HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 5 (2);
hitve ;eseer ca
*re up to 04 goods in ever k "1"
only ptim its Ismer. Oman* and
Sewing Machines at pricee that
nielte them *tell.
A most beautiful line OfStation-
ery, Hibleteb-Hynin Boolots etc., at
AWati VOWItsPriCe$,,,
pan and setkqiewii
—11117AWrIN &SO
!Hitt 11 4
geese ybninri_
depen&z. 'MU -three d
of trcugth-No. ; Mt.
rf box.
ittertnatts sane&
r r
mi-olass-mAxilig BY mAi
ia-pur spare tgineratInine. or -
Take a Personal Couree at SehooL
To enable all to le'arn we teach 0n
=cash Qr instaltnent' plan. We also teach a
1lers0n4l class at school once a month.
Chtss commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
tit and put together any. garment from the
p1ataesthirt waist suit, to the mOstelabor-
4tte dress. 14a whole family can learn from
one course. We have taught over seven
thougand dress -making, and guarantee to
give fivt?.. hundred dollars toany one 014
cannot learn between the age of 4 and,
40. N'n.t catm,..t learn dretts-making as
thoroh 'as this conrse teaches if you
worh in sop' )r years. Beware of irnita-
'liens a we employ no one outside the
school. Tins is the only experienced Dres,
Cutting Schaal in Canada and excelled by
mme in any other country. Write at once
One rittiuf'grOttest tritnuphs
E. -Pinklianes Vegetable tom
the eceureeringefswomares-drea
Timor. -
So-called " wandering pains" may
cora, fxom its ea_rly., thennresein
tnzi (t
teleive Monthly perioda -aceempanied
=Mai pain extending from the
or displacement, don't wait for time to
Iyala--E.--Filikhafrils e Com-
pound at on_m and inesen_ itanaanrI
write ,3Irs. Pinkharn of Lynn, Mat.
Dear Mrs. Pinkliam tr- (First Letter.)
Ib Ung over ymiz- boiik-r see ita
your medicine cures Tumors. I have been.
to a doctor and be tell, mei have a tumor.
I will be more than grateful if you ean
help mei, as I do so dread an operation:,
- -
Fannie D. Pox, Bradford, Pa.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :- (Second Letter.)
"I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I have had with your wonderful
medicine. .
"Eighteen months ago my periods
stopped. Shortlyafter 1 telt so badly I sub-
mitted to a thmough examination by a phy-
sician, and was told that 1 had a tumor and
nuld have to undergo an operation.
soon after read one of your advertise-
ments and decided to give Lydia B. Pink-
lard".- 'Vegetable Compound _a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is
entirel.y gone I have again been examined
.Lyila E Plakken's Vegetate Comped
irse-the Thysielaristrues'heeers't baveno
signeof a tumor now. It has also brougbt
perlosIessenuidsouce more.; anr1;.1...ate.
entirely wf,11- 1 neve r be Without
bottle of Lydia Pink,Itam's V
Compound in the house.' --Fannie D. Fox,
Lydia I. Pinkham s Vegetable Come
I# '
pain 1» iny skimach, nttb cramps•
raging, peadaches. The doctor p
forme--,put11001 t 44n
0." •. 4
Maud'1 h' rum
felt sure that it zneant my death
warrant, and was 'cikery:
auntie the Now isnelandStates, whos.deis4.-
me *to trystydia--ss Pinkhanis Vegetable -
Compound before subraitfdng to an oper-
ation, and I at once started talking a mai=
treatnienti finding to my great;re that
my general health began t9 improve, and
after three matte I notimd that the tumor
had reduced in size. I kept on taking that
Coinpound, and in ten months it hadentite-
ly thsappeared wilt an operation, and
usingno raelleine but Lydia et Isinkhamis
V ble Corapoun and worth fail to
expresso how ptefol I am for the good it
has done ree. -Ube Luella Adam; Colon-
nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash.,
Such unquestionabie testimony prime
the value of Lydia B. Pinkhamer7Vege-
table Compound, and should give coat:
dent* and hope to every sick woman.
Mrs. Pinichuninvites all ailing women
to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice.
; a' Womie's Reedy fee' Weents Itts.
' J Usborne Council. •
lire-Vouticilrfor 190S-tifier -at-row:
MOM tetale.eititnta seafeet, statute, and after subscribing to the,
et Erie St.:Stratford. Out . COWL% required declarations of office and
„ qualification, Proceeded to huskies&
WANTBD AT ONCE -We have decided to i- The following ries were flied for
street, and employ a number ot arsisrt, :young mum_1900- 081 - Clerk -Treasurer, $90;
te . day vourffe Ihr-Oressentiting, baying -fine r • , •
t Mesta nearest towns where They iive- 1 AsSeirsOrt $65; Collector, $OO; Oare-
ge 5 Those who have Worked at dressmak-
ing. orlikes drawing preferred. Mew do net 111314 taker $7; Auditors, $0 each; Medical
'mess you eau devote your whole time. Address 111314 -Health Officer. $3 per day. Other
. , .. ._ _ Tex &nom, members of Board of Health and Saul-
- - - -- - -- taresIturpeetor $1:50-perelay when on
duty. The following elWers were ap-
W anted. pointed: Clerk. F. Morley; Treasurer,
Paul Coatee; Assessor, It. Hunter; Col.
2 reliable men as agent* for ' Exeter -I -exec% wsisserroekr, caretaker_ Tees..
and sarrounding country to -vett our -
pecialties,' MAYNARD pLum, Ftn,,z, Veal; Auditors, E. N. Shier and Henry
"" pow James Handford sires reap-
GE'RAI4D PEA,011, AROODUtea KR to the Hoard of Hefilth for
°Mk"' 41"" PEAR* °is'. three years. . W. H. Passmore and P.
BERLA.ND RASPBERRY and a gen- McTaggart being the other members
eral line of fruit and ornamental trees. of the Board. the Reeve and Clerk be -
You can make money out of our sto,,ck,,,,' ing members ex -officio. H. K. elynd-
wher° 'Mt would lidt-witil 6111:1,111""-* man,. M.D., was reappointed Medical
stock. We iny.eaeh weelelYS euPPY Health 'Officer and T. Swale Sanitary
outfit free and give eeetssive_territory-Inspector. Fence Reviewers same as
Growers of high grade nursery stock, ton, fls Hunters R. Ketiiikt jno. Wes
Toronto, -Onts -
, likee'-ifeetor "TATYlor, alter -Hazel-
te *suit agenda' wood. Thos. Cameron, ~John Shute. A.
byelaw was ordered to be drafted din.
firming the above appointment, and
!Ortiltille , radaries. A. grant-of$5 wart given to
" the ' Sidi -Children's --Hospital; The
Collector's Roll was ordered to he filed
ayand the Collector was wild his' salary.
-The Clerkwassuld S14.201eirregistess
tion of birthe, manisges and degaths
for 1007. Council then adjourned to
meet Saturday, FebSist. at I o'clock.,
F. Motley, Clerk.
Streeial -terms
working part time.
Our vatinageruent trains more
Telegraphers than *sty ether in
Western Ontario: No titre
eh**. tor Vero courses.
Mast eminently qualified iit-
etructors. Griuluates assisted to
good potitions. Otter colleges
engage our graduatetwas teachers.
Individual intstruetion.
?JAI*. COILIRS118 In Matricu-
Ova See* -Pentium.
ship, Shorthand, Bookkeeping.
Send a postal for informition
*bout Cesadees 0 :Chefs
otHish tirade ft stens Cot.
Clintott .11115u:test College
George Spotton, Princi
Thinkl p EbyvVice
. Canadian -Hedy Iteei
Clintoi Mrs. Sohn , nerves died
Tuesday at the home of her son Mr.
Shari) of' Watford, with whom she
lied been visiting for 4 few weeks,
The remains,. were brought here for
burial Thinvelity. She was -for 40 years
41. resident of thi* distriet- . , : i
Mitchell: %ere dietTattiiihome on
Sunday Charles W. t:,.. Wessman in
his 54th year. 'Demised was hi his
usual health sip to Friday, *hen he
compleined nt., pain in his heitdoirhich
developed into hratit fever, with the
lithos e result. lie leaves his wife, two
sone and two daughter". ‘
LEPOOKE DIRECTORY Wal l"thte kr* "t
' ' '1)0Ps'f*Iliett :,.leites'reerietes
het& Curcsdandireffikeblett.
Iseitensethiti fiairgroseete
016114E110 o its ciatittly totilke tor other ludr rope**.
Contains, sin ee gretiott ingredleets,
non ever titrerettfor sale.
0 Ganall,,..Agood.teuottteatuantrreram
u ,taitt, A. tteriteltitosietiatenssas(hsh
kftitnirs. andittlends,greatir
th total tiwwetirsslusing. \
,iint.4,,ett.itatt'crs Veer. Menui,ils. 'Mk lime
ta Irtittntal tolor, dark
brown. by esirur t: liair litsteivr.
ii about t OA* issue4.
ef this °Mehl Telephone) Di-
reetory the ttistrietof Wes-
tern tario, Ineluding the "
' Town Exeter.. Changes of
flrm -0,-thatiges-oraticier-
ri doe**, or orders for dupfl
,eatis *little* should be handed
in *tone Ito
A eattontiet
• M.OrturJ.Ite .1 . et. tensdiallide
Ylestorrrts the eve..,!trz,11,
0,,,III , !, -„c
. Iiair 1 4--/retitoPitiot e
is 1
- Mrs-, Jameasidtavy. who hair- been-
visi in in this vicinity, has returned
to we --.E.IV;Stoilessif and wife
have returned to town and are nowoe-
cupying their neat little home in the
east estd.-Mre. D. Millar has returned
to Walkerton. -Rev. -le. Meyer of Mil-
verten was here last week attending
the funeral of the late Rey. Hairele-
Mrs. Albin and Robt. N. Douglas of
Blake, wbo have been under the doe -
or. the pest few_ d_ayessere
getting along nicely. -Wes. Kibler of
Listowel visited his aunt Mrs. Charles'
Fritz daring the week. -Miss Rose
Sutton of Exeter visited friends here
last week. -John Laport overseer of
Pablie Werke is busy with a gang of
men building the approach to theslock
at St. Joseph. -Miss Marie Wiesen of
Stratford' was visiting battle vicinity
during the week. - W. Jarrott and
bride= their.sirrivalatilrigderissvere
given a warm reception and during
the evening were .pretented vteith
beautiful Morris chair and a carving
gaged with P. Lamont for the ,pae
year ban returned to his liethe at
Drysdale. -R. Turnerof Despedate who
has been quite ill, is convalesding
Miss Josie Stemma of Landon is eiSits
ing in thitivicinity.--A pretty wedding
luta a fel* days ago Whin Max.
, son of Mrs. August Mame of
St. Joeeph clekned Mig Mary, daugh-
ter of Charles eicreenan of 7.).sdalt!) av
his bride. The knot was tied by Masts
Loiselle. The young eoupie wiltreside
at St. 3'0000 and totht are extend,
our heaillest congretu tient...401m
Coneitt, Sr., Hillsgreen, itill continues
very 111.
Few HereKnowThls
.When. an ' eminent- autherity_, Stri4;
UOtinatil-itt- the Scranton witnes
t toy bad Intind* new way to. ' treat
t at dread, American disease Rheum*.
tisin with jest common -eirery.dey
do* found In any drug etore,thephY-
eici*na Were slow Indeed to Iamb
much importance) Obis chains, _This
INAS only/. few II:moths ago. T04,67
nearly every newspaper in the eoun-
even the metropolitan, dab* IN
announcing,' t. and the splendid results
*thieved. It letto that any one
om prep*** it at home at small Ott
it iti made epee:MI(0m Get, from any
Pinta, Extract Dandelion one haif
OuneepOotopound gargon, one ttlititieil-
Oerripoural Syrup Sarsaperilla three
)41* hieluilting in* bottle and tisk
n spoonfit does ter twett me* Mire tied etildren, baits return
bere I* taiking election
thrtionturtigl,hiotassiro ,
plecer ' The latter' noe0
tor: toTto:tit:th:,,
a suceessful pperation '4 CIbi
Rai and her. nieny I' e
the,*Iplerat ,hi* bOtuti
g,eicely,;eslawies Mee,
tCtSet4er *tett' liAltifill
44, ' k0.41etlett *
at et] " *
in ,iso b.•tlie:41411 ,otb. da
0 -.I .1 .0. 10
40 err
ti fel
ton, hos,
Trill •
e were
on Su
'nixes il!r.
pleasedt() see her looking so well after
er continued illness,. '. ,
: The apnea meeting of the IKiekton
Agricultural Society was held in Aber-
deen Hall on Wedneeday efternoon of
last week. Tbe Treasurer's report
showed a balance an bend of .
The Dix eters have under come era -
tion the erection of a grand stand on
their grounds before next fair day.
The following officers were appointed
for. 19O&. SasuneLsDoupees ist
eo- Jobn. lirtntiewand4 2nd, Robert
Berry: Directors, Geri. Beatty; -MM.
Paynter, Jae. Routley. Efu h Berry.
t ,tessJohns*- 4.- -R
• • • 4. • •
N. Shire, Wm. Atkinson, Augustus
Orethour; SeeysTreas., Amos • Doupe;
Auditors, WilliaMoore, Arthur -11,
Oct. let arld'''Ztids:
s- • s
uncil nzetpursuant tostatut
folowIn meiubera bubeetitied to
autl qu1ifleatkni*s
nets John Robinon, Beevelc.
Ulens, 1)eputy Reeve; Elmer Ifurdy.
Joshua Mogen end room Cowl-
Miuutee of prevloue el:looting
read *re si Red. Murdy,-;Poore-that
thefollowiug ofticera beappointed fo
h* -•;
.i'*n. porwan
•w1th Treaaurer,
tift.4Ittottr, 7 :".e.'
,..42Art 1 it 0.
* AliHi, • .,
. • • ,
Hullett: Jos. V &Wen son o W.
Voddcrt while helping to opt w the
other duly severely cut his hand.
Hayfield: The death ()centred on,
day at her home on the Hayfield road
of Airs. Hugh Davidson. after a long
confinement through rhe,umatism.
Her husband ffied, about twenty years
ago. She is survived by eight children.
Mitchel's_ Monday while Mrs. Ww.
c'1othe1ine, sheleippeti and fell and
broke her left wrist. Mr. Coston has
nialtrup-the past two months. He
was caught in a cave-in and was near-
ly crushed to death.
-Atitm&Patt ott-Tomiackyko,,,,-
Iirett-Cees- y-
Frank.l. Matey makes oath tbat be is statcr
cr. ul,thitilmet.10.4.
- e 110.4 , # #
Th-ialiave paseage-comea tc-y" sidurrstribiieri nowins for each apil
mind on tieing apprised of the fact ea4,0ciu,F, every cue ..tz!f
that cannot be etnrlanctnj! ,,,.,......us., j,smoms a
4KV4V. '
. a •
, )
. . a . eriee;ttati day of Deer...tuber, A.D. ISSO
become, through deathpromoted to (sue .
T. ,i„ tXuall,1
Torolato, Oat
Int vt.;,--,-.
v orne timeago I t9lose *lit
1u 4 failcil '..i)vory duf hal to
it work. 31", p1Lysici4us anti all toz
sal i *re raet ea Ci': ;:n
..14 'PM* - '10 peauls &we,
was Sitivis,ed te gestii the
et:'-:ke„):.:.*7::: tii:bVt
ti i:0;!6i::aE)sy:a4t
, 'Vt1:a40t':
g.sse,1:4e, -‘14140: .t)3':Cn v4 **I 44:'.4S71411:111:::0*4:a:P'11 01:14:zi.“161elserli;'1444::.j; 'StiwI't ietl' :ir?Ifet 1-ki'411:1:11;111':4:t:" t
‘4„,ii.e°1' '1::::14:1;:14..011 1-P1'11'4k: I;Ck' 01
we' e, weak le. view of tlie fact that'
L' ' believe it has saved .my life. It
without doubt the best remedy for
run-down conditions and watt lungs.
s'" I sincerely hope and trust that Top
will continue your good' w9rir of saving
trall :01nE peopte and conirtimptive trim" -
the rave. Wishing you and Psyeldus
continuedguecei I remain, one of
Psychine's best f iftnixds.x,." Ite ,
. , lOtters
ke the above. PayebIne will repeat
this record in every ease. It is the
gr:eateit tnediVthe known. At all drug-
gists, Re and ,$11.00, or Dr. T. A.. Slo-
cum, Limited, Toronto. .
• race on Friday evening at the
rs' •
cKilop:'Mis. Grieve, sm..
died at her home, 2nd von., on Friday.
Sb AratseseigS
ier daugL1ter
cry but ere she reached her tilde Ilife
was nearly extinct. She lived a few
hours but never gained toosciousness.
notais it -token - or -meow
talon Presented Mres ,JileNapghton
with a fiattering-iddiess and a Wild;
some mahogany music cabinet. The
grit was from this -congregation of St. •
Johns' church ofwhichshe hi organ-
ist. Airs. McNteughton madea suit-
able reply.
Stephen:, A case was tried at Pas k -
hill last week in which J. J. Hawkey
seed Daniel Morrison, 14th con. bfor
the price of -a- pair of sleighs bought
by the latter in the winter of 1000.
The sleigh was to be -paid for in woed
and, the defendant claimed that Mr.
Hawkey refused to accept the weed at
the price originally agreed upon.
Judgment was reserved.
er service -of the Kiegs_thes _ Nonuit i'VA
ceased'mtati-Aiorn.-ittlientialid:..20:-_„3.7eareSeletft„.„Ve„Ifi II and uestio-sattafzgiuRt
.14iTIT,tv'sFAY.,Aft.' .7-7f
in rnarringo Towers
aid Sseettliiefirierthe--14.th-ebireeielon.
iy years ago'theyeroigrated-to-Can- 80Id
where they have resided ever since.
share of work in the pioneer days and son of in a rie Con -
She was always blessed with the best Mlle' unexpeet-
riif health arid ambition and did' is toe hir pe
in everee time of n her hand and stance Seehach at the age of 18 yeare.
heart were extended to aid the lees tie had been ill for one week with ap-
fortunate. ones. About, it year ago pendicitie. Besides his mother, two
Mrs. Towers fell and broke her thigh sisters and two brothers survive. The
joint and a few days ago she suffered funeral was held Monday and was
*stroke and since that time her life- very largely attended The numerous
Wood has ebbed away. Besides , her fleiral tributes were beautiful. consist -
grief -stricken husband. , a family of ing of aechors, erosees, pillows and
eleven .children are left ecr mourn the wrea.tbsS
loss of a true wife and ideal mother. •
who have the sympathy of the entire 'Hay Council
community. Tbe funeral took place
_Friday to the Staffa cemetery and was The first meeting of Cesocii Was
well attended. • ela4sne4"11"-we
following officers were. appointed for,
1008: Fred Hese; Sr. Clerk, salary
$150; Thos. Johnson, lieas. $115; Hy.
Li hardt. Assessor. $85; Jno.Schnell,
eetors$10; Jacoh.liithereeend n
Neel), Auditors; Mrs. Goetz.Caretaker-
leunnand pry *
specter's: Dr. Wilson, MILO.; P. La-
mont, F. Baker, A. Case, S. Spencer,
F. Hess, Sr., Hoard of Health. Tene
the zonstruction_e
North Drain wilebe received on March
4, by the Council -Coulon will meet
again at call of Reeves -1e. Hess,,Clerk.
‘q, -
MI. Carmel and McGillivray rish-
eri_ re nsakirsgereano. Ild,a,
tie -Piesbytery for the priest, Father
Zorster, alltLearmek_.--Ruht. ,Hardy
isquite the'newsof which Will be
Iteattted with deep regret his many
friends. -0. Hayter is now comfort -
Ably settled in his new home _on___Alict
2nn con. -Miss Alberta Sherritt has
gone to London where she ' has ac.
cepted a good position in a shoe store.
-the concert in conn ctio ith th
e n w
McGillivra,y Home Circle was a grand,'
success on Monday, evenings,Mrand
Mrs. Bumble, who havelbeen visiting
here for some time, have returned to
Edmonton. -Dr. G. M. Stewart. has
returned from London,. Eng., Where
he has been during the put, live and
half years, taking special corse in
the Golden Square Hospital On the
eye. ear, nese and throat. -The *unix-
el meeting of the McGillivray YAgri-
cultural Society was held in the Town
all1PueirdaySs-----Joss-Ritchie has '
chased the 50 acres on the 7th con., ad -
g bileown-farm- ,froinsslott. Me.
ally of Woodbridge. He is having
...thebeseroe e new faeni moved onto
the nitt,place.:;,IfiliiiraWr4rth-eleliii
about 30.000, to Gillis & Son, Alba
Oreille -A pretty wedding too* place
Wednesday when A. Moore of the
tovrnline claimed Miss Martha Sellers
of the 8th 'concession, :its bride.
The young people are well 'and favor-
ably known in this -locality- sand the
best wishes of all are theirs ,faiis long."
lump _prosperbus married life.
'Moray . •
Moses Roeder has. returned • froni a
visit to Crediton. -Andrew Neve*
1'manY friends in this ‘vicinity, will be
leased to learn of hiis marriage to Miss
Margaret Elizabeth Tindle, the event
taking place at 'Winnipeg. ' Andrew
Otterb ,stirsie•
Man. ---
Ml. zanier( Durr . spending_ Ati low
dale with her aunt Mre. James AL Ellis
9f the tiiiiiiiiiie,-*Ii4ItinifterIng from
an *Wick of iitundice.--Itee. Jonathan
Turner, Pirmeily of the 10th con. of
CongregatWal church ,
McGillivray, but now prititolt:f the
was teeently made the iplent
of el.. nue new cutter and beautiful
Watch by hi* congregation.-Tbe
many friends of Mrs. Alexander,
con. cif .1001,11iirrAr vi* t o
learn of her death, which occu
tently at Stretheons, Alta. lin was
highly esteemed In this vicinit where,
her childhood 404,4 bee deAt
;ore lose * "gopd frien4.-etrs. Walter
not, aetompotnied by her 4/aught
Mise Beittriee, ***tailed to St. J
owing to tbs serious illness
ttletit illios. Steil* kkimPbt110_-44(114,
_ ,
I it* - °
and at .1:steltlities Are *II aitriPle Mieft„.:40,13;
ingredienti .nieking aboolutelr 'is boo, iniying top limiest ferns 1
h1"16316Sh°41 remedy *1 little tueute..ete., whith he will take.hack
Ritettlitattatti, as ever' nno 111 bis farm eerier, eesk., in an 0
'alittilnOtii Of der* kidneys. It 14., 1.days. leentiette Stott boa
eondition ue b thi5, failure ',(et turned from it few yestre, 'sojourn itt
hOldite) Illt*e or 040414 Itoekfort, Sitel litter:44i pendia
from t iirjoati4 'tett: other ahi *liter '.her.- rats.
msttter *bleb ertialeitte't ettb:et"' Mirrill31011 testifier in our teitonii •
in the -urine or through theakin port* who ems es.ea softened te the house
rreormlookila-tbok bloOftSjittOtttro*ell ,11.1-1d Setith ,eti *lathe* of thititen VOX, larte te,
fistieie*borit the rem a. 4 Aod tottovif=1#« rotertdAttatoz_
:fortuity of Ithenniatittn. eitoutid here lint all eetni to beim
riauslurth*Ttatilt- dieestio has been quite preval nt
ispreseriptioitisseld to)* tipleiplt ing quite fliretilt.,
eteytnoing and Invigorating
• to. the kidneys *rid stivee aiiiiost Marys;
late relief in atitorms blimider Ottirellhtirit Tbursday
urinary trouble, *asi boteksiebt. Moto, former reside*
• 1 warn * tesditieteiv kmagtity
Tock per nat. the, diseriallaitte brothersival
of any nt roodithoot. *et* brought bet* 1!
# •
1 t
St. Marys: Mrs. W. 11. Stevens died
911 ne it She 'was, ap,parently
1» the best of ith during the morn-
ing but after dinner was taken quit
ill and ere the doctor arrived she was
dead. The bursting of a blood . vessel
months ago she was rried, an 'her
beet: ---She +Nes
formerly Mrs. Harry Abithorpe. her
husband dying in 19(*. She is Bur-
. vived by er husbanda,nd a seven-year
brdwutt '
t 5
f • • 5';
; ft
ler '
-Islas Lima Abbott -has en appoint -
.ed on the teaching staff of St. Marys
public school in place of Mitit4 Box,who
resigned through illness. Miss Abbott
starrrher diities reet 'week. --The
lake- of the Methodiet cher& have
every reason to feel proud of their en-
tertainment last week. The proceeds
amounted to $125. -Miss Mande Wil-
son is visiting her sister Mrs. John
Ingsten ats-Buffalass---J. Hogiffism
Winnipeg is renewing acquaintances
reafteransalmeneaof twelve
He has a position on thesalelts-Rev.
R. D. Tyler of Bryanaton preached
sermbrui Sunday. Bev. Holmes
preached missionary sermons at Bey-,
• t ..a
• At a recent meeting of the directors
of the Huron county ng Show
bekl at Clinton all the co 0 cern And
several new oties-were elected. It was
decided to hold the Spring Showein
Clinton, the first Thursday in April.
The prize list will he larger and bigger
ripe* for each chile Was decided upon.
Judges Who are experts in their clan.
es were chosen.
a &
-That's whatmakes
Ba]king Powder
so satisfactory. It is the iYarett,
Corsan of Tartar Baking Pider
that *knee ran inake.
Send for our, free ,Cook -Book -
fa of choice new recipes.
itatioesi Preg,eccesseee ee.
st °resist& atesitesi.
ant everybody interested itt
40 write for our f4srer 1908 Ca
is 0,110 40/ tut most eomplete seed
estiublished. To eaellinquiter we
lucre stbsolutely. free a picker of
ofoursplendfd new tonuito oeseadet
or If preferred. * of our
derful Canyliari .1•
Ro-sitity, .
rite t • y name your choice.
wit rne o
te rt ,ititelltePti
tier tsth1us at/4 en Itsar
es es , essnthe, ,
----Peseta SSISSisi i -es;
psztatiee • thee essntvszi tele
rolibse, • •
*'We tests tts";;;S 1154
atrxe. tr..:4411i
itret o;kit'Jfkrz,.. tliat c tcl
I-l**e s Ls.
app ieari
.Caaehil°7-1'ilttit‘lite'citrt° e
S9,'7.1ovi,,c3 the.
et1ie51' vt‘i
Bushier*. Inca oral At.
(b. aticl f r gra
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an eualo
ilinstretted foe
,C5 in detail,
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