HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 5 (2)ONTARIO 100 it i la adk-sw•-*. •1410*.yrar aqt ao Feld. sok Ts rellted States tiabacrIlle4 $1.10 4•••••"" Tail! Strictlyist Advaacc AlthERS CREECA litvray umber of ueighote. bott oIs.Iend gathered at the Mime of Mr. E. I.yntOn ou Friday ever]. Here is a sinsplehinne!natide mixture o bid tbeM farewell before their as given by an eminent authority on ture to their riewliontes A very Kidney diseases, Virb.cs makes the state-. yable Mot waa spent an Ranee* Went in ak New York -daily knewspape and dancing. During the couese of that it will relieve almost any case of the evenieg an address was read by Kidney trouble If taken before the Mita Ada tiatiltilers and Mies Jessie -stage of Bright', -disease. Ile *dates 'right and MUT T*e4dle iniule the that imeh eyniptoms aalaine hack,pain, ntation - which conivisteds of an he *beside, frequeirdisire to urinates chair to Mre Barite:in, a rocking eePeeiatly at niglitis painful and (liegele Air to Bitre. Aerate?, and a toilet ket ,oreiturmation. are readily ieveeeome, 'remains of the Hoge sisethe receitite try itt be ijohn Sullivan -Who died on Wed. e ROW,' EXtraee Diendelion; Qne.hsIfl , near lkIteTarinel. Were 1414 tie Menet; CoMponati Kaegorre one O Peter'eisehereh velueteryoll C7CanpOtind Syrtnp„ rpiIee •,A prottymoaainggeo,oro ounes. kes4eabpoonfuI after eacle, ineCealevecehtly w glee ass meal tind at ine. bave; ,e'.er,'Oetied. Out". Plaeeie t‘.0:Citf; geoda in ettell .way 1!,Fit14103r• f:se, n auhnesat :pricestba e make theiet A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Riblee, Ilium Books, etc., at Away! Down Prices. Call and see them, Tho great Uterine Tonle, and only sato effectual Wahl,' Regellateronwhich women emu depend. Sold in tfirce dcreea 6trengtb-,-..No. 1, It; No. 2. 10 degnecastronger 44 No. 3, fecatecial case, per box. k 4.1 Pain et. A resa: eleitre.Oltr. (forma1.111Vi raretatidOstE114447P'1,filejnillii Uthotity that these' redientie o re AWeilsktittliledragitiet hem in town • 11'0 by being bottle,: Thie • tOre has e4pecellar heisting and sooth. Itiee eetetinen. the entire °awl 11 hired -Vcart:InfrOM McFaIIs .& Me: t. rinary etrueture and often ove conies sLeaet to drive to:Pte peat Hill, three the worst forms of Rheumatism in Just Wiles eaat -Of et:ttlItOlt on a PrOlOkie to Wiittk While* • ,ThiaPniiiCtUre as aau to Ne failed reulovea1l 140011,disordenteinditurethe eturn and encrb�wtTd he triecIt "t*OfiligtOlitrfotrilig th#1cidifto sell the outfit but failed and the whole filter and strain from the blood and thing has now ditiappeeeee,....mes. system all uric and foul, decomposed Stephens has returned to Woodham waste after a pleasant Visit here with lier daughter Mrs. James Shipley. -Rich. Lue P Coursey and Wife of London were here t _week attending the Cobleigh_- Course), wedding. -Harry Wilson is -Usborne home on a visit -The Presbyterian S. Following is the report of the stand - S. will hold their entertainment on ieg of the pupil" of KS. No.3, for Nov. Dec. 23. -The publics !phool-childrere Mope- Tit C Copeland 70, lit are practicing for their dosing con- Doueee 62, M McCurdy 40, R Franeis 38. cert to be given the last day of school. TV. -E Shire 62, McCurdy 55. Rita -At a recent meeting of the Hockey Shier 55, 3 Francis 52, I Turnbull -45, A. enthusiasts of Lucan a club was organ- Copeland 32, II McCu 31, f) • ized for t e s ie's "0 " yeti -"ZrPr jtIv*• ts of Avoneen. It will, entirely cure the worfit tones Of Female Come kiiienentatieee eitnileslaeeratiesi, e;s1:.s sesileteCeLiteeb:: seqUerit -wee; and is pe liarly adapted to the Change of Ltfe. It will eurely cure Backache. It has 'cured more- ,taaea of Female Weakness than any other 'remedy tfae .world has- ever known; ''.• -Itssise infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors in an early gage ofedeve- lopment. That Bearing.down Feeling" aiming pain, weight and headache, is Instantly relieved and permanently weed by its use. !leder all eircumetancee it acts in harmony with the females ;sees- VY4 't,ThViA7Z,701,4M. r Suppreesed or Painful Periods, Weakneas- of the Stomach!, huh estion_e_Blo_alleg Nervous Prostration, Headacho, General Debility. . Also Dizziness, Faintness, atter, which cause these aftlic- Try it if you aren't well, Save scription. Manager, II. A. lifitEwein See-Treas., M Hodgert 83. T McCurdy 79. D Hal - W. F. Morgan; Commitbee-J. 0. four 70. F Francis 66. "Pt. II. -.R Fletch- bowning, D. G. Ross, R. Wilt Robin- er 74, L McCurdy50. Sr. Pt. I. -G re -Thehockeyists, it is un erstood. Copeland 62. II te ute 65, 0 Harrow 60 will have the rink for onehoe OM to Jr. Pt. 11.-B McCurdy 65, L Kay 58, 7.30p. m. Thursdays, and from 2 to 4 m McCurdy, p. m. on Saturdays. , Isabella M. Gardiner. Teacher. - , LEARITIRESSAAKINOIY MAIL In Your Pare time at home. or Take a Personal Course at School. —17-) —enable MI to lgarn wet teach ad east) or instaltrient plan. We also. teach a "personal class , at s.vhool once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each mnnth.- These lo.sous teaches how to- cut, lit and put tog -ether any kannent from the plainest r.hirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from <One Course. We have Caught over seven thousand dress-tnaking, and guarantee 10 give five hundred dollaAs to any one th:,t -cannot learn between the age of 14 a ti.1 40. You cattn.ot learn dress:-mal,ing • thorough a -s this con -se teaches if you work a bops (Or yCitIrS. Beware of innita- ofte- -ontside-- the School- Thiti is the only experienced Dress - Cutfirx School. in Canada and ...xcellecl by none sn any other country. Write at once • forparticulars, as we bave cut our rate one- - third fora short time. Address : - sittiaeRr puss -comic scHow. 31grie8t•p5tratford,Ont , Canada. WANTED AT ONCE -We have decided to in- etriset and employ a number of smart young lo.die tAli teach figLiCatitte _In_ Dressmaking, having one -teacher for the six nearest towns where they live— age 20to 35. The* who have worked at dressmak- ing. or lams drawing preferred. Please do not agsly antlers you can devote your whole time. Address Tile &nom. • 7 2re1iable men as agents for Exeter eindstirroundieg country to sell- our ialtiee, MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ. EHALD PEACH, ARCHDUKE CHERRY, RITSON PEAR, CUM - AND RASPBERRY and 141.4! erailine a truit and ornamental trees. .....Yoeicanatualteemoney-outeof-ouiestock- where you would fail with corninon tock. We pay cash weekly, supply outfit free and give excinfolIVOtgrrittny --Writosto-PELIIAM NURSERY CO,, _ Growers Of high graderiursery_ stock.- • Toronto, Ont. _ N.11..pecial terms to suit agents working part time. " want -to -be -left -alone " feeling, excit- 'ebilitYe-ieritabllity-e-nereoruraeaeeealee tesseeineereeetatutreneyy senetanetedyeemeet ,thbatV4,_ and backache.- Theatittte inilieattons of Female Weaknese, scene .lerangement of thessrgane For Kidney Complaints -a --Baekrteltetittair ger-thereedbt Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. Pinkhane about yourself In strictest confidence. - MIA 1474111111 KED. CO.. Lnie, nue Chiselhurst Miss Govenleck, who has been teach- ing in the school east of here for the past year, has been re-Tgaged for the next year at the same Mary. $500.- Frank Fitzgerald has r cevered from the effects of his recent aceident. • He was bedding some cattle when he was tramped on by soine of thern.-Much regret is felt in this vicinity at the re- cent death of 13.B. Gunn. A number around here attended the funeral at Seaforth Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leach entertained their children to a taffy pill in their new home the other evening. -The scholars of S.S. No. 7, are holding an entertainment Dec. 19.-A very peetty event occurred on Dec. 4, when one of our most popu- lar young ladies was made s bride. We refer to Maud, daughter of Truman Brintnellesand the happy grooro was Will Boa. 'The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Hart at the Kippen parsonage. The young people are well known Isere and their host of friends join -in -wishing the young eoupl the joys this world affords. Deafness gftu,,ntkk.,be- gtt, ..-". . - deafness, an:d that is by constitutional remedies Deafneteris caused by an !Whittled emulation of the raucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. %Then this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound neatslha reVlanezarhinaltst ti.itinlitil&aiTILL- can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi- tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whibh is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surface• s We will give One Hundred Dollars for rimy ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for circulars free. • F. J. CliEtiEY 8; CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family. Pills for constipation. 1IibbPrt2 Th""" ge°117iiivvddIDOCTORS USING hie fine fartn On the Sth CORCeOli011 tO Charles YOutig, of the earne township. • - . This fattil eonteine 100 acres and was pATIRNT' Nipple. tiOld flr 47,000. steel .4 .1111.110,4111W Parkhill; lilies Je ie Millileen. and We A. StoWnedson ad Merrill Molls • ard, all forinee Park ill HThe School' e Honest Physician Is A1240411i fpupilo, now ettenelSeg the Foreet to Cure and Uses tbe Best L Moder baye secured, sehools for next Arsilable Re year aerie Imre; Mies Milliken itt,Arva; Irffitewdso re S. 11. No. le McGilliv- ray and Mrs Moliatel. B. SeNate, 15,11e! Gallivriete 0,00.,`Whitiiiit ot talTo bee aecured a *chop! neer ' Wean for he*t year. \ . , . ralil4ntl', 432.-A. blei4elah, V. S., IN wicee.tvent to rem 4t,st .Sententber en appOintMentor,t e maiii*gozi Gov. 011100, to Acteilini t Inspector, has ee tranoferredto T rooter where he ill aotIts losnee,Or.et -tt* Plikut :,et eon% Packing Coe s the lazgerit Os tablisltinent ef its kind in the :Dewitt. oldie The' -re' sitie:a-e‘Ire?' „: Churchill, rd con was the seene of a tivv4*Phenr hlrit tr; Misa came the --Wire' Air lieriv es.e111. Gower, eon of Henry Govie oftilTo base line. A largenumber of guests were present. the ceremony being- er- formed by the-Riev: Gunny. -The bridesmaid wits Miss Edna- ..Bea,con, Goderich Tie and the groomsman, T. Churchill. • -- Bayfield: A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Whiddon at high noon on Wed- nesday when their second daughter, Annie Elizabeth, was united in mar- riage to Drell W. Brown of Clinton, Iowa. The ceremony was peefortmed kevellacNel1 and teseleplace htI ptor qpderLan areLbeantflte took place at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid, on Wednesda when became t e bride of Thomas Lee, of Londeshoro. A large - number of guests were present, the ceremony be- ,00.411ftlit- ion of bracers Thursday evening. _ere was A large Atte once. The officers are as follows: W.M., Ed. 0 M., D. Goldinge-eha aluelhos0Salkereltsfiessl. ner; F.S., Wm. Stewart; Treas., Hugh Berry; D.C., M. Bretbour; lecturer. J. Sawyer; bit committee man, Reuben witzer; 2nd, 8, Hopkins; 3rd. WM. Sinclair; 4th, Wm. Wynn: 5th W. Shier; Tyler, Geo. Hopkins; auditors. T. Smith, A. Brethour.-On Saturday afternoon Magistrate Stanley, of St. Marys, acting in the capacity of Jus- tice of th Peace and Robt Beatt J Y. J. • Dloray P., of Kirkton, presided over the pre- liminary hearing of a case in which Fred Reeder, who has spent the John Sawyer accused Byran Rovrcliffe. past eight months in Manitoba, re. both of this place. who has been em - turned to his home on the Ifith con. Ployed by bun, with stealing grain on Saturday. --Wesley Scott's littee and other articles. The tatter brought daughter Elsie, who was quite ill it a counter charge of slander against week with jaundice,' is recovering, Mr. Sawyer. L. II, Dickson -of Exeter Gilbert Gtieve who recently .disposed appeared forlir. Sawyer and J. W. of his 60 acre ?arm on the 21.st con. to Graham on behalf of Mr. Rowdiffe. Wm. Eagleson. of Stephen, for the The case was adjourned pendine the ns suof 11.000, has purchesed the Kew i recovery of a witness who s IP. property on the south boundary of Stephen, east of Mt. Carmel, compris- ing 75 acres, the consideration being $4,800.-A large number from here at- tended the grand entertainment held in the Baptist church under the aus- pices of Salem Methodist Sabbath School last (Wed.) night. A good pro- gram was given, which consisted of readings. recitations, addresses and neusie. The male quartette of Green- way. Miss Cassie Cathro of Lieury and othereassisted in the musical part o the program. Irwin Greb 18 learning the hardware business, with J. Preeter.-J, J. Mer- ner, Dr. Carripbell, J. A Williams, and J. P. Rau attended the funeral of the late B. B. Gunn at Seaforth on Thurs. day. -R. Allen and M. Drysdale, are spending a few well earned` holidays. with friends in Fairgrove, Mich. - Chris. Ilechler of Michigan is yisitin • sehere.-Henry and Meenno Gee- . ber of Davis County, Indiana, are vis- • itin" g their uncle arts: Schwartzen,. tuber and other friends. ---Mrs. Jacob 1... Zeller of 'Wisconsin arrived here • &aurally -for a visit with frieeds. She expects to Asit relatives near Bright - and other plaees East Inc a few mooths before returning home. -Mr. and Mrs • John Decher, Sr., of the Babylon f,,,ine gavel:Jowl supper,Aan Thursday even- ing, to about -thirty-- of titeir -friefa" and neighbors. -0. Bechler of Blake met with an unpleasarit mishap a few days ago. , He was operating the crusher when in sotne way his fingers „were -caught. endieniao.hadlytba 'tired et_Alunshere of atatchto •c oae 1. e woun e es -A o gelical church made up a box of clothing which was sent on Wednesday to Bliss 'Unruh of Winnie peg. These clothes are to be die. tributed among the poor and needy by the Dettconeee. The ladies also kindly remembered the Deaeotress by bending her a Xmas. purse. Etna-WeOkly ji and Empire or eekly Globe 4.'09 ... $1.35 id aU other papers at °west rtes. IttdebOYere A fiery fahionable wed. dhig was lebrated at St Jomes'es_ ibureb toiererlree. Mies Ethel r*Plikrielie. er. of Mr. and Mrs. (7ob- lgh. was in tnerriagei to Chas; f' Loreto. The ceeernotitt by the Bele. A. Carlile, - pointed to the etrisins ' of ndeleisohn'e 'Wedding 'March - try Mho Myrtle Simpson. Ulan - de ye. The biide were an Egyptian penti necklace. a gift from far off Auk. Italia, tarried a , bouquet of white thrteanthemurne with bridal veil' and, Wreaths Her going awa gown was of venetisu broadeloth ith hat to litietelt, and she wore a set of furs, a gilt from the groom. , The bridesmaid " lwAe MOO Ojtili Beet, 41' London, and tbe r�omaman, J. 8. A. 3IePhater. of y ';'.11,t groom Ches. ri. Conrsey. is' me Of tner' Malt popular and pros. 4' perneris router mans After ts sump- •tuouewedding dinner. the young toilet/el Mr* trip to Buffalo and • On their return they will rimMo In Loom. The beet ,wishes,' is exte*ied to them. . Charlottetown, the_principateity - of --Prince-sEdvrard Island, ir -a-- thriving agricultural community of twelve thoesand people. It has been under the sway of the ecital- abstinence extremist" /Grey To -d the leoft-harIoneees_ y steAdo the value -of -all pro- „hibition legislation. They KNOW, by experience, that probibition does not merely fail to prohibit the misuse of liqeme -it promotes it,. and it adds perjury to the commonplaces of life in a community. Under the prohibition law, as the Power of the extremist” applies it in Char. lottetown, these- ingn are commee A defeods.nt in a liquor case -2 whether for selling cr for using liquor.-- b compelled to become a wd.oess ngehmt losmaelf. If be d !clines to tern informer or to con- , vt-t hausalf. he is liable to life la prisonmeat.-- for that is what con- tempt of court amounts toots any lawyer will tell you. There Ls no real judge In a Winer trial in Charlottetown for the sttpendiary magistrate who trial' kvor case is ,reeptired by the law to. act as prosocutor and plaintiff. So a fair trig sible tinder this sort of " tion." • Wives. Charlottetown; have been compelled ttY appear against their hushandc Wives. lib, Clsarlottetown. Moe beesrgiaid to give evidence against their husbands., , , People with PrIvategrudgesi to sate have used the "prohibition' law to get private revenge, and have deliberately Steed perjury to get that revenge. • Palseswearlenp, in liquor cases. has beconte 40-Peraseon- AS 10 be t0.4ay a jest asnong the PeoPie- they citlieus ot Charthrtawa have long site refused to • ppear as prosecutors in limier cses • ant tefOffiers -gave Toe• Comm (avid. Units. of court proce., dere thin*. Has, this stopped liquer ? • Hasthis '0=04 the cause of teMperanciin Charfotteeowis ? it baseene no such thing. Lett year, he this qiiiettittle commis nity, zee men *ere aetested for dreinkennets on the s4ets. The trade in ardent spirits isesteadi4 or; the inctease in tillsicity; andel through the • d. The leading Church of England cletentian 4rcha4tottetown, y\ttechires that the law is tyrannical, absurd and futile. Men of the highs f ding there &ounce it publiclyits only defenders are -the fanatics ithe prefir to foe,* people to drink rosily by stealth, instead of openly in moderation. Wheriany commuuity,hiswell.regulated bias, it drinks in modera of mild beverages. iWtier, the law becomes sumptuary and oppressive, • drink evil grows and people use adulterated liquors and in greater quantity. Prohibition in Prince Edward Island istyrannical, is grossly useless, --since the drink evil, ai en evil, is *amity iterea.singe-and serves no other purpoeisthan to trensfer the liquor traffic from the grip of the lavr to the eepri'ce and greed of the Utile fanatics have their way with your community, you can eipect tyraney, perjery, coviirdiie to grow there. Youcannot expect, in tbikDOeo the dtiek 60 SOO* ; tor wherever prohibition his We& fait lest, it lima lessessult it liquor and increased its ABUSIL t . Kippett ' We are sorry to learn that Mr. Me. Heath's health is not satisfactory and he has been advised by his doctors to to give tip all business for a time. -B. McLean was in Toronto last week at. tending the annual meeting of the Provincial Farmers' Assoclation as a dilegate from South Huron. Mr. Mc- Lean reports the meetinie one of the largest and meet interesting ever held under the alio ices of the Association aritthat . work was done for the farmers o the Provinee.-Another of our young men has left our eillege in the :poison of Melvin Alair, who is now in London *here he purposts taking st, eoinnsercial course in the , finfitreereollege-therte:-Vhis-will- viz,- . tr. be in preparation' for 'Ails - future Work in reilroading. We -with him succette. The oeeaties are quite pre- Velerit among the ehildren in many 'homes in ,,t Is vigiiiity.-The hterhq. • dist Sihl5jttb scholot In our I village is inking prep*rations for their Christ - as tree entertaintrient, which they purpose holding on Christmas eve. . Andrew's Sabbath school enter. ftediunent which was to have been held ki Olt the evening Of the 2Ith inst.. has If been changed to Friday evening, the 20th inst-., so that our 'young people ' inay look forweirti to pleas/int and pro- , &able gatherings for , Christmas. - Mies M. McGregor, the efficient end faithful teacher of the school in sec. tion NO. 10. Tuekersmith, has been kid up with an titteek of Hine's, but , her many friends hope " for * sppedi recovery as eliet is eery ninth miesed ' Prom alt lines ttwork tiott-ttnct for good. -,Tb* tomer* of title poa'rt who are will eteeked With' porker* sppear i a little' nut of tune owing to the, sloop in the unaktts. • • 444 4.4 , ., propeeed, Jetelealition ' tilteougitte gee Diardnietie , reeritilataii for tikqf reit' tiletion, of tbe, teitanfeeturo and selo °41,:)46.14:orr):4.:41714:7111i , . mpg e 'igptj 404 'Of AttOittOtit,: „nut c.jaay, kr- Ow pro VietiTY:*e. mine ' taarimfadelets•-f-19 ' li,iif'.00.1'eatt. • Il Je. , 4t10t7401rA *WI dru ', , .4117' man , . factures., of, ,r, . .' and KO% digit -, - 'felnedies.' ltgeotilk se` 'vbilthl.miitet. ,oc.be4liteP :-• ' ee has trout t out- plijrszciana in tistint.;.epp • *4- ,P S "cciliziliar:ctieudifficult r. - In a re nt instance of very serious throat a -. d lung trouble the patient had been using Psychin*. Two loading United States _s_peeiiilista were consulted; in addition to two eminent Canidian, pkysicians. Upon, learning what the patient was using.- 4,„eittrapie of Avelino_ was_taken and anilerzed, with the result that the - physicians advised its continuelice. They prescribed no other medicine but Psyehine, with the reedit that theipa- tient has fully reeovered and s a splendid walking; and talking adver- tisement for the wonderful ettrativei -P4W42,--4.,ranuotiTY-thatAtiwilli4e*anatmo," "-Aereze N,-*eennft- en arch ...of emergreens. T e. hrlie loo d charming ma. gniittet cream brflwMtMy crow the groomsman, S. Lee. •-Clinton: Miss Marian Harland has for several years acted as organist at the-reli 'MIS services -held $0. tlw Haus e uge. -Teredieeethis required it times no little self-denial on her par but she considered herself amply re- paid by the very evident pleasure thus afforded the inmates. The matter was brought up at the county domicil last week and in addition to express. Ing its appreciation, the council voted Miss Harland twenty dollars as a Christmas box. For acting as chap- lain'Rev. Wade has been paid a year- ly.salary Of fifty dollars, but consider- ing that he has been much underpaid the council increased it by fifty per cent., making It seventy-five dollars. Egmondville: John McMann part- ed this life on Monday at his home in Egmondville. He had been in failing be.alth for over a year, so that the sad event was not entirely unexpected; al- though, he had been goiug about at in- tervals \until within a few weeke. Mr. McMann was a native of Scotland and was born in 1848. He came to this country when quite young. They first settled in the townehip of Hay, afterwards removing to Kinloss town- ship, Bruce county. When quite a young man the deceased struck out in life for himself and for a time worked around Dublin. Over 30 years ago he came to Seaforth and was first employ- ed with Thos. Downie, but for a great many yearshe has been engaged in her -horse btering-bniiiness. suie vived by his vridovv and a family of three sone and three daughters. Wood"tililloephoiliitta -IOW Grad EItigiax-)WiseMA- Tones and PI . iguratest whole nervous F' makes new lood In. old Veins. (Yuma 1Vere. owl Debilify.- .3(eatai. and Braise wortv.s- wyn.dasey,8=1,gal Weakeees. &per. .4solonifscoai-anst.nfecto-of...1busarots Exces*ott, ;.'rleett perbox;•abrfor -Oncrwillplease aix will cure. Sold by all _Ilyr maIIet In plain pkg. on recei r ea. Noe pansy snaatel jive- The W00 faildichte 00. Tirewte. Ont. ormolu ins/bort wasted conditions, Psyehiue has no oral, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. "&t the age of 25 my lungs were in ft ten-Ibis:state. IL, bad lassippottieyear before:At settkql on my lungs and kept steadily growing weep titergereown so Iotv mrfor six weeks. k VaDV,PaY11,9°111134a 001r11 rtheinedleineformorerthars 11, year, 114.414 Wender* eor 212q., eeeete, Pachine, pronounced Si -keen, is the great st oftonice, building up the eyes tem, =easing the appetite, purify- ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts AkTearr Moatand Inogo, - givIng tone and vigor to the entire system. At all druggists, 50e. and Si, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street Wed, Tomato. IIn \the prohibition State of Maine, the arrests for drunkenness have • increased this year at • the rate of 122 a month over 1906. Yet the "local option" • Pharisees will tell you that their by-law Will •inake your commun- • ity more moral. _Stand 4...for your. per- sonal liberty, and your • neighbor's. Decent -bars tirelyettee • ' than "speak -cosies." 4 The dier a stenographer cart typcwrite.a letter the more valuable e becomes to the busy business man. Practice does a great deal, but correct fingering and the " Touch System." which we teach thoroughly, are of paramount important.e. When the "Touch System" mastered the operator never looks at the keyboard, but keeps her eyes cas her note. She eaves the time t ihilatilers 'of Bo 1, • As VW by the "sight" operator in glancing„ from notes to keyboard and back to notes again -a considerableitem in a day's work and a severe strain on the eyes as well. Our large. free cataloteue tells more about our stenographer s course and gives mtieh valuable information ab -jut the diplomas of the Business E Acciation. , fluon1v ef our.graduates is net q.! t 6 res.dercele. :thiloOrt ,act ,as We 1* Perpetual Cannot become /mem Sever becomes Skk Never takes a Holiday Dors not Speculate . 'financially Ilespondble Tears of Enterhaca Consertative 014, It Management Ch*rLIi no Greater, Otto' too* thin otiornii toggiviisois. 'W. tarns, vim. Ditottor