HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 8 (2),
an„ li thee
, ay.. • _,
opearatiep count* foe A gm*
u_diesii4.1rtiookir tirttes. and It
ittle care about neat atul wells fit-
ting garments is cute of the beet&
vestments aloung-inan eat‘Mait
Have, your clothes made to order.
We make the kind or Suits and
Overcoat s that gives O. Mall that
"tvellsdrv.itsed'"otpoe*rance so much
de&red. We ma e the Clothes to
flt he matt.
sv5r. ,
tmatero Ontario
Oranges from 15e. to 00c. A dozen ,at
------liteirartis Sailor Boy Japairrerf-2 c.
and Alixawatto mixed tea- at 800. are
We make --a-specialty
mistletoe, Pretty and apPropria e
for decoratioo. Follick's.
Driviox kers* aad Piss teeasie.
horse, suitable for farm work and a
number of pigs, about 40 Ills, for sale.
Apply to -
ORO. WALKER, London Road South,
Centralia P. O.
For confectionery, chocolatee anti
candies go to Follick's. Always fresh.
Get your Marriage Licenses at eir
44e. the waist end for nice Antelican
••Opera Flannei at Stewart's.
Pay veer 'rases.
The Tax Collector will be at the
Town Hall, each Friday -from
12413d 1 to 5 o'cleek for the collection.
of taxes. also on December 12tb, 13th
and 14th.
Every tali; wanting a swell set of
fitsshould .",e4 to Stewart's. Ask to see
their Slime Martin set, special at $.18.
What is nicer for a Xmas preset'
than a ni e flowering plant Folliek
-hex, somebeanties_s_r_
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate *num
*sass ra gout, -
Williern street, brick story
hail dwelling, in good state of repaw
Apply to Atm Perkins.
t.teirart's for Fancy Xmas. Old
Rioest stock and biggest values towt4
Their 208 piece Dinner Set ' at $10.50•
4* '
Our Or 4110/ are beat ; 25c. to 00a. per
For defective vision, headaches r
any_nervous tirengement_ west; t
Allan, eyelyght epeelir
1st and refracting opticion„ at the
Commercial' Hotel Saturday, Dee. 11,.
Soniething doing in Min's and 1101/2?
Ocercoats at Stewart's. Money saving
Mrs. W.4-Stattlatn, itvillandcon n
ed to room.
Aled Lot tor eat*.
A story and half brick house, good
act° land, hard and soft
water, situated on Andrew street,
Apply to O. Roweliffe at the grist mill.,
A car at Redpath's sugar just -arrived
oft Stewart's.' He sells no other.' DOn't
monkey with cheap sugar.
nowErs SYRUP
S..id only at Howey's Drug
our a
To ho best ilteeseed
doesn't mean to pay
most. just becattee
it man ii.eys a big '
priee for his clothes
doesn't, mike , them
look good. The map
terial may be the
fieestbot the fit int
not be rieht Al.
vow* tit6 :latest' and
best fabrics of the
mom -et -it *re here.
'Oat. tailoring is drat.
thaw/and bur price*,
wlthirt retteh of all.
iVio,Fisbei, Of the kd
oet'10$te, velea11ehOre6throlieli
On Thntsdey.
SiiedSIA-w „
0, rniee OtIlta
t, a
IIV4I_ I34!
Mr, Thomas "White last week- Anov,,
nto tbe residence of 31Er. Terry On
t*ton street.
The &wee street _anniversary ser -
s are being held next 8undy.
1&erot Tooutastbepreach.
in eV
r 1 t
large nurnber were
ia of
On fu the
D. French, formerlyntan*gerof
0011000e Of Refugeisnow:Oiling tho'
poeitiotr of weighmestee in the town
of Wetssimeim he is wild by commis-
sion, but his earnings rim from 100 -to
*100 a month.
It is announced that t e firin.. of
Mitchell & Todd, propriet.ore of -the
-00derielt Stfitas
Mitchell who hes been connectedwiti
the paper for 26 year* having decided
to engage in other business.
A pleasant evening was opent at the
in_thAtf Mr. Frank Coates on Thum,
ay, the occasion being,ther-06th aura- Cannington,ando
AV 1 4 I"
te liewill,"jr., While work
ichitalWell's new house
on, day, cut leVOI*0 gash in the
1i left at the base of the
thutrilt, with SAW• He wes cOthlic a
board acides his kite., When- tb.ez,..sstit
jamped (ink his him&
"Jean vat Nreri" the lecture to bilt
given br Or. Cleaver in the James st.
church Monday night bas been given
.Umby Dr,.„Cleaverin
trine thelioueetTwere Crowd-
ed to the doers. Hear it Monday
night. Adnilosion 25e. •
11. Bishop, who has been. con- qpie's Drug Store
ducting A hardware in Windom has
.A.13. Hilt
(*Aso= g WED
Virbelat 0 II • • 16 o OP • p •
BarieY4 0, .4 o • ealaers
.1. t'•
00.0.;11,044.01•OatiO404 014,11 COO.,
*14 ke •
• fors 44.0 PI .0
• 0
.A nuinbr ”
friendti and relatives were present and
high, ext by the .119x1k. 3, I:
•* • bythe Exeter
reek*, be wirTernOtte to a warmer
imate on account of the ill health of
• •
Silas Sweet, and niece Mils Ethel Mc-
months' trip to Palestine, Egypt and
the Holy Land, They areape:341)3g a•
ew-daysin-the-eity-with-Ur. Robert
Garner, prior to leaving for their home
in -Vancouver,- - -
10 eriarti'41rh. iie:-
s invitee
open and the quarantine--bri5-bien
raised from most of the -houses. Near-
ly all the residentahave been vaccinat-
ed, --Few new- cases have_dexeleped
and it is thought the disease has been
successfully checked.
• .
ness of a former niember of the Bend,
mr--„&if 1;401
Ile is suffering from diabetes and in-
tends going to* Sanitarium for Thenernberirot
other citizena ',made up a purse of
rnoney d sent -it-toMei--Cefflu-to---
v. .
Plaster Pans
_Gallvithized Shin _les
— t - —
Bair Brushes. Myron, etc., choi
er uglier •an 1 ..
On every and you will' ode time 3r
and valuable suggestions that will
elp you Are413r1n solvta
important question:
. _ _ .
-sreeovering, nice y roni t i e
effects of her " fall into the cellar at
their home recently. The placing of a
furnace in the house necessitated a
nge.-„been.,,made-in.the-entrance- to
the cellar. Forgetting the change for
a moment she attempted to go down
The remains of the late tAdam by the old way, but as the steps had
Whiteford, whom we tuentioneil last been removed she fell to the floor be -
week as having died at Virden, Man.. neath. about eight.. feet, and injured
were brought here Friday night and her shoulder.
taken to theresidenceof hisdatighter, The Anna*/ Christmas Entertain.
Mrs. ,Thoinse-Hawkins, from where mut under the auspices of the Trivitt
tlie funeral was conducted to the Rog-
tMemorial church will be held in the
er We cemetery on Saturday, service Opera House on Mayday evening,
being held' *1 2:30. The funeral was Dec. 2ard at 8 o'clock. The program
largely attended. consist of Drills, Dialogues. Recite -
An instance of the value of the Ad- tions, (&role. etc. The -military and
vomit& as an- advertising medium is physical exercise drill by twenty boys
liven when we say that a prominent under the instruction of Ser eant
farmer recovered a steer thathadbeen aro-i-• Hector w we %rod, , see -
estray for several months by.„--thei . - big. . Admission adults 15o., children
sertien of a small advertisement in 100., S. S. scholia* admitted free. -
thispAper. If all, farmers- would 5d. ... - Everybody has •to do - more - oriess
vertise their losses or wants, *mat • Christmas shopping at thistime of the
they find or have to sell promptly the year. Considerable of .it • has been
result would be a great 'benefit to done already', - Only two weeks ,re -
them. main. If buyers , would purchase
` Vim Margaret Coward, iiiiillghter of early they XtrouN, receive better siitis-;
Itir,Thin Coward,- -17sborne, ita been faction, get a better choice of good*,
rt leach for.1908 At 'Strang- avoid the crowding of the .stores just
rrary-a forethebolidayomd-receive-bett
re; `Mis. Ida Armstrong at &Adm.; al.' service at the hands of the clerks. The
so those we have previously Mention- wide-awake enterprising business man
ed Mimes Martha. and Winnie Carling is the man who advertises. They elli0
byrood; Me Dag Hogiton at give- you the lmit value for your
t, W. L. Triebrier at No. 3 Step- , money. -Read their rdvertisetrients in
_ polite are attend- 'the AnvocaTE before making your
rounds._ - -
The Fenth ill Nurseries, of Stone and
The annualBazaar ;under the ads- Wellington, with head offices in the
Ploes-Of the Ladies' HOW- of the Trito, GoOderham building, 40 Wellington
itt Memorial church, was held in the Street, East, Toronto, sire the %Win
ownilallT ay out . , tribe
afternoon tee was aerved from three acre* of land, situated on the Niugars
to Ott 04e10e* atid, *tate tairte,.tune the -Penton& of "Canada, devoted' to the
ladies had IM sale the many heautifulculture of nursery etock. and sellin
and foetid articles they have been at wholesale to other nurseries, as well
nuking and accumulating for seVeral as at retail through their agents,
,IfLaPaat,„-atia.--Whiett.- found,ready AhromItigt--Theicen'tir
le. :In the itrenhig a iiiiietidid' ctin.. 'Titieltelpiuglitlf Tititiont4--has recent
cert was given, consisting of recite- arrived in Exeter for a short time,
tient and toueleal selections. The eor- it -topping at the c-6fictit Hotel Attal fa
net solo by William Berry was a moot booking 'order*. for No. 1 stock only*
creditable number while the recitation for pexteptinseS delivery. Evergreens,'
of Rev. Collins on Eugene Arum WAS strewberries, rtts0erriet, idnekberri
iin'exCeltentrenditionland-W48-iiiiten. ettrisiinter-lite4:tiiti-;-•tonlybei' • *OW ior
'ea -to with:tieep 4titerest..--T-he" vocal spring -delivery, I '
selection* -t*edere4 by MI* iii.A1 nem.
Martin and 744 Walter Hardin who
were in excellent voice. Were we re.•
eeived and heartily embodied. The
progratn over *delay luncheon was
*erved bylthe ladies. Mn -the whole
the affhtiti was moot tuceetwful. The
proofed, amounted to $05.
Omen Churclaadies' Aid tturpose
holding a Baistrr in Senior's Hall, on
tit t r s • r t
Mies Effie Treblels visiting in Lon-
Mr. ,Dan Rendle is home from Lon-
Mi. Vert Piper has returned from
Wednesad Dec. 18th. Tea wilt be • Mrs. Geo. Crawley of Luca** spent
&malty here.
eerved from 6 to 8. Admission .1.00. 1,ang of St. Marys was
Hear Rev. Solomon Cleavees ”Story here Taesday.
tor John To*olwee
of Scan Val Yeaelo the 3imes street ,
Methodist ehureh on Monday night,
WAS t Tuesday.
Dec. 16tb.. Mr. Al red Sbeere of Brantford is
Another stockwill arrive at the Ex•;' here for a few days.
eter Ilargadn store .next week, Wait Mr.- haute Horn Of •-Ca'rndeff, Men:**
for the leg bargain* is visiting hi Exeter North.
J. W. Broderick. Mr. Elijah Higgins of Toronto if
MOS 1. Allan, eye light 'specialist , visiting his mother town.
Mid tidtacting optician will be at the Mr. and Mie. Fletcher have returned
Connuercial Rote/ Saturday, Dec.' 14. from visit in '00000vell,
Hours 05. m. to Op. in. Mb* Annie Sanders returned Friday
from a visit to London friend*.
Mr. Hugh Chesney ofSeitfortit
• relatife* irt town pert of hitt week,
Misir.Atmie Werke. .ieft Monday ev-
inset° vend a few dila With tripe'
' Ott '
.140 'Iltios Gest, McLeod left oil
Sett, le to Visit relatives in. ,SeafOrAh
untll after Christma*.k,
Mary Knight of Merton *Pent
a. few days hot week with bee grand*
patient,* Station St.
Jatnita Hem Was it London sit
tirditylooking oifte+ tor of. 'pool
for Mows. Jones park. ,
Mrs'. WA, /* Petoskey,
ed hers lut week end will remelt)
Bon -boas ran ing iti priee from
10 Loci_ tt4 Elba *tote.
-hilly:gut 0
l'4iiiet ;leis. to, se
1 root ot . Yes, tAty
it v$4,40.and or tars beauties.
_note you thou ht ' of * suitable
ChriattneS p t othyOur or girl
who le A*Ay?... d tne Art .. i TX for
a year.. It Will bet *try okeepto ..,
Iteniember ite.heetiquatrtersi for all
kinds of confectionery for Xmas trade
. Stathanft;
-A .littrh, if tom, Tritrellere moo
in Ladies' ,P:or.Litta Coots: ell SAW
Plats' and teceres,„ tied with ilitti, *biter With her father. ,
cram* Mier, ..3iretrinet aloft Hatestee. Mles Anna•MArtin *twisted at on ar
,Reery coat A special bargoin. Stever:. ray ersttry otrokee in Seoforttt oil, HO
'da, return/4904am* Tuesday* '
Chitties ltetit. • ... Walter Hill, AteeOttipartied
There is no elabbing rate t . .. , ughter* Miss Beittrice, . has
for AbleoevriS subeeribere. to home in Moray, atter
the beet lied cheapest lila thet ti t vlei With her sister. Mrs.
*edited, and all you have to do is
and take Advantage of it. ith, =who hal
' 0.li tO rollick** tor our Xmas I , ,
trot:ilk. tO I. a b.
twits tor.iiett.
err load or *Laughlin t 1
' , look Aterket ''
y the belt or wertil hi
14 *tbs.
Aa In
-.0 7
.1 ,h11/4
1 a
Cole s Drug Store
-- •
Mr. Thos., Rotten returned 'last
week from Manitoba.
Mr. C. Dyer of Ainherstburg arrived
Thureday to spend two weeks visiting
at hillhome here.
Miss Fleming, who has been engag-
ed as •milliner with J. A. 'Stewart,
left Saturday for hey home in Kincar-
Mr. Frank Weekes of Lietowel was
here this week attending the funeral
of his grandfather, the late Adam
Mr. W. D. Sandere left Monday' to
"nter-Fair-at- -Guelph,
He will alsoge to Teronto and Brant -
'ford On butiness. .
Mr. Fred White imagoes to London
where he ha* accepted a situation as"
conductor on the electrie line running
from that city to St Thoirias.
Messrs. William and Adam White-
ford, of Virden,,Man., whe attended
the funeral' of their father on Sator-
La last, ittreloielL1,1011•rjavisi,ritieltrfriei nds and re -
w *-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb return-
ed Saturday front a, several weeks' trip
in the northwest. Mr. Webb pur-
thatted and shipped here a car load of
Manitoba frozen wheat which, .while
mete*, for flour, makes excellent feed
"STOP AND Itit/fL' P,Or
It buy save you .,•sotne meney and
Make someone eh* 'happy. Our ex-
tremely low prices on
will roe you many a goo ti penny if
yoill only examine them and buy of
ue. ICS worth while 'reflecting• when
you consider our large stock and hOw
cheat) yie istrItsined for it.
Chemistend Optic!
• '
Your reputation as cooks,'
Will depend Isrgely n the
materials you se* your,
)mas. Baking
You sye t to do.
Nod the beat. I may be
difficult in SOMet riiVecte but
ati/ regards flour, im! col
make nittottOpo ,tin/ mAnt.„„
. or& t
supplyyonwith his _popular'
*doe& o
fotioli tor yeur
, .
at -the waytosuceeedin business is tobar&di a
• • _nem n
urn' f 'you w atilt -to telip-
we carry. It is up4o-date in every
particu1and is the best paying line
or any buyer. Ca11 and inspect our
stock before purchasing.
_Hcanoirrtruill'iors and. Paws]. 1i/restart,
This store has been headquarters for many years, and ftapepubtri
increases with each succeeding year. A vaat assortment of beautiful
things at low prices.
Christniss preparations this. year *mon a larger *carte tinier 'ever.
If you want the most for your money in useful Ott, then make this
This Christmas time we will show you the largest rfinglif Holiday,
Novelties we hove ever shown before. Every piece new, bright and.
useful. No time like the presentfoe Christmas shopping.
Christmas , Ladies. Christmas
„Handkerchiefs , Neckwear
I 1 e e
HatidWchiefs bought especially
for outeChrlatrnas trade. Some of
the nicest withaveevershown. Our
'fancy Otlea are trumto please you,
Chrlstmas Cloves
Our glove stock contain' s all the
new and correct things in gloves -
Black and Colored ICidi_Undreesed Have...you seen_Alm...naerratelts.?„,
, tined ItrobW iivellieroTtisb fine foithrlit-
-'itlrebhirl4-Cishutere-mid-Itingwood wide-and-nstrrow teatkeri-
in all shades.; Elastic with cut steel trimming,
Ctinen Lest -het with cut steertrimining, iristmas /L
Silk Belts in all colors, and the new ,
Doyliee, Fancy .Clothe, CentreMetallic Belts and Belting, '
_ Pieces. Ihdebotird -Saes, and Tes
'They come itiPhiin, Fancy
_oe_Hemstitched, arid $121141-baati
Linens and Napkins. - itiointr wmalitdr;in:riforotrairursprrepala an;111,for
Silk ,iNaists
for -Christmas Muff or Cap would be very nice.
Thisis somethi you Inuit int ChnIstmas Silks.
forget. For 1,4 an we can -give Suitable for Dreeisso, Waists or
you some of the nicest Silk or Net FanciWork. MI colors In japs.
Waistit:yott have .ever -bought in Toff e. Timelines and others.
Cream, White or Black. Also * You, nnot do better than buy our
full msortment of Black' or Cream es they are thoroughly rolls -
Lustre Welsts.
Don't Forget the Men haVr€ looked after the '
flsy are flootity abood Christ*** firt111 Wk *lift Usit in14,1 have Itt,
Neckwear, Neekscarfs, Glove*, Suopendeg. -111;;;11°-eic11411, etc; !""A;
not fail to tee the new Iles. .50 dozen for the Chrletinatttrade /loth-
ing Iiutthe *twist colers•end d Don't -forget them.
11 0
too nice we otimply cannot •eicrihe
them. You must come and see .
thera'aud- be convinced that :they
are the most beaullful goodi ever
iihoirti itt Exeter. We bave' them
from Ilk 0_0450 sofa ever7One is 4
Christmas Belts
- -
Chri.$140** :Ours;
collection. Also a full line of Table mike' ofrvecY useful Cbzistrnas Gift -
suits '
roil to
Xmss. p141
c*ods for
hat we
&Meth* CHU tor
liars we hot ever 41 yed Corne
se them:, Price 1 r $1,
1- pet ev ri lady tippreelates A r
riog kid Wove* Atid, ,tha •
e tiellrever, kir altetrint' sitittible itiftifor***
d eolored, P $1 ikhit$1,26'. fatele hOX tonte1010**
Auk, tooktber • &twitted:Siete, 'pelt Iteeet,
popettri Shade* 41114(141 f.Pc.
ind $145.
°tit *flht
sh P
.00 Arr0,