HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 6 (2)CURRE,Nir TOPICo. blentica, pertir3riiii in the mei ;give f irle the eirelitein which prenite .4he e ti:42'5: •r?..411 peeteement ,in Utz. ilterO 6ra pillions el ri.o0cs ttra' cot- atze verld le: the mediocre per- = •Ktilo hes' ceeriedt tor berOeit the ' 1 tat:0i ki,, d9tng..thhap ' in calm,. ;.,« GerZcuz.r*F. 'that ill)o ': 1:41i010, Cif i4 iilletair. „Repot ,et le i htoli ee, • l'i fiediViiiei.i 'feeder iditickreeinie4a14 i - 9111' ' eireitil even tee fb.w,e.tetetei'liia4 .044 , emit' tkiiiliteele thee ee 4,e) 14,ineitiee '4 Irititie in martyr ics'Oilier-) eeritici , 441iiiiilieiteeerietil ezoire t tO e eio • . . ii; e het eiatertiii eetrati ,W ‘ re e,,ritering e is efOefeett• ee'neris , ',-:Lette,etift-S" '44 " itt:076'•-• ate:that . tAtt4 --ttvettteeetiKWaglea,',k1rEeh-P19. - • -abeeiail the idea. ce Ifteriikiiirti --- , cur te asticeeee., Men have made these •lehort cute, and succeeded; lain ore met,' ling them and aueetteding. There profound impreision at large that ter one to take ,the tong, ilairt.stalting- lance to tho goal of an ambition means only the loss of timerandi effort.. i • 'Look how Smith got oneteleotestende Ord form of expreseien on' the part of the young Man liaren. his in nd a remarkable example of the "short cut? Well, perhaps Smith did get on. It isn't known, however, that Jones, eseesseeaeeatAireite- 411delittatetaa 4idtai4aitillattg,a.t4Y trying to htati1inheLffOu athartottalittizOkiriftirdranftWt "AraTeillit-Tirtirrelroet- tel! eth how Sanaa did t. I3ut he may . , bag Smith's personality and vagaries While Slain' was _succeeding! _Weill:M.. eitenethittg whiehinneehne. --- - -4 ' iii itielltAbiteneiiie .'"fi'-'7.---.'"--IYairi' young matiVrifitielerartEnt-tei; that young Man tee:make a study of the personal vagaries of some individual man who has made a eucee. Some ot the most erratic tnen an the world have succeeded in their lines of effort. In the weea of a correpdratively few men in comparatively fesi lines, per - meat vagaries may have been iisSets wort which they have-realiztxl. In. t 'great =fierily of cases, these m n succeeded in spite of their erratic peeitionS1 imitativeness, affeetetions, ubluffe-a.11 are forms of weakness in the man. They will not pass current long in the world's serioue work. When once any form of such weakness is' ex- pressed and reoognized, the element of ,dependableness is gone in the person •expeesering- iii--Thamployer, -partee OF man_ in any way called upon -to share the respensibilities ef ;s1ch a person ,al- ways must be .under st ess of that per - Pelee eattertaintiiie an di. Ilton and temperament. Ono of the comnionest end yet • most distressing of observa- tions made every day by the heads of responeible organizntion 'nay be opt - \itemized: "That. man Jones is a won - In tyls way. lat- it weemily could depend on him allthe timer Yet there are a hundred yoang ;nen, perhaps, who are nursing a secret ad- miration • for this man Jones -not an •eadmiratiort especially -for . hie aliante, bit a snenking emulation of the weak- acrees and foib es which have been his undoing. The eperiefiee of a IAA-liegs • man with two inen In les employ. One -710.--these-eriate-his-tullomeasureerot rear. atestness. In his work he lead one fault tts his employer •saw 8 -he nursed some ideati4 that not always fitted: in , With his duties. When their did not, this man's conscience forted him to re- fuse to do the thing desired. It was • awkward -at • embarrassei The. eat -nee -I man -but when his earnest refusal was omidered he 'was tokl thet beeause of that iNarriestnese §Orne one else would . take the wort; off his hands. But a new .rnan of mistaken ideas discovered tilts ' situation. Ile admired the business weakness ef the `other. At the first op- •pciflutalyafte, too. reruia a testa -born *wittier metive-and Was discharged ion Abe spot. Ills ratritlairv egotism was tis Undoing -an egotism so shallow that alien he was eadene he could not ureter:aria why! "Titorriseualigolag, are 'dent, end sincere earnestneesr What , & mtede of minor shortcomings it Cover.s up every dayl a, tory of Chitist's Birth Is •Full o s- tioal Sigdfoauos i • i -° , . 45' Many' as rt.,43eived tiiin II. thcp Ve$ W.. wi,e, to ' 4.40,0'. tteie 'Co.I4*, ie J."-eilo tri 1,42,e• , ' i • ' wa. •, •3 . eiticorieleitee; r:t.iwt.I.alii41;ettfiel.iii4tb'alielii gist vier> 11 t;.' •I. emitIsli. rob aprtt, 129, iO4....Ttti 4)1 .tiv, INfiviq Led paelt to:the (OS telnplet. ereethil ItghttetAttalite.„).tyrittitiaotr:tre:tatipoodatreireasatte. Iti wean ; but, as is the way With stech tlitege, much suffering woe bpilt, into the, walls. of that temple. Men we; torn from their L33 and families and com- pelled to work in gangs for so many retentive' to tomplete this grand work, .On the eame site 'lleivel built a temple tiii more beautiftil thanSolo ores - H . n) erevus od, the man lis execrated it Jew. Leh and Chrietian Glory alike - for his exueitY and tyranny, Neat a temple to -INatt."wttiVrVtWeria:tirAbietrOndets•- thc workL These are the things that inenocount -grime -The oleo:v.53ton-, the cluelty, the misdeeds, THE DEATH' Ole THE INNOCENT. and the ;suffering of the downtrodden working folk are all, tom -Alen in ille inierrldisolhoughtelarieteileeetretti Which -the ,.veined deederelikernirellee WerifieMWeifitiThtaft-iii . it, r ,Ic4 tufteitttettrais-,"111141,- 'ha,- lillalbTran asylurne their schools and colleges, their entiairiti4Olieitat Veen, ectrieendoceteire, cavilteitikeiereenieeteee*weeleieeteiete..',PtIVa> According to an old Christian tradi- tion the veil of that temple'whielt itereil built wos mit in twain when Christ died -on the cross. et- new *wider lied- ednie in evitki2ies4 .Christe The , lat4Wha. forthe L'4A.1*-.N. •11gf T..".47E-.:•01-4s---xa,1 ,--..iltn-7,417c0k1:-.4 1T.4.15..4111fd34Olaiftit-ii,14.4LIAL - - God was revealed. There was no room kr the old order. No buildings, bow- eteiefebeatitifirli oilidee fOutiZations rested Iloor , lh siozr,O$ 4,i,44 ulfel'Iri ot men, t3 U' r11•t's4:1t•1?,il 64' ..id or pr4p.-v kAti,P41-*tkiliteur :.' - ' . ' '• '' ' • , Tile ,iiirttLor 1,-.11,its Ati.24 stneairit lhee7c, ile birtit*, ; 11:91;,, 9i nt.0/1 l(10,.0411tiU...' ,,4 'Itllprita, ill JaNdi 00, „e, Atiolt,. 'Theqiitory 4( .2 0,afilti ,appelith*,,,tisiv)w4rtkp. '.1arieuitii tatt Ilit.Vb0C0 144 tn. Meta *tt et'atimen elt the 61„-nan ,V,oed i,,, to ' Tivi A %mon:140nd to, Vhent `bythee tits of . treititiedeerilieieniie teliiiili. while , eett st. tiltitAttett4ati'ettWlta, etait40.4:i, tit tun a special obligatiento CARE rActi FOR THE OTHER. Ile came .in appeal 01 supreme need --a itioman whose child was to be born. kinking foree place to bring it forth, and no one viould make place. Each as so wrapped up in itis own aelfislmess and hie °tint needs,, each lime SO Unlitd to maintain his even rights and his own pre eilei%4 that none vauld..„,allandan.,,laia ['Win in the inn that deg inight he horn taere. tie came unto ilire own and I own knew Ilim not, The inn is the life of man in which tit love of God must lie born, and that love et God Coines tO thV. litesed each man, appealing for room to be horn. It asks Titan to give up the room, which. &ell ba- tri!e In hie lifeothetheeneatheri -of God leiiiiireikiiei ii ''U'26-041/44tVit, hiers*,-*J4-4.1 '''' iaettHi-44.4''''' .,.....__.,...---, Self bath many things to say. many reetsoos why it eitnnot meke place, and At/iiiiliAktrilytlrof44040..,R4.3_415,440 never `know -Geittaterokense.ha mirketti fie loom in his life for lite Son of God. But he ‘.vho thrusteth self out altogether, whii counteth nothing in oorriparitem villa -the need 'cit =other, to him es--6ed -reereale1-41 ...iii.u3L..pniv.er_is.ngixen....tect tellietirireitirtiiertiefili, leititexteeenneeinerMereteetee- power to become a son of tied. -- i illEViel'OTIN-iD.--PETEItSrefeiD.--- 'TAO fatt Served from:11; tab701 and aS b, cunotios is Ratak . the dtahes nwaY • Le plaCeli 'Ort tt. Wu dinner Is tt,will be ic•nly 14.- few minitta.V wotk• IA ivinove the reit. Hy doing this way • ( tbe fuil.\.54epr e. If ehe Jet enteetattitng ter ,aatata, ,ean have the at,leaeltro kt eating- tier i inner with ‘them and tbey will be spairtd the unpleasantriesa of Ittvaing the.r beetette tairried .and tired wgh• mh ritiliteinee -back tient Xertb,,, lieePY.,, Me lede in the Vet leitoil -Willi •feel a lite.4.5ed riaifet teen theee eactleai itettaater to. and are,' 1. ' • - teal, IttUea the blento et,rtbe .altleao 1 the attempt upon hiniself, is4y 1; that lata nervoueness Meted tipaai tits aieler, who would. have,been %aka poet .olleore DANGEROUS 1",,COMO Or' ° The reeert unstreceseiut plot' against the Cent*, which, thanles to a Cossack at tho Peterhof Palace, who betreyed tee revotutionarien, was diecovered last he - fere it Was elpe1 reeteted•in the trial 'of liergenuirenero revoletienalleseettrpor wet, of etibieei -ieem )1e 'the lecad. eif 'Otte lare. and geoup %Vat). 4tSQ'b, girte Ntrta Zelia ena. tineweiito tter oarey oi !! 101)1A01 tU'''dv.0,11.',;01 'Pa** ...t atteiVeg ta,a;ere., 9eft.ttie.Teavn:eta, Mterstlyr,g, IAvti4 bOttills• that 1)01110$30.ce tet S1' tivtit tee;,' ra, filAitteablia 14 t' tier; 6.how•Tooln4 wa(War labtiee . ted 'u 1ii in.t rii&f Ott att. 'Want: Making -tired 4,en1aining ter eterea 'learn* and arinnunition. '• ioehee Tail- UtteelielOilt iron in Welch •Stolypirt and the (..ran Duke Nieheles Nitinolaivitch were Ira-. veiling In Peterhof in the spring of 19071 and in the subsequentpkit to kill the - Czar and his •fanilly, . SIIE'S NOW IN SIBERIA. It was after tee failure to blow up the train that the police fell upon traces that to the discovery of Ntria's laboratory. But it took, sorectempretheireesenneeteere,r, thintee between Moscow and Peter- -peaple, producingi aseitodidounbelietoon f. • FinallyeNina was condemned to the one hand, on the part of certain. death' Imit her sentence has heen mu" or the Jews, and simple faith, on the muted to lifelong exile in Siberia. HOME. MOM% *MOC-NE*M11 • TESTED RECIPES. Simple Dessert. -Place a slice ed sUn- shine .calce on each dessert piate, over. which spread a tbick layer of vaniiiit ice cream. On top -of this' plaee hall of a large yellow peach, aced side up. Fenn a circle around this en plate. (1 drops of whipped cream. The effect will repay for patience in making; -146aer-Jollta.---Takes- rone-half peck upple, wash well, and et to bell in four quarts of water and let boil levo hours. Then stritin through a cloth, after which you take one cup er _sugar -to eachecup lof juice. Let _boil ene and half hours. This heike.s the finest kind of jelly. . Cheese Pudding. -Cover Ixetom . l' pudding pan with plecrust dough rolled thin, scatter lumps of butter and eheesti to make thin layer, season with salt nii peopereianothir layer ot- dough., cbeese, butter, seasoning, then another; beat yolk of egg in Cup of milk aeld peen' ever, bake thirty minutes. Delicious but rich. Pure Baking Powder. -Mix by sifting several times one pound cream eartar, one -bail pound baking soda, and one corns ant; -tins rrialieselwo -Ma one-half pounds of purest baking pow - del at a little more than the cost of ene pound of the Lest on the market. Pumpkin- Pie. -Take can of best pumpkin, stew down until Wei -thirds re aim, watchinvi carefully,. Boat four Ihnioughlyie raldetwo imps if., latd sugar, teaspeen ginker, half te spoon cinnamon, hail :teaspoon salt) heaping teaspcon flour, add pumpkin, stirring. well. • and litatly add about quart' of milk. This will mate bet large or threeortinutry sized pine. Egg-in-Nelt.-Separate the - white et an egg frean the yolk. neat -the white stiff and idry, put hr a eup or small bowl, making in the top of it a thollear the size of the ytolk. Into this)rottow slip the, yolk. Cook in a covered sauce- pan eientaining boiling water until the top of the white te. 'firm -about two minutes. Srve in' the cup. , ftvelYn's Pudding. -Three tablespoon- fuls of cornsterch, yolks of 'live eggs, six tabtespoenfttle ot sugar. Beat the yo-lks 1404, -add s 1,1gar and beat 1gain. l't •• cornstarch with cold milk, mix III tog ither. and add to one quart milk itiet ready to boil with a pinch of salt. added. Stir until thicliened well, Pour Info 'a (Holt for tiatee. Place In oven until it will hear icing. Place over top earthed peaches or preserved pliteaPple. Beat whites to a 'stiff froth. •Add four n prOnIDIN Pt Falgrir, MO Ili 0V until a. light bin. T11t3 its both de- heate and delietoue, SalMeateSalatlee-Witit a, eon- of S31- nwn*i3 handsome arid rick Salad ti pre- pared. "ratze, out the salmori in red. firm lilts arid lea them tia, ci dish et ekld tpiect vitlrar whi!e. the tomatom nit pr:epared. Cut cft the ' gem ani Follow' eiltlailli a aPoort. ro matth a neat, firnt eup. ' McMinnpized. tomatoes, should ba ted. AIN atate salt, e ay. nne, )attd vinegar with or wahont oil. ds Wt?rred. and anairetile theeteenat IteeltreStrAttliatflfaa Iiiiliefitti.- - -Cit. cumbeto cut in thin. raprr :Ilhe Pli20.13 lit47 t* itid levitta tite fiela Serve on lettuce Iteavea with !nape:Int-11ga 1 Pelee() Otimplinge.-1Grete cradt range et raw nnal Leited potatuzs. rtut the gtoct rote , eotatoes Ott a eteall end -qeeeze ant ritt of Ito Ettati leatitrie! .. !lee fee eneh. Te eel, flea teltte all e -theataettotaTi-TItYsedytt-eat Now PutestftftlattallterfieititaaRdititahart titteatarreerrer neeere bac* ona oda feetia eerie fp Paha' , Ware. 4ettie the tabte awl tals.ited arenel ...:;0 1[Lie3tten`h, .971T.4 $311, Bi a 1:41;47,,) t,..C.111 are:_pg folbilv., To g::,_,rw,. fleet Via set'.et to aaaTea 'ttla trihr;hice a,'•''2.-11 112,ot1.5 n (lining tol-.4?---ty 'fi trtays-iT re itteee eilairt inth hellate atteep info 110Zr4;1r,,,,,g t7JC41. ft !live Es a tutvoill no ccitn, • i r.-ratc5*. c'trill Lfq '1'4'04 h",..-4-44•7 ,,l' tE,:.,11. etc.. can an I :, 11-4oc.rd,. on hrttc, twenty- eve reintitee, reithaul OK TA r.e i :, LI ivac:14 ttnd 011.•11,1411011 "Let me Spy," began lktr. Ilenpeek, "Hie wooden t",edding b the fifth annivemary, isn't it?" "No," &nap, al his wife, "tvlien one marrles a likk,khead it's the eereirony Itself.° *PARENTAL N11.-.0.1141;11MATICM. •oPasv, tvlv.)t ipalatine?' stsItts en inetrunient hearing •ISCArnbtataCe_tr, a Onkirt.._collarAlaat.--1-- •,,,.,---,:•-•-•-:-----0K-0-i'i7r-ti;ur--,1irne4 to the Mumble ivy, feet it le ninth quieleer and mere lakroiaipl in its eewralVed.' - I • wAR, CD. n t!odczr of on estIng.hpuze in Dab. I. thocuritna may read Milk followinr, Atzd-trirtelanzetnznt-timv,---,-ivinirrkjyrar to thoptrant tars who fre. I. that perl cadol not vatkmed the Men and "Women • . Revoltithinists. That a lot of women are mixed,uP In Use revotutlonary struggle in rtnaata, every one -who i arta the paper,s mese itLOW. They are arrested now and then Thr aneassinating somebody, etre as more frequently happens, fortrying to do it and making a mess of the ghastly lob. Autefewaseederescan. have any ehnceP- VeftelttFaaialiryaptittfeatkaffraaattftti__= _ ts there aro Mahe itzmasedomaM, or ieLlite. eendlgioue influence they wield in the movement for overthrowing the Govern- ment, writes a St. Petersburg corree- pendent, Net least among these female rebels against the Czar is WanderiDebeedzielta, who is nereeineemeieueiriane ienvattie An' liviihilei-aestudententritherekeerstent# erneity she joined the revolutionary moveinent. She- longed te 'eta eorne- i dnoileiaproverieberr Rai cause by putting some high official cut of tile way. In August. 1906, her op- portunt y tame. Thee-Covernorrt iGeeral iit . of Poland was sentenced to death by her party. WandeHeiggedethe-columMeo ilow...hen..itoreilmeiendierettittler Ais, • 1-43-4-e-Ittgleteteiteteelioeolnc*eis. i iikrait.- 114GE11/411011S run:— ii , e was given carte blanche end took ep her residence tri Warsaw, %Aliero the, Goviirnor-General hires. She and her younger brother. Who obeyed fieratn- stmetions and played a minor part in the plot, took a fiat in Natolinswa Street, next door to the house occupted by the German vice consul, Von Lange, a yeeing num Who had recently arrived in Plissia arid, therefore,. knew but little about. the inhabitants. Von Lange was walleng down th,e street one 'naming when a man dressed th the uniform of an artillery officer stopped him, hit tiim twice full in the face,tran off. kiind Von Lange at once egraphed an in- dignant amount of the nattit he had re- ceived aittthe hands of a Russian °Meer t., has ernbansy at Petereburg. The -Gov- ernor-General did call he ciould to trace the insulter, het failed. As'a Matter of feet, it Was no other than the brother of Wanda, dressed up as an officer in an fore ro1fi t1i�TWiikiire into halls try o e in the water area if it melts or breaks in the water then aild mote fleur to the mixture. When done take trona water with a: draining epoon and serve with browned butter poured ov r ame. _ ••••••••••mmrin USEFUL . For tired end aching feet rub the sejes, well with kerosene oiL If you find it difficult to open your fruit jars, just tern the upper end into boiling water for a few minutes, and letii will find that your jare will open To C1 an Silver. --To clean silver, mix sweet ell and -whiting to a creamy nass. _rub on _it:be-silver ..---withe-a-soft- cloth, !bete -wash in hot soap suds and polish with chamois skin or. a piece of soft old linen. To Clean Mica. -Take isinglass from :stove -ands-lay -In- vire:agar aliefitaten nannies and then nib with a little salt and wipe clean. Wall a knife they can te seperated, making three Or four out of one. They will be almost as good as new. eTo novate Pillows.ei-To renovate yoliff feather pilleawsallill a loiter' hall full of .water, bring- to a boil, place a featticrepilielve on- agar's totere - turning .oecasioteally, and steamingtherougfily.• liana in the Wind. to dry, beating and shaking as they dry. Your pillows ,will come. out •liglit arieelltiftyee• Tufted sCauchi-feverY eon . kneels how hard it .ts to keep a tuftai couch clean. • The following plan .is easy* and the work quickly done: Turn couch. on side. Piher a roinid steck-a broom handle will do -Press gehtly nn- derneatit on the little tin that holds the button. This wilt raise _the lessee en iiiiit-Isetirettaeritterrresethistrahroolttaaastt Smooth Lunch Ctoths.-To have lunch cloths and ceaterpieces without ere.as- evstheifroinsahitaev,iintige beeirrinvyle.phiasteboaed _ten- th*, Pictures andecalendars come in et make a rola of-hediy paper about •tivice n; •d,lagiylovtyi e tiaroia.nad, a4n5 aold broom haii4ij servea he.start the roll of paper on, having two lengths, one about a foot it,na for small linen pieces 'and anothar about three feet long for larger pieces,. and :rail the freehly, ironed linens on., these rolls and keep Inettnetti .drawees ready Per use end it Will net be neces. :sary • to treat the creares out of each , Nem _as . the• ease:When' they are foeard. 'Keep. Table Drawer Neat,. -TJ. ;eon,. tetitS oted large. SlitiltreW iiibte drawer Can never • be kept in Order, especially when • it is used to store- smail artielea at every day use. Such -a drawer can be made neettal arid will elwayS be neat hyalsine it in the feltowing simple Intanner: With an' taelte attaeh to the botkim of the drawer' small paste. ard-loxes-4r 1.-Ja • shallow boxes ar,' best. -Empty fite .ie e .abent• eight or len Ifickbes leng can be found, at any „hardware store, .and one pound -bonbon boxes are goat for this purp.4.-YAN ln -a wide table ditowc-r there, is -ream for a don llieetesrnali bones tacked 800 by -side to the bottOzt trentof drawer.: This leava4 man at the hurt for articlos fox „large 10 be ttept .in. -boxes, Pens, nefilgt tilittorG, thread, keys, slanipt, envelopes, small ohm, etc.', can nanientlaeliept4it-tetierneeKetereteg in the above monter. Ntalie Hcz4 lfeei'g.--A • linen table orkett.. p.,,sstIslettee .to tav,-olikelvi, who , la,r4ro rizatd. Cy lug-, "her heed fel Sat.') her hee" stp eon eet the, thk, CfM, wItb slo.repty nicIN- 114nencl eta uniform bought from a deaerrour second-hand CiOtlicq. Butrilie trick had the desired effect, for the GoverntneGeneral had instructions -from Petersburg to call upon the German viceeconstileattrieepelogize tar a officer's triaremduct. This of course. yetis just what Wanda welti'td. For three day, she and her brother liept watch on the balcony, awaiting the arrival of their preposed Vit:tim, Wtti) alwaks drives about vvith an ,esoort of Cossacks'. WEAKINEXECUTION. - : At hest the quiet street resounded with the clatter of horses' floOTS: The Gover- notkientral was coming to call on Von Lange. Wanda's fair heads -she wore a gelden wig--appeareet on her balcony. The- great riran.dreve up to the vice con- -door, alid-,--erfraid to actaTiriathe street, etiterett the (muse; while his ad- jutant went' .0 -stairs ..to see if the vice censul was at home. As it happened Von _Lenge was out, co the Governor-Generat reeentertel his carriage, and the .whole cortege steirted for the palace. , It was then -that 'Wanda threw the eboilikaa' 7SWItad - • 4 k , ..m....mt tatmale COTIS 4 r,s. itt cony. and the resuit was another demon- ‘ta -tt 111747 sertattartrtid--tie-ed-RITerlii7a ll stration of the limitattona • f the femi- the accomplices when •meetings were 4 wee bombs held tn Peterhof, is a sister of the man nine plotter. Not one of the tt citie, _threw raathad, its mirth The first who blew up the (and Bold in Peters. one, aimed.-ar nip uarriagt,itorms;--foi in hurg while -making tombs in 1006. ,She was the tlancee of Sazonotv, wire killed front Of their feet, failed to burst, and only made the frightened beasts bolt. the Minister of Plevne some year ago. Sarasowa and Feodosiewa are both mare "ta 'The Becond, tattiedeeUethe-governor ffm- sof. fen m front of Ile carriage. TNl ried women-thelr hesbands were law - third, which might have hit its m Ile yers and have been hanged. was brusied off by the hand of a valiant It was "Nina” who used to receive the and tried to -persuade cossack, W110 'waited quietly for it, and cossack; Kola, when it was about to fall into the car- ' him to hep murder the Czar, promising riage, etruck It .with his open hand. an exalted place in the "party" if he Tho bomb fell into lite middle of the. would do 60. Ile visited her several pretended to enter into .her alrect and the Governor -General's life Utiles - and was saved. Needless 'to salt, the neise Plans. But (ince each meeting willt 'her made was {mine, and tee paiiee aleat... to went to the Pollee 'tit Peterhof ond gave a detailed ticoourit of the interview. 0014idarieniPlIne-Pli3y,lict.i;hing af"ter 11.:e* etakeeeiralg'efisail3. NmarS .great confederate was a telegram stead ef remaining bethid fa find (hp cleric, named Naunioni who had been limiters, although they new whence scot to Siberia some year; ago and es - the benths had been thrown. , caped thence la.P.etembarg, ' - THACED BY A P10. -r. 1 ' -----.1,-- In a, . 'minute, the itr-eet was enility. KNEW WHAT HE WANTED. • iNanda and her brother. rushed out, hat- ... r, tisz, and, running to the nearest cab, got "What you want, sir," said the .barber, „apeulliteek- asruthin6tnragnhahlisrsfionngethise httlit'allogfilatheeusticloWmr:r flit.Q it, 514t2reirrill%W;lutd,i,ry,ti'niG:410,11,..,, Ltitt 04Nitchk1 the iqatolinslia Str.let the is a bottle of 1nY,fagnou hair reistortr." girl wai M. th2, other ciii or the tn. "What I want: 4VPIlea 016 tualonter, pad it ukt bun for a Ginall pieCe el cam,. sadly, "IS a dii,',orce." • il, • lestiess she would never have been _Arld,tflog,,?, rn,...6474Q4 111211121118elt; tilt trneed. $_ize lea her pasport behind in tol,s,. 0nak allt,' iNuu 110 more. the rootr where titre, taloony eves. It was a falee passport, made '60 in a, .Ertg- solo men. are born senalt and ri liele 'name, but after a wheal+ fotarteen others shrink. ,. ,Dnillit,' search the 'Russian police, traced . e and' it to Cracow and satisfied titCri:1- Lova win find a. viv..0763, g etWyes ttliiaottit Iiillivoticsiirie, Isla,/ wirn60. th, way oat. . wilfikilifiriatticiik_Aiwato_itfk.$14.1.,TAio , zas anry that her' ttiglit had -led. h' 14] men are ceeli riefety in flight, and roa,eitcd itait billboards -a flas titzt2. LA nrlt ,,,tiveri her.elf tip to the, no., IA.' NW be.i111111. h'•24 ttc.21 mo 'ttTrai. §he tif;ilare:3 that it 1 ' • liminpra.m. i , , Po' ,044Ziitm, rY Cat15-')?, i3, b riliMikT it Two frog; strolling orte clay MI Into vailisuturk,:t,tviltriellifgObt4b;-.41wiott:0,14,,,isit%rttrit, 01,11 a 11 tilicoeft!lalutito. tOtnialeoit:..als.hattiets,peultiosiintattandbe.. ctIC8re 011e torr.-= of a tife.ong ...Siberian es-=4,14ty, 0 to squca and After opt abortive ft::?.LE'.,rtio.:207-.):c..----aid, -G-T,•1.-15,te-4,-no ar,11. cl i atinict-viu fartfl-- be, faiEure % itez,•ici4-(4. 'Itc other, rents thcreuir,r1 threw up, tim,t$ , vxit•;%, up tly, tiokix.ItaGr(kneral. Ile t/I,Klii.-^,s, lira t111101 1)(,P4,':ea it-i•A ivir:,qt tho Wa of 144 witi--goinc;1 ted arottnd ithettrOltdd l„ nal ll 1.-.1..); ti.ila las ttug'at) 7 t g eVeritualty tolind liltrigett sti "L? 0;01,,3ii5Eitnizto!eetittig4, AVandat rat or buittr. moral: WWI neg, wr,to tals, be!.'7n, tra:7A,, *ft . 4 hterVI i "IEBNA,TIONefi LESSON, _ Lessen Pal keys Cleanses the •WeletPlet i Golden Text; Ps. 93. 5. ' \ME LliteeatiN W(W() tliaatd,va the text ot Ole ltfiv.i,1-}z1„t : • • Addilienal .0tenklott8 konitieetitna . Me thri,V,1:01eth*S'N.V4 ....41i1Sge,Odl.'ki!...til &fl IWprolotAid•i,,t o, Avh-fefinhO. Propctel..% W.:414,4n lt4'.(lifyintrodilictkOn ileAtafany 101;V• •t 1:10,1da 4,1nd -1160111 v6rtoral :1110 .11,41104610.4444WOOP01.:' Pfterif of 1•01tg' •e• 1t Ayhtelt : first intr.othiced ixi4P'sia• amo,0# Ole ot' "itrineetant \,Nvoie °a, definite tit,stnneny , digWAt. gratifl, a pool*, nteciccialy lentic4il*,.:4-A,VicguittegioiMPip4tiLttc- vtrses le-ge gee& the testintopy Me naptiat 10 the deputation Jeivs sent from Jerusalenu verees 29.3, lehe -testi- mony to the -large multitude of people walleyed to hear him on the banks of the Ji Oen, and vereee 3,5-40e to tiV4‘tiOt disciplea. including Andrew and Hip and Nathanuel. This leas the personal testimony of individuate, and in connection with the. record of this are. 4-1iPertiediiiklieeniPee4g-qientetfletAoieimettfi 'Itzliiiedeleitterlitteft other hand, on the part of certain dis- The wonaen who helped her in the plot ciplos of John and others who heard the against the Czar, and who made friends testimony.. pwailiabeethearaGoae: zactilesbouw,a17Nkicaep gpuroaiketoaitetthe nost4work,40,1404 7avolatiorely.,,vc ,rgtrililteriltlfilir , - evangelist ,to introduce also the words But it is the pi:mese of the rr' ii leittititeeitaietietefee 7,-11 e fir Nattit,m!, 4,417 I ix ..:-. ...---- ------ -punitakritrits-cra-efut to.--m3ard the - --- --ir was hroitgh zubowa the v 4,140.4w,oe,,,a_nurw, yi IL, • 1°t" i,t,tivr,macirititle %.rvi,ou,,,g,4111teirmllivit by Jes;tes at Cati:ial 1,,n.,___,,,, against the Czar was discovered. She fAitot 44, ow 4310 jotgiontugakilki,,,m4). „ filliifflielVittartaaifilletrii long that ministry may be, cenesidered to date ort :s wthias.aauntlireotrihintie; ,mdidomnott jtsciusrt pill thdtainherfrom the fleet appearance of Jesus in the temple at Jerusalem, following the short Sister of Mercy. One evening the report visit at •Capernaum receirried in the el firearms was heard in her room. The seventh yene the second chapter Of 6""rds wet -11 to 11 t() I" -that slieluldlite_erors- pd._ 11.1s* ..custornery to ttis- Un- Iteteherselleineeheettelet eibuteivas eer'lvas-ealted-4e-intite'111.-** 01 Jesus'IgIAA-tarle-Plrenkaiiii' I 01 "Wounded. Woutant-effectsewhilesheewas eneetntaetaer hospital:- Avatar ovarian+. --tryAnom-wort.33:-16-, T.:We-Inv% - -- Ing her things they opened two large 1cwever, with Nita! pnopriety, speak of his appearance in the temple (2. 13- • larger early ministry of eesies, Meted - wicker baskets of the pattern used by Mg Russian. women foa'atheir body line in the-citroi Jerusalem iteitte=3. elle— - oneTo.thooed eirntaaninutzemboenint bombs the.yedxisplosoovievre. edsthure.at In 'eludea (3. 22-36), in Samaria (4, 142). atid in Galitee,(4. 43-54). It. will be of in - arms. illegal literature, and cylinders terest to note the varying results of this ofeusr nktiankdsingofthebomnebswiest and most danger- earlier ryinistry of Jesus on different _sew, and, 6atchin, itrilite_wheeieei:d,theplapnastitsrof the royal palaces of petal -hoe Tserekee easeca PeoPle. both in tbe capital dity d in the more rival districts of Samo- sa and Galilee. We should bear in mind and roads were marked with red ink, e ' and notes made of the villas inhabited by thpurposeof John to point out the gradual developmeht of faith, on the palace dignitaries, Palms found con- cne hand, and unbelief, on the other Wined the details of a plot to murder hand, as a result of the impreseion made the whole of the Imperial family and the chief oourtiers. eY public discourses and niiracis of •Jesus. In subsequent chapters of his FALTERED AT THE LAST. GeSpel, following the foueth, attention is Zubowa immediately was Placed under centred onIb TillWr manifestation oY arrest, of coarse; and confessed that the Jesus as the Christ, resulting in the con- firmed unbelief on the part of the Jews. thought of all the lives she was about to imperil made her attem it suieide. She wawa Verse 13. The passover of the Jews- woundhe wordrng Orthis plaraseltasaatteTit r n- , however; and her examination dicatien of the fact that this Gospel was • led to the arrest of the other women and several men. The men were all hanged, written outside of Palestine. Fr0111 other data, taken partly from the Gospel itself and the women sentenced to hard labor in Stoeria. • • and partly from other sources, it soems probable- that -it was written at Epliu.s. Tarasowaa-beald beihg implicated Ita the "palace pia," as it is called, formed where John seems to have spent the an organization whose chief object is to closing years 'of his life. Theagareiver here mentioned is the first 6f,feieral make soldiers and sailors mutiny. This specifically noted by John, and furnishes organization is strong in Viberg and one- of the important indicationis of time atronatadt, and, though seventeen Wo- men have been arrested in connection imm which, together withothers, It is possible lee - With latthere is little pro.apect or its be- -great degree of certainty, the duration of ascertain, thoagle with no - Mg stamped out. Its members, who have • -sworn to ,convertesoldiers and sailors to Christ's •public miniatry as a whole, which IS usually -Taken to nave extended - -- tte revolutionary came at all costs, go into.the lowest resorts which -thee free 'Dyer theigreater Part three YC'ars: quent, and do not hesitate to sacrifice• 14. Those that seed oxen and sheep and doves -Merchants' *hose trafficking •everything that Women hold most sacred , tee ie.._ eeen „, see „ teortler to-wirt them -ever. It -is another I'LL '41U. WalV4- Ut."14% tUI 1-"U ers from case of the end justifying the means. It eonvenient for pilgrim worship is said all the mutinies which have bro. a distance to secure the animals awes- for different sacrifices without ken out in Russia during the last four 6w4• bringing the came with them from their years have been .hatiched in these dens by women of the so-called amietagent harries. Not only was the keeping of class." • many sheep and e ante arid pigeons wall- et the outer enclosure of the sanctuary Mary Prolcollewa,-who live,d with one •ter out of keeping with the sacredness of lige- Katie; earttionleeifehinnieitierWithi thee' spirit of worship, hut the selfishness and ecvetousness which had developed in connection with this traffic was euch as • to utterly eecularize and vitiate the whole service of eeligton widetreesteneibly late was intended to foeter. The evil was n gravated still .more by .the presence at changers of money, who made a busi- • ness of supplying the Jewish temple cin; in exchange for Greek and MInar, „money brought by worshipers from a distance, ant who took care to Rieke a profit on every tran\;aetion of this kind. 15. Cast, rill out of the temple -We nete that it was primarily' the sheep and lite oxen withal Jesus drove out with ttki seourge of cools. • • 16,, Take These Things Ilener.„---The ienee -apparently rendered sus - by fill the (retailers whom he win - mended to leave the sacred preeirets with. their wares was due. • no doubt, to "the might of his indignetton and the majesty of his bearirg, suPported by the tonrelousam; of superhuman Tomer, es well as to the vile comeienes of those wtiont tat thus rebuked. , My Father's, (rouse -With emphasis 4,23 ike ,pt,31:rouli;-iircticathrir-ttar-M.-0 ante e,ensc:oc3nets el Jesus. House of Merelienda?---lmus is fe. ,Krtei by ?.latilKtv to have used the • expression "a den of robbers" (Matt.' hold, that we are to thinly of " ceiv. el la); though it is poqgible, rlt)rma rote °Matteirtgs of the temple, 61rit‘ ported- by Iohn. &Tutting d4 the ginning of the Infraistry ot Jasas, tha Other rensatted ty the `three Mar gos. pet, wraersi wet:tying nonr the eloniti f Ws public intresiry. rstgalt wavnatural ter the Jewish Int. lhtiltes to, aetnteritt thq (redentisis of • a Man- wtd thus arsulittd otillterity lin i1 tt44 mots el the teriVe. • 19. rilitt. Tenipk›.-41r. "ssrietuary.„'" re. txplainel rator. to •t-hte---body,witileli. Alter hating tie dap in the lotieb tO *On to lite and ithiAery. - •T.M114e---4110. IkturAl third end Tett gat IktiiiNir The„4;e1°r141rtpttlittn. Herat:Inge trtrait tit tO, 1,74.447. •• thelrirdo. -Net witk