HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 3 (2)1
I., tinsig to ate. ' Why, they wautd have no.
741 g tug to do- with ine4- I 611301 -taker the
p,y out of year Sunbeam's eyed If i3he
troubled to oeine here. What Is nt01,0
she would not gam admittance. Nly inan
lias Mb °Were. Oa badt to where alai
mine frail aild leave me tit piece."
11' turned away as Ito tip04,0, altd de-
inlut, ' 0 io I 1.vo ,reugh steps hewn ea
tare paliau ,y end Iceeelinee 10 a seat faeleg
4. tee ave. hit Bill, SPIlingilag tater itiVnA
.IdiCn ,by ,•ille .540104er 0114fOrc.04
linn arotend.-
,. . , .4.
.flt MO ' 0k)N1' YA)tt 69,1 aRY 111°"
Ilc t0114110r4A. iii a teae 4raatalit
avith ,ese'ileo teat. t"flitit 11Y)SV V1111 Weill; I
'11'04 OilaeSalelteta 4 eitif ,our ditty ataailt•
att lean, yell Iin4.04-0 Pto-lottre titi'0440111
tiandifted if. guleatiff ("neva '. ';,,, tend:
Stinbe4m. iiiy datashters la fio iii,otre Ming
than yeeirti:,„ . . .1Yeett leaow Who altalgi
terbet's Net yo Vaal atolen: her Iron
-1.4.0 flail* pat ids -Jamul to ble'he Id, A
, WalefeltiPe eese\ '
, e
1r44ubled ealzreasioie erossed hie- feritures.
I • efeale
'Oise fairttlflaoritside. the', eats
Den. "l'il go on tite
aeh audele and you eon ,go along tire
becaweee- simil meet 1110Te. 1.4A/1)10
•(111(1 1 (1011.1 L4.id11/ 10 attract too
1itN1(les,1 have loeked
the wood already.. tit, stritight b.. Ob.
UPY• She ifiae b h,ttuig the re- tall •CO41•0-•
eat there after I'Ve hatted about here.
She might be waiting abort!• te .44
%,-t-t "
. „
well4r-4,1`1 -11,i-jatt
4 '. •
fite wahlii-elltaereere"
S'•‘,T1141ir Freer.' hieeed in Iris ears,
"To thilik ..un.c.,/rning 'ere ; after
1 moat- yeeilat yet..1,107 aaid IL
Ittent,iry ,liad gern I . •What can it
hi? 111 Itvred, slopping sotitierrly
and teoliing h a at the -eoltage tasking
le the full rav ,of the intoning sun.
I surely .niere c riirettilenee could not,,,,tiaye
ITtoright Sir Ralph to the *pot and into
e, %vitt' ;6‘,..'itirlit am ? Pertains eaaa
.ifereases,atesieaieteelleteladensa tutal
. . . peeliaps eh., knew everything . . .
every eliagle_-tir.ng- there wee 14} tie
kteiwr l/eritrope it Balple_bret
ered 11/3. memory anti 1-enter1tis:re11 all
that had happened long years
Ile drew a deep breutir alai burst Mit)
b string iatlis. That they, Si
and Sun/menu5should attem pit heir
,‘ •
j4k 4(
were. They should not bailie him entire -
Sir Ralph mast meet ratan face to
"Sir Ralph Paver 1"
Ile .uttered the weeds with L1 frown.
‘iciotiela. IL rolled
demi the toed, while iteavatched it with
a ading
Lest of Man no; I can do so again."
lc -bailees a heatt'eising befeee
hima I lay find Iwr hi the town if
;Shea got so far. lama' etettedlthig tor
3x.ur trouble. She has not fallen over
them cliffe, and :she won't be hiding in
them caves. She's toe feared GI the dark
foe that 1"
Ile slouched u the stinn
siro: 104 ,E,"
ue speelmen of his class,
eiaga -searataiaeLeareasnetelairai
eseetnet, '..,;driktezeigrc-eeirrtir
Han in thinking that Sunbeam was hid-
ing near home. with the intention of go-
ing to her, aunt when the coast was
- ear. H ou no run
such a risk of befe g caught, and. _ felt
epearevineed_iliat. she_ hatlegone-te-Gleray-.--
A3 she had ne money with her. he .knew
- •=riitendeeteevriting- fee Trout th
46 no
and -taking a few minutes
rest, especially as he might hear some-
thing from a passing • traveller that
'would -give him a clue. ,
eeeee.e-,,,,e1„ „1,e...P.lets.kgeen.-.1beetair.dooreand. en,
terea. A ceuple of laborers lounging
• •against the counter stared at him, as the
woman nodded end smiled.
"Thirsty weather, sir," she exclairned,
"It is that. And I've a long walk
ahead- unless soneonocan give me a
lift,". he retorted.
"Going to Olney?" she quried.
▪ suPpose you're fetching your young
Indy back. 1 saw her go off this morn -
•100. - ereSs early,. but !suppose she went
. tor the slice cf the lift. Itir Sim-
---Inorisislhat ply had quite a'shOck
al -Sew her -with him.. But -the quiets
. tete-nen are always the keenest after
pretta, faces. , Besides, the old cap,tain
liked Tier and Lp•erhaps Sir Ralph---'
"What are you gettlie ?" asked 13111.
• a gleam of excitement in his sly eyes.
"Sit' Ralph. Who the Deuce is Sir
e•TtaIth?" She drew back, half startled,
r is voice h ith
6..C./04 W.... suppressed pas-
, elan.
°So,. I'm tetling tales out of scbool, tun
t" she 07.clatined, with a little •langli.
for he had realized that he must not
ignorenee on the subject. "My
e full of anger. A tonging to see Sir
iatighter has gone to 0Inny. She's there
Slew. But thought she'd walked. Ralph Freer and -fax him with theft drew. Sir Ralph, giant ins apprehensively up
hallcanartids. Ile would not give the garden. If only Simmons would come.
IF> For the strange man was getting excited,
"She -got---- lift. I ought to linoiv, sunig'ara without a light stle was hit and might become ‘Iolent at an mo -
cause the trap belongs to -is. Mr. Sim- '
Mona, Ste rialph'S servant, borrowed it
• early this meriting, abceit four. Sir
-nentlenian -trt-Le
. cottage; he's queer in his head -stoat his
metnory. He lives there alone with Mr.
:Sittimens, and a Meer gentleman I never
They often borrow my trap. Mr.
Sinirrione *alit he wanted it very early,
betause his master coat& not bear driv-
ing in- theahotesurir-ande-had-aelancy to
o1 1il hheakfasteet,ae_ ogeedehetel, and
be .dare ienirary to him. They
Came bacira little while ago, alone. But
eaten they passed, going, .1 was at the
door. and your young lady Was with
"O• h, yes; ,like• nett. rea is\orty I
..poke 'Italy. You startled me. Sun.
beturfa too pretty a gal to go about with
strange men, and-"
°She's safe with Sir Ralple, lie's a
born gentlemen. and as kind-hearted as
They meke them.
l'aborera • guffawed.
"Thenfe the worst." xelaiined one.
"The Mighty took at a pretty gal what
Waled their sort like a. cow do a thistle -
downs -the 06W chews it the quality
tlees likewise to the gal. Isiet it SO.
-11111.6WOrt8 luetfly. The %%Oman's Taco
pew angry.
"Stlepielooserreaturee men _are! what.
'‘'‘Otild Ralph want with Sunbeam r.
sh0 dettuirided "He saw her
/welking and kindly °Hemel to lake her
tn ble trap. \ That was kindnese only.
Wilde's, hes back again, and she ain't- -
That slioWs you're wiling.-
• MI brolight ItIS fist down Ilea% on
lie the (*tinter. The glasses jingled as
• white, road
•"ritt samy." he replied. ' "BUI. _tailor-
banat.ely I have tio lititrwledge of a for-
mer acquaint aneeetlip with )e, to. Your
name C•1111VeyS tiothing--either. You are
mistaking me for Some one ejse,s --
lie_ ead dawn - wearily :As. he • spoke-,
and blotted 14 N1 111118 the sparkling -sea.
4$4.„.--H,,,takqlktitpialmlodiv.;ousjy., anti steed
14:413n,a4174i4NiV-----,;----e--------. . ':'-- " :-.'-`• :, •.
'rob il.tiii'ri A-4614 'S 'elliter all that".:
, you don't lenkw• . tie WIWI . imposainte.
ge‘'-nor," I t? Slle' red. "It's impossible
you've- - -f,tegot -- all 1 did' - for ----4-.• . . e
When you was ill, and lost your mein,
ory, and never turned up again. I be -
tiered it -an' wits glad eos ,itie twisted her
little body into l)tir ea
'rts and I WOUld
' '0 ,...,(110,1TO '
:...,era,,JKI,..,,.-• a ' ,,110_1,,,_
-74,4::' 4. !
'riffetatMi ove iiiiirefilee no Ili ave
her sneaked away from me jist bi,eatise
111)9 madee thle certalte 110 twricq,
what he hair done'01e3IVOInied lin), and
a mad leiging lo' rush froze: 1140 spot,
drew liine a few titep5 away.)
litti the reittenibrairee of e oti.ila\tbUCI1
eevuref aelleu mighit lead to, nal how
important IL wai to prevent eusliteten bee
thrOwn upon himself, he went Lae%
VI tile prostrate body,- and with trein-
biota bat 'Aleterieineat .hande drew it to
the (de (.4' thevIiU.,
few ininnio› lateK,
read 10.1be villaget'wlillet (en'
the * beach; Shute fit .fret belieti4 0
'1.$41pit, r.r:frer-slwA
eelediseovery„ • e •
3-rus uoiiv TO CUBE'
For Hockey
Practically every promirtentbeckey,
layer'in Canadg-for the i4ast for,ty
earfikas used \iStari $1tates.
6 h
t&differeut styles, to s.uit Ithad$'44--tot.
. !IotigI tie s are
strong audaccurate, ‚.
ur 19-9-8'ikefit'-iti3e-itiltisilides 444 -$$4400111%
liVeitefeta trakcOM.,
Gives Readers Advice -Also Tette of e
$.1mple,Pteseitptioneto- latake--aelleme-
Made 1%1Ixture.
1net ureraerea, elearikree, 4010tt ,
i.:-tuey,• and the. patent meillet le tu
care 14 taken Ice dress _e artnlYeand--Atep 4
the feet e dry. This is the adviee of an
Old eminent authority, who says that
Rheintialisni and Kidney Arouble wea- CR()PS ADAPTED TO NEW LANDS.
ther is here, and also tells what to do NeW land beoause of the large quan-
• in case of an attack.
4 • OW
, 0 R 1 ,ffribiatiiiL ._ 444•43%'•qPitieTkleSNIffe'W-VreilefiTtp,A,vg
ele4orfor itiog. The ieaf woa
k! Nri
- E31-41e°'-Fltird"-ENT6er givethe oil a dar
.sk color and fertile
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Ear-
4'411"U" S" -4Z4eMegetitartaioillee-vAs-qtallmw-easeni learruttR4)1""k'eelliertrt-tir
l'etur ari In' alai. Ilow do i ictiow that Pete thr-e oune--es
eue-grva-fcarr.,frsatfw:_--Ttidrr, utir-,i etarsarartlatires'aieffit -t,rwaraitittvirtrur
dedge to get our of troulikie -lefireeiertubn7rdat elubeleL"rtatel:
lure so that the soil is better able to
elT4A4P4Ilso6nOrtirIrink'ftPlerrintr al.
delta conk over Bill Green that way.
retain heat moisture and
So tell me waere she 6." '
Memory or 1)), you 'live Sunbeam oow. water. You can't drink to much of it.
Just try this simple home made mix- New land is sa aerated that usual -
Sir Ralph, who had listened with ert- 'lure, and don't forget atte' waters
til." -the -Iii-sl sign of Rheumatism, IfYrennever'saeli- ogrowingmesirre.11-itls'ni-rillr gener-
nt trcler, 5 timir,itils head-
"' cannot tell you that. Sunbeam, as or if your back aches or you feel that .11._11?" ;Pmdre„ a good growlh_oir stalk
Memory -carrieet hint hack to a SQUalld _you tfan liiliV 7., --7:2:_-_,-..:.--,71-..77.......1-.:717.711i4:414&A,77are-453V-LlkittitigIust,riglIt 414111-ine-,110142Partn-,bk...--4.t
AilihtLY."-The 'seeitt Of `ii small- toliaioki- eyetue'_', 7-. -er meritratrapethisaniornsaMteers4S".:4414..akeabeetsesplendid.,..adainex /14:4-44i'.0.,!_14.11I..--eblaelaettre
latetteaannetilledaafaiiiessititigieliAaranife ' arateadlainiaaAtigf :-.9ScififiF4litifeatititnee'atatte-areeeerreeeeeerieereaesaray. 44tit TW111-.IMPET-grow 1,0 it good size'
DAltrittotint, N. IL CANAIUM,
•*RANCH OFF10C * .* • "
CO • 1,1ititt04
i++,-+++++++++. f+441. 444$++
if too many h• ens are [Stewed le rini
with. one foe -a there is atways risk of
come eggs proving infe-rtile. On all
aye 4 C
some young man M evening dirts buret)/ And things being.ves-lhoy 41-r0 _y01t Cala jer-iat- fortmLKEL-rtheitniuttisuu_.willetkAs Whitt 01.0. fara,' vent be_ small and- taui---
•lake ine believe that was mere "heed- eeused by uric acid in the blood, which tY. Among the grasses clover seems
ki acress a table at him... "I trust you.' aa'ae------yeeeeras. taking 'er away from the kidneys fail to filter out. Any on.e beat adapted to new lead. Indeed,.
te said in a aellned voice . „ . "you'll be me. sending her away, You %lot het cen e-iiiilY. PreParelrirs-ia home and at upon such soil ItTaill invariably thrive,
good to her." "lo escape from the eottage in the wood. small cost while upon' old neighboring fields it
He tossed_his head. The vision' van- w,. no, good,. looking. like-. a_ blanks Y4)11---- Almeat any druggist In the snealler may be difficult or impossible to secure
iStied Once More the stia--bloWn graes.
bowed before his eytm,, patehes of scare ,know all that, and you have to own up. towns can supply the ingredients a stand.
relieving its monotony; l'hars , what, Ian here for. lartiere is Fruit of all kinds do well upon clear-
le!she?" named, as- they are commonly used in
the prescription department. ed woexilaml, provided, of eoume. that
Yes, he had been good tc her, unlit "I understand nothing of what you the location and 'mechanical condition
nktw. She owed him something for years say. my mere is (hire some mystery .
of love and care. No ono shout(' .steal about this edrleSinibeame -Da you moan ......................4„
, o' tb.e aoll. ane•-•auttOle. For -vegetable
her from him. Not even -be *he had te say that she is not really your daugle7 ' ittlIN-TIIROL4Glit A -NAME.- growing new land is very desirable.
given her. •- not. only because of its comparative
With another oath he stuniped along•
41; drew back in disgust.
When People 111ave Committed Suicide' freedom from foul -growth, but bec.ause
the road. The ,laborers he had nreit at such salts contain a large supply of
on Account of a Surname.
organic nitrogen., the most necessary
the inn stared as they came ep to him. rie 'ardest I've known, I'll believe that,
"Been .to Olney already ?" asked one, "Welt I Of all the noddles, yours be
Dr. C. 13. Gravestone, a ellYsitan or and expensive Of vegetahle fertilizers.
with art attempt at wit. " _ until you seed me, you'd forgot, but I England, who was made a be, krupt. ft is. light and esories,_ thereby enabling
"I ain't phi'. Its too "ot. -4n,goin' can't believe yo% dein ' remembee now, recenttroinferfued his creditors the other, the tender sprout After germination -to
inter en .in the day.„ he gmwied.tis he theek beyond any maree undergtandinge de- .
y that be had been 'ruined -by his
-passed ,em; - "And you -needn't trouble Sunbeam is ---you rentember whet ' yen
You know now after alt I've said W110 nara, _,
iltiiellgh the 'surface.- . Upon old land
. , . _ , 1119F(It readily • ....piish. __its .--leoble---fonon
your wooden noddles abeut me," lte add- After a. iiimilar fashion an Islington
did the night of the' ihnichester Hunt frequently a trust -will "form on the
baker named Shortweight wee; brought
ed sotto wee.- •
surface, or ihe . soil become baked,
iiii eyes sought ihe lonely cottage flail, afore your filmes. _You owe me le undeserved poverty a couple
°I thereby preventing seed 'from coming
standing on the high headland. The suromat for _ restoring your memory- months back; *while an alien, butcher,
garden surrounding it hydred cool and you owe me all round, you see, so it's ne siumnened at the Whitchapel County UP -
shady, and sloped down towards _the oe heed. and my patience. is %NWT) out.
good wasting more time. I've business
i Court aleaut the same time, attributed his
very edge of the elifts, beneath which the ittsolvency to the fact of his being
I should 'ave made you speak afore only
i.n the sunlight. tossing the fisht\r boats named Katzmeit.
At the time when all London was
blue watere of the sparkling,'sea danced ne respect for an invalid. Now. eleeee An old' method of feeding c:ows and
or not. I want the truth and the truth we:irking oxen was to feed about half
upon them from one to another play_ Ili have. Where's Sunbeam, what you 1.' bushel to each of cut atraw wet with.
fully, like a loving. mother danglineg jaereseeeeetaa eoeee enemy, eelea_aha is_ wilen v r a m xed with- Chop or meal
le peaceful beauty of ,the ore ,yheeTartia.,4w.n7.,!,iied :ere a -purpose to sneak
Hut ' ground from corn, rye ,and oats. They
were also given all the hay they could
had no effect upon him. His mind was-- eveho es -sem-beam-le Tele nee"- asked eat.. The cows ,weeelcept in the barn-
yard day and night wielh an Open shed
k go under when it. stormed and were
fed cornstalks and hay for fodder and
were slopped with bue•kwheat bran or
wheat bran mixed with water, making
a "slop." whieh was so thin that...the
cow Could almost drink IL Sornellnes
a little chop was added to make TI rich-
er. 11 was. fed in swill paits and
wooden boxes, and the cows did welt
on it.
It may be objected that the mess
was eaten too feet to produce the 'best
resulteeethetairlire feestelledabeeen given,
-dif-tti-e-Ciii'S ,Niliiiii have been obliged
to e41, it more slowly, and the saliva
from the mouth would have become
mixed with it, which is supposed to
t thal iiiiniais-WilledO better when
o il giellete -en,-ITieir meal slowly than
when allowed to gobble itedown hest -
fly ' in slop. In either case the meal
Iles in the animal's stomach in a small
conepass or complicit heap, whereas
meal or contracted ood should be fed
it sueh a manner as to fill the stomirch
se the organs of di* estion can -easily
lay leed upon it• (..
flocking to see Pinero's clever play, The
Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, a real Mrs.
Etbsinittietxteirmittedeentcide: At the -int
quest it transpired that certain' discredi-
tithe passages in the early life of the
-ihYllikel Tier -eine of the draina coincided
with certain passages in the life Of the
deceased. These coming to the know-
ledge 0 her clients she was- a Court
d,ressmaker-her business suffered, and
in the end she chose death in preference
to facing the -ordeal of the bankruptcy
raert.,-,--Needtess to-say-,--thatetheeriomen-
elatory coincidence was altogether for-
tuitous, so far as Mr. Pinero was con-
cerned. .
Perhaps, however, -the meat wholesale
series of instances of ruin brought about
iftrough a name occurredturing the
Beer war, when dozens of eople whose
surnamese chanced toebe 1 'eltiCetwith
'that -Elf -the -fate 0-C4d-e1it-Of ilie-rioW de.
fund Soutli African Republic, were
literally -hounded out of house and home
by unsympathetic people of ultra-patrio-
"Thnt. 14'a -ie.' Weifig.'-±tritiffif.r-the'
e---the-war fever, an -East- Pand-Lo on
fishnionger named Kruger was forced to
abandon a flourishing and , lucrative
business; a journeyman baker -.hanged
himself beeause he could not face the
jeers rind taunts entailed by his posses. 1
sion of the same uopopulnr patronymic;
While a, certain Emily Kruger,. n factory I
worker. was driven Insane by her com-
pantone" senseless and cruel beater.
aye her hack again, or make ment. His heart fluttered with n hts
things very bad Indeed few
of the Captain's cottage. the inmate breast like a frightened.bird. Some-
, eleatg strange seemed about to happen_
' As Ile--nt!ttred. the- h""sr' a ITifiti came- something -he could not get away from.
Out, a basket in We' hand, and turned eevimes sunbeam I" retorted Mil.
Into the road. At the same moment an- "Non ask me that? And you lineW I
.other appeared at the front door and aa ell, I'll honor you. You know that you
Called-, - , . . _yetireelf .stale Sunbeam. a bilter :cold
"sithrnons. delft forget the slailiPs this' night it were, o . of 'er bed, and gived
Bill bristled at the meerels... The. voice l'etm:
r t',e10ti?n,l,e-sweri . you don't remember
sent a chilly feeling_ down Ids bark- -Sire-ttalph---tilanolied--vieiftlyeeirisevers-
ilbw welt tie TO- Ritown it once! Ile
di:ating with horror.
,glanced towards the tall bent Ilgurie
Changed as 11 %NUS, he would have recog- ehlliernreseiTyt'rwhilael. gsiliesillueLlill' 1"Clos.leawlitlat
Weed lit anywhere, though the hair was tic..? . whose wak,i site
Ile sat down_ by the - de andetieve such oblivion genuUwee Ilia_ anger
--141-ilte.1" Siintil°" Walk foirds fin' 'I ose asahe reitlized hew long he bad al.
lage. -swinging his basket es he tient. ready wasted talking to this ghost of the
his Body straight, his -head erect. Except handeome Sir Ralph he had once known
when lie answered his master he had not se well. and he blurted impatiently :
&wed Nut ()nee- His ell;taa altitude "Iew can I know what you did it for 7
tom of floe 1 ',opt -lability. s'ion he leied mom' reasons.. black ons, no doubt.
would' artish from sight ani) !he coast vi* .44ntI thought you cruel. As for
Lk, clear. Then Y•ii• Ralph would tre sur- v. lio , slw i-. 4.'e11. 'aye you fOrgot Lady.
prised indeed.
sense •f lilt/1144c V.:1.• 111.:1410(1. ' The gi'\ imiest..11,171;4:171:1011 of 11111..i'l• • ,
111014'10M. ugly % as he felt. ' hie.' ,4ir Ralph i..,se Ist his feetilit
. w'
1111 0 a low
seemed se .iith it" hie ( it. settineern. "lea\ 4. that Millie alnn0;" be whisper -
'ia4tIgithi! ....1 passionately. "I Will not hear yob
Theugh rage would blot oul all other irli4(;,2niiin°anit.
ebatli tbrilndlibtineiriedi:
f hugs when he :ame face 14) face with
r Ralph, I know nothing of all ytu say. .Yoo pets-
, _ .
he Strata it.
- late -gosh, you're- roight, \,inarni I
\\ eTe.. a. pack v_ivol9. This gensuelnan.
.sir Ilalph-what's his other name?"
•liaipli,i'reer.'_:, _
lie gitti,fti fit her with arrested breath.
The qolor faded from under hie tanned
kitri. Ile seleeil his glass arid gained ife
, entente.
, ' Isor„ how thirsty 1 OM 1" lit' -0111rlIr1tt-f11-
Welt, t-belleve youi manta I'ltis Sir
fitAltiti Sit.--414Mer---getett my eat it mt.
ihars all. when i se? Min 1 11 thank
4 laitil,,"
' She giggled;
"What'n, the good ? 11011 have algolten
AbOut it r • .
41:4 WS tneinOry 'so kaki 04 (hilt ir*Itte *Ai
Well* they eay that's his illness. TA.ss
of inelitoand hate o' women. Are\ you
go;r41) .1 Wipe .ye,e 1 Less tortutiate ae
surit.610 Ore gket a, itt. Ino a steaming
it morning tor a t silt. Geed day to
1" 4
.NI Iasi he at ese. and walked tin 1 -I tire
eloecti deter. .‘s he raised his hand 14,
th, keen -key he saw- Sir Ralph walk down
.Itie garden towards Ihe cliffs. lite hand
tett' to hes Side. With a gimlet :amnia.
1 c .41"1Plied b di from theilittuse and on
ht. IA 1
11ta% elose to Sir Fla'plt, who. hearing . he garde! '-pailti. In another miritite
toetstetet belitntl loin. stopped sudden()
and turned 3Tr4rtin4., •
0 meatitil the leo stared at eat la
oilier in 4.11011v0„ • ear Ralph's ((see ewe
lea en end pitzif-ji. _Not a„glinunp,g.,,,,,i4v,
ettgeirktri crept Into his 0)es; Thtea,
'hay invaiiri 41 [WI from top tu tee. he Lie etopeed, ctwed by the sudden look
e'eared Ins threat. saying - , of fear hi, the wild *looking eyes, Mee as -
"IA htlf, le 11- raY man? al .!1(1111 unlit lenished at his own wards Whielt_had
sseeeteing? 'This re a titivate gaTelen. le
.. -ileleregffferejnm-eFffac-n---114 I 10
• • ' oe4 lolcitloPted Mit aolfallf4• I IniStlirl iltielialipit drew back, fighting for
W811 1 seenething and Tottered yoe te, cek 1 tenth, and trying to speak with evident
ae, II. 1 leant me daughter Suriltearn." pain. .
G.zzli. Italia) smiled. then sheets hie bead, "Ill'e a liceefeldy Cruse has no (taugh-
t. It.;(11 ,1,:ne-Nge41 mein the mat) was, and lee -1...i. ---'" ' •. -
vaie prepared thr tam.
,.., , Ile slid te the ground. , Hill stooped
' "Neer,. daughter r. he eselairned• owe hitn. terrified. , Then sittitol, nentter.
"..rtt.but, ts tio women bell*: - N't)ti ans ml- leg_
m ,
tea:" ' \
ititial ise es •ilnahael.
lie retearled grulti,i, "I'vn not mtg.
ta%en. 1 knows ali, so its nosgocd hid -
int! nnything from .me. I knows Mwall
*5 you thed my daughter ain't here sew,
It ui she 'as teen, and what's more, ydu
know *Atm) she le r •
'Men yen are certaLrgy Named with
odriordinery acintont Ity ,trierid. 1
kriAT Within about ,your 41
Sunbeam, d you tail hot?' tn.'.
_ -
HilLtIrtmi walked a little viety a/cng
lht.) OInariload. Ida btai bciit and lag
be3ixa mkered, Per the %%vamp** t4tid, Oilebat oir vett, %mot
lake me for some..one else. (k) away. '11'things may be bad for you.
He cloaked, quivering from head to
it•td, Ills breath short arid pained
Rill. who had retreated a step or Iwo,
before hie indignation became partite.
'I he demon of rage sprang to his eyes.
Sault a curse he sprang upen the tall,
fignre, and shook n vigor,
**net out WM your actin'." he snarled.
"Meet:mail : true. an' yeti know it !
What's more, you've sneaked S'unbeam
te,use. her moilver
"Anothvr telt* I» gosh. he does give
one shivers r whilst he laid heavy handl
on the !anion rieSIW and shook Wm again.
"Nene a'
ur ticonsene.1” ha growled
Tho cto.ed riyeldm quivmrsd open for A
otomd. The look of ILgQnI i V* 'yea
betwean 1464 Ili thrill hitt
him. na rataasa4 Ws Ilk
Ti, ossitql that Sir flatpli ren*Inot
Italtivablik OA* 0 to
,Ntiat Oa itereetrtic
*4044 soisig 4. *lot
osTructi IN AFRICA.
When geese -bay° plenty of room they
The French CeNernment 10 e.stern do best when allowed to forage and
Atrial has undertaken -to organize the" select -their own food prOvided always
breeding of bstriehes in the territory that Itic.re Ls plenty of grass. ,
udder- its control. Ostriches are found! A single 1111i6111. Of male and female
wild in many parts of westein Africa., fertilizes all the eggs the hen will lay
Along the river Niger they aveld ihe for the eetason, hence one gobbler will
neighborhood of man. but on some el; suffice for twenty or more hens.
the Islands in. that and.other rivers Are' . ,, . .,
nafives have established rude ostrich.
- .. .
toms. Doctor DeCOrse.f who waS ,ap.
pointed by the\s government to shide
tee 6nbject, SO• that the methods of
the ostridh-thriners ot the Cape tan
not -he fully earrted rut in Ail, Mini%
territory. ltwill be necessary to leave
the ostriches in a . partially nOmadte
the seasons. When it becomes toe dry
in the south they go northward.
-eilire-ite-9)• eseee'icelti--e--iclihor es
1! it means war with ye urself,
Bald-headed men ere apt to eitiee. at
....._ ,
Itele chap who parts his hair in the
ntay 1 have the next 'dance. afiee
pollee?" "I'm flIgaged. Mr. Gailly.`
"Oh, what's the odds? Why, l'rn
rkd V' \
Etk,F,a wee
eNelerwriirtiritfirViir 'Weather is mining
0111 and the chickens and poultry are
Inert. closely- housed, clean -4M. esairee---
elikken -houses, give the ropsts, waits
and roof a thick egatIng of whitewasn .
end thszt with your spraN er spray e% ery-
thing milli kerosene. If tine(' a floek has '
heaame Iltoreeghly infected With !jet) in
'4144e0ea, .1t*dartgallYse•vfeitiviat.,
they will be mostly valued, will be
greatly diminished.
Peo‘ide liberal suppiv el line _
t iood poultrymen says this Is und sie-
rt Tucks an is
loaded down with germ life, l'ott.
-are at tiberty to have "your' on Siews.
on thi.s queetions The main thing is
-to -1310-evidaa the- dirt., The hen rreetts
Insert powder -or -Mile. 41 -at -Foyer seat --
tared- In the. trust wilt -help 'keep -the
hens Erse from lice. Many poultry,
relsera prefer asites_earethisduat
;Ewes That are sakly in Iamb should
Aef ihe_eipri--
b given a little extra food.
he quality of the lambs ..and the
strengththe eives_ilL ng -410
pend upon the care and, feed from
new On. '
The demand for limbs in midwinter
6 growing rapidly.
"rhe supplying \of these lambs is a
high art branch cifsheep breeding,
and Le well worth the of per -
eons ill° ere adapted to the business., '
Dry beds are indispensable to sheep.
A -datiap .'pen wilt invite ail, kinds of
Dry cold is health- foe sheep; weleor
damp is death.
A feed trough with a wide bottom isi .,
always prelerable. The grain is then-.
thinly epread over the bottom and the,
sheep -must eat it. slowly in consequence.
A bushel of marigolds or turnips a
day for forty eViie.S is an excellent ap-
la_ supplement the other food.
Any ewes in your flock that will not
bear lambs this seeson- Weed them out,
and get them off to market.
A geod many farmers still .follow the
practice of feeding their sheep on fho
ground out of doors. It is a costly
way -of doing. Not many of us can af-
ford it, ' and none of us ought to afford
elatenbereeis high____in prim but_hay,
and grain is higher. A few boards will
nuke a 'good rack for ,feeding out of.
Puta tight _bot-torei in 411ese rac4cs and
Save grain. '
In arranging for the winter quar-
ters the flock should be divided accord.' ,
ing to age, size. etc. Not more than
twenty-IIVe;(tr, thirly-shoukt*-kept...tat_
*One - pen.
,, 01.11iED Vtitil IIEVOLVER,
Iftriar--4:iiiii:*etww.4-7-7 no- --
Alive Tans Novel Precaution.
The Deutseher Voliceblatt, of a'ienna,
tanys that a wortinia'n's wife has been
beried at Dux. in Bohemia, with a re-
volver in her hand. The weman, who
had always been haunted by the dread -
of being buried alive, expressed on
per deathbed the wish that a loaded
revolver should be placed in her cot.
fin. so that should any mistake have
:teen made she would hate) the means
of putting an end to .her suffering In
of dying a lingering death.
She - wtee exceeding to her wksh,
buried- with.a crucifix in one hand and
the revolver in the other.
t111•••,... stem
Are two topers In swimming a pair of
bathing tights?
The aurglar to ittra. 3onell: "If VIII
venture to say another -word. madam.
111 shoot." Mr. Jones lasethated): gap.,
iny gond man. 11 ow much will you tike
to stay riere for a week r
Phyatlettnia Wile: 411 shall goen te
w*nung & flew evening drag. dear."
Phyaicfai 4Al1 HAM: TnY dear. rn 104ik
Mid Mine' Kin* who
an offtelion for aprtIntla
Nursing baby?
, estvi
--- Her --",s called upon' to supply
nourishment for two.
St;tne forin of noun'shm" , ent that.will
be easily taken up by mother's system,
is needed.
St4)te%i piusts,oti contains tho
greatest .iiossible amount of nourish.
meat 'in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are.,
by its use.