HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 7 (2)es, 41111i PILLS WILL, 'MIRE RUEUMATIS FROM VOLCANOES, Japanese Discover a L'ae for the A\he jhIch 'Rain Fartninfi Land. .Tho eaving Jaaaireae, who Ow tweed to. Play , a '0119P igaTge ,With 4ft, hecaua 4,4 awe narroaraas ot theilaialatale load tr-ctnetbietp inCreLiw ssi tbe, liat'Salilatiiie eaareart`.t.‹4;aL,a,tuix,,,, 114116.44,41,ntrAge.,,44, bypiAi4it4 fritIV,Ka the.,,,aaa 'Aar Rae N';qE4 1'0;11A-e"g<15 tflAriiO4 Ofld 110:„ IIIIVAIttt4.5;,f0" igekrbuirit tit 4:her- oical., NoW thaa aro taming' the. Oa:Wye aria fianiblee.ratie 14.) $494.1d pa.3e. byinattafisaturingUa .E'dj!t into cement. To thei,11 tfelmI3V.,S, th cre.. 144clit,if'snal,K40. :Att,42,Lig*!,e,`,Ctiatrnt Vet0 fr011t Volcano Nealts awl st, u,. reighboring eeuntryeate may at le be tolerated, if it, aat, to come' as an AllOtilit!, easel. G. ti Scidmore, American Consul tit Nagasaki, luis reported to the I.!epart- lattaloalecteXa1lareeeaRelp,deatar,4-44ekte- 'zed to Work volcanic ash irit4 _cemeat leaelaalreeil,y_epaidatie-diai,402-29,--4) cent. for the finst half year on a cepa. tit of 200.000 yen and tbat it had more* kirdprs in Night than it could fill. The alitsu BOW antl Kawa.saki dockyards, - the two great privately owned dock- yards t2f theempire; the Government naval yards at Sesebo and toe Waka- matsu Iron Foundry 'Company were all O' 1.71)04': tiE,tio4; lEttrg.fo" *11$ 400'..lirfliptr4(0,:. :anieilieinaWUi etue r1eailPit*139 T4\16 rheeneatie sufferer tateet have Ware 'then racele btatcottli-te intea haae lota•,tereearee atad, Vt'fait,Ir..W4114411,b' 'Plerirftaals &ameba' flearales,ea aleeszealasza.9 11rte. IS the reason; rikililaati,sta diS,PaS.,. the bUIVLI. Every dose a/ Dr, Williams' Pink Plias actually make ,rieve, rail: red blood: This rie,ar lewd 'drat's out the poaeeaoue acid, faoa'fits , thi.aelaug and rheumatism \ tegasands- bare Vat truth ot these statements., ani Item lurilux fregli prof. Mr. 14.001 Mon- ---figtaraaafaaslealeraintae- 'Quaaaaat itaa " ;urine- years I was a victim of rheuma- tism and wee almost, a eripple. My work made it neeessary for me to be t -n my feet a good bit of the day. hut tiny iambs became so swollen and the pain so agonizing quit I was forced,. to stop work. I tried remedy after rem- .1l(tOWAlliNiteaW-WM.M.0a.Mkte TiVits-Pei-Stiaded lo 7 try Vr. Williams' Pink Pills. In less than a-nio th,4-asoteda-as stioht ia1Tflffiifl "tar for tbreenionUi.sand at the end of this tune the swelling had disappeared; *every -pain and -ache had telt me and I felt better in every •way. I was icempletely cured and once more able nbont my work with. ease., Dr_ aarrist-ealtakSaariliaaelattaattri'VVY: them." '-'41/ousatid-z,Avrite-giving- justeas,etmong. post or the -value of 1)r. Williams' • Pink Pills-enot only es a cure for rheumatism, but as a cure foe all the -irilmerits IllidTng their root in bad blood , such as anaemia, heart palpitation, in- cheeetain, kidney trouble, headache and backache. disordered nerves, etc,. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by utedi- rine dealer; or by Mall at 50 cents it Lox or six boxes for $2.50. from The Dr.., WilliamsMedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. POINT AND PATHOS. LASS HOUSE HUSBANDS ' 11094D NOT THIIONV STONES AT TSUI WIVES. CASE OF C CITAR1111 One good thing poliacians do is to 2.e1p out the , manufacturers of poor rigars. The ieSS A Man needs a thing the 1 Neglect a cut or a scratch and it may stinkie absolutely certain he is to want turn to bleed poisoning. Mr. atatepb • t. La libertie ef 34 Artillerie Street. Quebec, GENERAL REfillENT ASURANCE CRANNY L s as lardto top a scandal as it. says: "1 cute one of my fingers on a . 0 Da, . Is easy to get 'the 111.1.11g btaried on 1 • rus y piece 0 ix . isanuantat Ws Building. 'Minds. I would became so eerier's, but in two . A hypocrite is a person too coward- , jays baled poison had set in and my • le to be perfectly candid with his fel- !fingers -became terribly discolored, and low -men. e !my hand and arm wollen. I was it is strange -so few -other people -know ialarmed and began usi. .g one ointment lei the goad points a man boastts of pos- , after another, but non relieved me. I cessing. ' was about toconsult a doctor when a - Truth aellIkhod to earth never la friend advised 'me to try Zam-Buk. Tilts hen-pecked rna.n with a quick glance over ogain unfit too !ate to catch the. train , i did. Zinn -Birk began bydrawingout. les shoulder. the lie %%era out on.• !the inflammation and In one week the "It's nerve ? , , my I fel so led- egrate-Yes - - s'e it disagreed with Parental oblece.on ia what Cupid useslwound was niaela healed -1 to tip his arrows whenlie wants .tli-ein ! in for Tn'Y speedy cure that t unheaquie - - afoiher Graves' . Worm Ex term ine tor a, be mold effective. 1 higly glee my testimonial to the merits , le pleaaant to take; sure and effectual • When a woman suggests •something ear- zanl-Bu-k- ;n deg/vying wOrms. Melly have tried Zain-Eliik cures Cuts, Rums, Chapped to a man It Is Mighty- mead, in him :lo t,' say be had thought of it too. . 'Heads, Chefings, Cold Sores. Itch, Crul- II with best results. . 'Mains, Eczema, Running Sores, Sore —. The genius a man deveies to makine . 9 - 11 4';4?.'364..INBR,Wat-Srlt ,Ate The Government bad recently grant- ed a contract for 60,000 bags of the „aaaff.:.-ltahajaatil-VellttitStha'Aia, aeaX01‘,1- _at' Keelung. -Qmsii-tilles have Already teen exported to north China, Forinosa and Goren. The -ast, whieh 4s -obtained leorn,AWO Ckf the great craters in the so-called Ja- panese, Alps,'running through therlimia island aet -Hondo; near--theaavest--eoast, tc.g-andint,„-andieiTatti clifttettilta lure of the 'eempesitain it needs naming leal-waisereto-becameaveraegeadeeernent- One riaeet theariew -company can count upon -the supply of the crude materi- Is cartetT away -the more land willatR uncovered for the struggling farmer. al is inexhaustible, rind the more that The diseovery of. the ma cement" OhY exinms* No ranthisilATALOC; straws one more Am-la:an product from rnr UMITIILY the list of their exports whieh had ita-a. been neceasa ries' for Japan._ The Port-. AGENTS WANTED Lind cement Manufactured in Oregon aria Washington was the only cement inus --Japen-beferee the- teerrearipsai- — tarne.d the scoria into PaYing pro- sou oild cogelli 'flume') uoulunOU AN OSMIUM. PROPOSITION. S" 141 *Tem orte,of teats „me or .esttliimiosol motive, 'Anew us to Kid you NolkaltadoWsmod. +Pompton. Mdeme los Thar PEDLAR: Poop. le tatil Oshawa Moat:sal Ottawa Toroidoloadoo Whodsra yttoyeiourtitai4v,„et Nitives Attire ilre Iltanstahqi, 'ealigent. ' T:li'ee, .,.4., at:a4 deall:Of . fail* faansd watt the*tie lialio 'Vale. let aiaa.peilarai etatalt Iter, 'apetiaranate after ay. -la -rat' )as , ear niallied We; and, •Sihele .it. ia-' itlia. .thetaisman a couree, tinteaa unavoidable, is ...htlyaitiltalicious, it al taat elaviiee the wiles fault. . She dees riot wear inthecoining wrap,. frers because she likes them; neter dees.she don broken-down shoes be- cause they are tea u Wide_ l I ate iS'i no detOrious rapture tier her in the fact U'aLt-e-ra4t4RCte.)9.11.-.1ga_E,Aoiaa NY1:14,40, thateher Lace is_ siatiaeaari.thatetaira- ing. • _ • . „ _ The truth te--the Matter is that ia a great majority 40-f rases rshee is acutely is eseions g dIl these defeats; she girds her unlovely image in, the glass and the reflection makes her most nits- trab:e; but what is a wannan to do when there is mu -1i work. little money and two or three small children to take --roe- programme -*rite: F. Withrow. B.A., .TOROK10. "f*AtaifitiAltla*NtEsiiiiMitikiiitt14X.7,-' 'allaISBANDIC-OV'SPlarANTI'SPAairee Housework ,plays havoc with dainty ItctIkg.04,'Allt„,tax444:4;.,1414k ing up several *Uinta in the night with it causes a WOThart to kg* hag-gard and older quieter than anything else; and one cannot repeir these deniagee when money is nene teo plenty, and expenses each year mount to a higher and higher---nokh.- — .„-Mapy_a_youn,g-„wyo looks- backL-te IfeiPilkia-elaidEyariniritiliffeW4itlitPla cerningireattieedeeaselcre.aornee-Triraway dream; but now care and responsibil- styeamaeueibeadiageeefieri.....hasa beaten down her pride,. hanibTel-Tier -Virility: and made her almost hopeless of bet- -ter times -to -come: . -.— Then, too, very, ellen,. if you will ob- serve the husband who has so much to say about the careless appearance et his wife, you. will seethat he is in no position to ahrow stores. Whereas, In the days of their engagement he , s most carlefuof Wm. lin4le his- sli ciothcs aria neckwear,' when she WOS him. now cca,es to worry about them at all; when he gets home he think.. it no more thrir right that he should be CiallItlriabi ; anything is good enough for the wife, which is all very well, as far -as he goes, but he re- sents the same _attitude in her. stedo-81 rirrire-- ,A111411111t.i.andrAeleSAIra,44..040.. Writs for Catalog. Mt...."."11711?* 3E-67173EZ01; SHIP TO 111. -The CLOUT 11AW cult HMS Irt Canada. We pay hi he5t Nee' York prices. We _ RAND AND ARV ,ENDANGET.ED Active Agents can Earn a Substan MI Weekly Income. Writ* at once for particulars. SAUCE FOR TILE GANDER. An 'thin is good enongh for her, but . Taranto she s ou never orge a s e tired and worn and half-dead for steep and that her good clothes are so • few MORE THAN HE: DARED. that .,.he must save them for church and funerals and visiting. She should never "You. a.dmireethe weather out_ _here?" ace lain AViiikaut_wares in her hair. Interrogated the old settler. powder on her nose and a costume ab - "I admire its nerve," whispered the selutely spick and .spare Which is all -foolishness, as every LUD45. J. C. Ilervus Dep't de l'Agrienitiirea i?ernnais postkularty *Meadows. inethe cure -4 catarrhal affections -of the Iiirtii'and-hiiiitelitittitille4liiid-triirlireottSegtiettee-the'reittetty moSt appreciated here in Ottawa. Six bottles cured me this winter of bronchitis. I am completely restort4-and 1 one thanks to the Peruna. I have recom- mended this remedy to a large number ot my friends afflicted %We the SAine trouble, rand they have aerifidi my .good opiglon of this valuable remedy.' • ATAtifill of the bronehial tubes -‘be 0 esi catarrh , of the lungs. Catarrh of the lurigs makes the patent an easy victim to the geams that cause tuberculosis. 'Sound lungs prefect themselves against (ha - ease germs. Peruna has acquired a lasting reputa- tion in relieving catarrh of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. This should prevent the tubercular bacilli from gain- ing any foothold in the lungs, and: savee th( patient from tie inevitable result. • Mr. Wickliffe It Smithi Editor of The Potlatch Herald, forinerly Principal of f.-Suitnicris---atICamerott, Idaho, wettest "For some time suffered Witte ceve - tarrh ofthe throat and brenehial tubes. I tried nany remedies, but coald that • nothing, that would gave me. relief. "Finally I tried Peruna. Three bottles cured me, made me sound and- well. 1 believe it will do as much for others as it did for me. I shall he glad to recommend it to these suffering with catarrh." ' 1111111111111111a Where all else Ms one knews; if it is up to tbe wife to -take-care ver her-e-prentaereeiwkind -tee- ticuse-it is just as much up to the bus- . band.' What -is- sauce- for the- gOeSe.is sauce for the gander. Hesitate Watt Oar less you are asked for diem. Apologies 1 ;blind or bleatingl. Bad Legs. Inflamed him beyond the necessity ef excuses. ellen are mistaken for confession's, of , Patches. Rheumatism, ,Neuralgia. Seta - 'Very few men seem able to tell the Ab.5.-'esses and all diseased, in- wwng* , . -. '• truth ve hen you ask them if they hail ilea. to . hapren. I lured anti irritated conditions .Of the expected some certain thing No R sonatas flan enrects to c 4 neglect - When a man aehieve,,, me -wee „weave I Wad. Of all druggists and stores, 50g., .„rd cold i a day. nur time and Allen's Lung ' Pr post fend upon receipt of price, from nasal° 11 overcome the cold and stare ram -Birk Co., T.oronto. 50c. a box, 6 Loxes $2$0. eXelICO—s- liWt"--&—, properly applied,' pal 'throat, a .4 dy eise realizes how much better they themselve-- could have done. REST AND RECUPERATION. l'su provide a restful envieonhent tyithout sanatorium reitriettons, to en- able tired •Itunianity to recuperate ria-. . turalty k Eeetliv 14) the ave{rage man , or woman the neeleti Change Tram Wor- ry and care, an.I to d�i the -e at mad- ' 'crate Coat, is the niisaien of "The Wel- land," the ,Itome of "The St.--Catharites von:, Apply the manager, St. Catharines, 0. any Agent of Grand Trunk flail - ay S)stem. off consumption. Cough will cease and lungs 1* is sound as a new dollar. ' CRIalia OF 'ME JUDGE. A. man leas recently being la,ied for murder, but the ea -Renee tigaltasalimi was So weak tag the judge direatid the jury to find a verdict of "Not guilty," and readied the ceurt of his intention te top the emee. p& the youthful (ounce1 for the AP- fanae wanted the opportunity of (*Ailing fammis. • Ile asked perinas!on to adtlis the court. • A "Certainly,, r. _ ca t5p) u t.°' remar!ied Effi the iudjudge."Woll bear Y4111 Wtill P/e'" tioeula -Gae it` a trial' and you will not regg ft. Its- easy III be a philosopher If y3u have a good moonia, There is -Only One 1?.clectrie Oil. e- ‘141i2n an article. be it net -theme or any- tIFng else, bevontes popular; ITITIrtat:Orit. apring .ta derive advant- age: . (rem the origiriel, which tt,,ey thentwikes outild never win on their own merits. imitations of Dr. Thomas* ,Eelertna Oil have been nuMerous,. but never Ntle'NeR.Sful. Those Who` trilfiW 111.- genuine are not put off with a sub- ...itautr, but dernaqd thc -eat thing. , This weald is filled with lovers at the 6.4-.11-1614e brand. ...f.onm_Oves teanforta. out of the thought that, theirliushaiTAMWTirsi- as geed -as other men -when they are LIS lap_ Bitions-ne.is Burdens Life. -The b:lous --faaa---t9--nfli3Oi" - -cornpanienable man- al'ecarise, his ailment renders him mo - pose and giotrany. -The complaint La not so dangerous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need stiffer fawn, tt who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. 113. regulating the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the 8Intnneli they restore Men to cheertulness and lull vigor of action. The Effects Preduced T)y Witch Rani when !ambits -A with Menthol $.1 found in "The D is L" Menthol Plaster are truly magical; it hob* ckle a spefor alone:an= and nestralgia. The larter a Irian feels the smaller he appears (0 olher men.. .•••11/..mnIelf Whv ampIng mid whining riaalt ar aarus when a `,15 cerit bottle -of «um - Nritt- ri sure; but fir:4. for safety's sake. cse-11 oequit the prisoner." iearrwdeeunset blushed. A WOalnit ,I1C,Ver :142117,4;"; that It ljt. . 11!+1111,, . Lard 'Ear • 0 lihr.illi t(,) 13nJoMlanit why a lze • anarr, a -a! as' fee leer to understand •••••••••••••••• ,Pat .n I a re charged vvhen treat, at,y-ti lava give thrm eloCar2eal •18..11•••• why AO took tabu. The Greatest Tonle is "Verrovits." It is pleasant tn ta_ste and contains last the nourish. mont and rtnne;th.giihrzi: aa/Itizir are noted. SIODFAN ed th=e Wig!, alfedCk, n 10 intitee talge l . No teile osti,",aut.4 .aaelee11: 11,1N 11 ;- ' a ehr.,:xt-ANTLy-, -• ,, ,„ ,,,, u „,.,.,, 41,4 t,--,tuTezng on i 'IPZ or stargery iof tc45f a qi,'Inatsriv ()tr4,,.. , lora. t'.' '4. (1 ,t'tta; V. DVIHI i ItiAiLett• ' 'WtiY falt,411 sit, utail ahe give VI' little• !, •„,,„1 ,,„! ,,,,,, N, iil,rjon. The \ yolonr, - r„Tflt, lee 4,1a.fa111. I -It'd naellisiiit•9q t'ill lo.eel, T1, 'a .si,'113,41 Ili i feet and apparentl 1 L 4-..elateee - aeo. 'whart taere IiLe,ly it -an: 4 -.,Ar. %sl.:,i.::0.1 tc,- 11!(4 ttio L,.. tA) ..311111 net 0-seitaim poieetemze tipaitee tbet ear.- °, t*, 0. rm, eure tle,, elatia, tat\ nteeel§ Orilla; ], s' !Ice- tte t.ele toe hid icin1441 to tt int,0 pl'ai,' 0T-pi1.Sen1a,t, .1,MIt lir IA rl,i Iri). W111.1 a c Own Ta, Z4154 i41 G tE4_,1itt'rli tatiq, qttd” n'3' ' • , -loo,' .,71' C,1,4 VIL4o1,0117Cillt 2.N.'"; r41C0 faln ip,311,,g,,n1 t.% ,tati, nil lite ear.? t1P111 ,;Z1 *1.. a i 2 „ate to 1 eleri.,,a et eieee the 4 ...uvadcat valleffzall 4,--,e!„)e:1,7',. NnO1 I' I' ' 'l.,e'rl" ealael .the 2. IT:C7.17; ',:' to Ot% CF:i * It'Aq tee lie V.4' t4,) 1-J 1' 3,.;, 7 . t-',fq.c 1/01,1-4:4°0?.4-.4) ycur. • (t,i741 ll. 19 17-,eW,r-';,l'001114',? 'Uri 3 ""t''' -'''''•L &) , 1 16Th' sta! a !tali. 111141l,0 rA'Z'OriS droom.o.o.o. -GOOD 1 ••••••—••••••41.0".•41;atimesmorommom ENGLISHMEN'S HEADS. ,--amhote;ttre-avertrize size of hat required by men is a 7, or nearly 22 inches in circumference; IP Welds, eafa is the average; the hi -amen sent is 7%. erage 7%. Th King. for manY years, averages a 7 full; while the Scot's av- wore a SiZe 7 h but his size at pre- sent Is Parmelee's Vegetable Pals will o pe with aria overcome -any irregu- of the AigieStiVe- ,Orgavhfieh--1- Chtaigf ef diet, change of residence. Vtiriation of temperature may bring They "raTiva)s. keat at band. and once ther beneficial action 'becomes knoWn, no one ,ivia be with- out theni. There is riothiog nauseating in their s6ructure,. and the most deli - Cate can use them confide:11V. •• fi3E Koodzill's Spavio Cure Bone Spavin, Ringbone? Splint, Blood andllaTSpavinaTboroughpin,_ -Curb, Capped -flock, -especially- if- of long- standsng- arprobstinateaawill not yield to ordinary liniments or blisters. • KENDALL'S-SPAWN' CURE is an exirsordinaPy riniudy.tbat,i+re* extraordinaryresults, It 'CUM old, stubborn cases that litany time* veterinariet up-dlakei away every 'sign- of lameness -does not sear or kill the hair -and leaves the horse sound and smooth. . • nitsaro, Man, Sept. 'ad "I have Used Sendell's Spevin Cure for so and it stiver firrikti me emee..",„ jowl literigyntia . „. , • - Write for uuted book "Treatise On The Mese"' thing worth knowing an every page. Sent flee. Kendall's Spavin Curt is se dialers everywhere at 33 , battle -8 for D. enossuna venssorrr. 1).$ A. Oh. 8.4. KENDALL CO.. „ A geod way for a man to Irtalie• a COM! "fortable •is lo have a rich father. OPM.W0,410, ITCII, Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch OA human or animals cured in 30 minutes- by Wat- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls. Sold ,by all druggists. aw.aaram... 'TOO PUBLIC. "1 lao Tkuor- - exclaimed" Pereae ahrougli the telealsone. "Is that Mi achreenr "At last! This Is Percy plum. no, p1 Peaehreen. 1 have been trying for nrarly an hour to ger yeirai "aa, hiel" fluttered thva e let, at the caller end of the wire. 'Yu shouldn't lyr,to da that over the telephene„ Mr. Plain?" 1011•*•••••••••610 Many a man has discovered that the ladder of fame is veryanueh on the order of a greased pole. adis.walalog. •-Seat nyWord oteantlos4 •Where Ake .skin Ji destropid. by burns or scalds apply Wearer's Carats btateedialiT y : ti111 sooner -the -Utter.- 11001.0,1014.•••• • •A man must not expect to live in clover aimply bectmae he marries a grass widow. 0.0011100.0, . Time tries all things, arid Welder's AntirConsuniptive Syrup has /amid the test years it row ranles. 04 a lead,- mg saecific in the treatrneakaal'all'ail- anta--Of ittirVat-nfld-, tungs; soften and subdue the fast stuhaorn. cough by yelleting the irritation, and eeetere the affected Organs- to healthy tainditteas. Use show its value. Try,it and be convinced of its aley'. .111.0.1101. —Tth Ave. -and SlItta at. 300 PEET WEST Of BROADWAY, 'Maximus* of tawny at Minh:1u Cost 01•1•00.0.111 110PEL14SS. "Ttat9 13 a cad case." safd 13v. asylum is no hopaSor4hiatir-ra ultut- attendant, pausIng Leforeil paddedffit, tircr •"What's'the trouble with jilm?",a41t(11 the vL.cir. • le tailglas he understands a railfead time talpt'p." A,coSseibis, vest stsitorsgiutt, *Ws 'us sstastsewAttel.thas ra*-ghtasisitelehe, Nes/ Dateb Grill ft tea LargeSt la Otte Cala* cars ra,mi note to ail Itatirciiitt Efitariaii Platt. 111.&,715iif day *RUA% bath. 12.00 par dayIrith bath, .kinitee.44,4a,,, ar t-713ekittl:Or7 - eL-- , TIN 7 ' sa:Ont ntri!v4 1).10t fit (14.;13,=1 eel D ierv, • 7.117tPlit, .01 40, 441' q13t4i1,..I13 s nzsa-ene eavee fl lb' falter 3 13:1ifIlef:1 4 f ea -.0 Deae t't44t1'VA427A: le-reav ot 03 3 - tA,C;t:iliWIG 1 310 313e...„ diet;13.14S ,nriaaretataa* „ DTiallaT 1:: en. %la eaa. really ghe el ,14.0 t, 411 r,), VtC-1.1t14`.1 61CA the Remark- able for. Wale richness and pleasing T4 big black dewig tobwco. -*to ,. ,. , NO MONIiialY Ti ICKS. , , , An Itiifaunan one,- filty went trIto a 11,arbalfa 'Ahip to gc-t; .qa1,-agi. ' Aitia. he a as F4'341411 end ta.e lattee abont bail oeplier 11 LarIN.,r %lee t-alteLl to ale el- tazttiinfl. tyi-o,m. v%1,2re he zas tlittlainett tor ee tznte. alle IP.,:all.,,a. aaoll in the etCa. ii • ppt im,,n%-cy, t%.R.z,i'ett %%:03 matinually ilni. tt);tig hr.' ,' Xs 64ors31 co ILe tc111 tilt,'Tho rakaee in,p ntnt,,oy SC.:42".1i,A th,, ItsaGh art()) rpsc. i,ord te) airasia liae tvaa of Eratfa 111aa After- 4.110.1ria/ 1/a.e he Colc1,-.‘ a traz;i:4"* 1,74-11tri Ls v.194 an: -.1' alvi:13-1 a, cral tit= torta. 4-.11 til Pat C,,-) c1Iv..0 utn. 1 thal." caol thti'l tattcT fil?;'ffl,y. lire fo0 tz....oti. tte,t,z-zi,-1 170 ras? to-..-ei tstzi! vat li' Ceap 4.n trzl'e Ity-.0.,tvt„, fitt4.(.'.'''sr, .4ti to 1401,473,,:',41,71c -r , ii - , 'Y FINGER7PRINf SIGNATURES. ringer -print blentitica lien has ben 'ex - 'tended to counnercial uses by the Pes- lai Savihga Ilea% (4'1146 Philippines at . manila. eriti,, ittiati. lin5 re.enti3,- iksliel ' a serces of stamp deposit C•31',Is iorriVlifiair- are speeealca stampa 4f diftevent irfalt:t3 ter be cilia:Seal. Wit411 the depasc:tor l(4 ,rstaram to IlIP-IV,Iiii3e_411,(tn _ . I , • at 1113be.:-71-fk44111 - for•a '..:ilepesit-lortali slum:at:0 the anteamt ,to 1 4i15, ?tread. CID13olte iho 1it,e5 fop, 11113 , owiter:1 signatuT atoll altdrc.,,lc; a iAnato ruled elf 'toy the rcoiptikill (D., his thuinteeprint; €4=1, that even it alateeate, " ,depealilera Way readily bo identified. 1 ... - v Use Sbilob's Cura for tile wont ecki. thestarlest tough tire try it on ttgu..a... 4 antea of your 1 ' rtntthanourigeyttbyttatictkirli:k1:6fitr; 4ures' de.iettef. acturtify 'Wirer tOtd, fiatO to tAraothiait it fa tail even is baby. 34 ytisfs t StIC,',2tC11 OttlIttrld $)1 ft 1 otits 511A., 1,, •-• 004. es"240Airerval, 0)