HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 6 (2)*ere Awl W
*U lucky kqv- into-ielo--
t be treated
lazteeerie ort mu§th
tp,.tue nave. It'sa I.UI'eel*, thing
the Man .1144. d;n U kor yoU
to beilt", copped. TknoW my loin*
vth;a -three
empty and I
Par nto teie
!AM:, .fri,tv
iflfl trike"...h. Once OP etw
Id' net. 14.41z ovevlookt4* Th
harsoi. bo better -Icr
it' Ow are avtiaarae. et' fee Jett('
les eboli, thO, rUp44.
aitecinin cikvay
iaty tenger tor ycl
\Piqc:7rat criee; Tocirtomw 1go
tetry fee A de y .(tr two, arieast a
' tee. iid rife voile arid
was hot at all &trry io see ?. unborn go
. Duncan thcrefore. had no tureen' op-
Pateinite ror roaming- the eavereation
Eileen had ee, rudely interrieeted.° Pru-
hat it waalustrie-Welr
riF go 3
172 (Mot Lady Cruse rind her -pr-!e
. avec due el, Braeldey Park very shortly,
though, after the manner In which E,ikeen
• o Sunbeam In hie:heather;
aS her 40,1aat,a7
Ile felt dispicesed, with. lateen. for lie
•attitede•tetwarde Sunbeam, and ,030 dti-
EltSiCil. For he tied never before' teem
Viet fade his flaittee's character, and,
manlike. to • little reliesed in female
trettinees, that. at its i.,ippeartince, he wits
more, than horrified. --
Therefore he showed his: diepleastu
• .eare.aeareinect
r herself. rerup. ;Aimee from
rentine vouldereuse-lwr-tiot tont
• iieuglet-elLieetevousZ4le
in Duncan's heart by hr- open !airfoil
with Ws. rhot .he was indeed meet ken.
foe, -filaaered of teigituay, a strange 'wild
1100 Pau4ssed hint, es Lee high laugh
and Oippent .eenes fell on hie ear -.--hope
that eventually She would really. nide" up
_ ter mind to ate?ept .this faithful admirer
end fece aim for geed and all. '
But Eileen was not really a bad-tem-
pered gide and ate' soon beeeme herself
again, and had so inapt* need of Duncan
di ring the following days that he had
ecry:littleetime f&1. and drifted -quietly
fine the role of a devoted lover. Bat his
thoughts 'well!. nevertheless, Sun-
beam. and the strange idea that had
crept into his mind.durieg his eonveesa-
lien with her. -
' only be knew where Iletly had gone'
Out he had not an inkling of her
%%hereabouts, and, with a thousand ques-
tiens awaiting th•e anewera ahe alone
ceiltd give, he, in his lea par-. nee,
the hope of suddenly ineAltig 'here
Walking .in Bond Street one morninz.
lie met Ludy Cruse with Sunbeam.. 'the
girt looked radiantiy happy, and was •
talking gaily to her companion. Aktpre
face had lost Its took of pathete- long-
Why, Demean, what a stranger you
are t" exclaimed the older woman,
sto in d h id' out - hand. 141
wanted to see you 4o -thank you for find-
• ing Sunbeame-her name is appropriate.
She has warnird my heart. And .1 evel
you eternal thanks."
"1 (IM elelighted to have rendered 'fell
At iitrviee.ir he replied. glancing from one
-the ear+ and amiling. "I am glad
. oleo. Mat you saw Sunbeam before any
one -else wanted her. lexperienee has
raighlemeethee-vaive-ofeyei " „
Sunbeam nuked lueky to have -see
it "
lif1 .',447,
donut 1A,‘,
teahe in
`iT44 , ''''' ' AIAISrOg,'
I)41 " '11115117.,1 .'t'lii• 10; l', fttl` all; f.)11
tvagirx--; Itr' tate explained' 14 her but
J. 'Therefore I sliall' enliglan .n
e vnyself. if any. man .tii,,4•wed isle
e• .11 „ .V
l41,4k1 suelt
• Bs face, grew • dark.
itet ecute all' this,
ei:, rLIY
; .,
;Vain tree , ., the tempera"!
'te At Which. the. ',cream is altleti0.41.'10
boat fel.degreee in winter. It id titese
temperatures the' butter should, *onto
tf#1,49-.,..Euipu -: ' t
krep wn cjuneL U43l bn', In -
eluded ter iv) the invitatlett* and • the
Latklits. have received her in their home
4sirele; nit that akilicient .fot mitSiders,
Nfore-Ilicertainly4ieed•ivat. knaw."
• r,
iced by the other goesk; as one of
hemseivm- 'Nor' did Eileen en1;ghten
them as to ber true positiOn, thotigit sh
'self imiX11 extremely teld and stiff with
wutott VISit olme Olt ittlx0,,
Aitirpria:414 find an
gre,,,v lighter lu.vrted ciery •day; thotq;1
she avoided Duman, beeeartiug 64, ell
silent in MS Presentee. Once he asked he
d•h, WA offended her, 4.nd though the'
amwer WAS incoherently ,evasiVe„ h
atletood. that aoractidegebad,romeebee
Ahem 1' usformed•
Lady Ci'uso. was-. areeettere
. made .rny mOntit 'Water tor everee.bu
leave Ner etione toe YoUr seheelf yOul
help Melo gd. ot rothersP *
,:41e441,,Oliie1-.,eieW•tie 11 you-1144re
eeeeLnh r#, evoidd have, 3sgtl
WLIh yen. mow., and -you belitir Wee ia
e: rialShral yeti, etteedd .triaket kings caste
forint Now, !ilea, $.0 yen will, And ,r11
be* is.,etter. exclaim;'61.10.t-
• beturt.M. an eager tonte bee thoughts fly-
- - •
'Not, long tor this work) R.- I can't get
• eotrentervey for "er-...6o if you love ter -L.
r • -
0 tiara, put yvar pume away.' 1 ain't:the
' •-elairit'SeAttiaed fl1OIk. YOU help sn
rt dor tho
to6 to Imp you:, -
se, do it your own way,
, Ile swOre heavily under :Ids breath, his
threatening eyes-. on her. • .
; "You won't ?" he growled, eeizing, her
She Wheeed at thetoi.uh. Ali her okl
hat, revived. Then with a feeling of
sheteard aecreekling of boughs on
the other. side -et the brainble-bound
, , • •
Her father clrep* 'her: .arr,n, and
APrang.:ALAtekt.t _.4434f10:40C.11
ikd-her dread of him. -
‘ 1101 She '•Whispeted. einne one
there,' and they. may see you."
Ile suillett •
"An honest man may walk ?ere Without,
know.he 'hes treimassitt:' he . multered„.
reoving .itWay novertivelen; •"and
'member, ,.it delft :help., send
Oentiertiret Dan, to fetch Like Old
,eaieeek, anywhere_ Within
. Wetettehour I melted our !el.
the other 11
(bating\ the tem
raised,) shote/d
Ntifiatetas I
,77„,..WL.19..Y.tilt-lhat,„,_ImiX214• brA*14.ACk
intetrliPtedtilti pd. "1 sunefeel everybody is -sialling hie."
"Nerisiaisea' inlerfr:514 Lody Cruse,
her- -face-- prowing -ter,der; "I do lad
5%11, 5!5& ivAikt de that, my ehad.
or could I ever lc -Tay yau .suflieiently
elye Mee etee lam atri-ady_Altio pue. Had
ream slow in
fire- should „lie
not ta • r 20 to
to churn de-
0/ tbo Ihicknees of the fat in
I ; (4) the length of tirne the vows have
Iceu milking; (5) llie-kind ot feed that
ifey- si,„;
• lent lOrantel
„that At will, relieve ;times
Xidney. troulAe, if taken ivt9e9,
c1 Bright's' disease. ife states thilit
symptoins7a3,--/attidfrtveaL l:puti
Hrmatkjn alV readily *eerie:Ririe. Ite
L-$ the recipe; try it;
' Extract Dandelion, one-*
rlatike;. COmPeund ffeargen, one eth. ne
Can , Setnatell:SaPariala
buaces., 'rake teaSpOatitUl Ott ,r each-
Ity that lbw 'ingredients ,11
mixed at home
by *shaking well in a bottle. This .1
;Cream shoUld'otte
three Pounds sta
'When the cream is cooled to proper
tatniaeraltre, aliould • be grained
througtfa' hair sieve into the churn.
Ming flits wilt reelove theilarge chunks
f curd from the cream and prevent
the lnitter 1„frerti . having __Vecka.
Iter4tra. lite 'Cream, but
cream.' •
unfortunatel he 'put it down to othe
causes , an 'etifteredaneOrdinglea----
'efeanwhilee the 4a,,r, flevy by in quick
,suecea3ion, and Fatehovered above
liath, :watchful and treattadag.
Tito, firSt esbatIONii fell. aeress San.
beanfo• pant one glorious evening as
leek zolitary walk in the ,grounds. The
oaten; had ,gonet to a. garden warty at
,eoine large liaise a few Miles off, leaving
her behind with Eileeri, who was aut.
IcringeleoriketettaalAkie,e04,1eal :,Partatoo_
in lier roOm neairlY 411,41,0Y4,
Therefore, Sunbeam 'had her tea alone,
and, atter a quiet tow on the lake,
larlie41 11110 the wilderns-4 tangled
mass '•if aaeirery behind the house.
lave eae loved to roan); it woe tool*
Niklitt: tali (It Natures beauties and, un -
y man. In parts the bailie:hes
of the. treee_greweso etose together that
the skyweee beret
' -* es-antl-bean
es es tethered Alta 'Pattie. .
Suddenly before her Surtlieam save
"Rough hie back was turned to fier,
she knew Will at once and stopped, piirie
lezed with fear, not knowhig whether to
'advance or- retreat, But he had ekeldent_
iy. eome isslcling if her presertee. tor Just
ft eite was *out to turn back be laced
her, starting forward with a surprise as
great' es tier own.
"(lewd!" lie exclainted. "You, Sun-
erea _So I've _found yen at las
'eve thought of e -our beirr
Criekey it's luck that breught tee
' 14-7 . . •
'The terrar that had_pessosa..eleelited
, ti tool- ef rdisf sprang !o br
eyes. \ •
"Father r1 ehe iniirniured_ going n to
bine, and bolding out bola hands plead-
ingly. So eeu are :glad lei see line 11(11,
yeu-you-e--" -
She reaneniberea the bat time, ,stte had.
eeert him. livid' with bestial anger, and
renal the undisguiseil effeetiOri in. his
sxnfllng Awe with a deep feeling of
thunlitulnoo. hz still loved her, and
bndiiiissed tier I She need no longer
vai; .17e-tviiiiiii4 mule, inmean,,,1
• 7.7-7tvetual have „eliosen her just. like %Sun.
' 4(ain -•in a'N'eirranee and .ebaratter.
11?;erefere she is my dal:elite; now. VVe I
"tvh, 141V- cilse 1o1s1 you Mat
day I must, go --my +ably will be to
01, that," Lei:ian 'e;unbeaati in a ulverirtg
voce. tier eyea 'turning' inqui iig.le to
bane:mfrs. \,
Crizo laughed.
• • !i 5_'S seine mistake thelea my litt/e
tri'end. 1 Filetnot peat wall yen eesily,
enil '0V ill' not %vont leaVe tie."
**Nee, reviler* liot. 'But oit'e catinot at-
te.telvera*netese to do whet ono peefera,"
eetiraaired -the 011ie fel, (Tee Millar: Willi
knee. Viol, learning to ftuateallealle eon-
tiptied in a v()5J.e arolien with anxiety,
'have y404 Iriera anything of Aunt ikley.
4:; !'V fathee?"• •
Ile 'geehs
' "Nollfdrig at all. 1u oi need' not.
4it,,i,Dry. It &ill: late3 _pelliwr Ilient 10
• Le • a1lNkItt57 IltriAlt tlifid
• tPey. are i'gnannati of yeti! .wliero,
ttitttts .the better it 15 fi,Ir yoti."
"Yea Oter Ititireen. I tell Vie
child sae. lae reelf,el4 to fiat obeet them:*
e,-,zelaititcld. Lady Cruse. "AO now go6d.,
Ithen ga litetq#
tY02)• ;41-
• 1 ran,g,v3vg there so
1ec44.1awee8lIn• e
leera. It d:) 1414 ,ctlt veitero ets4 Gree'x.
at"eDfav-, leat- eare•-_,a tattrfajt
. 1 rato thAl at Ilitn. '
I \ it?, t::44 away quielOy.tlif,ght6,t
111,iitTt thre t:k5 IrCICA) 4)ft
Min. And Ite fateli'd 11!at
Led'y tAlic.,"9. eye, 1,r,Itt grawn thoughiPit
'brat 1115 isocavi. it so., lel.tat
thinie et tint ler lOviing ono .girl WhzZ
kalt,13‘:,-Af1 o ar-4t1,2., %mould .1S146, , p
like Adele. try to tat teMptaticit beyond' e
hlt •
• But Lady Cote hat1 not tvad
S,'`...411Y•„(1.1 1•0_ kaPP(ri. ;lad ortain.
ly e.atiakal Iteik tritefedeleOftened,,ereit t
%eke Italantred, bat 'the Ind net thee,:
• , • ci'FLty, taittcoled lei* 414d tvibe, -*
• tic tie ae, s1"'&s, giuttielentl,k totWeritien.
al the ineettgruity otitis inarrying,
• $;1111bettrits fvoett WM to otialatles. itt Itte
*haw' t 1:ifeett*-1)44%-etti ihern.., fer,
tench' rie Alve. liked Strnbeint* itht eould
Is.t f et..her partiality*, tpd AcrioNtil
n,..Ailter_no_ . .. _ . .
--1tVesi-t-,,,Ive..tnisw grUilly;--mrivi-dea.
lighted- to, - aee y itiougly.trioyho 1.
ti:gliter- be atigm wf 1-61t for 'our tin-
looaftil behavior, but ; 'eve ne tinte•nor
flair to talic or tha.t. -11ii rertily-glad to
Set' that - pla atill,---cant for yeur old
other. . Anil trifle I ask What ;you're
doirCere. Irs nalsivrul I. want to. know,"
Priv) staying here, fattier, with lis
dedy who ha,teleen me. is Iter eovripall,,,
ie.t. areteeee'''
er what wns this `pl.aile'r
tri. Tardy Crite." •
. Ile s'..aliede hie (Tea itilautig.
y, "Whal 1 Laity lateer 11" ejectilated:
rl'otere lirr ouniptinion T.'.
"Yes----," etie..faltered„„plerrated et hie
ceident excilernent. "For Lady Cruse
saw fire, al, -,---41 • Sive hcailated, wonder-
ing. wirAt sizes could „say ta tiWitt latil-
liaffng Durican's ltaMe. •
a'lle.a leompanierne 'ilifte -you Silt" he
askeil iricreduleuslye laiV eyee deveitritig
Nt. Jaw, neetheught tager to iod iicr
ttvity- ihougitt. • -'
.HI saki .tilat, and it1. true.. T.aily
Crtee is Ixry 1411.0v $tie Avahis a
yr,ung girl with her. Years ago she lest
Ler enly (lJid, axe) einee ltain p'ined- !sr
a'ilarighter-)eligit. is li":4)*".4''''' :
lter wtrag ,itym d1ciw:01, in lils :tail '
ar. S!eppiiig lits•iiiigli, lie 1;110 iit
tip„ to h,:a merrent.„,unpofisIgu,q tit 1.:i;
tin-pri_et;:---ttrtt -11(13 (itut--Janneet., -,--‘ ----- -
"‘Vfly 410 --i•c,u taught1,6
', '.14tt,,Nt -6,
It,. 1-('. , . , • .. ,
tiated t - irt4- such -it ,, loki".--sneli -55
''6 un lal, I 'can't "Cp laugitig.,
Xover ' toind 'Ay tai,v; he titanlifill
don't rialle e -ea. leave year 'earria'Oliell-
ehippiii' to this 1eie Lotly Crnse„ avid
'Come' witlt In;' it ofice. That's my right,.
sot** know. itlrioi, tright. ' you're.; ,nct ,
ittatlive Me, di, Sunbcant-y(At're just a'
tcoripaniovt lo 'et ladyship.. titooglIt'
W: not, replang' tio,11 X.51., clatZd, early-
mrai it paki es;mpftn!0n4 a thitt Is ittAitt.
-oil tatlatf' f. 0 ii,e4 teeii!tt :1 ', 115;$1.'*. won-..
tering at hae trientrer.
1!('Neeel, !Inca 111 leave
ik)ottiell, my Ort. Thad
OtkkiMillIg Y0U4 yelfAt '
loititi'A yozia lett .tiukt to...0101m,
Old 'Sat /itii?o, The * 'hi/. :First 3.u'r lo
.s4y nothial4 about: iiitOrt" nie Wtb,ind
4014 ' Saktbor. vitt* Acit Wing
Icw• whisper, clasping her hands, to -
weber tiglillv and turning back to the
hail as he.erept behind 1 tree with a
., e
warn rig look on Ilia It" 1:+1' Mee.
But Sunbeam bad rii gone far when
her fattiecs voice some Ai in her ear. !,
'listen :elm. atta-we gefe a stare for
feinting, It -eves a bild, no doubt, in the,
brambles. Tell le velatril you say to ;no
if I back *tit of Ibis?" -
She stood still with a sigh_ tar, rehef.
"Do you mein d you give up ebe 'Plan
lonau-eeeeediseussitire,-Ite----7 r. ------
"Yee., "You needn't go into it. ',rousse-,
I love you atilt, SiiiiI3eam, ittraugh tem
'itea got a cranrin your read against
BM smart+ you welkin' back 60 1'0110 1
1(i.lilll',$-I 111011$ht to meeelt : 'Alter all, t
might Spoil, the gars Chartres by gain'
rt er and tliere''s (1.5`good,1141) to cateh
eleewhere; so then I ups front belfind
1-14-...L.liSt...-;.WIltid,vvidelk..1...'EAVI.... Awaleching
yeti, and I rim, to tell you so. 111 ge
away at once. Forget what I sahl. Only
whartt, yea de for* The inetead?" '
"Nano; ev.lret nekarne to marry Gentle,
1112kle..alll'M 6SilellI oritskledim.' rneself, and wae
a feel about thatee—e - .
1.:.:4*.illte'onia:/afeeIa...eato lett
Iletty-it you v..unt rile lo-eonly now tin
no espense to you, anif----r *
Its 'our (lately to 'alp '11$ and for the
pet_ _eine:0e gaiire it by not itai i 4
beet:. *ow, I kriowa where ylare', 111
ts oep 0 Iv , 111 ti , , . Sun -
tun, ke ateew you I roily lore you.
I'd ask for nought team you yet. 1 -just
gives .this up Vatise I don't like eatt t
t , lee 'able about, it, and to ebbe,.
youteold father :ain't (vane the brute you
-think him.'
"Oh, failter,,thank.,,yoU-it is peed of
you V' site exelaimed, throwing her arm,
eudtlenly. anound hSfeeneck. 'mut .11113titng
, he a soft elfeek agantst lvis., "1 knotv: you
•14.Afe Me* lather, alut im sum I etuatiok
see things 1n9 Y311 00." ' •
'There,. that's entsuglar- nuittered nil
t'loinewliat slicepielily. ' "Wail) think be
ea -of -your -old-lather .letatee" --
1141mo where, Aunt: Iletty ae afid give
her niy lovea. will you?'' site centimeed.'
"In a day oe two. NOw I Valet cut -
1'e toeturn my ateree'lo pa.sliiras new
Italie 1 triterela 41011, ereeldin' -tigetiven
(0 lae eeritireireate
Ms;. titibleson." -have
dinm. that tite.monloi
*Iway3 tiniftnipty
-cintdlea in the- .hal4
,, perish, irk. • Xpino s1t5iv.,
promise rue .11,..-4ver- 14 drink,
d '
k\, • *
ins Alp eliavtin,1 i1111 a/4Y ItvaY
lvtvat'S e lakire a 17.sttle lvhcrt a
kllow starts lot on4 . of, thcin ini1 :1
ttip3. NV•hat 1.,ou need Up them's trg;
- ,
Hmtiasot." itid old ngto hi the thoottne,
tot to thank yak 11.-ir petnerving your
id _Now; it you will \please 144y yottr
vi h and ma thin' bunch of rtirle lis
our lap1 think', 1 will be *Me to Sea 411.0
.00. NOT MAITX).
*thotii hors* tit *
th* itiga 4,'80th1re
lei Lartgandya,
r Mgr allegt -Upon, _ 'ati geP anil
'Urinary 4tructure, • often Overconles
, worst forms Of ,Ilhournaltsrn lust
„littri Us' naletUre is said to
remove all lifeod disorder% and eure the
Dbeninetisrn by forcing the .Uldneyas
filter and strain, from the biolod end
saatem all uric elehl arid Veal, dec IMPOSed
'Wale t.Matteri Whichaeatieeetheremalllite
tieffS.' Tr eltalif aritet, well:'Save the
• A
When the cream begins to break
.eoneklerible tare • ehould be ;exercised
not to gather the -butter graninee hitto
brie Churning ahoirkl ceaserwhert
the -but or pttrlicics are ftlXillt the 6,14'.. e
of whea Rernels4--- When the butler is
well drained from buttermilk rinse It
with, a little water at a ter.1.1peratttre
55 degrees F.
After this is drained away put the
eerk,--lir-the-churn- and -add it baltintli.
tut of well watt 10- everi fifteen
pounds of butter, put ithe cover. on the
churn and revolve It slowly at least
siN times,- then draw -off the water eriel
tat the butter dmin ,tor fifteen minutes..
PP Y 0.„
ug some may. r.
euPplied with advmitege aa the, pas-
tures begin to fell. Per the trariettion
from pasture lo winter • feed there
should be in readiness some succulent
italei on .which flock- may be folded
for few' haat:S. (1111)/ until fully act
eustomed Abe !ehange, :atter which
, they may remaiet:on the. ground- ell the
time. for , this purpose, rape forme ,a
relabld top. Care is eteeeseary•nbt to
attoer too, free teaeSs at -hest as'avliete
aka -there is anger
•.,of bloating; but, such. troubles may he
avoiikat 7. by _keepine,f_ Ahe flock on. a•
..145111tv, and_ turning_ into _the
tape 'pe,tch for a few hours daily dur-
' tlie iniddle day, ;returning
to .the •asture in the . La
sheep may be allowed to. remain' In the
rape -patch all the time confining !tient
•• •
,turing.the„.11111lal Perteena etraviet1191Y'
bay in racks .1
Following rzwee et patch of turnips
to be ettkil ;Off ext -the- ground, an
aitowance of hay, put the flock in
good. condition for 6: going, into winter
„quarters, a
d t..11,110.4 Wodder:
Oat or. bariley straw niQY Pe ed also
It -goo -4A ltsr.-111•-r4vgland-..*
the china:tie conditions adMit of Win.
tering the 0ock in the open, reels form
Ibe greater pOrtiort Of the diet. These
and ekiver hay will supply all needed
nolfrishilent,, though tile addition of
grainssiteh as oats, bran and mai,
corn -11,0.er .000.14, form but a stria
. * 7
• .
.pertUmpot.ille ration. for bretiling•
Ensilage, though hot generally :fed
t steel,* littS.:'beert ivied with. SUcceSs
tit wintering their llgel4S,, -arid
xj tiOubt by its o! this she-
ent and tools better 're:Sults , would
,Ohlained than in tettiltig an entirety
-40 ---1,11101-0-firt‘W,711I0 -P4',Ois;-;ort
Zitraw and, a little- tay without grain Or
140.t.% 14 An". '101.111sktertaitt perpettfr
.40 a !Iegenera.te4 attimai;
st)E, 110111,,,S4
I by- !trill :Parnits*
'1,4tf 14,o
utelitit°'J'a'11.1V01-iikiillgbelikorltV$11‘IR '14)thin
iwidto _Lite winfitto, -111‘
oontain * 'Inver pro
rtiOrt tait, haY and 'tit0;t'St; .th*
the 15' Weitting,..but. even a
th time ails well to rdltentbcr tl
atiotti 'f 'UW horses slotus611
ctt liith Merely 'what, bultty toctlbe
will Clean,. tip Irt'aboUt hour and
Te. grain ratiet; dst Owt: ult
Mt *mount. ot, *9* don<4,i,11
**ken. itintlite...,s SG itt,ep ibo liorm iji
be*vy gr -an ratiOn When belt
it''eOUrse. on the other. hand, Jt
iz also poor Miley 'to :feed • thet
evie than, retptitti. .k/p
t -t11414
1411 gcrierotrt 1st fed/eters
tit* *144 wilt take it
*aid; sbetakt
ISO( Clat'Utt
las Literature Own-latWr
Welt In Copper.
vie -consul for the Colleet Prrat State,
has returned 10 Englan1. atter a )5,000
mile- journey agross Afrita, Penn Ban-
ana, 'at the mirth ot the Congo MVO,
tie Mombasa, British Africa.
jr.urney was made At the -instance` Of
the Foreign Office, Mr. tlefk colleen°
detailS,..,of the life. ant,eustoms 0_114
;natives of districts through 'which
pu*sed-,-6-00 theloondon -Daily Mail.
. The Katanga district, the south of
the Congo Free State, ad immediately
rierth of . British Central Africagiwas
Ide; Beak's. particular 'objective. ile
traversed thls region for over IMO
milers, and report' i that it is latenaely
00; in ciepper mines, which elle at pre -
tent umievelo ed for want of railwa
Orninunicatiote. "When this is estab-
t le WO C e awus o
trict, ere confidently • expected tet
v de-
•Iop into Second aethannesbeigs"
The climate is good and there is
plenty of sheeting and fishing. The tse
Hy and sleeping elekness are the draw-
backs. "I passed through a whole ills-
trict soaffectedneer the Lualaba
One urioue effect of this illness
er. .
is to drive, the patient rnad, and I had
very narrow aseape et the bands -of
One of theteritivo:awIte....Was-itr..a__Istat&'
of frenzy.
'AL Ihrudottinville,„ on the weStern.
icho.re of lake Tanganyika, -there is
beautiful new valve-dealt:erected 11,y the
Freneh,fiereft B)4111CS. It is really a
6111endid building, Everything except
• •plairted---glass--w-indows-J4
/nude /away- these Were la‘eught from
Europe., I crossed tlie -lake aLl:ittle
4nart "territory at tearearia. -
or found, 315)315)diffieully in ge4ng
'through the country on the stere of
tang -eager. That most gelierallk spoken'
through equatorial Africa is Iffswahill,'
which the ,nlisoneries are 'trying to
eataltlish as the lingua frartea of Die
euriy diStriet has its kkiW11 10TV-
gigIgkt'101, .written; but Itiswahili will
carry anyene through, equatorial Africa.
itr-turs--trliteraturof-its --*
1111,.... • lidoemedierami...,
iktitutle:-"She evenian wato bee
!suffered 'a good dead for her heliefa'
ithel---"Deer Me! • What is her beliett"
.1audee"She berkeves that she c,ait wear
No. 3 shoe on No.' 0 feet." •
al In proud to o..ayl'igilenvarked
I1/474Atovv, "that ..ray wife, Is riot what
mold be -Oiled 4, quarrelsome -
Indeed mi never knew bet to quarrel
in my She tvierelyan2)et1n4esivhat
she want; and tival.'s ,ritlt end of the mat.
'tooth) .
• •
• ‘Ve,s1nAiuliice va,;.,arns
p..0inst $1,r5tiO: 13k
nah 0,1.7r‘i)-¢
' • r
A in
district, parieh COuneittera ere*
t'itlbscripUcw to help prewrve an ad
well datin,,,,, frowthe tune of Bede, born , v
t ---7 .
Dr. Frank Bolden, aged_ 33, a well-
. VITT' --tregr&lu,
t Uild 14110011fiCiOLLS in his surgery and-
he annual ploiTtling maiette:e 4t '
Ill,lillgSta.. EkSex, 4evC111 ladies own-
ed. if ae Meat eeerearapee ilea) eh
-1.0.5rreali'Mlititere. ey
d 7 iirSI-And iet wad.p:iize resIG
1 vely. - .
The chairman et the Ifotel Ceeil,
'Limited, London, told -elle eharehotiters •
.that theettni,earneil in wines anal spfrits
(Wring the past )ear showed a tlevreasa
of -0.405. if it. was not a eatisteetery
thing ter the hotel, he eaid ,11, Wo,s,,,fq .
I z i on. .------- ,
-DIftel to..wilsouneiLadopieftal.ri...
dwn-pe-tdioulog the -Ciavernatentto-plo- • -
;:ea-liest-.4:;ppothulity-Aezdtiter-Tf., -z.,_--,4,-,,,,,_,,,,,
thig t4yAtilif _a_elecUng-and-r--0.---
liffelr 'airtTplacirrg-474114.14.--:-..•,7.7.-77:-•
ni ,,,,,,:vet-witii,vikki,
b vlsses. 7 - •
.. At Ate annual dinner of the Ancient -
i 'attain of Ilantee, new eenencillere,
It eVibtqliii. ill aoh
Unnpagrie from. a glass '•i't,''' yard !pug.
Tbose who did not eucceed iti finishing
tto draught had. Ilic remainder pouted
down their shirt !tints by -tare stalwart
Crow 'tree Ileuee; built in, the early
part of the 11311) peritury, in old Bishop-
wearnloatit, Sunderland, is _11'1*g •-tgrlt
`alli -to -provide, *tor a modern school
house. In later years., ihe 'welding, once
a high-class academy, i has been used as
I.\ ,
truant seheol. i
Paddington Borrough Council hag,
placed bailiffs in possessiou of the Weet. e
London Central Baptist Chureh, 13ecaese
e. the non-payment, of .selloot
"Witham Nest, .said to be an uneme
ployed school:nester; wits eharged on
a I .
with having etolen fish k eves and forks,
Omega itnasam„ a boy of 47, shot him-
self and then jumped trite a place known
os the"Devil's Pia's' near Newcastle. On
his Wily was found hie 'sweetheart's
photo. ttn this lie had witty -el teele
eel'. D.:net be a flirt hhe yoirtetster,"
Fifty-five choirs aggregating 850
vciees, took part at St. Paul -.
la the annual feetival service of the Lon- •
dor flieire Association.
Coventry's rateable •kiltie has. -in-
creased larnioreettran-IF. ,000•111 --the lest
taelve monthsand plans have Vert a .
proved for more than 1,400 new Iouse,-.z"--
record in, the- tiestery-ot the city. The
rates have been lowered 2d. irethe Fmted
this year.
. eartagas.• wro41,ramoreimornms
"What was, the teNt this xnornTng
had returned train eluirch.
'A man's, a num for a* thol' •
"Urn. Very, goadlen gloil• you fee,
.embee it, Now get your Mee end
turo 'clown a teat where the chapier
that bas it in 60 3OU 11 nGtV NVIICTO
,t4't hitt itejf ieseeer
Profesd:or exanflnlng medtecil 'student)
"11--).ou-at. 0fl4-
x. ltie first quesilort, you weal, „.
-kr Medial Student-PWItere Ite•
1VCS r
1Na, bor-e"That boy oe ynij
to Le a bright one., , ITO
,mtune for -himself soma day
(angrityl--"Iles done 4already'
cur new planor
kind aid -gentteman, seeing h snAlt
toy who was enrayfivg, a lot Of IlOWS. •
papers undo 111$ attd, cakt: “Davet,
thv.-.:e papers make •)otv tired, my. boyr
'%.; '1 don't rod !env," replied