HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 6 (2)•
al V
otions tTIlratw
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4.41i-'0,4' '4`J.$:111)10:;'PA'i4444.444:1'c,t42,1r4'4*°:t:.4‘it,t' '
". ',- ...6,iotittoopt.. ,34 .. f
1 ' „ XetritJ
.• the 'underat
— * t 0 41. .. iss,
i."4. Alta
cmmi1tLe. Prc.*e4ng 1.0 $8J.' that
a msttem.. the
-to dawt!t .
o assessment or raternal Insatratica.'
In regard to tbtat urgent tepteeenta.
lions had bee1 made to the at-rt1-
raent, including the11, eaOf atInga WA
reprosenting the great fraternaro eat
et the. Indepearlept Order el Ferestera.
1, \labile only.that taoly Was represented
On Vie oecasien !armed .to, he'llaat n.
doubt theyexprearpeat views abet V4-04
. generally be agreed.fro Ita fraternal o' -
• • -
f ti ,iernr.'
*I, ' ,.* ,kr1d, '
*,:g ,
•ti1ey tzx.
. "PN. r, - , itLgatkth
r •tiI'llyj
1 fili.ivr 51,0# ' IV.' le
, I
; •im .t,ptrAnartet .S. Frt)ui
1pitpse tbe Ftipreme,--Coati,rk bad ,
uiiowdtoT 4 ,t04,.. n
yeav WIrA!
si•me 41.11,s,.. : t WI 1'
Meet daring tho year, and it wipe
alit 'right that their officiate should have
LL,C),I)porttinity_to conault'wita theSome
end in vieta.; Ilea. Mr. Fielding there-
fore proposed to atrike from the mea-
sure all the clauses dealing with the as.
sessniefit entli 'fraternal insuraricei; whilat
if necessary,. iteatht ,beronie theasub t
of a' seeontt bill at another iessiOn
Ma Borden 4)oneurred, and thaa
was read a .seeond time, I :
telefirsph Briefs From Our Own sodi
Mae Countries ,o1 Recent
, --a—taralATfAaa--"-
elm McLeod wes aetally Injured
Isaac Drawn lest both eyes inanex-
plosion at Ette.19. Swami)fluarala near
mrfoiOr, N.
Gun-a-140ot,- 'Who abet two men IP
July, In Nortbern Banal Columbia,
has laaen tracked amtructesefully. The
pursuit has cost over $30.000.
The, C. fa II. steamer Montrose ar-
rived at St. John on StIndoy with, three
hundred immigrants who were on board
the Want itoyaLwaenalt_ .eawas.aanaRalta
ea loaretuartater Quecxistown.
-•aenaaerallat Nato be. -4t, litre .
..Theatauettee-Betted-oUTre Arilleeple
-aracite-fis-oelltennary In 1909.
Dr, Sprague, well-known physician
of Belleville, dropped -dead on Saturday.
Two Kingston tobacconists were tined
for keeping slot znachin, es In _Their
.The Toronto City Connell wit' proba-
bly ask the Legislature to fix a stand-
erd for .
Thieve4 have damaged 13 steamers
bid up at Montreal to the extent of
The rfamilio'n Bori\cil of ,flealth is tak-
ing vigorous meas es to fight the
smallpox epidernie,
Canadian steamship lines itport a
terse increase in the Atlantic passe.n.
ger trade last' year. • .
Guelph retail merchants will not grant
tt ixaidays on --Thneserials atielno
July and August.
Between two and three Thousand
Bien are wattled ion Grand Trunk Pa-
cific- contracts west of Edmonton. -
The Department of Mines received in
--• tcpst=,----
Thralittfartairo-r *Party tailrefukvd
Lord Curzon of -Kedleston,. haS beeTi
Sir -11-eitri -CciartalifilPlaarinerinan, the
British Prefilter, will pmbtibly retire
shortly on account of ill -health.
The taneashire'ootton'operatives have
accepted the terms of tbe eraployers.
Consequently, there 'Will be. no lockand.
Britain win not uridertake the con-
struction of aty battleships this year,
except- these-----alreadr ent herapree
gramme.; °
Two navvies at Salamanca, N. *y.
murdered a compankm to secure .hi.4
mon, $40.
Raymond Tay/or of Bogen Para:,
is dead as the reault of being /lama by
Women • wilt note be Penalitted to
bructitc its la New Yuri,: the
aldermen have decided.,
Percy Boyne of Woodville, Ora., is
bring held by the police at Detroit in
connection with the inurcka of Mrs.
'Welch there;.
at rail.
'-Ontar o Var' 4 3Tetlite_t•
la :0,, tiaa:.110
it (W' :14 t
ha Wheat,
0 nerthern
eai1 1.�
11 UbOL*t„ *OM
'10. 2 ayhite,, 49aadtLi
7oraintoa c.
• n Outside;
sGld t Teron • ,aerate.
arta epteta
naaSold at $24 track,, Tomato, to
avo, bap *included. •Sola . $24
re4 Sairea 'price 'bid for
Winter--Wheat-Oaterio„ No. a mixed;
* asked tiOlkortatoatootaaeotaatataa'a.,--
'..!_lantet itataaN'O: nerthern,
$15 asked; track,' Mialand; No. a ttortte.
ern. star. eaketi, en, reutte to. tOrth
UV, stip,*a oot, North nay—
COUNTitY vnoDuc.e.
roaltaa---Theanaiiaataz-f-aaler tone to
prices,- go ‘per Ourtd being the .ten
price, obtainahte. -,--
loutig turkeys, extra ehole,e. 130 Iola°
eboitte.'a. .. .. 11c to *c
Young geeae .... .. 9c to lle
Yetmg ducks - . .... tol:te
Chiekerts„ cream ,.... - fano•
Old fowl .. ...—.-, 0clo Se
MakeL Inferaer 4.4),w.15.- aaaae_aoaltt.
e. o
a a
.7a 1,6 Sara Old feeder:a,
4,4?aa:‘).$111315brciGcriiiscw1;40, leaver
la *
tektilealres were werati,
per peint
;tut fa to V-
5:75 tola3a
• 'a
Ito• v k
tar laa
--40-takaOrtaake arid
n larralail4fr -413:50r,
„ •
., . .
ft 1.1 . :f '',
a ' Hoag ...1 kl
a *'' 0 , 'LbC
iaa :. e9
ti.1:14110q flh,e01,1".1p09$64V11(113A ' kl•N:t.4°.:1'64,1't°1:1; he
litattialta5ystent ;ot -54?;:i941:1/4:47.g. 4v8mutt47144:
"ClUtid• beitzolite 'sof ecda, sulphate
4 t
• xputsiott of 'those end ,aandred`drgs
trent the body is performed. almost en-
tirely by the kidneys, and that he la
satisfied. the term of American life vamid
100' tengthenad use .such drugs
tn..J or.r.
Avaa'eonVinced I a nor d
vise, so anteaalent in Anteri \is pertly
the result of the ttenattlar
trito the eyatem such preaarartata
sutstences as betizoate eoda. carried
an toot's.
Dr. Wileat has a plan -to
fairpters_ol. the _reaumtry 1.0. -make -
totted ttleohola.Whiela ,he says, eatt be
Cheaply manutectured Wm damaged
fruit and vegetablea and other farm
waste. -
Thge Lose Theta. Lives tat a Fire_ n
•-• Sallhnete.-
A. hniEu'ore-tM
_ Friday !,uck heay
'4'4' a
• sta. I
aS been a. ay Seekre deproaa
Ste he aetad,` *toad'''. la'. my °Iurlonterit
the eilteund 4ePee4tia .9ntt.tan
-* WI* 6teet *nit VoriPar. Indttstries
have -teen peralyzed, ao that Ntt. 50
t OtnatIO''
seituritleas Viva ,seettotWs
,bgnel;g:,(1:1'imonn: dWioilkt.l.tiyudima:00.1vtpubriteiltait
reapopee inditatriel, eirele4 • ,
bree Persons Injured by Expl
-Naturol G.
A deapateb from s s: Three
by 41414CAtalgitatte,
an 4001061On .of statural
as at the residence of Mts. Thos. coos=
vang4 .vast 44 here; et 10
ocock -o
ured were:
Mr. Ilerb 144, arAd 4 Young Mtm namJ
1*K lianiiiton W1 et whom Were baJ
1Y, „POO. Meta- Tiata$me ,
ma air the 'eardiaainit -nod alaconneetail
he pipes order tat remove water from
then; and tlt doling so quite a qUittildi
of gas Was arowed to escape. „Whets
-the fire was iiighted in the kitchen rang
it was foliowed by a terrine eaPtaston.
Which blew out two etthaoutalitteuttA
of the kitchen and email in the gat.
Alt 'three; otathe Mated Peasons were_
tha altagetten.. at. _thaatinlia-ALthit....e.
” for PeavInee Ontario* • .
A despatch from Toronto says: Per „
l'Xiamtatiotruainvz.1=itoPlztamM101004 a'az
tag and , Northerrt Ontario.. liallwaa'
4itrertutantera 't() ,r26-49°T-ahond.,PIP04100184111trlite;
- - 4 • n
the aiMet month -0 -
:even, Mont ending Notatriber SO tho
emistca g.and. North. ,
Wii" r Way ata "
the perttlitit were $5S6,008, leaving
a balantte of 192,100. in, Adak% to.
tbia, ;the eernriatssion in charge of, the .f
road' oiled*, $128,005 in .royallies on
are Produced on properties leaaed to
.diffetant comm.. The total_ net
onto of the road was, therefor*, $220f
384_11M eleven mentlea.
Dairy prints a . - 24c to c
aantnanittsaaaisaaaa„..a. "";:a".7-22e10t1(tif
Interior . — 20c to alc
aaCheeseaelaaatta4gaaargeorp ,,,adslaUcrator.
twin, InJoblots tiere.
Flags -Storage, ate to 22c per doe -
en in case. lots; selects. 25e .to 26e.
O Honey -Strained steady at lac to 12c
per pound for Ceatatund pails, and 120
ltle kr 5 to 10.pound pails. Comts.,
at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen,'
Beans -Si -70 to $1.75 for primes and
$17 -:80 -to $ttea-lorahantleiteiteat.
Potatocs.-70e to 756 per bag in ear
Its on tracks here.
O Baled Straw -$.50. to $10.50 per to
ert track here.
-Bated Hay -Timothy is quoted at
S16.50 ki 417.50 in car Iota oti. track
Pori -Short cut, $22.75 to $23 per
barrel; 'mese, $18 to $19. .
Lard -Tierces, 11taae; tubs, 12e; Pails,
12a,tc. , •
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long
clear bacon, 93ac for tons and eases;
hams, •large, medium and light, 110 to
amber $7,327.75.. ,
O The New Brunswick Legislitture has
t.cen dissolved and the eneral e
on March 3.
New York capitalists are said to have
4 project well under way to build a
canal irom afontreal to New Yerk. ,
Arthur Leger, chief accountant ef the
airttollt SIkcomPanY,. tornmitteJ UI
eideant-SL----)olues, Que
aTetainahip -lima rave
ta rates an steerage tickets from Eure-
peen ports to Canada tat meet the New
O York cut.
The flankere A -is -collation. Winna
aeg has agreed to advance the city
2-500,000 to tide over the present stria -
O geney., - •
For °satiating -ati- ofileera-•Priaate
• Maar at Landon has been sentenced
atosarfli0flthiwThcGeutrui Prison arid
to be degraded .
e3 a resolution oprofosiot rin.,y.
- actuation -In lite Minaber ef !tote), licen.
_tea, in_Toronto- , .
The foreign trade of the Domintori
• km • welt n .an
laza bank in Nev York, on Thursday,
exposing .$40,600 In coin used as a
New fiark pollee have- feiZed large MONTREAL itt FIKETS.
quantities of Oros andaammunition
and $800,000 in counterfeit money in Manteca', Jan. 28 -Thee is no change,
lendei , for the rebels, In Hayti. • la the lecarnotermarket. , Choke spring
---Mrs, At:try-11a -Mae -bot -and 1431�1 -10104 Valenta, -$6;10; aeconds,
eit4,- 14illtNt.2-wheaViuttents;--45--15:--ttraght
:head -Neataaillak depart -men Mere' res. TallIce-14-rao-H-12+--- doeltrialP4a$1110 to $2.-
teurant elt Ttie.sday, and then commit. 63; extra $2-05 to $2 -10 -
ted suicide. Milifead-Mitifilobet, bran, $23.50 to
President Roosevelra eCon in nego. itit4; middlings, $27 to $29 per ten, in-
flating and peoelaiming the trade treatyaltbliog bags; milled 111011.Pe. *28 to
with Germany without any reference to $34, atIrtitoPntl.re grtila motittle$ $3.1 Ito
Cengress.- was severely criticized in the $37 pt
Senate (it 'Washington. Bolted oats, $Z,15;,' term -$1.7tA
tt •
stateenaetaere mare* or leas seriously
Ittee----tneitidatigaraTolageit, thief
of the fire department. ; The finaaci!I
ittattiareWatiiiiiitantr SitTr000:-"The'
blaze, Which is the worst that has oc-
curred in this city since 'the- calamity
of 1904, started -on, the- -third floor `. of
the building on. the southeast comer of
fleliday and Saratoga streets. In an
Incredibly short time aVer the blaze
broke out ,on the Saratoga street side
of the Ilegester, BuUng nd. Without
warning, a large &coffee) o 'The ttIrth
WWI ofthe building MI. 11 was this
that scattered death and injuries among
firemen,. While responding to the.
(trot, a how carriage and fire engine
collided, anti -five of the men on the en-
gine ,*ere Injured, one of them seri-
Shoots ifilimself.
despatch from Mantreal says: A
sensation was causea on Thurslaity
when the news spread that Lieuteatatt
Gordon Browne had cenunitled
suicide. was an cancer h
feria Rifles and confidential aecretary
to- LieuL-Col. Whitehead
.ad been chatting and smokirig with
two &tends. Ile passed a casual remark
and rose from tlie easy,ehair in which
he wits sitting and vaaked upstairs
Nobody euspected that anything_ was
wrotag mita a nruilled fepeart wits -heard
-serrilleseg:firsairmle-eth""efends vitkiThla4re
a .dash for the Mairway . and up to
Browne's room. There they found Lieut.
Browne lying op bis Cara, his aims out -
thatched, shot in the, head, and „the
revolver lying close to 'his right hand.
lie had evidently diad instantly. Lieut.
e had been in poor health for.
, ant., ie---Itaalc-to-lactobaleholeo to
leaaa; shoulders, 10c; rolls, 10c to 10aae;
areakfcrst batten, 15e; green meats (tut
• t
-L. _a -GENERAL.-- aaa-
a yre injured in, tlerlinn,
,darin alit/fasts
O he Portuguese 'Government has un-'
O efited-atopletate-overthrotrattarn.
amity and fotind' e republic'.
11 A
There are no new devekipanente tn
trilt ,.11A1.1" BOWED.
II fi
• elide, IVO to 1210; Oetobers, litaae ALa
---A---LIVLarfir PENSION.
tjjinadjan Pacific' Raises Minlinunt
A despatah from 'Montreal says: The
Canadian Pacific Railway Company has
rased the minimum retiring allowance
to employees entitled by length of ser-
yice to a pension so that no one shall
have less than twenty dollars Per
month on leaving the oompanras ser-
a' lo.perliciPate. pensamalund.
President Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has
just issued a circular k tbe employees
intimating that the initiations govern-
ing penSiellS have been mvised, as it
had teen found that in SORIO cases the
amount of pensten was not sufficient
to support the'reciplent In his declining
ye a rs
S. Stevenson, Steiernalier, and James
Mcliannon,•Taitor„ of Fort Frances.
A de-spatelt from Fort Frances says:
Eire was discovered on Supday morn.
g o'clock -in 4 small buildIng u
na a shoemaker's shop on Church
tree!. o e ue
half an hour the fire was subdued, and
the firemen were „horrified to 0 find on
lite floor the mmains of two men.
They were J. Stevenson. owner of the
shop, and a tailor by the. name of
James -Weinman,* wbe was-eel-puked-
Voit-a-llakeras Melaintroil IT cif:
-dently -tried to reach the rear door, -but
overcome by the smoke, With his
'head -within a' foot of a window, Both
legs were- burned off, and he was other-
wise badly burned. Stevenseit had
tried to get out byathe front part.
;t4rerilt'POIVOnditn14044111.1110:1.7Daer **I:14"r
• ateceiptS of fresh, butter are acticaa a_o_oaa
,. '0"--tm, mirth, 22,e; current A 41,(012 C gen r a 0, 'SAW',
la 27e- . ,.• - Iliewhirh-eauted--aintoperlr dame&
f $1-400,000. .oarly on Friday destroyed
City gall and poke Moldings and
nelatigertal the lives 1 more than 700
penons. The fire was he werstaire, the
Stoke saute the viva atenaliagration r. in
Portland in ISM Death was abstot
kern the nit, a foot Coresidered very re.
raerkithle, as there were More then 700
ietelveg'af the Weatean Maine Krtights
1 ,Pythiast Jubilee gathered in the audi.
tortoni of the City flail when the flames
were &covered. ' Only a feiv 'porsons
wetly 'hurt. -11*--,11narteitit- tag- is ' " ti'
t , hams. 12C to -1 a ilialts"-'65-ifetrr-Ifite-104'. a the.,pupers and
In -Size,' treakkesta bri „,/pie;, documents- in the Ogisilt-of_treetls
Win-4E4r lateen, 1.0., t4-,) -1-51c,e; fre;sh Where averallang. wes destroyeea mile
killed aLtatoir drassIti, $8.15 to $9.
, eity departments were Swept Clear of
-.a._ • aatelything by the flaws. with the ex:
eeptiall Of threeity eta's and the City
tivastitiirs offices.
• pt
. • etteatitaa-77
,,,A .tiesPatekaltaanaallitItimar.a...-ittd.;-
says: It is offielally announced that heree
after, employees of •the Baltimore at.
Ohio Railroad batting anything 10 do
with the direction or running of trains. •
will not be permitted to use intoxicant&
to any time. either when on or off duty, ,
and no person usipg such beverage wilt.
te. employed. This action has been
leken by the officials of the railroad in
n effort to reduce the- minter of
'Arrangements for -AdvancIng titans toe
Those 'Who are In Need.
despateh • front Ottawa soya: The
arrangements Mr advancing money by
West whose crops failed last season,.
for the purpose of enabling them to
purchase seed grain, will be completed
this week. it is .said that the sum re-
quired may run as high as three millkat
Seed Qath likel beuta
Owed in Britat and mhably In Nee,
way and Swedn, so i10 ntrodUeo
aaterelthased -Pam
Chicago Streeta.
A despateh tr9to Clittagccsays: An. at-
tempt of the:Socialists to bririg. *tout
a "march of the unemployed* through
tile. downtown streets an. Thurailay-ta
the -City flail resulted in two :chant, -
fights. with the police, in which. Oat^ -
would-be marchers were routed after a
number of men had been rubbed.Dr
Foal .Inspettors., _Orakred to Keep it
front 'Ottalett so *st
lat-laid. -eggs, -35e to 38es SeletaS,
,240 to 27e; NC limed, Me. to 22e; No..
int:lease of over $64,000,000 over the prea salf„ bis mastea end mistress, by run.. 10
lost year, ainountee U58,599,974, an I A.a eltauffetar tried toltill ban- 150.• Itees. •
ceding year. • Provisicits-Ilarrels, ,short .cut, utec4s
fling his autontobileo into • rarer.
The Russian University Cengrese has
started a movement to celebrate Tot -
stet's. 80th . birthday. .
The Japanese e.•overeartenb will in-
etigate the standing of all pereone
preifessing to emigrate to America as
the depotted aStatart
alai -arca, has announcedz that' he is
46 0-er oi ethon
under Iris brether. , --
O The refusal.,at Chanealkte--Wita 'Baia
low •to discuss lite Prussian, softriage
,In its presentment the Grand it ry at
Toronto, said inapy ewindling flotatiens
owed, their success to their advertise -
meats in the -newspapers
Two Itatians, nioned la Plalladelpb
kr trturder, believed to tie members of
Black_ Hand gang, a ere arrested at
Toronto Tbureday.
. Frank P. Titus awl hie son Blatt
_ boat 61.V441014: while relenting from
theer lobster traps.
A report of the. Provincial Board of
!Watt sial.0.Th Torcida's n1Er Is at quest!on in the Ile!chstag tea to 'violent
a lower standard than that ot Ottawa apeectea an the part of Seela TUSI., Don.
• nod Montreal. • tie.
Gam of 'Nearly Seven
'A desptilb teem: Ottattat says ,
total trade el th6 ', Deminiott- ter Ibe
taXzetar year IOW: was, -167A4114/14,
, 445016tarc4 wit,h' • ..•_94.319,2a9 kr .1500
,tai inerez:ae 44 1,,,Svici. '1Xt1l,' ;WI.
pals 13st y3is' ' ' aa5,11#0;40
-43k75 ttt-
t attre 324,61.4".en se Of *,
ata,010. ea ' Atiott;cr p
o'itim 41.1A'r.,:.., „, *7, 'a de.
3,70; 1a1,Itt
•-__.,-,,-,,,ilorcitoW Aemonnlett -10
(V'. art itt,tv ct lii,tolflota* /
..'tze stsfrnL(I/ iniperts,mnCt
kr qt ' moth *bow* ,
' , 0.ttsidolit$,betternient oeor lb* tor.
Orett4 C
$22,50 to 423; quarter-harrels, $I1 75
clear fat backs, /43.50 to $24.50;
barrels do., $10 Jo__$11.2.5; dry $alt
long eut heavy Ners, $21 to $24; halt-
trng clear heeke. 10,aac 113e; harms
plate beef. $13.50 $15; halabarrets
do., $7.25 to $7.75; barrels. heavy mega
beef,'$10 to $11; halabarrels .$5.50
relapownt lard., 10e' /le; -pure
M-tor-fOrrionl., •
e to. 'touch, through the steeeta,
rid IWO Ot 'his followers were Ornate°
0 0 •
iv 10 4 81 nen 9 a
'v./culture has- isattetr Uratru Ilona to Ric
anuninion , trait Inaliaators AO be OW the
100''k -out, 'W false xi -larks on repacked
fruit packages. The +wider anticipates
eanditton in Wade 'brought about by
molrli•ot tonditioris.. Last fall the apple
market was high, and a good future
was anticipak0. As a -consequence,
whole orchards weir .boughV up, and
fruit god, had and Inditterent, storod
away kr future 'marketing. Them
will be a great temptation to work this
off to the bast advantage, and the or.
derahis 'been- issued' to guar& ilYt
firmer; N. 1 Narthern, *LI
• rett„, $IMS: %Ake; cee'letta_
tinsettkel; Na. 2 whita, Mc; ith. 2yea
tew, 59,14c.. Oats -Steady; No. 2, intx011,,
tAge; No; I dikbi1t4 MN.",
Netr!';. -Q00 on, treelg.,
Ponillti Men .ta0a: .Tae
tif in both ..imparls‘ and ili
cd in the figu'rcs. tor the pritcediOg
rt,e.,acel brg‹., ittettits
Ames krthe, last inqdh. Total
.sq the literati Imre $44„697,
4614C5tggt -44t-tr
11900; tete} expOrIS Of ileMeatie
I s tvtre, $21,479467, tn itiereetle
1 1 ad*, told txperts of krelgrt Pile=4
nel $1.040,,t1,45.,,an inerease, a
txpr:rts.,. Taking 1,41h
rtaotwitio, altiative
the Skip 40,r ihe month
as ,110441*
NEW YORK •WITE,i,T hiAllgtt
StAw Yfrts lan. 2l..-WriorAf-4P,zi
asyl 1NTo. 2 rel. $1.01,11 tleiltkr;' No,
Attlies,t ocr
iard °Wirtkr, *Lite,
LIAM prom NtAllitt
'rrnt-o, .;tatt. bUslnts$ was
WI in expert, tattle. ' Ttto $aks
8144 $o it kw les'cl Mixed /gravy,
steers and ,tted e,ocrt tattle*, Width
%vie split aztund .$1:$13 _or 'mt. _treityy_
tults wet16,,,$4ing„.ttt $440 tO *SAO per
lhe tatoWlirtift w
Chotecload. *42$
$4,1V5 ,Sk rnei1iur4
hit &yrs, tt
SG ttte0; tatvato,
• UM
Marte01 Strike •to Open lo the Publit
. )4* d
Waif latirittert
Valter htarmril Asks that ito wireleS
servim Letw a 143ndon and Atoutre‘ti
wilt bo opened fo.tho public iort rekAlt.
*Ty I of. 2 at isigportee pett.word. hle
has Own Montreal in' -!cad tit New
rtt beta:use' Otiaditit'a,tibsidit
t £1G(). 11 ti .nrideNood .iltat no
*Ira to 11* Wittlefor footholds
wll te laid yot Or Sending •Wirele.ts
ges dupkx will to attempted" *
,1100EttY AT C411.0011.
A dalchfriflCribalt ay
eMY's*N:ilgrell'atrat li
hundred pou
At* and nen
otnerrilthit are mid
elion.in the instkr. 11 appee
maseim'x toot the oily& In
*kith it tiitiottpOokt 10ha
Pour Thousanic Employe*. tiefule to
' Age t Reduction,
A despatch (rent iNeweastleenaTyne".
says: The threatened strdre in the ship.
bedding:in-du:51Q -ht the Tyne diatriet •
became ta,) fact on"atednesday whert 00
same 4,000 inen Mitt had - refused the
riVOIXiSgd 1,C4tletkill in their kvagoi did
not rettirh to 'work. .The ertiployers de;
dare thls reductkm is necessary ()Wing
to the deprcosion in the indestry. Sento
' raahearearth-eastaeatietaitlatvateseas-
'tidies —for
despatelt fnm Lotidprt Tha,-
**tat!stio, kt-itAworkra shipbupdh*Itt,
007, j4 tisued'. by ilOydof
Allows * toted output 44 mettantile kno.
risg laattic tntte1 Kliigdom of *14,*
263,„ being a t20O0 ionapas
mpated with wldcbthe
blithest it oeeord. Th 1rju ut
•uL190. tr,trytr-7, nefiy MO
re* Dritalti* itKwever* still b
re, than ortetilt tho Intrearttilts ip.
ping, or the •globt, laile.ch, last year t
net .lhere .of 14644000 lien_
ompated iieftlik---lie--Vnerr.aki--4t;
(40 irt 19041. The Wald** fled ot I
)ag ships was reditt.tit doting the vat
*tem toboagiti
AO, The Voiltid
• u.
.Stvlasllte. a hisurigtitiltjallitc9fart7ite's 41.* ,,,
; ,;h
4terttidny shows rather t er:otts (k -
cine. Laid rear A* 275,000,, iont„,
conepareil 30.000 ins! 906,
at the ,saitto 'brae. 'She porcliased Itss,
(pont ,OrOat 1311,tnio,
Gre4t Oritain ts'stilt a. large purehl*
iatteele--bilt abrod,„ ,Anot
tier • or- great'itiK6ifift*!a V Kitt* eo
,l the- -largest, -pereentage !foreign4
Eiripkytd as amnion ktAt the 'Orli.'
$/0.0011)fik. the nutsik,o or
7,11uei1pleyed:, „arataing.
or-, 1hs_tOnsidereti: 'un kottiina!
the ttriEstt 'Naval League i tAing
stem to agitate the natio:titian ot,
th ttepployett ki tit 1;kte' Iptict 'Of
lattl.* itift •414;i141, ',7?"