Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 5 (2)will lb nwrnng tnd evening, buid tlev. Vete, of Prkton* in the-. eiftera004. petial Mutle big Kiirktoti: quototto ut1 C, A. riuk of .Unden.. Special o*Tevjngs for bu�diag fuiba* ftfi)wI*upper:wlIl.00,:iterv ftoni be holiiley* y week thPurea.* ee parks teeth?, fionie . Ata3urlg tho.e wtw wer home f ol e notkez . Chews 01,fehn Meal% wife, II ir Ktta Osivja,It W Murray Me�i ' A1Iz4rr, 11Eweit bind Geiger antl 'Toronto; Fr*** el . Me11i, A. Orwelus Detroit; T'usb• Nellieltllerd• Mrn o si.” Franc Ity. rr Oh . a itd,, tonwau, Snit .p 4V r k. 1 v , re up to city goodi in every wgrowt uly price, it Wrier* *nd c&ue. ewing Machine* at price*,that...144rot 1.,c40hit Ofthe eel btnd tuost beeutiful line ofStetion. err, BibieII11Y1210t 1100104 ete,, t Awalj 110Wirt PriCeIto oith wjtb„atO robeizg supposed to. edwais* vryet 'bathe on th bomeite*d: Walter, at ille;Misseetizzieaud Mary, atifnine, A deughter. by • the flret maeriage, Mer. Stephens, Aso reeklel in trithorne, The funeral Wok place on Siituraey to, Zion cemetery "4 'wowlerge17 attended... NOlkii,X*prX.1141.0k wood WO reap e f tbe death in 'Zurich of, eere Bymatb om live in thh. neighborhood. Mri .1 wars o healthv ua ore, butthe end CAW* very suddenly tier busletuddiea about' „a ear after A very short illn s, and h olla rtenrron the north of here; cooper on the At ic Road: Isdre.lacob Soreree !fr. , 11 f ,,- t4 Itii,Pday r..0 , u , u 1 0 **trice , ve 0 'lilt arerecoverin very enjoyable time w** spent a No. 1, on Jit day or acho 4 - V II feature o he exercises was t pre*. .entation of a beeutiful Morrie Chair to their teacher, 4 -obis Nichol. A. well - worded add west *leo read to )11114 extireesingfeee regret at hie removal. Mr. Niehol p led ilik meltable te expressing iitgratitliae for the ese-of his Vends. Me then t thetbilartm to oranges. Candle* n nut*, after which tbe /ALUMeerved ban lunchh-Of cake and coffee. Mr..-ifterbeetrat-Nwlaforytive yeara and 4,etweip,now to take...charge of No . - on the 7th con. Take a Personal CoUrSe at &shot) To enable all to learn we teach cash or instalment plan. We also teach personal class- at school once a Mord ANass,, Coillnleaglog last Tuesday of eac mem These lehsetts. teachi;sitoer44e4-..0 iit atentiit-tsig--,4714 er any garment from th plainest t.hirtiwaist suit, to the most elfilm ate dress. The whole family can learn fro on.. course. We have taught Oster i5elit 00111,84MT drellSolnahlOgf and guarantee t give five , hundred dollars to any one thn cannot leapn. between the age of .4 4#0 4/3. Vtlo*anntA Want OttirOugh LL itaS conr4e teaches if -yo mi. -01,h in :top* feryearrs.. lloware of imita tions a • 'Ave employ no one .outside 211 .This is the only expetiettocel Dies Cutth!g. School inCateidu and excelled by none se ajyiqber country.. Write at one* V:ir:padleirlarSi a:4 we bave cut our rate one. Or • r the -Pup :for December: - lberro,_ A -Br a re --. -T4 Merle*. LSchroe- dee, 11 r B Smith. Ir. 117...W Schwartz, CoXviorth, M Elumpp, Cornish, 0 Brown.° Cornish, -0 Brown, E Schroeder. M Brokenshire, J II Reenter, I Eilber. E Amy, L smith,' 0 Wein, Jr.IL-Zeornish,JSchwartz - kenabire. ,Eitet I. -A Welt, 0 Schroeder, 0 "Cornish. 0 Motiock. Preszcator. M. C. Tennison, Tesehe r ys In. LY andM. . icinl- Corbet nep ew a'. on or t t SChool of Fed* „Torente,arelionse, 6 r 4014aaeleYttur,J,IreAiellslareAtAier -T ibotv-wife-tind YterlattleaPie ex* a -at their-entertitin *WeliftiPtifidlief three years** teaeli- ent-New'reabi-Orett,.4Miiii -Fraser cnn or,r ochool. During her stay here she has made a boot offriendsand endearedherself to the hearts of all. On the last day of echo°, she treated her *choler* to oranges, candies an nute and they in turn presented their teacher With alisitilsonte_- sbn•---* The gift Wers accent- minied by a flattering address. Miss Fraser.made a -1)xtry feeling reply in whichsbe. thanked the donors, for their kindnese and expretsied deep re. gret at leaving such kind friends be- hind. E eSt..Stratford,Ont WANT 1 ONCR-W. hovo deckled to Iry etruct andenvloy anurnber of siiart loont lidi to teseir our course Jo Dressmaking, 'liming on teaber for the six oearert towns where they live -- ago 20 to45. Those who hare worked at ;Unimak- orlikts drawing -preferred. Mese dozot apply t',90 You eon -devote your whole tune. Address Tow 8MM, Wanted, 2e -enable -men agents for -Exeter Igna.ourtotincling country, to "ell oar specialties, MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ. OIMALD gEACIL Alt0Et0Mn .011E4107, ItITSOlsi- MAR, CUM- BERLANDItiPl$ORItY and a.,gen. rat line of fruitsind.ortnifuental trees. 'cu -our atm where you would.. fail- with-.Cottlflt atk We miy,cotth weekly, aupply o'atUt free and RIVe exclusive territory, Wrfteto PURA* NEIRSEILY 00-* Growers of high great, nursery .--TerontOnt. nine to suit *gents ‘, h2 Barbers, , seauttres4.1 o 1 Sores, runtalt cutaneous and 0441 b Itas been thoroughly and anceessf y testa. hr hinxtredsotsocalled-inernatde - 11 1*; entirely unlike any ottigr prepatation. rnist4oreintotent that mut been *OW or pre - seri arewspnitestionswlit convinee that Is has wonderful medical, virtae and intthrsie merit. " It is =dein Canada. t good honest Cana- dian preparation. Pelee one box Vifty Centseon Ave boxes' Two pollars. • Maned to any address on receipt of pike. Sold and retorrunatde.4 by 11 ferding mphlet free to any address. Manufactured and &bid by the sole proprie. tots. The Tetteritte Chemical Co Windsor, Ontario. - Sold in Exeter by J.. W. Brovining, W. S. Iforrey and W. S. Cole, Oreg. gists: . • Furqubar Mr. and Mre. F4 Kaufman and children of Glencoe spent Chrlalm with Mrs. Kaufman's sittemrs _ Mt .Tornbuliatul Mrs. Beaver.. --We top, deritand that Mr. Pled Allerington has reesiied the contract for drawing e the tile for what ill knoiiru. as the Steivart drain.-.-G:eneral 'regret is telt that the ,acho;o1 section tosek. Mies atrtiltoti, at n. teacher. , She hat gone to her bottle in. Motherwell. ,and - will nothave charge of the 'school 'teat; term -41r. and Mrs,' .Alex. McDonald of California are postai& this neigh. borhood. ' The following 1. * ropy of refela float potted' *literaly tee the ogarra Huron Conaervothe Aseetiation„ and Nett -girded to, Ura03,111. '4Woi; the Executive, on .hebbilf of, the South' Huron LibertilVeneeerative, Aitittiehtik, 'tifl wisb to exotss, our ,olit*p sympa. thy with you and the Insinaim* of your filititly in the greet 10es \,terentirtiusitiiiied by the deatb your estinisibielitiebend and our. wtn- thy ,repreiteritativ.e! to .the yosiers1 Ilenrylloton. 3. A. 'William* .11on,S4c'y , 'Drysdale-- - - Now that the,holiday seaisOn is here Akin:wilierof peoplare renewing, .. 01#1. acquaintance" and probably forming new ones, among the number we -no. tice: L Oballett. A. and 10.110reer, LOW rittri-14 Snider and S`Wiittion' elle - . . . ;Al 41. °d11 an3. Dueliarme, Nav tion on Lake Huron is closed for the season and mow of our bops who have spent the past summer on the lakee. are now recuperating ender the . rental roof. -11. Howard is in the butchering business new...Mies L. Treiber teacher in Separate school Ne. 1. Stanley* is enjoying her boliditys at 'Owen Sound. -The many Wends ofB. ,Turner, jr.„-fireniiin,on the GLT.R. line between Sarnia and Niagar4,_ will „be o loartithat belt -very 121 at 'his home here. We trust he may soon re- cover. -The trustees of S.S. No. I Stanley, has re-engagea Mies E. IfortorOsf Tuckersmftliforthe coming year at assilareof Mies Borten is a clever, energetic and painstaking teseherandthe_trusteetare40,0e- r men who havie been • tolataron-. erring her for another wo engaged in the -construction of the Iarge bridge over the southern - ap "p • h to t. Joseph, have completed eir-worlrandthet-- jostling- wayfarer can now -proceed *ott,biljbarneY:with* ut moletitatiom.--gvanitlatiosersices are Ina -conducted.: nioebureb, north of hereunderthe -• n„ hip ofRvde. Sjkes olir-Zi*ttan son Thish,r4041 _./ • Zurich Bender and Wife of lllinol., and ** Pallet ,Bender of Port littrOU are visiting in tvern,--A. Hitt* boo* and Wife Of Dunnville visited 12 rits biet week. -Jerry Cdrrivekuo who bisbeen In the employ Of 0. „ Fritz for some you* hataacePted a positiOn In Dash, wood in a An* store....Ohrie. fleuch,. student at Toronto Irsilverisittt 000,11' pied the-pulpit...1n the -11-vangelloa church on Stanley.,-.1nbil- Taylor and volts of Lanting, Autoh.espent the boll. day* here. -John 11. Schnell arid fell$4, i • are now Occuniing.thekttew home. OW Geiger, wife and two di htstst and Geo, Schnell and wife of Mich, *retortion &visit..., has returned from it visit to Mr*. 0. Mateo and *on Eddie o the gdest of 'her father Fred De- mutb-.flarry*hint bad bit unole and brntherfrom uburig th Andre, b Detroit ht an extended v Miss Idtb formed *111;010 Allittkity tolere. and Carrie Viatiman b*ve one an an extended sty In Elkton* Mlch. The following 0Mkivit Were eleeted t the reeent sneeting•of the Junlor Y. of the Evangelical church: Pres., mole Battleilit; Vice.Free., Marstsell Ilert Cora Ste., Muriel Potter: Km See.* Olive 011eteier Teem., aitittertst Geiger; thilfttiA141K. (rlelYtOtt tittlYttlib# ItoseR ZAler; Pao •Boy*,, ,Thknite C*1* oupo Roy 'Appel. Wilton( tat tNik robot- Thos. ,3"olin ti • A 1 • trackersint 11 piueed away Dec. sftering tor *bout thre week, froni beliirta the este *ha whieh lin, ,aUy affert,d this beetle, certain* rath. intertael owed ** lit detektit was In bit riekli,ni 0, OS Mown bellereh'int perffttlyhissara eadtotusesulallystic A* tO g** AM*** ar ' ' si:4rtlf; :Petrol ' O * 1r ille*,Mi . I, ei . t a , Sc at. iii! UuD1n$0fl Winbaytp; Oliver (ieigei, Water. t?ker $ bQWeicfrozn Moo* he* ieturne1 froni •' Reieltert bee re .aftered home pending the aummer Iskelira. Anderson of Chica- go it I in *her father W. Bell and --7411.111, Bonthro pt tae-tiri-e, vs1t.-Mj,s 1n Voulterzetat004141:01*, Ifilverttin, lack liortort of High- le.- er la visititerlibriallaw-wto Is Ill. -- Albert Forest and wife of Itifiitob* are visfting la this 'faulty. ' Patio Jean at Kippen...-Itee. T 11 *nil wife , hove Vale. aureeils-looltkepift a lebilent turned from. visi Essex and St, *Also -Mist; Morning, after conpIet. alt the millinery seestisr---st mules, hes returned to .her home in Oakville. -The Ilensall Foundry elerees are taking theh annu*L11o.0., d1tut,n sojourning in Alberta during the eu mar... has returned home.Martin of Dauphin. Man,, is visiting in town. w . c ti. ve antelon is recovering from hi e t Obese. McEwen son of wen' h *-8-re urn - . a t.t,-,4-410.-W.-B,Metlean-Weirpleatr.- en. .1r-sohoo1.e. ed -'her ndsomtv-11foroe * fJ. .1 ro circuk, were made the recipi. toof-handso Vattltiieldearthelecirgulte-Tlier w resented with a Saskatchewan robe and carriage rug respectively...Mee, BeUn Thompson, who is an efficient and instaking teacher, and Who re. tent1y resigned. NO. 14,, nay, to accept No. 10, WV, at an advance in elibiry, wes resented by ber pupils with a companfed by a nattering address. Our hockey club has been reorganized with the following members: non. ,get‘o 3,R. McDonald; Pres., H J. D. Cook: let Vic?, N. E. Cook: 2nd Viae, D. A. Cantelon; King; Treas., P: W. SmallecoMbet T. Painier, W.'llengougli, Geo. : Welsh: **pager* RV!. Smellacombe. 81401.)00." -The tante 0 Eamon& Troyer, Parr Line, was the seerie of a pretty event on Tuesdair• Dec. 24, ti39' occas10 being the Itiartlige of hi* dangbter Chelistie-Ann to williain E., 3avrott, Moir. oi.14kriLM'OrMiTri ed to "dti bad been suapended t was lOrer the' 'ceremony.. took place at 5.30 pin,* the tying of the knot being, performed by Rev. Bark the -.mime being witnessedby about 100 guest,s. Arrayed'In a handsomecos. thine of while, silk ealiene,andWearing a bridal veil, ornamented with- orange blossom»). the 'bride presented a very Striking appearance. She wa*ettersd. tended by Miss. Horner* who wore, an: exquisite gown .Of white silk. Otare Lorne and Verna olarrott madeLprett - little .a,ttentlitilt* being-rfint-tearer a. :flower girl respectively. They looked 'dainty in pink dresse,s, it444111.01 And shoes. Mr. Belfry of Tomato supporte ea tbe groom. - After4-: the -cere all partook of a most delicious tea.' The gifts were of a high order. • The Ink g. aide:Laud_ brides* en o pe rls, to the litt tle-girle.gold bracelet,; and. to the groom a stick pin. On onlayeeen grand rlepeption Was; held at- the borne of the briaOrreotherakwhickAr goodly .4r01 Mra, jairott leave this week for Brigden where, Abe will reslde; We are only *wet .u.lbetiontiointko ,-tne-entirtreOttlitildtf-iihert'We whib *young, 601-ip 11.—a 'owe e'iriatOmenialsea. P4IveTtising apce, but it, can't buy record of wonderful ,and of the most difficult and pes of throat, lungand *mach troubles, SucItlit .of CAW girt% _up by lesalell incurable have been quickly and per- tred by It is an inhdlible remedy* for broncbitia, pneumonia, emennt>tion• indigestion, ite and all wasting diseases. IffairInTiligArthe ose, one 01110-volueldiass Were. pond to,drink when one of the num- bey, broke through the tee and was drowned. -.j10 many friends of Mrs. Ab. Neil will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent ill- ness. -Mise Elia Simpson is visiting in Exeter.-3!jse Redmond of New •colt is visitinglii-this_vi /upon spent A few day* in Lau- don last weeke ilirjar,VmPt virAWNOraire A AROUND 11 011T US aggipagaareolisagogg.iihrlat Stanley: Jas. Alabeffy has disposed of Ins feria on 2nd con, to_Ohas. Kel- ton . .,The farettontains 101.1 liCre3 and the price paid, wee $5000. .St Mayo: Wm. Snob while Work. log ata cutting box On the farm of Colin Snider, he band got aught the 'BIOOre$V010 . Measis, Charles POMO of Pont Huron 'spent 'Christina* with t Or mother here.*-Ntre. Henr7 and daughter of 'pot Buten are sisiting friends here...4dis* Zama Dagg of rata is visiting her sister Mrs. John Th Rodeos. of Rattle. fora Is Visiting friend* fti tbe• 'It Gilmore of Port Huron vlaited 04e -during the-,paet. week., -.0. Pon. gerof Is *mg* at -16-713-6 t st,..-Mrs. Wm. BillaPitOti atiter* irked a 'fa*frlendeatturdity errening. 8 ifttlIftbr 11,110 b*11 been Wog in Itamilten --daring the pitat week, retu lunnoTosiday# Mon** London *LOWfriends bere during thltpast week. -Mr. bert visited Wm. Murdy u lag the ,pait wee . MAN' Drient.4,11he af • Arch' iha came es to; Maths It beloved w fe of shock to'I', this it7onFrdiirnfgbI*.t . 'Ater enry.7 ilatsk -all and fill on theildeivalit.breaktog at honesin his -left log just above the an bones were totnpletely sev ereas _ ourse-in Toropter-Butineva- was resented with*. handsome Ault. . itectiffn and he also rece v a •fine-14.wntain pen from tbe pupils. Eden Mrs. Fisher and daughter Polly spent was. , at George Busvreirs.--Frank Coates visited at .the latter's parents itr.=ThocAtickent-- day.---Thos. Caves and family of Ham. iota, Man", arrived last week to spend the wintee with Wm. Caves and. other Ilantborpe viol at Rich Coates Sun, friends here aliittt MitcbelL-George day, - Byron Hicks visited friends here last week. -Sam. Skinner. wife and tangly vent NIII*S. at Jai. Neil's. .Fairaeld..--Will Ford and wife spent . XiMitr. at the home of their deughter Mrs., Thoe. Brooks. -Geo, .„Luxton of 'Sarnia iii,epending the holidays With, big binther Fred Luxton. -.John Es.. e aid wItt1:44itf. *UAW* lek...,Tit *see- tesi Bucelleld: After tr very nice prdgrain on Tuesday Miss Mustard, Who has severed'her cinection with the Stan. ley school, w presented with a. bean. tifuleuitcase and silver pie knife by her Invite& Rusteldele: 7.1Chrt.McN1n0o0,-*Iter7 a few days' illness of pneumonia Pstg. ed **ay Thuesslayat the age at 45 years. Deceased we* a nativeof Scot. bind and cameLherevithids_wife an *May in April 1002.' Ilullettt On Priaarthe "choler* of 5. S. No. 0,wbIedat.tbe.hom rid ady's tomoggnion, .it manion iet and a jewel case.- Clinton: Walter Onigg Stewart,eon T0onto General-flospited Saturday itt :Otago 0E10 yeoris. Hebas been in failing health since midsummer and aboutaznotghggoh0 lfaiLf,take Oriiiiblinipitil•Where•It waie'fauncl tbe ‘4.:11:i•Of°rtli'tivall-4-brairti,"1-1;hign)chwrengaii-s6edn: bhn tolo.e his eyealght for *time and to be partially paralyzed. One or tWO WAliterfOrnietlAta-0Yelti IMMO back and .tsaitilysis left hi r but,the bursting of 'blood . *reset Is to have ca. sea his death he ntomeoristiou'snessand lit eefullY abet/. His remains we brongbt for bueltil, " iiii ilresd the WV' ult.* -the lightest Ciike and Putry- youever saw." "Order a can 1,l0 ou will -'-iiiire-,to--have .„, 4014t fur your next hoking.". I M tit s Ailow a.#0,t11 time se* Ciiiot- .# . ' sitiOnnt 0 tilt. I to write for our h ls, one of the moat conij To c*ch in inelude sbiolutjiy free it pi fotvato.4 n short me , Simply ant many *rithm few esn dri i*znpie arithn'el ' tiotsit rapidly and atom ro - f , dela u oind , shows , flielleees EduCA I)i itirtta tour 0