HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 2 (2)ec'ete.
»4z At44;,'nt e
PlAtA9.11.:„ cinft( lain
• needieine as b4hg 1orth3r 101 thee
-!cettlieenee of every ?gleam who 1lek
'er ailing. A great doctor would not
tik itreetatatten Indoss be was eh-
knosviedge, that Dr.• Wititaieilr Pink
Peas will do wheetI leinzed for them.
!Dr. Guisetip,--r-tereittpentieute th.ta 1'-
4) eIrrfa, •
lest physiclana ot moderrt--:t*-- reline
!years the trusted medical •adviser of I
:the Nye. writes the following strOng I
letter1i taxer of Dr. Williams' Pink
"1 certify that 1 have tried Or. Wit --
gams' Pink Flits in four CaSeS of the
;simple anaemia of deVelopment. After
id! F Wel Y.1-1 *Meal Vs**
That reason 1 shall not fail in the fie.
lure to exteml the use of this laudable
preparation, not only in the treatment
of other morbid forms of the category
et "Anti)
eoUrste thL tre.I. laiigu..1
yenng gide Weise xleveloprreate:te teOe''
manhood 4L5 tartly, and whose With,
at the pe ioil of that develepteent. le
Often 1mprlJ. Ins Opinion of
-al.-that time= IS the ;• enti-
f authority, and it oonfirrn$ the many
published eases in which anemia and
tho- e•
elegeeets wedl. as
Ay, been
these pills, whtch, it need needle be
.mentlened, ewe their efficacy to their
power of making new blood, and thus
acting directly upon the digestive and
nervous system. , In all cases <A anae-
mia, decline, indigestket, and all trou-
bles due to bad blood, and all *Mc-
Metttfeee.rretrbeetearvete a.s Stwe,i
are contmended, to the public afl
the greater eonfidence bee-at:se they
have the strong endorsation of this
great physician.
A irt
_ .
- To ttin
-whirl IOW erre etteeepteets and
- -vere aNnaltlie_4 exalt_ theentFtnftenletn,
'reeeee'elefe etteref.:attle,e1Ttittrs.'vr l'ettOrittteet
lanealver polumzewillevoineeteseneeetzrprtsee
eller Trttreite'llaotlArke rAtittenrentereeenA
year after making the usual allowances
amount to the creditable total of 114e350,
and: this amount added to the premium
'at $7,739 received on the issue of the new
stock makes a total of $22,099, which baS
ybeen carried forward to next year. The , "Sure, and you have turned very in -
;wideness. of the circulation or. _the' dustrious lately, Pat," said an Irish-
man to a compatriot..
wl'hat 1 have," relperndod the latter.
f was up before the magtstrate last
r afeaultheageelessidye_and -the
magistrate said that If I came backan
the same charge be weuld fine me two
"Dad he," said the first epeaker. "And
lettere working hard so' as to kepp your
hands off Cassidy?" '
belave itl" said the !Admire
ou? one.. "I'm worldng herd to save
up the two dollarst"
Jive AVOS rega-reled es sacred and his
name must motebe-,meettioned on pain
et death. An exception was made in
the case- el any 4)110 bohigilli arid _given
up IT the medicine men. - The, latter
t e
zeg-and: geed loeking went: AW•iree
alters welt to hit. Thei-betteria-ln a-
teing who created them but left them
alone atterware.
,Bank's nters way be estimated from the
'aernentrit. namely. $247,105. That a pub -
confidence in this institution has been
emated, es_ealtatsrede by Atte amount of
deposite, which reach the liar& total of
.$647.596,.and 1t eiroag position Is inde
cated by the amount of the imitediately
available aseets, $612.013, whilst, the
tete' assets of the bank amount to
A1S62.341: Attogetherethe statement- in-
"dteates that tr*, 44Fatiners1 "Is a carebiny
„managed institution with particularly
',bright preeepects ahead. The rt%qtals nt
•1Ps first year's business show that it
',Welt merits' the eonlidence oIllie public
on amount of He strength and safe
'methods of eolng business. and that it is
,pmving itself. worthy of being called the
"FA.PmErts" Bank of Canada.
'Wild Race of Papua In 'Which 1.17taamen
Have Much Influence.. .,
A. Meth _missionary, in British
Kew Guinea -new- known as pavan -
1. the Rev. W. E. Brow:110w, loS added
ite the world's knowledge of the cu*
0u and little knowneraces-41 the -great
north Pacific Island by the discovery
end parted -taming of a -new tribe, says
ft atelbaurpe corr;eepondent of the Lore
don Chronicle. .
The mei in quostion consiste01
ebout 20,000 blacks, living at a place
called Doba. The customs of the race
„are most curloue. - The immigration
Iley is more drastic than that of
Recently in England the Mind or tre
pUelic hes been snitch 'exercised as
the'carrect prenunciation of •the ever
acovntel the ewe of liven -know
prepanation of beef. A. sensus
opinion has been ()Maine by the pre
tetorseotrihe. preparation. As mare
90,640 voted for "BOV-RIL" end the
seems to beve been the favorite pronur
clatter,. A Mrs. Brain of Shirebamr
tcn, near Bristol, ,secured przie
et100 by giving t exec nu
the majority of pereens Voting Al
Whether' prontemced "BO
NitiL" ler -"ROlaalll."- The prepare -Sae
IS very acceptable at this time of year
/0 4
e Army iCeptale•Says net lite Man
. Teter '''Stitte-Tti.Feft*e-
teat enytaing werSe
treartfire-4qUet ,
tintleed $er emelt offeneet
army reiptaire "Oren t its
eneeer -ter-m(241th lir
g tont. t t,to.
1,,;otpy 4,14tvIrIce
nuttinViere :Mee
se. • the eatatee.-Of the
iLUeeeeeey '
• ' 11,
t w•
'Ai a h ;Orel
they are'-ert the looleant'Air Vr011t
the .eVideutto hia•trial they are pm,
pared inaltMAU of ways for eds. little,
peculiarities. ,
"If he happens 40 bat* bele for
't:Orinva eourt-rnarttel, c
isn't much. better. The ceminatuling
officer always b !coking out for him as
d Wakens man. Ile knows fusible-
• .".lizat We, :"Tifieff :31=47000 1410
w-arst *lite* little antlaiir trivaideftiM•
and he I always unoomfortable
the matte tious officer is on his t.
7so you can see' that there is no rest
for ttny one who has been before a
couremartial, whether he wins or not.
Ile Is a marked _man and one to be
afraid of, and his seri/Ice teem that
time ,ntuet, bet, dente--,!,,Wiereell0144411.,
141 Le nothing to the diseredit ail
arperiors that they are likely to tear
cr to dislike him. They ju.st,ean't help
It. There Isn't anything that can 'hap-
pen to a man that is worse for hirn
than being brought, before a court-
, 7
fresentefft snuldt, •11,1,0.,,ZOLT-
relealelies---andecrese-et -Le 41teesur
toe thatethereareealoeevelleettroba-bly
or -It -mar to- teething trouhtese Give
fiaby's Own Tablets and sto how quick-
ly the child groves Well and happy and
steeps soundly and naturally. Not the
drugged sleep of "soothing" mediciries,
but the natural sleep of' health. Ton
have the guarantee of a government
analyst that this tnedtoine contains no
poisonous opiate or narcotic, and you
can give the Tablets just as safely to
a new born•babe as to the well grown
child; SoberbyealFinedieene--dealera-o
ty mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
"Papa, what Is a ttifely triatchee Mr.
Ileopecked (loong carefully about to
see if his wife Ls within hairing)-M
safety 'match, . Is when a baldhead-
etremaq-enarelee -,arteartriless--wenett
There is no medicine on the market
that can compare- with Bickle's Anil
Consumptive Syrup he expelling front
the 'system the irritatirtg germs that
colds engender in the, alr possagers. 11
.Suicide, to. neglegt _your cold. Try the
cheap experintent of ridding yourself
of it by using Bldree Syrup, which
is a simple remedy, eesily token; and
owe. used It will always be -prized as
s 'oteereigteetnedlcinere •
Drearily Youth-"flave you noticed
tethertt are days when we._ seem
reeinesecord -with -theewerke-mor
in unison -with riaturer Practleal
Youth-Plare;- it IA itilwaes that tvey
with me On pay day."
Counsel (to wilnese)-"What le your
hesbandr Witness-"Ile's a finisher.
"What does he finisit?' "Well, leee, Just
fintelting time- in priseitiw
A Cure for Fever and Ague---Patme-
lee's 'Vegetable Pills are 'compounded
, . weer_eaerlearrosengei es, for use in any dinette, and they will
--base either to become full, members ot
' , Me tribe- ereleteeatetree-WIren-ileatirtg
with Mr. Brownlow, however, the dilfl-
4twby maitiog him a
In inJnorvtewJn Sydney Mr. Rmene,
flow gave some interesting particular;
f the Debuans' standard of eivilleatiom
uThe Dobtian land laws, he saki, were
len example to modern countriee. Each
tribe and each family had their own
land and no portion was alrowed to go
Atilt of their possession except as a loan
;for a seasen's crop. The men married
!cut et their own tribe and on their
!death their. laud eerarne the pmperty
'of their sisters' ehildeen, and so it was
Platelet! down !rem generatton to geT/** HOME-MADE
leratem withla the tribe. .. - - ' • .
'Weevil_ have grot Inthremultrt, he CO
again of the tribe and their dutiee'.are
male dietinet from those of 1114.inen.
Men clear the Lull! . and dig the
iplant jams, the 'Crop being theirs. If
„ 'the-i-ellter-etenitte Itteettierettratel
,a man wanted any yams belled te esk
IN' them. Th' banana patch, however,
• p•tt:143 141 own pnaperty, Wives ,Avere
4nhiailned by perehiteer. ILA niali . pate
,tvoli for hie wife he could Altrash 'her
,oreasiettally. but she mild aeztve film,
. 1fshe tild.not trefoil and go beck to her
'own ,village, where she.,still had a
1 In thi religlonof the poOplo.,Oontlent.
ed Alm ftrownk)w: INre was syrtellitng
et oliteetral iteireltip. A deceafAct 4‘e1ii•
• ..,
act upon. the sectellons and neutralize
the poison which has reined 11., 113 way
Linirt-tte Weil limy_ .00 •
puritia Which tied eritrance int° the
eyetem through drinking water or food
and if used as a -preventive levers are
I 1 't
met tne Ira
ITGU, Mango Prairie „Soratcb.es Ind
every form of contagious Itch, on human
Vt animalAcured itt ao !ninnies by Wot.
ford's Sanitary Lefton. 11 never. fails.
Sold by all druggists.
LV $t04ei1
" menderingetoreenwifee".-elankeer
it's a beauty! But isn't it rather-er--
xtravagant?" ienke--4"Net a hit! 'Oink
what aetelf..4airo ne
Crabbe--"To-day, for the first time, I
was really delighted to hear my. neigh
bar's piano going." • Friend-"Somee
thing worth listening • to, "1 sappoier
Crabbe-"1 should say so. I heard th•
hire-purchase men taking it away,"
c-14.4 ;`gi A'rg
$ DS
Procure from yoar gist t e
following intgedtehti aiid mix at
1,.....-. ._...._ ._...... ___... .. _ ..
One-half ounce fluid estract lico .
ices one-half °mice fluid extract ea .
pra, one, ounce* elixir tolene, six
puacei beet rye ., whiskey. Dose.:
One dostertspossful every two or
three: toms. -Children in -proportion.
This Mixture is $aid to be very,
pflective ix the treatment of t &sighs,
-cmigh,. colds, and broitic
. Relie
Of is; certais after a few doses.
Tlit.56:d0;1'$7,0131t onsttes.
why 15,11'108W 13 a bott!e ot Wine
&use Co* in iL,
Whenb gold like a 4iing? When.
r-oleftted 1.11",the 'forth of 'a
Yilkur nests Le- * toot! IC it ',were
Why tire wy:41.1titzt khlekens ji inc.
tarivers? Itezatise they aro
'blessed with IUD crepe.
ci WhY is' a grOEll relnd thef
Otoolnlastees cane? I)Oatise
t.tr:ti4Tho pup1
• 'Allyl thp Pe' EtL'e tre tee O
amters father! It 1..,% incro sor.
tw th4ein:artger.
!kits. Ett.tappy ,sa
Mitten 1.‘‘o *ere trait42
yeerel lee wiDlieet titifoar
endet. tree tverAi and net -
,I1arit4e-"S4ne 1 4 10
tentart, to, 11AI_ laLt that -110 '&011 li
noflJ4 11 * \
ro T
ed torture -
V •
414 t
:bout .„teszt.
pieta air*. it:
'hays not beer'
ale *bait .
used, If this statement can be used(
for the benefit of other sufferers kola this
trouble, you are at liberty to publish it.°
-77- etuk
ts es chilly rime mended for all binds
of Skin diseases eczema, bad legs, piles,
boilc dapped
hands bathers' rash,
festering sores, pets.
()tied wounds, cuts,
bruises, burns. sprains
etc. Of all druggists
or from the 4atn.11uk
Co-, Toronto, Post;
paid. 3 boles Wks.
hs suited go*
bye if iso ass
oSt kkks 0,,Jeflo
se. sump so, ski
Zsm ihtk Ca.
Tomato. o.K.4
• MTV., TIM GANDER. •s*Ikr was c!, y Wily; a pa-.
Wotan Of the y, *UP.P.5: ho' It*
said I geilnernall, 1.4irett k
arr4td to , s!ear *
ar4svered the salt. Did
yoi. over to4e atte' Platens Otseer
Myeeneni"eaeseveeect '-lt*-geettlee
matt. .•fit 1b4tte'
tia • • etka
• ottoti-,:,...4.E. :10114.411A -N: .
...., , ..., ,....
etteette,...Cleibeina.'.. -eztoe'tt,teatake
•fiterte*****tetidkk. 'e'ilikeele."
ee • •
rt, aa eti•eeieroztela,
�ny ' aettlte.it
eeerttre,- nzo
lnlItd lee* les.
, toettOkiliete, .„ o
•,wittoriteto•eroniertul. eifettoutellerte Vet
t Of:rboth;satles -era cured an it ajtaty
at. betteatted• *rite et D. ilfertonSibl. Dig
;Irk Patationger Agent. 014414* *Vac Ulf
Val' erste*. Toronto, for hatilimite dr
,ocriPtiv0 booklet %elite% You all tfboO,
,..10$#Itteit W4#31*2-40141.00.4061.6w1"
hens? I find two er three on the* beta's
armer, Voiltor-"lathst2 Apis m
every morning, never to dee' againe'
Editor -"Your hens a•re dead."
- •
• Ms, easure
ilitotet tkaotitinsown
rcAteelfsTatikti .PO4 I'
rIfeettellteee -Thing Theleseee_ Want -A
Pt that -acts upon the' ale-Miteeetertet
et Ls se oompounded that certain in-
greatepts ot it preeerve their power to
act upon the intestinal canals, so as
to clear them ef excreta the retention
el which canner but be hertful, was
long looked ter by the medical peeks -
eon., 'Keene foene, ineParmeleee. ye -
much expert study. and are scientite
catty prepared as a laxative and an
alternative in one.
The other night a Utile lad came In-
k a barber's shop to get his hair cut.
tereth-e man -bad been -cutting leis
air abaut half an hour The lad asked:
°Only -the frazzle' tepliedethe-43arbere
tlISCIett gienetingeatelitterbacieregthn'_1
Pr •
lea---iiii-110t yellow
ars yaw Aserinuatly seughizt\g and hawk,
De you have ratan swats/ \
De your hinge ever bleed? • •
Jiave you pain* In Oki and sides/
D* yam have pales tinder item, should**,
Wad's? ,
LUSO :rnon01.6 AND
Wight caller. �o the doctor slipped OM the to
itop,Att that n.4o��.-aa-4t as he ilipps1
aMenthol l'iastor aad all was
ht in OW.
An inquiring lady recently aske,d a
private soldier, to tell her some of h
experiences in \war.
Tommy, who was Irish, tried to get
out of it by saying that ,nothing had
ever happened, to him, but the lady
eves peasietent- .- er... _
"Something must'have happened," she
declared. "Now tell me, in all your
experience in South Africa what was
it that situ& you most?" -
ewele relearns° said Tommy, -after
settle cogitation, "th' thing that shtruck
;,,ittot!, istaC.
Try a Wait to the Poutou*SPlialts
of the
In the Niagara Peninsula.
The tqatt maitatozti iitiesruaneas
Sort -"If hong calls with that little
Mrs-teitte tett -hint letreaut."
-Short--"Bet --that would ebeetele
- a
e 'Nothing el_ _theekind-leue
Never do any worrying to -day that
an ha put off till to -morrow.
Quick ease for the ,worst cough—quick •
relief ftr the heaviest coldr-and SAFE
0 take, even for a child. ,ri
ThLt is Shiloh** Cure. ‘..4ure$
iSchl under a guarantee
to Mite co and-cOughl
quicker tha any other 1110411 %-.101113
dicino-tw ow money back. tlyears
f success couzamod Shiloh's Curs:. 25c..
.,$1. ska
Inst , was tit' number of bullet,i0
that missed- me."
You should take iminedlate steps to check
the progress of tbese„semeterott. The lomP
er you allow them to advance and develop,
the morn deep-seated and serious your coo
ditton becomes.
- We Stand to Prase to You
abs luteli. that Lung -Germine, the Comae
-Treat:I:Emu-bar eurs-d-conipteretr an
manently case after este of advanced Con,
stunption (Tuberculosis)... Chronic Bronchi,
tie. Catarrh of the Lungs. Catarrh of the
Bronchial, Tubes and other Von& Troubles.
. Many sufferers who have lost all hope
and who ,) as_A_Lbeen given up by physician,
have been permanently cured -BY -Pm
o pulent, i0U-X411-111111d--11R-InUt Immo
intelteseed'-eile You'eatt pre -Vent -Ito aeveli
system to their normal. strength and caps.
It is not only a tura for ,Constimptio
but preventative, --11 your ,lun14 tiageta_-varei
Lung -Germine has cured advanced Con
ellruption, mae_ty eases over tour year:
urn ttud-tiatt----pattiettto remanteetrotte sit
ID opiendideteelth to -der. •
index dater -of -1W hit
Rae rir4s *Minor ono eak
190? Wifliant-
&Mottle 1904 Colema *trete, et. Louis
Mo., writeer-ult it now nearly four
ears_eince lily cure of consumption
fs.s3" zostt A
remitin to well Mut- etroilt todat
the day I wee cured. I. sim healthy aad
to work eriter_dayee_.
W. -2014“111d1, kria you r
of tit siatt otter remeritahlo -mime Woo le
PeetterlteitL •tte Luneelertelnereottether
with our new book on the. treatment Arid
tare of Cepsuraption tad Lunt Trouble.
Lung Carmine ca.. $ /la* Alastisitta
be Not Delay. -Do not let a coTff-or
ectigh ftesten UpOft you as it will It eng.
lected. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will
break up a cold and euro a cough, and
should be resorted 10 at once when tite
first symptoma apPeer. .1t can be dis-
- You Pay tifico" Duty.
.guised.see that eiiy Unplettsant taste it lung Conlin* cae ti Rai k., qtliolteettic
may. have will be imperopplible 10 the
delicate. Try it And be
M134 Oldlleidr--"Did you mean that as
a Stifile 4 for inc MlMt'.as Oldbcau?" Old-
beatte-'4I-dear; it -wiwinge
Iler-"Young Windig is quite a pot?
ished chap, .he?" should
say col Whyl he's so polished that he
can't oven- telt the plain, --unvarnished
A Little Lass of desk ilitleobetissete week
sedaliiile pails la the eked ate *Igoe that emit
soak aeghseied. Ante% laug Balsam 101/10.**,
0011-1,1*-11111111411144ilkii. Clart.1!/101.84. 114111.1* 4
. •
41t took 'you at\
aWfully long tirne to
putt that .fellovits tooth," said the as-
sLstant. 'Yee," aneweeed tite, dentist
Mlye- "Ileettiarritit the. girl loved!"
Art yetten sufferer with wens? If
e'en 4,,ftet,e, • get a :bettle of Itoltoway'S
Corn CUM. 4 has never beenknown
to bit,
Mier afl, there
working eort~
hut, two Ways
I, king .i.fort. it
it. '
1)ANr „161.
L *I 'ul come
g thre to the e
"sKing habit." The 'fact,
delihvred unthlt the etteeferl
t the Naliettel lieettlr Seeeety in Tit
lepd. Tho te-0,1,\1tst atfelM
th dri,s...ca'se-,4043vA , tivikntists
'10y,6rattr4 tavc<41,afe-Ite Icc.rstAlg cof
t'41;ov4.4„ onalinalty, apholgh'
IwEikittst4..-. and ot2twallti47'
theyutilv Im) pctIollp 1i;t1tat1., they,
A eiefilnt q niet, i!
the, ndy
-Ligtt `to betray itS-tirreenee.
ft Vero ant Nerve** met take
ifertovise," the groat *sere aisd LI took; yet
wilt be a sew peT110111 by tbs tisk yea ve a
kla#4114 #1144.410. _ _
Magistrate: "Viiluirs the cha
Constab "Attempting suicide." tais-
Liote ilow was that." Censtable: le
wonted tk fight zne e'
'There can be a difference of Opinion
ort most subjetts. *but :theta is only one
opinion tIS to the reliability of !tfottier
vGraves' Worm Exterinittator. It IS
date*, sure --and .eifeetual.
Inustlell.you franlf $,.aief a It
10 his- ebent, "'Mat 1 Ito not, neA- the
11 Ides( ettartee of you Winning
,,1.14‘hyr o'lleranst, j law'rt
int 5 Ntaiti31 you' "Ik that al
teniat-keil the el ti(a allead.
rho judges ire no right."
~.000, witrir _
VI 3.16"qt
I f, freee'
.40 ". 114'1;
'0 .1
A. magalfieeet t** -*try 21.0-proot *AMMO is just bolas oomplstsd. snaking this famous
hostiarreqs OKI vast Lai most ep-taliate of Atlaatio City Motel,. A sew feature is the nausea
Well room eilliali$14*410r061112t1 V111114 bath attachsd witk sea and fro* water. Cksval-
eass la *sari Okarthor- efotaPfirshu� r*Oulatel by Thermosdada, latsst develspasut
aka heatiug. Tolopkok intiry Mu. Galt priritasas... Cspacitysea, mite tornaistratod •
Manager. D. S. WHITE, Praaidink
flier ant tern s
WO will so
soSize Po rik
bt bite, bet sr,
evalta,, arta
tMC ett