HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-09, Page 3 (2)I HT W 4.1Altlf 0 . A uttx 11W TOO I, Na SG -14,K*01 'b iIe Aj We *s "g ., 0. 4c,f,i " re .. Atoll I 0 'ere e ‘ e ) la ',61,,a4t ,; o th ',II , ereerl'at • i 1.11lt0.' Itivall '- , . . e 0,, t UI 4t 1. 1 ' a , 'iti. t V,4 ile; , 1kk 4 1. f t „i . ,,,,,, , A 4 tit14. neei I, R 49.*41,41T : .4. 1 ' 15,44:44'itta tJ 1 trirt/'''0"if ' ; i 1 ' 4,1 ' ,.:lIL : .0 iij , , , .' Iiii114*.i, h le xiii,ci,e,tetO i in, ei,' Weeet.Cel , , . tie!: eeinifen. LondonW 141r4. (X)? .L 1,0 a inentofewealtlin acr •tellitit; of tite iilv.411 bo.otiltalitY• belies to, •. Idea etek, but tile 'authority exieode only throughout lite so-called eity, iiiiid the tittle:eta...a 24an3, importont metpowlitait beroughs areeeengaged, .in humble ein- ` ployinents. - • . Another_ worleingaiae -PrilliJitrientiol_e_a ete-eagtetatiteiti adoelurree HIM) w A STOCK -MG -MAKER, and bts reception was attended by reor Wernetoneteetteettee . toefloespeseolo, Wright,' os his:intimates Mini. #i •e, E BUR! alle ;nevrtiln )(t, 'tetaa'irner 4eO. int ; 4. *tt 1'4 * 1aizt2 g 1,0311. 1Ir, lie ..cattiSlitilhet:e%1„)-**.'040 eorrespondent, who there,. eozitinities; *Mom 'are none etonee Karetate-- is tiie- tiflz avaet chneebytircl, in whieh ebout 4,000 people, who were living :and_ worlartg-eieletee -dtiets-ageelitaharlede In the other towns mut villages around, from ten -14.-Jeleeeen.....-tiawouel „more -erg_ ycr V r Ile has reseine ereoti, bard,: t3sefuI eeork on the town couneil and his elec- tion -Wes. emanitoeim-etlor- Vie 1 •esta-40 years he lino woticed at the knitting flame in the .5ame favtory.. 7110 duties of - Ins exalte,d_oniceetire roteheavy-mulatte. etinewoika Juilleteimeitteltle Atae olelock -Crete, dav ho is to be found at this poSt, working_ steadily 1111 'atom!. 1 ,----egeloinfirlitgene.hce4Idetitoeno14-:v - itoolown. balloudeettenthe:Letettoebusineae,'_ Azt the _tomeunity._ . --„Agli-FretroCeeltiaft5F - froin Meet To „MU:tem:et reetAt sinee tile eestuription nis new duties bis earnings have dtemped considerable. ' latliter and mother were also -stock- Ingot*. Alefour yearseof,age-heewaseleft • futherless, eeldeet of three children, anti two years later. snerted- working as A WINDER AT HOME. , ,At eightehe went into the faetory, but tbe passageof the factory net eent, him le)ine until he was blg enough to pees for tbir- •,--ee'eteerte.eee,el.flireeeeeteitin;as now work in the rectory with him and Me wife. before 'their triarriage was ctn. ployed there else. , The bottle of the bumble mayor is a mat uttie cottage, for which ,he pays about $1,25 it week rent. There ere three • u ---ms upstairs add the F.011I0 number (In the ground goon, hz Ifealeont IS a • small enirden which is continually 'wet in,,blooin by the maYoresS- The 1110.3'Cr is a Weather Of the Meal 'ith t .OT the hosiery union f his district- for thirteen years. He 1103- a 'Poor'Ontillott -fa socielists and eeldem loses an oppor- tunity of expreeeeng it.. ."They are ade • venturers," he says, "looking for an easy Joh anti more money,:" Mayor leeoewright is fortunate in not tieing ereeV to Met head office in one 9f. those tons of England where that official is compelled by custom to do all manner of RIDICULOUS g•rtiNT. • In the town of High Wyoombe„ for in- etonee„-the mayor ts ealled upon_ to he neli,ted in public both at the begliming 00 end of his term of °filo and the re- eult-Ls plaeedatmereeerdelit Tiverton -the - •unfortunate chief execidive must, submit • te a (health* in a river presented to the ; i snit f *#;e4...3recurs • i„ couietees. Saint Ives oompels,Hi Tnayor •,e • te do.tienibtle c6ketviiik around a pee • rnenument once in every flee _years, ihd •' the torresponifing'ollielat of Cardiff /nos -iiireeeffie • tiolles and preeiletnis (Jt married life. The Irish toevn of Lime'ritict, however, F s' more 'hied to ito mayor, for lie is ?allowed a quarter ot a-- tope of - caul on every cargo 'of Mat mineral whet en - tees the port. His tolli thus exacted ie • lorgeeeenough. to enable 'him_ in -venom ,eriany-teCiliee ••••fartillieo- of -the town , •"4 ar man it giVeS, sorne wernien a ehan *VW* 'The weather bad been warn', a hot, ,untl Sunday, Oct. 20, • In the af- terneon of that day the sky was row- 1 Itaderily- .saerm. "MonCay rnnIng downed sullen and eetkeueo leel'eVtirtkArdAtrittet,p mases. The wind roved nutleticient- ly, from time to time blinding fight- • -ektt the. gloom, and -thelbunder boomea, now in; the, et:dance, new near at bend, the echoes resounding thiemgh seeenv-eled moentalnee All itt once tbe_honses SOOked...to-thee.wittleenthette, storm and _rocked like s empeetuouseseee ettn," earthquake!. u in, Bokbuwee. tre-fireelbeffi deepeoielee-generellyeewaite-moreee d u w It I t # "Hardly fifteen minutes had passed since the first shock, when a tremend- ous boom wao_beardein--tbe direction - 01 a village named Kadadzaf. It .swaL- towcd np, all other itoiees. Then,. in a twinkling, the whole town was !leaved aloft like a ship hoisted on it wave Of Me angry ocean, the vault of Itetiven &coined to be falling. ine eanieston kaved explosion_ Ate dry earth burst and cricked, leairingesET"-ures threugh which muddy water eeethed ann guabed and hissed.•hen a deaf- ening, maddening maestro' of &minds. and then houses Ond rocks, buntan lags and animal's, were engulfed in the murky void. Shrieks, greens and shouts itif men, women.- children, the ltowling of wattle's, and the hissing ef 'nestling waters were heard by the few stirvieearSeire_lho intervals of tbe thune 4. ,7 A Au Aiono*ks1 One Mst hi 17M My MaVetlect,4* •Tlio Cleckinakere, Iettrnal of Berlin, teeter, vientiOnede,ti -Itieir had -R41' ptiblielted U 'tale &eh et ayents ago,. and whiell had 4e'. ' flee nieet wood‘erfiel weleb.liostbo an 11.$11V1Xra/CAT• Wad* ‘Veklenlienitere of Meyente,• $e. far Abe.enetY0O Of that eitY. teitd 'has e'avia,:„neld ;lids kevetix Illid•41zok" t71*$.`41s) :401 Vika ;.et lit ljit y fr ,„lzL tledyet!f !,*/ q • '4141 •jji „‘k ,ftU$'S.U1olli 1i, fIUi3.(iiir 'w*Lchesdo not,. ityS(tott* 41i111,::,111e, Milt: " ' AP trzw 141111.15 11.04 by .. sun passing. the Meridian, .buteptir tienepinkee stew otarnOttot thine' * .Ond thy , :ey wine (le with the suit, onlyfour Miles in a ear- -April 14, ;Me 15, AUg, 3,.. Dec. 23 Itetwti een mes the sun ise ' eemetianos hind, cometimes in advance , of- thee clock, and that 1s elicevir exatli by. a hand which moves on a eery° eon. OA On nte leble...4f cquatkn. Ind a.aitertWeitiSedzy� ` '3 fJTh IMX24414trti'Veitlf. P1- ele (aloe 4noittiroti1114---7:dir clieps the thirly-Ono and passes on to onea and in leap year pieseee from Feb. 20 to the first, in other years fro_ iJJtwJig rilftif,g..-WlititeeeeeneeeettiorceeVo Stilt is that when this hand Ss regulated forward lor backward :for 1110111,11.5 im YArael,tetit ' i , 1,011V4,10 Trebniiiiry "in ' or "" eaPe'year: Ano tier shows the days of the week, which are Marked in Italian. Another Is for refith labilte ' the- Wateleeivlien it advances or ete behind time. • . Still another band shows the oulre,e -Venus,-whieleattkes-583edays-22-hour ale3ninu1ese.0..„secondsata teanatuati., 1. 1.4* 11. t -MelettenteneV WS .SUSi P4.KINOSWCIA 400 #Quebee St., London, Ontarita, eeeeeeeseeeeemee,re=eeeeeeeeeeoeeeee.e IllnairtreilikaPertenteelastelaeitiareo tenet' 1 had seeh s. bad , !OR, tligetftekottleelWeeetreearenee My nose and head were all etapped up, so that 1 could hardly get tor „breath. 1,11beugl4eat timesibat-1 would Mother, especially at Wed; - "I have no treuble with Mat noVv The noise in 'my. head has all disape - t• 111. 4 t• • tr VEAPTItit, DIEti OF 11tt(.ER, An • SuM ottt,V.,500, ere are some curious Petures let the iteriltetetreetileMseittita- oft it&ILIrtil e d eeeurittes. A. caewful search of the Itouse by the or Ho showed Etta' Me late tenant had Ate, aPCI*ster. han itatOttlet* ea,"tr, saelioos4vith the btanehester and Liver- -01O-Ataelotateatetee "efittTatiiil'Aithrgsliiinirs. Vat irioet-Tor the nioney iwaS, deposited in Me Dietriet. lu drawers and unlikely places the po- liceefoundlelikinegold, while 61400 te- thc, clothing she Was wearing were three . se eereigns and .503tie sayer amounting Lo $25. „ itery-ollme letattves-liav alledaelthereetseeeceyeindicationetbeeeat eat i t IA 44101114 .011f TWIN NAM P. watwaw, 114.4.4 teoiteeee, „ , ehee- tun -hand -then --Ntenno-appeaes-as g otari vatesCit -t-.5-111-411Crt'WV it i'aPPettneeaspenorningest -Ilie.-AVVA..banCtomple14, 'tlaYti •7 hoin niautese '1*4)4.-himiWe:enotion IS faster- dUring the days from .full moon to new MC430, slower from new moon to full n.__When the mon-band- forme an argte ,of 00 degrees with ' the sun hand tbe moon is in the first quarter; when It le opposite the moon is full, and elIlien the moon band is under the sun had , it is new moon. The watch can be moved back to any date Of the calendar, and then be wound up ,again to the present 'date.n is said that it has never beert out orrepair eince-tWay-TcWas made. LITTLE GIELs FACE COVERED Wtru ECZEMA.. ti . Cured by Zangentik. The, followingeteees teolifYlOg to •tilo rriarvelleue euree brought about by Zane - Duk is Convincing argument that in baveetlie--veryebest-skin- . THOUSANDS -OF COR "The Bey, or Governor, was ,ameng the few \eh° remained unhurt in body, but seared in seul. For the sufferings of the living, who were imprisoned ln darkness everlasting, were exquisite, riallied in among pues of ruins, tbeir piereing cries and fervent prayers could be heard --beard, but not answered. Nothing could he done to save them. INellen at last the Bey gathered ft party el resent -Ts, together it was- too late. lertifut death had ended tortures, and they could only dig out 1.827 corpses. They. expeet lo -bring up over -2,000 more very shortly. - - "Karats* Is but one town in the &s- e t iqu toyed. many otleers, not only in that, yut the ,neighboring districts. ilic villagesiL.C1lbllura,-Radidzal„ mosteaek., Shirkente.,Nalbek ealidoothe -suffered' itr-tbe-esame---wan eand-sonie of them to a !Me extent. They were practically wiped out; 824 corpses have eiready been recovered there. How inany more still await Me pia* and shovel of theworkman otke cannot say. ESTIAWE. OFLeDEAD.,„ 'The \ iley of Innen estimates the thezethe-ettferee-at-1400. villages "of Dotatio, Vaithitu-Or end Sieghi were annihilated. In Yan-Gog- iuk 209 people were killed, while Satin Dzini and DashroAlide-bolli well-known places -were entirely ruined and Dietr lohab3tents etiraltoived up. Altogether, 1.1144 „total number of kilted in the His.' Aar and [intact districts Is set down rt 15.009, and it Le thought that about25,. MO head of cattle per" h '-' well. For miles mound the pest!ius blast pro- claims the preeence o vasti sepulchres, and In the fissures 1 -earth, so or whiele ore- 104 yai long- and la Vireo *et wideblaek water lasses and rueltes around the ghastly seene of -de fe (ration and death." • lawny op- ruin EXPLOSIONS. 1.41ft 13 I ,• 3. t noinfs KIDNEY,: PILLS HIT • ve P +10 4 . 6 ` feasters Said to (laver Me Same Hou In Certain AltitatIts: Evperts who itaiieinveetigate(t, the reef nt mne dieeaStera in the I:initial Statea havak (lietided that the; 0SP106W1P; 91'4* co.usillty diniatia, Support:ng, the position tol.;ett,it is n' zoifollyte 1a7 they 1111Y,, that,the recent, eabeelKatheeetiaVO__OCCIttrel.tttettleatit tht oit!e hem* in -the -day„ in it eonci411letts. te hi atritude; in abeiut the Saire,lengittatO cant in places whereVelimatio 11(11111,014 ffre similar. Tkeennalerity .6r trio triines operated to day are below 1.4e1 rd of the stoonit in the SattiO sections, and, owing (3Rio moisture, the otttsii1(1 air krOd into the' minet by the, fan0 has lk,i`41, laden -with ',rbon dioxide, moisture, awl Other tru. it is .suggestM- that. if thear , Intl the mines was allowed ,lo gatPur frOrn a higher Strittant arta wit* suilieietitly and ptheftiSe treated to move the itiltitrfititS, the itOidettia W481]kI Le Im nutacrons during the ,thange a _season,. ProprV h p4irifled sit, it lito ' Ittint thk Mei Ire hick are fettrat Xtut M •,:/e • ure try: Mrs. A. E. Grass, St. Cetharines, says: "One box of Zam-Buk healed my LITTI.E GIRL'S FACE of Eczema. We use it for Cuts end Soreslso." Mrs. G. A. Kerr, Deei igh, Ont., 60ys: "My Baby's Legs were ) bad with Dal:erne that I could not keep stockings (era her. A box of Zam-Buk cured ber after I+ Doctor had teed."' Dame 3. R. Smith, Ilawkesbury, Ont, Writes: "After three ItpOlications I was better of Emma lend before 4 -bad used half a box. 1 was cured." Zanolluk cures Cute, Runts, Scalds, Mem. Itirierwitrin, Itch, •laarber's thigh, Blood Poison, 13act Leg, Snit Iliteum: Abrasions, Abscesses and all skin In. juries and diseases. 01' all Acmes en druggists at 50 cents or born Zane - Oak CA., Toronto, for price, 0 boxel tar IL.% e V I 0 A- DESERVED RERUKE. Airs. de Close: "Willie, what have you been doing?" - Willie: bin , Mrs. de Close: "Nonsense! 'You have. t been mit of Me imueee," 4Weft, I bin skatirn on make. Vilma ice with- the skates you peorniSed me last birthday." ' NI .10mill A cuAlvop IS Immo. 1.1.04,111, Throuldi the long- winter one' needs a change; Why go' South when "The Welland, St. Catharines, offers an en; vtronment at rnofierate cost which \Wilt 'Mini:step to tired norms end, worn Out bodies? Try tbe tonic Influence of "Th St. Catherine's. Well" and the restfuLine gnome of "The Welland." entinager, SI. CritharinO, .any Agent ot Grand Trunk stem. , "How le it ibat a strong Man' like you cannot get, finplOyffitIIII it" a !tidy 41$10d a tramp. The mendicant replied: "Ali mum, evreseee people wantse refertitiees from my last 'employer, an' he's been dead abOut( twenty years I" , Disease one;.stiffer., iron Any organ:fp Ak7('7atais5, ifibilli(d or .rontraded, there iteeivett, well settle when' It attach's the, 4)04),y,, Therepro drive .out, She pains that &set yott, do not let a ebtd Or a ocugh 1aca5s you, and 'keep resplr. ,tttcry crgarfs.lp_IL goeet healthy -pond ten. Tide' -t4811 do- by Using Timpaktietelrie, OIL Prevention, is the. 1011,ist codrse, tiatT.1101/041.44,100F 110US1l. • ,tolotiel Henry R. C. Kitchener, lArd flitelteneee eldeet brother, who resigned) trout the British Army several year ago to kOCITIO banana planter in 2amt.1a,i-, -,liovrliit'Engtand purchasittg material the ionstruction,ot an earthquake* ItOttse ion the *Witetrener" mOdet. Kilcitettees resktenee ,in Ihte et les Kingston waS kitty dant- agod by the earthettiekee 11 bile.deeided build holise nitti WsiFi exiiiiptieed. '01 411%1a Pilleti &red on end wittt ternettli with twnL weerr, with it 118111ft Ot irniti!do, amtthin wood' ht. vbret that itibt toinhInatiOn ' , 0:70 0, fs,40,!•$ t I, know--Peranteeewill-doltfet-wh • e roiniro1v.siiie so nweb op.reemiakeitilteereac thee le term." iere-77,e,..7.47.WeiTflifi;;--96WS:over' e, eanhteljetna.es:• - "1 bave hod a very ,bad cough nearly all my life, and I am forty.five yams eld,--f have token tarteatt eVerY-khid o cough /nettle -Me ,that has ever been made, but none did me much' good, would have, setae of ceeeihin0 tbat thought 1 would oough ;lentil to de. 1 took Peruna,: and leit winter and thli winter 1 have had no cough and 1 know that Pennta. cured Toni laleigifto 4W -flit na Alituttnac far VW. • .doinToithb circurnStafices and hat eurromnitingseler,,theetediceetonndesom r.o' Id jewellery mut aequainteninhiteire Per- i , ,..Wofeaae4laelangenettnea-aviWO:. to be-tifiteof one -(01 her-oons. ▪ fts, rielhipg More- Then a pUrgaitr4*- 4 TO purge is the -only effect of Mane pills now on the market. Parmelee's Vegdahle Pills are Mon) thsaair „ pier- gative. They strengthen the stomach, where OterpUk.. weaken It, -MOLY cleanse the blond by regulating the liver and kidney.s, apd they etniulate whemeoth oomp.onodes depreo,i Netting- of-uneeinfariousetatut e; - used for merely purgative powers, enters in- to their' ocenposition. I t,rz ,s:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--------, . - ----- catpsit sisr.„,-•44,-- -Abaft* I. ,..,„_.„ 4b iiat1 PAC COLD ,-61114ES-torf,,L.,__,,,;_,,.i,, t t riandikyl 4114 Taiga .tui4f„.. - Da' wpnkirfalistisbc1"tiscriptleirs.-- rla rite at QUCe lin paisittsiti:o94145aurfof th13 propositiol " fora indite stock IS sold. 414*5&, i34a4 , 0 le L WHAT INDEED? Tess; "Mise Mugley said she paid $15 a dozen for those photographs of here Iess: "Hut they don't -took t bit like her." Tess: "Of L'tr 3 Wbat do you stip- or .74160Aral OitWttltro WV_ tzulleraolt. Ito EDLAtika., 4.0 Th, EEDL,V4, Ptettort *Molly: "Do you know, 1 called to in- , ouire,- for that rich linele of mine this afternoon, and Jewett that he was 0 great deol better." Kate: "Now, dotiftel edit tell you not to oil on a Friday ? 4l * ayls, always an imIticky day." pose -she -void, * or?'" . c WiWfir a # e Ceirns cense intolerable pain. 'folio. baliit gereetelwkiLteee"".reilet drengthenE% . tine a ways C*..110 en error #/# nsie,S Corn we removes the trolible. „Try it mid see what amount of pain L e saved. 40111101111M.0.4 SNORER. "Here I" growled Mr. Kadley, "whiit do you moan by waking me out of 4 sound 'sleep?" "Dee.ause,",' replied • hio. WUOL Ntewas swell a disiresSing eound." TbeLuzeryota sounfftliroatimad robust Vogt raost 'keenly enjoyed by _psopils who, haying suffered front 1) 4'11ttis cold, you know," hare been rescuel tr m newt and «Isnot by 411s4's Lung •• ANOTHER FATAL Elift011: 6 - Myer: saw a Mule try to run away with it cart loaded with pig ton, but hie oeuldnit budge IL" • , 110,1lotteer one oiedidttl. kttair„U W'CLS leaded,' ^ For the Overworked. -what are tee causes of despondency mid melancholy? Aedieorderetteliver Lsearini caltee and prime eette. A Allsordered liver means disordered en:mach,. and a dieoe idered FA ,inin illstartaa:of -Mee ne,r-ve eels 'eysteen. Th lo brings:Me_ Whole' lay into subjection and theilietitn• eels -stele all-over. ParmeWs-Ve lithio Pale pre a 'recognized ratite* In this. Mate and relief will follow their use. "yeei," Said the bride ot n week, 'la tells nie everything he knows, end 1 tell hint everything 1 know." , Indeed rejoined her ex izva1, Will) had, IOW let 41 the post. "The silenee %hen yeti are tegether tnust be oppepiesive." „. .tsipsisists tS Plod. A "loiter oiliest to plate D 1.," Mioittlot „For *W. Stio. *cothing *qv* it. $1- Yea talk eats 7 plettere. Mailed ode*, Piette aileetteoloile.„ eitiattetee.___ 445Akedit ottl)d b•Nilyort4h..,I.Seluarowskripr'optetiirew.whoit: Lar$ vessere leSee waxed evigitent lit the sublitnity of his tonktupt: •ttWay r Said the ,Old "Solt," °Delft let rae.such longslisitee rubbl,elt on itty t cies. 1 don't, Wetit 110 l'ile4be1ts. nor 00 t*Iliogsalts„ nor lid f 10.144104';01(igno, nor ete feetting-bottlers, 4r rans ,aboard 41tent tis ealle 111 My Shilt has get to stieli 141 hee es fon And it, Aihe goo( ,doWie. Why- 1 'exptett, Illeta in dutf., heiutid,ta ga along witheller,'„," IM1OSSII1LE4- Ws- -hard-for elbeeve,'Ita -- "Itiqt's the ent,Ae. poverley4 , too rty 1 style." I t• Some men are 1ci,r,t1 so busy tryleg to makes a living that they hueeret time to live. . . The /superiority. of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator IS shown by its. good effects en- the chitdrene _Purchase a bottlp and give it a trial. Mistakes are funny .only when -other _mike, them andethe„yeelmitimiL, lasterlittewlinedenTh_ -waft& Itithe tha wow with dahl scalar and cover It With ..1* tifith on w Weaver** Cerato bas boon freoly trumaitAt4rumet*,111* Coot. relieves tits pate vessel by "Yo'tt want mo to till the whole truiltl" asked' the witness. "Certainly," roPtled phanUO?" "01 couree " "Might 1 steli -NOW k,g 1e1bIs 4iWA--14Y- sit?" "What differemez oes that make?" IL makes a lot of differtwo 1 couldn't Mt the livbrete ;nib eland tlialf koniairel inside of a week, talking all ,the time." _ i:Whil6"-molre PrOaleat, itt WART, Wheti $uddetrthang-lirtlio- rxutlite?r-try the strohgest-. :ot,itsfittilkons„ . Olds nd tx1rflits...rauLaittuents_a_the-thmat-nia e in any season. At the first alght of *range:tient use Iliey,e's Anli Con-. EuMptive Syrup, instant relief will be experienced, apd no of the wedieine Until The -cold eiliappeats iteoteet the lungs foam attwk. 1,`or an'Yono. with".throat or chest, -weaknere it can- not ...he snipassied, . • ---*- milottlety ns you are,"' tan' „r hue. band, 41110Ve you *swell ue if you were pretty." "Pool -that- yOu -aref'J re;oined 118 wife, 'I love you as welt as if you hart sence.' EVEN. rrem.:),Ictflite firairre sertifehes Awl every. !Orin of tontagiouc itch n buron. ror ouredItt 341. zultitilet W44. lord's 'Sanitary Lttiott. it never Sa14. Sold by all\ drug,gisti... • lk.fttit,t)xlv t.ittle Frank, watetzing ittitek, #4 hot, water 'hag, aske4 uhy•t. she. blew a 1'1E0,44 - • .'• .211:k.veps.Hthe sides 'apart,*4 iitt into it Later in, lite day Frantic, ..warz; diseov. red leildineeeteleenett hie:a-pees a 1e4 -in, SL1fty1itf4fl, -efinaeleeealiWitila ,bletv &e.t.a ite OitA:xat 'irl'e14C‘14411VolnirittIsiltittli:*;5.a14;iltfired441\ 11111:t6* '3•C(*pitt!' )5! 1, M,'8 &.k d'ink resiOnuled the eeting eeplier. 311. , . LekiNT., mnn t' slid the philicophor rev who Write inOWnig wende ' of WO otate, Htio s.ott .., n tq, complain ot f 0-111* ' eared tile lielinet $C#11. dont own thilf ft,STOOtl. miy ,ple work in ts,Vo-thirds of . ,..,444t4t *, . :;•° tad skald that do Milt1WEL‘l(hIrlitife await Mr MO Int wrn • ow) .11 sod. t▪ VirInderr-0* soe*.ede _ • R K 1(4 vitt twilit PIROR000 " • HOTEL NAVARRE\ litts Ave. and $ffth ae. 30$ FEET trion• orisitottowkir, msadmos LuIcarY at Arinth2111* COlit • Ace3esib1sN'OnIet Zhigaist, Wlthhs Vivo imealeveoitoetrieretlepi, eareersotecieb sate Dutch noon's Largest in City. Cabko Carl Pass Hotel to all Riliroadt. . *repine PIA.K. *LSO per day Without bath, **MO par day 'telt* bath. 13:13ei $3.50 •Sior4 for Booklet. T ARttis ik DAMN. Prep. CrIAN(;iiD ilig ifASTE. :inpreeo Eugenie, eviient fe''epoleon lb. chose to share Ills throne, had traely whiele it never'veil. Cu a etleer..efteit (onfueed • those- on whoni it leae„ 41.11411o1. Ilse late' T. • t011,4 fl 111% 11,iminist'enCP,13 %Ail of a 411413)g31ist4ed .Sen.ater, yviiir)„ on, keing tl%tiet) Aliet he • tlenight of •the aneeth in whieli Neakelcon had declared niarriege irde11t011 t.9 the Itepbtiee, replied " "A tine qflvi----cliett ent; tat 1-4-44:ter I!itziante to t3.,0-11sh," ineatittin that Na. fotcon's 'word -4\ -.r- •1i1! bettiv than th(44stato 4131 a' tridk.'... .Sor4110 W41 Le,tetee. al, a ditiner,eiveli LL e, Taileeice, -1114.3 Skr3lt,34* one teatiel nest te tine i-:,;;. •. tele), #rj; 1,3at 'calor- laving 10411 ttililtrd tee tit•;-,!. italmt • 04.71,41i'd eai!A Min, emit. A-Tenn/et-ilea - •.‘• '- .. ufttningear. I itI!'vee !,01.1C<It C.,%(,{14 Ontl reit the CAI , 4 eerie oeteeeeeee oentinat toe f. r, tiwt. tea. I mo_r)!4.1 • lee 41 t 4474733 Infr4,1644cL .34 * °hctt7 1 itift ltAV 1r'yIng to ria,ti Shiloh's Cv Iry it (41 fl1tflry tk. if it ace4let C tAt 11111,Y CUR g vj,jvktt, tb,..att anythia aver tried . Sale ta "taks,--,kraltitit in • hi° hint *vrta .34arot 'awes* ronuteui St:ilo Ilk,* lift 514 $1$ 4, I