HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-16, Page 2 (2),thart. k 11.41tail aty "11 * t Ines -t,I4ellgit eof Or* Williams' -Intik Pills. , eteep-feett w MIS 414 Irittdo;Y: tictzU ta..1 itroag; listless* tiale‘keed are • gtYkIl maw hea4111t, isyq;ek..11-4, $7,-; UdgE1 taN;h1C 104174.401 ifig'11124 141QZ.--.1idsty• even, beg ex jeameaal-ce and Sa/ta.eapten' MoVe en the Jaiht delicate biedel of 1Ieo't4a and'one thei hen 1 1 illtrolacerine, the' Uft4 the IFfreeret el Tii,e_entovalte or its '4 awalleble CAseta Prov4 " poeitiori, thesa!uOunt ti tilr•P°' IS institution 1t.et Age:111101X elUnd which ere is • three or lour days-0fiit --TaTihne , nib , , _ran -',./1 _lin- _ ' ' "IT' j ; _ .0 ‘ 007 a 41 . etheirebelkr reamd . she mias poing into dielizie. A b e means -hontlarepulSion tv4s' not 4 simple m.atter, 13ut INIr. Maxtrafinally ewrithi offor ten thousand' dol , lady friend Advised 11ie use of 1)1. Wit. a . 11 V Ve,0759-11V-4be Ikuris'PLnk Pdls'' will'64-14)" clmett 1J&) S() faand a Way to set MIS mOtiVe s at tatance 91 -.*241-,11e4 nas been' boxes., fly the time Riese were osea t., -rried forward _le : next Year, The there was a marked , Improvement, and '01.71,rhegi*IwIgatiern w..41tetertil*If-,61111 litriet the%mgchtteen Walla for he year amoxint, tii $.147,819, . el got .a further supply kr her, The • • , beetaWitlaasealiggaeetalluer awn), '... a t tbe- hiendett-eeptOeiveaeintoi pew. -which is 4!-rillal -ta 14413; of. fl, capital,' . liaeVit .tsigLIptx_cisth'. hnn1r.l„doller shares of this Bank .• ---------a-'-'-condititaieeiaaeseeegceate.thale ' ' -4*U- L 1) e eathF11,4te(1111:el • ,- - not think that she was the s, me, g, 1- • ---a...., • 1 will always have a kindly keling for rorielYT ! , I fkohlent with Mr, Illaxlin be- Figures extelt as these &elm/strafe 'di .....,Dire-W4Illavas'a Pink l'ilis.!),-. .• ,I., ' .0 1 ,endown• $0 , they ay uneertain__Iashioa what aueeess a •... , . ,,,,-.. _.,,,,,,...., You can get . these pills from any wetildirt .hiVer'-iIiii-lerned(i 16:::atoills' -- ..1.'” 7.4:taiiirt*ir:it4ittefiralloblo •- --meditate- dezder- or by :malt at '110c a '-eneh-lime'110-tet one loose-. - 1,314 finallY e-il judiciously eonSerVallve inan-- box -or -she- baxte feje,e alpaiPX'''''PR7Tl'i'ftitItig:ef 34., t„4.1111110411...!9tf,"414744*T145' 'b.tifir''''''''-ilitt77111/st:x3" ! - --------7-1-Yi.,-Wtt Illl'etihif::4141.1*„. -11114, -beti-r-ith le-va.-ande 0.___Seet„ IA ,.. , . e, , . ,„. - ee _ liirM .._e:...:17,„-,.......orit r,..-... _..-___.....„......_,........,,,,_ __. , -goleferetWiltemr n - a`mt.-----backivartt•trionaA:hetstern,:or-tri- CIIU 1) d. J...4110..... rdj"751t.'" ' " . 17iiiiiinf7tflirt'... Ifirfir,::1411,,,, '''''',• i ''''-`41)P-3.9 . te,5,eirlif.a-falf.Td-16-1-161111,;. or as far,aa tea miliesswith pilled eirta ,-,,- ed• rtal aii gieleoe' Ica firkin fonr, stag*. lag practioll$ ,Laaa 441lit of Altdall-pliatnizeid ateJ, .thj )r aAVM Ittiadia 11- let otlirlOOk tliate tut scsi ciliate° muillieu tatip_wiltatth1;* ,tnarrant It plain asked ift to guaraztee cedar elf les for even years?ten lie certainly would f e-remar And even the best cedar-Pabingred roof will be inside of ten years. - altingled roof is fireproof for a , 'aid thefirst hi: W* p u8- ier to put on; $14 44 Wm** -01x)ittion rurement Of any roof,. mid Well tell Ur what it will eost to roof with work and for 771#111:' ivei -have,a'N Much Chance of Being Married.. Not the least Of the Ionian& feal res or The xnerriages of Mexico are the Jaen - Monks uniting. children. The marrilp so!' girls „over 12 years, of age and toys • oven* 14 is permitted, and most mord- rigs in Mexico come in, eerly. lkfte,acan Iteratit- • , . 'Ttrereee.areFabout GaffailtTages Month in this • etaPital, o ridiculous proportion in view or the fact that the • A WOR1)---Wettle--- Baby's Own Tablets\. la the only xi -1. eine for children that, gives lbe nte eer the guarantee of a Government rota est that It 12 absolutely._free from ,..ele,;e le ttenarte--41 blest destroy. AVOITUS, rtk up eel 1 and stipple feversand-bring teb -.. 1t:t -7Wrstilifelf •arily, I have, netteed !het When .a w aii..1.,vreaelles a. certein 41-1116 etieke so popular is .1.3iekle's An4 conswnp tve Syrup es- a reedicne in the treat- ment of eetds and coughs(Jr altineul tbe throat. dile to exte'isures to v. • macaw.- , r a eannaar. amaa, r.41-111-gg n/edieines 1,{1Nelf. 441,Tp 03 es on to meet the deinend, 11 tsplea- tpupate populkrt atby the een,aus of 1000. was Ihreugh. painlessly. ,They give haiy sant o take, and the use'of it 550i000; midi is now ' probably nearer 1 Aland nalarai sleep, becausethy re- t t"'"" l'Ivtimil i"5n1 thl'at.tt antllung W. ' (00,000. This enlall - proportion et /ego 1 Twee the cause of cross•lazd steep- peon la educated to believe that' the le- ute great ,satisfaction both .for teething; yeu meet have a good. 011Petile,' . . inarriages is duelargely to the expense lessnese. -Mrs.- Ralph lud . flaven, Ont., attending Al ritarriaere Is not seered without the , troubles' and constipation:I' • , Sold- liS'• lemailicd the thin . meta enviou.sly,, I a aeligoue ceremony, for the seys; °Rail's Own Tabl IS have given FOR A\ AP CTITE , church service. Ren0d 'when. he 601- all medi(ine dealers or 'by Mail at,2-5 "NA, hat do you' 'eke for' ilr - - not 'have the charch, service he dogs, cents h. tox from The 1)ie *Williams "In all eny expdrienee," WOO' Ilinot. 1)other 1 , - -„ee...elecatedieine_aco5-fire,selietnet-Le 4 i Which is not expensive, performed. moieuUbe iban - *ed.' The-geneealeage fer-veonten t 4 , , PROOF 01;' BRAVERY. - '$r. Afexleo is about 20,: . the. stats . . MISTAKEN. AFTER Af:„I.;.e. for the last two montbe show the fol•'• loleing noires on the niarrYng of ivo- , men: . . ' Front. 12 ,to 20 years, 31; from 21 lo -30---yeart-102r.recirtr-31-te---43- -yeats, 1 from 40 -to Z.0 years. 5. , No wonian over ,60 was 'verde(' (lur- ing this period. As seen from these Algures, the number of women who married nt from 21 to 30 years, IS great- er than ILny other. The age at which- _• most women marry in- Mexico les -rem- it), to. 24.- ft Is to be observed that in thee -higher ctissaes -the--zirls marry gen- erally when over 20, end some Of them yearly 30 and over 30„' while in the mid- dle class a great Majority of Me wo- men' miury before they aye 20 years ' , enee-iter- a, eta---T-i-dra747-761171117!' co - trarYi-the.-entrtaereofegirlsevetio-ritarry before 20 Is 'considerable, and many of tixtrn marry 415, 14And even ilyeans- The most recent ee4eg (if girls married • at • 15 and le are -observed among the • middle false -end lewer elase people. ' One of these, is Angela Carmona. Who rnacried at 15 years; another Is a Span- ish giri. ling:firio tI011.74102. Write ' mar- -vied- at 10aand- rinotieev iThilt of 1l=. - arda fintierrez, who may.l.Vii..:41,14. NS to .the ra4a1, the , age at 'Which ihey generally merry Is also frotri '.11 to years.. 'The -statistics for the last two months show that the minter Of men! Marriel at different ages was as fol. tow,s: . 'From 14 to 20 yearg, 5; frohl 'II to :10 years. 90; from 31 to 45 yars, 57; over 09 years. 1. ' - It de -goen that lae proportion of men morrying hefere 30 year is strong, -411, thsiugh -it is riel„ ea _heavy as -.Mateo! the Wenien,, morried under that ege. The preporthan ot-Neorilen .rearried un 4143Z1 30 Yeare is 130 to` ett,elvlitte' Ihe *one pro.pertioit among _the•nten is 05 , ., to .70. . In Alextrel a Imitri' aieve '30 tg MO- elilered ae not having inneb ehanr- ct teing, married. ant1,411. the middle the ehanee4 are not . great beyond' .45 ' years, • , marry ile frsenihnentaliy)--"Mny torie to 'Pee eaa pretty 'seen?" She fjestingly)-- I rather Ede!. tin pretty nem.. An antaieur punter ,,infortts tame- lieuReS. have arab he t.e!ti houee fly. We ththgh furl, of a house save the ehintney A NhIttiflatt".---"Phs. eltildroa. why- are 1,-(3ti, 1. te4layr' ,:z* -ter snift it we weye She'd Atng to 03 toliigt11,;" • '. • a' • • 9N,I4141)." SCIfti ittO Tointny*,.,AIlere 1!4 Sbil.lax4;r1latri'• oh,-. 6ftrd • Lf e"' brether Willie, 4'11'6 at (Alter cud ct •14aplankli.4 , 11:10 yott th( ikstst Tic ecitvu: t cant see." Prea Pow in 00 tt;Itoi *kyr )-cu pnl.'llear*4 . V.Air ''Ult;1460.1 say$ that *brit 1i t$ itit,rry '41%'*41 Cialfikt• tPril 'btftlr .epeal0e," wcntatt. thit, clitrr; twit since 41y,spopaitt ilottt tt.'"ents- 1104 fit at Oa* tot anittonetic:•.. Mrs. Naas (reading) --"In seme parts of Africa the mere _wivee o num hai. Ike greater his soelal iinportanee." Naggs---"Well, I :suppose the teoie dntire- a braV-6 , A CHANGE Is ritzum. Through the long wiAdee one needs a change. Why go- South when "The Welland," St, Calhorines. offers 441 en- vieonment at-moderak coalevtdelt -witt minister te tired nerve's' and worn out treadles? Try theionic. influence ol1i lr St. Catharines Well" and ilw resift!! Ite• nuance et "The -Wefiend." Apply the manager, St. Catbar er any Agent of GrahdTrunk Rai System. W.411111•80.110 rrill'riu.:*41t:414:4**dogicualtsiii111061v774:131rPliVstilvaiireaviCns?i:e p. Curealld eikti Thorough)** to betC)111Pated * , Tbe One --"1 supPc.,ee, ,eit, you *think ava a feel?" • - The 'Othere-"t 'did think Tee. but now tbixee. pal zatiLS.Lbt reodera 4,1terefore eTon eaonot fool, and •,1 beg pair eerd(m far Ranking you were?' , • Although -the man wIto deesn't jYay his 410.fts iney be gone, he isn't forgotten. Nip, Me nee in lite Red. -At -is a aftee it hi become keato,d* therefiore it is wise t lake tiny ailment Ks etagee and by safaz -remedies vs are sultieten sto IL in. its course. Cold is the Com peSle eon -Oath!, _or num, .atetz,we - • - .-• Tmns 11111_11111!..,thee.a T•fereit- viiilerit Cantle Speech is 'woman Pa:: "Woman, my ,srat.,_ ISM° part oIsptaCC14-Sh4•411-4-4," Pare,nts buy 'Mettler G!ata's- Worm Exterminator because they know it is safe,anedicine for their children and PL effectual- expeller ot weitniso 'Wine dem the' prit;We6r ktkra _ete 'VS name It? "That shows that he gat nide by degrees," Ringbolt* Soros Swelling*. .1prataruise: lana"ofeues*as r,gio.refartet hobookut-e. " TrelitIse 913 the gett$11sereb°tet,6"4- • f° e's *GILA IOW eCtoiltstftrOkiltiogik IAA WITH Power, Heat, Electric Liht o Lease for a Term of Year Central loeittlott. About tett thousand square feet 1 *fldb*$am*nt, nx•tat�UI w tiara Tiinee--That perieht of time Nvincit IS 4 ni ..evop of fleece. .• , Ta Prevent is Better Than to Repent. t Al Itilleili firit:IHI:Itsirlesvirliettheals,ehaupe4owefIrl.lalse alantly; "Silas, we ,(toref. hilow no -thin . . - • 1111.1111‘11.4 AtOttilt41/ii I. '1(11 ONO 1 1 I e4: :It'olljra-tP111's{te,'IddrioUirtiej4111 11-11:11Vith'lt-tall's4eritroncu'es.' _ (Meek or sickness., and save nioney " whieli ''veraild go Id the (loetor. In all . irregularities of the digestive organs - they are an invaluebie corrective and It' by •eleansfng the blood they etear the r akin' of ihiperfeetions. Job Sconifiter ; "Sorry,lo -hear you had scarlet fever your laatea. Tilers a bad disease. They say .it usually leaves you with something. Popb?y:. "Huh! It isn't likely to leave •re..; wilthenelythingaludging-ltenn the-46c- tor's bill." •• Tistrals 5. mere °wind. *kis tiOials thiti Valt Ithettni. It iostottsatts lingers for but Vflitesi's Owe*. *us* shw ort ork ti IL Also, t* Weser ea Wrap te lee** Piritlinilt, 0112% yen seetle this IJIII-44.141*-Liti'l asked 111e taller of the delinquent At.it 'No, Soli); it wouhin't Itritanien tory. rvo nierely glanced ever It* V4)know, and 1 can't pass a bill mitt) afte Ile Card reading." , , wheo, . tews,-,-bey -4a nit Ike menthe teeetee, Try it (or neuialg o or illeutuittlo_ttitirts. tlot Wlm it e' simplot thluK slid will ou any --e-womtut &1 iww- 1- .5tte can't- get away -for a two weeks' visit. • • i 1 1 4 ' "14 -the poor im 1 II . "tatzl'AVIrattiaVi.,, amt. fehild V 'Emilia': "W7113 right here tbey're ofilerini to sell nndressed kid,s z_tta ae much 4 pair.'. Where tan 1 get some Of flottor,vay's, Cora Cure, 1 was entirdy cured' of nty ebirias by this .rentekly and, 1 wish- ' same tiler° of it .,fer my 'friends. tio wrilee- Mr. 1. W. flroVvai, !Oviever giitaf 1* tiontioV; 164b4W "Profee,zor," told seriiore 'trying:to be thole ot Mot if you fAke Allott% tut% 1141%.0*. * who thotolet es yours* aesi viot 'wait wait pathetic at parlit)es„ 9 arn iudelded t It *little* tot thit lungs,. for thew, inm* with AUsn pfLitu tOr ail I Li:ems- "Prey don't mea Lung B*tsaus, conskiete **ILO wilt be, WOWS r. site!) a trifle was.1,4 reply, • - It iSn't always the Irian who lifts ria- quirest the most, information who knews A Tonic tor 'the .flobilitated.-eParrne. Vegetable by acting the, niest. but therpughlye on SeCretioltS of be tha, •sdy. are vainI abto onic* stfint. - ITC11. Manga-- Pratele Scl'i11ctlea And lobate the' lagging* organs' to a- health.. every term or oontsksio0 !toil On iluAtil00; -zestorittg---thein----,10- .in50 nifdates'liy\vol. vigor. They eon be taken in groduat, rierfIrs Sanitary rAtion. it never telt Sed- by -ati draggiata, t dosearri' sof.used that they On be disocintinucd, at any time wilhetit • turn or, the rpiltrents which 'they 'twit the stl'Aulit6Nsi, » o56,1 to allay. ldd*pi _you. arit oat • II or Me'. WO aFtprrovint." It' the but ;wire. III bott MI goilielso OWE% . 0 • ....,...... .......4. - posT CARDS DV 1111„101S141. ......,-„. t ,, Plan or ElliNopt011 Royalties .toi Raton; *, ,-,, . Money for Chttrity4 , - pie Queen DawagerCarola, of Snx... eny', who died^ a couple of 'Weeks age. end the Prineess . lliethilde,_ who is 4s and'unniarried,oiVIrtateii,a rase/moths. 41g0' 4 ,nevir way 4.4- raising topney for, tharity which iq . being• generally- copied in 'Germany. They deSignedWor- ld Postal eards• ot ,seene's In Saxony awl Itatl then) lithographed and plaed ion &Me' In Dresden with 110fr egna. tutu as the, desigaers. The proceed4 ntl were devoted to :the Cale 4.4...p. Jo Ism' ' tire. ' ' Vitriou Prineklat% lutv,e gate adoplei the pith*, . end lt-' ;Medea o'newspaper now, aratourlook 'that the.Xtd$er biroialt x designing a set ot cards;whielt *ill t ,only bring good returns for char. •but --also detnoriarttle to the w hs abitity with pencil 'and trash, 11 tomorea that itto sow*. *11.1 be Itogiirtgitt, denting- ' CiVah 'he destroy the liohermollerna and the relations., Weett Ow people,. ot4 (*many and he illiperI*1 hot*: * streng nlind will not liavela re 114 Od. , , with fool attgmeil nit -telly. , -livery Suntlay,Vayer Wititaefer Ntc day tunkn.• • 4should.,te it intlives 0, .r.oftr...ifieltl,/, ',Inky!, is in :this utald for 11 ,see it and triti"inore. 'The rruilsot•lt:uth au zit gat/twit Ly aboutblite bush._ , • - ; SanteIllink'they .are flint Id the (11111 ho are Only frozen in !Knit', • • It ou are a itUtIfriella :tr(olt rtee41 fe,put,irst an *it ktfelieldlirieva •-• A tildrig, exponent tr- MO Bible i$,w-,r11:41 'Any innut.*4- Ijc,F.it, expositors; , Alan)", it -that* .t>ohstittli4ig.,\Ikprlan the 'A40,1 fcir Ivot Mpg for thi%, 4A 14 An nu m sprint. itr'rOigion ill 41ei tti4e1 5('c In ittf, hCavenly rat*. rlkw rnight so(n \mode tvc41, knly r ,roopte w(4.11i1 tritt4t tts Tnn'ett tor y , a t t' t way al i6 lighten bit tom]. tuttniratiort their IlltiStte'.5 lcach. nt,.? ZIO 1,fikkr than ititer relectiert f,t it. lite ttlrensfh• a a iratifa wilt is likoly itt cppoisito ftrcportion to that' (1' brrath. allY a mart 1‘, litre" tattle. tieenne6 h" - not ahirkcit the dull 4411 ctaya :When- a ,gtr1. tells a younit tnan-thot 'ilrcatne41 htrit the night 'before, bp to to pmpose or get Out, the gate. atm t/io best Allis 'ntcney IsWitl,,s is have thirig k do ittt 111CM. " 11AVV: TO SI,E.'AK. lutpe...ssIble,•-'. era "far le% Le live 'lie- Tat ,tot quarrel." - • snrappM Mre. Nagget, '"it possible not to quarmt if naither of Us °Of eourst. hut* as 1 1$4, irs imp -os iibte far us to live togptlier and not IC.. IMO iCtifitili illalf . • aN inintlitaa Outilltetimaia; • Active. Agents can Earn a Subti Oar 'Weekly income. write at owe for pettioden. r 4111flit AMIN issimmicE CONAK ----or-oaresinte- ioatitteterutersesteart-÷-=' ;Try a Visit to the Estnatts .5 - , Or file g Q iltme .44N.A0A; - • tteA.L.Xii Ite$0414 ' 111-thellitgitiltPeninsula. _ ,.,_...._ Too iciemstatiat *I rierv***111100 tall Statti*itatiat at atiteatity., MAKE VOUR ,W ' COUGH,114.1tzE 41.r tictost:,. • Thn following 'recipe will eve a fannies, antreffective mixture, which 4 bat bee* known for yeltre• by 'doctor* aatt'thePatista lo cure cousin* ',whoop. ogtis' 300: broubiii*g.... Vinid tattaet, liquid extract Casetir*.e.....e. g Fiixir Tolette 4 *4- OW* W*./;* jorBest Of.lt **:# * Take . AtittliertSIMer411 4iferir two or Alio*hoota.-- tbildrea in properYon can .. e • a, y it1 • 1004, 1118 )1416 i ' le yti 4A rf hi :ter:: Mr4tseellyi,11: I.e ii 4.34912;0"br "tialiter' , , ' 1 h v lie ft for 2,.-ou;.trienin F, 1, bvsiinikigly. i not vot,te any , 1 nut „wailin 's t4!i'1 11,,irdis il l! :r tcramt) contotied 0 titiktmk. Ciatmco piettIlittio,ThttfliV4:141, retnr. st'sgoportuiteing th Ina eta,•14 MISX' E Why 41 yOlti call young .1 %holly? 1014 first "gate s Neaht Towne." • • , ktio'Wt," repiki Ilreeiene, "tilt lha inttriPMPriate• :N3/41 1111t1 EPAI •gtr.,,td get .irt ot1I rale." ha are youlyng Mktg. . gplicild U fytilrit 0 it4i4allt1.• -• ineorge•, the mire lint* ir-,1 ititolite' jA ey arid eaten Up * beitallitil (usitala Made nlyself r "Theft** lbero. MY 1).:11,1 ery over a fiearlitile /nicer ir dephtfully eeatopliinentill'y rekh. , .1WAttifiadarelaillfr 44! '444 ,* •74c, " -14A#M4 3,4440 „ toktelf4i it. ... '.1..t- . ' . Shingle' ,•,..0 . i .. , 4,;',/:'-i;,r7 . Ought ' a,* . .• , 0.. --, - .....i I irk ' . - 14 . zetJ d: .. 1.- 3... - asked ift to guaraztee cedar elf les for even years?ten lie certainly would f e-remar And even the best cedar-Pabingred roof will be inside of ten years. - altingled roof is fireproof for a , 'aid thefirst hi: W* p u8- ier to put on; $14 44 Wm** -01x)ittion rurement Of any roof,. mid Well tell Ur what it will eost to roof with work and for 771#111:' ivei -have,a'N Much Chance of Being Married.. Not the least Of the Ionian& feal res or The xnerriages of Mexico are the Jaen - Monks uniting. children. The marrilp so!' girls „over 12 years, of age and toys • oven* 14 is permitted, and most mord- rigs in Mexico come in, eerly. lkfte,acan Iteratit- • , . 'Ttrereee.areFabout GaffailtTages Month in this • etaPital, o ridiculous proportion in view or the fact that the • A WOR1)---Wettle--- Baby's Own Tablets\. la the only xi -1. eine for children that, gives lbe nte eer the guarantee of a Government rota est that It 12 absolutely._free from ,..ele,;e le ttenarte--41 blest destroy. AVOITUS, rtk up eel 1 and stipple feversand-bring teb -.. 1t:t -7Wrstilifelf •arily, I have, netteed !het When .a w aii..1.,vreaelles a. certein 41-1116 etieke so popular is .1.3iekle's An4 conswnp tve Syrup es- a reedicne in the treat- ment of eetds and coughs(Jr altineul tbe throat. dile to exte'isures to v. • macaw.- , r a eannaar. amaa, r.41-111-gg n/edieines 1,{1Nelf. 441,Tp 03 es on to meet the deinend, 11 tsplea- tpupate populkrt atby the een,aus of 1000. was Ihreugh. painlessly. ,They give haiy sant o take, and the use'of it 550i000; midi is now ' probably nearer 1 Aland nalarai sleep, becausethy re- t t"'"" l'Ivtimil i"5n1 thl'at.tt antllung W. ' (00,000. This enlall - proportion et /ego 1 Twee the cause of cross•lazd steep- peon la educated to believe that' the le- ute great ,satisfaction both .for teething; yeu meet have a good. 011Petile,' . . inarriages is duelargely to the expense lessnese. -Mrs.- Ralph lud . flaven, Ont., attending Al ritarriaere Is not seered without the , troubles' and constipation:I' • , Sold- liS'• lemailicd the thin . meta enviou.sly,, I a aeligoue ceremony, for the seys; °Rail's Own Tabl IS have given FOR A\ AP CTITE , church service. Ren0d 'when. he 601- all medi(ine dealers or 'by Mail at,2-5 "NA, hat do you' 'eke for' ilr - - not 'have the charch, service he dogs, cents h. tox from The 1)ie *Williams "In all eny expdrienee," WOO' Ilinot. 1)other 1 , - -„ee...elecatedieine_aco5-fire,selietnet-Le 4 i Which is not expensive, performed. moieuUbe iban - *ed.' The-geneealeage fer-veonten t 4 , , PROOF 01;' BRAVERY. - '$r. Afexleo is about 20,: . the. stats . . MISTAKEN. AFTER Af:„I.;.e. for the last two montbe show the fol•'• loleing noires on the niarrYng of ivo- , men: . . ' Front. 12 ,to 20 years, 31; from 21 lo -30---yeart-102r.recirtr-31-te---43- -yeats, 1 from 40 -to Z.0 years. 5. , No wonian over ,60 was 'verde(' (lur- ing this period. As seen from these Algures, the number of women who married nt from 21 to 30 years, IS great- er than ILny other. The age at which- _• most women marry in- Mexico les -rem- it), to. 24.- ft Is to be observed that in thee -higher ctissaes -the--zirls marry gen- erally when over 20, end some Of them yearly 30 and over 30„' while in the mid- dle class a great Majority of Me wo- men' miury before they aye 20 years ' , enee-iter- a, eta---T-i-dra747-761171117!' co - trarYi-the.-entrtaereofegirlsevetio-ritarry before 20 Is 'considerable, and many of tixtrn marry 415, 14And even ilyeans- The most recent ee4eg (if girls married • at • 15 and le are -observed among the • middle false -end lewer elase people. ' One of these, is Angela Carmona. Who rnacried at 15 years; another Is a Span- ish giri. ling:firio tI011.74102. Write ' mar- -vied- at 10aand- rinotieev iThilt of 1l=. - arda fintierrez, who may.l.Vii..:41,14. NS to .the ra4a1, the , age at 'Which ihey generally merry Is also frotri '.11 to years.. 'The -statistics for the last two months show that the minter Of men! Marriel at different ages was as fol. tow,s: . 'From 14 to 20 yearg, 5; frohl 'II to :10 years. 90; from 31 to 45 yars, 57; over 09 years. 1. ' - It de -goen that lae proportion of men morrying hefere 30 year is strong, -411, thsiugh -it is riel„ ea _heavy as -.Mateo! the Wenien,, morried under that ege. The preporthan ot-Neorilen .rearried un 4143Z1 30 Yeare is 130 to` ett,elvlitte' Ihe *one pro.pertioit among _the•nten is 05 , ., to .70. . In Alextrel a Imitri' aieve '30 tg MO- elilered ae not having inneb ehanr- ct teing, married. ant1,411. the middle the ehanee4 are not . great beyond' .45 ' years, • , marry ile frsenihnentaliy)--"Mny torie to 'Pee eaa pretty 'seen?" She fjestingly)-- I rather Ede!. tin pretty nem.. An antaieur punter ,,infortts tame- lieuReS. have arab he t.e!ti houee fly. We ththgh furl, of a house save the ehintney A NhIttiflatt".---"Phs. eltildroa. why- are 1,-(3ti, 1. te4layr' ,:z* -ter snift it we weye She'd Atng to 03 toliigt11,;" • '. • a' • • 9N,I4141)." SCIfti ittO Tointny*,.,AIlere 1!4 Sbil.lax4;r1latri'• oh,-. 6ftrd • Lf e"' brether Willie, 4'11'6 at (Alter cud ct •14aplankli.4 , 11:10 yott th( ikstst Tic ecitvu: t cant see." Prea Pow in 00 tt;Itoi *kyr )-cu pnl.'llear*4 . V.Air ''Ult;1460.1 say$ that *brit 1i t$ itit,rry '41%'*41 Cialfikt• tPril 'btftlr .epeal0e," wcntatt. thit, clitrr; twit since 41y,spopaitt ilottt tt.'"ents- 1104 fit at Oa* tot anittonetic:•.. Mrs. Naas (reading) --"In seme parts of Africa the mere _wivee o num hai. Ike greater his soelal iinportanee." Naggs---"Well, I :suppose the teoie dntire- a braV-6 , A CHANGE Is ritzum. Through the long wiAdee one needs a change. Why go- South when "The Welland," St, Calhorines. offers 441 en- vieonment at-moderak coalevtdelt -witt minister te tired nerve's' and worn out treadles? Try theionic. influence ol1i lr St. Catharines Well" and ilw resift!! Ite• nuance et "The -Wefiend." Apply the manager, St. Catbar er any Agent of GrahdTrunk Rai System. W.411111•80.110 rrill'riu.:*41t:414:4**dogicualtsiii111061v774:131rPliVstilvaiireaviCns?i:e p. Curealld eikti Thorough)** to betC)111Pated * , Tbe One --"1 supPc.,ee, ,eit, you *think ava a feel?" • - The 'Othere-"t 'did think Tee. but now tbixee. pal zatiLS.Lbt reodera 4,1terefore eTon eaonot fool, and •,1 beg pair eerd(m far Ranking you were?' , • Although -the man wIto deesn't jYay his 410.fts iney be gone, he isn't forgotten. Nip, Me nee in lite Red. -At -is a aftee it hi become keato,d* therefiore it is wise t lake tiny ailment Ks etagee and by safaz -remedies vs are sultieten sto IL in. its course. Cold is the Com peSle eon -Oath!, _or num, .atetz,we - • - .-• Tmns 11111_11111!..,thee.a T•fereit- viiilerit Cantle Speech is 'woman Pa:: "Woman, my ,srat.,_ ISM° part oIsptaCC14-Sh4•411-4-4," Pare,nts buy 'Mettler G!ata's- Worm Exterminator because they know it is safe,anedicine for their children and PL effectual- expeller ot weitniso 'Wine dem the' prit;We6r ktkra _ete 'VS name It? "That shows that he gat nide by degrees," Ringbolt* Soros Swelling*. .1prataruise: lana"ofeues*as r,gio.refartet hobookut-e. " TrelitIse 913 the gett$11sereb°tet,6"4- • f° e's *GILA IOW eCtoiltstftrOkiltiogik IAA WITH Power, Heat, Electric Liht o Lease for a Term of Year Central loeittlott. About tett thousand square feet 1 *fldb*$am*nt, nx•tat�UI w tiara Tiinee--That perieht of time Nvincit IS 4 ni ..evop of fleece. .• , Ta Prevent is Better Than to Repent. t Al Itilleili firit:IHI:Itsirlesvirliettheals,ehaupe4owefIrl.lalse alantly; "Silas, we ,(toref. hilow no -thin . . - • 1111.1111‘11.4 AtOttilt41/ii I. '1(11 ONO 1 1 I e4: :It'olljra-tP111's{te,'IddrioUirtiej4111 11-11:11Vith'lt-tall's4eritroncu'es.' _ (Meek or sickness., and save nioney " whieli ''veraild go Id the (loetor. In all . irregularities of the digestive organs - they are an invaluebie corrective and It' by •eleansfng the blood they etear the r akin' of ihiperfeetions. Job Sconifiter ; "Sorry,lo -hear you had scarlet fever your laatea. Tilers a bad disease. They say .it usually leaves you with something. Popb?y:. "Huh! It isn't likely to leave •re..; wilthenelythingaludging-ltenn the-46c- tor's bill." •• Tistrals 5. mere °wind. *kis tiOials thiti Valt Ithettni. It iostottsatts lingers for but Vflitesi's Owe*. *us* shw ort ork ti IL Also, t* Weser ea Wrap te lee** Piritlinilt, 0112% yen seetle this IJIII-44.141*-Liti'l asked 111e taller of the delinquent At.it 'No, Soli); it wouhin't Itritanien tory. rvo nierely glanced ever It* V4)know, and 1 can't pass a bill mitt) afte Ile Card reading." , , wheo, . tews,-,-bey -4a nit Ike menthe teeetee, Try it (or neuialg o or illeutuittlo_ttitirts. tlot Wlm it e' simplot thluK slid will ou any --e-womtut &1 iww- 1- .5tte can't- get away -for a two weeks' visit. • • i 1 1 4 ' "14 -the poor im 1 II . "tatzl'AVIrattiaVi.,, amt. fehild V 'Emilia': "W7113 right here tbey're ofilerini to sell nndressed kid,s z_tta ae much 4 pair.'. Where tan 1 get some Of flottor,vay's, Cora Cure, 1 was entirdy cured' of nty ebirias by this .rentekly and, 1 wish- ' same tiler° of it .,fer my 'friends. tio wrilee- Mr. 1. W. flroVvai, !Oviever giitaf 1* tiontioV; 164b4W "Profee,zor," told seriiore 'trying:to be thole ot Mot if you fAke Allott% tut% 1141%.0*. * who thotolet es yours* aesi viot 'wait wait pathetic at parlit)es„ 9 arn iudelded t It *little* tot thit lungs,. for thew, inm* with AUsn pfLitu tOr ail I Li:ems- "Prey don't mea Lung B*tsaus, conskiete **ILO wilt be, WOWS r. site!) a trifle was.1,4 reply, • - It iSn't always the Irian who lifts ria- quirest the most, information who knews A Tonic tor 'the .flobilitated.-eParrne. Vegetable by acting the, niest. but therpughlye on SeCretioltS of be tha, •sdy. are vainI abto onic* stfint. - ITC11. Manga-- Pratele Scl'i11ctlea And lobate the' lagging* organs' to a- health.. every term or oontsksio0 !toil On iluAtil00; -zestorittg---thein----,10- .in50 nifdates'liy\vol. vigor. They eon be taken in groduat, rierfIrs Sanitary rAtion. it never telt Sed- by -ati draggiata, t dosearri' sof.used that they On be disocintinucd, at any time wilhetit • turn or, the rpiltrents which 'they 'twit the stl'Aulit6Nsi, » o56,1 to allay. ldd*pi _you. arit oat • II or Me'. WO aFtprrovint." It' the but ;wire. III bott MI goilielso OWE% . 0 • ....,...... .......4. - posT CARDS DV 1111„101S141. ......,-„. t ,, Plan or ElliNopt011 Royalties .toi Raton; *, ,-,, . Money for Chttrity4 , - pie Queen DawagerCarola, of Snx... eny', who died^ a couple of 'Weeks age. end the Prineess . lliethilde,_ who is 4s and'unniarried,oiVIrtateii,a rase/moths. 41g0' 4 ,nevir way 4.4- raising topney for, tharity which iq . being• generally- copied in 'Germany. They deSignedWor- ld Postal eards• ot ,seene's In Saxony awl Itatl then) lithographed and plaed ion &Me' In Dresden with 110fr egna. tutu as the, desigaers. The proceed4 ntl were devoted to :the Cale 4.4...p. Jo Ism' ' tire. ' ' Vitriou Prineklat% lutv,e gate adoplei the pith*, . end lt-' ;Medea o'newspaper now, aratourlook 'that the.Xtd$er biroialt x designing a set ot cards;whielt *ill t ,only bring good returns for char. •but --also detnoriarttle to the w hs abitity with pencil 'and trash, 11 tomorea that itto sow*. *11.1 be Itogiirtgitt, denting- ' CiVah 'he destroy the liohermollerna and the relations., Weett Ow people,. ot4 (*many and he illiperI*1 hot*: * streng nlind will not liavela re 114 Od. , , with fool attgmeil nit -telly. , -livery Suntlay,Vayer Wititaefer Ntc day tunkn.• • 4should.,te it intlives 0, .r.oftr...ifieltl,/, ',Inky!, is in :this utald for 11 ,see it and triti"inore. 'The rruilsot•lt:uth au zit gat/twit Ly aboutblite bush._ , • - ; SanteIllink'they .are flint Id the (11111 ho are Only frozen in !Knit', • • It ou are a itUtIfriella :tr(olt rtee41 fe,put,irst an *it ktfelieldlirieva •-• A tildrig, exponent tr- MO Bible i$,w-,r11:41 'Any innut.*4- Ijc,F.it, expositors; , Alan)", it -that* .t>ohstittli4ig.,\Ikprlan the 'A40,1 fcir Ivot Mpg for thi%, 4A 14 An nu m sprint. itr'rOigion ill 41ei tti4e1 5('c In ittf, hCavenly rat*. rlkw rnight so(n \mode tvc41, knly r ,roopte w(4.11i1 tritt4t tts Tnn'ett tor y , a t t' t way al i6 lighten bit tom]. tuttniratiort their IlltiStte'.5 lcach. nt,.? ZIO 1,fikkr than ititer relectiert f,t it. lite ttlrensfh• a a iratifa wilt is likoly itt cppoisito ftrcportion to that' (1' brrath. allY a mart 1‘, litre" tattle. tieenne6 h" - not ahirkcit the dull 4411 ctaya :When- a ,gtr1. tells a younit tnan-thot 'ilrcatne41 htrit the night 'before, bp to to pmpose or get Out, the gate. atm t/io best Allis 'ntcney IsWitl,,s is have thirig k do ittt 111CM. " 11AVV: TO SI,E.'AK. lutpe...ssIble,•-'. era "far le% Le live 'lie- Tat ,tot quarrel." - • snrappM Mre. Nagget, '"it possible not to quarmt if naither of Us °Of eourst. hut* as 1 1$4, irs imp -os iibte far us to live togptlier and not IC.. IMO iCtifitili illalf . • aN inintlitaa Outilltetimaia; • Active. Agents can Earn a Subti Oar 'Weekly income. write at owe for pettioden. r 4111flit AMIN issimmicE CONAK ----or-oaresinte- ioatitteterutersesteart-÷-=' ;Try a Visit to the Estnatts .5 - , Or file g Q iltme .44N.A0A; - • tteA.L.Xii Ite$0414 ' 111-thellitgitiltPeninsula. _ ,.,_...._ Too iciemstatiat *I rierv***111100 tall Statti*itatiat at atiteatity., MAKE VOUR ,W ' COUGH,114.1tzE 41.r tictost:,. • Thn following 'recipe will eve a fannies, antreffective mixture, which 4 bat bee* known for yeltre• by 'doctor* aatt'thePatista lo cure cousin* ',whoop. ogtis' 300: broubiii*g.... Vinid tattaet, liquid extract Casetir*.e.....e. g Fiixir Tolette 4 *4- OW* W*./;* jorBest Of.lt **:# * Take . AtittliertSIMer411 4iferir two or Alio*hoota.-- tbildrea in properYon can .. e • a, y it1 • 1004, 1118 )1416 i ' le yti 4A rf hi :ter:: Mr4tseellyi,11: I.e ii 4.34912;0"br "tialiter' , , ' 1 h v lie ft for 2,.-ou;.trienin F, 1, bvsiinikigly. i not vot,te any , 1 nut „wailin 's t4!i'1 11,,irdis il l! :r tcramt) contotied 0 titiktmk. Ciatmco piettIlittio,ThttfliV4:141, retnr. st'sgoportuiteing th Ina eta,•14 MISX' E Why 41 yOlti call young .1 %holly? 1014 first "gate s Neaht Towne." • • , ktio'Wt," repiki Ilreeiene, "tilt lha inttriPMPriate• :N3/41 1111t1 EPAI •gtr.,,td get .irt ot1I rale." ha are youlyng Mktg. . gplicild U fytilrit 0 it4i4allt1.• -• ineorge•, the mire lint* ir-,1 ititolite' jA ey arid eaten Up * beitallitil (usitala Made nlyself r "Theft** lbero. MY 1).:11,1 ery over a fiearlitile /nicer ir dephtfully eeatopliinentill'y rekh. , .1WAttifiadarelaillfr 44! '444 ,* •74c, " -14A#M4 3,4440 „ toktelf4i