HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 4 (2)eke year%
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thle That Will
3.'9 fCghjv . ir,
tr$ lost the. tAii aduz.
' -1114K .tiOt w04,44,- 41f9r4 the, e
inig Met be le ec-e'ell
• •
• reeeed.
.We 11-a;re Me Vert; Latest
Clothes eitinidrattertiS.
ezeter bcate,
Sanders tt Creech, Props,
THURSDAY, Jan. 30,1908
ection Reform
ern, renesereatteemember
for Peinee Edward, Ontario, has intro-
duced in the Dominion House a
ui which embodies motet ot the elec-
tion reform features of his party plat-
form., The bill Waite closely the 1
Mutate ependjture of acandidate
ever eeme papers that the latter wish-
ea troutthtelown for examination IA- •
sieve to some timber dela,/ he the de. The little .deughter of John
pertinent ef Hoe. Frank Oliver. At < °C Rodgerville, who wati
tiro; the Preruier refteeed to have them teethletJa few .thiyago isgettingalong
, dome bat finall.y he resteded from his °IceIT. .She WA* inthe net eet eetuov
4610fle.at the t931140 a jefiletiltatfittlo wtiltrhatIn. --sielatneattee,ttrl: fer oft anku-,44 thte04-v-welnitent
t, a
QM Qr1,5.1:4114,AVAIrtk J1105tmttkill COR, of the teakettle were seined °vote
tirtgine. '' • ve of-.-tirdlet-,14,, 4eaingng .her jut*,, ser-
e . __re, r __.... .
'Note that the Eeeter eAgricultoral 1")°141Y* -Ml." }the Troyer hao returne '
Society b`tes-the eitety officees and,direc, ftleeet(1-Sereafeort,h itte*a'Keesent *hilt l4s,
twicolort,oft.ft* i9 .ii le ' time they. vincilteoeetadit's tit tOwn, ars ,givieg
were eoettileting ehe 'ereon .0e .0, '<it,tetit.P lelear•tteaufece it0-10,erestaf Pride.
grand' • eteretd , .` ort . the ,Ageictilttiral. eellfe ''`e,4;7*"4t4.,.._41.4m*II‘Yr...i°4'''n! Punanni, NV.i
seeontle, ' . Viet, the:reit •ft)*', yeerSe the At
-reitqte.Atetie'-etteette6 -• , end* ‘ IF'
P taw), 4)10n.sr.-plzdo: fee ehe etoltOitn 144L,.44f4guketi ,TUOT'tf.j, 'Wereebonee
tieY tti-ienttik OnOtt it, ' SAod '46' Idok t'rtgi'``.°112'. 4 `*gAit• , ' 140
:4,1iitituJi ialt ai*ittate :X0' ',44ii : titOr;•,' "'"f"4:1° :'$.11443
• i • Pepper,,
latt6.)..t:?xiia,Ar,urivtoiTot.dr'Ity4„,t4t!,0„.1Ittle,itivp. ,v,..lw tutI a ee' eagt-4.-7 et
-`9. 6 0(4*. vgilild;,. -TiA16 'stand tteee0eitt 41t464; w
11•106 it'd& #114, fr0,4 lb q 1111:4-00/Ist; WA•$, ' .
' 4n. 4 .
yetXr§? .^.5 ':i1;1 ' ' Wt$'
• tjzzit• •comfort4t$W-4tp41 on a,warni ..' . p•eneetepteiro hate ton Olatied:_,'i he
,new covered tatrAnd is• n ',cessary tnd
At wee positively hest. An abiOrotetY baseutent„,,e'of VattnetehLtrPh.-AIA§'9 °,4`"
this stioncue,r is the' titY44' to 1°au 4"" triSSVS. INICArthtlf'.---Ig114: 1314W0efl of
t 4 ..e4 ii: litIria0 OCTOr013t0 IS A Vauter 'Mtn toe
Of conrse we he the el . old' story
from some of the old-time director,4:. linton spent it few titters here during
the weele.-Art Xing who met with an
*Tee co,t is toregreat and we heveu, t ccident,at thaeink la rem
0e, •• ,.. " 14144.t...-L-Ant.t.t.t.g, ,• ._
grown eit * ec s
few email days and the thing is paid
for and after that, it will he e • • Y
kerfett the locieter- rif-tik _
cetteelitifiVedslt is necessary that
they be supplied with a stand. Over
and over again we have heard people
say they did not pare to go to the
wlwri be got
ts o
He was ta en oil the ice in an linear'.
scious condition and medical eid wa,s
suromoned,WitiWWWir arta _tile
'have returned to etkiiidiffi:=Williaen
Whitemides is recovering from hie late
illness. -Mrs. Nelsoe Metal:lord has
beee in Toronto attendingthe funeral
of a relative. Mrs. McLaren of TWA -
grounds because of the lack of a stand la county. Mich., is Welting her sister
from which to watch 114438POVi8• zees. J. Weismiller. -Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Eecrett recently celebrat-
ed their golden wedding. A large num-
her of relatives tem. inattendance.'Besideristinie vittriable- presents they
were *resented with a purse of golds-)
Ed• lete4eareentwehist week
Mie-te 17iidii"--"-SWitf---eitertained---a-
nurnber other Orediton and Ebenezer
friends on Weduesda evenin
orbtleWedualfildrif tilife-' ar r of • • ing the funeral of his daughter
Port Elgin. Geo. Hepburn and sister* Mies Jennie Shaffer. --Ben Holtman
of Centralia were among the guests. f Berlin visit friends in town during
While a lood WAS corning from Ebe• he week. --The many friends of =Me.
nezer to attend the party they met urray will indeed be sorry to learn
with an accident with disabled- some eof hie continued illneris.-Mrs.T.Welele
o them for the evening. -Rob. Clark recently entertained a few friende,
and prohibits more strictly, el.........e.e_le_.eatir_T•ee. , eteseetateher_ _moved., here ete-oee-eeevedeaseot-ttnoeis-reported--te --elE---
trillus"rtr '°1--ileeters' - Purnsultirlill Sebrin ille laet Ivrea.-- We---welco e "-A, telmt'of-Ezetien. "Illitor liticke
concerned in A._ ,..tt_erowides-ethetA-ehum_two
• i•very
• • .! - -ill- - *---iniLeif -tordaykete- l
•••••_ .1..
, e , . ...see,. •• e __ 'fie -16'"-- - -'-• Theer *tort
1 ' ei''' _ liel: liti trerrilket.thosne alter a few weeks visit awe ""454;4114-1°1. er e'be
hureh will --7deIeated by
tiboic-67, rind -that thedeputie* andother wtuile- - I beeleoehe'r. mese Manz of iremeceillurninated-witii electric lights short.polt-offfeers-shall be resident lti-the .etoekeeesamBrown wasin Hammon lye Arnold Mc -Art -hot ittio-lifir-beeit
Vaelsbe ""rnahlp- lit-t-Intmie-r15411t7 the.beginniewottbeiveekun-businesse-MrY0-4-0-0-thaorerelfto-nankettaft
.........- -.... -- --ewhertetheyestete Italloteboxee-murittitt - _same' Kahn aml, wife-aeo now. emu. at ttawa, is home on . a visit -De,
prevent (mud. Heavy penalties are
-of--the-Poltto fortab1y settled le their home on male and Mrs. Selkry were in Kincardine
imposed on all who practice or know -
street. -Dr. McCue had a long-distance this week. ?am SellerY will remain
ingly permit fraud.Officers who vio-
late the secrecy of the poll get a year
in prison. Corporations are forbidden
under penalty of $5,000 to contribute
to campaign funds, while officers, dir-
ectors or shareholders Contented in
the transaction are liable to a year's
imprisonment and a heavy:Roe, The
penaltrof a, brWer-is-linposed upon all
\who by public speaking or. through
the press or in any other way try to
influence electors try promise of Reline
expenditure in their district. There
are other equally stringent clauses
'making the measure a great step in
election reform. Such a measure
should meet with the \ approval ofboth
<sides of the Mese. The people are all
infavor if clean elections, etud • upon
,this -rests the great principle of respell-
•••,eible government.
1., ^
-- - -Senate RefotaThies been a live ques•
'titan at Ottawa in the Commons and
Senate this week. Certain Common-
-ers are for abolishing thwilpper House,
uthere for reforming i and one par-
- - ticulatly bright idee, i to have it de -
Med by a referendum. The senators
retaliate by saying that there are far
too meny members in the House of
tfronemons and that if the number
were reduced by one.helf, more busi-
-eness-would be ducie vrith rmiali less
*time wasted in useless talk. There et
- fool for thought in both argument* and
phone placed in his office last Friday.
-Eli &trawl left here on Saturday
for the West. He accompanied a car
load of horses from Exeter for Thomas
Etandford and will go with thein as far
as Winnipeg. -Nelson Hicks of Cent-
ralia was in Wive Monday instructing
the singers who will take part in the
choruses. It is his intention to give a
concert in Centralia s me time next
month and here the night
More particulars will follow. The pro-
gram will be an excellent one and
none should miss tbe treat in store for
thern.-Mrs. Siebert and family, who
are moving from Platteville to Dash-
woed, are spegding a few days here
with Mr. and M •• : • •
the meantime Mr. Siebert is having
his goods and household effects ship-
ned to the neighboring burg, where
he in\tend, starting a mercantile busi-
ness. Mr. Siebert lived' here statue'
years ago and has many warm friends
here, _who_alLstrish_hint --every-su
in businees. -The remains of the late
Elizabeth Smith, daughter of William
Smith', of Shipka, 'Who died in Victoria
Hospital, London, on Sunday, were
interred in the -Evangelical cemetery
here on Wednesday, Rev. Suttcliffe of
Corbett officiating at the burial ser,
vice. Oar sympathy is extended to
the bereaved fandly.-Daniel Sweitze
and Geo. Finkbeiner, the deputyere-
turning officers theetsraellkes e pelt
were in Seaforth on Saturday ellver-
ing their ballot tiOXes 4) returning OM-
eer, D. D. Wirson. --Well, the election
per aps the adoption- of both tee„e , se over. Soule are glad. , others sore,
would he or benefit to the eeentry. .! sod a lot ' quite unconcerned. The
Sir Richard Cartwright used 1„ sey .-mejority Mc. Horton got in this town
,that the Senate is "a will stone h4ng t p.hip was a complete surpriee Some
ing to the -neck -of -the people,"*- but his of the old Clain- Libetals LULA some-
• ,opinion has changed since his view. thing bas gone wrong with Stephen,
point is now from a Senator's cbeir. but the trhe facts of thee seare-there
TheeToreitto-eireies ttreling t
he re.. are MOM independent here now,
ellatribution measure to' 'brought be-
,antlmen whovonsidereve lbefore the,
---forethereeleerteodetetwartheee nen4theireirarlkiteand--do-ribreedliiie
-t' strictly to -.party lines. -The roaching session. says: -"At se
_ _
,-- ---the-getterealimpreseitailethl * east
n more members will be added to
e--Legielaturer by the Mt- -Ofe!ourtheie"
swat be-glyen to Toronto.and- fear
t 'Northern Ontario. Four, or possi-
ble five, new constitnences are likely
to be greeted throughout the older
portious of the Provirtce, lett et least
. two of the snialler existing; constitts
encies will Probably be eaerged <into
others. For instance, it is generally
accepted that Monck, now repreeent-
ed by Hon. Richard Hatcourt, will be
no more after the redistributiorewhile.
new that Hon, Geo. Grohaeti ;bee
' /leaked '41,-71e• not ti kit? that the
Me will be re-
$ •
A lively titt hat 1;een on in the Do-
minion House during the week , be-
tween the Govertmentand Opposition
rise lilergaeet E. Thompson, „ which
ug ere
this week. The recent storm delayed
*pea winter -weather prophets? The
storm on Sunder and the ,following
day was an. old-tineer. The roads are
badly dnfted:in pieces end tra,
is slow.- We are pleased tte leer that
the Canadian Rink of Commerce has
decided to open up a branch here -
probable? this week. This will be wel-
come news to a large number.
'eWitertiterke-Wee. lElbadtioOlt betook
hirietelfeto-Parkhell Titeleleer on 46
barfly beltevet to the old- a age that it
most intereating mission. A, Will cer-
is not good for man to !iv, alone as
his action en the above clay wonkl in-
dicate,. We refer to his trier i
s. r age to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tsinly cures cough6,\ Colds,
bronchitis, ilorturaptioirel-
it \certainly strengthens -weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
your own doctor will say so.
Tho bold Mad. tat enial-z.
"Said, -egtirr -shay' eats .°
lealeint event took place at the home
of the bride. the poremonY being per.
formed by Rev. Couzens. • 'After the
ceremony a very? dainty tea Was patk,
taken of., Mr. and Mei. Shaddock have
settled down to the sterner realities at
theielome liere and army they ,both
be spared -to enliey' the tornforts of
married life, together. •
Prtesesereaeolee-The peher evepin
boot thirty memirers of Mrs. Silt--
eliffee elites from the Be\iton, church
n respratee to an ineritatiori gathered
at titeeparsonege, The evening ',Wag
clattla Ratnes- anti- music and theta
Obert litirltein was chosen chairruart
-ettrelnet tile progrint given , by the
'swung people. One &metre Of the e1/4, -
Wing was a dialogue by Alisses Millie
eterer. arta 4•Viegt„shdratti.-irbitheee-
ftieeeelfirelifb-e; entite ,surprise was a
prosonto 8 ion or a biAlltiftlity worded
aro a titindsoine r_ight.da
tle dock. Both Me. and Mr*. Su
elirt .11 erne& nitcr a little longer .tim
) t in enjoyment *II repaired to
10 1,-§ppetive, hernees.
or it time. -G. HOUlgt has engaged Jas.
Bruce of Lindsay. -The plate glass
window in J. AteA.rthuetistore wa,sac-
eidentally broken the other day by it
seek of wood falling against it. --Fred
Manus and bride have returned home.
-The death occurred on Saturday of
Miss Jean Sheffer, who wince July has
been melorating with the Keller Bi-
cycle Troupe. The deceased will be
remembered by Heinen people among
whom she Jived till about five years
ago when she left with her)mother for
Toronto. At 'Galesburg, III., she Witlf
taken ill it week age and her mother
sent for and arrived just before she
died. Frani it child she exhibited date
time on the stage had made a repute -
then atia trick bicychst. She was 17
years of age. --Mr. Berke who has been
working in the bather shoplesejaneese
gan, has gone- In' ltrusselsee-tried
Demuth, after a pleasant visit here
Andeat_Zurrichebatereturned-tcrttetr .
-The Hensel' foundry and machine
shop, which in spite of the stringency
of the money Market has been running
full time up to the .presente was oh-
liged to close its doors Saturday night
for an indefinite period. The manag-
ers state that they have plenty of
orders ahead, but cannot get any
money when. the orders are -fined,. •The
foundry and machine -shah- combined
ern lo e• .11 • •
menced businees over it year aseo and
it growing -industry ever since. -
A very curious occurrence has befallen
Miss Mabel Sparkle a young lad of
this t village, who , has been teaching
school near Cetnralia for some time.
One evening about two weeks ago _she
retired to bed feeling in her usual
health, but on awaleeninie during_ the
the eipictite, •
And you
find a new
Yon get perfection
when o .
Wood' rliosphodinia
„Tht* Great Ennii$111 _Xmas
nervous s•
In old Von*.
a Afetttst, (sad await Mit%
Tom:1m% weakst$4.4
eeorreeea,enitezer Abuse or
boreidatitc - WAIN
•OA cure. Suld b ail k'•
ane or
k k,.1 6 e
wan rees -Th•
• .
-Mr. -and iltree Wm. Fritz -were
teindorelfoneragetienstiffife --doctor
in regard Ito
with gennine rigret thee we learn
Ids continued -illness, but we trust he
may soon be enjoying good health.
Miser E. Ziler, 14th concession of Step-
hen, is visiting Mrs. E. Gill, sr. -Bruce
Boesenberry and wite of Brucefield
were visitors at 11. Boesenberry's on
Sundays -Nelson Ravelle tnovt into
L. Ravelle's house last week. -Mrs.
pas two weeks returned home ' Satur-
Zar who has been in Pte. Edward the
day -Mrs. Jos. Reveille who. has been
visiting in Sebringville returned here
The anniversary of the Methodist
ehureh here will be observed on Sun-
day and Monday, Feb. 9 and 10. An
oyster supper 18 10 be served
evening. Articulare later. -.Edgar
Buse/ell of Toronto was home Wed-
nesday casting in his vote in the *tee -
tion. -Miss Anderson of Lumley is vie-
' Jebn Rhompson's. krst
c t and son of Calory visited at Mrs.]
Frank Coates it few daysasst week,-
A-sFeigh load from Rich. Coates drove
to the home of Ed. Shapton, Stephen,
on Friday evening and spent a social
time. -Tom. Brooks and wife spent
Monday at- Will Ford'e, Elimville.-
Wm. Coates end wife visited at Robt.
Essery'e. Crediton, one day last, week.
XixEne..-It is -indeed apainfultask for
-the -untimely-death- of
Miss Rebecca Dixon. whostiapirjetook
flight early Saturday morning at the
home of her brother, Wm. Dixon. at
aguhe.,where she has been residing
*ince spring. On Jim. ltith. Miss Dix-
on was taken ill with a severe attack
Of grip. Medical aid was at once Bum.
atoned and with careful and kind
nursing she rallied somewhat but it
to 4.• 1.1
n g t founttto her, surpr se that she was not of long duration for her illness
hea_hese the power to speache She united a seri-Obs aspect and pne,u-
bontinoed teaching'sehool bi means of tintdia 'letting in she gradeelly sank
hemaeschonetheatieete eemad-be,- -ontitdeath-reliettedliefic
obtained. after wh 411101%Righ
. 1. 8/
„late:Opt IntO ihe...MOrit$ Oe
WO to, coot
IIt is the most successful business training schcol
and Telegraphy Departments are la charge of able
instrttetore of experience. All our c,,ourws arrthcr-
°ugh upto*late and practical. e have become
one of the largcst bumbles* tialning schools in the
Provihce., Get our free catalogue end learn what
we *redoing Commercial "moots as well as !mi-
tres men employ our gradgates. Students are en.
tering each week. Enter now.
ia western Ontario. Our Coalmen al, Shorthand
Highest Price par for Grain
R I C H. 13 Eti-90
ISucceasor to Joseph CobblediCk)
(hicareeratee by Lot of Parliament 1855)
• Read Office,
- Montreal
Capital. yfrf,
e*, 7444
SATURDAYS, 10 a. en. to st.
OSTICE HOURS 10a. ia.tospssi.
DEPOSIT Iteceipta issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
aving Dank
Departments Until further notice Interest on Savings accounts will No
credited quarterly Instead of half yearly as formerly.
Depolltstof $1 and upwards recelv.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion -Government.
Ns D. WUBDOIT, Manager,
Manor & Ciantateee Solicitors.
Watches, Jeweller, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
AMS411.13tx_befAl opined upluid-we-inay
safely sag-thatthis-is-thellnest-stoek
that has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Goods ani at Prices -
1111/111 Sult You
, a • . e itiliWlia, been or a'neomentduting her 'illness - did
enable to Converse except in the faint- she nttera complaint but rather grew
est-whispeee-----Ineeeerthes- els' • .ttenni:iilted--1-b-Feltrautertes---sie
theenjoys-normal hesIth. The 0 . A conipleuous trait in Miss Dixon'.
tors are untible, to account for her character was her benevolence. Every
sudden loss ' of voice. -P. Bonthrou poor perion, young or old, were recipe,
hes been eppainted clerk of the village tents of her industry and br her death
In place of J. Ce ' Stortemen.s,-After a many hearts are 'sad and aching, her
pleasant visit here with her mother; loving disp_esition winning her many
MrsG. 8. Thomeiswe mete Barrett friends- The funeral took place MOO.
has returned to Chathane-R. °etch. day. May the sorrowing ones find re.
pole hen purchased Mrs'., Hotiethtell lier in. Hun who doeth all things well.
house on the west side of the ratiltIOn
, Wirontwn_.,The ., apaReceipt Alixed_Mon
pions --residence' -, ' .-
6f Mr. and Birra. John Rheppfird ema ,
on Wednesday the scene of ‘lit pre .
Soule temarkable stbries are bele
and. charming- -wedding, ' when toldeibotitetowneanehmeonerthe-econbee
estimable daughter ChriStina pledg try people coming in on this simple
ed herself as the bride of-Pred Mauna borne-inade miXtitra cueing Meanie -
the highly esteemed tonsoriel artist, then and Kidney Troubles Here lithe
whe recently bought out Sore Detstein receipt and dir-ectietis for taking. Mix
at Zurich. At the_houe of two the by shekingavell in a bottle one-half
guests eseemwea in the parlor to 'mat 0110Ce Phalli, igitnelk ' Dandelion; otie
the coining of the bride! party. Due-, ounce Conipatind Xatgotuthreeoun •
in the intervening time Mitti Annie C°6114"Indtbrritigitottieltrilelte- Tak.
rob, eouitin of the bride.. rendered ' 48 4 uc'et's one telnIPP,°tItillititer's"e1110
the wedding mareh and to the Invitiri . and at bedtime. . ,
music the winsorn bride ,was led to theN. eo,Change need he made in'Inetr_lee
perky laming ontheirm of her lath- not diet, bot drink plenty Of good
tr.Her wedding robe was of beauty. water? ,
conibined with rare simplicity., it/beinThis ixture Writes one e
g ,
ue, uthority
of cream iville over silk. The groom in .1" le4dIng 'Phil'aciPhilt . n6w8P'Per
aweited her under an stroll or green bas a peculiar tonic effect upon the
and it warehere that Rev. Dr. Medd of kidneyee cleansing the clogged , u
'Forest 'tied the mitt: irtionial Idiot. At f'61" -°f the elinl1natiV13i1"ile8 f°Keill4
the eonclution of .the • congreteletionte tht.Aidneysecesifeatid:eittAlitstrouV the"
-the gueNta 'InnVe4 eir tbe 'dieing r6otet Morel' the tick add and other' waste
a,nd enjoyed it Most eXealiCnt and Hatttroveronnhifenheitilietistri Bled;
tempting supper. Gowned in a band. der end VI itury troubles in 4k short
some and tient-41111,w travelling suit wbOtt. ' <,
f bravo ehiffee hr- edcloth the tiL'iI43 A, Newitork droggiet who, has had,
ft;With--her litilhand onthe eV -ening- ilitaliras-of ealtalisetheverleiiiitteillente.
1 -lain for it honeymoon trip to Toronto, *ince the grit ennountetirent id the
d other eastern points. The potru, howtki*AiotTO !alit October, ilat441 that
' rity of the, bade was evinced by the . the people who once try ite"seiettr br
tnerous gifts which' she received. it," etio001/illY thmott ilibo blow trOnstr
Mrs and Ntrs. Manna will take up their and Kidney trouble and *Offer 'tt t
kesidenee in Zurich and we are only Ithetunitthon,
voicing the sentiments of thiti, entire The druggists in this neighbor
,community when we Wish them ever the'y' tir91 *110P/t* the' lailtfedit%
happinim and fittitipetitri ---..-- - itirare-tiesilyttilitedat knne.'The
Is -k1 te be no better hieba-cleantin
, ...-e.e..„...e•esee-------ee.
1)1 arkbill: PeterStotaetpamie4 a* y none more hartulesoff or simple t`
agent ottsystem tonic know', MI ter I
early Wednesday tantilist At t ' i ' t
b °it ttie Dont** road. Mitsit I
la atttronti, air re* ittile 111rit).* ,
tio Toronto Cowl
pnenmNO a* ,4 . _ :1 _ ,
., ' 40 limo** to t t et 4
, wok ...M. • ail t
Exeter Ont
F.W.Was Hligeis.% jells/1110er, Ebinticirei C°tivelatede. leteundi'Vran7-13gairel nnneelve,1611;elittraltit°"iirthilt
ulDeatorujistbiniehroime essaGttutitsigvisitelLs-v. ittiatrer
frs. Eidt o ashwood is the -Efitti 4.f7-414-8e116°I-Sectiwt N41* -14 Stank's?
Hensalh an account of which appears
genetic, meet age. .Theetweienin.
exchanged pulpits .ote Sunday. -11 many friends wilt
pleased to_, learn .thait she is recovering
from her fate Meet.. litte Allen isa
so recovering from the effects of he
lateaccidents-Largequantities of wood
are beteg- breught -tte --towneeeJo..
Treettitter vrho underwent ati -opera.
tion atilers Games' hoop/tali Clinton,
if getting aloes AO Well eft
WU in tOwnlaSt week in tbd interest
nudger of Jas. litahaffy of Stan-
reeently won a. handsoine co_py of 'Th,
e Empire and tba Centurtr.” 8.$ a
reward for an essay on "The Empire."
This was one of the, prize* offered by
be Daughters of the•Etiipire of Godee
ch for essays on this subject by pu-
pilaire-thesielloolein West" Huron.- -
lea Craig; James Borth/rick of
Thedford bat 'Derek:teed the confer,
lapn*ry tmeinece of Airs. T. Meliveen •
d will take possession shortly,
of the,O.F4 lodges Mts. Karcher - -
4)t Superior. lifileorree bete leaf, *ear.
ea from *,..vteit to er taster lIrst....Wirt.
--Miss Marjorie 17deffek hart retern- 1
Permanent -Ite
,,,,,,,, ,
Itennie.---14firy, alifitatilas taken ti, '14' , bael...htenesaltezing-'. Sot- -6ver-
poeitio*with es Schrag;isatertiliiri nientliii tali are obetirtete eoughe as had
roretitt whole finest wae\reeorded test ate° trey 'little giell We tried several,
week, psssed away atobis holt° on ehe irOnIC if3 coriiiiion to eine? drag store "
Pour Lime on Thursdays lie had re, with° t obtaining any appaeept rdiefe
eove*deettneerhat and ,on the more? in fee we were growing worse. / gat it
ifilg ofhisdereise had sat down to bottle of Colts:mitt Expectorant front
brelskrtatimillvbil hitt* sct of .prire rey dregelst sed 'lurid° Of tire:days the,
taking of tame fieoll-IsitddinItt'iliiteett1 '6610,i---L•ag---fitivo-etkettill---tho-rtsalts-00 -----.-,--
*WA k Ile had beereill for eome time ,,*ztl#netIt end raiiel .tLat vie de idea
*Oa is deeth' WAN not uneipected. 1 to keep it le pee ,lteete ,Reetienall
DtieSialftet,Walt EDO. or the oldest' tied ' . - d roDtire pAittly. • ,
moat tifitbly ktipe‘gte4 residents,4,4tif -4
sektnit an , 4, ' vox tobinUt to
atitna alantily Abe inbetitafeee of 4
404' IktficeAkt fra Vied • out *orth__
*reef. The funeral took plitetilftter-
tr ke II.- •fittaea,
, . • .• • .
ther.,^oAl ?„,vior as tt,61 beat ,peceeeepti_ea,_
Ireiet -tedebriletter4t --it..I4bri..-iseen far
Couglae (Abbe Creep, 'Drone -Web rani
day to the 14180-14 oottteletr arta WC" Tiglitnesr4 of Vie, Chest. ebitiren rake
otietetly rattended. • To the hereerred Tojatradace if lett eveee tome we
Amity we eXteted ottr ooutoo bympit.
layeeerted Menet Mao reontly pur.
tbt bettWtig bu1ri.of Jo.
,rteln hot* wits wittii
lay to $hts Chi -Wit* hnoptird of
Will Sofa a fret sam,ksto tvcryrsort •
Seiiiiiat their ***e and xiddrest,to :Dry -
by allup-t�-date driggiet* et 25e,
filt rt.* 110110014 T