HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 5 (2)k, IThik bride hes meny frit tralt here whit wifljoh0,1a wabmg the blLppy. govo all tb bappluem. this wtrI4 effordisi- from Ilk 'visit at fteurgetown.. 'Tbe,Cominer. , Clod Hotel which baw been Cleated for lOtue tine, thttelestii ettsitil out hotel accornmodatjon of *n7 kind has been reopened aa X 'fie ranee: house, Itea; beta rargivateatg,and iano , lii tiOtt tb*1ord*c�nuuotbitLou ttakvellittte e XIX DAWSOOk isat weels 10014er for the frotit theta wjll be, for 'tile young, Slmp.on was ay few etelifionday WilUania frzenda ere last wee whoeon 'fOr 40 nai ansithre (uCefltralLt *re here on auley Schoff ot few 010tys here niother, prikr to 'With * little 0 best Ot ekatiuic e Mist MIntle nt tem to a 0 43i0o rsr toh,:' •refai 1* ioc1 his ktXtat oviiig k the erof'rinjce.r OP ridd — 1 * WinsittiWral , *OUT.Is 9 t 644000..„ . - . te, SiertferiegfeetiSi •' "la,Or's en , • up to eft"' eiteri way itaelOseer. ne eal wing Maehines.s at prices thitt , . .,ingkoot betutiful line of Statio eyy, DiStslmslliymist sBeeltseete ANtrau Down Prices. Quaker Tiernan friend* and netebboll, Wee thtter F.* tora,0 ycar he taug t echo', and geed for the'women of the whole world. became knewn. AO X won= of an sitert ihe_rinkumw_haailio_1714 oney, *1141 • 41#10 'credit Their that laboratory wits the kitchen) where roots end herbs were steeped on the etore, gradually fitp,s4 of bottlett Thefiststine the en of eelling it, for always before they had given it away freely. They hired * oh' EARNDRESWAKII10- BY MAIL to your spare time At home, or ,Take a Personal Course at Sahool. . To enable all to learn we teach an cash or instalment plan. We also teach a .,. personal class at school once a month. ,Class commencing last Tuesday of each .Inouth. These lessons teaches how to cut, lit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit' to the most ela.ber4. ---atoliresTiwwitole•familyivin-tearrrfreirr one course. We have tAnght over seven in 'thousand dress -making, and guarantee to give five luindred dollar to any one tiu t cannot Aearn between 'the age of 14 und 40- 'You cannt.1 learn dress -making as thorough :IS this course teaches if you lavrie 'in *".4.0p., foryears. Beware of imita- tions a i,se employ no one mitsicle 'the school'. This js the only experienced Dress -ee none m any other country. 1,Vrite at'one for particulars, as we have cut our ra.to one. third fora short time, Address :- t, . $MIDERS' oftEss,cumma =Oft, 31 Erie St., Stratford, Oat ,Canada WANT ONCE -We hoe decided to in. atruet and,e y a number Of liall4 ' young ladle to teach our • rse in Dredemaking, wing one teacher for the sir nearest towns where they live, - age 20 to al Those sato haveworhed at dressmsk. ing, itn• likes drawing preferred. nesse do not apply unless you an devote your whole time. Address , In! Scgoou 2 reliable men as-agente for Exeter and surrounding country to eel! our - specialties. MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ. GERALD PEA0n, AnenDUICE OR1.11.10" RIP401.1 PE BERLANIY RASPBERRY and a- gen- eval line of fruit anctssnainentat trees. Ortair mare irToirev.iiiit ii1:6"i—mstee -here you would- fail with coin on stock. -We pay cash weekly,- 1111 outfit d -Write-to PELHAM-DI Ear --ca; At this 1;Y1raE... 12inkhrines and investigadngsmirikarrearnestx -,,,gterlritoligdiessossisattoyestlispokesssed.• of a wonderfulttsynipathetie nature. •"Th- 1843 she married Istae Pinichatn, a builder and real eetate operator, and their early, ntarfic-TMV-was Marked by prosperity and happiness. They had four children, three sons and a daughter. 't In those good old fashioned days it was common for mothers to make their own home medicines from roots and herbe, nature's o remedies -calling in a physician only in specially urgent eases. By tradition and experience many of them gained a wonderful knowledge Of the curative propertieet.soLthe-vvarioue reefs and herbs. the Pinkham took a great interest in \the study of roots and herbte their char- acteristics and power over disease. She maintained that lust as nature so bounti- fully provides in. the harvest -fields and orcbard, vegetable foods of all kinds; tio, if we but take the pains to find them, in the meta and herbs o the field there -e _e„ ,d_Brooklyres The woricierful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent, 60E -advertising, for whoever used it re- commended it to others, and the demand gradually increased. 1us1$7.7; cembinedefforlstha.family- _ georkressosyste_ssoussemeo. timstier Wttrand euece, oftheentej- rise were tt..un4, until to -day inkhans and herssAutable.... ierlirscii9WirrtHrotilVIIM-V5101 es-andons4-roots-andle are ueed annually in its manufacture. ---LytliasEsPinkharn herself did not to see the great suecess of this work. She paseed to her reward years ago, bat not till ehe had provided nteans for contin ing her work as effectively as she cou have donelt herself. During her long and eventful experi- ence he W,33 ever methodical in her work and ehe was always careful to pre- oerre a record of every caee thet came to bersetteutionss The -case -of- every -sick wont= who applied to her for advice - and there were thou7ds---received careful study and the de its, including symptoms, treahuent and results were recorded for future reference, and to -day these record, together with hundreds of thoesands made since, are available to rick women the world over, and repre- sent a vast tollaboration of mformation t of w ' Three tirenteof . The to:0re NStanlke '8 red Iterr- 5 . W Yearley . ,11Mairshin TOMO10 H 10 - C SteOlake 5 8 8 Sinith 8 ESnJeis 10.7 10 A 'Ford. $ Ford A W Wein S. 5. Word , 5 Triebner on by shootin tie in the first event and F arkg,SCats- Wirelrffigtegattraftividoe dlv. 40 per cent. - „ tr, scss eitilleVert J. Armitage, V.S., wife and childre have returned to Kineardhie, afte spending the holidays with frien here. -The following spent the hol &rim here: Fred Fox and Allen gut o Toronto University; Charles Scat -Guelphs Miss Retta-Fox„- Tharriestord James4uackeribush-andrchildre ato*tionB. aucb as,011,tloating on.:t grp.:egt*:.:Ct4ornaitmtasidt viorew4etbene$: 'pot down in thie section, oto that', te. 'sources ip: the ,war of, oil *04 gas are 7. Greenway EVA of Braylleld spent New Year's at the homesof W. J. Wilson. -111e. Bare. W. J. Wilson and. Mrs. Eliza Stinsonsspentsa pleasant- afternoon - with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens.-Mr- and Mrs. Dormer) of Adak Craig spen New Year's at Alex 211E4 'apent 'e\Y1 Ea.Mct erson's.-Mr. and Mos Kernp of Pine Hill Jaz Buis }bee - New Yeses visitOrestre Thais Buliales.` - W. J.. Wilson and Mrs. Stinson We- n ited friends at Corbett. -Mr. and Mrs. r John Sherritt and family and Mr. and ds Mrs. R. Webb were at A. M. Wilson's for New Year's. --The entertainment' I at Grace church on New Year's Eve 4 was a decided succese. The pictures were splendid end- the addresa and o solengiemishr...Mrs.WelistetWere-xet Ontario; Arthur Iteitch. M ss Roe Mci.lectis Londoni.S.-McComhs-Dentil (oIlege( folito; Raid Robiriset4 St. Thonies; . "•Itts , Off Holmes Mrs. and Miss Mohnes an Mrs,31:Andrewes,London; Jas. Mat eson, I/easel:ter, Ind. -After a month' visit intewn and vicioity, ftellin left Saturday. for Cranbrook, B.c. Mrs. Robert G'ollins and sons ,have re turned from a visit to Toronto. --j. M Ross is recovering from his recent, ill ness.-At the regular meeting of Cour Luca's, No. 834, 0,0.F., held Friday the following officers weie elected to 1008s C. Courses,. A.rrisr shiussts a eertion preyentive *s wt41: 4 'When YOU• feel hitt you ars takkinS pla or 'lime Wing Or 'Rehire; in ally part of the body or bead„, oe feel week, tired diuy, unfit for werk, o -ns, but send -i. i.edlateiy to your iruggist and iss4 bettlesof Ps - 1,proiro1inced7Si-keta), and prepare as rollout : "Psychine, 2 teaspoonfuls. "Sherry, whisky or Watee,, 2 twit._ spectifuTs. • Witt an re - c -F tenet) of the petient. 'Mix thoroughly and -take regularly before each meal and at bedtime." siptioarshoselseeresassetsierse theu of eaSe3 1111tt haS been.' SO nnivers4.1ly successfu/ that a number of leadirg physicians regularly pre- srribe Psychine in their practice for any of the above trouble?, or any run- down, wasting or constitutional diffis eulty. It is the moot reliable and valuable home remedy. It tones up ao. entire syatent,, giving feeling, of onthfulness and vi or addin make_ . ..,Tear,..ago ivitui almost eusinbisigelai wreerootaxko:4111._:_: 13„,_,Xrierulasant„ - 1: ., :amain. intruded tortsetsreas 41.1rs.,'"V:ints Yourig- Atristssin'ee_ • -firiff-n - itm • - -- '047-i-fifil returned after a tyms iili-411WoniVaanicliPti"eltetrolea.wit-r0:Mrtis lastieettdjAgr ° YacfflNLertinsweetottotatwolraleelmirseeL4kairildwal d son and wife of Aurora spent 111119, gain with'eseu • h; trrik.hsthelJ. Wittror-"11- 'W.ItAre.nilson o Lon- le:t"tten43:0.387.4"16/1210=8,0"1*-424.7111. 44..--------- — ars no symptoms 1 conSUMotioneheattOellOrr." sr don epent the past few days at his . et. min, N.B. - _home here. -Mrs. Elizabeth Stinson .i had beeti autrerint from Le Grime-. my - and Mrs. W. J. Wilson spent a pleas- iusgs were weak and rtuotacouse, oureercetas . ant afternoon at the home of,T. Stew- cured inel , - erdson.-At the annual school meet- Ina ItChrtRAIreapsiae, Ont. t mg held recently R. Webb W101 elected . trustee in No. 10. and Chas. Wilson Pentane can be procured from any ✓ was re-elected in No. 18.--J.Middleton druegist at 50e. and $1.00. it is a vers & Of Clinton ruta few_4aws-in_this_ - Oat Oolinsflasketts-V.C.Its 3,7 . mitage. Treas.: M. Culbert; asap. Geo. Fox, Rees-See'yr W.F.Hawkshaw Fin. Seety., O. McCoomb, S.W.; A Row ard, J. W.; J. R. Howard, S. ; A Reith j:.B. After the elections the annua oyster supper was partaken of. • PazentrrAstiosis.-Thos. flennesse for many years connected with. Or Ce ral flotel was nt ront-thesseit- izen of the town. The gifts were *morn panted by a well worded Mare*, Meg. Elinneeierteas waitedonby the ladies ofthe Presbyterian church and pre serge(' with a handsome chair, accom pealed by a very flattering address. The events took place on Thursday ev ening prior to Mr. and Mrs:Hennessey- dirillys-sro nerid-Da,ve Shank are vis- ; ktviteitesfriideestadt aabTeutondbeesosea-Wataililniam._ aintswon of Elstyocthkearired al:tot:tee zloalphypoiatv_is - Rev. Geo. Durr of Port Huron preach- weals Hazlewood of Harniota, Man., ed YerY interesting and instructive is visit rig at his home here. We are I sermon in Boston Methodist church 04 plsesed to wee hint again.- Ed,bBror ot 174 latent the holiday* with Iris y Dec.a Dn L.L.*T-9-bl,nvmerguelkiloa dbe.t.atirOcnnOttirrotnedir aftweureszehno liadtay, Pgroitoleasra -heTrehr Mus. Geo. e of Sylvan Passed away after anilineseDat1i11 tifea;_Gadke. Mies. -M •I -T VAI70118 an weaknesses of the y, and it was her pleasure to eeareh out, and \prepareseimple and effec- ire medicines for her own -family and ads. - • Chief of these was a rare combination c e eloicest medicinal roots and herbs found beet adapted for the cure of the ills and weaknesses peculiar to the female sex and Lydia E. Puikham's friends and neillsom learned that her 'compoend relieved and cured and It became quite popular among them. \ All this eo far was done freely, without money and without Price as a labor of love. • But, in 1873 the financial crisie struck Lynn. Its length and severity were too much for the large real estate interests thiUctasarot Wainer* suffered moet from fearful des urtersirhenstheseentennial dawned found theirspropertysswep away. Some other source of income had to be found. free an gave exe tostve terri ry to hardly be equated in any library in the world. With Lydia E. Pinkhara worked her daughte in-law, the present Mrs. Pink. ham. he was carefully instructed in all her hard-won knowledge and for years she assisted her in her vast corres- pondence. To her hands naturally fell the dines tion of the' work when its originator pawed away. For •nearly twentytilve years she has continued it and nothing E. Pinkham dre her pen, and the present Mtn. Pin now the mother f y, it up., With VV01131111 aeistants, some as capable as her- self, the present 3fra Pinicham continues this great work, and probably trine the illee-oesno-other pereon so many women been advised how to regain 4 01112 for Health," freely given if you only write to iisk for Such is the ry• of.1 dia lisan'ilVseeetable m • --Growets7Othlighlira-d-e- nursery Stock. -Vegetable mpourid was made known slatt10. "ote and her 1 t114 One great - Toronto, Ont. to the world. • median*. for women's ailment and tier id_terins_ n . a_ fittingt-mommten• t-40- rttime. • _ The three ions and the daughter, with Whose name -it beam et was formerly Margaret Eagleson, was yes*, kiss Morrison, Mr. and M. • born in SinitY tPear BaIfeli0vet i31:sClarke, LontporotEreestikbieayeavsZo.Atretiaefberaaotuawiieduraidtwm.oson: riage, about 24 years ago, she moved Niagara; Mrs. Thompson, Frank Rob - to Greenwv wfth her husband *here bison, London. • they resideduntil about two years ago when the family moved to their new - farm in Sylvan. Onedaughter Miss leaving for Clandeboye, where the let ter will engage in the hotel business. These good eitizens wilt be much miss- ed here by the whole .eillage as they were excel! nt d friendi WIrDIMIG-The' home of Mr. and Sarah lane and two sone John and • Will all at home are now left with, the bereaved husband. Mrs. Armstrong's death is the third in the Eagleson fam- ily during the past year, the father and tr brother-havmespredeccated ter. Mras Wm. Kent Wee -the Beene ,of a erY pleasing eveneon New Year's day when their eldest daughter Miss Ina Luella gave her heart and hand to Hector N. Taylor, only on of Mrand a.L.W-in.--Taylors-sand and highly esteemed young armer of IThborne. Precisely at 12 o'clock. -while-tbe-weddirigsvattreb-tvas-beings played -by- MieiSEfrtesTayior sisterofthe groom. the bride entered the par- lor leaningoirthesiteer01 ber fat whets Rev. J.E....11olmeiStleil the- insp. tial knot's'. the presence oldie • ed late relatives and friends of the 'con - ting -parties. -The Wally attired 1* A, &eller white c thene;:reiinnied with. lice ana P. vertIonsenti• carried s 1120Wer uet of Pink carnations h Congratula Oryi repaired-toverall -thedi • where a dalutily served dinner was partaken of. Thr happy couple then, drove to. Grantors where they took. the. 3.35 trein for Toronto • and ether pointirwhere theyare now enjoying. heir honeymoon. The.bride's going - way gown-vtaa of blue ladies' cloth ;:istehir:tignilgtirreCtii137hX140:31:411: large array of beautiful ig'fts was pre.. sented to her, among w lob was beautiful kitchen. tabinet,„-the gift of the grown. On their return from the honeymoon Mr. and Mai. Taylor will take op. their residence on the grooroli fine farm*, Lot tO, eon; 9-;-•flahorne. The beet *frisbee of a hoot of friends are theirs for a long happy and wt. perotts married life. Zurich - J. B. Beilarif, wife . 41-11-1 -familjr of Stratford; Mrs. Henry Geiger ind eon Roy, J. D. Merner and wife, Elmira; 'Chris Roth and N'otth Erb, Velitaley; Mich.; Mrs. Graff, New flani urg; V. 'k Mrs. J. Wortz end two 'son • Pigeon, K. Lehman of . London were stmtnag the many visitors who spent the holis days here..-4•Mis. E. Zeller hew rettlfil. ' ed from a pleasant visit with her • per. e !lir!" anal _M_erlin,A feet _eventege ago d Mrs. .1. EL 11011C/C were niade this recipient of tr- heods0Me - tea , *04 *hoo. &short :address frores-thestrearese Members of their fatuily.-411 the members of the old Council, were re. elected . by ‘atelittuation as ,followtof Reeve,P. Lemont:, Councillors," , John Geiger, Rs SleArthur.Louliltillbileisch and .I. K. Goetz. -The ,Zurich telis *phone ei6ange was last week ' teoired, to R. Zelleroaolilets ' A'nutriber of veil"... .. , titephonee will alio be inStelled.-Ort, ' Alex. Rennie, Babylon rery suddenly New Year's day. sabots* 1 she had ,comolained.Of not teeling.well .-. ' for the Pitt tow months. 1Xsii. funerei. ' ' , WO held Saturday. to the BalbyloQ fi Line cemetery. ' This oyeapet,ht of sill; feceetisedartissthejlie****W.ftirni " Our min*gemint trains more kkeaper. 8tenogrphers and her in teitern r t r* *rge tor two courses. Moet inently qualified In, 43r*dunte**solited. to tot000. Other Mier* o ttgritdoatesiteteachem In- ividual instiuttion. it. po1U1181138 in Miktritu., I Civil Serviee, liOrthrtrid! Boiskteeping, postal for informatton lilt Canada* fireateitCfsaist HI*k 0 r*Aff Pitslik004 CO.1. Vironntso,41.0trisgo lionizing* lily an New Teats Dayr,_atthe home of Mr. Sveauel-MtBrides•Perr Llne When hi, Pohnler .1tontet deflower,' Mary Ann', hefted* he hippy brlde- of Ch* Stepheresda, a preeeerettat lortnlit farmer of Siarifte. At ti 0"tittelt While. MISS lOtift '13tittlet brthilt WAIN rentler. ItOVI 'CirhiSP We,tkrtheittOlittta Altai Itteard tor Soy " esisroi thit4seet isseeteit ttere PeSnit arts - X *C . we tseusseriiiisot UV* sees* 4;eatatiy the Ittt 1.5.34110, Sad **WO** perfectly Vont/reek try *It 'hingeless trettWtiotla eta asentittlly ehts woos tolOhliOtielleaSteehy-triallriC ,W1aarite., ennix** *AM*, 101001,41. Ortiettlektt ing the wedding meta, the bride, in an elaborate gown of white oilE, beau. tittilly, trimmed and carrying a wreeth of pink and white carnations entered the parlor, reclining on the arm of her hither. .• A, beautiful arch had been erected and tinder thie.the groom took bis stand and soon Rev. Davidson tied t the matrimonial knot. After, the cer..- a etrnmy *dainty tea was nerved to the guests, After tea the. young people spent the evening in a merry little dance, the music being tarnished by Mesar.. John McBride, John 'Sehuttter and Rd. Bove. The bride's trtivellin suit was of brown; She received. at Megnilleent array ofpresental. Guests Werepreeent from Galt, London, nen. sail., zurkh and Blake. The young couple mated Monday to their new home on the Parr Lines We Join with the nmny Mends in hest, *Took* /or their future happinew and prosperity., • lieusail It Philips of Albert College; Beti- riltele *pending a few W0411 at bus 'horne brre..--Mr. )31r1r1 zpent • NOW Yeare at his battle in Wttow Luker *int wlfe *ttendedLhe ltepheh. WeRtitli Line' New 'rear* De- 0. Rlchert hut re turned to rt. Martin afteraL vjsitwitI'a his parentirtielre. '‘..11/4)ok, and, wife veir. piiimotly entert,jne1 a notobirl of endoiTuesday eve lo Our nier. theii e'say_that they did the host hut. pese thi* xru*s. than they have done for tert‘4.!=.0, Dirk tthide eslaite ships insert of begs feat week. Price $.50 - Mise Itab, Merteren hes returned to 9nutio County to resume her ,duties _1re tetrelter.s-Mre. W. Melt bait return -14 - -0e OftudebOri, ifilletion- (14 pissed off: quietiv, the old council being re-elected ie liveaye John Robintion went le air itettfe With mejorit of 173.s -The tis 'Mutt, meeting of the ethodlat Sundayschool WAS-belitrfidaqtruithi gandas chow,0 W. L. at took his place as superintendent* Otioningham 44 wife. Of Ceedi. \ton *pent &miss hstietMr*, 14'4' Mill* on of Wfialen rukta aupebore-1%," fits Pi \I vittikAsst week Mr. Martini, our new pumie ece001 teacher, has *tatted' hi* work. We Wish him every solve**, ss -The termer* are teking ad *ante ge of , the sleighing by hisoliost . t 1 •ChristmisAnd Now Years jiassed ry qoletly here. Among t e na t, who *Pent thAt'' hollUys- here **teat ' Mies .•Tilly Tager, too. irroiser, Min tford wife and thotik, Melton., Poet Hin Millet* Monk_ Curonin h* "Ihritont Lootion; it I &loft Toronto; Cloodoinil ; Moos ti*ttio Mr*, Owl to end* thildien ono,' rolat. The f *WI vett t theloildays out or tooth Jo Lily ockuutuitiootu to Loot, oho; , **sou Mee to Dostrolt4 Goottnot toy tot iThArOillal OW*** t .,410111 Ott** Ke trims her eisit to TOrstinto..4he tostoo itil** and Alit* *II 11000 res ttnnd from an eight months' travel Chesney who bad the lifortune to :California and othertetek-Doe. fall *few daYeetroand severely Injut4, both kneee, ',thief* nereseltsted 'his iniego*he beitee,100 getting oti ont tart he expeaost,-,-.4.Yery Fpr brothers and -tax sisters survive: n and Mis. Hicks of Stephen;- Wil Eon of Parkhill;-DaVid oflaeleare on the old homestead; Mrs. j. Nichols, McGillivray; Mrs. Pittman, London; Mrs. A. Glendenning, Cobalt; Misses wise is deeply mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends by whom • sisadmireeland..reeor„.11 ic.velyschriatian characters and exams le. The funeral took place Thursday o Grand-Bendeeroeterris Rev; ft- . Newton officiating. - Mite Ella After saut vies s it he as re uni-0-10-Ar ona to re - 'mote her duties "ea tetictiers.--Alvin Dem *Toronto-Nor':nal College spent th idayeattils-Iterne-heree-Afte a very pleasant -visit here Miss Gude Shier has reterned to her home in Kincardine. -Misses Etta Fletcher of (London and Belle Vette of New York, are home on a feWnionthit visit -Mrs. Silo Shier has returned from* pleas. ant visit at flarriston,-Melville Rob. 14ismiis - test To; Calte_242.!st for Pim-best for verythmg that iqucs “Orie can to try, will alivays make you buy §t. itave irtm it cop* of Bur 'new Cook SoOk? Seat fret if you write • NotsInal Drag & Chemical Co. of Csaada, ',butted, arontrist, introduce our New Swde Turnip, " Canadian we wilt gh-e to every inquirer for our Now 1006 age of these 'omit itbsolutely free. The, district near Guelph shipped400cars to Mom* to -Ltuted States lasveri*on.._. Cos. never grows long or narrow, frte„froni *ids ,and is of unsurpa.cd quality. er,we will sand s. package of our " Santa or tonukto instead of the our choice. It is writ rial based on t t )Yrite ontioar‘. rcrl mber " ani rtfluil11L lC t..* nuke eorret-tly. • The Circa is thus tasicri %''t.. atvi read. A speed ipiser it the results rrincipal vf4,itit fhort gratinatet ander the at; Gtegg" Spitent,Atid ber atig lei of the 1 ueal , Of the ery beat tut