HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 2 (2)'
40 0i1J,4. '
r,-,ut.jeCt„..1 LO a et .ara tette trete
Stvette the ceitrela etrell alatita_ at
;ante ttree Vetttraets the 'neat watAin
ar.d t:J oaz to ztu40 4
5'..er to iseparete Vera ttee
Feern the atetIrrt iertS
tie tarn. theyn; • v.r.alle,
Mr5, rittrrea te./he
ttn't174414-,.ant'll*litktat, tp*:intAtr''
uI tbetter It Ln- w.54-4t44‘by i
v0.140, Jor Li',Arm ,IT;loti,91110,4,,
t.) ,.., ii . into, •
- ' ivit, ai2• , t-$ oi 40 13,
--, , .4.
ce,h.,ori i' I' ,•
1Clurici1 tly'oCean viirren s, to 1 f
.ttlee eel 'and to br le t
'itgainlitricts, whence by Yet other Cue-
Teille or perhape by.the halide a man
J% was carried on stilLfurial.er imtta the
ceooanut tree had come to be found in
94 eubtropical climes 'ell
"The ceiccanut filth,'
inking the margin of the sea;,it likes (tie
-salt -wettere,,Platet .-4,-ennnattltte-baratet-eit
a fence er a stone wall .and it. will grow
up straight until it has ,eoute to the
height of the Nice. but, aixtve that it
will incline tot ard the water. it it
4,,i planted turn. er inland they put a
Meek of salt under it.
"The seed is the oocoo.uut 4tself„ wltieh
ins you know IS encasM, as, it grows on
the tive,„in an elongated fibre tilled
. _cocoanuts drooping from the ' -free Iiito'
'771,-.Sese -aeliiiihrifitilliaattslittingeavieuereekre
e•read the tree over the earth.
,.. •,,, ,titrIttatetteirett.,',Ietilttris*
leees to be fotuid in one end of i - e,
il'eS famenar to us as we ooinnionly
set lite cocoanut in its spherical form
:akees17 erl otells-outtne-teaske-elneeugh--one
mit whiet
...I I
._ rk"see
_ _ ....ea. _.
lAs the young tree grows the husk dis-
;Integrates and rots away.
"Cbreoanut trees fittain- aheight-4'f
jfrom twenty to eighty feet, according
to situation and circumstances. The
ree begins to bear fruit at about, eight
years of age. its lire 'b about, 120 yea,
its yield in bearing about a hundred
nuts annually, and an Interesting tact
is that the nuts drop from the tree at
, night.
t "In many places in which it is found
phe tree, with its fruit, Ls (indispensable
ti the wellbeing and it may be to the
,existence of the native human dweller -
The outer bark of the tree supplies a
material which may be used for the
urposes of clothing; the solAer part
f the tree trunk may be used or the
eframing and the tree's /eaves for the
'covering of .ehelters, whilethe trees
)(mit supplies food and the fibres of the
shusa •a material for fiehing,tines.
"in many places where the eecoanut
:tree thrive, fish and, cocoanuts form
the only food supplies of the natives,
land in distant isolated salt water sur-
}sounded- Islands- dr bays- the- cocoanut
kmay be th'eir only source of supply af
!fresh water. The cocoanut tree is prac-
tically hollow inside, and through this
-porous interior, almost as freely as it
could be pumped up through a pump
log, tit draws up water for its own sus-
tenance and growth, and _from this ft
fills with distilled wterthe fruit on
the tree, for the milk so-called in the
-oceeanutela preetically drinking evates,
with very little other -mailer. And E0
le some places the coeoanut supplies
_all the fresh water obtainable as it
'nay as well the -tood-eurely a won-
eleritil and eeneneent tree, •
"Corning back to the general subject,
•eete find --that the- manufactured___prn-
are now in common use' throughout
the civilized world. To bring it right
close it, may be that when you.'g41 hew,
le -night. you' wilt' Wipe e.t.LOairitidTOtr
ycur - --shoes -0-1T---a- 4°4.) illitif- -mad-a-a lt,-
fibre. and if you should tali*, 4 nap be.
tere dinner you will he downit may
be. on a lounge WIIOSA. stuffing (villains
4nor ti er los of the same material.
',l'he oil with which you dreg; your 1.
ealed may be cocoanut oil, and for -
dessert you may have eecoenut pie. In
the kiteiten ,yeu anight Jim' xvuhliing
1-./rusitesmade of cecoatiut •fibre, and
lithea•iise brocane. Tho 12,f,f5 of the ete-
areeintit are var:otis. . .
."Iter many years., ire feet since 'way
letele.comantas have teen iniperted •in -
teen* -numbers and ' they - Were to be
feurel for . ante in grceery •StOres '., and
e2;v1,,AleVk',. as they et 11' are, and 'chil-
dren used to buy them and taw them
!Dente 'and 10014' a hole -through the eyes
and or !fie _milli out bete a. 'teat -ere
end drink that and. thee., get .father to
tleati theeeeit•eenut with a hatehet, and
then they'd •4!3 t the meat, as &iiillren
Mtn i10. ,
• °The ,riumbc.wr iti thci eeeeenute Leertrel.-
ed "tor .suett and other ivied 'demands
te coneelevelote, :but it iseeta -Jre,!,, in
the tateteet. to the-narither now Ineeern
egi'ler menefaeturing uses.
"Vaitheut etoepirel te tee.% 4I1? th,'
.tiguees e1taeitY,-.1 sh;tuttli Gay .titae
ail) s'iAll teiported ha Aaterlea about
tterte rifdrern eareenuts atiterratly, mere
tot , Meal limn wild or natural peete"th
ils? Q. era! senie from plarited and enn
I 4.10
dtie owa t telft
tirelto end et thee 3 Wing,
t/Wioai.1 gt013C-,,d iiiL :meat, ,i11;`)i
triter', but still cOvered With Oa I -
coiner frown outer skin.
"tei these deh
ys there are Mlt .whe
ork regutar at outeanut opertatg
at •at, aim opier
teature 'or'the' eq‘. nu ,
is that they begin it at 2 a.m.; this eo
that sufficient- etteele beePrerirait
deity in advance for the other workers
1‹* t'egfri. on An expert coceanut
er can open 2,000 nets a day.
'The shells renxived. etb,er workers
take the whole nut meals and spoke-
sha/e off that, brown outer skin, and
belt the whole found „glebe of cocoanut,
meat is put into a machtne and quar-
tered. In these quarter isecs the
•e":414" '
nuts not sound and sweet, and then
for the various further' pr
vi•hea• •,4
eangers In .bailitnes In ,llampstftafl
. be; Heard RE, Itiortonis retttkni,
The; attaeng epecta c a eetabrat;
1"41 010
.‘!V TA
.-wPif kft. n
, 1,0 10
4t NOneenterrufst etivt
Nate el'ayer
A t. • f.$ - t I
46.)suf,,00 n ,
* ,
'.t.e-- txkiis0.04klion,,,
,e,„#,Ail 'belt .an'
, .. .
Mt e • e '
l(gd.n 1:Yi . 1' . r*'•,110etpn
-craven. r�se to1theoeceSion. tre: '
suggested tb*ktIttey .Alkinid piV3r, ellx0.
Paesengerw aged, and Dr. flerion "te4
.with lite- words, "Lord,- wilt e Thou
brhege us out of ihts darkness into ,the
light- 44 safety?" He hit* no- sooner -11
tered the supplication then the carriage
,41.0*..0110-414.4.4-410., 1 1i
4 4,
#t8. .• •i"
faylira--941amma, when 'ItoCo
lout whero doe3 ,it go,. tor
yZord-PI don't imim, 4e*ar,
17012 inight peed as 11,vcil'eSti wht-tv your,
tittlAr '11 ta,!+!
t lit4s1 4. V
n ''.a4n6
11,16 .34*,
. Arlo, '
" •13.9
I ' 111C !WS'S.
When things go 4.57, -fie Juzt .,
At .ten 044,104 07 eo; thee Rad
7,i17,4I0 kono r 6x,,oft .T.Aittetv
• tettc! or 6 ,, ,,
'4,4*,ot‘i .rjr:tn
.4eaat ,tttn,it blOater,tee„
. t( X • , then- re
UGvr ben‘ * 814004 *psi, Om
Part0r„, i`IT(r.:4-e%";,attp,V,e,a4',Ibe
1,11nu:sbe4 Teassian tiefugee, ktst too4.
't flouting. time. one4uniner1"1,
414 Weallfil_kitotve tittle 1 Is tor-harr stolen%
Pius; IMMO 141te thitla and oilmts another.
our whiceh. t) place 'rho » a ° Menthol
e -all -this- a oainelilenee," r. Iterton
$174. "Ptlik Ptitt4111-5-Aville otheresintle
lar-experiences.in difeereiteatitisV•know
that they reveal a payer -healing and
a ,ptue-er-auswering God." „„
* 414040.04.4144004. 11144044404.4.44470444.
.-Ztraneltak Oared Witt..
That there ia no end to the healing
,,payeraOI„.Zem-ttuk is ,hetege denten-
I -Denbigh, Ont.; wes tortured day
114.49V'tlittirli'Werdier 74
• g eir4 ,
a 1,‘
: • 4t k
, •
The tong tails of the Shah of Pers1.0
ioreeS -are dyed ertrason for six inches
ht their tips -a jealously -guarded pre-
vilege of the ruler and hte sons. '
A Purely Vegetable P111.-Parme1ee's
Vegetable Pills are compounded from
ads -herbs and solid entracts of
known virtue in the treatment of liver
and kidney complaints and in giving
ktlierrlottothletent„ vhelbereelltertAted b,y
day my eyes rested upon a little
itinfiE Eco.voxileAt.,. isattutlerboxeof-Zem-Bulee4 pickeel--it- up -
_fa' drat__Jestimenat tellW la. Ye:14We andesaaeLthealitetase offiEs,Jenza, 1
from' a acientific jeoint of view, but started mini, Zava-Bult that night. and
To , !C:JR4M4..`,4.W4104.-At4
*., t= 4
fOtlewliii-g- ate- e ec , a , te as,S1 fiE811-V111103 -SINCE; Tettl-ntarr S
moment: An Irbo
ish larm. entered it :publish this if .y wish or the benefit_
drugestoi\e, and drawing a patter flag of other suffere .' This is only anti
from his pocket, pouvet 43n -the cowl- ,of ihe i'briny cWhette ran-43nr" .1.
1"----&-numbereeL vertteettektr-- -and tillat,-bealed pilot when -alt -else -failed- Why
tractive -looking lozenges. . do you go on suffering when such a
"Can ye •examine this candy?" he splendid remedy is near at heed?
reeked. . Zam-Buk heals sores, cures eczema,
"It, looks ealeer. Whet is the mat- skin eruptions, ulcers, rInciorm, itch,
ler with 111.?" asked the druggist. barber's melt, blood_polson, bad leg,
"Mien.- Caln think:in: Did ye [ver salt rheum. abrasions, abscesses, cuts,
see such stuff! Dinnis Daly give Wmburns. scalds and ail skin 'Injuries and
te me b'y, and Din.nts 13no hind of diseases. Of all stores and druggists
mine." 'fit 50 cents, or front Zam-Bulc Co„ To
"Well. I can- make an analysis," ronto, for prim. 3 beats for $1.25.
"All right. MI come -in to -morrow• * --1,----.---e--: --- ,
me -wer. from worruta" ,
tRight you are', Alone* the fountain -
The Irishman had readied he door, plays beemiselhe water works.
but he suddenly stopped with bis hand
on .the lateh. .
"And how, much writ thot, "naitysis
be costing me " he Inquired,.
"Five dollars." was, the answer:
'The man walked over to the Counter
and swept the lozenges Into the bag.
which, he replaced in his pocket
"Niver 'nand," he said. 4a01'fl feed
vvan to the cit."! •
Mr. iiiptintrs Canadian Tour.
• Ontario and all Eastern Canada 4s
deeply disappointed Met Mr. Kipling,
upon the occasion of - his recent visit
to Canada,should have only seen "The
West from a Car Window" and the
Owl, not at all. The older provinces
always proud and never lealems
ot the West, into which they are send-
ing their shekels and- their sons. With
lets TOWere as a' werdepaintera
hardly to `be expeeted that Mr. Kifs
ling can do justice toe all of Canada.
Ile has neteeenetheethriving cities Mid
towns of Ontario, with its 4p1end1d
railways, mills, and manufacturing in-
dustries. He had only a fleeting glimpse
ofz_TorootoeeandeSikW -notbing --ct -the
sOtek.or Jnore4itlier industclal-ce.ntre
of the Dominion. It Es too bad, ranee
diens believe, that heebould have wet,
the 7st the• whieh hewas
able to give to the study of =millions
th,\ Poininion to the treebted shores
CfftuctlitTik.:.--witif-rK-KOkstriortoit# .
nitre -the eertou.sness -tit the talew dis-
turbances out there, or to disguise the
fact that C.anadd is in sere need of
more men to carry forward the work
In hand. Ca adians wild hAp teen
proud of 'so pen pletu
Kipling of tile indust
the people are pros
This. conviction is
-it le tvidespre
a." London,
4,-eir trees, foe tter eetersaina le new
er:_ultivaial; and it might be ,taentiened
ilet el.:-.15,2sIng tlqnt, a iNe*Izattat piontalicA
ii. i...)'tDcsi a ctze,airant. %tali.
\"0! ttIN eit,:razot)3 impelpiri:in a c-
.72no, by 4,?ot, ID.0 gr,-.3,t,.k,41:41,i,441_
t,:, nientaettarees, and the flyc,„-..lier
:Aare of tifee fa the rnentifeetereet3 eel
44'4 -e -ewe -A eke:teem:It fee denieetfe and
''. Ile 44,1,..::;fatmeq, 1!.crmear2y ltra tIbU•S4,•*
,0 1,1,1%e w3nlcs411 to u...o c.•:ezzatraut ,t''"
ccca1,03 ea- cDttd.iino,,i th5cA to gra.:1 '
tt,'tr,:?TwIt. V. -A' t4e toti fittaitatly et
,),tIll Itze insere at oteek-airet Ley tho tnant7-,
tftsittarret per:At-et al eeeltr,
ter cliee, and ttre. meet:teeter:0' ref tYit
a teire In eeteteN • ' „,
'MEM'. i '
fit tr,a11,,ingtilgt-
kW Vint* 4r1 Lent
vtlf4ti Ito
;re' • t- *
Umbrellas are like men, as usually
the poorest, get -left.
Sudden transmtigon from a hot to
a cold temperature, exposure to rain.
sitting in a draught, unseasonabie sub-
stitution of light for heavy clothing,
are fruitful causes of colds and the Fe"-
sullant cough so peralous to persons
o; weak lungs. Among the many me-
dichies for bronchial disorders so aris-
ing, there is none better than Dickies
Anti-Comm/Aire Syrup. Try it and
become convinced. Price 25 cents.
. A woman Is never saUsiled unless she
has something to worry about.
A man is apt togethis back tip when
lus wife calls him- down. •
-k-fariierar'inarris'eate who is -known
more people than he knows.
C." 741
wttrat,:. 4 '
"Then an he t3:'hnp.)N4;ll-n6Nt„
eight!. ,
Then he*deal tako'no lime to re.kid. the,
plows. " •
Nor tat ro lunch1 tut kerns- Us, an
ajump. '
'etc '
Gets nuStry red spots'On her elieeks;
Even4734 ehi4ettwsCicili: hustle; you know
That fat. one with the sort of double
*Arid me -why. rm greased lightning
when he calls
dewhen night comes...1hea h looks
kind eg pale
And atetiota' Like, andyet so
They noire no testima-
ellialttalities are
those who have used
and they commend thernselveato
_ties and--thoseesubjeet-toebili
mess who are in queet of a beneficial
When- SOrae-Men Start Olit, to 14.0k
40i:AlWatiMerMin '„,"trPr'#teiP'Arkir±t43#-",
ITCH, Mange, Praha* Scratches end
eraelerill OLemitegjeitts Itch in human
or animals cured, in 30 minutes by, Wid-
Iterers Sanitary Litton-. lt never tails.
Soki by all druggists.
In these days of individpalisin in
thought and action the balance of dec
cision Ups more and MOTO_ toward the
personal. 'Etten in the matter of spel-
ling, the ego asserts itself in the face
of tradition, and history. "Bobby" Is
mot theonly person who Conalittiteii
hfinself the final cpurrof appeal in the
realm of :orthography. .
- "Sp you-- ko 7 to sehool, do yOU,-E0be
by?" - asked the minister.
"Yes, sir," answered Bobty.
"Let me hear bow you spell'bread:
"The dictionary spells it with an ta,t
Bobby." / • -
"Yes, sir; but, yeu. 4.1111 ask -me how
therdiettonary spoils it you asked me
hoer I pell IL"
-An fakeritancs of weak limp le a wines i
liartdicap, bet Allen's Lung Balsam taken at
first signs of a cough will ensure Anizeunity from
this dangerous &Act. Don't trifle with unknown'
The unhealthiest occupation in the
wo Id is that of the Sicilian sulphur
m ers. Out of 4,000 of these men,
4nl3 200 proved, on a recent examine -
tore fit for military %Service.-
--Pearaeretia-Ctikesseetiltot ote TA thd lileW
and tedi4sereoridell Lir beat alitis:
ea. .= um* "IfilinItglifUl."
. -
the contracting parties very often are.
Some men like long office hours be-
cause it shortens their hours at home.
-11ollotv'ay'4 Ccite-- speeille-ter
the -rerriovaT coreigrt
have never beard of lis tailing to re-
move even the worst kind.
After a ntan has posed a a cynic
y Mr. for a slaert time he begins to thLak 'too
East, where little "of others and too much of him-
raus and happy. self. ,
y no means Will
. universal. ("Cana,
e, Nov. 161h, 191-4.)
There are verious Waya of lieeping'
eneself from becoming benumbed b
the celd, but perhaps not the leak re-
markable is that e,depte1 by two' Willi -
ere of the fleet !eve:neat on duty: in
en the Italian -French frontier
on Ment Ceefie. White going off duty
toarls theft tarreeTis leey teeet their
way in a entetea*Orree and W.:km found
• their ciatradw titey Tvca., Inck.
elereillten. On being t-e'rrireel 10
their barractre„. they rel! -td how Ivey
had etraggled fOe tWo daye agoinetthe
btlyzarti, and in cake. toZereLe ,thenne
eetvea •aveittal. fld t 44 !O the.
•effeete of the ecti, they funecatilegly
eirtzek en- curiner. thy-
'tu't b-parg (441.
ti ancd Ilk,,airda,.:42in \tor tk ex-
hanstod ilo 10 Liala they 'ere
r -
?airfare are a nuisance hi the bosun of a ni
whose face hi branded .with *cream nis o
reduction *basses him. Let him &mogul, his Ain
with Weaver's Comte and parity his blond witU
Wearees Syrup'
aeleeteleety in the atimeeltere affects
your, system," said the doctor. "Yes:'
said the patient, who pad reld
(tonere for tat) visits. "There ere,
tame .when onn feels overeeltarged." •
They .Never Knew Failure.--Car,olut
ebservatien of 'the effeele a•Parango(r,a
Vegetable Pats h3s :ettown that they
act- iminettiately ca the 0.4sosed crgans
eg the 6ystem end slimulate Mein'
Ittelthy 'fbeye may ,13e etisCs
itt-nbith Uto di&Nase bas laPen kIng:
sca.ted arid Ettea 11..01tasizx Vie,:d to 10-
tut-".0tLeli Gra batai ie3Se3 ltZ.VSe
!the been ncvfn. to breng relief
whea011 elpe? co -tont -1 resnedi,.es
' hove foliel, le,an
stavataalliatAl byioai Wtto bate\ gs_cl
the mug, and Medical men speak higli-•
ly of thelr quaNties.
'111 banana. ferntehee tee. in'a*
nteath hantiezehiefe, With wax. rellta
IA:athingt, with excetereie. with oil', erith
flew?, %int eriniteW-te-711,v7ith ,trustee,
T'tze ,rep-eane'it, bnnaria planter born
Yarantea, patr...‘41 cln,1 "YilLtt
ecn't irge, 4i4)
til Y the tannna tree is .a wn-
to.crlrul ttitna„ it's.e.;y• port 42' it
r,tro goell ue. Ttrai the. Ntng
maize ,a 11141. itifeo. to.
Era, tlulit*' IturitilIng a VG3/111
ati .gc4.1-3 &1pri:641$1,.
.st4a:n9-yZel'4 1 -line ipatity-ctIttftp tett
kaii thk9 tottp them *re in36o, tae'
'lticlloirtE,1$, car& i1 ristfo3
tiAtt.tut.(1 firustot,Th iit
flour, the'
trc,yet ttr;:ed ttlt.-thr.r;°.!
se apeakifirst"Cti 'tat t641i,
lit '
ri004.400*4404 '14
Only those whoare not afraid of he-
-poor will1y-1c06•111A3, rich*
Pale, sickly chiklren should U.Se M
;liter -Graves' Worm Exerminator.
Worms are ono of the principal causes
of suffering in children and Attould be
expelle,d from the system.
Where the whatebone product used to
average 1,000,000 rAmnds a year, -it new
averages teas then 200,000 pounds. The
price • has risen to 1$0 a pound.
Like sonzeUung chohe,d491,_,
t00% at him.
And flzizthome am) say to mow -Vee
tzness is- tot_tgluEmgia-d- t
Ste ett tiut
* 'it le
ctYa 041 • t
tea teem et taw
yeephottetatee, the 'autritto
Meta. eine thee Der al
- Tette awl Se4M1Y0 Irk*TiacJi0ittol
wikt eberzr Hark. ,
• Reel. .rireateagetersates with eeete
bet** • -
- _41411008 TAtinaltStrt .-
10 -pas ate ht. *WA -aunraebett
retail pew Mee (ier' eeetaeae.
twentyt*)swami bathos. retail 'p
Ono to Gomm
Vrp IN NW *Et
1146 Ite orson-ilei-
As cruel as can bev
She has no pity on that one,
For, just to be in styte,
punch and- puntereeandesqu
herself -
And suffer all the while.
hiloh'sfuoser How.
worst col&
thesharpest cough
Cure o ye
-ntryteit ono: a gtutru r-
nioney back if it
Cures doesn't stet y
CURE ,quicker
Coughs -than anything you
ever tried. Safe to
takee-nothing in
and Cows it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years of
ccess cemmend
(MICELI( iloh's Cure -
1.1.110011.111.1211.111. 25cA 60c., $1. eee
Try a Visit to tha 11211113011i Springs
of the
It NM Weil"
In the Niagara Peninsula.
The treatment al Ner;rewsness and
Ethweastatissa a Specialty.
ower, "feat, Electric -1,7L1g.
easd for a Terrir--61-Yeties.
Central tootitlen. About ten thousand square feet In
four- floor* and basement. Excellent sblpp ngfaoil1t1es
MURRAY E WILSON, St Adelaide $it Mist, Toronto
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or YOU can put on a ten- ear roof
that will probably leak- after the t rain
hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted -away.
Either 'roof will cost
you about the same in
money' at the start.
But the ig Oshawa "
fl Shingled roof will he
PR 00 r—liter-
4 ally; and wind -proof—
. actually; .,and lightnin
lively. That's thehundred-yearreo
And thit "Oshawa "41iingled roof will bd.
weather-prooffor it- eauttify.-
TEE in every way for a quarter-gentitry—fro
,now n teCit • • ,
Thi Tiro.
Guaranteed in 'writing
for 25 years—and you
needn't O'er paint it,
eve! That's•say4-14
something, 't it?
t wouki your
ansot if you
hint to guarantee.
Y e' Would
c1 even t
ring badly insid
ren ' of ten of thetraeak.,
t ime it rain Nowo
aboutCeairtheilliblerliteelf°tIttri gnajtisrat tatted .
en.doedshatte%arstuingbieeictitranabg,ed_gt touogodh.,
for 'A century, guaranteed 410 s' till , 194,—fire-
arid-wind-a14.Weat1ttit.04:01 One* ing-proot, •
nurdollattpand-a-halg a *owe bays. "Oshawa"
Galvanized Steel Shiiigles
—ten feet by ..ten feet.
Convey) that. with the
-present price of ceder
shingles how does; it\ '
At -Ike -you
And you san_put on thole
"Oshawa, Galvanised
Steel "Mingles yourself,
with no tools but ciaiI4taftuner an
raipo. Simpkat thing you ,kaow—can't get 'ern o
• wa " Sl*les lock Onidl four ides whole no
iheirof cloub!egalvanized-stiel,--th-ii-
tievtrott.41 paint
Ga vanizd tea
Shinglea r- e GUARANTEED in
every w*y or Twenty.nve Years
Ought' to Last a Century
Ye. Y1..4
1,4,340vt.. er(Truisr-
1 of company with'
quarter -million capitab
ranteed in I
r Ithiss,:vitpouor25 1oa
at 'I tho argiment in
tieb. rupt!or:thopoonfZ.06
ut *ny roof. and tell
wili $o rdof