HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 8 (2)r -- a e. • 1 Tho �rstac li dressed man is :the ett ., ceseftit 'szaoan of be'dap. 411k good ,appetite' ee conn air for *great eat deassl � artk lar u and a tb gentloon +d f _.z 'i_i� vestments a young man can iasis e. Have your etotheis made to order. We iwike. the kind of Suits and O earn sat- that gives a man that "welleite+sed" appearance so much fired. We make the Clothes to t theensu ylW . 'W. TA LOCAL DO NG .11? . J e4 a i ercrrttet'a~ a 4f fete a very �pl!ia6P„ee J'y -to t wl oredI y4vtoin . # Miro t eet Lea ane 1. i jatt seat steeet it . may' atdrai ( d.. Alf telt, ai tek� y,h;re �l ��y�yyR � tato (Ul+ t# *'t . .. 1 4001 a + tea o'W tig kita;.Ilte rade e t - *anther w *. ,i tpone � r a • 04�1 to next aturdi ... '•a�,r v+ ti�.p Int, Y •The rn rtiage of sec. Hodgins of iumpeg, forrtza.erly of eter, 'and . burs Jens Christina t henson- --o 9RP1M.F. -[ i.. 'per fnr the B3tb.. was. held,' , street cbure-li Sunday' -eye it .: to theJamesstree_t annive ye Tb pastor* Kev. Fear took part in the ser- vice. �q? +°Lc t Tbe newly elected, officers of the James street Leaguea:re . . i..t-... ,. Core; Jam.,, Martin iter; 2nd 'ii'. P., Co a Prior; grd V. P., Dr. Roul- ston; 4 h V. P., Gertie Harvey; 'y - Trees., J. M. Soeithcott; Organist, Musa Brown. Sa►tua Wats "Tax Day' and many a man hada more or less difficult time denia Mat. _dust"to satisf . NAN.uR 'M F • .. , 1;" i - n Itis not bse cause the people are. not Worth the money but they simply haven't . the � •r , ,,,,��_ww .moi ,� The Free Press says: -"The King's Hotel, Kingsville, has been purchased by Wm. Brundage of thattown." The hotelis at 1 resent rut .b , Thos. • oramer y •o ' xeter, whose term does not expire until one year and four Ontario ksiuss [mIs- Read They ranges roar a>e. o 1'1 . a 1 oxen at .. Statham's. terez °" ,- _ -up-in fa, Xim s. •> �i-+ - -• t -- ircr a<Y:.Y`v'.z^�Liw'_>^,.-m-nom♦,"-� V�w •. .I►L f _tom- intStIO Orit, 0100.0 114, ...._,Our'-ddisn d-rings�akest-bea itife present filo your lady friend; see them. A. Maichastd, �. a 77"e, f"pr L des' ancy Collars, put rap in f�ancryXmas. bares; splendid for prese=nts, Stewart's. $16.75 for Ladies' sicell Fur -Lined Jackets; lined throughs ut with Hamster sur -an aoiker-rorhrt- of s Go to Foiiick'afergotir--Xin "Cakes -f o a I to 25s. alb Cotters ter .Sale. A car toed of McLaughlin cutters four. sale. Best on the market and the price reasonable._W.Q., Bissett. ... - Oysters by the bulk er served in any -style-at St•tmfa.. We have jewel r to suit everybody in both quality and , price. , Examine ' ourr shock. --A3 Marclntnd. $&OO for Ladies' lovel , Stone Marttin neck fur, long and fails. $7 for pillow mu" to twat:. They're• swell. Stewart's: pr. emu c arsirat. Dr. Ortens�, London, Eye and Ear 8 �geon, will he at the Commearcial Exeter, onturday, December 28th. Glace properly fitted-;:s►rad-d3.. eases of Eve, Ear and ose treated. For nfion+erryy, - chocolates atxid candies o to Follick's. Always fresh. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate office. Choice Bonbon* in fancy boxes at E.' Hardy'as. Make pretty present& 8`6e. for lovely satin-nislred elhina fruit dish, gold decorated. Stewarart's. tiormafr auat -ter Sets. A story and half brick . house, good etabh', 't acre land, hard and soft otatiar, situated on Andrew street, Apply to D» Roerclife at the grist mill. Wheat is nicer for a Xmas present _ F . -than „a(:na =e :.:flo"wleriang--:plant, Foi'lie has some lseauties. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad - ti; . -..- ?0C&te ofc !, Paan oysvira►r "H ➢u 's. ihusse-te *est 4ta Wiliiam_atreet,_brick .story and half dwelling, in good state of repair. Apply to Mrs. Perkins. 2'5 , 35c. and 60e. a piece , jor sol e lonely and useful pieces of Fracas glass. .Han'dy for' pr° atts. Ste7wart's. Our oranges are best, tic. to 00,x. per dozen. Follick's. DON'T MONKEY WITH THAT COUGH use Ho WErs WHITE PINESand LTAR :wild only at 11owey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25; Who Your Tailor To be best diced doesn't advert t ► pay its Suit because i usse as seen pays a big dprace 'or his clothes ,�► .ice them tats on& The mea- t r way the $. t but the atm* nth be right. A fps fbe hated and. flit of the t are hetes air 9issilotiti,g is rivet- rl�rr<ar asoad mar suite* r itttiti .***eh of. *IL 1. A . t : Mr. R. 'Crocker is ill at his hem . TREMENDOUS BARGAINS 111E EXETER BARGAIN. STARE. Chri ttumas Cheep Sale of JewwIIery >ana racy(qbditabje 'ler .! i List- lirkt iZ • �� . R � fot' :half ' Atlee.: *gm ,4.'etock f, elotbe.s, . tw.ea'ds end rea4 i .znade.4:e1 thing . .t� a 13 * {,Aaf. ticr'ii,. w 11 o h ee n. ► �4 tr waIL Int + ' 'hal a ida y, e' u3 y 0108 14 10,o'elock..,r~ . ° `* Pat Lose ort•tsw ;fox terrier pup, white, brown ears, 1 a. Awspet over eyes, answers to the name of Pete+r Any person returning n rt ` that - will itairjeLsvill be suibib are itded. . - A Spites* Scwoal. The'(llinton Business College en joys a provincial reputation for adopting the most modern office work. Their at= iFsitio =1a==#fie=retibee- deaf Ledger. now used by up-to•dxte whole- sale houses., A very interesting ad- .vertisemeYnt of this High Grade School appears on page four. Ma nt be rss Tote Nati+*. The membeprs of Court Ereter,Exet- =:ego . r meet-• ung of this lodge on Friday evening, Dec. 27th, for the purpose of electing si - t�i!nasir o es -it iportent business. Let there be a full attenda_ nee. G. E. Anderson, R.» S. Died in Loudest. �xnl; EXETER MARKETS. IA "+ »\BACH' W?D iESD„ 1a R.. leen rr�rbi sh r it00, ?. M it *"4h. a. —Ver .y,,,,, •Turkeyr'.4jT:r • � ... 1 P tl'" . 4'4** 10 - ~-4 5 0 PC* u saes ♦R �r'e,ao . cwt,; tasxuily ` 1)#,X•�tiRtr�,•,aa • • 11 The kind that bringe cheer to the heart of the one who gives. as Well as the one wino receives. . Dahl*, Artistic, Useful an in choice ebony goods„ ip toilet and manicare •vete, hair brushes.titentzawf . Fine Statlonei,. Perfumed • Soaps, Kodaks, Etc. 'n -town --;cos- paralyzed -^-on rm was equal in Intensity TO an - hits experh td aUi 1 wi mer: "Saul' = elay-usiorninrgi oWever;the win went down and a quiet fall of ' snow made excellent sleighing._ _ _.Business this week -is in -consequence very brisk. At the regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Lode, No. 133, A. F. &. A. M-, held Monday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing ear : Bro. W. W. Taman, W. bl-; Collins, S. W.; Bro. R. N. Creech. 3,, W.;._._.. co._ A. H. _•..Goin . Chip.; Bro. Jos. Davis, Treas.; Bro. C. 11. Sanders, Sec.; Bro. S. Sweet, Tyler. The officers will be installed in .their respective offices December 27, The Annual Christmas Ente in - went -under the auspices of the i itt. Memorial church will be held in he Opera House on Monday evening, Dec. 23rd at 8 o'clock. The program consists of Drills, Dialogues, Recital v tions: Carols. etc.' The military and heytet:al • er�dr.ill by-twenty� -boys- tt► `f`Tl- - under the instruction of Sergeant Major Hector will be well worth see. ing. Adtnis elan adults 1�R, children 1Oc..-B,,,S. scholars admitted free. Messrs. Kurtz A McLean of Strat- ford are in financial difficulties. The com . ny has aisssigned to the London . extern Trusts Company„ Tb. company -woe formed last �l with d a nominal capital of $40,� in 1400 lrU shares, 212 of which were subscribed. There is said to 'be a mortga► a of $10,000 on the prq rty. Mr. Kurtz e will be rememberea as residing in Ex- sad eter during the summer of 1900. vain- l endeavoring to make the ":carry u all" automobile he brought to town to for Reeve Dobler work right. a The Foothill Nurseries, .of Stone and Wellin ; ton. with heard offices in the t . .nilding;J"- - iVel intigto _ Street, East, Toronto, are the leading nurseries of Canada. Having over 900 h acres of laund, eituated.on the Niaaagara dC m c 0i art t beet -known and most highly -esteemed residents of London, passed away _ at et -home, &i0 Princess avenue,. on Dr c 1 is t 14-41111 ,. -17:310.0411 t.. altar x�s+e •�- a..rm .,. :K. a ,., scou me ntre,rth eint -s et . . met'"D -%�R''o. tl2 .AeSi'R �'oa*canto •� r.ss po�ved o ut I�°ro �n t t his city 24 years ago. She is eurviv +dd by five sons and 'three daughters .eter,illia and Joe_?p h; Mrs. McPhillips. ' of ' Win nipeg; brtrs. George Kidd, of }bio City, Iowa, and Miss Cliira, at home The late Patrick McPhillips, who die several years ago. was a son. Man Eieter people will remember Mrs. bi Phillips. The _funecral__.-.wars.._-held' tendon on-l+riday. Sckool Beard Minutes. The regular tnouthly session was held Tuesday in th'e office of Mr. Mar tin, absent F. Wood. The following are the.items submitted . aid epprov Minutes of previous meeting. . Rowe Martin ---that the Inspector's report accepted. darling -Rowe -_that th Board cannot see their way to a t ision of the salary list to effect cur rent contracts. Martin--Huston-tha e o opting accounts be a 1 ved Dr. Kinsman, lamp, $1; Jas.. erip book case, $u; J. A. Stewart, sods, R. Dinney, oilingfloors. * Carliiag ad eurnm�ent.--j. Grigg, Stay. Notes from the Inspector's Report School roof leaks, repairs necessary class rooms, heating, ventilation, ou ldinga�and grounds -are in otos-Icon it on; organization, d lin nd' de- portment of pupils creditable both teachers and pupils; pupils work satis- factory and good , progress; teaching ffectipe and methodical; the school ar its work fir st•ciaass • in every re- spect. N.B.-These notes are cco�sntrib- ted with the above report unknown the Board. --3.G. Moor Art r•tratloi. Seldom -if ever -bas the stage of he Operaa House here n 'bes.?i h-su ch an hare-giftfors of misfit;i and minstrel mistakes as that which eld forth on Thursday night last un- er the title' of The Bert Lane Minstrel mummy. The -patronage was liberal, any occupying seats that ,cost fifty ent,, which, considering the qquasliey -the enterta inment'r l wou�€d ear"atteii Milk "of'`yA:l e este of time. From any viewpoint batev'er the production -e -a glometstioi, of fix . n en a -well nothing, even disgusting the tie --children; There was Weir- Ole t, blanee of .ate. actor in the whole wd of over twenty, and those to mi the work was assigned -were -were ore I4ke ac lot of miners or clixnn- lord r cooks than a company ' of en- itners. The singing too lent no s to the rest of the horseplay; was sins ly awful. In fact it is litte ort of criaminal to 11-ifiict on an itudi- see. It mush be said, however,- that e orchestra selections were good, and t to serve ss the only redeeming ure and **Wining the crowd to the. d, but the performance in itself *as ar below what the public were led so expect., tbat it' waiei i distinct case of friend. How each an a Ration ex- isttas on the road is a mys$ • Exeter -i Ites will certainly long remember the Lube instrels ars the most consu�m- nletes fraud that ever struck the town. set HOWEY Phin. B. i hemist and Optician P :• • Christmas Perfumes he $nest-sei Bair .rim_ e 1.r+�. ai.9iX . ruin..#.. ■[: [tPRI%,,1t[t -+ 7; "�At-"'-" y :1.- _.. eta ins ell aar n in beautiful boxes. making ver • "b ` jiresen s at aatonishing low prices. 44, =Cole's Orqg$tore. ed: be e t ta- r ... Penins of Canada, devoted to th cultu >: `of ursery stock. and Belli at wh rlesal . to other I =series, as we =aa at.. `tli throe h ►, t. 'anode. t eir agent, Mr. Tinck 1, + f ,�, , to,has recently arrived . t e • r. a -abort tin >> topping,at.th ral Hotel -a booking orders, for No. 1 stock on - for next�s delivery. E strawberries, raspberries,�black currants,, etc., can only be a+ spring delivery. Recently we rec irr 3 an interestin tter from a forme eter boy, Jeckell, who is oneo the best that ever left the ol* e time of writing he w ts' e' Mexico. Gallup is . n th abo mountains. and ev in that arm country they frequently have a 1 of snow W a depth of ,eight inches. warding the acne of th country e sayssome' ofthe sports of Exeter uld be' delighted to tee the, intoner - td deer, mountain, lions (12feet tip to ), l.rs a timber wolf, black and ra�►ven bears, coyotes, silver-grey fox, d the rattlee•enaake and owl that live the/ same hole. From Gallup be s *boet to leave by, stage for St." cheel's Indian seines!, fifty miles crass the state' f Arizona. He wish - to be remembered to old friends. Remember us -headquarters for ell ode of confectionery foe Xmas trade tattkam's. elect your present of ams piece of wellry or a watch or clock rom the ggest end bet stock in town which. you will find at' A. Marchand's The finest lot of Xmas. Oranges aria Hardy's' -s dozen for' 25c.,or 20c�. 30e. 33c. l .'i . per d en» rat aelrRiJ.at'ot Sitifk l , farm, situate west of t .- R. and north the salt block, 'yExe• Terms . Alf Behr. The e*balld�° race 'ur'ch Ston. *boot. Staffs, are Viking hard r paring for their aauniiat% mas.Tae tertasuiai et Xmas Eve In 'Hib►b To Malt. La dies and all ki 'i pf cbnfeetion. galore at E. nod s"'as. r1 ' Boo -bons r* in prim from ;fir 1.00 at Etat 's ..fi0 act for t rs, 21 yards kkag. �, . 5 o " S3 » r'lfark ka tib promo., Sam *we you ; thbt ,of * await bEtaptxs . i n#aw 0 le errs th Oi fel he au bp. an 10 MI a ed ki B S Je bi y0 ea 53 T. To Bey tti wee A A CS- 11 Mr's- W. D. Clark is visiting in Lon - dor. Mrs. Wm. Barrowe has returned from a visit in Detroit, Mrs. W. J. Beaman visited in Lon- don Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. Moncur of Guelph spent. Saturday and Sunday with hie parents here.' Mr. Sam Sanders arrived home Sun- day from a several months stay in the . orthwesL Mr. J P. Clarke of Winnipeg spent part of the past week shaking hands with old trienrds in town. Miss Edith Robinson of Tacoiva, Washington State, arrived here Satur- day to visit relatives for some time. Mrs. D. J. Christie of Lachute, Que - bee. is-tlof her -parents- Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Bagshaw. Miss' Evelyn Gill of Toledo, Ohio, arrived here last week to spend the holidays with her father, Mr. Frank Mr. John Gudtnore of Crystal City, Man., arrived here Friday night . to end some time.. Mr Harry Cudmore. wife and son Fred accompanied him. PL: vt : •r!. -"- ti's - Rt. Y yop. l ,rear Christmas ..gyp licappY- AW ,; +r4 A �vY'...if'Q'+nni!�( W„WMKN.1: �'�ulvt-wiYMn-' ;. �♦iiM,W/'�'•^-d:.i'.''..�i41 111110[2=, R ew _ eaa �.�. 4.44 I1Iii�l1�!t�lil I i ��iT [�a11�ltl7,-l���! [m hux�ei ( '`y 3':'�Tr._. w d r a;ls �y..tRr Wmu`N -riv.=.Ta w wRati Pl.-4xr..G -.t:= n cL._« •�. 3k n j7iesr=t'I.idedle''�e"iirEarW%tYch _�'" . ; Y•....... avant? --And .I cin! tell u _ flt TiP... g.wblle fbr y u l— train s-- W[OENTIIE OF FIJRNITURE we -carry:- _ -Itis x ate- n very .. __- particular and is the best Raying line for any buy4r. Call and inspect .,our stock before purchasing. Rows ati ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Direot ore. COO*" Oltit4.44 "STOP AND REFLECT" niaY'save you some nioy and trernely low prices on HAIR., CLOTHES AND HAT -BRUSHES AND MIR1tORS will save you many a good peony if you'll only exatuine thein and buy of us. It's worth while reflecting when yort eonsidet- our large stock and how cheap we bargained for it. Mine Erne Treble hes returned 'lilting here. visit in London/ r. Yolin Taylor it 4:et* NorthiffMn Michigan. Mho Merril Gould, milliner„ hat re- turned from Milvertori Mr. Richard &Won Ingersoll vitt 'tea his son, It. 0. $eldon last week. Misa Olive Heft ttpered1 g tile 1201. LADIES! ATTENTION frOur reputation as co** will depend largely upon the " materials you seteet'for yOur bt moiy be 111 to but • 41410 • & CLARK PHONE 110-32" • JONES & OZARK Efeadq:laarters for the celebrated NV.E,, Clothin Buy Your Xmas. prese th s arta 1114,Te Otte you to. see what we sre doing ant) beitakme they are Away Cellar* The most beautiful *twirl,* tollara *elate ever 411;v1/4 and itee them. Pilo Ititlitorres • 4,44 ,41604 r,ott ,unea. Peke Ana Imo& Ittoolowlor er