HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 4 (2)\Ins . errii It °Xi allet erwiftri tot RuiVe ZI;(4); fvtittisea 14 t
ati*ud here. -Ed. Powell bite been re. t visiting old friends amend here.esito7 ,
clewing old attlueintanee* around the Luxton.visited relative's an4 Mende at '
burg. ---The morning service will be Crotaarty at few 44,Tajaitt, wlegit,„,M*
withdra'Ssit,next4anday-bere. it-beirnt Breole Of Mitehell is eittittng with he
elediestion of the, new ehurcb at hrothee.Torn, Brooks. —
Whalen appointruent,-Rev. ,John -
sten, a former loftier pastor, vent a .
' rew ' etrolitsNE
— •
. Ilodg*wu of Sask.; and. 40./rst'
Ig.ori of•Tnt0410. were s 80W* 0k.
ert„ rasiCtilsinte*,1041,S SSeek.;"4- •
*Pairof trete* *epee;:thes,.,,Sliells,
kion indwIfe of 1401140 VOtsttl'tbk '1110
and; wife IuzIng 0404
.inafl otder oZ
Jur atteeeett*
to Ohr,
e a QfbiKksVid-
aits aud 0141124mi *-
tu yen don't know Woks -
you try Mooney's Percuon
s5talas,, They ITC CV
the kleal b.. be
pacb gs tbenL,to
1/111114Tetreaub 4**OtO
0o; $100
here tor VOA': Brinkei
find rAn4r • .visKod,Aap
Tarttvelle one week, --Wm
Fetteraon its all inuilessiver t e arrivi
of A boyssaMr. Melatitti and Mr.Shefe
herd with thee wives and Graven
of Thedford„ spent New Yea here..
Mrs, ,11. Gill, who has , been visitin
here, returned toPort Frank Thais
-Mrs.-Dandrens wholuishemvis
treed to Its home n Mon
e n.
-borne riday fro two weeks Vial
• St --Ma larks- of-
Townsh a
Vling friends aroun
h.ere.---r. Ireland is very ill owing to
a paralytic stroke. -Mrs. Pattetss
and Wm. Fiitzr.st,„ , s;liatis.„
Isnot prevail ha gartnints Which appeal
to the better elasa of ,trade. -
Sanders & Creech_ Prollo.-7,,
tI,1,14.TrOf=ane,?Ifft.t df.'•
Goshen Line Stephen
We wish all our readers a baePY
and prosperous New Year. - our
. ChristtiaassanclAINew ',Year's visitors
-frszn-Londonsveres Mre 'Davis and
-fa , • "ting-hers-hrot4-hem-Hti
.Brew Swot
lasted Imps. choice
•1440: iralt and
pure's.criag water*
with.. tze uteseat
cars.. Bottled at.
• tbe-tasiwery 4e a
;lo .coserS.
ole )\le
• ''*-A.P1s*,2"
:thugh it
4140.10,141.. Yich asiajiutest
• ,
6 thoughtful aad practieal sermon 'on .
the text? °GoctisIsave.'-iStintlay wes'
0 the alisniveriery air At the ',Methodist,
Sunday School and large cosigrega.
14 times were in attendance throughout
* the dais The paeter_sBssyss,Ws...11,,,
4,tflundarSelitibt WaseltekasndMe
utt, preach lin the mOttlin$ an,s.Cotwilt sittpltkiessitsastiofts--40k
t Sunday School was held, when ad-
s toessssessa, iterisaffiissan -dThin-Src were
u given by totAti teachers and upils.
Free WillAtfestee
dirrirthe Fairfield, lane, was
s thrown over an embankment at his
blowing -1‘" 'City and hadbisleg
broken below the knee. a double fract-
ure being the resul.t. The injury is so
• serious that he is to be sent to the
London hoapital. His many friends
• regret very rough to hear of the acci4
dent. -Mrs. Parsons, Sr., is quite ill
from congestion of the lungs. -Rev.
W. Us Mgt lett._T.ttesdav Morning to
sat. hisi eifiter_nearmINtatfords_afxs-
two sons, George knd Robert, also bei
- - - daughtersaziliss-Ausyss visited sat-thc-
- -- -- -home of Afts. Wm. Yearly. and lathe
friends in and around Crediton -Alf'
r^a-Williain-I,-Fired 01-7-ieTT-Utia 8
friellti, Miss HAL visited at George
Mawhinney's; all of whom have now-
--sreturaed to their respectiVe hoines.-
Mrs. O'Brien and son, accompanied
by Miss Newgent, of North Dakota,
are visiting the former's father, Mr.
, Richard Glanville. -Mrs. Davey, who
• has been quite ill the last, few weeks,
we are glad to note is improving very
nicely.-MissIda Finkbiener, who has
been workbag at gurick_has returned
15efine for awhile. -Wm. Yearley will
be our new Councillor for the ensuing
year. You got it.easy this time. WilL
--School-re-opened ouday with Miss
Keys, of Stanley, as teacher. Welwish
- her every success, -Geo. Itlawhipney
and Sinien Hartman intend iemodel-
ling their barns the coming spring. -
A small party met at S. Preszcatoes
on Monday, Dec. 30t;h. All report a
ss •
1 ,,IIMP'N7M," !Ili
batch. Be careful, Rube, this is leap
year. -On New Year's Day the annual
shooting match and oyster supper was
held at Mr. Louia Kraft's. Supper was
served at six o'clock. After nearly 70
guests bad satisfied themselves with
oysters, salmon and other good things
provided by Mra. Kraft, the evening
was spent in games aqd other amuse-
ments. The hours passed quickly till
about two o'clock, when ail left for
their respective homes. wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Kraft a happy and prosper-
ous New Yrar, and many of them. We
must congratulate Mr. and Mrs: 'Kraft
for the excellent manner in vrhich they
entertained their friends. The _know -
hag is the score:
--W-Yearierafts2.--Geos -Ma
-whiney 3, Thos. Dinney 3, Dave Ma.
• whinney 2, Wm. Martyn 3 Bole. Ma.
Whinney 4, Chester Mawhinney !is Mf.
„ _
ttie nit y esi
ben Davey I, Win. Schrader 1, toho
Itartanap 2, Chris. Dinney 3.
W. Yearley 4, L. -Kraft- I, P.: Law-
son 2, 13. Freszcator 0, W. Marcy%)
U. Davey 1.
TEN' ROCK ataartt.
-Wins Yearley 6, Is. Itraft 7, G. Mit
whiiiney_4. C. Dinney 0, D. Mawhin-
ney W. Sehrapalee Mawhinne
.1. Sehrader 5, T. Mawhinney 0.
Mawhinney 7.
hilskit and is moving it to is
ed at -Frank Alltaters' on the 19th and,
had a social hop on New Years night,
while a few others gatheredat liVna
Fritz and enjoyed a dance. -Mrs. Joe
Rexene left Saturday to visit at Sebe
ringville.-School commenced Monday
and Miss Mills, teacher, has returned
from a pleasant holiday.
rn,1431.tiett; y-othe ar Watt
- *10 _U....1.11„ EIOJE. 1,-,,orgiviii' '..r.
. .
rn.,,heiVeliatecennonent the I'
„ seltorts liseaasaa. oar sodas sil'ir 141"eilars in agrillt**Ftsn::-:::: ----:
faStPriee-. -Paid-t-*or-Ch'aba "iiglarbetiltaciang the dbesbill4 Orgy.* Toilletkrt'itioceetl. fbuttr, • s
=---.._.,...7.==..-pmuikigioiggwai,;aia•.....r...:ole= ,t4,141M,- wk_.. ___"1.,:thE.e 41/4044atvort_mamet092.077,17m,Tz,z," _ , :
;. intereeted. in your welfare wnte now tor our eats,
-;.--.7.--,...,:c...3tr_ , ....--. .....,....,„ .,,,-.....,.,Fdor3r,f-fritiry.i.....---x.z.,—.•.••----•,----,
.,._.,_ _ ,e .
. ..........•.-..... , .
Geo. Bedford left Tuesday for Sar
the-Ooodison Threshing -Co.'s works.-
to Elkton, Mich., lastT4rtrsday„ wher
Iresbastersed a taw -We -wish Tian
every success. -Miss Virsillie Hill and
Kiss Melinda Trick have returned to
MIMI and Stratford respectively
where they will continue their studies
In the, Business College of each place.
-Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher is visiting
relatives in Tavistock for a few weeks.
-Our public school re -opened Monday
after the holidays. The teaching staff
hasn't been changed. ----A large num
her of c•nr skatera base beensenjoyierr
the excellent ice on the river the past
week, Quite a number are learning
to skate and their actiontsare certainly
amusing to see. -Rev., Jacob Staebler
of Kilmanagh, Mich, is visiting his
father. He occupied the pulpit in the
Evaavelical church last Sunday even-
ing. -Returning Officer D. D. Wilson
of Seaforth was in town last Saturday
looking after the soUIng booths for
a few days in Mitchell last week with
bis brother and, sister. --Miss Marie
Morlock, who has been one of the
organists in the Evangelical church
for a euraber of years, tendered her
resignation to the Board of Trustees
at the annual church meeting. held on
Neve Year's Day. Miss Olivia Holtz.
man was appointed in her place. -
Henry Horton. the Conservative can-
didate, of Tuckeramith, was in town
last.Saturday.-It is rumored that.the
railwas, surveyors intend running an-
other fine through here. It Willrun
elong the eouthern part of Exeter and
cross the river be at Keres yards,
end then southwesterly. This wilt
a more desirable route as it will catch
the brick and tile yards, fIRX and grist
mills, as well as being quite central for
It --Walter Clarkla-basvi
gas piping put in his hail over the
bank. -The leap year a pears to be
Tam.yearsforsawirriages.,-- Last-Thurs.
of apoplexy._ She is well known, ,in
this -district -her husbandshavitirl*ett
-venfStthieforsojjp ears befoXes,
erenmetto WLfffillf4x1R-
beisietgram -of Toronto - returned to
her -hum ter-asplessaist-vitit sirit
ber uncle r.J. Hepburn. --Miss Mari
Hepburn is visiting at her home for a
w weeks: -
A- charming home wedding took
place at high noon on Dec. 28th at th
• home of Mrs. Alex. Jamieson, whe
her daughter Nellie was united i
marriage to Mr. D.H. Austin'of Nairn.
'rhe ceremony took place beneath
wedding bell hung from an artisticall
evergreens, holly and flowera, Rev.
-Rennie of Nairn offisiating. Th
bride in it charming 'gown of poin
d'esprit over white silk, with conven-
tional wreath of orange blossoms,r'sen
tered the room on the arm of her bro.
titer, who gave her away. After th
cerettiony a tempting dinner was ser-
ved in the dining room, which wa
• rettily deeorated with evergreens,
eastern points, and on their return .to
Nairn were given a reception by their
friends,. about 50 of whom gathered et
the home of the bridegroom to, do
honor to him and his bride, both of
whom are well and favorably known
in this neighborhood.. Many itteful
and beautiful presents testified to the
esteem' in which they are held. The
bride's going away gown was of navy
blue chiffon cloth with hat to match.
of considerable local interest was the
"house.warming" of the new school
bobse on Monday evenings ,The build:
. Ing, which is of brick. is 20140 feet,
rwith a Urge, airy laminent,_•contain-
ing furnace and coal rooms, besides a
neat play rooms On the WWII floor is
the large. well -lighted class -room, with
-ursto-date--blacksboard- -lainnin
across the rear end. Every child can
thus view any part of it from his or her
. ,seatsatIldsthesteachers CAW- _comma
attention from her seat without' inter-
fering witirthe-viewii twat -pitfalls
ceiling is covered with Georgia pine,
varnished to bring out the grain of
are two commodious cloak rooms.
Surmounting the building is it. neat
bell totiplison -which A -large hell' of
e tone la plactids-abassehiehanity
heakttasouple-otmitstarway. Through
the indotninatable energ of the trus-
the-Staff o
employed, the " whole structure .was
bui t and cowpleted with's) six weeks*
In appearance,eonstruction,desien and.
convenience' it is a model, school -house
and does credit not only to the villtige.
but aka to those who have,th
ad e
enterprise in -hand from start t finishs
Mists Swann. daughter of the vs F.
Swann, of Fullerton, who comes to ii*
with many complimentary notices and
high retommendotiotte, h** been en.
aged is teacher -at it salary) a 4100.
The i' ' opening of the e-chool too
placm'on Monday eyetting. when , the
'building was packd to thefull by Ibe.
children, parente and friends of the
section, and members ,beeides. Rev.
W. la, Butt was eleeted chtittnan and
preeepteda lengthy and varied pen -
gram of tousle, recluttions and speeeh.
• vs. Sparevvill not permit your ' cor.,
reepoedent mentioning all the names
of thotits who took part in the even.
Ing'st entertainment. , but we cannot
overtook theauitable retiteris of Aliso
Botterill, who has been tetteher at the
raltiteld echool for stennPle ni etkiiiiit
*rid still continue* in ttiat veracity,
and MiesSwantt„, 'ho to Jaw -begin.
fling her work in the ne*sehool. / The
former, eitpreaaid great satisfaetion
et havirtglhe bitter -for it. near- title:hi
hoe and extended • her. -* cordiel Wei-
cotee. whileqhe latter was plesetel to
lt*Ve so effleitent mod succetatul it
teacher front wtttet0 she might, get
*newt Pointe In her ,' work. Refresh.
merit* were *trots by, the Utiles (hie -
mg the everting mei a most enjoyable
time was *pent tooth*. If three le
any one PeraOtt , Who lieeetViet 'more
• eredit thin another, it is Mr. 'Andrew,
Rieke, who foe -Woke, without *07
rermunertetiow seltateeter, • or
stack superintended tlet eons
andworked an hi* shirt *tette* In all
Oathers, until theompletionof tbe
dettaking. ArrangeMents hay
been -made with the chtuth, t
ties witereby. tilt HOitiltrrs, '
e Idever of test village Who it
,ittendhtg tip* separate toe
tend the public sebotil fa
With attelsoheitirot
favorable a.slM
day Edward Warm and Miss Lydia
Schwartz were married at the Evan -
wised parsonage. We extend con-
gratulation*. Rumor has it that more
are to failow„ (Sapid must be-busys
We wit! 13 0 on, see what success he has
hed.-The following who have been
visiting friends and i‘elatives herealur.
itiff-the-hadayfrrettirned -t&tbein re
_piketive-14otaea this week -s .4)harl
Ewald of Akron. Ohio; Mr, and .Mrs.
Wiiid. and Charles Wind. of Detroit -
Chas. Either to Mayville, Mich., and
Wm. likewis to South River; Fraser
Brown,1 Bruce Kienzle and Uses, Oes-
treicher left for Chatham on Thurs.
d‘ty. -where they will -take, a Comater,
cis,' course the Business • College., -
Oonrad n and .Christian Beaver,
who were nominated police truste set
the fiat nomination, resigned, le hut
Wm. Lewis ttie Only one elected for
the present year. Thos. Trevethtek,
the Returning Officer, has called an.
other nomination meeting. for Mon.
day, theleth to the yotatieles.-
The many friends of ' Anderson
were greatly' shock arn that be
had the misfortune to ettk his leg
last Saturdny evening. For articu.
lets gee Centralia news. II teeny
friends hero trust Unit reeoeery
will be rapid. An auction *ale of his
farm, stockist:el lie temente, will
held Thursday, the th. Bill* are out
psrticultirs.-Chae. Stock of
aVistoek was in town TilesdaY Wind,
irig up hitt buttinestsaffeirte-t-The local
Forester Lodge held Ito *teapot elec.
tion. ofileers Tait -Tuesday evening,
the out ult...ivithiett resulted att &Howls:
0,1L, Geo, Ifirizel; VAR, Wm.'' IL
Wtaizel: Herbert, Either; F.S..
lonio IffralgIns; Treat , Etre • F*44
ep., Ravi Bettye &Wt.. John
4-ini LW. 0$01 Fri at; 84144 Paul,
Sbenk: harlot Eillters nudes*,
Yoting and -Dr. tifeeneLbiarshel„
Mistthew Gt tact,.
Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Parkinson of
London spent the holidays at the home
of _her mother here. Mr. Parkinson is
pribcipal of Grand Avenue Normal
Training School in that city. --Election
time is rather quiet around here this
year, all the old councillors being re-
turned by *eclat:natio-0.-816. Coultis
and his grandsons Leroy and Chester
spent: the past few weeks with friends
itt St. Miteys. Thedford and Forest. -:-
Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, who bas. been
under the doctor's care for awhile, we
are glad to hear is now speedily re-
covering. -W. Andrews of Hansiotit is
visiting old friends around here again.
A a
For over *ivy years, doctor*
have endorsed Ayer's'Cliern,
rectors' for coughs., colds;
weak tunas, bronchitis, con.
sumptiom You can trust at,
.medicine The 'best doctors ap4,
prom 'Then trust this the next
time you hive a hard ,cough,
Th. *Hit efa'ttettlimealel-e
"Iola for two *bay yeartS*
t AS Mond* th
ultattendatte r. and Amy
thentford are visiting the: ittteett
stet, Mr*. I). r. and gm
obey atiovell of Indio and' gdepir
(Jewell of Toronto the Ottrist.
rental roof.
• h. didays under
Mr. and hire.
me on Friday Wt, having spent t.,11ti,
'attn.'s*, holidays in'Totivto..Titos.
• kv tool' sollettbese data. TVS' a
WiWeehttet 0.0411 tOrt,
:ed bit btOthfit Chatio**-t London for '
tlataow.li. number, fonot, hate 04.
itded StiWkittiktty seitnot artrilversary
"to,. ,ott rittodat last.."-Mistr
Vialtett et -her one/A.'
ik •'Mk
4' 1.1 li0OHEY 513CLIT CANDY C;
.17roctes 1'lum110444
Th. awe Rom* _pogo.
Tonecuid slut:colosseum* •
novena .s. make* new
Ln (44 eins. cures Ivera.
al mut Brain, Worilb
la Abuseor Zrceeaca.
wetter% .804-br-all-
-rettizeretets.m 'Or cc, -if
ree. The Modioins Oft
We regret, to say that we were in
error last week io our Account ,of a
death in the Advocate. It was through
no fault of our regular correspondent.
We heard of the death of Mrs. Wiper,
and our infornsant who gave us the
particulars"gave the ''wrepg name asf
the lady. consequently the names of
the family were also wrong. A cor.
rection *ill be found below;
steers are fast passing from time into
eternity, but the fragrance of a pure
life is left for the sorrowing ones to
cherish. The last one to be called away
was Mrs. Louis VValper, which sad
event occurred at her home on Sun.
day, Dee. 30th, at the good age of 75
yeeres death -was quite unexp
ed as on the Sunday before Xmas. she
attended divine service in the Luther-
ent mem r. ece was °ruler y
Miss Weaver and was a native of
Germany, but for the past 55 years
hat been a resident of this. neighbor.
hood where she was dearly, beloved and
highly esteemed by all vrho had the
pleasure of her acquaintance. Besides
her bereft partner the folbawint child.
ren survive: August, Fort Wayne;
Casper, 2i miles north of Das worxi;
Louis on the homestead; Mrs. Charlet;
Winer, Fort Wayne; Mrs. Jac. Schroe-
der, North Dakota; Mrs. Peretzy, Fort
Wayne; Mrs. (Rev.) Schroeder of
Michigan; another lady (Bertha) in
Fort Wayne; Mc.- Hahn, North Da-
kota; Mrs'. Fred Willert of Hay, west
Dashwood. She also leaves over 40
grandchildren. The funeral took place
Thursday and was largely attended.
The grief-stricken ones have the sym-
pa by of the entire community.
On Monday evenirigof last week a
meeting of the ratepayers of the v1r.
age was beld in Zimmerman' Hall
for the • ur se of nominating trustees
or the vi age • or
names were placed in nomination, but -
all withdrew with the exception of the
required -number, three. Hence there
will be no eleetion. The Board will
this year be compmed of the following
personsstsWeltin, Geo. Rdighoffer.
and Milli- Pretters=Mr.Sliore, -the
principalof0 s ichbol, has rearmed
chair of hia d ties. as has also the
assoctates, t e loses Uaz1 ng.- r.
Simpson Ireland andfaniliy of Strat-
ford were called here on Saturday et -
ening Owing to the nines* of Mr. Ire.
land's father, who it few day* *go, re-
ceived *slight paralytic stroke. mine
it is only _very "light, Owing th his ad.
Vanced years, a repitetion might fol.
losr at tiny time with fetid result. --
Mr. Wiegand 1. conflned to bit bouse
with an affliction of some kind. We
'hope 1109itia see Wet around again es,
mend. • %%rhea Well her ht 3dOtti% 4 town
almosttivety slay, so that whert he is
not, seen wending his way to either of
tust daughter's houses. We may be 'urn
he is not welt --Me.. Shromm has re-
moved his household effects to WM.
land, where he haw agiiin gone into
brines*. •Mrs. Shrumm and family
(Inoorpotatel by Act ot Parliament 1855)
Tliettrtefriceri.:7 -Biontrea1-
Reserve Fund 3000,000
- --_-3%-ettin000--777"-7
E s fiNT- tiff DiiifffifYSt-
OPPICE KOOS 10 a. in. tot, '02o• SATURDAYS, 10 a. te. to 1 P-
DEPOIT Receipts' issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
avini Dank Department: YattArteifrtZernIngrattlfallvelnuis aeclut"try'll
pepodt, of got and upwatasreceive .
X AS Oran
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Governmecnt*.
'N. D. IIIJEDON, Manager,
4ci (he nnies Like car' e of Mentsekies.
It's all very well to save the pennies, but get into the way of
saving ths &liars. They chunt up faster. Consistent saving will
place you beycnd the grasp of need.
I L:erest is paid quarterly upon depcisits, and Huron eAsErib
-ire s earn 4 per cent. per annum.
Cash Value of Mortgages S10,050,673 26
To al Assets • 11,103,214 $2
C ,•1,00SsiSeS C0
112.S:tin Fuad• 1,G03,0a0
There 13 no ,stronger Company with which, to to bUsiness in
Canada. Correspondence gladly entered\ into.
...._. • .
- • Fa-rqtthar.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent
Nifty- Year Vlid latiVes .
Brantford,-Miee Ettle ilen of Slrik
fwoeredkvs_is jit.ed,4...atsoTwholart. \Ovaietnitettdon4tirkinadest 1 n restore
OA natural ooIor.
in Seaforth part of the wee/to-4'1"V of o stet* 1444 bile, grew 0* bsid
our boys, Gorden Brown and Johnny'hems. epreadttedrattrittlasir.sestp
Ilawkes, caused *Owe Anxiety' tot Br itttimo thin vor groymbuturiimuj.
itshgeavvidoodo and
taiiktibn the time
tai ntrigoe fw:itti trill till:I:it:al tion.4004,evierb4itibtabioicteoidditiany'rrepsot-7- 1,00._,•
week by, their sudden dioappeant ce.• 4,706tots to oar (iti stogy iistrootto.
DR New Tear's Day they went txte To entirely unlike eter other, t,„,tr prepara.
wnoot oreittiturhnedediorThibee_ratos.nilatrymat.hasero.,ntinti. :iiithliiimitialitiviffitestimoild00.01iiirizx clatio
, quirks set on foot.' Whether tne,110,11 Akidredrif Etypt.soodittiebakgrookr
mothateettoelelt ;e:::...........,e,aP4wrtty$,. tifOn!s4111t9_2:1:111, Or with resuffialiiitwolegureusIng•
not Ictretn. biteercontire;r usiteritrettotruconsidtiz-0,47 Rot',
fi, A. ttboa, *line% Motittn06
NI.Ortro.Thinrestville#On.t. C •
net orals the 'net i WO it/
Printed . By R uosi itdbosdignissiinritaltirsor_oratr:try,re„trock
n G. Mal, NewAberdeen,
wth Meek 'bake crlainsleolor. _
Mi the following by *hat * an *hottest* sted midi theorists.
to soy seeteeetativilisee *wee •
reetietor poet, 60c. ^satiteeteree 1*7
it 1101EitIVIN tliss Windsor. Ostta Canada. '
la in Exeter by j. , W. Browning,
. owey* W. S. ,titile. OM*.
se II folio* in a fewday*,--Mr. Wesley
Jililier gave *, birthday pstrty, to .1u*
friends on Tuesday night of last week
They reporL it most enjoyabIet tne,
'whith speaks well for Wesley its MI
entertainer. The qiiSation now .10, how
old is' Vitailey1-1110.
has teen attending bt*110114,4,11
homehor,lefenttAsturtitty to reel ow
hi* WO* at London...4r. And -Mra.
W. floindereoek of London are visiting
twlatteet parents. Mr 1 and
turned to"Plattoville after epee
few Weeks!' holidays et his horn
Muliger tots \ returned 10 bit
autios a's, harness maker Atter spend.
in* the holidays at Dftcnit and hod.
ford. -t -Miss M. Parsons, of the I3iiby.
Ion Line, visited friend* in tor village
On Surelay.---Tlie :bliss/es Olive and
Lloy Fenn, of fiatithil I. ,otre the gueitte
of tbeietotioin, Mist Ethel Kellermaii4
Arthiir Irellernian has returned to
Nsp.rwille,. 111,.wherts.ho will resume,
his !iidletc..teonard, 000, who Ilaar
bern visiting bore tile some .tiose. las
retnined to his home in 0 orossitf'biliebe
'fender**, of riLtitirlon, was
gorst-ot Miss Selina /fasliger for or
day' lot week.
bottleand take in te**0000611
after -each meal and at bedtime.
Fluid Osteset • Dandelion one.
°once; COrn wind lratr$011. one thin
'0013POund • rrott-.11ara*Parillii thri
ouneeir.- drAric autb�
,tythstithetat simple nartulesa lag
ents een be ohtstitied at keiniatia post
from inn; home druggist*. 4
''4111 it =ha tire 1 and-
strengben the Clogs/ d' inactive:
kflatiet*, otereolning 13atrkliebe Mad.:
'der weakness and' trinary trouble* of
alt kinds, it taken before the stair of
Those who have tried this say it pos., and wife' tit lirlififela ate On *it extend. .
Itively overcomespriin in the bark, ed vtolit tiff* neighborhood..*flu
tieitratheArine of eetlittiOnt, and rigti. MeDottgel, *former teacher herr, and
tato* Urination, espetially at night, lila wife, who, have been *pending. the
euring elven the Worst forirs,s of blad,illholidays here and tit ParqubiTtr,
der 'weakness. c -•returntd to Cortilior.-Mrs..Tohu Ron
Eters, Man or Woman herewho teds has returned frorn 'visit ta her .
that the kianett, ate 'not strong. oristet. fatherStephBl
ens At ekess---Fienk
In a beitrby -*tanner iihnoht ruit Mlbri`ilie • sod wire leave' titotined to
this prescription at home* d i it. a ';';(71teltitistb m after *pending :the boll*
trio" I** It pi oda to, 'do wo for -days here and At EXetereesJohrt Cies
:outny4tersens, ;[inentetbetoti4c,bitniatif to Mc 'forest Oil
The Sersinton Pa. Tints* w o Olitistme* do on art, inteteirting raise
"Ion and nol, MI* 'Ante( "Monster tif
Mt.. Pereet lies made the heart ef Nit.
Cleittortts*itut bekvtning his wife,
It welt WisbeireOilat Vits Otaikt thei
tore will be reasoned with poite amd
Tit; Christ overand
our burg hal !kettle/A down to 401et.
rt* once Inore..Misa Nellie Po tleij pf
British, Colainbia isthe guett of Ws* -
Al e II wood. Fran Durdle
**int thiereMarktiage Prelit
Us. Ottisbee Of 1906 tint* when -
moo "NOW* newspapers tot IftiloTor
latilleite4p1i1s rittriburtloa otb
• Istaolostait stow ostost,imitaitso
of It to their risotto. proottItr.