HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 7 (2),
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.F.41t.'4i,ill'I'',g,:i rsito 14
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ve3 '41' '' i ,,, ° (i
, tlilitht. .alxd- A 4
• 1I4, 'NW' , 'IRMA ietN't V 4i,eMt ciL1.?' i440441.
galtiettion1-4414-4,1"! .,
children, wiei fiffild.1 114-14 9..41.1, an v1ti
eill41eeqi*teate31elkeeetiel1gelltat trClaitver
itillee tte.o., view AO relieving: this
elluetetirtgeke.fiis -gallterye the -attendarde
i'Xicided to transfer Settee of the children
'to ttie",body of the hoese, end ope of the
, where called -out, "SOin* 43,1 you children
' cent°wlietairo,'
Inutn diately the rush started, eriiii
within tt few eseemd..e luindreets of chit-
reIl‘amo;le, 1*ing-.14...tgan101,14niter.roo_t„
k ..
Even *those who liad &eats in til gal"
ry, doubtless .being panic-striel(ri by
tilt sereaula and *toggles 'of the crotvds
fighting to retell( the etaircases, Joined in
the stampede.
• tL fli?
'freliKe. '
At*414d. :Ip,e
t irtg ttm.
eat. dillit Tilly 4 4A4,0*OW
Of otti0-11 a
441r4,1il 'Mae vent
e= ly
elfildeertit4tlie, Par4 I
V '
=et taken -14 the.elreetre lekreefelye, _
.-wiear'etreereetaiVe 'pollee arrived tVeY
fr,iind the °Iiarrow etairway "preetically
bleeked with bodies, whichwere ereseed
4omeiee.,s-es almost beret, tecognition.
Scoreeef chitilren were found later to he
suffering .from fractured boneee end se-
vere lacerations„ .calised by the =describe
14 4. 47
Soon after the accident the approaches
to the hall were crowded wit!) *obbing
cintheir g for r nasing ebil-
e e
To nto, Jon 14. -Manitoba Wheat -
No. 1 northern; $1,21.; No. 2 northern,
$1.16; No. 3 northern, 81.11 lake ports;
feed wheat, 71e; No. 2 feed, 65; della-
Ontario Wheat No. 2 white, 96e/e to
1 ler4.N.0..
- tft)e' tfrtkht
eeteflegiailerlekte.k.,/' eleuteitheee
"er'itr --er#tenM.ve,
ce; anitoba flat-
\en1.9, Spee1111 bread', $6dl0 le .$6; sec-
• onds, 85.20 to $5.40; strong bakers',
$54.10 to $5.30,
Peas-83Xe outside;
Rye -No. 2, 80c.
Cone -Old No., 2 yellow American,
nominal at 7243 to 73e, Toronto freights;
• new, No. 3 yelkev, 66e; mixed, kiln -
dried. 65eeee. •
Oats -Na. 2 white, 47e eutside: 49eee
track Toronto:- N. ") mixed, 45%C to
46c outside, 40ge 10.4'47e Tomtit°.
Beckwhcat-63c oule'de.
• Call board quotations weree-
On"ario Wheat -No. 2 white, $1 ask-
ed, outside; No. 2 red, 99c asked.
BarieYee-No. 750 bid, O. T. R.
' Pease -No. 2,, 8113-‘a asked, outside. -820
bid. -
Oats -No. 2 white, -15ge, bid, outside;
• No. 2 :nixed, 43ele bid, outside.
•Poultry --A. few tin -keys of fairly good
quality are being offeeede but areal -
catty nothing of other clesses of poul-
,extra c1oke-140°16e
tke ,dee - lie to no'
tonne geese . - . . . ... to lic
Wang ducks . • 9e 110 le
Chickens, *choice .... - 8c to 10e
-ted Te-etd olteto
Inferier eltieks and fowls 4e to Sc
13utter-ltfarket. is quiet, th price&
unchanged ,Under a steady dethand.
Creamery prints ...2galaelle
eta -uielft 26e to 27e
Dairy prints 133e to.trie
do 'solids .... 22cto 23e
Inferier 420c to 21e
Eggs --Storage, 20e 2Ic- per dozen
inecaseelots; weeds, 25e; SirlottY
- norfanal.
on track here.
oReaneed$1,7o. to -81.75 ;for primes and
$1.80 to 81-85 for hand-plehed,
ileneyeegfeninedesteady 4.110 to 12e
per pound for 60 -pound. pails, end 12e.
to lee for to' to 10 -pound galls. Combs
$1-75 tee 82.50 per &ten.
• Rated Straw -Quiet at $9.50.10 $10.50
per-l'on en inter- , • '
Baled ••IlateeellmettlY Le• quoted at
•J516.59 $17.50, ear -lots on track,
Sawheil and 'ley S'atted Meats -Long
Clear bacon, Ilk to Atie for tons and.
CaSt.S; brim, iele'diure and light.
140 to .15e; 1230 '10 ‘1.3o; backs.
16Ne to 17e; shouiders, 10; rolls, ,10c 40
breakfast beam 15c 15erc;
green- meats iaUt• 43t te less than
Pork -Short cut. $22.73_14 $.2a ver bar.
x1 r $N
IAted "creeS, 1111,t; piN, 12e; pail's,
e MONTREAL MArtici,M*.
lifferitreate 14. ' 0- &tar market
unchanged. Choice shipped wheat
lo.C..5e Winter Wriedt 9i -dents, *510,
straight -rollers, 85 to 85.25; do., in
bags, 82.25, to $2,50; extra, 8e.30 to
$1,90. •
On the local oat market to -day prices
for ()Mario No. 2 white advanced e.te,e
te 2e per bushel, and releeted lc to
leee per bushel. Manitoba rejected -al.
se shelved an advanee, selling be per
lots et °Marie -No; 44 white, Wet Me 3,
"19teltec- neerti,
tr7de r.471;eing dime; market is steadily
steeegateeing and price e are much firm -
or Etri:k1 -oak, $2.75; corn,- 81.06 to
eri per 'bag. "
tligher prices in. thegg_niarketilte
bf: ng meietatneel. Priees are very firm,
vvelicalt eitange. Newly -laid. 36e; se -
le e 24e 2k; No. 1 limed, 20er"to 21c.
tocks ei cheese the local market
cif linue to rapidly isappear. Novem.
ber taeen 12e to 1,..,Ver. Octobers, 130
tk -,3eec; Stptembers, 13Xe 10 13%e.
A erele ade Is being transaeted in
the . etter eiarkeL Grass goods,
curree: receipts, 26e to 27e. • .
Provioone-Bartels short cut Mese,
822.50 to 823; halfbarrels„811.75 to
812.25; clear fat back, 823.50 to 824.50;
klieg -cut -heavy Tileeree 8eI hag
:barrels do. 810.50 to 811.25; dry salt
long clear beets, 10e to 112,4e; bar-
-nes plate beef. $13.50 to $15i-ha1f bar
re , do. $7.2a to, 75- bar
ineoe -.beef, $10 to Setl; itaif barrela do..
450; lard, 123/c ne: kettle rendered
12,40 vo 13e; hams, 12c to 13Wam'
to ISIze; breakfaet baeon, 14o to 15e;
Wind,sor bacon. lege to 15eee; fresh
killed abattoir dressed, $8.75 to 89.25;
,./t, Ospatb 01.114, • SS•
I: jetribie, er sang,: atalit ,-ocCAltred
'low Swings, „twat, H.UiveW. t.,11•' "
'Way teigit4 ,ettell The Pere Marctte•
numOdatko, due het iI 9.0";
_‘ ',21,0g 4,f_oiloyot,,iiill.el
11 ' , r Crii4*It at thi '
k ., a Oirig„lifitr- ltil',
. .. 4,s4.'44stft4e ' 1
u le '--04.';t14
' ii -0 ,
.zgh?hd u
I I., 0
0 1,. t 4iii"g(I''
„ , . i. ,,,:tioott
ter e
1 e1 to," ).
n ure.,b't tIhlIT
i qe :dere* -s ed ntelKere 1:,,e
?'a1 to be destroyed. • The Fatly' had
'been to Chathaill,.' and were releirtlieg
home when the accident oeturred. It
L' . believed they thought the train would
step at (War Spriags, a Ilag station.
Agriculturisti Takine Advantage or
Their Work.
A elespatch from Ottawa says: The
tweetictit annual report of the werle
din 41 i r b
e an n prog ess at t e,sevenal Do-
• rainion.experinwital farms was tablO
day It atnibe
results of axially important and carefully
oendueted experiments in agriculture,
• torticulture and arleirculture carried on
during the last year. The director, Dr.
Wm. Saunders, notes that the large and
• oenstantly increasing demand by the
• tamers of the 13earanion for the publiea-
:Rene issued from the experimental
fattleq, the rapidly extending correspon.
etiretteTlee ear4peraWareirliathe
Buffalo, Ian. 14. - Wheat -.Spring
easier; No; 1 Northern, 81.17ee carleads;
No. 2 red, 81.05; Whiter, firm. Corn -
Steady; No. t„' white, 63e; Nee 2 yeltowe
63X,..e. Oats -Strong; No. 2 mixel.
49c; No. 2 White, 55c. -Berley-el to
Ityte--No.--Ireometraek. -87e:
New 'York, • Jan. 14. -e -Wheat --S t
easy; No. te. retk .,$!. 4 i, .,
2- red, 81.06ea leoto. alloateNteiet north.
en1 Duluth, .81.2334 Lo -b: alklat; No. 2
• Toronto. Joth, 11. -Picked Intebers?
4.4„It'e'sold at $-1.1() -8-i.•so; choice -toads
rought 84.25. to 81.50; luedtum, $V.7.5
ti $3.75; cheatee ocws. 83.59 to
medium cows, 13 1,0 --$1.4 tommon
ws, 82.25 ,to 82.75; winners, 75e' to $1.
rnd fanning -bulls. 82 to 82.50 eWt.
Only a• few ,VStwArt eallie were eold,
and most wore bought ,for local buteti-
e. -Eepert Wide sold' at to 84.25
• Quotations were-noininal for fteder$
at 83 to 83.75 per cwt. 14Ibt eteeliers
sold at $t to $2.75 per cie
Cneres sold at 3 to 61- per pound.
Mitch cows. were not ein extra geed
dement. Prices ranged frein 835 to..85e1
tc4,r good Ogles.
• Export, .ewe g were Worth .83.75 to 64..
25, bucks and culls, 84 CI.50.; branbst-
$4 to 86 per cwt.
\•110g4 eontla tied - et,
lArought $5.90, lights and fats,
65 per ewt.
The barque Oc,rinanie. of I,Veyrnotith*
N.S.; foundered in - rnitt-Atlantic, end
mace eft her crew are believed to bo lost,
ee e Penitentiary for Atte
ted Stabbing.
, 3
s Clieolfrelte :Wee tiii'tt,.-el it rt.t il ign ' Ilinalely 'yfi;1 (10 1110t erMte
, - Alntait: nt- - ge-41;--rieckc-r.,cattsing:,---...11fm--' heidif
Ili,, -r
, the Court' 4)! Spre'2ai Sc!,tions lo )uro.. 11hart51 in, ti1otnitry•inust iin
lirt-ly as being deterinined to' Call. n .9,.1,11,-,) ilia1 thov..havt co stop titcst!„ 00,11
, to fte InUt. s') tc.nifttell attohtt Italians thot they , most rot tarry knives, r
le 1E15 vitY if Earra'iN Lltitt 1.6iilg %fa- toic,,rs, Tlitsjs a iluict tot.l'Afry,, yet
: ..:(rtS. .
. , ' this elly we hear 'every 4):(ky iof querre
nciLt,Arg,,,k,fisagact.„,F,flea -lealetta,.1a, oralaurik19,-.s..4-L,u,„quit-Ati„iinitt Atr,
,4 cowiatry; lia,,Ns ticticti. tri i471-4., (k -r.4 Inal:4.1,4!IN,4,!,tcp.1.11, ..,AnIr op ,litiiwf_
Mt -..teae-eeallit- Vie-ell-.i-iiii",d6r smrivirli ,:_ii. utfit t.rtiilty a -t,,tlip iiit6leo. 'Ili :lit,
1 to mtro? s.cz14-4 iliv 1' ,?.14 1.16011. tckw'llii$ et,u4t will te Inc!!
ftkit,,c41, lleit ',eilltet:t the steerely Vanished. /lee Itigheet egaielly
el g r J'j)eeet 04Mli t-411 : 04 the etreerst, irilatwe ii, three yfoill 111
rtzr 81,4'4,1t, A,14".klii0 sfafti 'On tirzt , eilit'xiIy, °ma I inflict three, 3eitta,”
.1:10.-{ziArtr "Uirdelli4-161.-- a
cien Ile information among the. agri-
euitu ts of Canada. During 1906 nearly
farmers have joined ut co -opera
tiv:e tests of seeds for the improvement
• f---cropsz-7-Sixtzicfrillettsand samples of
grain of various kinds were sent out to
formers in Quebec and seven thousand
to Ontario farmers. .
Alexander Sued, 'Shot WWII at White -
minim, Manitoba.
A dOpateti from Whiteuioath, Man..
says : Aloe Swartz was =entered in
cold blood by an unknown num near
hero on Thursday night for the sake,of
a small sum of inomz• life had been in-
innilieg, where he sold' three cars of
weed, realizing $150. 'Ile returned on the
e mug train, and was seen to leave the
a./sit rtger.
NexI ine.r-acAxibody
wa, with
.r motel's of
a ballet through the ,head. pockets
had been rifled. The presumption is that
the murderer shot Swartz and then
the expre.se fee the weeL The dead man
leaves a widow and three little children.
iOn Killed and Two Seriously Injured
• at Montreal.
A desPrite rem Montreal says: s
the result oir a .small fire on, Notre Dame
etreet <in Sunday night one firetn, is
dead raid two ol seriously.'injured.
Shift Ilirtitiatt tut oteefheated stove. ie
stere was 'en the, ground floor- of. a
shaekie-.1hree;storeye-briek;_bitilding, .
• una while- fighting, the-- flames- part o• r
me wall feli out crushing Napoleon
• Gagnon, N. Narbabne end It. La',
eneitelie. firemen.- Gagnon- died on his
way to the le:spit:4, and _the others are
badly .injured. The twee by line was
•trilline, and apart 'Irvin the,. falling'
wall the building was uninj ed.
NI,AV SAVE iti.1,,sir utk
sseniet Cars to DiulPited
• \ExtinguiStiers.
A. despatch from Ottawa sayst! With
vipw to preheating 0011rkeol101i
With railway wrecks and Rio corteequeot
burning teedeatti of thdsc whOu"naight
eard,glit in 'the wreckage, the Bail -
way Ceimitiission bas passed an' order
rompeihng all 'newly corepatlies tO
Install tea) tire extinguishera in each
'10;senger coach. A bracelet $25ei ha...
tied kir each foilutt .to comitly.:Avitn
the •order. The companies are given
until January next to 'bare extinguish-
ers placed on :all tarts now In tie. •
New Railway Connection Expected to
A. d*espatcli from 'Winnipeg- Say
E.cing- Wifrriiree-seltlitle ;g *befit*
'York is one ot the posalbilities
rti be„saki- probabilities, or The n
ncs1kn that the Canadian Northern
eeure;by the compretion ot .the Winni-
peg k ttaliway4 ltt figured. out
LtiaL It sertii30 -tan-be arranged by which,
traveller leaving Winnipeg, say, ow
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, eatt'bc
landed' in New York at -about the tame
tcur on Saturday Morning.
FPEis 0, 0*.eet
r h
is 1,0 be
411v 1'rin;&:Ot WSW.
Civards ue
• WM =land Avenue Met fat
(-hu1th, leronte, woei destroy -eat by
ion Sunday morning. '
Negrotlations witii.Japan in Mara, to
Uhe) inmaigratkm question are stilt bo...
ing- carried on by cable.
lothar.,,Ubot,-.of London has been
PAPPOinted 10041. inspector --ler- S1INY.41
Westeriv OntariecOmmtles.--
Serious • damage was tione. kr great
storms on the Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick coasts last week.
The revenue from succession duties -1n
the PMV11-100 Or OnlAtio for last year has
fallen behind 1906 by '10119,4418. ,
11...the,,winter_on, _the prairie7oontin
laying all seafion.
is reported in Winnipeg that Vie
Canadian Northern has just discharged
seventeen exulductors for irregularities.
Philip .13enoit of Alexandria was sea -
kneed to 23 months in the Central Pri-
son for stealing the Bishop's fur -lined
Ottawa's first Board of Control :
first patents, and $5.65 for seconds,:
Since Nov. 7 the Allan Line has ear -
tied 4,153 from Liverpool to Canada and
UAW from Montreal to the Mersey,
A (:Iijnese,. laundryman -at- MacLeod.
Alberta, Iound the body of a baby in his
stove en 'returning after a short aleeence.
Owing to the outbreak .of smallpox in
Winnipeg the T. Beton Corripany have
ordered the vaccination of theire1,700
Miss Davis, principal of Syde hava
school, protests agamet the lavish usc eif
tt.e Stars and Stripes in Klifigston.
Ovila Labreche, of Montreal, is in jail
on a charge of arson, as the police are
eitspicious of the numerous fires at his
James IL Hunter, seven years private
secretary to the Minister of Anbile
WoOs, has been •Ilidde-•assistant Deputy
Minister. • •
'The Opera House et Brantford was
gutted iiy fire on Friday, and a number
• erneathrsottereezt_,
eeHarvey--Bleinefell midereseillooreand
/MOW ear on Yeaid4-Sh'eat..Toronte-,
on Friday, and his Ieft foot had to be
amputated: .
Joseph Ashworth was sentenced to
Assizes fo
ll r ilvting to Muie
twenty years in Ilk penitentiary at
der his wife. .
It is said that, United States inteasts
are looking to the purchase of the Im-
perial Paper 141111e and Northern Sulphite
Mills at Sturgeon': PAW., ' •
L A. Macdonald, leader of .the
Celuinbia Opposition wili`•01)Port
inief Mcftridein re.in-frO &Icing AlielOU
Act to eeelude :Orientals. -
Vancouver, 11. C., .fliiMen refused a
gift of 8100 from Japanese residents who
Sympathized wit i the three firemen
wean t n 11pi 1 o eat a 3 ay.
The Bell Telephone Convene is Plan-
ning to ependeiflarge portion *I the
eminent la improving - '',/he -system -in-
The<Departnient of, the IntertOr drot:
!awe W.congarkpg a IleNV regulation to
admit. immigrants io Canada only when
eciroina;41117.14,1torn the country of their
hat ,r
• 4 6
%tale tee eeze the
4:iitlr.,Ot rite: r1,11
. . '04'• tedygens for
fur, • examinat,ton:-and the arrivat•of.
Pouren, inikt-looking nittn,, -and
isulanitted wlittoUt protest -lit was
-employed as an engineer ono or the
:13aSt 'liver tunnels, Ile drained Ills
identity by lndlea g the the photo.
itiiii54;:' 'ia- it ,, .. .,
lkll- 111, ,
, - -.0.' C
4 4.J
r' 1
0 s1ti';,0;.p.e1:;'(V;•4',1t.:+1;tvo1140 :i1S;i.,!:,. ildix'''r.iiiicitto%,,141,•,41,st..
. l,
f Lv&zazJ
-riot. tortheettliti 1110. Iv
ig:it°a't'ortveriettili.tt.,54,,dita t , ,
lb .
. .
hetreess antVset'them afth. Whn
itMs= , resisted, "they' ' were, ma e
it. is, said. • , . ,
Poureit and .:Ille, as.coelates are -charged
with being partientarly Active In Iwo, ,
haviago it is chareed, committed 4
number of murders Atnd robberies..,
Per- cent-leslhart last r.ar
-or--drought-- _
The Prilestaa-lutiget sbews a &Reit 41
• $110,75000:1. •
COMA 'ZePpelln is preparing to build
an airship capable of` tarrying 100.pas.
f,tmht4 JItra
to rise aglainSt Great Britain.
It * ranooted Paris that japan has
purallaSed .4 number of French -built. air-
ehies for military- purposes.
Abd -el -Aziz, Suttee • of Morocco, has,
been formally deposed, and his brother
Mulai Head, proelahried at Fez. -
An Abyssinian form has cepetired the
tcwn, of Leigh., held by Italy, on the
iNn -en "s
".1"44Wee,zrale MeT
Mooactel provided Rio opon-door there is
ditsrtguerbeanuftmb.er of steaMerS, sailing
vesselliShing-craft have-beeu
wrecked on the wet coast, of Asia and
Many lives have been lost.
Lueine Milleveie,\I a member of the
French Chamber o Deputies, calls' on
France and Britain to prevent_ war lw
tween Japan and the flailed States.
Mr. n. Allen magistrate of Dacca,
India, was !shot! in the_ bfiek by a_ 111n.
du, believed to be
and tbe affair Le the eensation of east-
ern, Bengal.
Mrs,. Darwent, Wire- or the resident
surgeon of the Colonial Melilla at Port
of Spain, and •who came from England
eit_piristmas Day as arbridei is *ad
el yellowjever.
• 'China Weeeeeldeirlase, the Metter of
applying for ineiat.....a.uti-Ati the 'postal
onion that she nay recelveeniallkeiteoen
ussia u Mantilieria end pieteal Ihtts-a:
goingeto $apattese transportation
Uplalyetery o
'Dublin fAstle. •
lartli Or of 1/1-ellt fidePtinn.
The Allan and C.edl- steams1)1P lines
both *port that the number of returning
Immigrants from anada -during the hist
twe !maths is far lrgor than the num,
vu,..breinght out *hning the/ same poFIDLI.
,-, 4 CuPar,
Tottehit a
Tuesday, Ly u
Ark * club
.endeax" t his
, freo him.
attacking I
Rio 'bear lost lila .ho
lul"bed brain to 4tIctith..1W be*r
gtLs '1* palladia* ' '
dtgENT nnrritiN.
the Irish police believe Oval the rotes-
ing regalia of the Order of St. Patrick is
still hidden eernewhere- in the
Hedge, ALP., will bring the
question of indistrifainate emigration
to Canada before the British, Parliament.
The N.Vhite Star tine has antiouticea
a eat in Its.steond and 'third class paea
senger rateS 6001 , English ,por(s to
New York and Iloston.
Four firtntern Were kfllet In a disas.
trous fire in' New YOrk onTriday. '
The Vanderbilt; ti;ahlt leaned the city
of Moscow $5,000,000 fer street fialways.
Five'persons, in 4 01111S14:111
;On tite Alabama 4to ,Nlissiee141 IlniIroad
*kV Iktobikee - • - '
Tbrea Per$011$ WOO htirned ,to death,
it it tire in Ibo otit.buliding of lite
"retch hospital it .4.1an Frattelsous
Anglisttla tho OPPer 'meg-
t 1144 t00% iii4vta Oli ,ot. charge of
ou'r-rerL*fying bank, cheeks 10 11*
amount '1 $34X),0004
The Acw finance' to
sirovides an iddir '
irelliation net Yieek
lleve ittnees A. foi»r1y
',41.464UkeU4 kto, sentenoeCto two
" ,1114 for
g ti
*man, west, oo*mtmin71111M
oik vit."Thutsday.
t interstate COM-
, 1lr1ii 01,0t tpe
n ir
'4 4
The Winnipeg Po -T;11 13ring Oft a nig
A despatch from 'Winnipeg says: 4gang .
of 01 -osp47ratit.le,at:ti:rO'nrs,..
-mItAftitalkt,Where,„f4r id& _
011 Friday afternoon, an 11 aro now
under arrest By a Mak:, circuiristanca
they were discovered at, work in Oo.
lien's store by a patrolman on Friday
morning. • Alt escaped arrest but one,
who gave the name of A. Forteseue,
but his personality afforded a duet wh:cia
led to the capture of the entire gang
arty in the afternoon- At the heed-
• ittfttiF*44elieIle.en
deo astotene,
A •despatch from Dublin says: ,The
Irish Goveriunint has at IBA appointed,
a conanission which is to sift the mys-
,tery.,of the disrearance last 'illy of
a' portion of th State4egatia, vented .
• to 8250,000 from Dublin Castle. The ,
;:.ktu.th.:..nities-haw-be.en-lrnpettedAo-thiS.-fP,Y. IltOrning_With bo
siep by Imports that Ike :jewels aro-litS- Ted cut oft. He is un h to cot
itfown havo-been-deposited-as-se.---P4ila- The -ealaie of the accident., -
.curity far a loan. - is under -stood ,fhat" kiv• 410.1vkaralikkkkowskrirovvvk
ging Edward has insisted that. the mate REVENt% et:CREASED.
&refs. •rat
MileS Froutelbeecity. They -confessed
to the police that they bed intended
stealing a team of •horse..4 ore_e_nealay„.
n gliFireti driving over the border with
the tooL Amorig the epeils were eighty-
tive watches, which had he.,en istoten lfl
Brandon. The men gave the names of
B. Martin, IL Boyd, tt. Calder, M. Ray-
mond, and _all of them are English,
Old Man Knocked Down by R way
Horse aiid Kilted. •
A despatch from Montreal says: Mt
old gentleman, about seventy years of
fige.„ waslineeked down arid run over
by a retnaway hoese 'at the oorner ok
SL Mark and St. Catherine streets, on
'day and .sustatned Wm -lee from wilich
c diede The victim when taken to the
Hospital said eris name was
bon14434-.-that-was-ell-he -could
fore he lieeifir,c-Anconscious;-. There
Is b
was nothing found in77.1..,
• whIch he could be identified.
Mbirs„ Marguerite Savage, about forty
yearsertt age, dropped dead at the Ein- -
Plre Cafe, eArtier of Craig- and -St. Alex- ,
andel...streets on Friday. Deceased had
been boarding in the house about a
week. •
allebeert-Cfrelrvieghts---einployerrone-the -- -
Grand Truok Railway, was admitted -
to the tlenCral Hospital early on Fri-
V . •
•.-111AILIIOAD AIEN 1410 AlFr.
A despatoli from New Orleans saysi--=*---
•,Statentent Poo .First Nine Months el
- Mud:Tear-
1-- elesp -ale.1.77071a7eZeitrit.W"eq-iiiS-r?:
etateinerit of revenue and expenditure
mi. 4rilh.0._nas -_0111Pr tilMinc tOprne,sr:ilr ' Ili? ' lira 11410
a 10101 eevenue of 8,73.A55,958, oil in- •
crease of87.097,20 .tee col-ripe:eel wait '
the correeponding Per:ie.." et 1906o and
A total ependlitire iOn toxisolidated
fund aceteanteat.$43.667A6-, ail inerease °--- -
or 88.616,976. On capital .aereiint the
fetal expAeulitere for the nine months
was' 1519;27L9667-Thritricreaso of al out -
icy, raiiii4ms, as comporeal with the„por.
reseend.iirr perif d 4.„;1 1%6.
is of rour,e, due ' tc a larger expendi.
ture last; y ar on the easeslriietiote of
Po expriiiiit re en whieli lee* riverafees.
the, Nallorm . Transcontinental Ile:le:ay,
over, <MP. vitilli511 .dollarS- per mon14. .
01 the toltil heereaee In reVenue, dine ,
ing the Wire neonrliscetd'ng tvith Deeent.
her. Al tel.ele came foal] eiesteres, half
' millfort team -exei,u3, ,and.!half a nzil.E.
ftqflir.414,1tk. ,s;diee._ .,
netween uoct and 4.000 ttunois ein-
e:kips have been dropped frern the pay-
roll on accourit of, *the financial‘situa-
lion. This:was the rmiteuncement here
on Tuesday, night, of J„ T. lien:dial; pre-
sident of •the Illinois Central -Itailreade
who said if he eould pos.sibly prevent
it no more men Would Fe laid off.,
A Record Otitriut for the Month of
• December4
despatelt frrn0;)London says : The
Transvaal yield of . ld for the month of
December mak, es ,a new record. •Tho out
put was 583,526 ounces of the. yellow
metal, whieli is 28,499 ,ouncee overAhe
previens highest yieht for a month. The
value orthe December output is lita04)
tain 1,r the 1
war. Ile idvi
be on (tie it
'lin 101 the Vienth litt%
,upon the proboiloit,
h t s conflict
t Japan
rkitit Met'
t Japan.
drat -ere a
t kiln& 11)11*10
ic ItUktOttl shot
tk ,peated upon 1h '
Inorrowlt iteatitiriuitter,
%tict.' great ::tiritiitit anatt rranc*
Aiits t
litew, otrati t say*, kora
41U th'
atJtiptat 14ao.
4 with 1h 13Ia.nund .ot Atta that.
with AmorZert is imnOssible.:,
e .totif*,,,-attchticrt orl*Pltn:' skYit *.\
,*\ 111614W. 'IA ,.40e4a-1-111104' With 0111,111,
It:400. whore ilisel5pluenta akeoce
rng whiele ere - it:414w Tokio tho
n. Chni hat just ais.
r irf Javan
it-nreac "
tire tturencr
1 4% that filo eountry
14 k;no Coat, niht not