HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 1 (2)NOW S TUE TIME to
ibe for the Attir0-
TE and get * bergaip
. **above e/ated; Or eleet
tAke, r 4btOge:cf. ouz
FARSIERS who Wiellt a
big crowd at their Siiles
should \aet their`bills at
theA tyvocairE, Red -
veitise in the AeNsweiee
Et eano Moneyto You
thy, aliwwanaita best to ader this- otope
MISR we eedlthe best gooda afille 10 hie price
BECAUSE ',relieve built our business by hoiat goods and hon.
est velem
BECAUSE our reputation depends upon the goods we sell and
we iniard our -reputation zealously.
BECAUSE we not ent think of your needs but w.a are ever
readrttexceertile ftebel-witoiritierffeetoak*;,-
the discrlininating pub& for over 40 years, which isk. proof that
this etore is what an up-to-date store should be. '
We beg to announce to our many patrons from this time for.
- Ward, that we purpose rendering our accotints auatcr1y,vz
'1Xlctastount-j'autt . .
business. Is done today that 12 months' redit is a thing of the
F. Itoutstos, 1. 0.8.1 D 0.
tow or the amen:tot °Auto Chi Honor
atiWtootsiot Toronto University. ,
011101CX: Over Masco &Carilogir La* °Seep la
Di 1n4airaoat former Dental Padora.
Wlit. UNMAN, L. D. S., 0.0.8..
onor graduate ol Toronto liralveriatT.
• pratiVISTI,"''
TsItXtr2etedwithoutsnyprntn, orany had effeete
0111ce oleo (Malmo* .tstatiburro oilier, Male street
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersigned Ime so, lertp quantity of ttrovotaos
brick runt tileforeale 00 'his Wil9. _04040 oPPOsito3
the grist ndil *tCredltoii Eat. soustaction guar.
oared, ItwiII be to: OurIntereat to WI and make
an inspection het:4i ;ehornbert:
JOSEPU 11AIST, Crodxton gest.
The Council oi the County of Huroustill meet in
the Connell Clot_ „robin- in the town at etodertoh, at 3
o'clock Telesday, 28th day ot Juntas/ next.
All accounts to cone before the Council mutt he
aced with the clerk by January
tedJau,, 13, W. Lane. Clerk
oat. avorrailp a. lipreatalty.
Executor's -.Sale
altLINO, nputternas. BOLIC1.
' CarraThlseere. Veouriboionera
illelloltera or Mamas Beak, etc. ,
Mossy to Loss at lowast.rateo 01 lowed.
Otneaa Maio itree-!ixer.er;
L, 11. Mar
The executor of the late W. 11. Stewart has in -
0 e
•numbet• of the other leuliog
banks in the Dominion. The eeitso
irt the change is aet,lorth in the state.
'A divisional:he InnieljejeAs - walla
ttiVitlitte rain -Mitt
the xeter branch', passea into the
halide ofthe Ilea of Commerce and
in future business done here will be Itt
the name of, that bank.
-4-Xesielee-the-Peeter, barnb
ton, Heosall, Zurich ancl other branc
es are taken over by the Bank of Com.
The contemplated change was kept
very quiet at head quarters and the
news of the a.beorption came as a stir -
rise to the bank officials and share.
errhere.7-11ovrever gentreirsette.
cam) is felt that the branch fafls 1n
to such good hands as the Bank of
Considerable flurry was cauued
among the business men and stock-
holders for an hour or two, but noth-
ing approaching ar run was attempted,
the bank doing the ordinary business
during the day.
The following is the statement. issued
by tbe-preside44
sources, caused chiefly by. the unnat-
ural conditions which have obtained
during the past three or four motile,
upon therlepoeibi and made it difficult
to liquidate the loans.
These conditions, which in many
ways laave been far more stringent
than in the memory of this generation,
could not possibly have been foreseen
and they were bringing about a state
of affairs which the businesie if cofl.
tinued, would- n thaveheensufficient-
ly prominent. Wben -the decision was
reached we atonceconferred With the
leading bankers
asked them to' briefly make a state -
of the count7 and
Ihese bankers have the opinion that
the assets of the Sovereign Bank of
Canada were sufficient to pay all debts,
and on agreeinent has been reached
with,* number of banks by ,which *11
of the branches of the bank will
in the morning as branches ot
banks. This artangementwill detail
ttMr&*ri.their depositalithey pleaze
or tbey can allow -them to remain
the bank to which they have been
The Sovereign Bank pass -books can
be surrendered and the pas -books of
strutted the undersigned auctioneer in twit by
natal° Auction, on
DRY, uspoRNE
_ A,T..1.2.-ceCLOOK SHARP
The following property
510C11.--1 brood snare 7 yew. 1 gelding* 7 years.
1 gelding rising 3 years, 1 tucking colt; all &pietal.
tural; 1 mare 7 Stands
Aprit4 covr-duez-to--ad
et time of sale, 2 tat heifers, rising 3 yrs.. 6 steers,
FARM FOR SALE. rising a years, tor gam; 6 steers and heifers, rising
2 years; 5 calves; 2 brood sows; 2 store hop. 18
pies 2 months old
O acresonore or less„ N Lot 3. clonrearion 3. ISIPLEMENT8I-Bi der moawer, seed drM 3.home
ateGillivrey, cheap it sold it once. Apply to
1 cultivator. hay rake, nirow, welkinglow, *et
""• W4 11,era
ke* tfottI Cintieits, Ont. i pair bob gb, hey rat -new; top , nearly
top nearly nesv't double work harness,
att double plow harneMat
ss, 2 sets sleet eo, . me
. WilliararBiown ...; robe,s, forks; shovels, hoes, tau set syrup malt.
l‘ing °teem* some household furniture; 15 tons tint.
, prof. Izeisoula of Royal Ina, society oe ottay hay. some clover hay, quantity good oat straw;
lissiehas, England; Orval* ni Trivitt klessorial 300 bushels turnips.
Exeter. Piano Organ, Ilannony and Theory There will also be sold at the same time and piece
ass*. Terms on 4,blicamoss. Exeter. Ost that choice tann being lot It, ebn. 'N.E.11. Caborae„
, - - taining 1,00atres, on -which there is im to.
- Vete brielatouse. With -MU icoWl5Eirharn 105
tett; Welt hog and, hen _490/el 'mite thinit driTo
\ Agent Confederation LifeAssurance orchard. 12 acres touthrood bush; 13 acres fan 'wilco
cruse, never Wing spring ol water, good young
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead. reams in grass; ei theplewine done. This term
ing Canadian and British Compea enies. is fenced and dreined; ie in a high state pt eulti•
. .
maan.st., Exeter. vation and a beautiful borne.
TERMS -Matt lr...$4. and tinder calk; over that
.• amount 9moctithee credit given on -furnishing err.
Farmers Take Notice rtfligiletc.d" ullteE4 °Petcenti°a far csa""t
!teal Esiate-Terms of sale made known 4n day of
' Ilse hooioare tow.open aim" Factory to recelv(k sge Cr bY applying to J. W. Stewart, Er. tor. ,
comrade for ta. erasing et Kleff f '1**°°"'° Dicksoa & Carling, J. W. Stewart,
pack. Parties *Ming to toiroottage Mould 41444
st once on tbeopoortusitv win not, be open lentr. Solicitor e Executor
METE& CANN1NO & IMESKR,VING CO. 111105. oAmprtoN. Auct.
, Tenders Wanted Exeter Council
Itialertkvill-be received -kg
before Friday:36o may Slot, 1900, k,
for the eteetien et the tit* Lutherin Chitteb, h;
,wood. . Tertelerts for brickwork and 'Ca* enter work
to be Made oet separstee. The lows. or ons ten.
der set neeomarily sectipted. risus and speelftea.
_-ZpIIII-C.Uk-bbriMtIritt-it, Waite.** Paelvvrood.
konimittet: Curer Wolper, Otto *Hier, Oeerge
Koch, llenty *trate •
WiLLERT, ChaireAn.
Daalrrood, Jan. 1, INV. •
fah honor tot ti. Cons i„ Mealy,
„ January 27, 1109, stt 2 o'clock pan,
to be sold en tt.xkorsepsrately to
' "taro thirdao1 the ppulias ?none)?
ptodgate toe live yeses et Ave
Ab.et SILINV 'ilk MO) fall piowing
abet13 atm; oltriquattCr
�rfnfiberpaetetkresppIy to
ftTA'48t'ftY,, 13arriattra4 Exeter.
uttionert. now.
Household, Effects
_ _tfero-ptiiu•-6-i-i;;-ii•-ti;e-ti4 to
)seues, eittheeirsielesi et tee soder.
DAY, ;1.4,111.940 30, 19e8
the following property:
The Conncill met Jan, 17th. All
present. Minutes of previous meetin
read and approved. A, matter of the
assessment of It. Murphy was laid ov-
er. Two tenders foillbell-ringingwere
received, John, Harness, $39, Jame.
Denis, Q. Matter was deferred 10
ascertain if Mr. Herne** hieetelt itt
'tended to ring tiebell. W. Harding's
tender for use o *este*. was accepted.
$45. The Mimet te tender tor print.
ing, being the lowest, was accepted.
$5 was granted the Sick 'Children's
Hospital. 'The Clerk was instructed
to order one copy of Mimicipail World.
The folloesing actoubti were ordered
to be peld • W.-0, Blifeett, refit hind
room. $12; H. McKay, ,beltati
$30; II littatitillt 4261 eellleterra
W. H. Levetts -coal for 'If
$7.15; C. IL 'Snell., lighting. $1
Carling Oros., scraper*, __Mc; Bell
phone Co., 26c; James- Weekest. tessa
hennas fire engine. fit 'ittir. W4
repairs to firernen't COatritie.-lch
labor $5: T. Brock labor,
J. gentor,.babenee photos and freas..
for Exeter, Englarn4 $10L
labor at ceinetery, 10150; Rot NA,
144 ttedoito Silait aittstlfOrd,
Werke*. lames Weekes* .4 0.
11. Seklon, Sohn Mitchell. J. 3*
11., N. Taylor", D. R. 10,4,
Uthetht W.,
Mlary 1901, *17°. C. W.
for three
Hoard, F VI* Ghelinien.
I. Ho*
J. 01
the new banks obtained. Borrowing
customers will of eourset_have to
make other arriingements as soon as
possible.- Signed) ,
Ana IUS 3ARVIi9, President."
take ester the Soverergra-
Merchants. Commerce, Nova Scotia.
Montreal, Hamilton., Weems 'Toronto4
itte of Siete.
" te,6.If
n o g
propbesied that the three greet rail.
ways would cot be eble to - carry_ all
prodetts. The $13,0M.000
cifle would .,Nientealeieeiena
costiwtts interest not
iF"iipoke at length on the
lereOlobiei, the:Georgian •Bay Cane!,
th work of . the Rallwa
wblcb he h
"Japnn an the w
VernMent had handled it, t e
:French Treaty, the-rurel mail delivery
which he said was ideal but too costly
with sperm, population. He asked
thelodgment of the electors on busi-
now priucip1e..-
The Meeting closed with cheers :for
MeLean, Laurier and the King: -
The short, vigorous campaign is over
in Senth Huron. During the past
month the two parties have been well
repreeented-in'speakers. and workers.
Cabinet ininistergordinmz_ ALP.'
rftinizers, stutuperS, ete., bavi- iiiin-
e.wcil.saturatett withpulitic. .A friendly rivalry OxIstrd be.
tween the vandelates, no abuse of each
°thee has been uttered upon.the plat-
netairfer as-weeknowt tie Same
feirinellineee has characterized the per-
sonal canvas. The fight was fought
Iargely on the political issues. Mr.
MeLean had the advantage of Mr.
Herten from his being more widely
known and longer lia the field. Mr.
Herten was unable to cover the whole
round, but he made a good. fight. It
ia doubtful ifeny unfair &aline' ha*
therecteMed the cainpaign and we
such lithe case.
be result in polls and municipal'.
1.11 fat as CA33 be at present ascer-
w.: thet preiniked teeredeee
'expe.nditilte..... 4., The fa mere, lire
alarming enuntry and 1,1e. Horton
who is a. farm b0itd repreeeht the
farmers.. jou istb dare riot tell the
truth. He also icized Mr. McLean's
. of Eficial—Shn-67! aaritt.
cized the moral character of the cabi-
net: „.4;. sale. atztbsteenatorshi pa. . the
ee, 44.44 M1cy. He quoted lifr.
era am as saying the Conservatives
talked ouly petty scandal, but Sir
jobu Macdonald had been driven out
of power by one scandal, while now
there were fifty proven scandals. He
went into the details of some of them.
Sir Wilfred had said the entire cost to
the country of the. G. T. P. would
be $13•000.000; had no reference to
terest. Insteaditledard'kiest $130:
000. The bribery -of -a Pf,73tEOftke MAI
held out in SeAtorth. Mr. Borden had
laid down a constructive policy which
no opposition leader had done before.
The time was getting late and Dr.
Sproule of Grey plunged right into
the subject. The citizens owed it to
tbe country to elect an honest parlia-
ment. If you shirk your duty you
pay for it. He charged the party in
power with breaking the principles of
CR& ....etitiktiiLmiLleeveromentil4enot_lets,
ting Opposition See—letters and tiles.
He.hatgedtbernitb-uiLsa w..:
g.:1oueren1on- and
bripuritztin electiantw and -their -fait -
tire to punish offenders. Minister
Fielding's fin an tang, was well crititised,
particuyisiy by his raisin x too..rnuch and_allother paPerfil— -
*mat year -and increasing rather than
decreasing the national debt, The
management of the P. O. Savings De-
rirtment was bad by paying only 3
r cent. interest to aid the Chartered
nks that could,make a profit of 17i
per cent.
The usual cheers were heartily given.
chlee, for it is the„greatest medicinc
over used, I W5,2 'pad about afl in/
ITI4en I began the treatment, and in 3
months I was as well as• ever. It IS *
- /Pinto is new life in eytry_fl.„,„,_
Ridgetowa, Ont., Dee. 19, 1000.
It 1.8 4..,,eirtpOtAtOd1 .4VISAVELtritc.0,C.4-..
about ths', wonderful prtpt..--
Threat, len and stomach troubies,;and
all run down conditions quickly cured
by its use., At • all druggists, 5Qc and
$1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
ADDITIONAL LOCALS will he held June. 1908.
Exeter Opera House, Jac. 23, 24,
The subjects for this examination
shall be those of the Lower School of
of the Regulations of the ncation
the High School. given on pages 05-
Department of 1904. a copy.
&of_ which
may be obtained from the Education
Department, Toronto.
This examination wiii, with the con-
sent of the Count %%7:82% behwheld4t
fined •t0 bribmne thrOnif-a. rok "411111Tonotarz44:43:447-Artebro, littenasqbje:eots:eter7
Public School Graduation Exams.
An examination similar to the old
Public t3chool Leaving Examination,
called koublic School Graduation, has
been established by the Department
of Education. The Bret examinatloh
25, H. Wilmot rum Co., ersoulug
Is "The Silver ing." 'New Specials
ties. Prices 25e ead 35o. Children
'Willie Aemstrong is ill this week.
Messrs. Percy end Harry Drowning
2 , - are here title week.
Miss Laura Goetz of Dashciood is
tartl:*i40*10:14ir* .
MAirri Tabu:x:1. A°.ukgere' whof°N41441p9le been
erolgoatasi erha°71/Limiltteral" enuweece.:InGe0C6-gratn"pluietiletililiert.g.
2 *ti
trict, Sask., is visiting his cousin, Mrs.. :.L°1111. Keeping. Reenienta.ry
TrShapton, andotheieeelatives, after '
and Art - eleven papers. This will
an *libelee° of forty.four years. •
give the Fifth Form pupils definite
The Moose Jaw (Sask.) Morn1ngI0rk to prepare and a uniferin test of
News of lett week say*: "Me. an
Mts. Fred I. Hilleincl child of this city
left yesterday -fee Calgary. Mr. Hill
WAS recently connected with the
mill for the past seven years. thiii Thisexasninationshouldbe welcomed
move to Stator h to a
week resigned. his position and will by the teachers aiftithdositancutdesentsh.19.0aonnd.
one. Mr. McKay reports for duty on create a greater intermit_ in the Fifth
Monday, but �wing to Turfai-in the Work?
-family' Mrs. McKay and children will
not go for a few days. Exeter regrets
to lose such good citizens .tnd Mr. Mc.
Kay hasproveir himself -to- -Mr
The- Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Me.
morial Church have secured the servi.
ces of the Rev. 1.1. A. Ben-Oliel for a Dame -At Winchelsea, Jen. ../.131h to
return engagement to deliver one of - Mr. and Mr's. Thomas. Bell, a daugh-
his famous Oriental Lectures on Fri. ter.
iti-The. AVM -LW D.-AtiVinchelvea,r Jam, i8th, to
nen-Oliet *a* here * Yearfilito atal Mr. and Mlle G. Medd, a daughter.
delighted alierge: audience. Ma pre-
sents the costumes worn by the people
of the Holy Land and expiable many
of the skis' and religioue eestoms of RteeteretexcelaNezt-ril Clinton,Jan.
his own people,. the Awe. The lectur. 0, by Hese-Gonne. Ephraim Runsted*
er will be assisted by *large company ler LO Mis, Magdalena Jantzi both
of people. Reserved seats. of Clinton.
Miteen-Sottuntsax-Near Zurich, Ian.
1111/tT118 14, by Bev. Loiselle, Max. Masse to
Mies Mary; daughter of Chas. Scree -
rain of Drysdale.
Kims—PAuNsit,—.At the borne of the
btridee pimento. San. 10, by Heys Ei
Sean ,..-ftinuel Kuhn, to Mime Agnew., •
• oldest daughter of Geo. Fehner, all
HouiieMondai.y night was Well littand..
ed, and 'the.very test of - order was
kept throughout. A large 'number of
ladies were present and lx3th.political
parties were swell represented. Mk. H.
Smith, president of the at Huron Re.
and introduced the speakers. • .
was Ilrst called upon.. He compliment.
ed .the .saild he would-. not op-
pose voting._ regretted that
Exeter always__ polled a' large vote.
against him,regretted the death of the
bite -Member,and denied that- 1.).. D.
Wilson was* int$ returning 0111.'
cer by him or Ottawa, .but by the
South Huron executive, 116 .objected
to Mr..IIorton asking' the vote of the
farmers. because, be (McLean) was de-
pendent on the feritiera and thought
he could represent their interest* as-
welL 7 Regarding labor be cotopii.
mooted the Government on the esti&
lishment of a Depaetinent
the Labor Hallett') and passing the
Conciliation and Lord'', Day. Act*, °
.Mr. P. McKenzie of South Bruee.
was the next speaker. He thought
the Liberals dirrved support end con-
trasted the . rosperity of. Canada
previons,t4an • after 1890. The tariff
bad been .rearranged and was a
one. Itogardingettravagance of se kh
Conservatives accused them he claim-
ed the costly utensil*on the .Moncalin
were for enter4ining, distinguished
gUeetst, sehile the ofgoods
on the Aretio were, **tries
three *roe tent*. Ile itiew. efended
the -timber dee*. -the Sinikatetisetart
.Land the emigration :policy.- and
tile °Oh Atlantle-Trs.g.ding
iit','Gribittoailleister of
ways and Moab, was the speaka of
tbe 'eienlng. Ile 1. a ' .clever -taiker
attention of 't
- 8
Stigien ----j'"--ii-k- .
2 15 51
'a 52 os
4 72 OS
5 45 - . 30
0.45 so .
• / 30
S 20 57
9 01 53 up
1.1413orne 1 -51 • ' 100 -
2 05 73
3 31 111 '
, 4 73 51 120
Exeter 1 , ea
-2 00
3 37 .,02.
k , 4 55 ... 117 118
Total majority for McLean, 184.
-Reform ' Conservative
Seafortl; 210 233
Heiman 93 91
Bayfield 34 • 80
.241 251.
271 302
. 413 . 325 '
412 470
, go 322
123 255
a 2421
their know edge of the work. The
securing of a PublicSchool Graduation
Certificate will be a guarantee that,
the holder has a practical education,
and -should be of value to him in se. r
uring a position In tiny commerei 1
ALLEN -In Usborne, Jan -10, to- Thos. ,
borne. on Dee. 28th, 1907, the wife
of Joseph Yellovr., a daughter.
BAwntst-At Barrie, /au. 10, Wilmot
Kingdom, relict of the late Isaac
Bawden, aged..78 years 8 months, 0
ItottNo-Ia F'uu1aron, jars. 15. Alex.
Young, eged 87 , 5 month*.
I •
An overflow bottrie reeled.' the Con-
servative eandidatt, Mr. Stott *lots
toniand thecotheiveaktai-OuTtleada
evening in the Opera /Utak Mr. T.B.
(Wiles orottpka .t4itf ebor and lett*
duted the kers*
ire was first'ealled upon