HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 5 (2)00 it pea te tiloa•Xear MOtt_ TO ell:Ilia leliat44$1, 0 Year *tritAllY 10_4, eatiVOI CitfEC • ^ supper.of 'the m Iwo ofiCOurt WcP, Eprrolotor roxgrga ACT/VA= .g Z+4704 *4 Independent Order Foresters. -4sZ444 tcvl700eW--.Mr-litlbKtiPtiO tat their loves and **Sethearts wit* ig 'Aresin Chitisgo , 'Peri destroyed milli worth of propettr. thought, might, wiXte .st few Iluest d walla very 1010?able ON?. The O 00ukour country Ate telt .13,6 bt inter. oysters were them n aboridioee and ifte It0St" tag 01 th enturv, in haiv,said, ,fwbg08: a, ie 1 bii-o tIiin - ow a1 to'10,$' t , ,estseuworyour rea4ersif :Could .rooked t() the gines --Alt • - ae want te evi hOut our little ..habie, , l* - - * - spare Ott:pace for it., Wi$ uld - not cellent PrograP3 Was furnished. These , A takin part were. botvid tifolain o t „recent ..poez, ,.0 iii,i - ,... . nrne: Suoak: g in govine: sorigs.• Mi u thittit "rart*readings" MuaMentelth • ti ' ,' 4 ,, wget ,Ip:-,01,,1ba.asaUoad, ttnit'e Afisaloillier,Win ' 07.0. stOrget to ,SOIngie-:' OA '11400:1"'''k -r4b011.0703:'1. i''1440#0.$.0.44, -11.10"' OM ' ,:,IlteSVeV,tles e-tertilweiy'elesMe for* ,ta,..• we 41,re, ti t.• , .003he4 ..:10? A ' , nesse beautifutlitte ofStation- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Away Down Prices, UlIYItIIL. Tlrneatllonie our cnursil to be in every bine in Chilaa. whore them are ladies, to have dee:dcd to g;ve, direct to the public our irroprovcd t,,15 course ta dressmakingincluding cur I. i.dits Tat? Sterty for wliqiestdc- $3111 thvre are a lanze nuntlicr of pcolIt tve- dre5,..inakera tay' ou cannot_ b[• tuail vze read ay„4.1..in ad nfle:•,.t ler:An (oliich teat.he how to make a perfect fitting ,wait,t, rte.. tvrvd to any. addreS3 Qratarin. Jet. tier you r,. 4.:a3 learn, mod at; i•-•• ye . f trward fan courrAe of Icriion5 P:ta.ce do ualesia you rritt to learn d..eseanaltingv ,zre:',.s4 GUM' an0n4. can learn ',that we guar, • liatcie to pi, ve &MO to avivone we cannot tszch. 1;:ec.c lessons teaoh how to cut. fit and put tcg:..,1.7.1cr. any garment frern the plairient, wzo%t cnit to thz, rno.-3 elaborate. ti -es9. "I his is the only cours; in Cana& that the whole family eau learnby one member' takina it op. We bav., been in buiinesa for ten years. have taught` -ovez ' 11-evrare -seeetetees, es sere Kaye tren ttnowri to copy our advs. and even • iniver-mr of thil count,. No adviA genuine tt out 14011.00`gtutratitee. We for particulars. Atithe SANDERS' DRESS-ciliTimG SCHOOL 21 Erie Street. Stratford. Ontario. Canada. To mai A' succeesfur wife, to resin. the love and admirsition of her liesben4 toimeilre him to make the most of Wee sell should be a Womaree co, meant study. a woman *Inds that her enmities *re fIaggng1 that ehe gets easily tired, dark abadows appear under her 4Yee, ahe hies backache,' headaches, bearing -down pains, a est-sethseblueteshe should etartat once to build-up her sob= dissitonic41211hthazeclipirtlitre poistiv.betrey,ergeochtlatunitsLii letter from young wife ' Deer Mo. Pinkbane; "Ever since my child was born Thews Ede istat-hopek,w-wooteivever-havei ith intismunation,_female weakn Alowne_eins. -beekestliscatutse • 1.t..effeere4-seketomecA„so- lAelsicA L- dddd auT new initiene,vms„, -46i4-41611 teed made incthst,1-srree'stil to snvirtn* and lfeel s!) gra 414.170001,1 rf!gayax.-Itbro new life and vitality."-Mxi. le Ainley, ,oteSontireethietrece-TatonnyWashe---- -What Lydia -E. Pinkhrtm's-Nregetable Coinpound did for Mr*. Ainsley it will do for every nick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms you don't un- derstand write to Mre. Pinkham, daughter-in-lavv of Lydia E. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. - Her advice is free and always helpful. s t5 DS For fresh. p tyandrell. stbility,FewrraSends are Ina chat by them. selves. rairiner$ havecoulidenee intlient ben:Anise they know they can be reliedul)- , WANTS) AT ONCB-Ws have decided to hi- t and employ a number ot smut young ladln - ---iXrkskettour-courin-in- Dresincildnr -Ming one thither for the six nearest towns where they live— itt as 20 to 35. who have worked at dress:ink- 1/ Ins. or like4 dra preferred: Please do not apply • unless you rim evote your whole time. Address _ Tut Smoot. 2 reliable men as agents for Exeter ndlcurrounditiettokintry to sell our MAXNAIM-13LUMT rm. CBERRY, arram-- -PEAR r u 13ERT.0AND RASPBERRY and a tc'ens end line of fruit and ornamental trees. You can _make meeker nut of our attic where you would eitil with common stock. We pay cash weekly, supply outfit free and givesexcletsive territory Write to PELHAM NURSERY CO., Growers'of high grade nursery stock. • - Toronto. Ont. NB. -Special terms to suit agents working part ,time. ' Enter , ..... . Our Management trains More Rookkeeper4Stettogrephereand Telegraphers than I:. °thee in Western Ontario. N o ex t ra charge tor two cou ' • Mott eminently qualified in- structors. Graduates asetsted to good positions Other colleges erilta our, emirates -them- ' MAIL COURSES in Mistrial- tstionceCieiteleervice,e Petiman- ship, Shorthand,. Bookkeeping, : A etriend 4 POIltal for informsMon ' -about Ciatidite 6r..t.atC1Ialit 1 of llith Grad. , Bitaliiisaii Col. pfillhtellil -0 iti Spetton, ?disci Eby, ifice-Princieeth askeittatiesititsehatt PHONE DIRECTOlif' „:*', it t , Ail. oolv,"ortm V414 Most/ ij 414t:',f4454.1.-*° ese ' RectiOnS i . ae Oy:tide' vO t Od . V hese- to to 110 had, 't.trottotl, our town. whfab rotii.01,o o 1140 lunch:to the grosiskh ottiiii.plate:, 414' ii, sin oelph due. This iraiiiit be the case*lienlAhe ,.'1(010 ' ' .414 'ettougaiAliorACV-'0100.', -the: "el !Tnitte:ZsTsevittnriTeteertS LIZ t:Z114108 19Of. "0-11:*-4"114**116-''etee-ilitcvcvn* It deed sorry to learn ef hie affliction. tr Guelphs,. expsiisatz4tipit4tu°144Y tz4t,grhealzt_e ut He bits beemsnnereder avotersim_with hhs razz, etable, fruit trees, -et., . to see whrentuern ''lint has obtaineiVVir litfia 'kinds are matt suitable for the dins- t- ief. Mrie Thorepson of near Toron- 'ate. Our town lighted by electric to is here on a visit. -Alf. Lewitt, son light and in this pec Witte h°111641ke and We have gr • t IL Heil' et present vieifrom tieg his sister itt it makes of Unreel Levehtis home Austral,- streets in the near future. Now, Doet prospect of having electric mutt a ir in ai&niton.-The Smith farm here 'the business pert of Lacombe. There wwuatt perturoldtsotettadabyy, mToteeenseirrothos05004Cfreosr are three largelgener40"1"01,4 Theae the sum of 0,500 and the 100 acres' °wretch* gerle014°411Lbit:nutideaa odratelneirelberPsi: uPen which the building are was sold to Gilbert nese. ween there ere two grocery Carter of Clandeboye for est. storm 000 two fOrniture stores, two tailor w""-...,...........-40-2.--... shoptront-jetttirt furniture aw - ..,. - szsbiota_ - ness shop, bakery,. millinery and fancy sT-he store, paper store, two teacher shoes two eweller stores, Miro photostudfine. Many friends of Alm hue Bes- jterd will be sorry to learn of her ill - two banks -Union and Merchants- nem We hon_e she may.soon recover. one drug store, two barber shows -M0.Whiting 01 Parkhill and three livery stables, two _printing of. M. McLean Of Corbett were visitors aces, two lumber yards, three hotels, with the.Misees Sweitzer hest wedks- IMO liquorsiteree and an emnemo . mica- _The"Jesse Janus" play given at Ex- ituaLsweerefeux,d„finme,i,eimpi, b a, load from ttds_Villeee,is. Bit, ber of real estate office*. On the stArs -eterfitatorday evening was patronized ine-110, W-t,---,r.'...'-kt ..cc-allit. '-'416-01.'GrAlulliten4-viaaroVra-7-ktildii* ,.t iitriiiikeirthin others and ave a 0101-efiniatwer----... intarair, Wili- :ti• iiljuraLmiler_iii*topritvkiair—titiiitlitilho:::05-211:40ant,krik=--.0.0trisitor:gat 44!ituuu_251.,,_' iiTrhe..‘742_03g.usi.ng on belilidings_l --r_Nliarrli=ftwiS with tee niiii?iiiraW:P- hen we attire --thecIE4tcvaltngtebitilical" Itairri 21431triuponil°."1114.14ttOiePort thergiserox-**0 RonnurCatholicrchurehm------Our new of,tome:otour.pepular.voungladies,.,Irt, school ethiciewillbricompleted aboutthe-Perso-11, of mita- Ellaaheth-Sesith, - the firet of March isone of the beatindaughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith. - the province. and peaks well for our Vhthtiaie Autesrrdaughter was woirtylu rdoenMondaz town. It is esti ated to mat 350,000. We have a beautiful lake about nine thelonden hosPital,'end not expected toilets west of -our town, where people beat* lisvidee. onThweedfanthesalerahaeatnendedremtosinheder from all, over our province come due - hag the summer to camp, it being the with her a few daYa- She seemed to bestatominerramt in the provi iroprovean nicely that Mr. Smith re - with the exception of Banff. We have Inriiadlietne; hateinling1P-return-ited- had MI ideal fall and winter, the like 1 bring her home when she was able. never saw in Ontario. It 'froze tip Shortir after she toolic w-deOldeditUrti . about the 10th of November and the for the worse ° roads got as smooth as a floor, in fact, 1;sas reeevwoheruSunday t thull.Sbeetiewwite6 just hit e prime of womanhood.being in tionskplices We had dust a:couple �f inches -deep. We hive had very little mit 23 Years of age- She wasof a quiet snow yet.- but there are some mit- hut I aval"nule! wdlassP°411etins°noanrianiretnor're "este term and eleightto be seen every day. rare au came in closer touch with her. in The old titners say this is their usual home she leav-es a Nit ---ht memory: winter here; tets show, aud nice- bright • ment u al c.'".4titi• • reelb--..aurtvre• 'seldom getting below zero. We are tYlles101'"Ilra both well and hearty and would not fte""ent'eu` think of grill§ hack to Ontario to live a con5.:1=tious . • and t:tostworthy again, but w in a. few years take house. Farra Seed 'a, trip home to see all the folks. rMena. - APURE. ,rterespectfully,-- li tilioasites.WectstAti. F. P. SYMMS% Lacombe • KIPPen 4 Among. the- Westerners who are * spending the winter in this locality Mrs. Robt. McLeed has returned are Hugh Cameron, Moosejaw; John from her visit to Seaforth.-Richatsi Reid of Oak Like, and John Gemmell Atkinson recently purchased the fifty - of Tuxford.-James Morrow of Delor- ogre farm of his brother Monies of aine is renewing ac urtintances in Biticrulph.-Alrie Z McCorniick and this locality: . litthriurnehaveeretnrnedir asbeenreceiving treatitent at' the -W. H. Simpson has purchasedthe• ospitalin -Ciliates and *ha recently 100 --acre farm of W. H. Crawley in underwent an operation has sufficient- Biddulph township.-D.D. Reviugtote ly recovered as to be able to return 2od con., Biddulph, 'has returned from tober-Imme-here. The news will be Guelph where be attended- er- --stock learned with great pleasure by her judging class at the Model P many friends whose sincere wish is James Sadlier. formerly 0.T.R. eta on her recovery maybe speedy nod agent hem and now -holding- the sa e pertuanent.-Arthur Anderson wears position in trat roy, is at a pleasant smile these days the cause mother and other relatiees.---Invita. being that a little girl hit* come to tions ha** been issued for a bachelors' bless his home, while at "Charles Din* ball to be held "• Stanley 'Opera house, dale's a little 0011 hes_..made_hist an- FAhe7. me is antieipated pearance. Altaredoing well. Willa Annie Reitb is visiting in Lon - er and mother, two aistera and live brother:1*re left to Mourn the loes of a beloved daughteionnd sister. The deepest sympathy of the whole come tuunity goes out to these sorrowing ones and we ho there will not be one missing in a g or cue reun on on the resurrection morn. The re- mains were brought home and on, Wednescley all that was mortal of the eargirlwarlatd-to-res 1 - ton cemetery. The members of the resbyterian Church met to tpend* a1 evening `th-their-pastorsand-his- ily-Reve andifirs..AbreyStilleir new-leatise. The new manse Which has been erect- ed during the past summer is a very handsome structure and a great credit' to tbelown. Other visitors, qfPnA Rev. , ells and Rev. and Mrs. Cornish and . Man' friends of the different congre- *Clone. A,very-pleasatatevening-ve d sock* intercourse and not t e leas enjoya e .was e sumpetums supper prepared by the les dies` of thescongregation.--.D.D.G.IL, Dr. P P. Coepland ,acconrprinied by , s Salt` Wide lite offictat visit [0 Gran - Kirkton - itelottle-m-toonhawreturned St. Marys after a pleasant visit with her aunt Mrs. J. aylor. -Master Char- lie Taylor entertained a number of his young friends to a birthdey party on Saturday. Charlie is a right royal entertainer.so the young Peeele say. - Mrs. . Robert Robinson , is on a few weekeleisit to her mother at Toronto. -Our Junior League enjoyed a pleas- ant sleigh ride on terrturday.-Miss Nellie Nixon is visiting friends.- in Georgetown. -Skating is the drawing tatil Of the nei hhorhood.---Itisis Bale Shipped a carload of Lincoln sheep to Ion of St: Marys is the new Wearer in Whalen school. -The sidewalks have been very. slippery during tire past few days end Many falls lutve been the re - stilt. The 'avow has made, them *mite passable *gain.. UAW. E. A.. Pear of Exeter. occupied the pulpit in the Methodist churcb on Sunday, hie Ma. COUrnen being very interesting mia in- structive. Rev.- olmes took the for- mer's work at Exeter. -Dr, Einem:oh Hedging .left Wednesday for New Yorlefrom whiefisplateehes,sails- t Cloaton 1?t14*, gvoni4t s• fOntMrio)3,trot cburch praent-. -004 Mciipler ttkOr Alokk kot -01 '444t •4.1.' aieavy logy FriJa 01.4.040 ite,40'ittl).: 01444.,e0441914' Xtion,„4, ' atinsal W4' 40(410, or the G.T. orhit till Maio, .F.ozz4 114.41cek, .; naVrAy$ count it 4 rleaT,Are to tvcotemond tie Sloeum Remediea to-say-eariiiesioneree-t-belisep t'acte--- 1* t.onicg teeter, for -throat 2E14 hto, ' to*Iles 'or sveaknees or tnn-ilocy*q__tylk• . FOr' *orb throat 1 Lave mad Psydries veryleui3ecia,i.'1 . _ • ee. %- fit9verm.ittn6Ddyy Ont. ,Y.Pkina cil tstthA si)tsen needti. isbaY1 4,ac1 . ttigkitoron• • 4.1t to Its,,,. -04e -at .,oyery 013.40tteilityi." rOWAV,r, 4.11141401# eiee ..eiftee reeiszom takiugit M57504 ,fee oesioloo eovertement:aille a site for the new past - Clinton: The wedding was selem- nized in the Ontario street chUrch mi Jan. 18, of Miss Anna, daughter ofJaa. lloweef7Whisattsgttf0*./,100.,,. cOoo They were-- riniettended While Hew Kerr performed the ceremony. Ste Marys: On Wednesday the death occurred of Roland jlogers, son of 'Vieow, Roger., aged 20 years.5 months. t July he came home from Brock, VI le in ill -health and WA condition gradually became worse up to the time of his death. ,,z, St. Mares: John Shand Finnie who was knocked down by a bull in his barn yard.Downie,Satorday week and reteivel severe Internal _Wariest, died cd night. He was aged 71 years and 11 months and leaves a widow and a grown-up family. Sesforth: F. L. Willis was driving on Wednesday when the horse of the Sertforth Milling Co., which was rain- ning away, jumped into his sleigh: Mr, Willis WAS knocked out and in falling on the ice had his shoulder in - 'need but fort inately-no-lnee roien-me..._m*.*w 5iin &T vattnnj 1r4itiutana:k414 Onannil'4g.th_thAt be le 0434.10r. nem in the City of Toted% Comity end Mete afore- *elk_andithat said Arm will pity the sum of ONE -Dormalottw eitclriatd-Weiret" Car 'OF Catarrh thateannot berovnatbrithemtunrof-trall Catarrh Cure. , iraaNa J. CHENEY t lyCdOuttuOittl It. •Itoy. X. S. 1. Wilfioa, A.14rkdalV Out.: w4 ttiairk:ant: pilychinie and am p/eased to say that I an. greatly improved health. was troubled very zueh kss toxins t believo Payadne is all elaimed for it." These sme ee.Wnest preachers of the expel of Psychtpr. They know where- tatrotabte,YlanirPeg seta stoMPIckineutolf tro° uchulree: 4111'c is a .great voice strengthener, acting directly on the total., respiratory and digestive organs,thus epeerally adapted to public spealers. .&t ail- dreggisti, Pc and. .1.00,_ or Dr. T. A. Slogutn, Ltd., Toronto. Sworn to before me and eubserd in my Pm' ewe, this dth day of December, A. .1885. (Bast.) A. W.GLICASONL NOrliAT VIVI= Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood arid collocate surfaces of the systent. Fend for testimoniela free. F J enEtixv a 00 Toledo, 0 , F. . Sold by _all Druggists, 75e. " Take ilairs_fainily-P4110.-fer copsfipat1o34 ' Aim Ansa Craig: Two deathe have oc- curred here during the past few days. Mrs. Angeline McKay, widow of the late John McKay of East Winiame who departed this life on Sunday af- ter a brief illness. Mite Christy Ann Stewar, , who has resided in town, for She bad been ill for eotne The death of Miss Susan Mitchell occurred at the home Of her brother Geo., on Saturday, at the age of 74 years. She had been an invalid _yevra_szalseerie her advanced age her death had been expected for some weeks. She was borninin London tp., but his resided rother tor many years. Hullette John Sprung, one of the oldest residents of these parte. Pa away Wednesday' at an old age. r in Prince Edward county in 1823, he came_ to this comity in' and settled OH the Base line, w . Uhrwifepre_deemed-kim by less than a year. He had been IR for some time with dropsy and his death was not entirely unexpected. _ _ Mitchell: Mr. Rozel and wife who moved to town in the fall fteko. Strat- ford is lying very low with a stroke of ralysis. Hi, wife_wentlaStratto for atcouple of days, leaving him alone • whenithereturne&theloun lying prostrated on the floor, where o rr*Witillen. The firehad, been out for hours, and it i.• not known 'bow ion laalitir been. 'ffi.---that'obtaftton: did it il ikili ha-Waidataiss expired. - irk:ilia ititiitiodtho:611ovitingoilitoretr NiCto Litbrer; V..11*.eto.iteltb* ' it. -tridltetertifteiritt,.$Fe.,' , -X- on; Treas.; A. lita Weettnan; Wardell,. - 0. M.. Webb; Conductor, V. M. Stmt. ley; RANA. Gs Chethesys L.S.N.G., .Chas, Wieford; 0.0., Wm. Ridley; I. , Mill: Gentian,- 0;3mile, D. Johnston; .23.8.,131W. Weis and Pullyblank; 416 It. LS/ .0., Bros. Clatworthy and A. Goma . The work *sedan*, in. * , first-class manner arid the officers'. of Wibley Lodge Are to be congratulated upon the results -of . last year. which : altosvid_.!151r, to - to_Ja_41.-.6ontiOting onaditiOn. Tfut . .* 00110 OW ng 0 4. cw.,..s.4,,,,,,sete eel.. a •,-*--- 1-- otettveritt te v siting brethren* were -.ens 2 , her father's Hines*. A. grand Co_nce . ," - hoh-td'ek,'rt7witft'! ...nkt-‘ -dia. on. Ilder-Lodgo-stritwp-ait ' wider' the auspUe-eiriir Igii- Klikton ere hrtt: whih othis iniiiiot terteta*._ , *reel -good Choral Society was held in Aberdeen' ,, i„,,,,,,,,,, Ilan fun fil ri si• ik„,t1 .1,,,h4 HaTuesday eireeirm The paw__ 00..... , NOP.11441 IMO ,,,,......... ...001,...4.. 0 10,11,11,4. wawa% A 0A111:' • 4711134irett ttso?sicehtedaivosett vroainind s000rsios. t rir.waloestusw. akenrtshr:;.,:tZtaordirt t itfl,m. Ise ,1,47enr 711:1! ' admirably rendered and well received. T,Ils followita tor, teldrseesd to as joyabie event. Although the attend. .8stereesey or the istamoseet Seel *run end everybody went sWay well pleas- tie*** not RI large am. on previous- A_____,,,,_..4,,,,rolitot froni:tho. oceasions them* Were apreeids of 150 tua",c‘1"Ini 'a" ' ed 'with the entertodurnenta • ' ''' . Nisi. Ont. , ''' : •on ftirnis eel the music, -The._' At 'Legman, a well-known ' Anglir'. I tall early hour Friday morning at he . t. ... bo death of Mrs- Mataerte °c•intecl, id/ eau minister of the ptovkos 1104411 120- tom:melt et ours, It reads: 44, urtie. of bee sonsiti.lim, S. Gibson. . ,uiesre atter whit* and lingeringiillness, teeed to seettre 'tit* admission Into the 1)0 years And 0 months,' The 'funeral i hospital for Consatiptivio at Graven-• , . tobk 'place Saturday to Bitr temetery. hurst el' a young, woman, * ritiluitseir of : 'Aoother death took place Wedness el:y- puede The Ca."0 is airstt 14 ozne . darer the person of Robert Itobiteson, an if help can it once bib &Oen, a pros , At theAgelit 22 years, A. 'month, -anti- Iniswit. lifs rio jmirjoitioctl,.5,hitt poet* on Friday to 8 James' eemetery was nco thsietfeie What been ray pairiftil day& .-,1711ilietarviliTeli4Oolc Place' ,go tbai mother.. died ' of tonsemptfon. largely attend.td. - Much eympsItty is &sty to 'bary two of the4eotte With thie felt for tho bereaved esoes its this is tile llama sliecise. New Autxds, *gel About fifth ,death in the family in four years. soventeen, and *1 ey .f Solrieen, ***alt. 'Miss -Nora Carlisle of Iltimilton is ' that Stltatittlk of tto family. The poor 'letting her titter 'Miss, Carlisle at the ,44el1es.3le*en In 31nsloka, ardinitats; - -letvtlirreontretteeetdievida-tlettlint t' atiter'dn2Illet iloalirblethArich If rectory. --The Centralia hotel here ia Int, ;livable house, !waiting f4/ 'eiditzttett. Aergotoit, a, complete-- interior, renovas elle **tatted @me last 'week, Andy:Uhl* tion. a elijdos,dkortlitoi., rianion ...ttvetary.vme Letts of her return hot .lotektion, niece of We. It, j„,MeMineti.i dirvicg into Isloritoods The ease. ia of town was trierriel at Port 'Caldwell,. *tire! t no MO V3tSt girOil tgatt*'0Pril* retently to John II. OliversCutla of.; eatlfies. Ot etericttee,ano.Yeti a tem', only unineg.-At it recent Meeting Of OW" ,C0 ttes ball! Plat ilre* 00Ititatitli elpIr-DletriTtLAU-thielellisititi, - St, Marys: 4 The wedding of G. N. Hogg and Miss Ulla Pearson took place Jan 15. the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. Jamee. They will re- side in town. - St. Marys: An .Englisbnian natned Taylor. employed in the constriction gang of the St: Marys & Western On- fellieff „a locouisotiye- at- - way-ne.s,r,,here,Fridey4siorningsees--e----:-:-ZeLL partialltheneatia the whee , I also-susthreeedeinWtracttiee 01 the , • perarwatitteelitd testuteiturd- frac- ture of the lower arm. In spite of the . mate'reinjtiry_thereie-hope-sst his :re- ----7- -_-.t.---- _ . _ . . eteeetl. . Mitchell: John S.. Coppin passed red away early Monday orning after an illness of several too tbs. the most of the time being C0118.- to his bed. Ile was in his 70th year. ' lie has been * residen1 of town since 1863 and for 3.5 years Mid held the offiees of county siounstable, bailiff and also was the - t license inepects* for Saud) Perth ich_positionle-held for about thee y re. .Deceased was born in Body' Cornwall, England, where he held the,, office of county council beforecoming to Canada. Betides his widow he is survived by five daughtersand two . . sons. g Powder "it h.ps its strength -.the List ' orpoOnful al, good as the first." ttitturit.gives six& aThflji to, tile bilicumr.ono,TmOlo use ' user want it every time." Write tts for our _ tratictukt Drter & chrelled Coat• To introduce cur New Swede Turnip, the "Canadian Cern,' we wifl give to every /inquirer for our Now 11008 a package of these teed* absolutely frees The great turnip growing district near Guelph shipped** care' of these turnips to the United States lest season. "Cats*. - dem it3ient"'Itoritegeovsi -- ir iot-ow, is free from sVet rgfeg„_sse 101 a_p;#okage-of-ou py or a Calltadgett Pridetomato instead of the t 'Write to -day and name yeur choice. SeseliestesteNeeeiseeire rive, IE1FORA ANC, Arivait ilit[ailfisisttri. . . ., • 818140 nitrn ' serttter,i,iiiitikrs, Slick P . rs' Itch, Seek! Ilesel, itOti*g ',roma*: 800 0 , 0808/8 saes.ao alI CatItteousahd faCiatt blemishes. . Hai been thOr aeghly tad succeletrittly tested In bundrevistof an called itstrtreblenaate. 0 is entirely unlike any other pirtilatatten, mixture or ointmentthat bo txN tri SOCr pit ja. scribed. • A few erktticationsiall constrict Thetis 'its trOt:lerra tacdiCal vitt oe ani intringie Merit. —I lrgrkliteir 'COW ail* ,. rrice 0 no, or Avo Wits two DnIttrs. Iktitel ell ecci re'1t ot t.t kr. retotturtied totiog dokiti Cetus:lei- ,. -• Fatiaphici free to -a-iii- untUCtatted and *old ,t• le Tho Tiettor-ine Chenthwe C. Wevessers •Ofleedes ' Is atuuut to publish it new issue the, OfficialTelephone ---vettorrtortbrOistriatit'IVW tern lintstrioincluding the Town of Vsetor. Changes of fitun rim:newt chAuge* of street ialdteleete or orders for du in at onto to sOd asetir by X' Browniv*, 8. llowey and W.. S. Cole, Moir - lats. es were iostelled: W.M. Robert Won; Walter Hodgkin W. Lewis; RA, W. Z.' Davis;' Errueat LenefOral; Treas.. F.,• AN :1)010 EtL ing;,141% KIl .A. \wdei-Its for ireattil'ettberti. in etpvaito.inilelcti Ifit toil f , .• ke t in another dty ones*, friends ,t.cr i:elatitia learn nothing *boat. . , They have 06 Means of . , km:volt:1z tiniest; ,thondepfitor so . , • Byld(estplini petitlbor g yot.,, r aur adorn/ #04 #ceasfuy. Theie is no r financial institution Canedi in which, to place .your niooty. Interest on depegtS is ceMponntied Einasierly and debenture* ire *tad it 4 to:vitt. ptr Ittnitortt Ulf tly. 1, rito-to: ft"- - polio** tripecting basklflt 'tI7 044 yr or k tuky )10redit Banitari