HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 3 (2)�ry eL �• q S• } _� .» .� ��:petR.3 1Iet'thr s� . ;et. have ,04).1.-• SeI� l►aatttilnntc. sS i-8._One; °of, Bid liner' ' Aa. lilies otif it it wero drawback �to 'endeavor in. our 'workaday treggF4s. It wis reeSenable . 41 skip. teen, iwk cd. Christ left us in His own life a beautiful exa'i file •of what meek. tires may- accomplish, and yet He was one of•, The bravest of men in; that l#e -iia.: a man exceeding meek v c ve all mein that dwelt On earth," bid he stands out promineatily AS a Man who did things. alte meek nutn t a type of a great moral force among, us for he is cap- able' ap-a ble• of self .at l 'selfelenial, 4t otty`.-tihae'. l it' and is able to limit his activity 'Within the bonds of solid prinriples. , This is ,tire tYir"w4lit"Y>td+ *444 ilNOTKe 0.,,„ Ir, ,iii, qi in,� $.zye k ', stt4i ; ', yJ ti t w 9, cat^. is ew f+u1,,'t "4141•rieeli. i andOm:tr•I of I« ' and.. 'for ''this Caine '111('. lnctnitil 'k 'Yon. t �. .,; d the X�'�I�,y •°iI.Y2, of . � 1'�1�r �hlr in d,�, i� , � � . , toad rest for s'ixui' ,scouts." wtit w;ktll I YIlly Mt;tun's wIT.fI "w1fi' o r�c M.\xw tkiC :tiruta' zppt of >ane '4Z 5 ue3 tlxet" suI.ij . Ess kn t,� xnnf -cue r. thews art ;°:far e,l I; : t; e` ereitlr:,ng erace cf a:nnlieitt-' + In 'ant reflected $ itt It~' Cuj '1"z> fle:it- ing, •' •x- i<e laked e:,ny k➢3 ti ' I fl4cr�s • haniU, _ t l„r>,;47.4 'attitt qt, tti :.be in , t : rR ,..r. Mat t1t4t i 'i1#+ 'il 'l . • ho i tt 'Ut u tseO w t;lineve • Jury the Saviour 01 iOIin 3, It UK' fir woui El . alt t tb :text ! l .•"'.§iA�ry'•'sa^Y.ver s lo he cites*ng currents of nat re. "The us for tiww = slings and'arrows of outra g tune behold him beucltng s k }•1, itie before Ili Mtwu APnw ;;wm ,c. attic 'really knows rigeer of the fight, so also only the men of string tlrapulses Abet kuiawvs 'thee ditiicul�ty ,et conquerin 4hem. g "Do thy work in Meekness," says Been sUcus; "ortdthou shalt, be .bb. loved abovea the glom .of rneru 11 is', moreiSver,,,a•-•mistake2. farKifq. that a'l't nesai tan .come from' tkyitig. troM, ,you Bow men or --by linin i! f nettling, for meekness is not to be fblund hi conditions, but in the hurts and ..�...a ,R �,. •ane iww• x .1 d 4 1 r n nmr a F � � 0.• Q ✓y � , 14. 411 'r gt I ii, .. ttte •eel%' "�s11ti11 seSS: ' 1 t, iatrlt n' .betause s ek-roe Man it eyiyim. n h evert.. �y,� within Q� i preictv tn' i !cA I grf Lhn; a11. 1 I canna noaf .folding of his scut in, the °aim of* A i � atira with _Him ii ed4 purpose, p r(w � NEX T". TO KIN. ".In le zf atter of that . property Settice.Mrs. lente . 0.xr p didn't sheet"' Al should. . .o she .td not, have treated moa any ► * mild werae it she, bad been a member of my own fuinily. •bw : w. ? n 10 . l .' ut lids, point 'in•:::tiis. 3 rMrati'Ve the Wee ot. The wer admit t t t of ..i �p� '.one �� I . p � ,}, �. � W$. 1k4 or tic ere lutotis and tli 4e inul- a ham: l ' :. 11 ► `, eitit lso 1cader hi in the velhgnus 1il`e:an f` the tight of the notion. It Is the 'testi - nony of Nicodernus to the divine char - oder Qf° eSus an whichthe emphasis of thln k' *on passage is placid. The Hume " hlteodennis," though of Greek origin, was not uncenini nn among the Jews. 'The Talmud mentions a person bearing ihis name ,as one of the ,four wealthiest 'residents of Jeru'alern and us one of the disciples of JeSt1S, who lived until after On destaruction of Jerusalem. It SEs b*rRdlyr,, prehehle _-tliat t is_ person., can be t hc' Nicodernus.. of our lesson narrative. Ni denuz a wats" m ii r`-Of"'thele+aidsli- Si:nl>Gedrin, and ,therefore probably a 'scholarly 'theologian and teacher of the lew. lids testizneny to the character of ni ue tienco pw the lal t . To\ simony ,giVa our ;r ttc:.nition in ld' fi041;a°, ,l0P41,X1E ; t aa 1. 4 ,s..,..riner of the 3€sv& So de. t kite ' + , b: s h e4un wilicha ' nhi titt ted -- t - snAprere court in Jere . 1cm, beton) which cam aris •. r Lnim-the Jewish taw., i , nlcr�,zbt.... . r.. -judgment, ' ihe_R "a�n '+.1140p14rr tlklen ttwearedr or;!s4 (Id the,dk. ag#t \Vitq kfOw�. is ,' Y . ! h4' i i hi ;(ifSOO"... hcd> > i+ n.t1.14-',11,i,chilt, in wrc '-.-„0.7,f pial T ''� itdlit t ,;: °1tt'an' 'I t A ct tgn rtion ahly t tae 'a44013110'0 ;g'41,1:3011 fiti-a �►x ,i"et 144. *rum l► �41,040 xXn, tit4^ .+fitu.�thne iT ft ti+ $. R tfni.g y. 11.0 r�i - n. his act r)fiaus ri * the ten►ple'.but; to other acts A � mentioned :e i,. 1.sch Ttwht » e1miracles, t ,verse �x +� the r:�tli but •s din � ugh } ccitng..etptcr. • . m`a. x . and when preceding the clattie er �►»' tepee it is intended to emphaasize trans- lated .Wlien following. the 1 1 asaurte i. az ed a in 6 thought emphasized the word In Eng- lish appears in its original forme as "amen." Born araew- Or, "from 'above.' The kingdom of God ---Conceived of by iNkMInus as an earthly kinglorn,_ in which the future glary of the Jewish people should hind its culteinhtion, whereas Jesus„ Clearly bad in mind the spiritual kingdern wh a h' bribed come...fergt. -tablislh- Ire the h:'rti-'"dUbevers.It . was doubter this wrong conception which `Niooderttus, together with the vast Majority of the people of his t;inie, bad ...u1744i4Q>vri..X W1 + not't ing the X d ;hat k uzi- urideretand ti:fl ti3tk dent" +q.: J st lion > t u>3y + „ beim rri a,;at, , Bern of water-Thoeutwitoia eign of leaning by ww tl:iii cenfo&sitrit V13rn FBtie:e ItCOII a Fl_ �IIIIIIL➢�QI' �i[1i � T z 1 C.' A!.4.. t p 'it, '& i'36.i n g fa 14 element in peroelial use artrerat raw. Lri* Ecs�3 4 naann° fltrtn:'r againtatal life _�:+ retly i' IIng r by a p4X..er • iczn tt]f we fitcdix(t1tiG�h :. t °fitttM E tit.cn theiihhebe I sthrn €. t rdlllit(tirn �t tt ,Inut .fry ttL uit4s, •.tipLi.„,l .lite:*?. +4r . ':�,1+,,�iiFt'>,�, fi��' 'wee i'"y'"�tS;M� � �� :7:#': •�' Aid � 4� ilh 'ti^ J11L, noir fiat r F: tt ��Cltpa Lc ;X •ln'thy, ..Lr . bt I cd{ G s` brit thu w 3rcls.'POI,"""wytl,d tix4 V -' t k TJ 44 h' r,t4kiJCA +it e S pint (L3'idekt&•t' to tho ' wvl'fla w"kt!FiD Incl in eopl tet by this life and littivitY., while i � � �' 1*k. t _ t � and k illi spiritual life and of is outward activity h t t' d team' v a r ke � i t t � •n be � �►. lr�n 1 who a � "transpire," or come to paw. 11. 'l'tle selksz c os d elples plat il,,..: , lrin this elate tk K 13ut the" chit a to the in lar noteie .fig � the next wise, , 12. Earthly • things ---Such as transpi upon earth, though eternal and heavenly in character. heavenly things --The deeper my ter# ecne;�er'ning Godd's plan for the salvatiiu of men. 13. No one Math rsCended into heaven, see end know the 11rt.iilaud that dlei out of -heaven, even iJ Son of noon. 11. °T°tie serpent in the wilde the account of the ,events her referred to compare Num. 21. Must , . . be lifted up -As a divine( 1S. Have eternal life --John' l eharsco tensile phrase for "life forever." 1dany: abs ooranienlatope..sego v fees 16.21 as the weals r John rata . W i tenary- �.'_F tt:i:# •) 0.'.: -t x a na w .. n- ments of his ,own into his narrative, 'hand ,o that he (lot, this eihtin es -v ry attriiptIy _ compare-1-;W.--16-,IS; .12. 47.41b 'f hr •past � W -!. tyre -of the verbs -is also -regarded representing rather the later point o view from which the apostle Write, su xeding the completion of Christ's deniptive work. In addition to this it id pcinted out that phrases like "believe on the native" .and "only begotten Son" a not elsewhere used by Jesus 'himself hu are expressions peculiar to the evang• list. Verse 16, which hat; sometimes + called "the gospel in miniature," 'gives _condensed_ form a very '-cointirRholtS statement of -the gospel message, point. ing to the love of God for the wort manifested: lit the sacnii1iee of his only, tegotten Son, as the origin of that pet, and to the all-inclusive scope 01,11 diviine purpose whickprovides stnlvatio and eternal• life for QV who believe •tali the Son. 4I8. Judged already: -The It ant exp ample of Jtsnis Chtiet. prot�, ' , the $euelsteile to, every xiowed -by *11141h Bico. *be toff t tit high kW and andrt d t dy.. a ti , 'befoGist nt1 .... , . tnah ink; falten Alert. of that standit ifife tvltirr since the coming of Christ has beentilde possible to those wh'o lieve on h• name., 20. Meth - Or, "practiceth. " T -phrase-' a to-the-litibituaf s ttitude-tn- ward evil. 21. 0oc'th the truth. --A phrase occur ring only here and in 1 John 1. 6. Ile used fn contrast with the expression "doeth evil" In the preceding vette. • w i:n Ateitttrfft O PPICItite $11t140441!0014 urn Via Attt,1013tA,1411, tiM911111MTLY Avow Hoke 1 'ti"Y1" TOO S' P torr r.lcntela in_.e3ery right_ and_lials,_ hurtle action. Husband Annoyed Because She Kept ou, Talking. "I wish, to give myself up for murder. I killed my wife this morning about Z G'Ck)Ck. " Walking -into . _ .the ponce, station :a foite Otgz! ; =-unit;-= th k y, George Hobert Crook, .,a; youn duty by making tale:above confe sioit. • On going b ;flans fhor. ,.in lb&ft S*r'tet, the pollee found the body of Mrs. Crook, who hod apparently' mei her. death by strangulation. She was 211 years of age After the age, it is said, Crook! locked` the door of the room, And, pro. ceeding:to the house of his parents a1 rennycrc>:ss, wished them "Good-bye.", Tran be returned to his own house, and about 0:30 trent to the station and gave., himself "up, handing the police the key r 1 0 r0vra :, , ; , , ; .� 'OR k s wwtad.. rompitte , . • ern nay Bring he quietly picked up a_paperi tri a charge room and lagan reading the day's new.tis. • One of his frict�41' to whom Crook Selo- "Good.bye,7 asked him what. - meant, and in rtiply, it is said, Crook made the following gibte'rnlcrit "I have done it - 1 have killed M... 1; hove been out to'niethees; 1 fine' two.. ieir: -her -poor--Dart.. de it: ` She .f ineaning his wife) kept orfs 'lalling Vx me* owl T . told tip r .to stop. li went out for httlf an bot,x,'When t camty bone she sta:'tc'd again. tsaid'Stop' it,'. and she laughed .in my face. 'learn I did. TIIG x'OL1TI !) OR . • 'Plitt ir1e1 it a 't I,aririg tfh wher'ea'!;otite of •g,nest, v.had a 4 t"I n In n5r ht t ei#t 'N rEtiou .. , j ttbr`o gli the formality of p yang' t.E bill,,a-nt biro a rete :. " al* Sir, -W.111 yon, $crid mrd tirnount oI your hill and obligee?" T4 *Web delinquent replied amouvt*47.50. oursliresett . fully.*