HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-19, Page 1 (2)ERA. Who' ant, a Ng, crowd eat .t% n d yet Nils s At� `;th T ° II.a• :t''rti + juthe•. ;ia'`i'ocvr �It Mens ,A►. ►tract. a ".k - . MK. D. 31c3.11aa r.,r,rr .Rear* ccnrenrztr., �...' tcNs.r vre ., =P. /i► *',8atucn, Es +, K.C. 0„,ysisauraktrr, - a�r�rr rcct- i 'cAaaeirr%. • - • Aar-. GeneraNti WANTED - iear .Wit: - ear . -. rprli3t* TUKt'it, aril a isms or poultry, l MAN Large': airata of timid irr arrfrt. ore x tant points at n ed the funeral of .the late member f ouch Iluron, D..: V glum, at Seal th on Thursday hist.. ft W444roe-of t e-largeSt-'n •mot 4e`7.'v+ . VMM erraara af•'��� aaa. v fol and represented the. political ci many social bodies with which Mr. Gunn -was- uor , = sva. vice. Than +lav waslinedwith ns r.'F, H. spec- tators while the .cortege was y long,_. beaded by•the Fifteenth Band, the O. U. F. and ' the town council. :ars____Dr. Burrows, Moffatt, W. B. Bright. L. N. iiiflit. frif lama y' deeply felt in his home town apd throughout the whole county. 5�u�s iRk.W.w L iA�>y1w r.i x + r: In vieti of the fact:that Xmas, and, NeorYea' aye -borne =- °ye nesdary and.the Advocate staff Tike h. ` shay -o '- Wilt, and: correspondence, will kind - I, ' nd in their budgets so as to art la rive not later than Tuesday morn- ing these two weeks. Do not for- get -this. No doubt there are many things you need and a lot more you will buy that you do not need. We have thingsfor the needy and thingatfor the needless. We are now stocking up with=a view to big trade. erI are a few Lines we are Offering: Pure De utas Bleached Table Linen with Napkins to match, sizes 20x20 -and -22x22; Jap Cloth D tea. Drawn- r, e . stitched n each; Embroidered Linen 25, 35 50; Tapestry -Curtains and Table COY.. era in all colo,,- r a from $2 to $8.50; Ta • i' it Ps . of ng�� Cushion . Tops withCord to #ustnis Ladies* .Hetmts►#lucked. , and p'assoy Em- broidered 1Iae1114kcccl et5 '111S111‘, Lined end Lawaa, choicer limo at F r U$ra aneroid!Bete,* very.. r . cholco %lacca 1* arta" utfiere, N.andker- chiefs, Gloves. Tion, Braces and Socks *111 ii'1dAN, L. D. Ito D. L. o( Tero.to UnlZ v 0.E TIST. - --` :ext cc+ e F 4a .# f , ar a y baa ESec w meat t l±�daoaAaM 'a ,'Milo Welt J.SENIOR__' Agent ConfexderationLifer Axsuraat ce Company. also Fire Insurance in lead. Ing Canadian and British • Compania,. Township of Stephen. Nomioaffon and. Electron _ -- 1,LDL1C NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting c4,ti ectors�-the- r =-�oir htrrwel--be held in the TOWN HALL, C EDrT0N on MON. D'.�►�* DEC.((►,1047, at oh►E :i�'ciock in ' the after, momma, for the purpose of Making and rectivinaE.,n om• !nations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councilmen. And further t otic! is hereby given that in the event of More candidates being for any parttku. uf,.°'a jeu until MONDAY, JANUARY eth, i A.D. knees whe polls will be opened at 0 a. m, at the ar to in �cies. as,fated''by own hip By.law,. .. v«ae o111, nor shoe shop, lot 1,.. Con. 1' est• bales kitc>yen, lot: con. 1; 3, Darbcr. ; l 11, von. d' 4, Town Hall, lot 10, von. , .; 5, bass'kitchen, lot 11, coo. 19; 0. Zimmer', 11 lctl3 con. N. 11r; 7, Manatee Hall,' la 11, con. 17; 8, WIleoe's Hall It; 40, Con. 8. 11; • 9, laiayeeabee'. 'Hall,' lot1,i#awbfe. And all electors are hereby re. Twisted to take notice and ; govern thellsalye s ac- cordingly. EMBER. Dec 9,1107 - aacfaaattrar• ,Nctspe is hereby given that the 33rd Annual Iteet- ing of the members at theHay Township manners' Nutnal i2re: Mentally.,insurance will beiaeldat the TOWN HALL, ZURICH, Mi TLDAY. JANUARY 141h.1908, at one &'dock p. rat. 8usincaas'Recelpp• ingthe Directors', Auditors' and Treusurer'sitoports eetfonof Directors and such other. business as roar be tectsiary forthegood and welfare ,ef the ecm- are requested to attend. c1r7,t@aa;, Stade, President. Minty 1 Iter, eeretary • POSTPONED action Sale armSteek ata Trh 1... 2l�aci' + rE,r deiraauetk,Oer.1aVelean Yeetarsas:QecI t; • -eit L'polite, a 4llori i • Thoma1 1ian iarrd's Icrld Sale Staibl'e, IEXETE14 on ATUJR1IAY, , DECEMBER 21, ' 1047 AT 1 3'C IC a DARI". . The f, r �,: g t heat, aaaare 4 jtr w 9' kat; heavy Vie, gy+eaara►+aitlia foal; l para Mt horse, 4 years; draistht brasier, ! era,;14 colt s yens.; 1 drir• iv' meet a tete, gyrus- with foal teal _by her std.; I 'ftin acre, igtrswith fal;'1 a ataet>alee mem, at ;1 drh lag mitre a $ears,1 deist:it mare •4Yrel.;1airedPont cesrr,1 steer '!-'r old;1 brood now; .6 L1/-:1`! Iliteck'r -shower, he milts, hapeeadero4de tlayrale,hmrP4 ■, Mr�y p lo .aren. kaibak,egt. •tut Ito 'rke�r er4wia �a► raM+- d'4, flank-. Immense congregations reeted Rey. Solomon Cleaver of the Metropolitan church. Toronto, at the aid'nive services _cheep es-st -" e o e urc n Sunday. It took that large church all its time to hold the number who were anxious to hear Dr. Cleaaaver. The -preacher -is -vim Of the•-eloquen men of the Meethodiast church and all who- rd4- him -weir w+rel[ : pleased. e choir. assisted by Mr. Wm. Berry w p g.ave a cornet solo,. furnished . eJai and much appreciated, . ,mneic. contributions for thedayamounted, to $24 "Not by power nor bystrength, but by my spirit Was the morning_subject front which . wasreach-a=very'crceful and sermon. In the evening the lesson was taken from Ezekiel', vision 4f the waters issainar--a -nte hred- ld of the louse of the Lord eastwaad. In the course of the ser- mon he said the stream signified the Gospel of the Lord Jesus 0hrist. Its origin was in the foundation of t + e house of God. God's plan. -w to • On a living& -foundation, hare_ built :on''a tatindation of fine -music, ,vir building' or preacher brought only ruin and disaster. God'slakn was that the neole. should e r .burcb--b 1e- liv ng stream. Those who entered by the back door of avarice, reepeetabili r or..orthodozy were.a-bindrasnce to -••the - church. The influence -of the stream was to transform everything to life and beauty just aatlbrist'sgoepel_does„ e d _.. . rection ��r-.- ���Q � wase ttX-. ward the desert ers w her � wawt st w__heedsd.�o�Ctcis w>and�nK on the threshold -sof heaven- came to the desert world to heal and cure the people :of sin. The etreaam's destiny Was' to the healing and beautifying of all the laud a a,, the-- ; jursL destiny: of --the- religion_ +� glee_ Of Christ is to brio life and healing•as it floWa- through. -the •desert of -human woe and want and sin. ' ;IRAN VAL,. JEAN Engineer:Ilyde mei here esu day- ookiaai * �# the Revs *nd- nci♦l with a view to deterjniniarag" the oe"*tion of the .eta, along i' othing'bas been decided upon, xf ersd ng c e south end, or,.tht ton t ii ariale w. With betrabui a -inItio- var of the south end. The surveyors tryp War- i t sr'Ee.- a y' alntsb". Davis.` w beo� bass been,* Landon for severe . + . .. receiving -treatment` or his eyee, + es returned much itn- proved.—ion'tforgetthe concert on' ° r Dec. 19, at St. P'atrick's church. A + + program has been _prepared.: Ta a artld WUJ. Dickens with. their 1itt. ,/.y`.'jt u7t�: •n'y7r'A.h u-.5th1• ,t*Ata^'t'r„+ g n#g xs geed and` the merry jingle of the bells is beard once mom.-- Bras-- Davis as the .o1 F,D i `xs l;.as eek._ - a ere ego i nn ' ri +assay, Jsadlciarrs Rases. Olvisaaae. This is thesis session when greetings are extended to everyb' from every- body. Some times real sentiments are given expre cion to and sometimes there is nothin more than the most a, .+''.oM'.: `h tl+r•+, ..VWwn;'.+r-a. }.r.Ti9,5 +. r i r : l e in the- year when friend sends present to friend. It is quite ri ht that it should be 'so. but we thin .that sometimes the desire to st wpr. '�C`ir. pant --din next few dakys. Many articles, both useful end useless, will be , purchased- l iven The infant- must ha the bio inay need. he tint wp�h,�t,ippsta e,' and her ea + .n \WILs0N--In Stephen, on Dec. 7, to Mr. and ,Mrs. .Ianieg - Wilson a daughter, CULDERT--At Saintsbury, Dec. 9, to •awuCi .. ,,., ., MARRIAGES. be irarrrauVlx financial circumstances tba he can do OW without depriving some. one else of the 'yrnent of . au honest debt? Now itseems to us that a man shcadd prdrride first lor what.h►e •west,, hen con fielder ow much he Can spend on those he doesn't owe. Be just first, then generous after. Fraya-iterafa - Naptiute. The comfortable borne of Mr. Robt. Kerslake was.. astirr on Wednesday, Daae. 1f, the +rasion being the mar- riage of his eldest daughter, Miss Al- inenaa, to Mr. Wm. Frayrie, son of Mr. ' 1C ay te, otb of list/erne. At six o'clock, while the sweet strains of the wedding research, played -of by Mies.Jennie Fraayne, sister -the groom, (wed thro•.the paur for the groom entered a d took his place Underneath aatrareii trsvurprotatiely decorat- ed with evergreens as d flower. Here he awaited" t . e covin ' • of the . bride; who soon a ed dlinin ifather.s • Alma on the arm of her Adieus sixtyyegu is bszd assembled to witness the .tying of the knot. which Was rformae+d by Rev., A. H, *Row The ide ° was ar- rayed -in a�q : white trimmed with. valets - chines lace and insertion, asand, wore en exp Disko bridal vel o . at , • , orange b ozsoms, the whole mace a charrrning picture. Her going away gown waas of nakvy.bluesilk with whine Iiat to match. After the congratu- lations bed beep tendered to the dap ycouple-altrepaued to the spacious + iniog room where one of the most euwptuoui and delicious repasts: ..ever prepared was partaken of and enjoyed by'aall. The remaining part. Of the ev- enly Win. chat.' The bride was the recipi.ent of a large arrayof bandeohie pod u fts,._an.ication-- t .at . she is highly esteemed and beloved by,, her many friend*, Among the gifts was a 'Dapniaion org n, as. remembrance :X`�'; -. '- - - fro .;.yj...- eutfa will reside on the 2nd concesaioa of. 'Thr` voc to " joins .. ia►a tl x. the host of well-wishers in extending to the young couple their hearty con- gratulations for teir future happiness and prosperity. HENRY- LA.4m n In Bengali, Dec, 18, 4y Rev, Tall, M . at °Mt" i RR1 eo iY tIrt. Alt #_tedA"- C mv.�irrt . n+. i •c.3r►, +yy Rev. Oarriere, Jacob Romph. of Bosa.nque.t,- to. Susannah (bower, ofatep iagn, - s nag '==trari xt. t the -Parson. ag, St. Mar s i�nr fm �y(��. ,:X �+.J�,y�y..,,,,, 1.1af+iy#'.��ry�e.WV y,�^���'�F't' �!. F �...�'$.,�✓{a�Rsb}�'�9 € , A-- ; int: TzvI ti, --At the Monett air. ciao!, F,arsonage- ensalli bur- th Miss Maud, daughter of Trueman Brintneil, to Will Bos, both of LER--REID--At the residence of the bride's parents. Clinton, on Dec. 11, byRev. Curr , Thos. W. Lee, of allett,--to Miss Lillian M.. only daugbter of James Reid, of'Cltnton. Bit sly ^- 'WIUDDoN--At Bay e1d, the residence of the bride'spaarents, Dec. 11. by Rev. McNeil. Anna Elizabeth, second daughter of John Wbiddon, to Dr.. 0. W. Brown of Clinton, Iowa, U. S. Me MANN --In Egmondrifle, on Dec. - ! , JofinMcfaatatn, aged - 59 years; and 4 menthe. Fomes --In tteborne, op - Dec. 17th. Murray Maurice Foster, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Wrn.Foster of Toronto, andgrandson t James es liandford,, g years. woe. Oda "A good 'tory and well told" Was the frequently -heard remark of those who heard -Dr. Cleaver deliver his tel. ebraated:lecture or story in the church. on Monday evening. A very large number __were present, =the- -"r l amounting to nearly $150. Theemeet- ing was opened by an anthema by the choir, followed by a ,short " prayer 'bar Rev. Andrews of Credntonr,attaf errr Which Kerr. Going introduced the 'speaker of Ole evening. For two hours: and ten imputes the large audience listened spellbound to the intensely interesting and very psthetlo story of Jean'- Val Jean,Fit simple peasant character in Victor Hugo remarkable work . "Lot Miserable,:.” DL Cleaver has a pie►» l nag v'nlce, *fine lib:est'twaial'° eppearances inod facial ex reetion, is. a very clever' mitator while his word-picturingis remarkable. The story 13 full afpeaitosl comedy and tragedy and could not fail to please all all who heard , it.., Jean, an ignorAnt French peasant steals iota bread.10 fe :a atarvingfainily°, ie apre sted, tried; and • sentence d toy serve floe years, as a galley a xrte. Fax attempting tit escape, etc., us sent- ence is increaaseid to nineteen yea He is finally 1 learadib but Neto _alior as outsider ease rt wherever he , Ile itrscorned and goes., e a until holt taken in one night by a Prenchbishorrovhoee kinddnaie!ss eon,jne- • es Jean that there is some good in W. world, Heteforms, becomes, rich and. powerful,, but give a himself up to Mire *nattier who is about to be condemned, in his stead. He is Sent into slavery. again bumeal*, end after seeking o t girl Who had been left la they` lewd ase fugitive's lifer In Pat ft* many' untll he litiaany. diet as be r'o'e death. Would *not be advirable inti now Tion the citizens of,>the town to form it "liallSvity.Committee"'to act -in con - auction , with the council ,tosecure the t' possible location for the station of the railway now being surveyed from 81. Marys? The situation of the sta- tion is of vital interest ° to the tow and such a committee would be able fey meet the: surveyors and disco the atter intelligently and .wits elms uthority. ihIva► J. Sullivan. of Wisconsin ' is viesiting_ hie mother who is nil.—Mrs. Mary Hai - lila la still very 111 with little lopes for her recovery.' -Messrs. George Orange . and Jaame s . O'llite are building ,: ramp. They intend to run a big crew this winter, cutting wood for .ftatz ;Sons.—Curr bris-driyer bad the mishit.. tune to get' his bus broken, on hies frost trip. - They say he hes quit the R!`!... a lnvitay' mite Miiiy Foster -visited friends' at Allis, Oreg.recently.—Mise L V. Fr*. ser ofbets sp1 t af ew days irith Mite *flab ag b.--Wi0 Steirard, *On of &meet is hots for the holidays, Mrs 3. ln� hs returra+e from as tests"weeks' visit, at .yid —4ti ,:; Jennie Steeper 'spentsy with Mime /WatttleSt fi wardeeo4. •Boston Methodistchurch Intend . lug their annual Name.' erste Iain ernt' Xmas. night,. � ilk, Male �tetteeaand snoring pictures by an e, from Lonion rwriii take the Wilson as inns as etock -salons; ltutsr<al d can. dy at 44ottet SAW—SKY: i lav' rhea Oat Eittc that has ever- hien shown in Exeter. t i 'tit! Mr. Genn, itsliatt buss porcba hOtalts and lett wed e6 as tit* ftom too. it.. Hicks and h therein.- -Mats. ' Mary ;l i sold bet propertyto•:oho H+e to is *leek ming f ws t Losido wla a -...ani ;bi The g' �” ` dotes Subser�ibera' ... to` "'t, :,. renz tt ye ���Rr�.f * M i'e`iit=h lal'r ` i we nwie to ray le. postage on each paper going into United States. This means Mc.. in a year. ase- - ently e`prico tif-taiffs-thfiberg in United States is $1.50 a year. and .as we rust pay the postage in advance, so we most ask our subscribers to pay in advance. Many subscribeaeubave already renewed for next year. saying they cannot_do_._w.ithout- - t : ... �pvStage. j 1i'hdiy remit at once.' it .paeans muck to us to have your early remittance, and will avoid delay at the first • of .the V3:14 -Anara.C. : ... • '. y--to-fret ---- Why Not Escape Colds? - The new way t : Take IIO r♦♦Care S L � Cc xI -A- COLD' CAPSULES tit up in cap- .• les. Harm. less and easy to take. The old way to a cold. W., S. Howey;. Phmrt. B. Ohe nieat and Optician, Exeter. Manufactured only by . Watches,- -Silverware, : toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., - opened -Up -and we ala CoodsTo- ys Theo WIJI Suit You Call and Exafn;erl A Complete lete Ouw. >r► . winding t ' p i Safes : y twelve tell ied bli, first quality o ids strop all in handsome leather