Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 7 (2)42
, ,
* -3•Iiyot
T;:';ty-4;tottoon.kLI ,reiN
pn.p.ntfittit tolzott,
',celerity ea'll here,. Cherged.
!'O flhI4I'M.i15
e 'Viet
eaeed and his at tite !Mine of let •
Daiek, eon.in.lai,v, There were
Mean lett in - the Curry benne Terris and
41. tealeerand °Wine boy, Itliela Curry
the toiesekeeper, evai away 14 Steemee
• paseing lite. holiday w,lh.ter stiter,
Mrs. Pain. About 8 4A/eel: the two
eebel4teateetewaftieeit ,,z4eeiweeee
ee: editing in the living raom reading
eir'sleaPerS- PttLw teWe.e-elletUtethiefa
tiler ,g`,0110 to his bed in i room Opening'
eeff the living room. The !levee boy, oe-
I Wall, --11.+S, 107be-d:n7robiss
eiee, walked over 10 the oorxier of tbe
no and picked up ;Zanies- Curry
..__,Ireeetniandiege eteenaeabarrehotie
--------ernem-Dteaveag toe --MUM us our
ebeered Curry with it and remarked:
ee',1,78/, tee me-
-fore others, but now helve the 1440
a ntrrY
'?--eee•e/o2r'=--e.'"'t--ib.,e4. -11'6'10
'Terriss to put the gun down, ond there
ere woh.ls loud enough, to reale the
ced man in the ediotritne leoom and;
traig hini to _the door.
Terriss, it is said, turning to him, or-
dered Wen back, threatening to shoot if
he advancee. The old man advanced
aurketheesherieter htstlelfed--ar thie-S-tenre
moment A charge kit No. 13 4 thot ene,
. le a large ho:e. At ie sante ;no nent
red the old- neatiee. leitiibreast and tore
110laver) was 'extinguls tool by ilia die.'
rge .ot the weepon. jamee Corry.-
-tea 'had Nem eeated. when the, Shot
was -fired, sprang'. to his feet, •rushed
• _ ere Terreeee graeped hisethroat with'orte
land and the -gun with the Other.;
1iain1mI ini, Ite' *
e• .
kOlnjIl '' ,VO. . liar fld . . U.
„table; . .int'ry ieitee,ed.I „ it „nielfin s the
gtu teWAy froin Ilie: EngP.ihn$n1 but
Ige,sconer .44' 46 done PI), vzz
attacked' by de • Irtit weapon nethe
beriels of the' infer Aged Terriss. ..,. 110
a . la 1 .„ tJDs L.,:
erten shaker
c 'f:t
ut intye ing 'very ellen.% injuttes.
Cue,ry ;vas ,' able to Wre$1, the crank
hoin e loan, whom he struck, over
the lett temple, felting 'him to the ,floor
Where he lay uneonsctous. In the mean.
tune end Mr. Carry' bad steggered in.
Ills room and fallen on Idabej. The
bey hadetted the .ecene when the, teem -
.ered for two or three hours, but h
texp Tie -alleged pepetr*41
deed, though Ie received .0 beavY h. ".%
front the' poker, regained bis sensee
fo-be leteeught
2 ill
the farm as "Jack," oral his torrnam
* I
tated athat be had /wine In.
eeechontethirt .--
painter ,ber,.. trade, came from the
old olzountry- • abut a month, ago, and
weld straight to . the ..Curry 'term ,frorta
tbe inunteettlien depot, In Toronto.
lt, Is eald tehat the ,diepute, between
the. younger teurry and the bred nuin
araSe oVer -0 question of wages. - -rho
e_er, „tt Seems. elahned he- hadebee
hired for a year, while Carry stated
that he had only come. a Month oei
trial. Terries' had been told his servte-
es were no tonger novae- , Meer.
ANsards,, it IS ClaiMed, there Is a quar-
rel about ee sick hor,se, 'a whatever
vas said rankled In Terri' heart,
Where arrested in lancing &of the offair
The ,prisoner claimed" that the steeeling
wee, iteeldenial. •
el% I
' 1
II .1; lit t
;I ,,- le
, *A
.Y Intel
4140•04 430
t 25 per cent, ovIMt ear.
The mileage add thee year wan 5,20.
gains,t 6,623 in 1 . Only 349 inties•of
load went into, The hands. AOC reentvon-
this year, allairest 667.14 Ow, and only
Mx reeds,. with a total mileage *UM
sold under forectOsOre.
Veer inmen.
tie atel ro eir it
ur, Grand Trunk weasel,
e which Jerk Fort Moon sl
o'cloek* on Frkia iiilit for this 1
, I I wi adoidireall-
ineoneeintler norttreofel-Ano.
Mich. Five trainmen met eleethe four be -
tor "I*
$ utoi A 0 4..A,
, e
4 t "no- 1
00,Art lima.
' 14.Y.SIOttnitte qt th 81. 1athanflet
bfic ic.iehoolseare ell too atflefl
it* -Mi 81., C.' And 374 flaslway w1I t-
hby thtir, int,clis * Nino* Fens In the
, le, to
where Ida ari
the radii
Andxew MeGornb, .rallway laborc
drink' Wood' alcohol . at Lanigan, Sask
.and died. •.•
'esivald Robinson, aged 40. or ,ne
tamPbeilloht .from drinkii
wood aleohol.
lied with Signora Qua
trocohi over the *mount oi-rent 'to be
.„ paid ,hetare the latter left Iiittnebt
entered, bUt seems to hav eekeet little
AV' rt in the discoslan. OutittrOrAi
tg Peered in, the doorway holding his band
behind his back. Suddenithe aprang on
nBianchi. cleating ltiti-e--bloW in the chest
ge, • ,
waters for 190kwas worth., v Canada
waters The Mit eateh ot
linziedigAffeee,?eteeee— L
Roy Pears, 01 RoOtlifftr
A tiranber of Ste Catherine* bays have
• Taranto, assessment:0 finally revtsed
by the County Jud e, i 000,403,240, an
• tenteeeeot-S22,1
'iffitiSIV:Clitaiii"rili.TO411)114kaletkg145-4Pialltej-"b"ens a treesite
for a church. Mr. Blythe is a Catholic.
hY -at
turned out ateltier'neve-IttetorT itteleing
Ifc at ---Veit 4tai*4itibs
ii.rowned by nis diving suit burstin
It is reported that 'Mr. John De-ilock
teller will donate $2,000,000 to Mehlast
University, Toronto for the. establish
merit of a inedleal elepartmehte
• Since the inteptlen of bounties,- 1
1882, the sum of $1,949,701 has been pat
e --the r eleepeaea-fisherinea of. the Mart
line Provinces. •
Plans of Saekatelmwetra new legielte
iliee'buildinge, which -Witt Obstover
are 'being, prepere4 by Messrs
E. to; W. S. Maxwell, , of .Montreal.
A 'Yetthg man Jimmied Itolarld, Madll
was stabbed by his uncle, lame.% ,Morri
Son, ot c000derhum village, on :Clirts
ors Eve, and way be fatally -Wounded
For ralsiag-e. disturbance In th
„Kingston penitentiary. on Otriatina.
night twenty-seven °oriels ;have been
placed in SolitarY Confinement
„ The Oionkl. City Celiac:if dedidedle
ask' the 1.egislative le grant t6 .enarteed
name the franchise in Tommie*
A quantity of pialo* inr.tntling two
8604 silver trays, was -found near the
'railway at Niagara Falls on Thursday.'
It isesupposed. bothicres' spoil drop-
ped from a, 'Mine •
Two Emerson, ithinitoba, men. Who
l,were forced over the lino and arieeitaa
by a -United Slides. secret serviee *Ricer.
ark. taking steps, to, extradite the officer
and have .hho tried fin Canada for his
illegal act.
-Ia. eat- the p
il10 t,,,,44 --,-
r•=4 etc
„ 0 arense4,
▪ nethe- d -are
Engineer twinett. of the paseenger train,
Engineer leoliowiskt . of the first freight
engine, Fireman tloughner„ Pieeman
Albert McCall, Switehinein W. G. Ta' -
tor. The passenger locomotive ploughed
under the., engines Or the double-header
and .tho trainmen u*re hurtetl-iiv-lhe
wreekage. eigheir 'bodies. were terribly
mangled 4auti scalded by the cs4aping
esteem, .
WIIIS1414 14111.1S A BOY.
Ton -year -Old Got field ot Some on the
A despateh. tram St. Stepben, D.,
$4y;S: A veil sad affair has,oceineed at
Donny Diver, Charlotte eatunty., On
-Christmas eve, a titinber of boys- were
playing. Ovid the station, among them
'LAM MaxeVell, Years Olt who 'feed
ct with his stenfathee. me. 'Cook. The
red. $1.05.Y. heele olleat:.isio. 1 northern,
u f.o.b. afloat: No: 2 her:1
a Inter, 1..17X, f.o.b. float,
Toronto4lik. 31. --Manitoba Wheat-
is:o. i nortrelfie about nenninat at 81..
1-*': Ni. 4.?; tiorthern, $1.13je; No, 3
$1.10,te,‘ feed wheat, Co`,)/e to
lee; NS. 2 feeki, f:Oe to lite, lake ports.
ontarto Wheat -No. 2 white eue-red,
tea. to 9fic, outside; No. La mixed, -91e
• 44 95e, outs:(1e; goose, 85e.
Flour --Ontario. winter wheat patents;
foe bid, offering 111,43.70;
Mandela palotats, epecial braad.e$5.80
Se; emonde, 83.20; strong 'Villiers%
- Dark' Nov. 4, 7iZc. "to 74e; No. 2e .70e
itha-No. 3 extra -e -.-680c.-
Peas Mtsd
etee ouie. . ,
.111, -e -No. 2, 80c.
Corn ---Old No. 2 %('L4',1 Arneriean.
*72e to' 73e; Toronto heights; aiew, No.
'3 yellow, roe; new '±s.o. .3 yellow,kiln-
adrie3; tleriffoeGne. .
Ots-N4I.-2 ,Ze to Alge.__tai
oSitE.'; 'Ine4, 44c be, 4e3e,e, Outside, 49c
Itraek Toronto. .
allektvh(eibenee Outsi)fr'.
.ltran,.$19-- iuk 4.At1itt: tsixier
ittele--Market steady, with prices
4:7ateery, printa ..• ,a, .i.lt to 300
4,0 „wadi .... ee.„ .. ... , 0 V.) 27e,
1/airy prints ....e .:. e -.,.. 23c to 24e
ode solide . . .. .. - .... .e. . 22c to 23d
interior . - .. :. .... ... eee . 20c to 2Ie
dikieS0-2Dult at 13!lc. fer large asel
for Veins. • '
EgOeeStorege, 22c per dozen lii. ease
reteet.e, 26e,t etrietly neev.toid atom-
bial at ,30e to 35e. '.
Potateres"---Steady ate S.Oe to- SIC pee
tea, in ear tots' era 'reek Item ,
1,1,-)atts---1:1.,74 to 8l.75 fat Patties -end
11.'ne to; St. for handflekeda
Nenteeeieel'irm and in demand; 11:m1-
ri./.iat''..ersw• $1,ki• to
1'?..t.4,1 triank quarteee,
Tie.',eaeeaeee. 83,e're' tat 94.
. !IVA flayeeTtinethy queteetfrom ell
U., 1117.50 ter ton on Week here.
. ileael Stmv-e-Qtret at SA50 to 810-.,
tit .por l'al 'on tmel,; here.,
„ •
tN‘el- fr bray
r .1.13roh, 14.1 10 likUe lor.160-3,biid
targkl- net 3
15e; hams. 123je le 13e:
sivAiderss 10c; ratiss,
reakteit,' two°, 1e to ,
(41 .teats cot of piAle,,'10 Uss -I 3
‘.(E. • \
Cut, t”,t,,Iiri 1'0 60 tor bar-
's 111S ,St. • .
1-1Vci,-11U,011 tlthst 114e;•
etErAto tktioxor.
31 --Wheat
Nr4erIttro• $1.17*,,;
sdy No. it red, SVC, Cern"
low, 41.57,e; No. wh!t#,*
-No. * 60t:
it Etar:ey.....5 to $1.1r. Bye
York &v. Vit t
German Paper Advocates Chane
Government's Policy.
A despatch item Berlin says: The Dor-
sett courier publiehes a leading article
cru trade with- eanada, urging a change
of tactics on the part of the Gerrhart
Government. it regrets that not the
eught$--eloterence :is made't Canada in
the bill .prolonging.the provisional 430trt,
menial arrangement with England until
the end of 1909, which has nest be n
ear we-conelfirtrectir present policy
r commercial • relations
with. Canada," it remarks, "we run the
risk' of being leit• very far behind itt the
roce for trade with. Ibis thriving country
wbieh# cord:aim almost, inconceivable p4es.
sibitities for develepment. The Intere,
of-- German etredVa tar iiictustrY demand
most urgentiv that teerin.
men' shall now do- something - towards
renewing. German-Cartadian commercial
relatio ri&
, .
Woman' flushes out on 1 reg.* I*
St: John, NI r
A despatch from St: Jolin,'N.B., one4:
While Mrs, Merit Connell, 690 Main
strem, was lighting a Ore in the kitchen,
stove on, Wednesday afteenoon her cloth.
Ing ought the. .Tae family live on the
third flo4r of the5 house. Mrs. Connell
was alone, and when 8110 saw her dress
afire site ruqhed downlhe three nights
et stairs and IMO the open's:trot. ' ,The
flame:, by this time had envelop* her
whole hOY, and ats. she enter ed into
the ti. -1 he prea f Sented .argaine
sight. The terrified -weentni
kW , UM open door, of, tleorge Laxtees
wstaurant, whero.a man threW11141Nat.
around her puouhe A
er and t t tre, Site ts
badlY bnrned, 'but will.reCoVer.
5-careity et itariley Will (lose One 'ThOst.,
sand Ghtea94 $4$0010.
A desp'atelt. from Cr.ticag) 3y5: n
Ittducandi catoons will have loreed their
i• t by May I next,"' aid ,Ada t Ortiet-
rs and 'gone out of busine,; this
1, pitstdent of the ikleenvoy, 13rewlm:
.. (hiring a. talk on'itutsday night on
ihe scarcity ot barley, uttleh &zioisly
crtppling the large breweries Itnil the:
mait, hound may mean.* probable
rattseIn thci , price per bairet or beer
within ,a tew weI .00th*brewet'S'andl
14018terSt tOr eioveral wet.4(, have been
bidding kaltillst. AO the. poirit Of *info
cut tho margin Of prollt id order to get
the few earloa& .t) t barley that...arrive in
this witrket tech dayt
Wtndow a
P4 1*e*g 0Sy3t 14,
ctt Hotta*
Olt T
b s4 '4
boys disci:were/ there was- ionte %elute.
1' t1xr1n3iitu1utU ;Lew o
mined possee*en o quantity; and
drank it. The result was that be be-
came ill, and died on Christinase Day.
An inquest WaS beetle at Wheat witness-
es testified to seeing Slaxwell drinkitne
the thiekey, and a verdiet was ram.
ed t his death Was duo to that tame.
••••01114.1•• •
Mounted Ounce to Visit Isolated Sc.
• lions 'this Winter.
. , , • -
A deepatch from 'Ottawa says: kb
theugh elimatle eonditions in the West
have but .outte faverabie. Lin far 11
e, e
, ,,i i . ,
, I '
, 1 _10 4
110): 4,..t , .
!ionC :zed' la 4144. t 1., tin t
IU(J-', t lies, but-was•overpowated *
1:'*te'ric%*4?)11110t4editiet..*AilOirtyilt 41:4te4cOrlit', ,
'n the n, -•
litmttitl,g, eVitik. ;AM to .the.
alowered Wows on Int. he w
tlie Ligurian Alps, and is etilleut large.
On entering the room the neighbors
:culla the hu*band %Ito on the floor
dying. The eltildren were buddled IL
corner whining with? terper, except. the
WtIe1woye.o1d baby, which. Ivies play -
fog wittrirloy-hritsrpari t.s* blood,.
11i4140 -K,110014 FLOM S111014tEllrikCHEASP4
overed n a Bold by the Pittsburg
--*Vespatch -front- taut , Penn..
$10 Intftsely Intetestod in lesson
.explaining the exact spot on the human
h a ,ollitelece-ahou
teen embryo Meek -Eland members were
,,eurprised on Tuesday afternoon by fift
-es mrM,,e timedehythe-Pitte
by detectives from'y7- Itsper.
burg -police,
lo the art of 'men lhn4ileLfo,wM were
letting -W. the others, were.
Minneapolis Sends Out 'MOW parcels
alemearemitojentatie neketetelliostreetreeeseneeTo_r_e!
A despatch from eilma-e,apolle Gaye:
Flour 6hipineats freM MinneapoltS for
1e+07 will, fall rt of the total shipped
ear iy IA0400 Terre
entirely due to the financial flurry, ae the
IteaeitienhtlinTertbe elitiiflear-Wave the
_ Tari iTs-ytaY , v
eirit-Or an
were shipped 14573,12.3 rrels, de-
er landed.in the po e station. For thettlis crease' of 7v7,14s. barrels, \
lest 1 ahatta who styled their organize-
. has. been terrorized lawT •
tion the "Black Hand." several iburrim •
d have occurred And dozens of persons KILLED Artii) WAS KILLED.
have paid tribute to the band under fair
- ileath,-;
. e-e-e.:.,-e4In._.e.te
-egliete SM1TEs NEW YoltE
4 •
Shety-Eight Deaths ftetterred Within least
!al" .i,t
A. despatch AVM New York says; The
eliftivItt. epidemic. isn't letting un a bit.
ft is gettitig worettee' ihriors,a4lom, floj.
C fesslonal 'men' and clerks aro /suffering:
S There were sixty-eight deaths last week,
es coMnared witUt ilftpone for the same
period lest year, eTbeeitseaseetesnot Only
serious in Itsetee but the bacillus effects
every known threat and lung disease.
bier- pneitmonle eauseole-217-deathee
against 134 last year: bronchial Pfl
tuoiiralist - ear -Di. 'this r r
Seven hundred Ind/art Mutiny Veterans
met in London elci celebrate the liftieth
anniversary' of the great struggle.
ReV. W. White, a curate In rIPPereeY
county, Ireland, was shatteendedan
-vista -tiyj &Other 0
(.411-1-41.1naS -Day. •
li?,44ITED MAT • -
.Nti;w ring -land .o01.1011 manufaeturera
villieur.tail their, output 25 per cent, we -
o Moth:1st.
-tunitii; the Korthweet Mounted -Police 43
leiave deeided to repeat the policy, of last
vanter of tending out patrols to the out-
lying sections. The flest of these pa.
trots will We twiit out to look- after the
Welfare of a parly.-int Scott* 'settlers
tist_aie, 1004141es-front •-a-rallway'ait
evenly IIIIk from a ne:igithar. The
lretne. urrent and
Trinity College* Cainhrldtle. Benefits ..Ity
• Lady Pearce's Will. • •
A__Alespatch frOm Lendon, rengland,
• says: Trinity College, Cambridge, teme-
nte to the extent of $2,000400 by lite
husband, Sir William George Pearce,
and Engineering Company, died on
-November 20 last, By tils will his for-
tune was betnieuthed. teeTrinity -College
ort -the death of' Lady Pearee.
tier° Ot!.....! wiit foitiow p
it 4lue our
-before the -panic.
faded From o Find Ilk Fatheg`
A despatch 'from Quebec-tsays News
comes from 'St. Gabrlei, county of
titinouskt, ot the dietIppearanee of a si-
yearioid .hoy, minted Levesque. It.. -
peari that the boy set out front his twine
with two Jiltle 'sisters la join their
fathers who was at work in a bush tit
atit$iderablq fliiitotteo ft,orn the hous•e.
The two girls, who -were younger then
!Ito boy* becanie latigtied;itctwOvert. and
alter vainly. 'urging their brother to re
tutn bonlet-PArte(Ilrotti hint and r"Iraccd
their step** nutting there safety; "'Since
that Moe no trai4t has beert,f4und ot the
l'oy. A general Iwnt -tor bloc vras at.
onto inaugurated, seventy hien 451
Hvi. placeturning out*. but, despite nil
their endeavors, the boy ',could not-
, toun(i. The'only thing discovered was
'beyts ps1et handkerChiets Which
s picked up in the -bush. Tut bey
ppo6o41' to have become. buried In the
*now or to have fallen IWO some ere
v'iee„ and the parents have 'lost all hope
4.4r seeing hint again,
14‘,11AT glair 011)
tind Jaw
ay ,.+c
th• troni St. 1.4u.tig sa01,
ft att. w•*t*tItilent 106015
t'of the enioetentent ot the
"alngStatute Int litla
I 'Whitt \gala ihat
100ns cktie when
14,niakrng 100
hursineto boa
tototternent, of 1
ng Iaw. Ito say* 'that 00
o hkh SPilLott *IP to re.
17 .100d 0111300110 hoe *Ito
twerttrotts* t*trty
n. thosan4.1111* hundred Of.
r ha HY*, ikt* mot
tkrtram irterseoreSareelosee-CaLemise
ote his five-year-old boy for a burglar
DificerS of lite New York trust teem.
antes airtritraeltietr insittedions Mt in
better PosIttOrl to,day than Ma a dash
they -were
The New- York llepeibliCare Club has
endorsed- Goveknor Wipes a3.11-e-aiiilf;
date fOr the Preeldettele,
o „eeW. PauteaPeitiladelphiaebanker
gwo a hall tho other night at Miler)
to &orations atone cost $11,000;
The International Paper. Company has
Purchased 350,006acres of heavily.
wooded slime* lands on ,tho itestigoucho
raver In New ,Brunswick.
nelt. A. Leonard Parker, an 13plsoo.
Pram ntiastert wild to be well known
in *Coned * has been arr•osted nt Boston'
on a charge ot larceny.:
Famine threatening .a largo tiumber,
villases in the interior ,e.at Turk -v.
Ths 'Balton rseverritnent. WO/
rt1 the ckeavation or Iferculaneurn.
Gustave, ' the new -King of Sweden..
tom not deSiro an espeat*e tAironat
'116 mot t:tibiriet b&3reeigned
ItUiLS OM( kslirattics Were rojec1e4
Ibc stond itou.so:
o hundred Old ten slam Were
kild n encounters with the tneeps In
Uie Chiliau nitrate 140,03e*. :
(,;(eneral Drude„- 6onunander of lite
trOope, ittAfororeo„ihrt5 boor ro-
ilOn Amulet Of iltheeith, .
leenleeliationaleCongteeSeteat Street te
tip in *tree fight On Friday. tionto
104 -101* -146 'OVA
FiV� men Were- Wed by otriptts,
ar $.4 tIe lkfetnopolitan subway I
and wriaculoutil •
Sas, ip lhe
ary Is 4 Berlin,
4rged to a0 10 .1011.0411'1thut h.'
f&t*nJ w.tb 11-14uViipteet of nild
Austrian Navvy Knifed a Countryman
and -Ielas Shot by tttraelose
A despatch- from Miseimia. Montana,
'says ; Two men were killed on Tuesday
night at a railway, eonstructkm camp
„near feethrop. George Morii$,, 4n, !tut, -
Irian. killed one of his eoeettryrnen in a
knife duel, the cause of Ihe trouble being
uoknown. Morris then aterted to
'Lathrop and met Contractor Wailer A. -.
Arnotforta bridge. e Ile attteeked Arnold
With the knineeetni Arnold drew a mot.
ver and shot the neteeelead. Arnold gave
himself up. clotting e° Abed 1ze. acted ire
Three Wrists in Pond in Nova Stot
During Parente' Absence.
. A despatch from Halifax, N.S., says;
A tragedy 'aecurred at Lower Northfield,
Lunenberg. on Wednesday. Three Chit.
tiren of Ernest Welke were drowned in
a pond near their perm's' 'house. Mr.
and &Ira. Vend had gore lo the Christ-
mas eervice in the village church, After -
.warning the youngfolks. not to go on
the. ie. Notwithstanding the eaution
they ventured on. the -thin ice to skate,
and whett the parents returned front
aurae werem14Sifl. A eyearele veal,
YOU 1.10 WOionlawsn rShok
81. John, Srqt1.
A despateh from St. Johns•N'.13.0,
Lizzie 'Andersen, aged abottl, 2, dra
bettse here where she was a servmat.
g.tuan-Nitit WhOM-Stne kept
company' tall on her, and site eizat_v_.d
sheinhi 11 t p owl^ ok t do. i.A :5 sh died"A 1:1 1 ter :I 1 la tagr 46:hour11 d
Afterwards* fit the lioapititle -
Sodden Death ot 1411 . an in .I4iidst
garder a Visit** in of leak •
Ad46i414PIPitt't483ngi0n:\4'°nIY.)T4-°1nanir;1ttair.1:0ipti:de 11I):ft1eoii
her Cousin here late on Tts*Iay night.
•1; Is thought she had Indedged'ghee*
stvely In *Own,. whi,11, affected tier
heart. tier sudden &Ott wits 'renewed,
by 4 pante elmetig several Chinatiteit
were in the reoiti, and who *ere
rizot by vetted' they onstilereil *
t; lion, from .44a,, their &di
v -the-ice
were the them bedies. The ages of the
in three were in; 12 and 7.
peration of SidwOratiing at Ottawa
lifeepital Was SticeeSstul.
• eteetiespaiehefronte-Oft., vtv,sayseeetnete
neer iteritert fleytiolde, badif injured in
the wryi itt riartlagth4 on,
September 11 last, was op ,on Wednes.
day .at- -the' liospitetelot the firet -time
ince That' dale. The operaton of flirt.
rafting. when tea of. Ins Pleimaltplay-
gave up portiom of their 4.skin lot;
hirn, was einineattly sucCeSint.. 'OOP
nal; when -fully rwevered vain ttraify
fr hlinself nt theenquest on the fireman
killed in the Plantagenet, wreak. Unlit
then the inquiry stanth adjourned.
Tito allele an Shah itiq ativ,2piiid .
*.tiPulatAri tot Pavliament, 89 to Ile)
naabatcnatic\.) of the' censtitution, end,
'bee 400,6.1 to banish the intrlguing
01.1:CSIS. .
ssel e
an Era cisco After
s e
, • dftpatcli troirt 'Sart PritW.isto ,tt.a
he American ehip: Atlas' .I.droppc,d,
r Titt&lainigzt 27i d.;
. 11 to,r04, ei voyage
k tragic • 1)y it. collision' -oft -Citpe.
r attended by Alio Ainking of. onothi:
osti, lh trowning..01, 11* fitted raft'S
1431$10 and 1hi apttites wile., *Mutiny
nu It* decks and death among, its tricws
011 inn* ft at p.m. ;to Atiag.,$1rock-
4gilin !Argue VIIiing (Catpt4irt
Frtt h 'bound from 114n1tburit to (41.
*ere badly damaged by the
tsrt, but. .4tbe birtpe fared w0r61. I"
tbir *night thirliotra, of .1
Norwegian barque ,beartlett
Skip. etimitnit over ,fitn,
boono. Cap.
land his *tie , were not
who Maidthe dongerilit4
$04 'dark 14 render
ALI food 'NI. tViring
tioe, 1-4og
V, • •
Led di:Virpeated. -1 Th%fta P nal
- 1K.41.1.1att1?iro for refetteellealiing
.111 170, Eft•N 4 zt a rittply, \I
ac tig Ibo crw 46iwrsonte
nate, tat it .i.Vaq 47-1:4
the ',6117:5i(;1 off raw Itrazta‘
'otaitarty wet
ai M4iy 23 J.$,CSAI,,IfttitaZ"
innene'1i1 Irene ,4eteleeere -
drowned. On ,lunc.! :
intstkori, (IA and wa.3°I;roi,',.1 itt
n the sit!, t-,1-.1$4.'0.1 on) .Tet,;%;,..ty
p ref% son:Qui tte, te4rit. etreete
-Cr ;J, 5fl1 11*Vcs..‘,,c1 vas JCtJtribt
ilia ,it,...:irg.) cl 4-,4-.31 f_..,,-.5 f,
I t i siolciltine..1.,.' It:„., 10:,,,,4
1.19 day3 4-:,:l tro... Itlt st, ,
r•.' imurstice had tr-••-tw cr 1.; Pet
1P pt'' °the l'ilkiitg, sil,.3 n
ite ",t, NO. NiAlt,...ng it1,1 1,-.4'n
;:salt :•1 brgan her 'fest
t 1 .I.C.111 14eJlt,40/11.3 trio, ,
#10446,60610444104,816,.! lithermstooftroxit-