HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 4 (2)IA?
, ,g
uiut p ai1grnkent8wJkz appeal
totbe lest.terLehtittrade..
J. H. Iloltzuutrin
Sanders et Creech,. Prow.
tifILTRSDAY, Jan. 11 1908
On Wednesday -next, Jan. 22nd, the
electors of South Huron will be coolie('
' Upon to record their votes in a Dotnin-
ion By -Election. le is the duty and
privelege of every man to cast a vote
eor-one of the two men ,,whe are ‘the,
-temsdidateebrtlee- CVOgreat parties
whicbthI tjart.starek
the riding. 116 has been in sever,a
political fights, and_ eaell succeeding
neelfsiciiillas shown that his power of
securing votes is steadily on the wane,
those whcb supported him beinglessen-
ed in number considerably at each'
election. At times he has eaid hard
things against his party leaders, not,
because they had done wrong, but be-
cause he had not received the reward
that he thought was his due. By this
he lost-considerable-of-tho-confidene
of hie own party aid did not gain the
confidence of his opponents. Cense.
vuentty, it may be said with certainty
that -Mr. McLean is a weaker mato pel-
lticalle-thanlie was years ago. Mr.
Henry. Horton, the Conservative can-
didate, is a new man in the field, a life
long resident of the riding, a school
teacher and farmer by occupation, not
as widely known as bis opponent, bu
'most favorably spoken of by everyone
no matter of what olitical lea&
4 4 # I
inake an able representative of this
largely farming riding. -His life has
been -suck that no shadow of reproach
• can be brought home to him, and he
may safely be said to have never earn• -
ed. an enemy. The re-sult is many Lib.
• era's from a, purely personal re: ard
• for Mr. Horton are sap I
ire has no uncomforteble record , that
needs- covering, and any Inaivniax, feel-
, aestbred that he is helping to elect it
good man and true when he marks his
loallot for Henry Horton'.
Not onl isheeld the personnel of the
e•teetaates oc Considered by the -eleet
ors. but also tlie records of the partiesi• '
Back m letle It was admitted that the
Conservative government was not
• what it should have heen„and many
Conservatives voted with -the Liberale
to turn that_govertirnent out oill.nt
-It was aeconaplieliea and Siv Wiiirid
• Leurier became premier. . Time has
passed on, and every elector koenve.to.
----,--dorthiertire-pretient goverthuent
infinttely more corrupt than the ferni-
er on; In 1904 the electors in Ilutem
County recognized this and eiected
three opponents to the Laurier Gov-
ernrnent. ,The record of the, govern. -
silent has become worse rather than since_1904;_and_it _is not too
much to expect the people of
South Ifneon, ;eh ther Liberal or Con-
servative,' that the LIU vier
,GOvernment has outlived its useful-
'-nesm-aind-tareitit litiroe-ar--a change.
The eye. of all Canada are ton Smith
Huron and tbe-eleetnes in this siding
- cannot afford to let the news be spread
broadcast thet they would condone.
the misrule, grate and cerruption o
any government.
ladidste before Mr, Gurm'a deeth...
vaiwed before teaeort ad
r contemporary. The Thnes, - till
(&rntJuui to easy:me* great deal y,
anufac tiring a tot of nousense
sding the ConeRrvetive pityn,belo
in favor of Merseati„_.bel I
ed by ec4anotnatione, That i o
11001.1' Xnel ehuply 11.0PO
.purpo*e Of attionOtin t.719
cal:coOit*t OC Of ' '
time iiral! al coi
to Pi
erlit ee,
Olt re` f°
Pei * t
11).tbe graft iidI &tali*,
Dg.tbir. nergie& and will
egister their votes xz fevor�f Mr.
Horton and titian goierement the
Roht. Coward d Mies Edith Turnhullefs 'Wedneada week fer Ghat*
ham eo take a course At the eanadoe
Boldness. College. ,We vriab them
ban ia on the eick-liat. We tritat that
he may soon recover. -Thos. Coward
and wife were in London on business
Tuesday. -A number from here at.
tended the opening services at Whalen
On 'Sunday and also the tea Monday
vt •
slek list, '1"1I4 Ioe,rnarepetLeee ser,
ItiersifiVerelviiii at his friends.
• _Dasitwood.
WeneeNe.;--A quiet bet very pretty
wedding took place on Jan. 7th. at 0
o'clock p.m., at the residence of Mr.
and Mre,V.-letarle-wheer. thele youlikeets
• Eidt, sister of the,grootn. the
4 .--awouniresi_ by ioer.._R-Sted
brother of the tbride toot their place
under AA /Web in the paTiehr which was
decorated' and lit with candles, and
from the centre it bell was suspended,.
The bride,who entered the parlor le,an-
ing on the arm of her father, was
gowned in white Japanese silk trim-
med with embroidered chiffon and silk
insertion svith tulle veil and coronet of
orange blossoms, and carried it bou-
•t of white -carnation entwinedle
smilax. Miss Bertha Eidt sister of the
groom acted as bridesmaid, was dreste
ed in French net over white silk and
carried bouquet 0! pink roses and
8171118.X. The bride's travelling suit was
of blue Venetian cloth with black bat
and coat to match. The presente\ re-
ceived were both numerous and coitly
a high tribute of the popularity
which the britle-wits-lield. -Mr. and
Mrs, Eidt will relde here where the
• room brie •
the ranter. May heir sky be uncloud-
ed and their pathway through life
strewn with roses is the eincere wish
of their host of "friends.
Win. Mills of SVouzlhii a
is Aug er rrs. Wcn. sankhrook for
a, few weeks. -The railroad surveyors
spent Sunday in town: We sunderstand
they intend running several more
proof lines before it will be finally set-
tled svbere the iron, horse will tame
-1sTellea Illetearetentralia-5-8--praetie
mg a -class of siegers to assist him in
chorus work. It is intended tsa use
our singers ivith those in . Centralia
and glee a concert in the neighboring
burg some time tient inonth.-The pa-
litical pot is beginning to -bed.-- A -R
Thursday evening. It is expected that
the Conservatives. will,. have .scun
8 I- Alt ope_akeAlitre in:..the course.
1 Or 3 fey,: day.-Ourbarber hits his o to
air Oak in shape. .If the cold weather
eputinties our skaters will make good
use of Lt. -Harry Eilber is placing the
gas piping in S. Brown's hoese and H.
Eilber's office thisweek.-/I. Bilheraf.
P.P. attended the *mongol Insuran
meetiiig of the /lay Co in Zurich' On
Tuesday. elOtto Brown and Mks Merle
Morloek WePO married at the Evangel.
ie*l parsonage Tueedsy, Ith 'net, Rev.
n -tying the knot- ---th stre.wel .
known here and thei-r-tany friends
wish them every joy tond Illieeinese
during their married life.-Tbe rece t
snow has improved the ,sleighing.
Mr. A.rthur Sweitzer of Kiltrornag
Mick, is ViSitIng relatives in th ,..18 ,vio
einity.-/farry. Deaver and ClOrles
Roeezler have been confined to their
homes the pest iieek on account of it4
gripe. -.-The nomination rueeting to
tionimate two trustees to act for our
villarte this year, Was beld in the toWn,
hall:Priday evening. Thot: Trevethick•
WAS the Iteterning officer; ,Getthits
Morloek, Albert Aforlock, .I. Id. Holtz.
man And Ddill eqtreicher we i
, re. Ww Jielrnau Auld daugliter,
"1110 13-4tTet'beenN140* istA:Orevillele
left-fOr their betne in Thedford %less,
Dine and A. RaveHe
speut'. few day* at Thedford stid Pts
erik l'eoentlye-elle. Dewey :Is mov-
inghis house to 641/4 Bend.
Ts IbieLean held, a political Meetin
B'enner'a hall ,Oriderrhe ;'
frpd of Wib..-Itritit will be h
frow bis,stgrot Imo
LlrIe Ike Au
• t
LP years. the disti
ary8rd. ItIleSetilet
ref entered the pork
la ,t71
daY, Jar
ght isetuesne
orme told stole
two of the barns. Any parson sulit
of such a mean, contemptible trio
119 this should bei exposed and webope
the wretch will be caught and made to
suffer the eittremepenalty of the law;
, „„e ..e.s.,•;414reetiet**,eires.
4iir:4)0itstiteSear4yriteiz4elai •
. ,
4..TAO ci ea 4)
41 hvcu norald. Charles White.Undon, Ltililer:
Ernest tummy, Lumina. Eng. A limited number et
pupils will beareented
Rev. W# H. Hutt and daughter Miss
Lauralook part in the entertainment
at 'mean on Monday eveoingss-The
eon on TamodasTafternoen. • The
fastoseeddrealeerktile-ineetirw DIV D.tc
Livingston as an ideal nuseionary.
Two now members were added to -the
• y. -.Mia - Mary. Hepburn,
has been_visitieg her parents for some
time, returned to Toronto Tuesday. -
Mrs. Brown is home with her mother
-31r5s-Boyle-tindle-qui - k-Weltnee
for her speedy,recovery,..
-mice at theArtortir-Les_fr.me,-,Tste-i-ftz-
W. Hogarth, teacher at Eden addresv-
.---.77 :
atiftlitillrera have fully recoyerecr
from the effects of their recent acci-
dent. -Mrs. Parsone still continues ill.-
-The Ladies' Aid Anniversary of the
Methodist Church will be held on Sun-
day and Mouday next. On Sunday the
pastor, Rev. W. II. Butt, will preach in
the morning, and in the evening be will
deliver a songsernioneassisted by the
choir. An old.fashioned tea meeting
8 o'clock, after which a choice program
y Revs. Going and Holmes, solos by
will be rendered, cons sting of speeches
Messrs. Nelson and Andrew Hicks,
Andrew Butt and Atlases Lily Elliott,
Laura Butt and Miss Alma Grigg,
vocalist. of Loudon,' violin solos by
MissL.White arnostexcellentinstisician
and a menAer of Dr. Torrington'
21tIchesandt315e. ' 1 L.., in es
-- WOo&!Phcsph�di
2.7r. Owe Pao;
Tones turd if,lgoratinn
narrow; „.a rt..
fn. eti1
ott* Debear. onvi Wgery,
108 ZIWIJans...moiltreatknesa.,
,!..'orrivatairt:44 ?reds (if .elbuscor Ercei
pkg. on Wiltruirtnaitilbit (1'newMPor
• or ou* .ffe
1 S.
a-aser nr:=Whif -a me
of his dau
jiceuary 1 t., t e death
occurred of a long and highly respect-
ed resident of Ushorne, in tbe person
of Mr. John Andre*, at the Ice of OD
years, 7 months, 20 days. Itboueb
practically retired from tarn ing; he
had lived south of the village since his
son, Sidney, took over the farm some
five years ago. For about it year he
had been ill; due largely to a wearing
out aif tbs. !system. the _result_of ad
Vabeett years. Born in Devonshire.
England, he came to Canada about .50
years ago,living first at Centralia. and
latterly in Ushorne, near this village.
About 44 years ago ne nierried Miss
Sarah Ann Spicer, who survive' him
with five children, Ira of Grantan„.
Sidney at home, errs. Daniel Hodgson
of Whiden, Mrs. David Bowtcliffe of
Exeter, and Mrs. Albert er
on t u pli. The sympathy of all is ex-
tended them. The funeral. 'which
emetery, was largely attended.
• i
Mr.' and Mrs. John Wright, of- Strats
ford spent is few days this week at the
home of J. V. Millson.+Mist, Bertha.
Sutherby of London visited her\ moth
er here this week. -Ernest Parkinson
Vi d wife of_Beyanstors were- visite
hem this week. -The many friends of
Mrs. Phillip Brooks who has been suf-
fering with paralysis for 'some time,
will be pleased to.learn that she is re-
covering. --=Mrs. Dan Hodgson his the
sineeresympathy of her ina _tar friends,
in--the-soi.row thraugh s ,e is
passing at the death of her father, Mr.
Andrews, who. died at Elimville on
TinirsOy and was buried at Exeter on
Saturday. -.1. Short and wife and Dan.
Lewis of\ MeGilliveay were visitiare et
-J. -V-,---Milletertteieleept_ -
011U(Rell ItcomsErr..-sunday an
-Monday will be days. tong to be re -
;membered by the people of 'Whalen.
On -Sunday--- their itiegnifibient- little
church was. re.opened and the congre-
gation have an edifice to be ,proud
The day was very stormy but this did
not prevent se good crowd trim turn-
ing out. Rev, W. J. Ford,
Glencoe, President of London,COnfeee,
tic.4.-occupted-the pulpit at 10.30
and t.30 Ilia ,ditomrsee were,
Well delivered, in and,approp.
riate and the congregations went away
J., Wile of Kirkton gave the people it
0e:fret to heart talk, whit* 'was inter.
estingrand very instructive. Mr. 0, .1.
Pink of the Imperial 'gale Quartette
London, and the ICirktoti Osattette
furnished the musielwhich WAS much
appreciated, 00 the following Mon-
day evening a fusel supper was bed in
the basement of the church. The sup.
per testified to the genuineness, and
generosity of theihtdiea and friends , of
the 'Congregation: there WAS 4114tbOrid-
ance of fowl and peatesedelieocies with.
NOM' ,.4.2YD CoAfifgfi TS
Pollowing the lead of our , Wind*
„acrosa the way the •crily thing those
canvassing for lir.-iiclaskan-seent-to-be
able to say is that Mr, McLean should
be elected by actlaromation, and the
reasbn given is that he was chosen as
This is one reason wty Ayer's'
;Cherry is 'so* Vsltis-'
Me hi' consumption. It stops
the Wear and tear of useless'
coughing. Out it does more
It colitrols the OfismtlIsti
ulets the, tev_er*Soothesthea
Ask rout doctdr. Shout this,
ir avart,atity -Tstrs.0,-;
re nom bo
ated. Alt restitned with the exception
of tiottlob Mario*. This leaves no
°tie short and steps. *ill hotte, to be
token to eleet the remaining member.
This it rather unfortunate that this
'village cannot get etiOnith public itpir.
ited citizens to act on the lloard of Po
lkelleustergS. I is cr err to issue ,inau in his usual good natured maw
bentores this. ear to =finish laying tier -Short, witty and congratulatory
is concrete *4 S, 9,4 Well es making speeches Were made br Revd*. An*
°visions for lighting our etreets. • dreort..Cooper, Going' and rod.' The
Pretty wedding took plae ott foriner desOted hie time to tile raisin
ristinas Day at the residence of It. Of 000 among these present ,atidAtthe
fittide_rsore,451Pirrhy,streer, the:trieeting nextly. , $400 had
mpeg. The contrafrting parties Were been subseribed for. no Kirktoir
Emma, Kreip, formerly of, Quartette gave severatfiat selections.
itoo. Ont.. to Jacob Iteeset of !lir. k cotiOrted the vocal port In
out 84a abundant wis the supply
that after the nwaiters 144 ben kept
thief tom 5109 - p.m, and none were
stinted sublefent was jett to .proVide
* ',octal on 'Wednesday evening. As
soon as they had finished supper' the
people passed to the auditerican'of the.
church which wati.Nery soon crowded ,
tzeitt Inmost Atilf *St • ttlittlir Mob"'im
tOtIld itOthl pocked, On the Stairs., an
,the plattortn. "Itev. Pair meted **Chair.
00011% OW*
It 1$ the tr.ost succcssful Onsitteal training cztc...:1
Weitern ()Atari% Our Coninferelal, Shorthand
and 1
, ,, seiiolin XXVI 4
„ we aro doin2 Oetninerela agnoel i ' well u lai.
1 nen men employ our graduates. Student* are en -
R 1 if% 1,2 sELDow ; tering, each week. Enter 1310W+
win „
Successor to Joseph-Cobblerlick) 1 . ' Princi
-(11neniporaitit by ieinf Paillament.1855),
Head Mee, • Montreal
- .-24,10Stats,:.
- —
OFFICE ROUES 10*. tn. too p. •SATURDAYS. 10*. nt. to I p.
DEPOSIT IteceiPts issued.and highest current rate of interest,allow
On further notice Intertot on &Woke aceounti Will 1140
aving Bank Department: u
credited IcitlarterlY instead et klitearly_aa „Ionneti7F-
......- Deposits srsir -and- utiikard$ received.
Agents at Exeter for. the Dominion Government;
DWKSoN & CARLIN% Solicitors. • n ItUltDON\„ 3,lan2ger„
Nomination at llonsalk
Continued fron Page 4
used in order to admit the many who
had gathered. •
be Chair wasTaikibliby- MiVG-COrge
Petty, who very ehly peoformed the
duties of the office.
Henry Hortonavas the Conservative
nominee, and M. y. fdeLean • the Lib.
eral nominee.
-Resides these eantlidatesi,--speeehes
were delivered by Jos. Armstanng,
M. P. for Larobton °malty. 11. Balser
M. P. P. for South Huron, and
Blain, 31.P:, of Peel County, in the
Conservative interests, II. IL
Dewaft..of Toronto, and P. F. Par.
bfSearilia. Iiiieke-Tir the 'Liberal
interests, It Would be impossible to --
report in detail What Witg said by the
alter& suffice -10o- say-thati--the,
e eetors of all 133118 of the riding have
beard or will bear the arguments ad,
vanced before.the campaign closes.
A Letter:from the llospital,
31‘._Knrrone Atreovern.
The Exeter_ Advoc te
to spes.k to my sympathizing friends,
ters of y hy and *el hold* very
awkward positionfor writing [thought
I Would make wholesale job of it by •.°,
asking* kind, favor or you. f you
rant. my request will stort h3r say.
ng I am as well as can be ex
and aa. comfortable ,as could
Foto the nature of the fracture, also
the severe ile4b wound. expect to
iinend.-tiettie **eke in the hospital..
though my doctors speak m1000110'
ingly. Iltev say. "No symptom* of
anything_serimutai yst4- No -definite
'time Could be :mentioned *a to my re- Exeter corniclt
eirverY. Noteritbstandieg ell I have
Antgative puttArd CadidaTitrl
kagitains a "math • oileaiiis4fessesiLesietta nien ati wortlea.
seArs -leadias subject:. while (lone cloaca or to= cirpanmen,.4 nt-rIct:
A slinciiird heading', ev ieteettee toelpiul 19.0,tneteee
1=.4stele twa•toloesoirer, every nicely ; Ltr,l-tzae ertlatrAtcria '
•ar3. tmt.b. ray. town arid cavalry veer& made km Piebse clic, fry ,
xotofiriaaAcc,hoottlevaph: ra lathe pro4Geb Mansseha,Svkiithew,a.4saattlik
Oar Swhottikes Oa to SU avoitits et tki REM erni
• and up. 641
:to contend with' I am hopeful ofre.
turnitig to. my -friends one of thoite The Connell Elett for 1908 nleb 1
41Iiro,; 'something look forward to the Town Ifoll'at Lib. Atcoad0
with great Joy:. Suehi teltotis ht January 1008, Took and e an
have. friends that know lio bounds to oet'h'ecl• 11.0.neterisorit oeth fa
tbeirheartfelt sympathy for one so Az follows ,
Knight, tut.
'Tearoom. '
nassortilyil-atn-sitreleatt tiot--forget ;U•wir,„,
the expression of Ch'rIstiatt. kindneis
Made uniniteiit inc when misfortune t„ l'oun**
Oviett4001( inc and I was sore in need of ,..evoce.
it belpinig hand. To Myariziousfastedit - After •Whichthe Rev.. lir.
-way of *peaking to.y.no. as I um ii4ja
...41.0ret eel offendefat the' brosdeas
t: by request of the Itefte. lea in -dee°.
tional exerests;ahroaddressin '
:words to the member.* of,the
fiestnan.ruke..That the thanks nf
• :the Weather* of the.Couttell
:tied to Rev. rollins tor, his pre,*
encelind itt taking part in the opening-
, of the Ceutieil Meeting!, fer '
The litieve,returned :thanks ,
Collins on liehitif of the Connell, ,.
P'uke.41tatl.-: &tiler
a * Municipal Andrior.
be a0 . u I Jame, Benz'
Connclfin • -Kivictilegthkttityiatbahdraertbis
Bear were I
I .41.tri,itipol,Audi
riht.114it fiattt.
:be, Treasurers Carried.
,$ohns-611tainsati - That
-ilaseLt ti•iti.topoltited, .
• M.
otiz-on my back. 'WeltlPft siltutIst
iMposaibility, ,patitent with me this
time for I never, eau_ , express myself
fully from the- awkward position
bold. t, Can onlY speak in brief.
treat4 by :the hest • of
way eeter4 Oats The bride was ° ten the P '1114 'Prii*I4e$ 114 °"11.6' ',1Papect go -4. result" franu ail that am
bY *itiderson. She ° Wits thet itilltronft emte‘i-e0• 'tue •11.0eitink, An ti.*,t4trIttonlinty trece‘,.
eternity eet;etee in white point rlindierice alarmed to ium.astuptureee.'
*wit pret, white silk, carrying r as 30414 be ,,.11Mit
tiOft,r1 1)00rAtiOtli
enlecii?afttift4Shihetwere tbornih1y . 01:h7eir:47-"Ittit°71t4411644'11Ptirvtfte Bi' lf'. IY* patient
inset, 'who Was also gowiled. V.Millsorea class of lit iris '
e and cArtied bOarlet'' itif Oink boys Admitatily rendered t
ping pennies for
*snot& 11 the kindest of harem.
ht it and
!tha ion
ett. Tiktv 1004111 *au attended ' Par1.4,04. ','.... .. .
ae-J.'F.,-D.ouglsee.- iit'ailettink,7. 31an, ,isa tbey finialltd they passedt e wee_ ..
. n Exeter and Hensel' * long
\ ' Ot Cy after 5 hicloek the bridal tiarty- hox. whkb colitained $14.50 to t o.ortriadyla for. Finder *III he °re.
-otered the beatttifolly ilibminated tor for the church. The colleetion *hied by leaving at this Oltree.
and decorated drarting.roorn,„ whit.. u *Mounted to $811,53,:while$2$4) ' ' .._ . ,
i9s-Dowe, 14 Roimai--pissi,-7 tesysd' w - miltied On; litondeir eatetilter; ,Ori
A ieturie of •the ille%ner be dedication /service -will b.
b It followed was the botatital,SO4. Roo. X. Akre of Graintott Will
i tisk.. *kith *** a gift Mt. at 1 iss. IttAtofe wilt b4p,
lir Nes. *la ',. ° It ' 1st t!fs
wedding march. The, ;barrlage r neat ReV. . Goiter, x • h
moray was ritormed by ° Rev. A,5 e III preach et' 10,30 **01.. 'After
theOlfiN. • appointed--ihal
same as for 1007. --Carried. ,
Ifearnan-rnke-That the Clerk, Call
for tenders forthe rib -
weighscales, and' ting. Te
to be in \the bandit) Clerk by %SO
p. nide .,Januar t „
Adjourn to Friday, 'err Iltbs
- tittle*
It ttl.*1
eel ey *it le -ode;
- A
. fa.
1 it Exot