to eetal ttat'irte.1 attr
NtantJ3. ksiV4' 112CfCtileY &iCVWY nub. It yci and ow 101) irAtErg prit cind tirkve your
g"3* 1`). l!i;v•I tale 'I itet ilot runir,th Intnd al)o•ut ,r,uurtstn
%cod to eat itzt, 118 tntr f*'t • ivwdriAtaidi. %1
.-41 41t t"thr.1.4!!•14,, rt!rml t'Z't) rge , pi with a tvc
&t*ia4" t‘.;E:4 1;:"•11' teplit:4 lauitur, bo Able 10 41 a0,i•1 1'C3
PehtilhE MIXT0:31B. SAID 110
, aitteilsO
The PlOaeig
papers , Print Simple Piesereption
*111thirb-rurei ibousnruis.
ame arkable stories are being
.rgjtern or this
simple ---'141*-
Itheurnatisal anit -Kidney trouble even
after the noted' health resorts failed.
liere is the *recipe and directions
for taking. Mix by shaking welt'
ta bottle ‘eine-luilfreitireate;,,Fhstd Ex -
tree,. 'Dandellan, one . ounce -rieirripeurld,
Korvin, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sareeptirilla. ink° as a oose one tea-
lpeerilut-altet at :bedtime;
No change need he made in your twat
diet, but drink plenty of pied waiter.
This mixture, writes one authority in
n leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a
eeesetar kmin ethiet oPele the k146e7.s;
cleansing the clogged -up pores of me
elintinativestiseuesrilerelogethe kidney*
te silt and strain Man . the Wed, UM
matter, overcoming Itheumatlihe pad-
-withirakelinproving -work 'ot tits Wed: A -Toronto.-- truggistewhe leas had" -
fog, Ile will buy is end beeed hundreds of calls for these ingredients
not,..thus411(1c,ft Lehe
grounded ion pesertee jest 'suth cows'inewspaper....tW1311X-
._cuur4-' 041.1 141:"3:111331
• oaireing !people who once try it, °swear by it,"
rim country otivteer, business
repecially those who have Urinary and
Kidney trouble and suffer with Rheuraa-
Any druggist can simply the ingredie
One of the bert lectured given to the en's; which are- ralied at kcinle.
• dairy oourse ettideies C.ior- solo to be. no better blood.
nell University wres by _Proleseor M. V. 'There is
cleansing agent er system tonic known,
Strigeriand upon 'insects, in 1W4- certainlY-nen."3"4"1"inte" 4r--
dairymen ere interested. •'The horn fly lilia-41e t°
sonietintes causes Serious annoyance to
cows. 11 looks like the house 1134, but '111AT IS WHAT THE MOTHFORS DO.
i.; smaller. These flies cluster upon the
born, but do not tat the home .es nrany Playing with the little people
Sweet old games forever new;
people semi° think. They suck blood
from the animal. The mei, breed in C°1132(eyingo every grief ed4'41irnTiso"
fresh cow mauura. The . egg% hatch. Laughing, eighing, soothing„ einging,
and the maggots ,grow into flies within While the happy days ere winging -
two weeks. Thus there may be, sev-
it ri:end Ines may beemne a This is wItai ""t"'s di%
serious pest by their rapid increase "'n
One of the best remedies is to use
O repellent spray. This* may he made
front one pound coop dessielved in one
anon hot water Which is thorou hly
Planning for the Little...▪ people
That they may grew brave ane true;
Active brain and -busy, fingers
White the precious. seeiltime lingers,
Guiding, guarding, hoping. 'fearing,
• the harvest _neirino
• pies XS what the mothers do.
Praying for the Mite p.eopie
(Closed are eyes of brown and blue),
Py, the quiet bedside kneeling
,With a trustful, sure appealing;
M. the Spirit's guldink needing,
mixed wash live gallons 'kerosene oil.
This ehould then b2 diluted at the rate
J one" par o , so iron six par
water. Crude petooleuni is also god
le Orive off these flies as ivell as to hill
certain other insect pests, such es lice.
•The ox warble fly is the insect whiten
is reorearsible o the tar Ns Mtn •
tamales on the hact;-s or calm in sum-
mer. -• This y resembles the house fly,
but is largNe It eggs are laid oditie
hairs en the legs. It used, to be thougat
tt:at the eggs hatched near where they
'were laid, en the back, and the grubs,
bored in through. the hide, but new it is
believed that the eggs are ticked off
legs into the mouth, hatching in
the •i cermenteuriem_hoi.tat Bream -ribs
work from there out as far as the skin,
otere they-- mem* ural mali6" the obieo-
• tionable lumps; each • -grub having a
ote„Lthrozylvghk.wilichtz,Tita. - oLhie iiI.Evvise_rian_apologizes _tetcife7
eo :lege _a_oteri'Oeerieepei.
hy theruserof truth), petroleum Or other tharsa good one.. .
greasy . substance. XXI°, geease •witt elen wir9 akyays .look betake they toss
do: Where the ore lerge they be eeldoni • •o- -
squeezed out Theriii inserts have only Being in love elves a girl orxe moro
ona brood a year. The conereon house excizq for crying. -
fly Ls responsible for a great deal • of Some pei,ple aro sympathetic bemuse'
troub% in dairies as well as in homes. it costs nothing. .
It Ls a carrier ,o_f bacteria. •
taltiorghsve Oat thhc'lisniscaftintdrea.m; marringe is
Prosperity smile -s at the , few and
-1(1 kT&S1H1E AN the alarm-03de
To measure an are tie a ring ot cacti Tatirag of dogs, a pointer shoutO have
• end of a -roOe, the distawie being hest more than ene good point. '
einty-six feet between them; tie a pleze A w:se; 'man does not let. -his ‘busine
;,1 cojorvi etoth exactly In, this raffdle Infirfore VA% rtis tifeasure tiliTtinT4;.;
-elle•-oPgfowtit-U41L-U---tiu r seaseroyeareei eraior
times the length ond . 2lis times the. 'husband as lonros 10y0.3 and Veep
esidth oreites equaleofesixteeiritiodseorei
reek thot len toils the sither makingeth A woman Ilse lost her chief attrac.
fell acre 166 .siouire rods. . „Keep the tion tor a man where he ceases ter won.
rope dry so it will not etreleh. A rod iler What Will do next.
eiirr irieree'rerii
This, is what the • raothers d�.
!tarring from the little people, .
(Heart of mine, how fast they growl
Fashioning the wedding dresses,
Treasuring the last caresses;
Waiting then as years fly faster
For the summeires of the Master -
This is what the mothers do.
-Mary I.. C. Robinson.
;DAillit ark DilLEDING.
have just b7P -ett inves-trgaiin-g vth
rthJe1ptea.sure 'And profit sonte of the
lant -facts in regarti, tilr the en -
;Or a bull to head a, lie4of dairy
ows,weites 65o. to,
' Liffnut ;:satritbAt and authority -on
Vat ;
urebit' 0447 Cattte, i
to. ,
good milch
ther'or gCood cosi
Atti,a Intl that 13 dt.-attedot
long line, cr good' Italica. Attpop
- inalltuted tkperintents
Illest cows were the wog.
eny ot kW' 'bulta. CeirefilE rEeOrd'
W$4 kevt .Ier per:ed varying\ from,
11,,itte ir4ix y•eatiff, deniznstrating
ttSitey thlt the dairy quality lot
lulta they Wctit slated with wr.:s -of the
Intik yied theta itettlietlet,mribra.t.
A t4N tonl3fions follow ato1v. ttis,
tonlkter great• import.
10 tht and tree-4er,
t, %Own, fatiret thaiks of top
lt,"10 Ittl*vol It* crams, , cr
bor alottta loOlt-tia the