HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 4 (2)44, 4,4 • ,A1. • ' ! ,41,14r,WP mer., 1 • 1 W • it° sax Vhgt.it pseVallilti garments Which oPite lie ',tette "shoes of trade, to_ _ OREDITON - - • ViRMKP rt •ezeter vacate, Sanders a Creech, Proton. TROUSDAirs Dee. 19, 11907 .;•• i the Ii: t IU t _ • gins d wife, mpanied tbeie so Geor his wife, of Ntopioka. !Jiijttba re visiting old Wends, 'mad amnainianeee 0, our Psi s -Chas. Stock hap. been kptt.nsy $be. it week inesIug hiS utlit to -8 iugville, where be bought out a butchtr butinetti. Thursday at er retup4itig,IestelfsetitralisolaieAsroe she, dropped dead On the.eatid• sust ennung up the et the, pp 1410111.," it I* Waite, &slop tis (Thar 41`Xosur4tic'e *pot floltiman, guts lett teesin the .iliege T niiley 00 'bitsitieSOsssPiteie ophey oX tbe.flrrn oflrophey .cwholeiale.tIr ,men.",of.Moutje,j. ifee in. the:* k a Tie got oe k c . in 14r t , ow and very zt treetiltisI1, wiII ti e.ble to add • tersely to hie, toek o tioubt this Week will see the home voiniog of our pie trim ere engaged at other paint*, member the tehool eteacert on ras dey in Zianinees 11441. It promisee to good. -Thi a is the bast week ol s iehoot andstiteetbre-lielidaye- •S•tie ere to have a. new ttesff et tea,e , wbexeby tlle te#rbers ' ttee:Staft beidg.co;uidereJ) .b bud. t, 0 •-we'ii" ..' - eonfrepctht ridity'etle eetbeje ' -k0,v e,t,` kfllfl ng Mai& i.burden ,wr, Robinson was in t'ite er 'Monday' evening.-410iiday • WO- the last Council Meeting of the year. .The s h Ste ere ont nnouncing the rnee. ti- val in the Evangelical church, Xmas. 'evening. The program is divided into two parts. the 'trot consistiog of dii- logues. the choir and chorwies by the sch *Smell as the special feature, Which is the S.S. Male -chorales consisting, of 28 voices. The second part consists Of a cantata, entitled "Welcome the King' in which °Ter 20e- children will take part. Everybody should come and, en- joy this eotertainosents Admissiousi0 and 1.5 cents. subsi i in a steanisblpline (Min ralia-bas-been-d en - by the Dominion cievernment, *mug it is said to the .Australians having • at -Canadian -goods The Dotninlem.. tSever'erapserssisksh virldr- -#11.1k2371eftt-- Iskterlss-sff*XltenditsOress,auessi - orrrwrereast"ef'S%000:000'efeeib -7"-sass;--WithdrelStfill-ftik due in addition $148,000.000 will be re - i -quired. Kiocardine gets „ WO- for public building and $4200 for e har- refitedetiebs$70,000-forsharbor,St- litaryti $10;000tee plibhc build rririind peelthili 000 for public building. , The bill of E. A. Lancaster, Conser- vative M. P. for Lingoin..twaroend the . Railway Act regulating the speed of trains at level crossingsreceived it • third reading at Ottawa on Thursday with out a dissenting voice. The bill provides that no train shall pees over a highway or level crossing in any thickly populated portion of any city, - town or village at* greater speed than ten,willes an hour unless the crossing is constructed and maintained in at- cordance with the regulations of the railway committee or the privy corm- Itit and board of railway commission. The board may limit the Speed to any ' Otte deemed expedient. It comes ip force January. 1900. \ . ... , • Saturday Nigh,tsa_ ye of the Oonser: vatic* member for West Burou:-Mr. E, N.,r4wts; at. P.. of Uoderich, Made A Speech in parliament the other day for which he deserves credit. He talked sense vvithout regard to party - politiete-spokeittrassis thinking mint should in a parliament supposedto be . re -presentative of the people, instead of merely re hashing. approved party . opinion, he stated his own views on many questions that require to be dealt with. There should be more o this in parliament, and members of ---the-lionsuetrould-rint'--iniss the Signs c- ance of the fact that daily newspapere -even some politically opposed to Yfr,.. Lewis -gave his speech a hearty wel- wine. -The *people are ready for thin tug and free -speaking putt:fluent'. -whenever thtemembers are-restiys ; 1 4-1 , .• 4;'• ; weal* h I su-teaching-sehollit 'VA 41' 41 -13 Crediton )Nt. _ :NY-01,.,Sinehrooksipelit.sr.leve.. 1ays 10 Centralia last week, tb- or test .of Mrs. Harry Mills.-}larryststrikiti. who has been working in • Clark's bar - netts shop for some time, left for ;Olin- • ton on Satutslay, h he hits at, -cepted a similar siti imanfssr-ii-odTri-in tin-ev tion, was class with a beautiful mantle clock ken-of-the-respect-the--elass-h !yard their teacher as well as_it slight riingsin e1*2*rrAtiner-0,0Werthe. sot -1oktar -- Dem emus Ass tincesits- As you ere about to sever your connection with the clan, ne desire to tender our sincerethans to you for your valuable work. It has been so helpful and pratahle and so Itteltai .ven_fh*tt.w, oleel w anna, let you depart. reaw.44dhsiirtiorneangible eviiience our appriation. You will be greagy missed in all our church work and especially this ** bible Claim" owever, we feel onr loss *ill be others' galn, and Uustin circumstances wial $1101 that at some future time we may have the extreme pleasure of )(mines you %our prldst again. Will you kindly ae. cept thtS email token as * ALVA esmembeanco . of Ama-roall'Ileiendir As look its face may you be reminded of this- placeand evening, , Geo. Hirtzel then stepped forward and presented Mr. Holland with the clock, the laer making a short but feeling reply .and thanked his class for heir kindness toward him. A short rogram was given after the presenta- tion which was as follows: Violin solo, Jas. L-awsontreadings. -Miss IuW and Miss Essery: solos, Miss Girvin and Miss Ella. Beaver. 1 1 446,., t les tits leirtire C 1 good those oyatere taetel Vhat o sters? Why*thoetS.t t *rooms -Xi° Our 'Of. years vote. Riess L. 11, Va t p 1. tk OAP a 4 ho Wi s nor cif Berlin cootie the Ev*bcalb ro s " w ding in our eunediate vicinity in the arsfutures-Geueral regret is felt here over the very sadden death of the bite B.B. Gunn of Seaforth who had wousthe, confidence. large number in, this community. - Oar storvs-anorelespe hive now got on their holiday *Ube and 'the windows look beautifel.-August Walper of Fort Wayne, Ind, is visiting relatives in this village. --Mr, Robertson of Mil, verton was the guest of Mies Kerr on Thursday. -We are pleased to see Qbas. Pinker ar.iund again haviiiig 1 po - ; 4 1 • Grand Bend We wish the Advocate and its many readers a Merry Christmas and *Hap- py New Year -IL Gill of Ft. Frank was here a day or so last week. -Mike Green of Thedford spent a few days here recently._-Mrs-JoessOliversbel a reception Wednesday at which all had an enjoyabletitne.-S. Green has returned from Pert 'Jurors -Mrs. Page has returned from a pleasant visit et Greenway. -Lawrence Benore has re- turned from Haileybury.-Pred itena-moved-lawvrmk to Int - cited try a.nd'Mrs. Thomas -4f Detroit are visiting the lat- ter's,parents Me, and Mrs,Pagess-Mrs: Weary, of Southampton has been here ttending Lhe fuaerdzf-lier,--mother Ofivers man friends will be pleased to leer% that he* rapidly_ re- esiverifig-ficom hie -severe illness. -W. Davey, who has been enjoying a couple of ulouthee fishing at the Point,has re. turned. -Miss Rowe. Meshes been en - owed, withlfrthanterhereS hits eettarte; ed to her home. -The Presbyterian people expect T big crowd at their en. tertaininent to -night (Thur.)-Tbe little tote are putting on their best behieelotir these days. -The season fettsisseksAttstitr s isiseissertreleb iaker , 4 IMOINT-Y HISCLIT 4 CAN rq.4.14 ,. 1 -held- captive by the • \air -tight, moisture -proof - - Make 4S- 2, 4 --' est in eve thing. in . ' .Biscuits, it's 1Vi0oNres.. aas eentor and choir leader of atm& Church to take effect the first of the er ---1143-„has held the Atli! _fo ,g1. .1, • .• VaL.3 eetitralra, 044 NET,14014.1 E. 1110KS__=_Wea Proditat!nya And tag -Pu ifiit London Conservatory of bluster Enrhven reharles•Whttefluendou -Eng: Ernest. Esejlen-tonsfeui.r.n.--: ,*-41mitet-ntren • vrChristtnas,wint-tvliti zens are busy preparing for Christmas. There is splendid sleighing and as a consequence business is booming. - School closes on Friday for the Xmas. holiditys.--AliciniUtrireni here oo in the Ministrel show at Exeter Friday evening. The boys say it was fierce, and regret the time spent at it. -The anniversary services at James street church. Exeter, and the Lecture Mon- day evening were well attended by our citizens. -The trustees are pushing forward the erection of the new school house. They have engaged Miss Swan as teacher and every preparation is being made for the new yeats-Evan- gelist Mc/lardy of Toronto its holding revival meetings in the Methodist church. Notwithstand4ceetArrzt s, 14 • gatil° - stranger on Sunday when e opened thecarnpaign. In personatappearanci, manner of address and method of con- ducting meetings Mr. McHardy aye peen; to be an ideal evangelist. Some have signified a desire to live a Ohrist-4 ian life. A full choir is adding inter- est to the meetings. Duartt.-The death occurred Tu.'s - day of the little son of Mr. and M Wm. Fester ,ofsToronta-whosa present iitsittg at the home of Mrs. Fosterea fath r Mr. James Handford. Tbe little fell w was 2 years. 0 months and 0 days old. Tho funeral takes place to -day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock to, the Exeter cemetery„ --.- - - -The following is the report of SA. „iorNoveraber-based-o good conduct and general proficiency'. Sr.-Departinent: V. --.II Rickir,Milep- burri. I. Robinson J White, 0 Wilson, Al_ElatonsYstiiims:ssAsttebieson Sr IV.-sM Baynham, I Edsery, M Elliott. Jr. IV. -'Davey, E Baker...13_,Ander, senK 13' Vy-,1 Davis, R White, Roy Cht fas Earle Callfas. Sr. ILL --P Essery, E Brooke,F Pairhall, A White. M. Botterill, teacher, . , , ., s s - jeSpeliiiithierif. Jr. 71L:s-SNeit-R McCurdy, M Heists W /takers& Cali- fae. -Sr. 11.7..---M Beaman, al Elliott, E Bowden, II Neil. Jr. IL -I McCurdy, 0 Davis, ()Davey, • E Alexander. Sr. Pt. /1.--D IIrOok.s. A Robinson, E Wit- re--ZftssPtsll.ssss-L fisynblum 4 . arth;4.1-13stbilts-Pt-sts-7.7sy-s ,s perks, Teache 4-. arrissilas :witilitenhessver-sfor slearitin'hae se •-sina-vily- wish " a. VI hereon Monday of the death o he wife of John MeIsaie, who eon, ducted the nosed Hotel in this town for several years. Mrs. Release htel been ill here several times and it was mostly owingto heri ill hemftk that Mr MIsc moved t� Mk -Eagan. We •wore sorry to hear of her deethSea she .11a4 in warm friends in., our burg. The itymtaathy Of the whole neighbor. Stood is extended to the bereavW bus. tbandes.The Ladies' Aid of the Evan. gelleal Church. -forwarded a box of sclothing to 'Winnipeg last week. This will -he found very needful thiseold *weather atoOng the poorer *lased? the -city, where the clothing will he dis. triNited, ry or There. thing tlitaiwiU - cute .it Ilair„,yiger. It is 4\ regulir seifp.tnedidine, It quickly dostKeys the germs bleb cause" this disease. The Unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff distil). ears# had to disappear. A 1ij*1thysc*1p meant a greatdeal you healthy hairy no din. xiimplitino eruptions. okuotu "X • 44, : 4.7- a e co t easrs; en nberry 01 rand Bend visited his son. Bruce at tles Dixon House. Mr. Iloasenberry, Although over00 year* of age, looks stimost as young as hi$ son. lie is a . natural born horseman and love* to talk horse.--froratious Clobleigh of Clare, Mich., was a recent visitoehere. -Chas. rage has engaged with John 41111 for a time. -Percy Mollard hikit returned from a three weeks' visit to Detroits-Miss *peon is the guest of her aunt, Mr*. WM. Patterson. -We are indeed sorry to report that. `Austin flaytendoeszotseenc to irnprovi tot rapidly as his friends could wish.- W, Menlo and Bert Statton are home froin Smith Riven-.& little pike of a girl has come to stay At Wm. Disiardine. Wm. Nickles who 'is receiving treat", Mont for.his knee at the Londolt-Jtos, pital, is getting along nicely, thram-filia week we are calied upon to relate the death of an old and highly esteemed -resident -in the peso of Mrs. &ebbed., Whose- iarthly ea reer was endedon Saturday. Deceased' whob.ul readiell theJtelnatkahle.mp, uf Kyears haul been in declining health far about?iiit months, butbefore that she alwaya enjoyed the. heat of health.' She was a '.'de3/4,oted.; wife trill cfnuther • aud'a One friend in every poirtichlar. StObrillS ittitS ft consistent And valued member of the Presbyterian church tinder which riti$ lets the fon- eta' took place on Sun from her kite residence, towz)Ship llosenquef, and wire largely *ttended, Itev. Cots. wn ,ere officiating. She lea "uotan Th tr,or demise one son And two lighters x u led to them we extend our sympathy., foe , • his 4444444444444.4,444.4111.14.4444.4444.4444444,44. . lienetta Wan; Perkins and wife of the North west Friday. They,Ivith his pio her,. Mrs. 'Wm. Magi -no hive now opened to the putAtc a first-claits temperance hotel with the very best iiecotntuoda. tion. We wish them' every emcees*. Mrs. (Dr„) &Herr who has been in Kincardine since the death :Of )410. Olive Sellery, returned !mine Friday. Mr. Toll of Kept Couny is visiting, his btot &v.. ',Toll.- rideystlight r ,Cartnel hurch•pterile in, end- giving it , good. ent attainments-sOn Soiturilsy af- ternoon Nis* faittotnie entertained the .Iuntor League, During the do they presented her with Leto 'oeriattonse Pies; tures.. She was also the recipient Of , heautifid gifts from the eorigregatiou. Geo. JoInt spent, a few &vein Alhiiii Craig.durng the week on busineSs..., emphill of W'roxeter .14 isitor *1-thekbotturof heratstets-Meat Cook.-MistiPeeil Iles:kept theOons meretal College, Stratford, is home on settitt.-,Shechattgbisitutteds'svittis mit, which refleettteretlit Ots her *bill and apPlication.'-.Tames FeWier hat purchased Rohr. /smolt** 'livery' bust, ut4s.-Nlist Doty who .htut ,been here, for **tend 4.***Imid,retorbea, to Lonk don.-itoy aetlande of town has been , prom±qted to the oosition of foreman et the Pori* Retie* otilee.-,The young Wife* of Clittbel church have every .rea!oo to feel proud of the warIn tch thew iffiZaitt *Mk ' cartied out. et totneetch einteinted to$15esssItoli, ill bed the trilafortime to tut bit t Wile* An, day* ago. Ile and sister stainfe left for the %sit this Wedding hells are. ringing. ow &It Chesney hes returned home heemany ftlends will be pleased rn thikt she is recovering front and bri40 C returned to town.-0ouncillor wart has eed an electric light at the end of his **lib in such a war hittit !light* street far xi aloe stance. This t tie many bis resgs&tk* as pr,. teaders4 • wee We were 'fated on 'Elatunlay. by. 4 *regular old time blizzard* not cold t:Yea lt•bigh Wiud and it continua snow her t017te.-411146 Clara Kenzie of Berlin its bay isitor at tbe home of Rev. and 8te Eidt.ssOli tittountofthe ineletts the* was not* Tory Iargs Sanditr *soft, nonse zoraber.soesupper t • 1 "._. „.:. , ,th ile.to4dtletsr4 torm2teatoThirr mg a weeks vrith friprk _in Ingham Teestrater, • tronso--Bat.te -Theishome---e Wva. Laramie was the ton-- . i eaters nests -mutt ‘ • A -7f a • rlfrper-labt _ • IlloWbe-Tifitifeilied bi-- ternoon by Rev.Toll and was witnessed by only the immediate friends. The bride was attired in a beautiful. robe. After the ceremony and con attil •hs-i-appetitiiiiirr tea ---*-as serv Miss Latninie has been a resident of this place a good many years and he plea nt manners have won her a prominent place in social and church c "roles. and...while- hers -many sfried*, both old told Young, will wish her evert happiness yet they will regret that the change of relationship will neceseitate her removal from the soot- ety of which the has acted so graceful a part. She ha* been president of the Junior League for eight years and has been one of the best church workers in town hence she will be much missed dsbetplace-will-be hard to 011i Ble. Henry is a stranger In town but in bearing away one of our choicest lad- ies1thus becomes a relatl n and we congratulate him for gaining "what we lose. The gifts received by the bride were simply magigfficent. Mr. and Mrs. Henry left the same day for St. Marys, where the groom has a beautiful home and whet* they start life together under the most favorable eircimistancetratulswittethesbestswishs es of a large circle of friends. # i$# AND 0_ DEBOYE 10i 411E LEADINC. SCHOOL nytiving a WWI' ontsivot treiniOtthen-thAt IttY'v • en.bY any other endler thetitutton in *doh), wo hue Wooten. of ths '10,41ing-busiltelt training' schools 14.-Vallt4i. Our gl'sdUate. Areui demand art ,90..4049014 404_ W, altdititthreettelleirreellehigra.74kW,Taa',,, course* og the best our irroxiurte*. eutried„ - it , intereeted In your welfare *rite now for our 'CAW \• 1 .1 40gUe; It /slue. . We have three departments, eCetts • t =MA Shorthandernt-Telegraphy. 'Minter Ortu.. °pros denuery, (1,. • - • _1 H .0 ..- • ELLIOTT * IticLACHLAly, (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) Principals, eW Montreal ipapital PaittAiti -43,2000000-' • • THE HOME JOURNAL. This publication has made great strides under the new wanagement. The December number consists ai hirty-sixpages of bright, interesting matter. copiously Illustrated. T1. special features of this issue, which is &-Hoiiday Number, -are-"Messages from the Churches" illustrated by foortraits of the leaders of the evangel - Jeal --den--dn--tt ons, an "Messages from Women," with portraits) of lead. log-Catitidian Women workers. A re. production of "Eventide," J. W. L. Forsteee latest paintin , is .well vrorth tt Iniming. judge Reath itt gives &his- tory -sot -the- writing-- 1--thers-Oban Nationid and this is accompanied by & new arrangement of Lavallees-spiece- by Mr. Edward Broome, of the Toron- to Conservatory. An illustrated article describes the production of the " telt-of-We -in -0017-1.1,• o,date- I. rie-dy-Thetelo 11 41 1 4 t rte . -arid smother by 8, Devidean, another Canadian writer, are in ;addition to the ether tictioni-, The ether departments of the journal ireful", is nodal, of orbits, ihtereittir4, prectical pointers for the home._ Thestnttriti tone of-sthe paper is such as should exercitea wholesome Stied the laitruldhm Woman's Ma influeice wherevee it, totes. It is. is. g. *sine' itblishing CO., Limited* 50 Job's Street, Tomtit°. • EXETER BRANCH a 1:11413 10*. ut. 4)3 p. re,13ATURVINS. 10 a. m. to 1 IN ills A GENERAL BANKING. stsunass TRANSACTen. • DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed avIlatiliarther ncitice Interest on' Sarthgaaet wjll be intBanklepartment !1,. credited quarterly Instead of half yearly as forme*. Deposits of and upwards reeelvt4,.. Agents at Exeter for the Donainion Government. N. D. avmpcor, Manager, DlogeoN & 001.14tiO, Solicitors. 'a 00S AF LEDO R s_ The only Coinmercial School" west of Toronto using the above Modern Office Work of Actual Canadian sItstaitiess Procedttre: Wholesale houses calling daily for graduates df Cetioxdit's Greatest Chains of High-grade .Ousitiess Colleges', becaute our students' i*Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, bill. and_ • gbarge_systernseardsysteinssbenk--bookr fills souts- -Scores of- notes, draft!, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leases, mortgages, receipts, , shipping bille, etc., etc. Our students do actual business from the first day. • Gregg Shorthand, AND • - Touch -Typewriting tau taught by the moat widely experienced teac'-her-1-;Ontariorthe--iir-also-^—::----1- ..a.graduate-of,..1olts.71/..-Greggs-the-Anthoromdliighlyteeotninenatd' by him. Last year our Stenographers were .all placed _within_ Tens__ Days of graduation. Many of these young ladies tiow drawing $700 to $800 per year. It te\freely admitted that. we train the -most rapid_ accurate. , Our Telegraph Department is-welt_equipped- short of operators and salaries are advancing IdeAltik0 -,Atiirt;tv*.tenneiromtiwil, .1 ri..‘ ;441.ez tuts inoreiOlist Pro* Ikea anyether intaageettrit In Western outinie. - , moor saoss,tios taltert.b*Orte enetestes inot-entiled* we Invite coOloinktlion. tudiviiittil Imbue tiOn„ bsetudents attend night 041118efi free, encl tekeell the *hove cent -Ilex WINTER learvi BEGINSJANUARY' Olt, warm rolt eatato0(1111t TON , 'BUSINESS COLLEGE. zie1opeaand rous to Mentiod. 8 out a ;,4144.1414 441, dux ittorrois, •RititiCtrato . • d a y omoeto Leather oodsBan Comb finiru est Shaving Brush% M albums, , Woks, pieturwo et, Call. a 44V U� 4