Exeter Advocate, 1908-01-02, Page 3 (2)aw.y 1 heard t! 1iurth Of (41(1 my Vide "Dopit see iti it disturbed Uoto *rClitY, ile wet jusinet -*hooting oespedoti.ott and hi3 toot on the etop to pt o exptosion o;,4ccurred• in IAam lh *lightly put th engineer, n1„ ot 1ho imptrisI wau hint. , Then, :.rptu ,411eiret.' ' e.n we ir r by a, MilailiS *AY the lie,'It40 .0t' 'a .1c1elwallA ,/ 1rurnet wag thefirst hing that 41 , to or, ere rut 0 dIetepliones .as 'well:P:1a 1*'grh ioperat&r .10 WO' &nL -kp irJdng all 4.ity..• patches .,' aro going uid arriving' with- celose, because The Kaiscr his Ital: ea n . almost entirely In ad1itk n3 tw..spcia1.ineS_L• n rs ,iev .(r. lkrbn every day.” On arrv:ng at tb Jithens-nee-tukt ,, 14.1. , v ng, to Introduce m U aim, M. Terraft, rt 0 , )01 4 !ay ik ? I asked. Wrench am t f proles. Maj ly b 1hhg. th_at is -• -trc t , ;11riftieular- first *old- •tat - n hi It&t the er Atilt further. In 1h snrnIng 4 ttr'o'clock the Ent- IPeror takes poached eggs with a little grilled hail, fruit and tea. At 1 o'clock - 1 ..,.. Of fwI r garne. Oflen there is uffet.. M414144 youdont w what a' /*trot is? " About ton nd o1 di rriento'ht jelly. As tor. Mier,11 a little' More sUbstanthil. typtcnt menu- ineludeel .. &WI), fish, •idle ot mutn,Id' young, turkey, d, pear ahd cake. flef*P4 'going Ijed th Ker eats , to r three bis.. - t le 1 1. tkrs; corridor- t r6 CIU cncurnberel wlth trunks, big . little trunk, flat trunks, alt rids.—thesc are Ibe ptsor2al,' of the ,Etti rag . .. „ A' DIFFERINT UNIFOOK .thing "kV 'aiil' i itiiV4 fur sOr , the bead, ot I tee thet,n 1.1 _I !iVtiy„. Fronk . ift. t n You, a, vearingthe 1J1 ..1 . • .-*-,•.,-,,,,' ., '.."`' '- *-'''' '- ,--- - --- "gtrto Jr,•sthe* 14 14 LOfl atil611/014 deltr is 1Wetllis - 1 weer the ribbo like to tempL i succumb, sir.'" far cbM.. t e ion vanized Steel 0014,on Y $4.50 a aqua x • 10 O. Tell nstbe awl lieu our offer for covering i Petit ‘11/Of 3ro aUy *trod to buy. Let 3en4 you •PEER booklet roofing question telils te things you may not ui the long run, M toughened Silect, uility uses:law:11bl cold and double, Ionger wfth no parni ItleCTOlt WED Mrs, F. F. Thema**.OI eiice of Zara-lluk. FOr 001 . t stiffened cruelly "front the ,..effecli having a corn remOVel. 4rOut .my.'11 . mainand ri le Mato and iho doctor thought eeessary-44-. amputate It. - About th ,4111s_45.,,r ve a )1e box of 74m• fink and began usingi on •to' The ft.43,...01nolttaltP4L-fitiv.t„,- n3nt alter UflhiflCflCifl wIUt-Zan w sltosign 'of a _ 0.$ - 14 V y • ,for t e. y Ihod. Zam43uk brougbt. about Ihis keeling when all other remedies We find • Zam-lluk ao valuable th ,ie would not be without a box • bee* tut,c, bruises, oh* ii0444Sa, running sores* ecIetutt, -ulcers, truptions,„ecalVt OlOrtitt itob„ piles, thaPPot band's, barns, scalds, and all "kin diseases. $0e. box i druggists wt. stores, or , 14E11 *Tm akaitat” said Lim ,anxioes motile "your.new gown will he too expensive to • !rose your hustand.".' Shows Ua Solbi —Conticated by -theA1T1U41Stakrnent f the. Itterchantif 'flank' of Canada jut end 'isouthde one 410`esnot rettuire Y -11becn-rurn- and.tumblin in the neighboring republic, we prith ourselveo IA the .safeguarils, to both shareleolders and the public pro- vided by our Canadian banking symon. The Statement of the Merthents' Bank presented at 'the ferty-fourili- Annual: Meeting of the' $11tirehe1dersi held at, -Montreal on the 18111inst., sets forth in n .prietical Manner the best fotture$ Sygie111 and relltem the grade oat-1bn- that Ilatik's ng'men. The date of the ,cloafrig of the tic.oks by the Dank has been- changed front May 314, to November 30th, andduring the at halt year the net profits earneia, after alkneing- for payment, at .charges, it.1141U The total sits by the public' ainount to 436,254,30m, which is seem*, by total -,assets eit the: Mink whichnmoirnt to over filly -two millions of dollarS. At a time when the ilia woo* of env, beriki hive toil strengthening the positions -4e' their•puriieele- ig vpocy en& Wreath 41Mer- At we reached the :Private roorn ed by lite Kaiser. First cinio Ibe library, with thousands of books and the nowspaper$ of 'every country. hen the, private; silting -room, where to the ,everting • smoking 4 cigar WU- llama 11. takes delight in listening to -41M--grainapitene -yr- the 'mechanical iaim.„ A mill enle.ebeinbet:_sepate les this, zoom frorn_lhe dining -roe Hit said my •%1OVe* "that bis Majesty's euito meet feekre Meals... The Kaiser is living here an the greatest Simplcity, but he In- stall all the'. On* on otiguelle being bserved,_t44aady_letees the' din% 'oorn Lefore Ibe EMperet. If his ma. esty &pis to ,sMile eVftybodY smiles, it he has a frown, On his time notiOdy ys,„,a Avert, - "At dinner. the Eiripeeor wears evcn- ng *1111, 'decOratiousi generally ▪ -the Golden Pletivet lhe liteelit Eagle and the,,Gierster.,--As LI bi.s sitaty, his place Wel5116 !I:ottring dinner tbt Kafr drinis ge Orally oranges ade_odr_ rod tor at the end *f: 4lque\n-s." , FrOR» ,the dining loom w. werd. to the ,private rooms Of the Kaiaer. .Firet of 'ill was ti, bedworn simply and « , taste, An Fmpirc- bed of reat h teal a1ue oon.ti1utcd ill tt; li Wag Ott this bed that laid ioz the evening ,ila shdt in 1813. .4 fln the 1,sinv it ivvoden bey/ • in ‘Vhich *VI* tw,,, brseelets and four rings, one. being .ornarnetittet with snintaltore .the Empreia. Many 40"51W WOO *1*W. thOSe ot his *um . Xing PAIwpaxt and TOR e.Z.811 NICI110,AS tl. Int this room, serves ebleily SK11 , 45 11* Atietr,sty sleeps In This 4ec411id 'room, irOPter 4 tban the fortrier, osculates bed p Ni,red with a Ceuta- 4ft-rare. nut.. silk that ionee ritiel,.10-Nct.kt..MitoketteLOri, the ntsht ,lable =by the, il revolver•in cover. drairerswvfr'61111TnOre pto;h the Einetess. glite;s4ivieW4 lminediately alter ceines Itir lest et 11,".s',Altii pr4ele reeeini!, bie Averkreein. 1 had limo to catch it ttlitriPite Or ft rttk ittOttit wilte lettere, printed Mate tr le. Wei phoiograpiis Isy a -zit i'ri kK.R5, lifileng them the riIIlt J 'letters d 9ueen 1 ,t1p il..ISN1:h$4.Cit(T:1 atkut1to 3'sk"44APIT. 413 the ItItIttriCP 117 e'e Ik Wes Iltio'40,4 ink, nirtil!,/,),101111.17-141),:f fl (flAOf pnrat'st Aft% , *II to..1 *wit tont, tat tbe ksn' tenant; at, im•;41 At rfght i faith., • t ink** Vaelq at hi% 3oe,1 fe,:etale en. tee in any ant.: AA 1 peseol MoLuti, The j?ad vailithte-essekie-linenint n ,iiineteeii and * qizarter nlmoTz liars, Effireifelied inet411 position Iterarnieritillie 'onth!encc at the tIKustnrL 01 people who art in. tereete4 in its. '*ition,, To the sho. heiders 4 4liatly dividend at. the rale of S% has Won Pa144 While theklarge bat - uv $!67,-O() hes tern tarried ref - Ward to next year.The Piltd:14 C#Pnal ot the 1:Orcbarits' RnIc otands tot iti0,000,.., OW, behind wleeli there is a Iteserve.of 81.000AU T s!at nt s ft.!gb y:tatiatogy ne from _every_olttralooltd,_ittat Itthe solidity 'of our Alamo:Van 1ank.4 itt the present lime boa the effeet of treating footideitee of meriy Mrefgoinvestors Canada, the thanks of the publ'.0. are due le -smell among:101*ra 43 the . Merchants' .flank;,;' . ,stnAwie moat., two1.'r.4r. At 46 ltinuest, at Oath, ttogliond, the* ecnIty, Itiehard'itnrnettet,' w tnitted suicide' by turning on tb&gn.s in lf tedroonti It was slated that 51rttlion3 tor buLitil'wor.O. thst ttf 0011111101 .gfat Wort to ,be n uillt one part or slack Utile, and hi bi4y t).4,e- placed * ft box 'fill :tht,••• the itiii,litric,rhr:ffilltkiviVtet- a-Tat-Tor 41, yormtttn t was to r halbetv petrillzriNti had I single Oilier rldiouse, and et their *hen togavol o orw., 4:3110}nootaf: a WA it thcy deviate tri -of righteousness., EPOIT1 t1i very fOUridation----ot the odety of Friencs, 230 ears. ago, Qunker • ikienelr serupukrn,. hones They at ed to meet their oblig; ilex% ana tbeir trade rivals were , busy in ispeeplations' to Increase their wraith. . and devoted, their 'leisure to SPOrt anirgantbling, the old Quaker laid the tataidatiOTE$ of What are now world - /moons businesses by strict application* 1V. MixtYlng ftie 'latest methods,..b v lag_ their swap -collie' a direct ixiterest in the welfare of the undertaking, I t getteratImill ling -At 'that perioirhr Eriglaird, and by observing the strictest integrity in all th r • dealings. The** qualities :have Ixen irotterliosl by their sueers, and undoubtedly ▪ caused their astound. in minercial 6ticeess., 'he ,greater the irritation In the throat The more distressing thecough. be- comes. - 'Coughing Istheeffort- of Na- ture to eltpei this irritating substance Inuit Ow Ate passages. kilekles Anti - Consumptive ,Syrtip 'wilt bea the ite,.and • restere theni to it iwallliy state, Ibe disappor1ng tindet Ibe curettv' the, most distreOng headache one o fest$ itself by 'severe beedaehe... 'This :butule:77::.4., tot:s,.vill.:ivi,ottn:Iiisticilotte:tils, usedkaisf.e:itetd$tritieirpai- lect. uPool the 41ervo* and , often ma .. treat -We: Watches from cot the ' le front -other _tanks, bet . ating.ei , all, Is he bi.V. fous lwadaclw. Parmelee's Vegetable ' Pills 1,,ull-, e - 1...ti.,Ire, itralmeet im- mediately. , - ts -,oon 4s itie „Pills qerate. 1here 15th - Tnt Telie .1 - ; me warn you;.som t3's;mg it your path." hlotOrist you'd better warn the other chap attar notaikitara sea fro* as proprl.tors of Wow . (Mats to trisods **to )14vist wftt.* to 1000C.31.470,00411.10t4 i*Altri'14 *Wirt 61.61, 0 Cad siva sit$4,0ther • fly-iixeleay,-leiw-1114. you, come ou with that drink tUre you put in* you husbandrs tea? -"First-rate. lie hasn't druuk t drop since.", "Of whiskey?, "No; tea.' I beirthr teifffell.at'T 7)--••7-',7.--tr-----nilar pre. potation *old 311 t;anda it always Yes $41.thsteetie.n. Ly restormg, health. „ c the little: folks: - Bendkk: "That luminous paint spk'ndid invention." S..ingletoil kIouAlSeitterr -ifirer* %.:“We' paint . itt-7444.40 Nee is° wo cnn ive rink in, t A PiCrtiflE TO A A A 'Kist "What )(Jed t pietures do yen admire most?'" 'Priem) "Ilare'engeavin ota 1oobin,"• It is only necessary io read tho tesa, menials to ke oonvineed that Iloilo; way's Corn Caro i urictiOalled ter the, :re -reeve* -ot eons, warts, etre It is tr plete extingaiSher.. Kilty: Noetenctuet •a girl on he--Atiantio-linee, anal* he other Mae he was engage What do you think otituttrT,roril; f, ,c.nly etops to ihOW itIOV,ibot. all of the - ocean travel' hvive been elk)) ' • . 111011T AND WOOSIC TR *WW1 and Their ftesu15.3 by ..14anoii Crane. At Ian pookstliera o poetpaid for!. Lothrop, Lee & liepard CO. .Little Coy (during his cvning.k ;;, tone, to his father): t'aa, whAre tee, source of the 'Volga? Vatherl: *- imow." tAitle Hoy: "You, &ree to think that to-ine,ciTow I rnziy he punfzfta *'our nee ti They .It, " •_NVI,to,n they, wish:- are.,'Net Violent Actiem rinse th sforiiiich resort to Epsoin purgative. salts. Th4S6 are icdy m. their action, but serve iio peananent good. Their' use produces ipient dtills1 and if persisted uz tttcy sjum,,J110_*„toduich. Nor do they a UPGfl e rims s ri 1iicfk a way. Permelee's, Vegetabir, Piils answer all „plooses.„ in Lhs no supertor. Peal and have Little !Icy tiooking meet catalogue): ,litether„ ,:who _was Motartr*,.._Fathee.„- whof Matt .to and road your $1,14104,, Apios .triaAvrti Re.soini betta4141— oung 144 toxt itsiaAtka ly $434 t our nelvoontrulto's iieju heavenly It'w• Elderly Man(earitiol, 14wen—lex Unearthly, tit any rale: • -one it it at las have.a. gIZ the " kuld was th ihrznyesterday: ,ritairito. ,eviery pia introduiAt %Dr, Ittornas," OitAhtts not felted to,os,toblisit it'AvF‘, pO. ttation, too•wing tiutt,the4kriingAita,' Liles tvitielt 4PCS$Itt0:4are aiUNI everywhere When they: beefitne. tnown. Iti itt .general use int...anottle and, other roUntries ns 'a, • household int l'otod tb4 dottkatiX.V.4. it ,rocii, I 'that. it 14 it faVttit. VitiOreVk. AGIIEFAL hod got lou retch* IL*true,„ bit plow bad vision.nf ptlle1 tia 4ROCP ,i1.1111" t4.4' Itre,,i and lia ed ekillCie 44 sending bin 111 (rt(10 tito Atier,11. wort bed examilied MU Carefully, titIs15subrul"i261;Cous"Ct:rittraisioit 1:4 Mrt*li!' d3 ott, think their is a apprelititt tegzirie)ntal it the -'iben, 'turning h Ibe ratien ' • Sbut 41.,ye,1 14 t‘,1 Xitice niade else_A wendertill theug iktikr," Ncit 11-ki‘ the very. nettle (-4 toy toillt!til. Itittt'a itist *hat I .geitog lo **Ilat„‘Toltney."-,,-atot rnollstr„ 0,1" yoit Le;et WO* tk.itlit V. ming ° '41'avitt repr,o4t Toklirrty. .1;04 1, 4***.t believe everything 1 bear.' a Scritth4 end us.,•.,ItchArt-hurnot anlasais cured Itt 30 Minutes by VVol.' Sanitary .Lotion. '11 never hdlg. Id 0,411,4n:ult.* XINO ',he Eines 'train wis "specialty buil hi Majesty ly the , LOnden nnd -11h-Westerit ilaitsvev• Compoiny vf igleitd. it is iiiiereeling ,to learn, • it pas, of this train, that, Iime Jeee[Itill the ex of he Slate or' a their own privy purse,. tkiyal train' Provided by this railway nd two or three of tho other . English, totitpanirs have .beett,coristrucled ,at the ,compottieS445wIt'ex3'ense. They'11o.01,' re- Hi&n the eallway's peeperly, Ment, tiers. 'of. tlie; Wye) irriinily paying ...their fares like oblinary pawnget,..with merely' the ileual tritiree, Pi -r a*pfv14.1 train, 'rho Too5t elaborate pretoulk,ns r4l, taken- to .ensttt. Attlely ot the 100 n, * 'pack efogine runhtt) 111. tecit ntinn aiivanco thronghaot Ibe tire joy y. The Ireirt.liseit tentairrs it saloon. a IrAiiMni, drMS-fittkUkiiii; Vi equitoped i1h batulieme.fultolure..", rartner 'rayon "That leux,s buy 'the used to work for, yotr.Wants me to give b* -1 'a Job. ' be ,ateady Partner $bede: lf he WO any 61AsKikr, tii,'d be motion * A -1.11 lio3ohinson (ctoreleSsly); Vet airily. °Non. did? eSA,1 14101114ttnnkt,414" *,"..And Whit did Moe say r "Well. s.s:sour/ as. I had told' bori c.ng off the le bone. ger it weimM an np Igy And Ill. ere will offer fl e'((Ue for zot Pting it;