Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 6 (2).71„.
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•4 4
..dii tn*• .. ' r 1 -gent -it,. ' 1 0 r 'tiulkihj
*.4 ) . ' \
MI r VOC '•
, „.
441110.1 t1' a ''t 1 lit. U it t? , ' ' e (.-
oiledlY•filbilleiali p„ • er' 40'4 ,1 1.
.,% '1,1
, 1)011114 1)1,1,1vair 'Was :great. le' be:Tien- , g Ine,.1.(,ATitlf 1 n
,eealeJi, . a.m.( whkttti'r OA?, really fet, '111.0WcCr.F ,,, eke is, et *
„. aliger ,slte hail :Shown,- in .p king of '.nta 0
Sunteant tw, &and riot bel,for now thee a l'1, iiiik4 ', tixeliret,i
lee,,e no,trace"!wlustevkr of It, .., .1-- - ' • ift,I 'Worship' he Wh
tit: -1141.1. '‘,...4*4-1,44-kee.94.4-11R
. i',#ft*,44,44,-44 ,,4100,00kookz.(5:44* ,
,-ft..-iiiaLee4 to blame in the paet, lin , v lig abOut '' e---InY (). blvrelti-,--1' ' ni1r
icand it 1112P)ssible to do soJJls mind ',p,t sitkea-and e.allS, me' her datighter..
wandered unceesingly to Sunbeotie. his Yola know her sad etoryt 'flow she lost
oyes etereld her faee among the erewtl. I her child, 4,047-.- i
Soon, he keit hiniself, he %%-euld look 1, 'I've, I know,Arid *Pin afreiti my poor
into her' eyes. Winit would he read 1,1reele knew more their, he ever saki.
Ihenein? Aix i whet Iliese, ewe -el' sity'llut I think: Lady Cruse 1s,' a liteitY i%.'n?
eYes. hull on tOla him in falteringly ;men twee! ',for she has Quhid veil! .
ettange lon:guaeeellizeste-etill Deft -there! Yuri,' -"-r-0,'
- .
-Arid yet lea. lips vimi'e doeinettepeeit -
mud -
• S e • Ug A fee
isappolnintent, overwhelmed him
* he looked.. If only she wetuld not
m 1
tele euepli
t yeet," eaid Ludy Lerida, owe
• eyes. "Poor Uncle Lite w a
#117.7* MAMMA SUM
lute But I was net surprised
thingetrattr- She paesetl
ietiiv a yotemean,--A,dete. pool.
_mind im Voie are gtA4 kiLp_micares
. .,--AittiOugh wir ave would, hey
een his. Yet -now -no one can say
_that he is mareyhig- ale for my wealth.
M 1 looney . is 4 woman's Ourse 1 With
it she never knowe how muchh she,
self, count s irt' her friendships and her
haves,. And though I knew that eou -ere
, re fortune hunter,. Dutton, I hail the
• leelvtlfat places yeti above the suspicion
of 4- back-biting world, and vongeratu.-
- late yottewith---ale-eirrhearreltrivae
431,tinele flalph to think of you."
Ile smiled his -thanks. lie could not
trest himself to speak. Per how mull
bke. sarthat he was no 3enger 0,1ed; ILS
good fortune but 'tightened the chains
„that littued him to her. Though hie in -
eller $ell 'beat tumultuously at* his heart,
ening, • lieve dime with it -put her
frontyou at -once," pride and.reltlefance
closed the door of esenxtr'''''''''
- Ile laired at her (niquirin ly flie
cilitiage stopped et Lady tar Ifs dt;er.
she pelted,
44s,- Itn corning back urdil to -
row," she exclaimed. "Thurs.' 4
tierprise Adele planned for you. A
tonight she takes us to Carlton and
Opera. You will enjoy that, 1 know.
"Ves,14- he replied, reluctantly. For he
sew how impessible would be the longed -
kr tete-a-tete, or perhaps even 4 word
two,,ptith Sunbeam For, of course,
Adele svieuld not take her alree That
wits out ,pj the guestion.
"You do not serm overwhelmed w
delight r neurmuredeniletenewith 11
"My dearest ,I was thinking how gOod
ft was of Adele te-to keep you here for
• rite- 1---1-liardly-deserveit5 do Webee-une-
wer(a in a voice, fulleof "'selbreproach.
For he-lutitte-eltimself-1 e I
(11;PrseilYe and felt that she had- • ,
JAW. 111
'fffee hai `it:be:Ores
am the Welty one silo -Added. I
ppo tliat is 'what you were gull) 10
ut there, a
elt tlear aunt iletty.
"she got /twee my loss? And my
Lr aee rv- serloos es 'shesiwke
d the ready leers sprang to her • $
Trittat" thiek nee oseemte,
nalued silent. "1kwc thiu_botheea
Simlait. 1Shall .never r
Lev t4. JaMee-e-e413emeireW414
t-iottelr-out-Tor my thoughte."
, *'YG..r emit seelnS happy enough. She
je coming to London to.be with you and
See the sights, she told me.
"Oh I Thio. yen haveret told her any-
thing? You might trust aunt lietty,any-
'where!. Shall I not be able to gi) and
see herr' - , • . •
"I do not know where she is. She Ig-
nored My request for her address. And,
‘,1as-rdie-Prel____estA%L.1,041,tnow-- 411-4,4bou'o
1 decided not to say anything. t do not
know why she tried to deceive, 1110, Un-
less for stime unknown reason the,/ ward
'to eine to -knew you, ere really lost ,to
theme -TheY dkl. riot watt inele, at all,
event.S. Therefore., 1 humored -
Thougli onee or twice : longed, to. fell
lie eek• weee'Tsete Min fuippy.'",,--
°Poor. auntie t Ires, I wish. she kneW.
Thopgh perhaps my tether :uvula belly
bee- IMO telling hun. he Ahvqg gives
in le bun.,.She tilwael-lntee Levexed
I elle now Itne_w_w_l*eesebeeetifel Deer
the a fru ' war hit
declared hetwe,m them. •
Cro be eontinued).
though wit elle was 'Me That to „you..
t „ nwgires,
% ey.
S41 The eStrahearn ie e
itiet 'Woke W,
fIntinliett'SpROutfir.,, LI( 1:444'
AW,40 10t.'
.1)1,4*(01 tUrneti aid W04 Ilk
0 i;',,
la ,e , 'X 0 '.$ „ ,.tlicvi 1owci. .5
lli ii:Or.S.A. . 4
flunean, \ve .-1' LI in •rw 1100,
4,4.,yOu-WV x 7 11., ,
'44S 4u *eit- ecei, ' k '04. .tot 14 'ito :replied,
tti6upprOinygl, Then.. Itaning to 15110-•
beent he leekher hood.. "Ilooti-bye, Stilt:
ttg4.01414, - '',10vill. 1 - let, you
again' aboutdr* 4 tosittnri "Wt.
-, _ ,
She srniIe4I 13r4Ve.ly hack at lairt.
you. It Is very good of Yon:
814,0, triterixtured, luoving toWards the
r 4cS he lettethe Venn. Allit.,,Sileeri
leer baek. For a ,Seeeild 0 pAti,
01 obstleaey flitted Item% her rove.
'COW should she'etay with tilts girt who
n,eVer b.
4 pale face'lo the hushed ,beauty.
omFr ycupiidi
Omit to vori plex,,,Vitli••yeur *Mitre:
said Eileen."You , lolow that Mr. Site,
tee sow jtiodne$4 and you
)iL huyt YOU lwnoying: bird
any ;novel. 14,0 is niy linneee, and 1'lave
a _right to fort)td your speaking to hint.
event girl in the liouSe pouring her
voes 1814)1fl0wn!!1ea
,1r'S isoefri
3 1.il(.flt ns tho
ed-frotir $
0'411 41-1
13 /e a
, , . - 1 ,„ i,
I I,
tio e ' ( X
gen,c, Peatit
011ethinge ,onethe
ostu".5? 'lietn** itrAtte raisIng,,;(1.14
ry littonded '!„ ewitheut
intowledge itA poultry raisiag in all
4.11.411vhbiet' AI Ye'
*eve' ToWle
_•,.• •
4,•;" t1„1,1
individn eliareeteete e,1'ids as
well as .does the W othe
stocke-enti Mere lgoc*
111 front, Poixitr,ve niohys tO"
,ttii;ak they must- have exitiltier -tile
form to supply • the Muse „svillt eOefs
and fowls for The table, but they rare -
'it eying oli the eggee, thy needd,
they Nvekild, 1141;0 eolligir to sell, •aflsl
lite'lliey chieken$
inner they zat,g141,, OS Welt have the'
Money. for some Mee. teelaw -bird
trieone-who 114, t4
There great ,prolit peoltry,„ re
Mr the capital invested then, tor any
birds are attended te, Did when TO.
18 alioN ,ed reit a
• titelrelir 44 -Set
enough tO spea)( to in. A -fiancee's
rights de iles) interfere whit the liberty
of a, pereori. •
!"You are an Impertinent gh,1 e.,..'..ex-
claiined 'Eileen, passieitntelY; "And
lellether e.ou want' 10 'Or 3101. pilltit 110,V0
tri obey Wishes. Lady Cruse is geing
.te beteg yon to Oraekley Peek with her,
Is 'my '13011,g0 WO $11411 see Avl)e-
thee you will be able_ jo eontirine4enr
Underhand- .erintrorettvring-extetr arum
iny guests by, abusing their kindness in
suet" tO$1110/1." '
.8136 „left Itie ,Xeiein Sunbeam :eat
"dc,,,vri" With 31,1Jalo .laugh. All desire to
orY 'had vnnislifld, And her 'nertes. (Jul.!
t/t4,:vvIth, iinger„,... Was she a_worin AO,he
litsulted end, trampled- opont--.-Whilt-htut
ssinieti;d.toantertIthtirk, •.show.11er,
The color .rushkt ber feet) as her
heart answered the „quest140,,' and
kt 4174310g thmuglther,-- Fo
r distrustof , I doubt it. She
mem- ay still think me a eleteetive. And l'et-
ttie 1 now bave,other thoughts. FOol that
.was' not to have Mitt when with 'her
Tellerrtee 'you remember iirtYthing'eil '
when you Were a tahy ? Did yea( know
your motherfe
Shes, hook lter bead.
0.Sito died 'wheet I was little. I only
remember .Aunt Iletly. They said any.
mother was a- lady, *311(1 'that Was Why
they educated me es they did. But tio%v.
eltli I %yonder -toe t :ain otdrAtootigh,...toti
ure Tidy hove uturrkd uty fattier, 'You hav
• been too patient with him.
"Inn you hoe prmised • to be •
..,...,,,......... „ ,E, ), ,1%,:01, „bell thejcpeet.,...Soon.-you•-•.w-
, • 'Fe' ii .nliiitel Ilomeo;' she exelaimed
-------:-L, ----------, ---- ---liftlitti-y-the---frawyr.-Aquitsifilig-Ifent-her
• f ee as she tookehts-, feted end eleit
go ,11; oh to the peveinenee
lie wentiered what she weukt say iI
per up, into the drawing.romne _Per evert
4,--0c-,A1 ee,, his -thoughts had -Howe t
i ani. . Was she back? 'Would he
tze her now? .
'Disappointnient, hewever, lurked In
his -471)co.-} For. Sunbeam, even if at
Itnlne, did\ not appear, and he did not
want, 10 nese' -4.1teeri again by asking
DJ- her; • -- ,,, -
:lent when Ei 'Oen had gone to tier room
to dress- and Adele was aboutito lotto!,
*die snit,. card tee. ,
111$tirthemn IS in die schoohvom„, Dun-
, veil, if yfie want to Fte her, "Stie ie gete:
,tratly there. , I thought _she Aveidd -iiko
•:that erroligeJuecit better', and liaby`st
, gc%erriess is Stich a' nice eeil. ,- Ilut re-
• )(anther that you roust *lot make Us.late.
Tee. eerriege will the viiind in in tioue,
pia you haven't dressed ri
11 lior liu6kand Jaughott.
) 4,,A(10/0 ctientety, 'thinks yeitt nsay be
creiglit hi ihe toils of little teuribeain,
' toy bo,, es we ail are I' he exteehneti.-
• f4st, ,Ititillan tind vanished, a fact that
pale the .tarenet- laugh 'miller. ; ,
Duncan found Sunt emu alone when be
el.wrkd lite "sehoolroeln. site •eprefig inx
uith it Mlle tiw 'and eaine, lei, him, her
eheelie crivesax. her -(ps full'. of !delight.
. 41)14 Ste. Siitcrairr ,she linirinured
„ fraltezWgly es ifleek bee band. I .44
• ei( t eeet,, that ,yoks Were' tierto,:r4 •
'I Cake hours Qt;ii., litIti, Snuteaxii
tw." tvz,Iltril 14 ece teex'thy,tig: 'hit
4 fill, 1 lia'ei,• -Oidy just e•lme. iknie. from
'1.eite f:euee; 'that •is ta;Ity yell thd,Iclie
tet, lac. And itip ott.r.tra ere stilt ,(,11 ' o
t, ehiltirt,res g"mmill. paely.*? :---,..
• 7.44, yea are ,alene 7 . And we On Lave
' ,e0 little Irak. Tell' foe hew- you erre,
• . you IlitiO 1;1110t410. 140,4•,--1-' Iltti 1 iii,,•(".
, '‘.514Y-flPt, ,rie.T....P.11..leek the pi.eiptv 4 •
, Zt,r1Illi. . l'cUe ttes, Itave wino" It('
'ppin, . Art; ' it41;z1 'Patty happy., little
• , , . ,
. - A
•it4i, fy.,,,-;;;I. Ilrepril Viol tat5.
ii.vg-,-,Ay is itind 144 111P0, allte,,ifgli
tL,,,y tatiw-,-,-,Nt stAitt,, it,344ee twuti
Lev Me tio'4A,--ttit-,at I ea) n4;1-1-7"
puse4.1*114,0 t'. -1 Meat surging to
;Ise: tr(ev." • '
"le ,., 4-41e'ril 1/1f,T ^tele yeti?" ',7,,''' ev
(ere:meat, ' ti',4eig .hre band egaiii,
&tees; .M.,!1 'Nft1,1 Inf. etei Sunietetn. :CA WI
,,t utto sc,i`,74 p'...,.vric A Illanut. or paw.
194 .t-..41 kr Met." ' ,
sten bint-1 101 it ,Le 'Wicked of me to,
have such thoughts, but ot one Can
:know bow terrible it Wee,to_meeehen„.be
came home Hill last thne. Portia sit h
bad, kept me to niee,elosition thin
litiVe been differenL but now -I nut
ly il$11.01,4.01\ viAter.-and see things,
and hate myself feir doing so. Desides he
sUis that be 04ealoti_nikineorder.
, iirrneeeerOu-knowi
sentelintes...vittaiet.tbialver-that *treed' fur
time I le thefeeirt And--1--ito-nat
knoNv 1 v reel grateful...enough to
, be
tear littteirribeam •
er mon would-. ha* u
sbould like to feel that you inc went
aPPY, forgetting' • ell these dreads of
,..4stIM .1 should /leek 'velpe,...ateor 1*11
MT, doubtful .past •:fer you, dearlittle gIrL
Hut (IS tit is Iznpossll*le, 1 Ixtppt ?-•ou to
tq lo "fc,rget end, for tke present nt any
rate, to make-up yoOr mind to gNe up•
yeur fathereeind, Since y-ou
(wilt" - '• •
'fillet I will de kr the, present. Rut
you do i not want, me -.14 ,Ixeonie. 'one tit
thtse iingraletol --women- •*tin "forget
thoseytio .sheltered their ,e1(1141)44)41,-
Andiwuiy ran terrible
fieks for meeek.',.' vont money 'foe' 'MN
It wee in a' wrong•rwaA but I-cannot...Ain.'
du' that. , For peesent 1 havetnittered-
him anitniust keep, away :lion lihn„ for
many reasons; but later -A
• She paused; quietly. sobbing; Ile pixt
leCe•orin'soothingly,oretind tier„ ititt own
licart ached. It only be MOM ten bet 0t
buS levee esti' biet his "owni and: Marty*
tior t •
*Sunt.411010,"„Is Whtspered, 144 fneutli
ek,,se to her tam *tittle -Sunberim, be
brave. The elonde trcak sooner or',
later. and. there -4 ,
Out Non de, hot Inew what 't
'leant Wen; I meant that 8 will be. ter-
tti, gee', r ack , to Itiptu nil the-, eauie
ter Its .1b11i4tnie„ •AllOtVe
Ihey didi tut one eminnot 'bite' the:
hand, that' teld one.' t clt 11 then'ertait
teevt atter being with 1,4401y11,nrkire-and
Cirliset-Aithink 110'4 than
10,can poor, 1 1h4iw,7eifee4.1ekked,,,ond
el), am 1; Nklibt tint Ikdot We .have- nil
o'ode ViStidit I thin . I ought to hav
as ecevant somewhere, and eet
tieeee rout& in;,,..7.ittiole„ fife'
tglete!,''Ileleedr \be eitieubled, itica
inez her eat cbo t 1 WM..' '411%)or'$ui
&Anil Fate has deehted till for . y(u.
Yoix ere trw. in the positien,y'on
ed r; Stak4v, the bie.,t '1 11, fliy
thikL Sortie troy thInge•wilt right them,.
Enlit thq). moonier X lull your
fiend. ond I win always Pe reedy 'to help
,-en„ dear, l'ove have tern leave se
'ieng, Do not Yoe heart *A.: thinking -44`
Ile pot het lenity fr41),b?rn, and
, the% P
gs, to- tlie music began,
e • -
'4,,• they
feed, his• *pp!
elude, If yeet-let,the
*tend n the utii1 lil.
U; wlide et sett the hog* will 40
flee en they vad en ,ary tool.
titiawbea )1, al
apt he 400 1
'it.! •ti•
The *tiny (life:lax*
t has 4re4,, o./ isnly vight, Squalee
4' an, -*yin): ,seventy „.rxiene4tables
watele'everi dee
IP Paiiiartient .inet mror4r
lit. tine -thin: the Prineelvit not per.
mit. Ile Avill allow no native to Illoy at
Casino. Let .foreigners ixime and
epend *then,' looney at tilw hi140,4-1f they
Posiblr they eatt'offord to 10 11.
Thee Prince wilt not' have 005,0 who re-
, Vitt.
„ppy .1i
and tragedy.
to e n nt, nhiS
Caruse, the great tenor, .be ere he
realizA 'the ettpabtItties of ht$ vo
C *, arr' 4 1r
tax to try and ,$.011 nogroph on The
shilmentsYstem. sad tile Agint
'you can Make yeiir own records.
an'TATTouTh7Wito 4.11
ey index.; elms° played 4 11441
41 a -thei
• thet ,are t u ,•his climate. The
Lest breeds for laying will, in all pro-
-prodUe0 4 failure unless they
lire 'surrOundial by oonditions sititable
for suecess. 'The column banWard
stock is not ,.0S, good as "any other. So
nuMY tanners will not remove that
slunibling block, and as long us they
ll'og to fernier, eonditions and exid cue.
tome In (he puttitty
fi surely toil; to itnprOve ateng other
other Cxxid houses, worm- qua
tors, Cleat11,01Mik Otte Water, careful se'
leetion ef breeding- stook, 'Oull\Ing out
stott4. ,Ystantattc. feeittng and Prop!, .
. ttention, ..ritt ore eondiielive to the OW-
teSs- of raising :poultry,. on the -
••Powle 'slitailet Pm' sale -AN/ iebtr
the tat rstusOn:Arrivps, sp a$ to get ilie.
Adetintage$ prleee ,nntA they
will riot be in, Repot -Condition, nor
can they be witiakt Asa thatr„vorAtition-
111 a tet* d • eleily,cere,ts bee
a y w bj " view, and
,lien and only 'then will he be sucee
.witlx, FOultrY.,
% sl idit.-not- be satisfied-1yd!) f
c pis or depend •Opon.:Poer $1.00R.
is easy, to grade up our stock to a' r
standardi •4)41`, prodUction. All I .
thing, are the Itirnires aids, ,and Ate
PREPARE; TIII4 'SLUM 110,111-31.4
uy " cuts limn Any Drurmist
o and Shake Them In s
A evell.knewn authority on ithennift-
'tem gives the renders 01 It large
-.1.101#0-----.'deltr:PaPtir-e-Atio,,l000tiorl :tit •
vela, wutelf-atly one on -easily re re
11. # • .
luta Extract Dandellen
'reuntiourul liervn, Arne MOW:
t tut 'otter each n
el bedtime,
JIe atate that the ingredientsoanbe-
rfisrinoey „St SM411 COItt, and, being
vegeteble extrietion,.are •hereatess to
must xnake them as good 4S- on.'
Don't tertve_liorne on everriowery -day •
nfid 'fritter - away. valuable hours t
aces or Public `r0sOrt. When ' there is
ihi inueh work Ie. be done About the
Itfalcu,„ntemorodu -or Au, -
ferns or o,or,k to be done Iny
,Suppose .youeshoul
the 114 are!: eTthat /Ow gave uP Auto -
u . N. 11
playing And took to isinglegi, ,
The Emperor of Atzetria duritig-Iiis late
illness Jostled on" transaeting State
business aS usual. As .soort rt$ be left
the nursery 1' began a eourse frein.
hie 'to fit himself for the high p'osition lio
was to .1111. At sixteen be was an-t1C4*
1111)11811O3.1ingoiSt end 4 stientliite_ ex
mat& iitt
and hardy sportiman, on ids studies in
bunt with Inc tirers energy of 4.
literature-endejurisPru enee were eeee,
d under the most -Celebrated, s01407
s ContinentaLEUrcpe; That such A
tenrse of training not react, upon his
beelth -teetteabtleres- due to-likeereniar
ty, even sedd
to* -enable Itim.,to malt the faCO Or 04(4
14,Uniblest, Or his *ubjeols, no matter, thew
teog 'the lapse of little.' It is 4 treditien.
of Austrian iteeral nose Wet no'
Ern 'rot; muSteelie„ iying-dot*i.-ft6 rnst
st. dread mess
0 the $..11
• i.t.tr
-- 30030133 , 3 '
Opened '•• at , Chengii , ,tt .
linolital, 4041 'praellectVlEiliniti I
totrilOknk"._Atyd,,,,t,iftlut4A,14.qt- Of .
.psee. Tittle OireeleP,X14 J' SifIegele ,
olti*-Of..',exOelltietiet, -1,), .4.dity.'..eniklff.-4,",
!',4.e•Xpeeikneeiee-',..every i'li.;e4-ef
''*is,,',Tfd ' ..„ -1.- •.
it ' fi' $.eaf."S .•-,.•„. ' ',Ai
Iin -,,i.
3.1 4740 it*: t ':itipti:. 44,
(ltt40,', • . _
r t'll
, lino Os i,
, ‘,. .
oft 0, a*..t;
. tie 4. tiebielS'
traini eren xi i in witielo, de n
Mr "' - UrSue ...9,-tigh$ praCtie
eereefetion.,a$ o r
• '4 Y the, etas •and. • tho .
lflk#sjiL 111 'verineaten with il
mice. ,.• .,
. a ur xt1.
a exit
-elsewhere n :twee elubs"
eseee created for the plural in- nod
tootle° of...ballooning as a oor , Avit
for se/entitle study end experimeete.
In seine of these young own tire given
Practical; training, taught thetheory and
constreetien and we of balloons, their
Polio care end-navigetion
ency ,pas preeerile, ft xi
tLcn, they are perrolftl, %stet r
itery ,,service„...te enter t
erestiers, estublistied the
logical garden located betwee
i I . Tit
men are laugh d the too
ling and tare of tbe Governmeot; bale
kens, of which there at evertil ot
it t'
• ',Me X .1
The sewn an more
etitution ef this 131 Fre
11,114 *555,..... 54
Ao-IrAerostidleTha t‘ c
ateudon, inidtva v
orro-oortosit r
Ard Esherand Ntr., i the
nit editore 4!Otteen intorids Let.
lees," were eminently fitted for the ern-
pertent lash. they have new .conyleted.
In Mr. Dertson .we have It 1500 at *.
great' distinetien, who shiee resigniM
Vie inasterehrip of Stott Oollege, o.p0St he,
held fee eight years, has Oven the world
some delighttni books; Viscqunt
Esher,' who is also trained, in literary
werk, is one of, King Edward's meet, in,.
Innate and trusted friends. Beth 'ram
nre---ilifr---tons---nr-elever and :gum*
fathers. Mr. Denson is thesen 'the
ate Cantertoury,' anti. 000
el thc frko of clever brothers -which in.
el • F. ,ilensoze---the 14eVelle
is life son of the, first Lord
ether ty was met, proved by
Ett0,. i lie ease of nue present
thee_ heredity was .notepresee
.for . While .he:hee 41wriys ,1.
...hie:eta-thee -wee _-_*__
ittle .rein will not injure you.
ItIonglay 1$ not far distant when the
tiller of the net enlyethe
Intel gent
'We labor with head
4-IntInfr-wliteli:' Wit
and )ti \Ivo* will be graced ee ms,
fort „anal, retineintrit, „ But we .meet.be
ditievtie .-toine by S
• " itor beert-Ablt -WAolt
diale rroblern ofbeing rt gene
enueloyer 'ane at the etillie time
bstential Petite letiltenneettore_wille.the
extis vizbreb he esisb.
This getiNtilt Mixture, Ifthkin tegtit-
tarly .tor ,tow day, said to over-
teMe itiMost any cette al ItheUrnetterre
The pain and $Welling, if any, ,dinittl.
ihltes with eueli dose, until peratelnent
esults are obtained,' IOW wittledt, in-
juring the sioroSeh. whikt theta Are
many aotalted Ithentnatigur retneditio,
PAtent trAtinciOs, *te,, oine of whtch
4,,h4 give relief* fete realty glee penultd
nent results* and tile above will, ,to
deubt,„ .1* ,greatly lappreellited by loony
*offerers here et
'Inquiry at the -dead ateret Of even the
smell .lowns elicits • the Information
'that thee drugs are liarmlesit and coin
be ought separately, of the druggists
will, mix the, prescription 11 itekei to,
1tr,,e8LIF,11 rfir
M. •cioofge C161100,104' the Rent,
'* not 00.1Y 000' Cif thshfest
statelmen,tiOd MOttremarkeble,lawyers
Itiat his eountry lois tyke it*lu4ett4,- but
Is .4 man et ifisitiono arid 'one of 'the
tendere *Matt 'OA in Petit, 1714
nuturters are exqhlsite, his sdrese butt,
tonversittiorcleili/lint in. the,
110 Can enter Into the light
s.pirit'' of piety of' the 'Mils °drills
teem a* sueresSfully *s lit. can di
flee dinner lite profoundest literary and
taiNeett 116 Spoil k Di
rfeelly, with a; slight Anierici
cent, tubing in itis 'yetrth filled the
et of tratielelor for one of big ;pelt-
heixises New Yeirk. tut he
crs that intimate litie-of kreign
1ague apt to spell oriels literitry
and theetfore eieldont eeliveriel
n'ida itt arty but tits tietive 10a.
ter:illy tokee
fie, long to button
titan it 4.14aab
tvil 45
i 5..
4. ill
eueraredepert ..-ette4e7-
tturbannortiritad-e-quipmehis ere unit
and thn department of tests expert.
Monts. There is no definite course ot
instruction. it Wa$ there that feetonel
Renard_ twerity.three year $ ago tu., tit
one experimented with La Frakiee, the
first dirigible balloon.. .
IIVELEEleZA 10.11111111'
Responsible for Thee Esceetiln*
• fressing Coniplaint.
A few 'years, back our knowledge Of
the influenza organism was -almostIIIL
But the ravages Rio disease put the
eeterielogists-ter their -niettlereeviticth -
~result -• that- today they -koevv--w more
.about its 'habits and lite history than
the eve wittt alineet any othee patio.
genetie germ.
lo.„ epwaranee, the, 'influenza- microbe
try mueti reseintxles stiveli tick, only
course-, he is „man !bons nd
soul „ee. gee] in -life is. the Minion
throat or nose. As tee -on .as he Wiles.
illere lie proceeds first -to s%vell, then
to ekingate, and in. a ve w nxinuttes'.
ttn' separates into- two pa.
- Each: of these' parts resolves itself el
most instanteueotisly Into ix -perfect Int-
trobe, .and these two 141111yelledged Mt* _
trobee' start at 031Ce 10 SWelt OW 411«
441 their Own*account. thi$ way,
F* the course of twenty-four lieurs, the-,
otiginal littera° %vitt have. eurrounded
rillerotee„ ehlidneri, 10 $pOri
11 Is ihtil 1130 $itlitetor. begins to feet
that tlitre sornothing tire _metier "with.
$ the next day • when, 1
horn 41, nitre *notice ot minion*
to billkns of trillions, lie Avishes, he .11a"
never been *milt'
• ‘-evere-Jelo71-le- -hand. _
bes Irierease• S4i rapidly_ thAt_pr
fry th y all perfsli together ilifeivercroW
_ _ _
Theo theepgdienteteee betteet
et ence. Ilis eyeteta hes row,
• converted front 'a inierobeehote
-3 1 a mitre eentelm, felittiffeeeteb
u le/ of tiny .toip,sies,. I
vekinee kre in Neat, littl , t
They ere ,potioade
iisivingeepolled Illy autofor",t110, blililettirtrketyliernitrbirittraed,11.
lmp:tiaI *'ter,
10 oeupy at kw
\Iteeenty years, I have lea d sometliie , .e..„-EatheCeittageelAsettegardtvW
ii-tre'praititeil way, o riulriti Irtreted on the toO$ti aprnved• $40
ealue tvriteg'.
ittit. With NM; my greatest. U titrY Vt4110411. Every 100+010011111 meive$
an 014,tige pension, or.* lite4,ng Pen.
all lhings eensktered, was -from 1raJ. Mon fri* the titrw at Wilh be Detentes
tast Seeditig* iv& bnibe/S • the it itirongitHe „ aceident inceptible
niaking 4 Inagnitiont gn)tvth Shillk, Weritirift- II* widows' 400 6.14:0141).$ of
leaf and 01011 ,Sout clot and phietet d'ill°11 are Mlided '611 11*1
el A0 tlleS11°,14:411:111.rt1;et lii)ktrilifll'evitah01"111 lirth-t7m"(11) the ittigner1litistils6S7Polli.1141141:1,e,t5ttirli*ttenint$111(1154Tkrit;
1,101r41., wlitl.hot:ntslY'satiitin;irtteehlatoskrttnatal Itted'ort4h*gluti"vrekintollo4reiroilltxints itio4n104:12 f$flr,i t..(461Joirtt4trway,
ss $11,11t My (aloe/C. 11414811 died; the$t„„ 400, me4, tidy IA.
tot -1110Y • ftmongitt 444 ronntwi,mottt to turn otit the, best pol4lble 'Pre.
len. 'In giving this test I en) not, id- dude,
veitatirig the feeding of (corn ex" elusive',
in atiy) korai*. ,
eharmil and **he
tOr4pig pen and Pig Yard.
Willem 'and pure :clean 'water are
entible •care of pigs,
Iltied.wood Wes_ aro One kr givh):
rengilt the bents. •
filthy hog pen, is an. invitief 4j
case *64 ehould net be to tel.'.
- beet .inedicino:•kr• I
just to let .him Slone and r*'frajn from
eeding hint till be bets ANil he ire
hungry, '
It Is difficult c, to tarty.;
• stock bs $41111/010tily!',11
Irlter willtotit the, 'ne,e ,of fine,ckzver
y er silflifs. $1 •
'ecet to be satisfactory *beat
}rebtoritible bulk. •
(tovor or alfalfa hay tot old melee
flied -with, botwater and then.ntlxed,
vdh grata and Itppy 'food is Ire*nu.
r1li»us *Ad .,slitiotyl
11 is not well kr f#ed s lot of 1h!n
ill. •qivis drifilc
sure titan totter, ncot,*1111.
P11 aught Id sivot Dot kV, Ikan half
to a. liotind a140,1»youkt$
Oei114.,Ott a IIIIIe 'harder.
Pntsk,cs are, "NW 'for th* pritiostio,
.4 the3an wit 'foke the plool ol gA*411•
rat*** us boliti,
i7 •
di d
rut' welt
, ;radon% Ptie'l eald tire iority.
.tqueee orriirigenients ,yleU Ii4V011)111etit
dexigliter, "Alexi; irt the world thosa
In tile vestibule?' -
The e111 eentNerrialit rubbed, his ',gouty.
foot .aild seftly ehliekied.
"Net much,. (14.01 i',' Iti rafeetiticele
"Yieu ree. 1 %Wheel how long it trikele
for •ye'sti and that •yteinge. Matt 10
ev.edtrtiglit, sO 1 i11f1 up an eleetric
heater „ tO keep yeer , feet befit getting,.
(cid caul a porteble Worth 'elo*.to iu
-,14,ca14frist, 'hour."