HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 3 (2)if -At) MQLV
IlafarePh ride Viola Our Own sag
. Achtluee tennis -lee . 4'5044.
. . -.„
• (4r3 5•g fo.ti
tt• 43',61i0 treitiee,
•?k,f. 010'.1*14.* or ,tt.1r'4#PO4..°
tlt$0.414,1nnnliktY Oyntents'durtog:
tG feoaaadoeie:afta intn4:C1044rOtt.p-
--h.lh1lfiglik aged 29, rnatel;I...iiiti*eth
tat, Onto Cen:Wtee', on. (k1. 1903,
rescued James Janne-settee 40, .and a
eorahanton, whe were hrown flit°
Toronto. Jan. 21. -Manitoba Wheat -
No. 1 northern, 81.22; No. 2 northern,
eieeeeee.-„,,,$laileideed wheat, 70c; No, 2 feed, 66e.
Ontario Witeat-No. 2 White, 980
9Safte; No. 2 red, 98c; No. 2 mixed,
Barley-No.-2,*7fie to 7the outstdee No.
extrah 7e to 76c.
Ft/hWinter wheat patents for. ex-
port, 'offering at, litds Ground
83.75; Manitoba patents, special brand,
80 to '86; eeeends, 85.20 to 85.40;
strong bakers', 85.10 to $5.30.
Peas -82c to 85e outside.
illeee---No. 2, -80e4ie 8te.
Cora -Na. 2 yellow Ameriean, nih'e
eiellehdfihd. reiee_etunedeida. No 4Lelia
,Z2Llre4eTtg„,--eifrwar-elhi-S--eea edowiebuyers
- ti-te
OatseeNo. 2 white, 49aCc to hile out-
side. 52c track Toronto; No. 2 mixed,
Buck when t -66c.,
Bran -819 outside; shorts, 821.50.
• . •
t _Opt thaeiada ehv Ii.
Algtor ,itenrY, geiiht§"fil
jareeh'e.•, tee eahlai utiatiotae-
ieneeeeetihd41: 8300 p0 ihoeiigage,
wad, ..,'Itaaererienittilead tahin tit end
t baeheiel, thhdtigli expftatif.V.'
,7 • •
,Yilfr.7'.(10113.1;r1:7c1,t64, 1104,
tindiatai printer..who OaJ!lity, 1.
lee/Fetal:via a SLit.toveenee Itivez steam-
er int an ottetuvt to, rue Johtt t. Weer-
hothet, aged 10, who fell from the hird
• mortgage' o
Halted oats- 82.7- earn, $1.60 to
1.70 pCV
-TEeIV14.* no' art g the ihatidireatt
ct thelocat ehiote market except that
stock s are ohaesiderably teSs than they
were last week. November tail -ends,
imeto 123io; Oetobers, 12e to 113N4:;
Septembere, 13%e.to 13ege.
A fair volume of kiistriNsLbng
Mite& -GraSs goodS, Ne; current re-
ipts, 20c, to erre h
A fair velinne- of busirreeS is bein
treneaeted In eggs. Newly-teld, 30c; se-
lects, 24o to Mee No. 1 limed, atee to 21c.
Peovisionseellarrels short cut me..
822.50 to 823; half barrels. 811.75 to
812.25; clear fat, haeli, 823.50 to 824.54;
long 'Cut' heavy mess, 821 to .924; half
barreldo.'810.50- to 811.25; salt
leng dear batch.% TONc har-
rels plate beef, 813.50 to 815; half be...r-
ea% n,,gc to lac:. hams. 12r, falage.
carding to eize; breakfast bacon, 14e
to 15d: Windsor bacon, 1411e to 1.530;
Thsfl trilled-euterttierefiraieliags, 83.-
75 to 89: live, 86.25 to 86.35.
Trade in pouftry shows tittle 'increase
In attivity,
oung turkeys, extra choice. lto leo
do choice lie to.13c
Young gees;,i — . 9c toile
Young ducks 9c to 11c
Chickens, choice .... \ go to ioc
Olel fowl 6e to Elc
Inferior chicks and fowls 5eto 70
flutter -The market conienuee steady.
Creamery prints 28c to 30c
do solids .... 27o to 28e
Dairy prints .... . 23c to 25c
do solids .... Ur to 23c
lorelargeraml-13%e for
twins, in job tots here.
Eggs-Stdoye 'storage setting at 21c
te 22c per zen in ease lots; aeleots-
25c to 20e per dozen in case lots; se-
lects, 25c to 26e... New -laid from 30c to
Honey 'rallied steady at ellc to 42e
per pound for 60 -pound pails, and 12e
te 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Cannes
at 81.75 to 82.50 per dozen.
Beans --81.70 to 81.75 for primes and
151.80 to 81.85 for hand-picked.
Potatoes -70e -to 75e per: bag, in car
/ctiS on. track here. •
Baled Straw --Quiet at $9.50 to $10.50
per ton on tractt here.
Baled Hay -Timothy 810,50 to $17.50
In car tots on track here.
forte -Short cut. $22.75 to $23 pee
Smoked aiii Dry-Saltiedhatere
dear bacon, ino to 10,Ke for tons and
, cases; hams, large'mod:tura and light,
14Ct 15c; m
has, 123/0 to 13e; backs.
1630 to 17e; shouldefs, 10e; roils. 10c
its 103e --breakfast- baitonh15teito-15.1-hq
meats cut -of -pickle,- lc -less than
Montreal, Jan. 21. -There is no nee,v
4eievelopnient in the Picot flour situation.
Choice spring wheat patents, $6.10 to
$e40; seconds, $5.50; winter wheat pat-
' lents, 85.75; straight rollers, 85.50; do.,
In bags, 82.60 to 82.65; extra, 82.05 ta
Manitoba bran. snl'Arto $4; mid-
tiling's, 827 Le 42,') fier-Itaft; including
bagg;mlfled mouille. 828 to S3, and
pure trtouille, $35 to tv ton.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 21. -Wheat -
Spring, dull; No. 1 Nor'llern, 81.16; No.
2 red. 81.01; winter, easy. • Corn -Low-
er, No. 2 white, 61e; ..No, 2 vellow,„62c.
Oats -Firm; No. 2 mixed. --54c; No.
te. 541-ec. Bar1ey-81 to 81.15. Rye
--Na. I. aelied, track.
New York, Jan. 21.-WheatieSpot
eheia; N. 2 red, st.05% elevator; No. a
red, 81.07 f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern
'Duluth, St:213 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard
• o
Vuiu or ilewinet the Netal, tie
'Jet fi,tatisters. Tho
wOUkt not accept Uemootuttrm.
I!lClifford 611ton Suggelited, In Me
of Cognmonl that the Ooveripment
ettpply Of seed adtiitai The
sng estton was eonurrect in by both
sidOs. and lion. Fran% Mixer stated MI
Government bad been corisidering the
Matter fOr aonia thaithe ' •
r /41)
•'31+;; t!'fianii.itialri 406
ate:pew si.qaliftok„.:0.4:sliave
hievislei'iih,teldtan'• ea 3/43 4' ha
ii!utikatie tisexamited. eae,„
--P.. 'it witl, 'tontit
/tea) rilend. 11 ,,fl early in arcta.
1149n- George I. Walkenn-eiirreitithr
ki British Columbia, died at 'Victoria.
. nductolh j. A. Meheed a
ernatilredge, Alberta, on
A. five-year-old girl died at Montreal
„..._ ,troinedrititepeahaiii.i0egat to her es a joke
•3;"anga :"arla.
Tit6reTr.1:: Pac--ille-lias—tzen; it;
ael a couple cl Boston Ianecape experts
laout Prince Rimer
Flogging is prtikxised b E. N. Lew-
ti y
ei M, P., for Moe found OttillY or
eabb ng or shootinh.
ai, deaths mutate. iricrease in nearraines
,• Smallpox eases of a mad type are re-
eiorted from Stoneatall, Gunmen, and
Rosser, In Manitoba.
allpeg's Board of Control will at-
tempt to collect $12,000 in fines from
the street railvaty. "
' F. W. Peters, 'Winnipeg, has been ap-
panted general- trallio manager of west-
ern lines of the C. P. 'R.
The_ vernment ihave-eeh
"v.ic in, lic:Cf-ptip,g Japans ,AssuP474ce.
rg'-V;tithrj1- DiltgITItint.,...
-Wireitipei. Agustin. the Rantreeadietwocito
ta zeria,to, an. ,the .-agoutoo,
for 1008- as -security, - -
The tproentenary celebration of the
founding of Quebec will_te jjel.1 in Ate
gust. and the Prinee of Wales may
George Chambers, found guilty of a
series highwayrobberies in Toronto,
waf. sentenced to imprisonment •for life
on Friday.
The Government have passed an order
in Council abolishing the -coasting privi-
leges enjeyed by foreiga vessels after
this year. e
The plant, of the Canadian Shipbuild-
ing Company at Niagara -and Bathurst
Streets, Toronto, has been sold to A.
Berg & Sons.
By a collision an the Grand Trunk near
Rif Dafferin Street trossing, Toronto, on
Saturday, a man was kitied and two
men were injured. .
Bronsdon's' candy establishment -:iat
Montreel and • Rae 4 Donnelly's ware -
ie. . . e
of .820,000 on Friday. ,
Fort William has offered Port. Arthur
$75,000 for the electric .railevy lines
l within the corperation of Fort William,
1 a ith halt. the equipment. •
IEarl Clark, a.4,-1,1. Catharines newshoy,
was sent4n.....ed lo five yeans in the Vie -
,t -&a todziArial Scheel for keeping,
eeang4 . for re dollar in selling a paper.
Mie Hawthemw-aite latrodueeel a
motion In the British Columbia Legis-
lature to impeach Lieutenant -Governor
• Three girts 14301.licir,, hires f4Ct?ry
Jive at tiginitOtti.P441:gls,IW404
':- '-
'1VegottaitO,htv tktv‘Tett
Nizqr:*.aTtnt ,oettpu.opet'-4414y4,3 haye be,en:
NxliM-Or.t‘ • -
riltn,04,that- tokti.
font ,wiir4Iti.,4VY iihttsrea INA .10,t.
ilrun..Cf.Drietr and Tn.4hy.,:tteatOY:
, Aril)744.43oK44opert Pith TO. n.
1. itedmend zn rein -tiling the; IrLett
Two Nationaliele from Cork, support-
ori..WIth eneRANtediet
ilitierliig-4-t414441140-toro of tthe -United
Edmund_ Clarence Stedman, the ba -
,r and poet, is dead at New York.
The UnitaitStalleTWilt-wittritrawelmat.
Cuba in FebrUary Of next -Year. --
A Toledo youth killed hes 'Other that
he might get lier money to filly his
beard and her jewels for his sweet-
Twelve ehtldren lost thekehlivea by
- Mrs, 1,avase- MeLure„ -who ev,es mate
lied in Canada' tsvo,years age, drowned
herself' in a bathtub in New York on
Wednesday. ,
Col: roethais, Chairman of the Isth-
mian Canal Ceenmiesfon, estimates the
actual total Oast of the Panama Canal
ate $300,000,000.
-The-total iefirolinient of students at
Harvard Untversity this year is 5,763.
,141_4 Vat-. „
1 la jitmaelif for
• ,
e '4,f4.14 kigt,
PIR::411:1`°41;1;;101klejOra. 00g4
419.11.41 'Algt)nali.vr:4°X.1‘srPtt _up;
41no In tO. diflayia*-*4t,reees' •
hhiStOtin:'xtta.. •4 S- tzaji
.traardt- t
14;1040" and .$16,054 on ‘reatperliS
the territory.. The priegst for dairy pile?:
duotS, ',during 1907 hied. been generanY
high, and a largerape'ereeede ft,61211'-
gividt7titiNtf6hatrbeektiaiit -
hone than liattibitirentOliati The
The scaraity Of farm laborwat pre
00unted for by Ma, J. Grisda e
Ottawa as due to the fact that farmers
%et We ielt- you 1.14%.*.!,:ho.,
said; "you can get, labor, and geed la-
bor at that, If you will engage your
man for a Year. How can you expect
that the -best men are to be had, when
they cap earn wily in the summer
ilindeatitereeiripleyment.. You.--p4ty-hl
wages' for -poor men- to work tor yon
seven or eight months in. the year. I
tell you4that it would pay you better
tc give a good man a good wage and
keep him from year to year." Mr.
Grisdale held that dairy fanning was
the most profitable form -of agrtculture
for Ontario. To get the utmost profit
from the farm, • however, he Insisted
that the soil should be worked to a
6% is paid
John II. Walsh, tomer Presidenteof
• delaot Chicogga__Nalional-Bank, w
found Minty on Saturday oft -57 wattle
fit misaPplying the bank's' funds.
Senator Proctor of Vermont is seeking
aiL agreement whereby Canadians will
cease sethng seine tor fish in the north-
ern end of Lake Champlein.
Louis Wolfson of Cincinnati has se-
cured relief from 20 years' suffering
from pains In the head by having two
sensory nervesilair his forehead- cut out.
Because a girl whom he had mot enty
twice refu.Aed to marry him, occording
to the po ce, Seethe Stanielaw Melke,
years old, 1297 Trumbull AVeln10,
Chicago, shot- him -ea -it in the .headeat
his home Tuezday night.
tintiigh hat, ,0<ittolv ter. „
oupiity8'1,00Fovi2gilt, lataitood '031t.10., •
httelr -cOMOte wiltt.,CanOda,
134'441 :Ittz wears
wiAd bukter ,ar.10 Siberia Aind„.4-V.r4k,
ij tiLq .gKetk.st. growth in. their butter
exports alaring itko reivid yeere. Dea*
Mark and Holland offered heen ccpeT
tition in the cheese industry; New Zea
eat' itlftt
nxid .ritatinds. Mr. Ituddicti thought,
P( wever, that the- inaliinti-4Ta -cheese 1.it
New Zealand might fall off, since but-
ler 'was the proper dairy ,product of
that ceuntrY. The Argentine Repub-
he, so often runiored to be a oOming
•telorainietheie4hdree, Marliste would
a serious factor in the eltetation. tee-
kaid had developed a creamery indus-
try in recent years, 630 that there were .
now in the Green Isle over 800 plants.
The annual export of butter to Eng-
ler .ievesenearestito-Canadianaineatialilie—eeeeeoe.
Mr. M. S. Schell, meinher for South
Oxford in the Dominion HOIJEC,
figures showing that Canada's exporta
of dairy products had in.creased be-
tween 1868 and 1903 from $550,000 to
824,712,030. Since 1903, the banner' year
in the industry, experts had been tow-
er. For thee yeer ending March, •Itathe
itexpeetta worid --prehably--beeatot
ii..nreahoe.-Oneheiettrii-Goveniatent. eiii-eireoeare
are-Uking for -the----01,41-e-Leifiiiii and de. -
ielopment -of-the dairy industry. •
Mr. 3. A. Rudaicit, commissioner cn
Toriado. Jn. 21.-Littee was doing
6,1p rters' ea Vie. A few buljs were sold
at St to 84.75 per cwt., with en ocia-
Sikelai bid ef St.53 for an extra chtpice
• om porcow ',Dwight
$1.710 per cwt.
Choire lartohers' steers
1„rv.irgikt 8.1.50 to 81.85 per ewt.. mehaurn
k. god otiose were %North s; t. 83.40.
ond .eommon medituti 83 to Si per
t.w.t. Choic,. rows wcre auotcd at .'r) -
rtt) to 84-inedruot et 83 -to- 83-15-, com-
iron at 81.75 la 82-75, .cannera 75c to
$1 per cwt.
A few lois el st4teetielN and feelers
were sold at $.1.5.i per rwt. Light stock-
ers were worth 82 to 82.75 per cwt.
Nit'th MA'S' Si'Jiti nt gth tte -855 each
for ehotee, end 825 to Sri for conierm
to, fair.
elightiretrigteer at -2 -to
cents Der pound.
Export oweg ..id et -84 44 8440.
ttielea and taints
85 te 86.2,5 per 'cwt.
Seleat hogs Fold at 85.70 and light
and fats at 85.1.5 per cwt.
Uer Little • Brother See Fire to -Fter
A del ,71', it from Strieitsvilie, Ont.,
soys; he seven-year-old 'daughter of
Mr. Wilizain Nth:et-wee w es it tally
burned Mout noon. Na'hap the childhe
rnether w,is at. a neighber*.q for a pail
of water -her hitt, brother set her (frees
on fire with a match at lite elove. Sho
was dreadfully burned from bee lot&
urward. [Intl illed a few hemas after-
wards. Mg. MelZertiie 111(Ne,0 here
abut a year ago.
-daptele from Sault. Ste. ;tiarte,
Ont., eitya : In en in crview with onQ of,
- at. the oftites---nt-the steel
*At tit Thursday •nzrznifilg 1aims-
per Orreepondent tiAlS itifermad that
jh Oita' reallith ed* down at tra6
rn (tirthtt. \tiqiz.,. 'A shiertago Aof pig
5 gZvert Ws' t13leat14 -of thtS shut
dfl lt is statiA that &gram; 'tite
Wet cf UVile .a nunate'r eit.repotr1
th*Lar.ecrciry' 13:,)
80 that, pre,yalIngtiplrnat nci!
%rnbk8 Tc.st'by thz tit111.- -11r.6 re.tXtiM it
ti tea, wOutti soen lvatt% to le. snalp
ny trml, and .thow k',14.1n*Mg ite,wn nt
tLer(.4(nt thtt6 be in th3,1ntzzests
of 01,1 concerned. It is fl,rzteeil that the
rpalr contemplated.
tnctn, ev-c#444edi, unlit the enttlaii. StatirTl Vatls,
14ta Lettan cn.
rurinao_q Qt? 'not elkeied
shortage of Ng incri an,4 nm at
their full e4aelitM. • fTlifiS\wiiddsttrihem-
pleyment for a full Waft et men en The
Avirna Centro!, as he 'furnacea liwp
train er4.°,,vs toy at ailmel‘
Cv(Tything ocnstlazI, 11140 gra down
will vitt toj 1girt'lt hatil4Np
taisilkor Man 114) G'itaatS'tnitie'.v.!tfC,. A
?ovoi? per\-...mtap of nwnti1ri?tr.nra a
cn teppirS„ onl tstsit wtt
...clIctA10 a.s mint.
\ 9
Large Gasometer on Harbor Street
• Exploded.
A despatch from Montreal says; Early
Saturday moaning Montreal was star-
tled as if by an earthquake, the result of
a terrific explosion caused by the Mow -
frig 'up or 500,000 cubic feet of gas. One
of the gasometers at theEashend station
of the Montreal Light, H'eat and Never
Company On Harbor Street, expioded
with a thunderous report, and the
Strarigeet part of L au es that not one
of the company's workmen was killed
cr Oven slightly injured. The gasorketer
is a total wreck. The Irola %mit is twist-
ed as if by some giant hand, and enDY a
ndhrige. --Hundr-eds.eot--thousand-e-lof
bricks are lying around. and aa have
fallen to the ground within a radius of
ten eardS of the outer wall of the gas-
holder. The conclusion therefore is that
the terrific force generated by tile lighted
pas must have shot directly upwards.
Had it done otherwiset low of eitz;
ou the other Nide of the street wouid
have been razed te the ground and their
eccupants'biown to atoms. The daringe
49 placed at 830,000.
1.1)0fl111ow- (kficit-of -Dearly--$5;000; 11.
.1*Ite French defeated a detaeliment of
Arabs after a ten-hour fight in Morecco.
Argentine will have 116,000,000 bush-
els of wheat available for export this
The Breellian Government Is, con-
sielering a prOpOsiflen .tb admit ,
Jaranese laborers.
• fh1nese irculanii have beep issued at
-Shanghai advertising a boycott of Bri-
tish -goods.
A despatch from Tangier says-. The
troly war which • has been so often
lareatened In Morocco and hricklattned
.ere end there by Individual 114147A3
nnid chit*. ceeins now to be beginning
.n earliest. Mutat ilaildh who is now
adenowledged as Sultan ihrougheut
Meroceo. except ill the coast towns,
has fermally proclairneelekheleiled, and
ireapie (Tuna aro eldtorting the paoplEn
t MatTAPAI to re 'and exterminate
et! Christians. There is great ..eNeite.
mcnt in the city. Mulai liana is re.
pPrtmi to he • Mnrehing to attadc the
tt Is enpected that the Sehal
lwill shortly be prohlaimed at Fez, and
a sudden blaze of fanaticism threegte
cut the 'country is feared.
A despatch from Loddon says: The
Tangier correapondent \ of the Times
telegraphs that the !Velvet:in situatton
ha e been made more serious. owing' to
ovine Ile adds that inunedia c
the proclemation of the lelenergeti, or holy
ateps are neceseary to .preteet Euro -
peaty; in the mast towles. It 'is be1lev-
et1 no European% are now in the inter -
et r.
SIN IN'IlLTBED BY Diqsaltfli111,
Anahrr Evplosion on ,Transroutinentat
• COnstrtirtion Work.
A deepathli from Kenora says: An-
other ceeident 'hae oiiciirred at Thomp-
son's £11141 Egaht's suleccetraet on AO
• G. T. P., this thee in Camp No. 1, east
(I 1 1awt. Sl s men were sertZiusly in.
ureJ Uy cn cxy!csZon of dynamite whle
e;n a Wee of oseavatkin won:. Thy
=vv.! brought here en Tiitirgday night
dond placed in alespital. Theht injerreS
oataitt of bretten wound.s
tind trijureil eyes. and are not an511-
ered bleyond tnedizl Md. The patients
aro forCgnerA. and their names eat.
,not atemrtaiefed at present.
• SIX witch's ENTOM1tED.
twee. Nevada- Itliners-Reseutel-After etc -
Days Below.
• A despatch:Iram 1;Sevada says:
After having been entombed forty-six
days, one thousand feet below tho stir-
faoe in the ,Alpha shaft. of the Giroux
traine, A. D. Balky, Brown and
Fred McDonald were rescued en 'Sat- 4
etun_loudly, while eremite ehrer-
env night, Whieffes all Over me
p him trir
Okl in the streets of Ely to the ringing
of heti& The tnen -had teen entombed
'en 'Dezember 491.. Two Greeks who
were. Werking with. Itibcm • were kilted
hy tlie,cavein et the s att.
Fine Structure at St. Regal, Queber, Was
Totelly Destroyed.
A despatch fiOni St. Rerni,•Quei, says:
The Convent of St. Anne at this place, a
T'sw stmeture, was totally -deetroyed -by
tire on Sunday, involving a toss of near-
ly $50,onq. A large number of children
%Nerd in thiChiaroiteht, buteferturradear
lives were lost. The fire started Shortly
be Ta0re-rioorri--beingvanarell
ascertahted, by a defective chine:ley,
and' the tlamee spread with great 'rapid-
ity Owing to the inadequate fire ap-
pllanees there Was very little ehanee of
fighting the -flames, bUt almost the en-
tire pOpUlation of etheltillage turned out
and battled with the fire, saceeling in
saving ie. large quantity of the contents
and lieeping the .fire confined te the yin -
vent building. The nuns and children
Were got from the building at the out -
It is expeeted that the Velginn P-irtie-
mentary Commission will reject King
leopold's Congo treaty, though itewill
endorse some of It •
Japan has warned Chitia flint ste ivm
chase payilig duties on her gocas sem to
Manclitiria unless the custonie laws are
enforced_against Russia.
Slashed With Knife by Companion
in a Fight.
A despatch from Hamilton says: A
lao named Cummings, employed at tits
McPherson shoe factory, died at a • late
hour en. Friday, night front wounds re-
ceived in a fight with another WO&
man .named .Eirkpatrick in that estab-
lishment on Friday morning. Pie
story as ,told t� the polidi is that Kirk-
patriek seized a knife when the fight
eppeered to be going against him and
slashed Cumming.s several times in
the face. The wounded man was taken
to the bospital. anti .it was thought at
first that. his injuriee • were not serious.
e wea vene v y .
and passed away about midnight. 'irk-
patricti was arrested aeon after the fight
tool; place ona charge of wounding,
1.ut it is likely that he will be called
-upon to answer a more serious charge
iiwing to the fatal termination of.Cum-:
riseape of Feet,. Miners Through Dark
deseatch from Monongahela, Pa.,
says: Maracueously escaping death by
cn,,,rnation or suffocation, or being
blawn to piece.; by ap explosion, lorry
mifters employed in the Catsburg !Mine
of' the monogahela River Coneolidated
Coal and Coke Company made their
way through the dare headitige kw a
distance of seven miles. and finally
ireaalielothe, ilpen fair. Without lights
to guide them, and giheit up as dela,
The. men battled for five hours with
• lee. had alien -they -readheihithe
face their fate; were blackened, clothes
tern, and all %/Mr,' severely hrUhse&
from, etu:nblingin their flight for
A Lamp Pell and Set Fire to Jkr
• Clothing.
A despatch rom•Montreal soya: Mrs.
Connot, an aged lady living in the
rear No. 39 Alexander stiVet. was
prebabl fatty burned in a email fire
fn her dwell g on Friday night. .A.
hamp which Mrs. Connors was carry-
ing fell, settipg fire .te the old lady'd
eiotlidng and burning her se 'serieusly
about the body that it is teauel sba
cannit mover. The fire 14elf was in -
SD ifinlid. WS. Cements Itved ateete.
fler aJi 'Risen, and LowLeiet
rve4 , Are No* egyered. ,
despitehltl\eti Mentret11,61yA: The
elver hes now reached the hIghest Witter
to.el, tweeting the tops of the low.leva
t%tlarlr. To regIster in tht
Outraisur'sieffieo marked ft depth of
nal depth, ot II feet 5 inAt.,4,,Indiatm
tastsdcilth ±t MItlittbor or 44 feet.
IN fig 14 fed greaterThanASItS911110
Thr.,/, tax, has bez, tamed by fe.
cza p\ ixad comai wit ul 3tipterf
hMidel", ri_girk,"1,tederiCk
itch ftzemi ts:
ngulltr death befell, Phn, )Ife „yourig-
lot, son of Mr. and, 'Mrs, Fred Paten
llawley, South 'Prtderleksbnrg, nenr
Nano. The ellita was a year- and:
ttgree month etd, artl %Wile astriep ,wa.9
band Wefie1 rhly Itch, 111, eL
ding tratti the MG.*. it gs suppkir..0
tt.1416 rat,..atlaeltel eiteu7sVir
that his hand ttas
Cat:, aitettptiog to liorj ott t1rat,'
tretn :Tiontion svs: Th
Atlantic passengtr tate, war al,c_isureed
new plib.se on Wednalay pgt1
the Cunard teatustitip Co:1433:47
Virg a pallier) ; Nirteeleim to. the
=at er rknlveliterg I*1 tho
anti g de' dater'erit *ite-iir. len
ono nd and ttf.rd
th6 LtIgitai0 ani.!krawearlii".
WheIttce the rtcw vikvero.,:vrtit
tit3i1Iatiy to on, attempt to `c.:2:.;,1 thz1
Lut; bas- 1.1-lioraspea d
fl;d1,Vi72e Stal, Cezb,any
maiadeatt dacrental 4,(f figtem
Ncigs. flajpPetlt=3.tt4(11Siri, tr!;-;:11
,J the' lat4 0z-414'0yIs.01tec-14 to tc.
pt- the stil.atter stun ik dtspata tray
ir,ntay10 oorno to terms on Wezlno.:10y,
tho taltematconal Nfotvantite '
tXmpapy Ito (-'i,aqtiolind,SWv.
dge, ,r41(i 4itccats1 of .t0e ;•Star
-netjAirzerIgn11. ,
'duCC4",,n in tr J1.1rtlf.rr#
7 41
11.,.. L e,
t.11',17,11%.,Inl-fts..r.t74,1r;folk51...r,TIL 14)1, -II-
tzeit;f:e.t2 •Ati
It;' (.4.-vitiln"c4 con. .
Mat 1-1 ra7ei Sl toEuto:,1,
cut 17..c4„
dai ieh t." .