HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 6 (2)AINEIVMem
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„seseViselyss.411-440,' and
• ' ells, iheelettlkith tar paper, and burn-
•- • err- very- rapkilys- WitIii,g •tunideuork-
•••! heroicuil) in great danger, but One
s't the children was dead tefore bang
•--1,47 ,
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Unit .'early.fat'id;..
itiTc4red1.3 t*t.1
Artiztritsktirbrzed.:14'-''' " :LW& 44it
pretty, .iittle tots and ova tor
with everytOdy in..town. A collet...lion
s•-• being_ laken'im on beliall'of, the aut.
'ferers. and Are ---attzeots, ore-sszassinicling.
roue Hurt by an \Explosion in a Burn-
ing Building.
A tlesnateli :An Peterborough says:
The most disas
of Oinemeit broke out on Friday mom-
_,:firealhs•daing-412;000sivortir brdatrittge
Ware it wasjinnlly extinguished. An
ex12142lion_in. one of g_ build-
- • .
n miraculous escape from death.
. Injured are: ''1': A. McPherson, local
,reanager Dell Telephone: Freak ,Ilogue,
_ _ _Ifigh t4:ehou4 Student: -Chas. NIcCalleryi
rind NN,'In. Ntel'iterson._ The, lire star_
in W. -R. Stevenson's tinware store on
zn,street Atiesprinelitalt-strett.:-..in_the
- Hull; loss $,U00. .Mrs. Morris, dwel-
. ling house, damage $1,009; _insuranze-
- • -
1..1017-7-1 p _
tvithin two legit of the thtit•Ilalllett build-
ing. uosssaved by the efforts of the vil-
lagers with a engine.
• 4,,
An Important Deeiskm By the Supreme
A disiontch. from Ottaoa says: The
upreine Court digiVCreti nu important
judgment on Pridey titStIllill"," the
appall of the Grand Trunk v.' Robertson.
The court was U1ilfilli1110L. This was an
__nlineal_frcinv_Ine._deciskin of- tia!,
. which 'Oiled that the
• Grand -Trunk Itailwny under lis • charter
' . to sit'e third-clsss accommo-
• donor) -oil its -Itne-between- Ntolitreat 111141
TCCCO-1111 a/ two cents. or 4.sie penny,
. • tritle. The courtlipholds the dee-ion of
• t'.e Beltway Commission. • Robertson
,was refused a two -cent per mite ticket,
rind upon insisting for a thud -crass ticket
nos_ put _offthe train. Redress was
&ought in the' It-tht-rit
company succeeded 'In having the ruse
token front the courts 14' the Railway
• Commission. The latter upheld the con-
tsotoion that the Grand Trunk had - to sup-
ply third class ammtmodetton at , u
prilly o mile. The decision ties now
„ berm confirmed by- the Si-ore:ire Court.
figures Out, n Stage liminess b
itailoay Cars.
Winn, •
keies. Unite,' States (.41,11111. Win-
• ni,pcg, rerort... T. tie 1)ttrlv,gnLt
State at ‘Vashingten .that "Consi.in has
to operation 21.500 cf railwdy_
• batidting trafile. or 'lily bur cars a
mil.... It is estimated that doable the
- needed to- handle all this
- hight. That means that' rAm4.1.1 WM.
market Tor E.0-;
OCR 0.4 1
esstruCton i'ars_figutaLin, Itid
cars will be modes. At toe COSI, of
$S50 ench the business will be worth
• Ss5;000.0-0 for new equipnieht. besides
tlit' resitaring of c4d cars. That Ls n
great many more cars than all the enr
shops of 'Canada •can supply in time
for use. T1u nerd ought to mean !erste
canadian enters 'for the American-har
Lock rial.'
' •
' •
Trouble Caused -h)- Dieti
by Speckitisi.-
A desoweli trim SI. Petersburg says:
Empress 'Aleandra. who 1,11. a •conhl-
erable tinieipast has been. suffering
from a *light atteck ofiflunza, was
stricken with a tegh fever 430 Wedne5..
thty trtilt °Mena t mynas* in fwd.
The Empreis reently caned in .n s 1 -
olid and submitted 'to a mere regi-
men to reduce her Weight...and •terpre,---
:rot •atilellon is ascribed -to this. •
-- --
lfontreal Man Fined Two Hundred Dol-
lars for Imitating Butler.
A despatch. from Montreal says: Jean
- manufacturer of "braino.r
was • Wectuesiley_ prosecuted before
Ing butter, in so far that he tnanufac-
preparation "borino." which
rou mistiken-lor butter and was
not butter. Government Inspector Mac-
Pherson lestnied that he sent two sam-
"twit-4m; procured from a gro-
tery-finn-In the city. to Ottawa, where
the Government analyst; Mr. Valen,
found them to consist of cotton seed oil,
• beeHat-maisassinalisquartlity
_with _cOleringadded.. _Kelskider was
• _ Suits- for Damages. _ •
-A. despatch, from Montreal • says: At
• a meeting of the Proteilant. Board of
School Corrimis.Sioners on Thursday
morning, it was deckled to pay the
sarans.,of the children who , lost Their
1iV4Sifl"the1kthe1ea-SChO9 flr, lest'
winter the sum of $300 -fer-eNc/i-iht141:-
This mrsins the outlay of $4.800, exelii.
MVO of the exmises, of the Anderson
!Mil. Tilt% Chairman. Itev. 1)r.„ Slum.
announced that the three new schools
that were being • erected by the board
'ere not only fireproof, but were being
.equipp•sl_tell.h. fire
House Took Fire During the. Mother's
A despatch from Montreal says; Two
children. one -aged two -years. and the
other a baby, belonging to Mrs. 'flelk-
ll1e flusherville. near'EaSt •Cliflon.
• • eath on Tuesday night.
The mother left ttree c ren tw-horise
while she wee to n neighbor's on a
Itit'S$30'. • Wheil she returned the Hauge
was' in flare. and the fire lind gained
such headway lhat all efforts- In save the
children were futile. 'The Mother made
frantic eif:".rts,- to -res.eire.--her - children.
and was.seriouidy-burticd..in th.o.ottempt.
Ran Again.
espalch froni Washini.lon says:
Pres! entTle,serett-will not_1je""1.
fliis:;poitit was on Wednesday night Ws-
piled by the author;tailve statenicol of
the White 1kust 11131 Mr. Roosevelt
adlie Sea_ _ to_ the
zunciation_suatie_sin -the night- ;of- the
-riient-Issesst-on-Wednesday night -Pre-
tiktml"Trit- says he -limn -not -Mang.
ru:id wilt not change the decision
eenummicatel to the Airerican•pcople -
in 1901. •
NVortle Tssenty .%1114104 More Than
Last. According to Estimate.
A despatch from Montreal says: Mr.
I:: T. Griflin,• C. P. it; Itinisigratkm
agent et Uinnipeg. telegraphed -to the
na omen& on Wednesday, .siting
that as 1-1-of4atestinriiiirres-irlde
by the railway and milling intereilif.t
'1 was now comPtItt'd' that this yrurs
grat-ii env would be wortla Inly mil -
lois more to the , three provinsss _ of f
Alanitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan
than that. of last year hati-been-.- This
L•V largely due , to the inereaSeil price
which coarse ,grains coniizinds;*.No. 3
o. 1 Manitoba hard fornierly• did
Toronle, Deg. 17.malanitoba WheatabOut noxulpal at.$1,13:
ern,$IMI. Neil:Mika/ Ci2c; .1'44' 2 r.e4A
SteSIA•Ate.„.•;141(6...1).0fia-1 t•
•.**-01irs;.-tl %v(ntpwtteat..paeofs,
Z..• whine:At win
60,;00:?s3U11t'et::.'Mi.: .2 "4 i111kt4,,'
oUishia;, 041.. C.
:::•143's*.‘4,7M.:':9141.,-.1de..,- • •• ••,
, •
• rontelteightis fl'' Ne.-
PnAtAY,, WO -Jo 05e, delivery u or an.
1: new No. 3 yelloW.,-knn•dried, 66
to 663/sc.
cloyheat02e; outside.
to 10.5,-.Ifi-blilk-dinside,
shorts, RI to 22. •
7 Orr bid TS:Te, NOT
wine out thi44OM'for,,Ltuksist,
Butter-Dainies nre easy in tone, .but
creameries holdstea.
Creamery, prints ...........25c to 301
-47,4,-(?:-,-00.- 446-s- vs'Ttlet.ffiSse.',wrece._ -40274-
do solids ... .... 22C 'to `Mc
Inferior 20e to 21c
Chet -Se -13(o for large o,ntl
twins. . •
Ersgs--Storage,• 22c to 23c per dozen
in case kits:. se'ecls. 26c; strictly new-
• "117;,,st
• s'
• • ,"" .„ .,„ „„,
• „. •
, . • • "
, •
Au •
nominal 01 30c to 35e•
Ittultry-Alarket show's little Iniprove-
_Chickens...,choice . • le 9c.
Old fow1,-:... '5e-tolc
Tinaloes-Stendy at S5e to 99e per
to $1.95 for primes and
S1.85 to 81.95 for liandcked.
Venison-ilindquarters, tt& to 13c;
front quarters. 5c: carcases, f434c to,9e.
Honey -Strained at llc to 12c per
pound, for 60 -round pails. 004.1 12c to
131 for'S lc 10 -pound pniL. Combs
„et, 81.75 to 82.50 per doien.
--1int&FilitilinotioN•••$17-.50•to St& in
car lots on track here. • .
poled Straw -Quiet at 87.50 to 810.50
cn track here. '
sinnk:11 -67 Sanest- fifeats--4-sing
claw Isulers110Xc to' Ile _for ions end
rests; hams, medium and Light. 15c to
153Se; heavy.--13)1c-lo 14e; baeks,-1Gge-
to 17c; bik01.1:411,T •*; . lce to 10)5c; rolls,
RiXe to 11c; breakfast bacon. Vic to
15%-c; grYea meals out of pickle, is less
than stiioked. " \ •
l'ork-Short cut. S22.75 to 823 for
barrels; mess, 319 to *20.
Lard -Tierces, Itc; tubs, 12Xc;
Montreal. Dec. ' 17,-Tliere , is to
change n -the kcal flour situntion.
Choice spring wheat patents. 36.10; sec
4411(19, $5.50:- whiter -wheat -polar tsi-
75; straight_rollers,_45.50: dgo,_ in bags
$2.60 to '42.65: extra. 82.05 to $2.10.
Milifeed,--Matiitoba bran, $23:-.sliorLs,
825; Ontarto. bran. $23.50 to *24;
,427 to• 829 per Ion,tocluding
pure grain*, manic, 35 to $37 per ton.
Rolled oats, 83.17% per bag; corn-
meal. $1.75 to $1.85 per bag.
_ Oats -Ontario -No. 2 white.__54e:; Mo -
Quebec, No. 3, 52c; No. 4. 50C: Mani-
tob.i rejected, 50c; ,Quebec; 49C • pelr
bush ....exsstOre,s_ • .
siluiters-,Septo- 28:- to 29c;'T--fresh =re -
at' pls.- 27'U! Efle.
late fall- makes__...JZXc' le123C. '
• Ilay-No. 1. 816.50 to *17.50; No. 2.
SiS $IG; elover.mixed, $13.50 to *14.-
f4.;:c:over, 312 to $13 per ion, In car
Proialon.s-flanyis short cut 'mess,
$22.50 in $23; ihalf-barrels. 811.75 to
4112.25; clear fat back. *23.50 10 *24.50;'
long cut heavy mess; *21 10 .823; hail -
barrels do., $10.50 to $11.25; dry salt
long clear beckon. 10N • to lIXc; 'bar.
rels,plate beef. 4.13.50 to $15; half-ber-
reis do.. 87.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy
ness beef, 410 .to $11: -linlf-lairreis do..
85.51+) SC; _compound:lard..10c tali
„Intrialard„ 12Sc lo 11.7 kettle-teridertxl.
11.34c to lle; horns. Lly‘c -14-13X4 'ac-
cording to slzbrelikfast bacon. 14C
li 15e; Windsor bacon. 1434c to 15%c;
re'.h killed abattoir dressed'hogs, '83.-
5t) to 83.75; alive,, 8.5.75 le *6.
lelifpgipis',flijels,•'FroesOur Otst.
.1 ...• "7s- • 4 ▪ cO•
•CANADA.• • ;•.r.??;',.1%*
,feniai4';`1,44ctie'rs, detita,nCl';40101V
• .":4'
tTborji roa\ltitilati• ;:.94it 141
T.,•• • cyf,
St00.000 dainaget;. • •,,•1 : • .
.„„ Tor6114‘437,...pt,;„rcte;itaget lait.t.inottth
Tiote.wi 24i
• .•
ir I •
, Some Of Lhe Canudien , ban have
grunted boupses to their' $leiffs".:
4rtro' Nainiern Navigation- Companywilt build a Sister" ship to the luroni
iiie city Engineer esSlffert-tlitiriaic
der‘rround rallw Tir3 in ontowoold
-earS100, a ro le., .•
• 1116 su.R1-9L12. linsaaccn_exr,
TCrentir-QTY gin efr'S
department this year.
Thos. _McFarlane was acquitted at
Sault Ste. Murk of the' charge of inur-
dtring William Dixon,.
A ntunber of Toronto bakers iir;ire fined
Teterboro' will again ask the -Leiria=
lure for permission to elect. its ensure'
for two yea
put Ontirrii• i- far tli
first nine'hLs months of t.ear was' val
mai at 44,312,000. •
Work' en over three miles of sewers
is to be commenced at once to relieve the
labor situation in Toronto.
der -of MiSs Georgina Bressir;
MOS 4.- ••••• 44.441,43•4 0do •••••=/
amen s Uea
'-'• 141 44
.• ,
0•441.',14Kiti Wtng
144ilifitY,1*11 "erb
P-6110-4,0•:,•Stin▪ d..••.4.••••Lttieie•ss
lbursday• nlght d rid 'the ha11d111001-4-
:Mc 10 by. the Criiiiinuti,-fn th e tx.pe
'deverird iind'eXtIngplated
83 C
4 4,
• .c • ••.•.%;
fii7r•rpolli,etutir led' 10 tlw:mippOsi
tputtoeation.. it will be a very perple
erirne 41-146444-gialcOullO1
worktng n
flebbcrywas' p_rOlAbirthelmotive.::-'-
'about the pos.sesaion cf the patriot's
tomb.- - •
The Tarifa rent ut kogs....aLs
lairs --,--were completely destroyed by
fire. •
Australia will purchase, th .. subs.
Marines and two torpedo build dnnually
for Ultee yetil"4.
The demand of returned' einigrents for
land is causing toremarkuble rise in real
120 men, whiekielt.Miqueloosors.October
e, -The 'Shah of• Persia has lind two of
his Ministers errested, and
rnent has demanded nn explanation.
Prince von IlueloW has asked the Prus-
sian Diet for 446.000,000 b. be used. In
expropriating estates In Prussian Po-
t • . • --
Tile German."-,-Entm. who -paid- n_
visit to. the Queen of_Holland. on _Friday.
%Vat.- -111reSPis0t
Edward Nagle: a '111initreal wcrkinan,
wasaiurited-to -deatli-Oti- Saturday In a
fire, that -ilitroyest- a -boa -Wing -house- al
Arrangements-- have -beers-matte- bribe'
Beard of Control to • give a certain
amount of work to the unemployed.of
Thine through the Sault Ste. Marie
canals this year asnoutited to, 58.000,060
haus. an 'increase 6f- 7,000,000 Ions over
last year.
Brantford -Council the num-
ter of pool. 'rooms in the city to six, and
wilt exclude all youths under eighteen.
Toronto City Council decided to ask
Legislnlure to amend the, municipal
.36E4 as to give married women voles -at
municipal eleetions. •
An action for $500,000 has been entered
he the Tcantskirming it Northern' Ontario
Railway Commission against the Alpha
Mining C-ornpariy.
116-clfetta, Sretary of the PrOViii-
clot Board of Health. ostirnetes that
within a decade smallpox has cost the
Province of Ontario $2.000,000.
Froth figures presented by the liquida-
tor, shareholders of the Otnerio Bank
may be called upon' to pay from 30 to
fel per cent. of their double liability.
Canadian, immigration agents in Eng-
land will be instructed to' warn the Bri-
tish- public that -this is an inopportune
Vine to go to Canada.
The Dominion Steel Cnmpany has pur-
chassed the Cow Bay coal areas in Nova
ikatia, close to the.steet plant. and will
probably develop tbent• immediately.
Arthur Jackson, who was sentenced to
-at en -years' imprisonment at Weir.dslock
ona robbery charge. told Judge; Finkle
that he would have s.omelliing le say, te
Ilie whole commony whirl he came nut.
For this--he--was-ealled-back--and-given
an additional two years.
'of Arson.
says.„:„T11& tiia1 or,Georgolitayuktrid,:;;Z•
Until recetitly Aro chief • at :Blind RiVer, •
for . incendiarism Was coo -eluded ors•4';.;
Saterday night and a sentence of seYeltr"..;.
years .in Kingston Peniteptiary,..was Im•-- • •
ps-sest, Tho charge against Raymond
WILS that of setting,fire to the Campbell,
eartl'"rt:fttorttr triV."-^MetintritrlirotrIle?iM,
morning. Accordnigjzesisigwasgisags
scenc of the fire- alter the first
and also going, in -the direction. of Ihrscsli,
house .before lire second alarm,. and
_jumping over the fence around the
"heuse. He was Iatersseen going to bia
ow_scalor houristineg.
siction_Iter__forgery-,,vh1cb MOS
• ,o„7
o he s•coritri Duren hove, wee con-
demned to terms -In -the mine. nnd th
_esise to Siberia. Ten others are exiled
permeniTilly. •
--1-tre-Japanese-ofticials have -failed ter
make good their promises to lion. Ro-
dolphe 1Lemieux, and the einigrelion
questk.n Is no nearer settlement than it
was on the day of his arrive!.
Pauper larmigrant W31 be Barred from
- • • •
A despatch from Ottawa says; -In or.
der to curb imurigretkm from .Great
Britain duriog the Winter seuson rind
pin- a further-chiis-upon :peCITYC" Com -
flit 10 01113ti0 M•liCli there is a probe-
bitity of work not being forthcoming.
At•litt.;• in- been_ histeuet._
tsi to • notify intending etistgrusuls that
ndult witi bc allowed- 1J hind in
Canada between r.ow and the 15th or
February runless he bas $.10 in his poc-
ket. From the latter date 'to April ist
the amount must be 825. The only ex.
ception is in the case of those who ere
corning Old 10:irtelitI, and llitve work
providrd for them.
Initaiti,Ilas Undertaken 'lie Policing ,of
West fthfr, China.
' despatch from Pekin.says : Great
Ilritain Un- the third of this motith as-
signed Raw mom' warships to police 'the
West Myer, and on Wednesday ten ves-
sets. tir.cr the command of Vice -Admiral
Arthur -Moorez-nre---pairolting--150
miles of the river to' the limit of the
SVirchou ecncestilou. Great Britian .15
prepared to take whatever, steps may' be
oecessary. if China does not suppress
1nv.p1racy,,,tjno1ec1shipping 'on, the
Ad at; fit,' IIM1IfiCrtlethtites"
Foreign Board that -she will patrol the
mei' until the Chinese pollee heats are
placed under- the- adniintstralkin of :the
Imperial .c..tistotiot,Ds_PartmenkIbts
Mt first lime sinee 19n0 that Great Mi-
ro riptlsrlarcirmintary-smear
pres in, China.. •
Lcrti Kelvin is seriously 111,
Crimes Act may he revived m
A large number of flailing craft were
lost in the English Channel in a hurri
cane_ thatiarept. over .wstern_EutoPt-
Sir-- Thomas Sutherland- -says the
steamers .of -111-6-411=rd-thie- could-- not
Otto', oir.ttaPrs''__f._s_irc..
fromNewZealand tO Vanccuver.
M. V
64 • I
Hon. 1 PrOyisiofis For text
- Fiscal Year.,
: „ ,•
A' 41^sproc1„ tmin Ottaw-a says: The
-• -mein estionakts kir- next itattit 'year. end.
Mg March 514. 190D, laid or; the table
44 the Gooitissits 4.n Wednesday •after-
lirm. Mt.: Filding, .pi-tikle for
loinl expenditure on both conSolklated
4101‘etto7(tt1 account of S11'.1.237)131.
• inerease. of 82,:4.39 over the amt•nt
icied 1as1reason. ler the- eurrent..0scal
"*, The . total tstitna10-----on-eon
�47 '(11041amount10 $70,871.-
!?,: d•`• *74».•
• 4- " $
chargeable lo Ate latgrr amounts .the
Provinces will rieelve in suletidles. The
total of the cspltal expenditure asked for
15 $42.365.40, of which thirty 1111111Ons
ars for the Nationat Traissenzithicntal
Railway, and $4.37.0 for the Intorol-
011341 Itallway. The total. amount mitt]
rn capital account,lat inin•Was 311.-
i.051. or $7.10.509 less than the amount
.711-Fked---for-thIL.Kr.• 'The siippiernefitatir
to be- IffNught- d own, la
OeititiomAilliof ovum, 'Increase the
ribdie;,141a1.4.. Dot istnicit' -the total -o
• I
.L'Ioreint- Me-- 17. -7 -Prices _were- - firm
pretty. well .through the lit; excepting
in the
• A lew..1.eitit_oLxpori.-ealtld-s-were
Lroughtforward. and one Sk" at 8-L10.'the Ming() Wrin about 34.60 le 3100 per
cwt. Estnt rort buwere selling -fro
.1.25)44-4.1 percwt.
Some Milan lets of extra .cheic.e hut-
ci,ers' heifers ssild at .0.50 to 85.60 per
cwt.'. A few sales wre, also 1"' reoonded
around .85 pc;eVvt. The biiik of the
clice animal, were worth $-1.50' to $5:
C.(45d kmids brought', $1.25 to S4.50; me-
dini 10 good. $3.75 to BUZ; ecimnfon
$2 10 *3.50; cows. chalice,
$.3 to 3340; common. $2 to $2.75; „can-
neri.. 75e to 81 per cwt. -
ChOiee stockers sok! at $2.75 t L50,
pre cwt. Onlinary light stockers sold at
615510-$2.00 percwt. . ,
Mlkti roWs of gbod otiality Sold reailly
and priers were high. Make (.nes Wdukt
bring font; $50 to $70 each, and ordinary
tC111.1019it=ofkraPlieciigtie. calVes kept • their
Triers firm 14.3 14 Ge per lb.
Export civets, $3.75 to $4: and
culls. $3 to,, 13.50; larphs.$1P 10..43-2$
Per- ilt;*c':"'t's'42.-i
-Lm-01Orrn- 0-46- tor- alects;
kis ;1‘41'00,-,11gliti: 'and tata;.atid 4450;to
01.4, Vas inettlist, :,-X01190 3.1 111V nista esilmittos %lust $165410.000., KU pet vet kr eougb. ;
The Missouri Board of Delimit (ism-
misioners have' cut express rates twen•
I) -one per cents
Prohibition workers In Dis Moine,
La.' have begun a carapaigh for State
wide prohibition.
Mrs. Russell. -Sage has given away
meetly $15.000.000 of the 275,000400 lett
her by -her husband. ' .
Lynn, Mess., has voted to ()lose 'the
lars and has elected Thos. V. Porter,
Republican mayor: .
-Three-brothers, -14. 1! -and 10 years.
okl. sons of .N. E. Carnal, were drown-
ed While skating a - Tama. Ia. •
The -manager of the • Banco Agricola
et [Arno,. . took Its. life because he
was $140. out in his accounts.
The neg of Philadelphia own /302
pieces of sp.roperty., valued al $2438.67.
-which is an average of . $3,040 '-each.
The United Slates army will aborlIy
Can kir plans 16r a practicat aeroplane
heavier than •air, to be uied for militaiby
purieSr7-4 • - - ----...fr--..-r...c,.-.:v.r...4.-t....,07,r.,,:•.r,
, . ven men were killed fn IhCl
1apse of a neiv-tridge that was being
Wilt aver the Susquehanna Hiver neat
tilootrisburg. Pa.. on T y,, •.-
A• ll through New. Engin , mills and
• frith:irks which skill. . do When Uri
financial stringenl been e aute, am
re-Opesiing.) 1 •. . .".... 7 ,,- .-/
Henry' Youtsiey, skrving a, life gen.
tence for the murder of Goebel in Ken.
(uck, gavereYidence 4111-..Tursday • which
Implicated ex-Goveror-Ta)lor.
' In a cthss divorce bill •filed at. ChIca-
0, Mrs. Annie . J. Prior :declares that
her busband,„ThOmas W. -Prior, drinks
from -twenty to thirty glasses of whis-
key a day. • • .. '
Presbyterian preachers In New *York
and New England receive •an aierage
Satary ot less thin MO * year. and
IticW. VOA. Presbytery will InVesti.
,gate the pnaluens -, : ,,.. . , .
"7a:tong-the previskis, Of the will et
lictir3r, Graves. of. Chicago, Is- one Hilt
"ti lountain and inanuinent than he erect.
eilininemorY•-of nice Cook," SO fa triona
IrOting:honut.1nAhe "e411i los.Pult be-
t- .•fly'. ' , ,,-#71..'•,..k• ii*".t- .••,,,•
, 4
,10.•••••••• •••41•44 444••••••m•••
But Father -of the Tripkts k at Present
• • Out of Work.
A despatch from Toronto says: NVhat
between suddenly being made the ta-
ther triplets --three bouncing baby
girls -and being out of mrk' and with
P41, finances at a low ebb, Mr. Jake
Finkelstein. of -50 Nelson street is not
sure whether he 14; happy or not. The'
hit...that delivers Lthe-bbles--brought
three little ontsi to Mr. and Mrs. Fink-
eiitein just in the early hours of Thurs.
-day morning. and when- the "neighbors
licard of itthey pres•ei *born. the,proud
parent. teodeeing him cnngiatidations
Mr...Finkelstein accepted the good' vviSh-
,-:s and shss- hands. 'but be sleok. hls
bead end t'pert the day looking with
,renewed eagerness for work. _.11eAS_ a.
tailor by Arndt.. -but has had 'work
Air two months. • •
t c offered h fuse 1.11 o se re . o
ajn--boods , -1 le -was -sentenced to
NC% en years on this charge•also, the Ben-
tericis---to run conurrently."'
Northern Ontario's Climate Is Good for,
Agriculture. •„,
A despatch from Otiawa Nays : •
diesing - the OttnsCarrirdime-Clirif-ini-,
luncheon on Saturday, Mr. R. F. Stu -
part, Director of • the Dominion Meteoro-sc;;S:,
logicol Servce. \.declared that Ile.
-if the vi st'• tract 'of country 1y-- ;'••',
ins between •Alhabaca and Slave Dikes
and the Hudson's hay woutd eves bo
1 u
Fort • Churchill the temperature
June was no higher than ' that. of 11186•.47
leod.for 0141 the4nean-temperattire',-I..-;
of July wes not as. high by seven11,40,,:;-.,:,T,t1,•_
grecs as in the Mackenzie River basini17-','
iit the Arctic. circle. :With regard • tei'Y
northern Ontario,. from the height of,.
land 141 /tunes Bay. he said there wtis
twilling in itie climatic condttiens, uts
mile, to _prevent the whole greet disir
from being a 'good ugricultural count*
right up to the shores of James Bay.
Montreal C.ouple: Found -Unconsciouis
• Their Boom. •
A despatch from, Skintrial says41m;
W, •LIttlewc,od of Lachine died'Orr.
Saturday ‘under mysterious eircuinstim4,.'W,
ce. Sho und her husband were folinite'
-unconcou- -nrhetrbedropnr-on-fil4
day morning. with every indleationfor
trychhine poisoning. They were both_
stitched and their Jaws sot so
they •were unable to speak. The- wol:NA-
covered enough to -oiler mine explanit;;Veq:
Bns. Ile Mated that they eacti-T:toolCss
two .brorno .quinine • cabletS for ,the_Lce
colds On Friday night,- and thatowa'
the , last he knew. Ile has since rei--:,),*k-•
ttaplard=inkr•---: • ••
In' the city hospital in a critical 41X313(114".'*
Ikm. An .autopsy will be -bird onth
woman to ilsd- Gilt the cause of>Uwd
trouble: . •
1111•1•4•••■•••••••••.....•••••=•111110 •
hisNrits ErciOmpti.D.
Tertihka Disaster - in' a Collieri%
• Walei. •
A. despatch trim London says:,
terrible eXploston occurred at the .. D
,.as miller).- In ,Wate% on,
_urday. Fotunately. _nly, telvestniiiT4'
were below the Stirfice at the lime.-ther:‘4
(driers having .come up to reeive,theiral
weekly pay. The disester which'intrielg
the accklent wits brought nbout
firin,g- of a•shol Ici,signelize the chi:MgtP
el &bins., MI the lieaddear of the. tots44
of Hid shrill bk1W(1 out and Ithus...
was * great fall..f- rock internally. Tlity4.
resicuers are,still at work. Six itiltar;._
have'been-foUnd. but it Is believed-10dt(
tlie•dath roll *ill be
Trouble Bel
in Alabama.
A despatch ,froris,..,,ColuMbuS:
says: Thirty negroes-have been killed.
flVe and many negro wounded.
and five negrO lodge roams' burned:1n
Pickens County- Alabama. Just across
Mob Mississippi border.
The race rioting:broke out in tut dif-
tenni -parts of lheenznly, and,thefirst
trouble began -Suddenly Sunday' niht.
Sktrag „,has be eii -Incisant.ilnee• then.
and negthes art Devine tor' their ltvols.
Oalag lhe, discovery of ispkit, by
. •
• • 1.A•t
Miss., ince seenspritira.coey, lety.ewanrwicedh i•nionti bloiy gc roan:mid) isic
In remote districts of Pickens Giunly,;1.0.,
Fifteen negroes burned 16;(katl04
In is• kx1gc.tham steel' •Ileforni •„‘Sit:Tut*-zkp
day tslial'10(tesiAtlaeked.ithe:
place( and lindtrprepetingtrillea4nes.•
shatipms. ft red, the" bit id In g:::•.•1710,, blatkaY."
were .pcinned ; by the. continual sho Ot-!i•
whiles �M 10'ohawcrej
attempt1ngld 'r ;*n
Degree* folk* against Ihe *titles 'of the
tidy c+Itry. black 'lit la danger TWa
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