HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 7 (2)• fkice1/411 ai c e., ; 1 C , c-l'i";is• '4.•' I 4 •. La' 7.41t;• • ' n'. . ), Br' . , ht... I . VIO, 010., 4 -til AvilllIatIg:At ' 1 ... 11013A1).5,I *oats). Ian 7,e-.11ariltobe Who, NO1 E4..liwrfl,,ebeid tweelnal et $ . 2. eilitern, $1.1.5e0. a. kiort s. 4. al- ey'aeset . Q '?j. . , , , , , • H3'.;e..4 112 W)it ;Nu. 4 i , eferzikra • ef tioveeninent.. tire. Ittariet feir4leij Pt:44111d or (‘' o Sfate.end leri;e eiletVel rfr Cind".Siliter 1.0111PS4 PeQ10•At'ki‘Viere ,to R is th,(7, ivitentioo 111,e Cov,eritinent t 'the formet overiing. There tO 11/iild 2,refinery e4.0•1iieettOrt with • , n it to eumy rn ng u tL14.! P11, startinee • thn kzny rurity for eouiagi 41ti cosof the *which coined the Ilret Iiiity-eent finery will be ;„thontfifteen stItOuSa Tho atanapino maeldnery for the &Tame. d A „.,-` • , eta -Ne. witite„ 45e4e, .„.1;410 ofitSide. 4$e ig 43,4e 'Arad; Torentsi. • , 4.104 „Ne'e 1-:: 41..L'4, ' Vindsay Ludy killed and Se res People. Ineored. •ege., betairisosiehleattoetekiais eta' - work on I erly on Friday .eaorning belt aV vreen Chapeau and Cleaner. A. bt 80-11t:iall. caused -caid-boond exprass 2 to leave the track. A baggage eta. .and coach were derailed, and turned on their k1des, and Mos. 11, Slowen,, of Lind- say, Ont., 0. was hilted. Tito following pesseneeets were injured 0056% pLindUrns, Sage.; toet right -hand--; ' W. fro-notde -Itloittetal -lacer -elite iThrican rd .....7.1)TinfolirriM17,;-.76t734 Uhl& laelletle,-„Delorainee-Mane„ Per1i1iis.1-P0rt -Arthur na --ebee-emeetteecerelavide itarid.OlezeteetenreztLeada. e. Lune, Payntoit „Sask., head mud cut; MO McDougall, St. Al - min, Ont. exit on head; 'Robert. 'Ma- i -hove. eatoleee. Javer-back-Ininivde.-A,-(al .christ, (dennanan.„ Ont seal!) -wound. in addition to these passengers, Jas, Elate .and James Stanley, employe:IIof the 114P-8- at ClIanleata *ena also Injured. 1'1e accident happened on the Lake Su- perlor division, the hoadeptartera of *which are ot North Bay, ;et which J. P. Wetly is genera/ :superintendent. The eteeldeateeeterriat. at a point about 114 tolles-oet of North. Hey„ and the train vas running ' V IttEREAES. 'Result of the First year's %rot* ported. despatch fretn London 5pys: TSI of ton 1a21 inttsnleaf. 1 ft 4,4 .0140.704.-•444 • L'Elj THROIXII A PIPE ee MenEar Belew Crtaind in a "evitda 45. vvoe - the Alpha phaft dated Mines Connualy„ whcro Uuo� minera. A. D. Dailey, Peter McDonald taut Fred Bro*,vn, have been entombed sinee Dee. 4. Through, a, eix-ineh pipe food, air and 'water.. have since, been sent, and, a few. dare after the acct. detit enouglf-einm Avaa-leiit *dotv-11- crialtieettie theri,IWItilillie-hetp collie 11=111WK Uri in 1, 'TM* 04-t„... tau Jo 010:44)01041g--IfWel,-.rtrInWW-41tr -8 wit take -at least -three AVM% eieflif:eavillealienieeliSia4aTelirelfeT they are patteritly waiting to be libel-- ated. -r ABBIT WV AN ITALIAN. oung Surveyor Named Bedard Badly 'Wounded. , A despatch frora Quebec says: Lying 13 a bed in the Jeffery lictio Hospital, mei tering from a nitraber of Imita•-evotincla- Inflicted by an Itallap„ li,y0,11fig Mtn named Ilettalat, a sarveYor of Cap tic uge, le in el Serious condition. An Italian, who givoi his tattle s Stephano Span -o, is now an inmate of a cell in tho Central police St4lition, A:halted ,with the .crme,'lite bbing .4acettreett In the Cap 119itg4e:olunibuS. about 5 o'elebk on Titeeday evening, white the veldeleetnad. ;1 with paasengers, was on its way old the SI. Louts road, and when •It wa.yq ' 6 6 .ew , Ile yt 'work., Altogether , 1,1,23 raen and Da worirn smight t1as.,--Xstanlmof the on-bureaet-to „save ihm (Min self-. destrizellwhilv, at least an equal rmaiher aitiied at the bureaus in other It amears ftIttO' revim that the srs for help belonged 11M41.ity to the middle class. More than hail thetu ottributed thi,1 desire to etid their - foiattelal •0111barrassurent, ece 140,Vitty.. --Front -tiv,t nalt- nunilw' of women applicants teen. Booth deduces 'that they ate better able V.--; -tear up under eareuti.-• and trials titan inn. He thinks it eate to cay that. 73% of the ,applicants have been • -421-GW-Ltk--alatd, cd Lci ,wrinottut -0--C4111-4)Rf.Neee Tite following • extraia, from the On- . lorie cealrenae, e?roteeltote Att will he 4rtte1'6t to magtett3ti3s and 7tiiropie workies „ 31.. • 'Any. Court hiegietrate in lieu of continitting to -• "IsOn- any chiht under the age of 14 ans-eanale..1A 4444. ieffence against tlie laws Of 15 C, .way hand oVer-snelt ebitd to the ettarge troy. Item° for destitute' and heglacted thii4 4Iren's ata (society and the rmanagers of tech home or $1to)1 or soeety may par- • -flmt it t1doPtion ly ft suitebte lvmon, and" may .opproittee it to any sellable 'trade, :calling or Service, ond Alto:trans. .•.fre &hall he ris valid es If the managers • • M'Pre Parents -4A sin% claw. The parents ‘ot suett ehk1st411 have' no rii4ht to re - 111101* or inkrtero with the said child SO • 1IC4)1t041 ore apprenticed except by the rinission a writing. „of the COUNTRY PRODUCE, 11,90,e-eXtrit4liaft4102.1,P• 416 .4.14=4.4,0,44.117:;,-MNA*! 84,1 gr,V,50 * it., • • •• • • • In • 94 if) 11, ng 'ducks ... e . i -...,', -4 -9C to Me Ch:eltens. °,cho'..ge .. ...a . Se tO '14 .... Old fowl .... .. ..,. . Se to 7a 1 Inferior ,eldek,s, and flw 0 40 t a liMg;'"'-' ' -1-PrriAS T ;•-• • • t 4 • • • * 'ItO t3Y40:4 ' *I Ir.' • 4., •• ••• 4,110270 Dairy prints .. to, 2Lto .do ;solids ,..,. • • 4 • • • • • VC ta 230 Infeekir- -24X to 21e Egge-4drage, .2ec ‘1.0 21e for dozen Jo case tolee seleels, • 250; str1O11$ new* noritinal'ote 30 er----e • -- teme--700 to 150 -per-bag-In-ear • t in !,11 lo 13Tior 5 to 10-pouiid pal al $1. ta $2.50 per dozen. Bakal Strew -Quiet at $0.50 to $10.53 onaait--track here. tailed II:ay-Timothy .1S worth from $16.50 to $17 in car lots on track . pROVISIONS., Smoked and Dry Salted Mc --Long =meat bacon, .1O WSW! tor-tonsee tad, yeses; home, large, median) and light, 740 14 15e; -loons,. 12go to 13; backs.. 16%i„to 17e; shoulders. 10e; 1011s,- 100, to '10er breakfast baon, 150 10 1534et, green meals eut of pickle„ le lase than Smoked.' • • Parke.og, bort 'cut,. $2-2.75 to $P per bar. vet; laws.; $10 to SIfi. Lard -Tierces. 11,1cl tibsi4120; pals,1 1231e. • ard, v -legume n eano. it is stated, drew a knife and stabbed Bederd some our or five time.s. When span° was arreAted be appeared to be underthe influesece of liquor. TO. KILL, irtmisi StICIDED. British Officer 'Ends 1„fte Under Vecu- liar -Jc,"*itespatch, front London -s.10 _Major cc„at4 LII 611i-cer who.' die tin - guts hed hanged in , the South Afrietin AN a r. corn m it tecen idle _here ote Tnesda night ;alder sensational ;circumstances. The Major had been divoreA. Smile Lane 11g0 he mode an attempt to tan ben? the resideneeeoPits--4orener-wif ; tut w.es restrained. ,Thesday nighthe returned to the home of Mrs. Coates fillitips and forzed an .entrance. Ilis 1)4'- m4) they RAW the excited man treat; in they fled. Tho Madi-er opened hr with lus revolver:, aiming at everyone he could eee, and then blew +ant' his brains, 4 The- solieitor end the mother of M Coates mere wounded, but no setionslY. • eeeereeee • gig WALKED OFF ANITO- I IONEV. !$lan With Revolver Ilebs n Winnf Groctoyp Store, • CODENSE� NEWSIT utrIMN$ten Olt; 1 Ine t " 4 1 Jlantz. alga aninaiiled L,Stektait-S-.13.5.t7,.. A uew jell f tiOeit,1ut Woedst the 'present •bUttlinetteingOTetrcraw _ s' 'tad' SI" t , Y 41404:11 t ' ..allia:* ve4to 4 . N. m• two. men ke I were forOgrir,ir,a. it . thenj , iured •t0 4 , Anterlea„ and 1 • * emrs Slays.. All vere Knuriva 14 v ifi itilli ,eity ,0241e4,-;- 'termite- to erect bedding% INYeiew ket.75.4.fi30 were i.seued ix Ilatniteen in I mated with the Nort 1 W. a.- ni . Join Bird seas felony inured at Paris be being crushed in an /elevator, on ro' wilt -promote -a- bill before t1it•Legislatura,-to... elect, itx-Aiderman. very two years, Customs .411W% enitpcted in Tomato lest year were 41.1.611.26123, an- itteri'ase leZ $1,5614515.58. • - Hen. j., i Carneron has been formal,: p000lairned Juatioe et the iting'S Tho C.„ P„ fl is faking ,off treble In the 'West. 441V1114 tn fallingoas- 4.11.14F-11%. eeeeieeee. 'ea '2:Tr, iiiifiiTlaitiFrettsfono-reve °ember vas $4e013,006.. a decretiee, nd the fleet in years. Tte C. P. It. will issue ver twe ur millions of new stock o the pre sent .shateholdere ot par. Miss 'Kir:Orel McBride of St. Vito - Mos comMitted suicide' by tatting ear. 'bac acid, ork Saturday. ' Dominion Government wireles.s sta. taut1nesa4-regularly-be (won 1.?ictorla and Pitebena. George, Kelly..waa kilted in ;the. Trethee wey mint at Cobalt on Thursday, by a bucket dropping down tho shaft. , It. has been.decided 10 keep Brock- ville schools-cosed account of smallpox Outbreak; Twelve patieniS; aro In the hokspliat, John Threen ewe; ; run over hy freight' train at Hamilton, -cm. Wednes- day.. One lm had to bo. am ;tint er-ts-tiroke ' • explosion ; fir erter trikai say the caw; eau d • 0,410A1' • t nn .On„ff netll intAlte xvti,N,o • le• Atteti wee° woiliieg thEk 1t14te3... 'There 174`(45 evreitort when 1;,otroas of sst'el struoli, !he l)attoin f the ptt, hut instead, flaitive of 1ning tJ ied h3d t wor4Ing under nit. •erter, c(nd theft, ',tea Wen) erb aengled; New Yortes dog &teeth?4 re to h used io the search 'for the eiayer of the item, NJ. • World..., haul's, was tot arni per- haps fatally injured py victoe Grow, -ort eniplo-ye. • Wee flk Desthond, who swallowed needles eighteen months 4go in an atteinpt to conunit suieide, died on, Mon- day at New York. A. jury at Heise 'City, on Friday, ae. quitted Pettibooe of the. murder of ex. Xio-vernoe -Steamenburg. The ease -against -Moyer was diernissed. 'In • 04 Aia• ti 4,01,0 0114 111 Aia .;-7. Terrible Deatb of Lieul.-Col. Ito 1,4 G. Cautley. t ear Piessing, throUeli several eampaigna'lia In ha, the Soudan and South." Aftleas without suffering a singla wound; fate rcservel a horrible 4leath. for Litiuten. Ptit-Colonzl John C, Cautley, retired'," hoso. winter headquarters, were ILL (1101 Grand Union llotel in Tomato, As he , sttlepptedonchtfis.awaylidatoinv aisttrteleti,t5 car Sunday afternoone-ate te L f. ;,• r0. itarITT t3ISA 111 faker -Jen. 7-- We • 'wnter flrmNa. 2 red. WEL Cotn- rtu,No. 2 yellow, We; No. 2 while, 003a% Oats --Steady; No. 2 white. gel No. 2 mixed,- 40Xe. Bar1ey-01c to $1.10. T4ye-90e, NCI. 1, on track. NEW MIK, WHEAT MARKET. 14. New York, Jap. 7. -Wheat -Spot, firm; No., Ade „44.90,4 olayalo,v, And .$1474, t.o.11.„, afteat; nerthern, $1.233i. teat,. alleate No. 2 har4 winter, i1,173-4 f.o.b. afloat. flUSNES8 AT NIONTIlnAL. Montreal, .lin. 7.---(rain--Car No No 2 whtto 411 54) to row, to 49ge; No. 4 at 47 to 473,1o, and jeeted at 44X -,to 45c per bushel ex etere. Flour -Choi*, spring wheel paten% 0,'....see04ds.e45.50a,-veinler-.eteehea k, 34l; Migtt flers, t3 -41-45.t.25 (Wein bags, $.1.25 to 12.50; extra; $1. to $1.00. FeN1-Maniloka 11att.1•,823 ehorts„ $25; Ontario Iran, .22.50 to $23; middling, 12ti; .eltorts, $23 to $24 per ton, including bags; mouillie, fo *30, .and punto grain, Mouillie. , to $3f per ton. Prilvisio cut ifeir ftit„ It to $11.15 to•SI2.25; clear 'fat backs, 23. to *Wit): long CUP.,11kavY zne, tt.„) 41 • elArJ5 a.. k ,.. . A de.speteli from ,Winnipeg ayst A daring houi.up was c*oolly an s11coe4'a3e fully carried out here On San ay even - mg, when a stranger waiked Into Fran- cis, grueery store in :40.1,114 wini'peg .) Mout 6 pano when There was onle one cterk on duly. fie poked a roe Iver Rode!' 'the eierles wee and trompelled him to hand over the eash in the till. amounting .in all. to, 8120 Ile made Rood Us i.. -,cape. 44, • Away Orta ane mt. • te;p!&th fro ays „ la I wreeli rapo•Ifortt,,,ph, its Of - terribie st.i0 rings,feoin• tee t-nijigr'r and txt)aittre,••wro re4tN WednestlAY .m1'0441' 11$11' *A ttertyon, the *teenier 'fforteeno atua trot Sunlit American porta. Starke moats turtnber of the troar•of the Awed. tin barque 0:W4c Which reclied - on Staten. Island, iCaPe tient. on ,lune 1)4 while ott ft'voyage from Norfolk,. Via..t lo 1Mrt Townonde, 1,146hington*! *wet ;struck a rock and In in endeavor to retch lend Sour ot the treat 'were 1,41ett Whitt! 04114 Andrew lotitieeel to Weakened by •expoitut6 that, be dkd the day atter, ittut len turvivota rraebed The barren island. • trifed life..41tne In thole few wft.. No:Ntri )1,15 t away on that deaert roc Ilarke ott *-$41 bitterly StitinS01.14014 tolog to nottalte Ithiad liihI4, 'The wind In. cI lo sat* trtful velorott IbM !cr nyone reit troke up, ui rtcen tteached ttrl't was it tit of hard, hitd sat overhanging cliff., °At Attwrt ;Sabotta„ the •Japanese cook, and IlarrY IferatiRend, a aallOr wet* ritiWitg,„They tinty, Ito heart ' sctie„.* ilia atop. weot:- ops -tvetia 4:1towood lit trylng to the twit, Wit Were alrokstt strip 'Of UM: W*44bon Jon we taw the, letioi, Unit o. hurt our ttiOn, wits oorata,tair watt no eicaPa„, wsi eying,troint att as bait weret )flck be S it* here ffiftd dry, salt long barrels p r barrels do,: $ 474 .barrela heavy mesa beef.- $1.0 to $11; half binple doe $3.50 t•9- $8; compound lard,- 10 ito Imre iard, Itg 130;. kettle rentierN., leg to 13e; hauts. 12 to 13),‘0; bretildttrA bacon, 14, to 15c; \Vindr bacon; 1434 to '1 15%9; fresh kiIIed abatiOir.dresaed hog, $84,70. to $9; ahive, $0,25 to $0.00.: Dub 14'1'- *'j1., 28 to 20c; 'trash ret4ipt.s, to. to .'210; dairy, 3 10t.5e.' Oheree-,-13 to 13)4c,,, LIVC STOCK' NIA11104,1". In, 4 t 44.' , •.Slorey _Mehl Vuseitt N .,s 144 rs Itixt-roto UirschCOM PrarairlfirCh ing.pers6outed in the tinned States. After'a inorith's idlenes, curtailin oofle e • 6 t lie, ulna, "Abothrt$50011mhausl-9Paetarelicennilllo*ynetlf.0 I 'The proldhitien law in the State of Oklahoma has come into for*, 'end on Tuestiity -night-2,300 barrels of beer were pored into the sewers in Oklahoma e rho grand litry returned four indict- ttients for alleged embezzletnent agoinst ,olfloiels of thet California Sete Deposit and Trust Company.. Walter J. Hart- nett, ,14 Baleell Brown and jame..e• Tread. welt were the pilled -els accused, all of San. Francisco. . • pak- a'Abieuriteed,Iewestolenl4tleit°teci ) reailtthe geieeer,o trucks at Temple, Texto. About 415,000 weetti of cheques, money orders, and r S, Viter0 .10,1111e 11.,..p110AY1 ce .1 t A 1 dea--ete • ir stituEoti carried theedeadi colone nto iha beiepittile and after tho body had rev! -'we -1 by rtiodieal 144altlinp.r Rowland *it, was bernotted to the home \ of 'Attorney Jelin M. Provost, No. 2,420 t hiwocd avenue whew his two dough: - teas are stopping. Both .girls.. who at- tend the Techaieal lligh School bore, vero prostrated by the sight of their , ittilatedefatheree-Theentedatewhichelie!. wore, was found crushed against; Itis heart- The body voltl be shipped to 4 brother it Baltimore for burial. LLL- 1tn1-Coone1 Cain* had belenged to the elloyal West Kent fteglinent. He lied seen. service in 'Odle, in Mo. coo. Ion relief expedition, and at Majuha :retiring from the army In 4834. keives a- Wile'. arid eon in England., +111rak ••••••• $4, atow0 . GOOD FOR 'CATTLEMEN. . • r 0 • 41 Mg. on Thursday. - The Manitoba Government have beught the Bell-ATelephone system in the Province, the .priee reported being a3,31•10,4300.' The custom; receipts of 'Montreal for 1907 total. $16,474,40. afl increase' of $2.74.:30 over the previous year. ._ _Engineer John • ,Walker WO-% killed 13nd J. IdoCray,, brakerarin, ha1_bis.1. n all in a cc'1is!on at TilsOriburg,.on Thursday.' ,--I • - • lione---Jee-D.----Clunerone-foritter Attora neY-Generat et Manitoba, has been ap- pointed a justice of the !tines Benet:. In a fight on Friday night in lite Balt: r C1'aftentreal one Man w s hot dead. -and Another was stabbed and shet, and will hardly recover, to-L-Csreo--14146fed,„impligzAted4wthe, P. -it: -61116011, .441V y. $ oc senteneed '(0 five, year in Kan1;- bklfl cm Thursday, Mayer Covet of Port Arthur has teen presented with the •illihalinated address, tt picture of the Connell, . and a gold watli, on his retiretnent fmm the chair. 4.41e4L-V41.1111-o0Ma1..17.poxill nl-Pettliefa-a- Tatite7rieeeplienThefore co suiting a doctor and the health a . /orates are agitated. .n nnom;Mc a .Tri. a I Union, ;tick' ts not flown as pre. acid by the government and the pro. metal grants are thteetteritel. fln Seturday 'five Bremen were thiOvvei the masonry wbfelt they 'were Mend - into IX burning More at MOntreal by ng giving away. \Alt' Aver without serrous, Injury. Ott.EAT EtItiTAIN, Cord.keltItt belneathed Ins kite° of 0,000,000 TOrtlfil0, tan, 10.:-Prites of butche kl • I a mount Vestwirs, is again in eruption. afaximillen Harden. editem of Th Berlin Zukunft. • has been sentencea t four months in pigeon • for Itheitiog Count Kuno- Von Moltlze. Harden, the Berlin editor noW on trial !et Met, received his Information about the Court eamerilla froni the liaisof s also..er. • „ —British- btid- '.1aper.ese:einteresis la nertheini China have 'come Oda. conflict cyclr the exiension of the Min Tun Beamed. Ced. .Robroff; chief of tbe proVirtclal gendarmerie, was shot and killed in a vara„ il&sle, hursday. Desseigne, the late French Min- Ister et. .lustice, was eefused a ehurch - 44 1 thev Masco •-lapan has 15SUed mernotandura itt reply- to the stiggmtions or the restrie- tion of emigration offered, by the United Stetw, Covvrnment... Captain 'Van Gauben, iti •41Otiritatished ,Germanettetillery-oMeizIeee cputessed ha -murderer, of-lilaiotNen_Schoen-- 3:trfiftri-oftrtr. le -got -Within torictikg distance of Li, 104 to, cholect ,t01 at Silo *COO,' etifun fo .good at 4141.50 to *1., and einne 00,111,*),e5 up Ur avoid 13. rA1* :reSeitrile and higher, .01)010 ,fro 1.1.25 to $3.83t 1110111414, te.50‘ le\ $3, 4 n minOtti .$1_.41-1442; Nitineaf \vgio *t. There....la .tair .plaricet ter the but t Attila worth front 82. the Wett 111 demartd. -Atilker* are atetttlyi, wltit pace* Ing n rattterial.ctia, "St luedittrit,:.-125 10' 'The run, ol'italx*s r lb atilt ruling;4„;.• • lam nOld WrOnt.' wltb tottiott grading down beep r• e It ;but quotation* wetert changM, export eweanetting from *37 t,to!$4.25, wlth lc3cs ai1 cull* 'tit •,Copriteas 1,4061.,5.o Ghtsio, wart, oleai itian, banker, waa, arrested for hoplifting itt Londoil,, on Saturloy. London ,proposes to provide ler 04, utufte • water 'supply:by coating ik re 1 ',Or *hero M0,111011104 entersthe eitY. The ,flag, taken • froth Ito United „Slates rigojo Me -111014e in bittkwith the hannon 40 Pill to I*, 4614- at And' 11 Is'Aiated‘ titat ilenry ceantr.:.he yit valeta tt ratty„shotlly reaign the lrt Prrniership. hn F, ftedmond ftatt lotted r.Atiitt. t 14 the egret that he retarielliatton , yetbeen beought. about ,tetween Illam,ifftriert and !OW'. frish•riktrbt,,.:', Stratheorta, giat*e. * lig tali op, ew Wakes eve 51-ttriebv.v3rth 11411 lor the coming but hi* grandifttIght. MIaa rtitiatia Ittritard. INITer) STAlcg„,$., re told *In; 115,0110 .per t •of work In 14.0, York. Two. women ware killed at floebester iy ' itt retvOtke j'actor, , h4) 14 Vidll t kMwhere adsonandthen • TWO' RHO KHLED. A, Charge of By• t ploded despatch. Main a. aaYs; , Thursday eten- in4 Ion the Trans,Dentinental Itailway cractStrultien works at lieu*. ,,soM0 Mites east • Of here, Jobn and ;09ePh lest tlie,Ir lives. • The tnen, vette iire -.brother% -had: a 'tontract, for.blaatin and white engoz,-4,,,,- in Ittling a lbo41 :that had 130ert recently sprung, the hargie unexpectedly ' 0.-xp14)de4,!kinspg; toth altueSt instontly,e TN, hol,, Ii: e victims airived Itet'e on Friday,. fl retite for 1!Ort Arthur, %%Lem 'tiVelr fa, • tI'; Etefill5 a, florist., reedea' pa c i„ innipg 11,--eather imd the ,absenee of now law been a blessing to the proille who, have calth. in those districts wticre It was impossible to put up sunielent hay • last fall for winter .fodder, rp to the preeent the 'cattle have bet% browsing on the prairie's and it has been linnireSStliy lc give them any extra fee& Tees •Ne.. mem and stockmen, here effected en 'eranettee savine. on -their bay 'supplies. Some Stieektuen 4)1t -Or cold to dealers a .z.ionsiderable proportion of . tlitir...herds. anti oll*rs. 6ktin.114. a.e_uppl$.e of straw, to heIp. out in. ease or pressure,,_ and 11 is now felt that the m," titer win be passed without loss. EDVVARD HAN•LAN BEAD. ramous Oaraman_Succumbs 1,a_illac.k4t„ — - eforteornoniai----- - • - A desPatell from' Tomnto says : I, uard flaniiiii, former thamplon oarsman of the world, died et his reeidente. 181 Beverley Street, ahortly before I ado* . on, Saturday notating from pneantonle. tad been-ittefor el.'4.11t ten- dik'Yee and lb pty' To -r- - elditheire qra nil lie.tetAtAlet 'tit' 111e 't -i, oe-Tne pollen was 11121C0115-liOng. for sev I daya,. with. . egasional rallietontekee oereiontee, • - ivire for the. feet time elite Eilday atone. . Mr. liaolati wa'a- Wen On TOrOnt3 1 tid ittly-iwo„,yetra ago, rind was al. ayst a resident Of tide city. 81• .144110E 0„ 111P3Bitriftwxy., Bruristiie a ' Ilitneel In lib Barn. -patelt from Challittin, N.D., tees: 4 11 'fir t.1 1 11Y, a ., well-tnie,11 ree!aent f istastOvvn, 'ved.s (111 Wednesday find tiging to a beam 10 the horn of Mts.. 3atirt riOnn011Y1 of that Iowa. lt, vote lila . Gttli "Mtliday. Whew he left the Irralo itOt tA911111111,4lie.V.tee appar-mtisi• in vcr,,y geed health. Aboute15,tnit titee after he teetit -.eat be was roptu,1 ll:;:n; to the hmtti kled; . , t • •tte4ate I 'two, St. Oys:. E'cert for the .iiL*rg» 4 t fuems, the, inflFt which was tionle tutionlats_and the: 3]*e..)14,F,'"'"• 111 t in Diga itte *Oar day ufght have boen WOO *near% *Watilli in tree daya. of Mae tho 6.004. \tor ike t;cveritreent *OS entorM Itte\ ally* Wearing steel treto,tplatei haroots.' 4r#00111. Dontatelocett$04 the .10# rooms of a the. Moil MU**. 114 door Wrot 1oarripe4010,, Skted AbOlif‘ tfitk pact* 41101**4ed *dons. *ion It iitt*ollion ittly*Iven, name* ,Oreta, tontsort. 'retiNed-: i'Ve Malt not; otairrendor *Milt * Otte ,At Ole Iiitaterif * *As nted **ughth door br Vie .—ilniotto, the 4 1 - retiring agaitest raze? et 114 Isid.e..ott, of witotti The tte.41 4:4A41" UM, tfiY.' it'otte,teatt,ty attaele" n4 f�4 four lio!era * t4entliefiees, fire teas rtt-;three/41i tittlgiy t tit The ri ue..eeleall eteetate, fiee filen bonke itite "Veer!. 4 Icout111-,pirrite,* Tonieori, 11114 411 it.v,r. IA* t0 atefivoln.41. akd twa g;r14. ,uottd.. • :tri,y,• tad Ur; 1 a olift wen* sr lied wills Ili Eireeel;;;‘,1.11,114 k,t :* •