HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 2 (2)• • t ,.•y0, • •;,'„-•..'se,'')" •••., , , •••' '• • - ".. • - • , V • •• • \ .. I • 1.... BRED E1T(11111ED ni3aralle e 1)is sterin 11 8 m ost Virgia • a -•'' -- -, „i, •,„...-, ... 4 ''•„-,,, 1 •-•••, '•"; ..,:.•''.-• .) ••4,....., . s, • . • , ' " • 4,' " • '-*".-"-".t.,...,.._.,...,.'..,.:.:„„..„:'......,,. •1:'; M :":.:s:.i.;': i' ' ',',,,. .., .,, .,:'•,- • •: ‘,":, 1 , , ' ,„. ••• 1, .• . 14 4;$10 -4:fri lio. *illi:!)-4,1:A.Itts;VAftiL,Utt! 0,11113.1iShed.-.4u.Avhicle p141,0-• ;',Origitioti,if? V.Vt4eitCiiiii th.,1(!rrItic torcjiL•gi 1.1.itV” SigNalt74),VO'>14174:111AMOF-", , • i ., 1154Di. 'hupportIng the -, eoof, vi.s.‘e i not, suily•sl ittenal and Icin;fivitt their pp.s. sitionti, hut xvert•-hloii it on; of...the ea- tlyi.ani • to the opposite Side 4 .1 lhe ay.: 011ieriVitleffeee "it! ' 111 V-tit;111I - to re e .., shown in every sectiom n of themines that has bcen reached by- the rss-uers. . •.• ... ,,,„; .. , • , ; • •,• - .., • • • ' • • • g • , • .".• • • " • As •„,..de*r•alcb-' A '' • ' 5.'010 114146:44' 11 -41(415{E,Ot*T. * :the Utkilt.44. titates;:clecnrrd in itrineot • .4 3InIta1:r% •1c and. eight:t.44 the Fatrnatot• o'otal •opitosee NI•soongali, on t,he.---West Fait: 7Ittrer rsila y .11" Iltd!itglit that at least 150 men have • k I lei t. '10449•44.4.•••••••• ,ogg o g (4 • g4 ,vgggg. vgAgg,• A • 1.fie tharro.1 and blackened- es ty4ig in' the tuiprovisod• niergtte pre; pared nen the crib -once 14) the Juin& four Tu -n hovering, btlt‘'een and (eqh frurit the awful rinses stistnitt- e:: and -the dd ea -rnporary' hospital unto 0110 of 11)e company's buildings has been trniis• formed, and 30 ')114•31 imprisoned by V•its of coal and mint. debris. in the depthu. of the. hills surrourating this 111111011 11_-1110 chances all a nsl. -a tu ..ohikaresortw areurale- siuntriary ‘1.1sosien: The exploskm occurred shortly after Iti h'clock. after tlw full force of .381) men had gone lo wsork in the iwinines affixled. 'Ilicse mines are Nos. 6 and def tli j- • , It.)ettted- 111,opposile sii!es ..f the West reri: _cr•. but titcrostal lit their usakrground it itgaiitott.Atio.Lon-,,t.110..-4,1 '*-07.17Y !I Xt oatriatelaffailE-attirrikiaii- .1""4711A-4-411:41irtik - "1.!,,t11:14011.44. "born loosened and -hurled trtirriti-er-Sr openhig, and' all ofsitup undergets ml 14 1rtlettlett LS wrecked beyond sembla .r e v: the original shape. • . Thcre.-:;44.---tiriieh'spertitatiOi n.....14) the cause of the explo.sion, but the most, generally accepted thoory is that it re- r,ut:1,41 from Irgaek •lautpr-srielifttm111W known ,as hiinhane. It -is believed 1111a 41 miner attempted 14) :44 off a mem, 'which blew out aml ignited he highly tk itillationable substance found n areoler 40- I()-4 (111811111:CS tut 811 West Virginia . mine,. ' lb wever. all 4.‘p11111111kAS a the el111`4..! '111) 141 1111N 111110 air, neces.arily s gation after: the min( i., reopeoted will isek).0 Ilk' cause, if it is ever a.cers ta'n•LAI, _The c‘ploifon ale .,..‘,1 le •111 mines. and •s' far, as no,‘ known rip fears 14. have Aft,114., About as much damage. mangled or burned and blackened. 'LEAPING_ S •HflEADSTUFFS. Toronto, 1:leiz. 10.--Afan1soba. Wheat-. Ne',, 1 iuird. mniabial; Nu,. 1.por1bent. 111:103i; ',No.s 3.. northern, OiIario t:t. 7 ••••. • - W1i!.47.,NO..-CvIrite ir,ied, t)4•C', pUtside; 90.alf, • ' 1•• • e*' tra,61e to, :Wk %pH*, titittat.•••153.15 Plitetits.APOCItitishr4,nil; i14.1k0f;.-,t• e • e,t‘ 'toe'. to • ll=.70c,..OutsItle. • , . .Peris.-•-filec..41U1s141ts. 703<c l'orouto tkeember delivery. Iliickwlical--62e. outside. - ik-20; In bulk outsid.•; • • 71.3=11111111444,40,....1•••••840,,,k •••••••11.111•;0•• • :OU -Tin. PRODUCE. he. H111 i \la rket chin gpit- n110'114. • Tentry 01--- No. -.O _ mine • 300 feet creamery. prints. •••• 1 9th -34 . flout the mouth L, piled high with-1Fr do wifth-..... .... ••.• •. 26.- 4 274: wreckage of two strings of ear.: and Daley prints25e to.27e .;.. two electric motors. Sortie- of Atte res- do solids .... . .. .... ... 23c 1„.e.24,.! .-... .. clans kayo climbed over sthis -end Inferior ..., „,, , ' • • 20,1„22,. -feu -thut,ti-- • It. 1111LIWI • or•ei er -remove-11'1g*, 'In 11;fi,i'iv .1r11( for 44,k g. • • tt.L.LL:L.94 'le: over the debris, but more because they do oot went 10 lose any time fit reaching other sections Of the mine new. aril Horn nut at Poultry -Market is the 11ent3 supp13-, o S CONDtIV*0 NEWS ITEMS ',APPLYING -4. P11031 ALL 01...1 TUE , • r•LADO. • . .• Ttieficaiih .4:CrIefot:Erom ,(ior Own SPA '1,,•''4411c1. .0)460114i 4ecCn1 *' , • '‘‘•' • • •:$41114Ohtleg' •t‘111) 14 • annei' s..01; 1;4% • I 1- • - •• • • • • ' :•••••• •.• • ,` • ? • • • • '4%*■:.... haSpliat. • . • , here r re s rour. cam of smallpox An IkiliWiflThe net iiis.S'egstitcitt' Of the elly-Of Ls $2.06.383.152, • _ The G. T. R. Ix to•boild an•esientive teraimr aat St. Lambert. narket. The C. P. It. has Jecured a lease of the Montreal entlte •Kingskin received 15.732.526 bitsheLs . • . ' 1.0 ..maimilliesiirsimmes.41. ,, ONTARIO SWEPT TIIE fl: lior'ora • 1D. ee ' • .• • ., '•••'•'• • ••:•••• •••• 1 7%. • brio .••• ••••••,,, 4'11. • •r6111.11.14A1:1,1us. .• Vr.•112144 . ' ' -..,- •-•, • o.)",;(140•'•":„.?‘,'4,--;...,:,,e,-1 • ., ..'. !1.4.:k...0*.i.W.A.;•,114f4.71.• x4faisctrrift .. O. ernatIttnal••"•1...tve..•$•te.tvli ' tilooty .+Ny-S Ili hod on ,'I'ltUrsdity; -the 44,;(11:•`tits ,freitt 'thy 1'1'0%r -ince of •• Onlarkt ':.St‘thepiAg , Hitt .110141. '•Titt, total entri•s in 'thisderart-. limit itre 1,199, as itgo ist 891 in 1906. ItepreSetitailv(N ,. AL I • the-- iiipartese &win:Innen! n114,04141 the slioW nn Tnursday • milking Urraitgemente for Itis purchase 4)1 Cl,ydesthife and link. hey gorses. It is mild thal 8400.060 Isui been appmprlated--Thr expenditure In Ii1.s----:1,66.9.n. _ • -this country and Canada ow' tiorst.s of , Building pArmils-Iii---ii5Mn10-11ire'4w-a-v.V end oNom ., . .., .... f veber totalled 813 111 ,618.785. • .e giarrtfk‘ . • ,,,,44,4•Stok 4, •,„„,,,,,,...,., ..,„, -Trigs ill tegIna have been recch-eii. Fie Ph"' tor -""( -1e3ltbilkiN-e--bilikt;--ssih-etintrgii-. -‘ ttieheinsablisletiarn olnured animal of rill avo•-• c \'Andel had 1w:cc us tunny marriages tly, tttOiisitflds that are being exhibited' it Noyeniber as in November. 19041. A pi!e•,,of 35,000 14111S Of 1:0111 is at . • the entrance to the Sarnbi tunnel. Nlan.o tin Svii ns4w es nrre:tc,1 at . , The ,report of the slirvey of 1ii6 ilemeslead. Pa.., for beatipg Isis wife on • . V4.5,0 ',.4,44,4•1.,,, t Ablf;..PS about 30c to 35c. easy owing .lo , I -.4-,••• , 1".0114"RaliePrettitr-A-TriiPtildtd"-IP 1 he -King Et.tWard Hotel Comnpa • ostizrememcsmoutts.errufaxizgazzoyor '- by- by oil e -onto the- ang••••• z= V.I.W.041097/Orti linidon--rtrgurfrprterarfirllit r711-Th- 1 , • • "i•`;'. • , , , .• • • „Ow, 'hursAay.:7•Sor.,..14. 'pe• Ufld on ttihooj, 01,41' r 144 1•P'PlIKII.7:0!,,, losverTtlinti•Inct,Storfc'itter tatews'. • King:, Is, the heef•beining beat\;•-• AV1t0_ WAS "kilt:Whet) t/OW71 Trice Tht Shorthorn calf. that sweid the field •neott la- a- pneking.pornpony ortniffalo.. Tho 19181 sum paid 'for him was $259.20, . his westItt being) 1,bto0. - The grand champion- wits followed ut 114e nuctunt.b1OCk. by_ the__Eilue.ribl" cur -lot of\ steers, exhibited by Claus 'firambeek. They went at 8, cents o • . .• ts1;g32.40:- ---iteroat,.4) the grand lizam-- pkti car -lot -went at -17 cents a pound, netting 83,6641.90. . • • FORCED TO FELD ON ...••••••••• 86.4'4'1; ..."` n 4. creasof 313.466.51 over Novetniier of Lord iii:ebener is to remz,in for two last 3 ear. •yams more in Indio. where it 18 possible ,111011 sLjIl I'vIng (hicken:. te lnden 1:0111101 111141.:14011Sly decided Auslrulia s • whe't:' 3°4°31)(1° may Ix! imprisoneti. 'rite ears -are Ise- 41 Pool _ _ sr, le slihrial- 1- 1,44g;tra- , r. 'ng righted. as fast as possible and re. Inferior 4,‘ 14,) 5c. ihouttry. The birth ride of I:ranee for 1906 wr.s ,,,,,.(1 from Ihe ontry ing,,iiirr ,,iiii....dit y,itings 0:4:1!_. .,.___... .. Iset, _se_.inail-inantifitettir•ttg-oomparrylk4-14-",re"31 • ---.•_:- ..7-.......;___,..77,T ‘•.....•-•• ----;-;---;;-•-,---irkutil-it';'1?. ••••:•=-••-7---•-s;--trAlititfit•-r..-....ii.:e...N.s.--lie___ "--• ;_iii 1;4 e i i. -s_17i_t_t7s_i__/-4):::::::t%.- '1::fri4)7.4-49f1.1-e4Crr-*--4114.- boithiti141-gtlitilt-1:-.1+31-44-tise. • -.-----111-j'--11--"' --ti, 11-113- 7. 4•7_,41,7111°F4Wp...miirreT,es:46;:mi?rttoli-itio'brInt--utilritht -••••?tir, rttrii..ii‘v,s-i r :icilirin . • , tred 11. Raker fell off 11.4' Govergillent art' pathetic and ficartrending. \\ hes, , Ilean----$1.t to A1.145 for primes tind_ovvolor_nt_mrt ,..e.zinb.4.wil_i„,_iiii.-- ,•-tistlirttny 44;4,111CM 81141 4V. ('4 logeiber vtithj,!1•N!!....._!..L`41,a..lux- ha 1k1:-pieked---- --- • ••• .t.iiildren-antl--mentbers- Of -tli-e-Sliiiiiiier, 11 aicy-- Strionial steady at Ilo to 12e an., was killed. I 'rug. from Port Dallx:oisie 14s.ated the Other otistruelions. thieks _ oc_itas•-been-44e-nirfirett---31I-`4117..liZ10-111.7.-Cif." 2.-7444-rtglA nig9A-Police- - a C. 4.) nit •-defented -n• neet..4)1.1.1 1 t test...-WAs:111118,4_ JA441-07141-itt.144141,1"tallvilii.Wertk,01,4h-virit-r:4 tars--given-1 tom: Itodrap117171111-4111 v ver- ! _it urtinces_ thu L-entigeatien--kr-tri ruin will Le limi:ed. aex••• more from Plac'e• to 1)1"ee. 1"1. 66'lhialki Pails. and -12C sunkenlugEstort onSatin1111%, but w, srlking information and 'making no et. 1.1 130 for :4 to s10 -pound pnils. (:omIks- unable to raise her. tempi to conceal th4.11. grief. too bow 1 ,./ al.75 NI $.2.50 rer 4,jozeli. 01111ilio and Quebec lint e.entered Jffin' news, ran be given them, mid such as I Ve•111•-"11--,11j11"4111111"ttr;• 11,4e t" n''.: int agreement to pi -4.A ent 11144 pollution they do get i„,' bad. None ps eilocior.i fr.int itiiitilers..5e: earcasrs. o4Xis to 9-. ..! the mown oil,•er„ tosl to hopo that anyone in the mine; lin'.' 1' "1111Y-,1117x4111S is quo:el nt 1111.., survived the e \ 0,00 V.• ha rind lite suf.; $17.50 10 8174.50 in car lots on track L rutin 'ns that 1 i •4 e 111441 the mine. From lime 14, lime! Ili -re conies word from the searchers in Ibe nine that bodies hate been bitie" evet.3 instance it is also stated that the k at 1, e place or another, and in nearly. bodies are either terribly bait and •• • 'UNGER AT 1:.•111,00PS. .F..'hnr Lark. a Chinaman. Killed Man • - Who Stole His. 310m•y. .• dr.-palch Loin Vanisinyer ...ay; sem 1.414.k. Chinanut'i. wasexceteed on ,inesday i 10 Kraft loops. 1;,-. 48 and - very \ . , u,,,,no'rning in it e jail 344)41 nertoo.,-lhe aged chit:await walked to •• the gailows: salt, 1,4sek. who was for yeux-----cook---Le--1• -- 11-.1=44=ort---t 1...,. last .‘pril ktitcd • :t countryoutit , - '. had stolen le. ':i ii The. t11ur- 4fei 41:. 1)181 been fort:, teir. in the - ion; "1,3 - and tip l• that tine Mel b1'llt.• :1 • ripptenti ,ii. • flirt \AI u. it • ._. _ Work -1111 -')4t)Coimisenre al 1t114. Se4,11:11141. Ato• • :I.A.4111. 1;.141*04 ..4 k 1, }Tv 1.• s•• I 14'10. `e' LI:A111, -1 TOO t. 0. .1:!ei•c,-. • at'oi- -Ali- Baled straw-- lark," islqu'el at $9.50 14.- $10.:,3 per ton 4)11 •••••••• • 1,11,0% p.zioNs. Thy. Roil Telephone franchise In Rroaivi:le ends this 'ear t it tones are „ D et . Timmins Richardson Of Whalsor.swal- lowed earbolie rein in the presence of his wife,on Fridny, with fatal results. • o • • The council 4 11 the 011101 4-• Co-tIlegt' 4)1 . i1141 Dr.. Stile 1 fong Ili)s indiseriminale sale of leiti)clutifil.itie to "•iiii111 14) i.t'f(11.:11 .11i11)' te deur 04 '41'. 11/,i'' It 11e. a1)41 It The inerease Wagc's to engineers 1-• iy a 111111 IS nithing tistigiveable 10110-0. 1.4.11_*1. to .11 11141T:e41 MAO W.: 116 !f.- Vet 1 Pharmacy will aSk II t' • Si a 1 11111411 A bomb eXple.414•41 tinder lite earlug4 01. President Gul.rerto of Gualeinala„kitt. ing the coachman, but 11.11 seriously_ in. plying the President. A warrant for the arrest of Dentzuhi. son of 7.41eWliy() 1i1141 King llf 11/0 • 1411S • !Will placed In the AtagiS.' bale S'aiiirt l'elermitiitztairg. `411111 has been, lbe other 1111'11114,n4 411 Ille 60V - v4'14118411 144.41;4, of lie: 11111111110 481 1.11: rilticesslotis gr idea ,141reignurs. Probably there is no ts:'crIlict!, s.40 proal as that <If the' Misguide:I ""11111 and light' 15‘. 14' and firemeil oitt f the Tenr-sknrItIng fluit" busy' ifint remembers that she told 1)111) heitAy. 13%e t.) 14e; backs. It')%e %%fly 20 and to telegrapheN 1t per advance. - E88-TiDE OF EMIGRATION. !-1 17e; Itie to 10%c; loll.: eeni. Twettiy-one hate been se:Wise-41 to , ILISC U. 1 1... brenkla-t bac 111. 15e to 111(1es:rabic _Hordes. ore Pouring hi ca_t_11'4f;_;:tc.,_n_tititilti_.-ItL--of plekt•-. fe 44P%-..rul C. N.111, _employes .were .or,4 (truth- ad- vrartiNoqtoR: 14.,r 1-4.c,111 1:ermany. rested at- Port Ailltur 4nt charges of muiliges. A despaieh•-(rom London sio.: Ac• barrel loess,' 819 lo 811: •Neil, the 11P-init. moil- clerk. who rind dies militia- Am) tri -sr reserve„ have cording 14.) a Berlin despatch. tier.. - I.,iird_Ea'er: firm; liere• 113,e• Itlended guillY 1" ti'bbisi Il' 'twits b''''i "Ii(41""t "I 1"11n1". ell • 1 . 4 leNb Iltt10 sulfated. slea!ing boot the freight shed.. • 0:4A -slaw! cut. 822.75 to f.L-'3 for • , A general- tiri.ing of Zulus is ;cared. ir. men• oust). a larmeil 4,4er 1 ib 12%e: 12%e• . the ecoeoutic consequences or Ihe enti• ' "grant ra11 from AmeiInii. A 4:1 Sr 1111111111 .Snys: "It is \IARKETS. 7. 14/11.41111 S 4.1 1111,4111 IN 1.14)401141 /1S., 111111g111.1111.4. C1. 1111111111S, InnItilig ill 111111illirg 1111 I fire - !twit, after hoving spent thdr pus•itge twiley 11.10143.! me z.tr41141ct.Li11„14-1081ty. and put 1110 /11. paify 4,VVc3.i1r4114,1 110/11410 1:'11 111111• k 411, in 4 Critical 1...")..4!4. 1.7 The ,181. 01.481 Government is /1 urged to 1 011-11er "v•144'1'•!r • A' „1,,‘ t• • V I 4 1. _elltar'441 -by r•:•11 atahorf:14.. rarii. put Hp boric agniny1 lik if homeless undetrubte-." t141111rent. De., HI.. There 14, 1141 tiew f:441iite in Ilie lora, Mail- itiar!4.1. (.1),•ite spring 1,11 11! 1,. $1.0111: '0,411k X74.511: V% 1111..T \\ 111:111, 1111 1011k. t7J; N11114011 I* • livr-. •*.51; do.. in bags. 82.GO 141 :•,,:or. -.A; (Atilt. itt.Irt 1.0 8.1.10. Manitoba ; Jo an oh' S23: shorts. al 825; Ontario Iran. Tit $2.1..50 1140 81: undillings_ at $3.2'; t4) $10.1 per In_ including bags; 4' - inittel •-ntratttle-:--Til---82X-le:832--. --and Titre l.! 1 1 . 1 • 11) , 7 pre Ion. --the;- ironed wits. al $3.17'; per bag; •:.surii "lid ! iiit‘741. at $1.75 1.) 81.1 per bag. . ' 1:x• 1. , I',ef\ ...44011,--- -Barrel-. si•411 r: t111 • 111,,s4 Berlin's liming -4)a! naler444-lis•1„ 1,, 1., m s; ,.,,1„„1. ‘, • pro- e• 111111. 11;4 1111. 11 4. wiNt .4 4 ft mit- .% 10-1 it al w .11 le taito41 t144.siglt k 7. 'i feet 1 hr 114-, 11 • I.; IA) 1-0 .7.,1114414rTtilt4iti--771.4r twero-v- hx• 44:11.1i14. Uft.right 1111. may b.. Katt4 pro% ide for the Con- olrie• 1. n • f 14 gra'. • lig 4.1.14:: „. • tau- ler g. -1 of Br. amount (if ship.. • 1. Itt7Ssil 1 II V: :OPt1V1)Elt 1.1.0T. 377 Wm'. 1JI Eoupentr. Imperial ' l'alare and Ifunut. from 1)111is t;• 744.1 a i1e.pi1i1) ree41ve4I bele that 11t4 144:44.0 have ticeNnvereci !err. rust plot 1,4) • assassinate the I.:19• peror. blow tip the Imperial Palar• e Sino). trip onnna, and pillage the Iiiiiierial 41 Otte ,ntry.4•1•-•-11-a.,-- been made in connection nob the alleged • Wri•01.1- WITH GL • was sentenced to flte,years 111 pelllIelt:7 Unemployed Englishmen in King.lon llonks near 14..kut Itussito drove off 74 build or 0.4410.41 irvittislery. and troops pursued the roll - its__ of_ ceirvirt__frout • a vs.s4•1 for** cents nit boor. rifly 111,'•usatal 111111•1111141. 11, SI. The tont:shot-enter' s bli-0ke al St., .1'elers1 Ilrg t1111'4,1 0111 cif a one -day )(dm has been ‘4.111.41 by tile mill ,,, sI tike On T111114111y 1 / S111 ‘1, 111•41' ..Y111- repliag 32% cents an hour in.4.0 1 of Path!. with members of the ',oath' lomat 4.1• . . whi are beittg tried on oh ire.s4,1411igh, Al the animal incelog of the Ibink , f Ll'ak`°11.. _ , 11,0111re:11 Sir Thomas Shafiglines....y 11114 \Ir. David Morrie.- were tidied to the A,firec torn le, The Fi41411.-e In Inn; ....Mew •01 14, 4) :MI ail . IL gnu for sla.0 nig a ri hil,),• tun- had Ins2-c14. ne' minimal -a 1, life impr.-enment: . •' t":%:1 or k:f: . - 1::e Came t'earftili3 1111 Aridity . Afternoon. • -t-Sr.r.'2.17,,T:TrirTifi-ivorrt:7-•s737-4.-y-r;-•stzt-:---7trmttfv-trpri,roiTiv-itro--.7-Fw?y-.1*4411 priver:,-• • • 1,) 823:- hall barels. 811.175- to ;1 7.111111N 441 .11 (111•1 14'1' The Neve Dieharjed. and !'n• known German 1Vas Killed. 11' 11111(.11 . trunk Itele) ‘411Ito.teitee 1h•ftif- WIVE J11.44 18,4!tt re- el 14'4%1 of a distrossing 'fatality the 04-14:111.-411, .401 44( IthilleZel- about II ir• l holes south, itsf.- tormati. now • 1111- had come lo the district 1411' the purpo-e Mlling and went out on m necopanied faitid. Ilat ing 1011 d.avn n tvolf. he alighted roal strnek it on'the head with the bar= rel of his 'gyro Tins broke the tarrel_. foal agnzn Ire struek the wolf with 1114. sk.ek of the gun. when lite gun e‘plods co am1 the full charge entered Ihe o•s inn' 10 13. •In the iteighlaithood of the .. heart.illing lint . Two .0ieets student.% listeited to' the appeal or tun -14 --Sion children lo help them f 1 !I with their mills and neftv the goad Inniari• torus both have the itch. Messengerl •Surprisad Two Burglars at $1141••••••-•,-.•-•••••••, `.7 -••• • • de.peratir gang of Iurglars infesting. 'A, '4Iepatett fn m MonInsal says : Ilicir latest exploit '.its rarttettlarly 1,0;4 one. ‘1 Inle hour'on trneonessility night • .N1r•I Alariel, lite Ines- tlIger the eentral liraneh the 'tongue dlloclielngi. 1111 51_ ,r.a berme vireet. was alan»e0 41, heat the lamer to$ room go off. • Ile knew._litill one mu-st liaxe entered the batik. and hastily dresing' himself. he risshe41 out trent his Isal.e. which Is nt the esbl n 1ngi !whim, the brink. and entered by lite of •4 at SI. Ilatlierine Stroet. • finW 11 light tturning rte/1r t' - • .• .1 'r of the print+ safe. wheni it ti', -At, Omni hel 1:14- murng.em offiee. and. taking • ot1144' • '•• :••'• row•gio. • 4 44 - • g slornlionsl• near: 1h, light.. • Trve.' men 1r% revnlver from n drewer. moiled were trying'the co:1411111'km of the oilier 44 sir of 1he vault. ' ‘Valking on tiji 14)47 to urprise\ them, he hiniselt Was surprised 1 he mbler* had detected his prel.enee, 81141 a revolver shot was fired. The nms- senges (men was marvellous for the burgints hut et poNteif-thnugh •his lint, and then. crashing thricugh the glass of a %%Inflow. flattened itself against a* brick '.sail in the lane. • Marie tired bock, and immediotely one of the burglars switched off the light. Before the ineseenger could cut off their retreat they hod found their way out ity the open door. The nwoisen- $.1sr quickly folkiwkl, 1811 there was no ffneie of the robbers. • • r ,,• • gri• so1,1111% to1ff- an rel.; .1,0.. $10.501" $1 1.2: 4Ity 0114411s Universily -144 !st!. . 1- .004-44 1 s ''':- '"11 1011g,ele:•e 1141ed.'n. I1)'' :1'. If y;: their way ,itito a in.•%ing•niliire 1beitlrir 4' " I' 81 "II' h "60 1". '"" 1'2: t 1 44'4 I hi t -rel. Ail8le be. 1. *13,50, 1)• *1; ha • lf w..)1415. :111ong .kiIt s hInT1`,.n • I a' , re- . 41 '811�1' 3 . el. k 4) sitte-41, c't •••••• • • • .4 • -.1.4 •dtt....1113stglosa.lmah.....1.44,1114.41.1:44T4La42,104..ft...o.4).0 wh the tipernp'myed aro reduced in 1.oneo fl ones the pinch of winter felt bus ben re('ordr41 more than once. Pete lbOlf‘lit'll‘,_ oireioly 1•041-1)n 14 a city of stirvaLo:y. A 1.1 table examp'.e , • • hNsught•-- I'Lght, 8 Pottee_rinkttr-- , *-t8e14,4)nkrAlogi-,T;gillig.:499.rm7f.a. 47e -A" hii?-461-1•4•:;74441,-se--iiiii,,emin•ri • •---- 141- very-hting,ry--ittrit-m-rt-s--, oats wht'-h h.:. picked en the street._ '1 Iv. rbener, who • 'ti tt 4..1 a letter gat. Into fit • fon:leen -yetirs een. employed. and witi.:h stated_ that ids dn.:Hrs.-11 Was due 44111441y to lack of ,t411 fled laN:041 fit•}1 for iliirty hours With 11,: • excAd1J10 ,61 the on's. 60311Nti:NIINANE. - ' 11:venue for 1111141 Moollis ' 0% er S:xty. • . sis 1111114ms. • . . A. dits.....414:1„, fr,ii, ir. 1 ow a ..0” 11 1 The ' ••• 4,4 raltAlielil 1 ‘taleimill of 1114.! lbttlif.in ingthe-total teveinie nod- exenditure_i__.•.., t:i the prmeitt. t1 -.'td year. are wiling to • ' •-. re urns Neut.:11d the Finatiee Uttpart- - tont up to November 30. shows a total .,_•-:"4-1 re‘entie fOr thefirst eightnainth.. April ' b. November niche:lye, of r..:04i.142.4.27, - ••.:4., 111111 11 .1111111 (!).p411.41).4.114, -of 8i.jo74.04:t. .. i Total reventr.• incrtroll 1,3 •, .14sa5, th.• inerco4e 1,4- last nanth bet ig $761,-- 912. Of 1110 aggregate in44at re‘e7 noi- for the eight month.. 87.216,810 wrtS iii ousiolits recepts. Slti.NA1 from 0\eiso,, 144,---441441--iCoat-A17 1144111 including tadwily5: The Itilai net debt .4 the • Bottons at 4ot s. vemle'r 30111 i -1-,4t at oO,',;;;.a.74-I.7t. an it.creu,e (if $2.590.141 during theA !wind). _ 't•Tc . . FLU. INT(' St".ALDIG . -•„t, Ilad Could Escape. . fle-Aaf-h Ir NVit:eal -says; P.,110,1 11 vat of pub) and s'-n1:ing att-T w:•% -terrtnta ---4CVir- : ' d)r-• , e ‘vioi of lo, .01 _ vat. 1.) Ir, rill. 41.).. 87.25 to 87.7; barrel% tar. 1 _heal 3 • oleos' beef ., :ft Da t4-.. XII: 44.1. ,l'i.. *5 .7)i) g I.) $: r 4 1:1111,iltid 1 11 1.11 • 111 . to Ile; pun. lard. 12X.- to 11e; keb 11.- rendered. 11-• trf Ho; haul.. 1234e, baeon Ite to 1.),..,, b‘ iii.4,,,. be.„,i. , empto3 ell as clerk in the Moo f The tt 1'111 1'14, 1 t Ins r a 0 sit: ' breakfast aini.,,t. Hod court •i• It 13.3;,c. Iice4141itig 11- ktog.ton. italidged itt a fie. light. 111141 4111maged Ilt4 111111111114•. IcTurIN truT InTrik 4`•••rr.ty:;atients, receives" by 1 Itepai Intent of Ari - culture showel a 11,001.11(1‘ 111 1111. crops of th--Provineeof Ontario, • 1;1 Ill 14111. 11' 111)• , I r a brtti j W0 4 kiniCTI :•:•4 lima mid (tin ess In. 1.14'. one of Ills istigio ler- tolaw . I . 1q1-11 tie.. Sind 1.:1:1111411.? relaise.1 111 • C4)11111. After Stanley 'Burton. a Port Hope •matt. Il- Iv. •'relrIll steadily- 1 1,11400). 1 0,2,,, 141 1534.4.: . fre,it kin,ti nwoloir I morocco al ‘,14itttrisg. mid 114,• it. VIlte tit. tosnitil le I at A aet iek Iii the 7.1 1.• 85.75. Bur:ord. both •es -Antoine& •stiellks by ""I 4.-1'1343'1 "I'm I" "'IL Qu't s 'blare is a strong underone in itie .141* -11111:. • !dill , at 1 v 11, • be!.1411. and het" her • local elle4-s, market. _ Oebiber tail 'enls tiyin huslc 11 1.- It. n I. Sborti). lefore 120 1., lvi.; September. r3e. II* tiled Ile aged (,lit.' -,i. who for mare thrift half it rer tin,. 1:41 keen.ling (-.- 1,.ar s romposnon old 111411144* knelt dreessed ft8.54 to 88.75; alite. $5. biawiron. teller In the :rown flank lit """ 411 "10-'1 l's Inv 41 C.V111.1.. Tiirott1.D1'.-16:::Trd in nearly ril et:pokes 4)1 collie w -us active at, the Vesterri mirrket to -day. 1.Ight rough stockers were.. about the only class which did not s -ell A• few loads of cattle ,were of fairly good -quality. and these brought, 4ctly fair prieec. The greater uimber. howevr. were light. and not Well finished. ' Some might.tre_tleseritifd ns having. no at all. flogs lx-vere unchanged. The dellvries were 174 ras. oontaliting 2.622 rattle: 3.789 sheep and lambs. ,�J hogs nri.1 142 colves. Of the.s'ii 35 cars were en...mit jam About only business transacted 1. exporters' cattle was the sale of one lead. 1.10 pounds far $t.81) per cwt. Ilutc.her::' cattle. b4' --d. 81.50- 1.6.84:4"; me. 411ent. 83.25' 141 $3.50; eitort. oo 's. 13.. 'ti 14) A.1.75: good hutehere XI to FCI.25; medium • etz,,, to 82.73, eommon. 82 lo 82.23; tanners. 75c to it� per Myer% from the tOuntryl were en,. lifting. for feeders ant, %14xst,iers, 1.ight rough nhtinal so' ot 14)8.11) iter L. and d steel -s were IttOrei in demand at 2.50 to 83.64 Crpewl. Mitch cows cvete firm it 840 to 1,70 (Itch' for choie. and 823 to ato Teti to_ okr Tteci.:041.usitn,e) ttonessienity' In rt. rice aTi GcShpeeerp!colninddinmbs Were • 11rOughl for ward 'liberally. Prices *ere tmehang- w at 113.75 -S4 per cwt. for export ewts, 12.50 to 83 for bucks and evils. find St to Si for sheep and tombs. Itogs-S4 and rots esiintInued, Pen at 31.5.to $3 per cwt, end sows were,•writth 9:150"pet Cwt. • .:"•"" lorokitarr„ • ,.: i.' I -0.4.4 • Pro. .g *1-,. „ ,, , . . ,,,, . ,.4, 44;44,407i It 11 . . ,r.• 4440,71f1.41 4, • ?..i.it.e.i..-Lcii,..:.,,f4",.j..i.iii.geritit ,.....,,i1,,),4.j),1,,.4'..,s,..,0,,r;,r,t.,),„....,s.i•.,Tt.,s. ...11,,,,,„;#'-•-•,,,‘ , '''' 4: ''''''.4,8rPItt. '" 4'7%, ',:«,'10" l'?,;',,,,,,e.V', ''",0 -. '0; , . MIF -AT IIIIITAIN. Mom' Lorelturn. the British Lord was marriedon Tuesday 1) 1.111.0•54 Violet _Illeks-Rstit. lhe thindeAdverliser opposes the all - red scheme, on the ground 'Bun the Pan- ama Omni taint pmxide a. shorter until route to Australia. • uNrit,D STATI.;.s. The "orn_ 'crop a the I.% r=.-thiv yeor is •uorth, SI.350.00to,0ln, The secimil Irbil of Hurry Thaw lins been fixed for the 6th of January. President Roosevelt lit his- rnessage 11) Congress asked -feta repealOf the duly 0)1 Wotxt • Dr. Torrey claims lo have mode 3000 ,nverls--4111ring-hi-r-right.-wret.-s"rorri:- pign In Chicago. • Over Iwo hundred atettrs and aelre4.es were indicted in Kansas C113 for violet Ing Ilse MiSsouri Sunday law. Amtli,,,,,XLyeak8.41-14.-aitiii•- cogo not boy. died from blooti soningi follinsing vaccination. President Itocsevelt has ordered Iell- erol.troopa to he held in readInt%sto pot down Hob' among the miners at Gold. held. ;:ev." In a 'drunken (1i:erre! at Csrnie. 114, Thorium Itoodtrifin killd, WA brother, striking hintiwiltua hoalbent. Nine comParties (4 trilled Sta)roi troops have Martel for Goldfields..,Nev, 111 maintain order In; the mining -Comp t)ere.. George Bea. of Brownsville, Pa, wos beaten- toldeoth by rejectedAultorS rif bride a le* hours after his wedding ere: • many, , The Nlosler _Oil Company, of Pa.. compoded entirely of women, has taken. up It large &kck of kases In Franklin township, ra. Sctul .A.. dit madma, shet-"Iwo lltrleadersIrs•ille ifassathusettS Stale flonse at Boston •dn Thursday; One of 1,be!•Inn ivIlLiirobatity die.* . 4 ?OAP; 11 r;ft ‘1 10 1 foct 141 als he : '1 -I the. suff. ltv this 11- 11.4di 114.11. lie driggod him" .„1 .)41. wits; part•.iled Loin hi -ail to 1 ot. and rola' tr.34 fit n roal %oo Collapsed Net fell ''eh 11,4, Eon. ,b1. wooly' .-- 113. ...11e los..e-micad. tool • Iter a medical co -Huhu -4.1 it w:,„ cded 10 bring 1ha to NI. ol•eal Vice . 191)ergeney.1reallren1 4-1 r.kI •••eartt and '444e1 011 to pre% ent the •••I, 11 rte11 Peel trg off. W# i'rointhl ki th,--f-1/,*---- mid token to lite- riti.:•:11 114e,pitat-- • ..."- wh4 he dits-1 4111 SO 1 11r 141: The 40o -enter Monteng!.t ha: arrived 1•,, 1' e bed -1 14' and (Mere,' 4 .•:114,1rt. ni V11111er WJ. rIllito 71 ih 1 14 ileh .11e50 and- 45 Japonek% TRAFFIC THROUG11.---CANAL St. Lawrence Waterways Made,. Record ••••••••••••••••••‘eg-ag,...... for the Season. A despatch from Montre•-.1 4ays: %•'1111 the .departure. of the steam- barge Nicer, gue-ont-TnesdarofAestmvreir.4 he-bitst-• 11 eSS of the canals here may be $00141 tO haie closed for the Aenun.) after-- the most successful year In fIt historyof tt.e SI. Lawrence system. • In the number of tes44sk; passing through, in the A111011111 of generni mer- Chandise carricd. In the miurber (it pose. stagers, travelling on river steamers; and intist particularly In the now.tult of••grain transferred front the ‘1'4.,:it to the\ bailor of -Monty:II, his season tI)ttrk 8.leettien= douis Increase over the figures of flny previous year. Last yerir showed o great Increase over the summer. of 1005, but, large as the margin wa. 11 was mit at sit equal to the difference between 'the seasons of 1908 and 1907; Te traniportatIon of wheal. of pre- mier Importance in the records of •,Ilia St. Lawrence canal revenue returns, reached ti total of almost double the number of buihels carried down ' lost year, while the (Mal -lartoorn. thOttgfi r•cl so great, was almost triple last yeara Botts, • lIndetthe graln herllivg:114 .•••,-•• only decreaes-in ttals were in berley, Ilaxseed,-and-fliairs-an41•Jine- were eery . altfiri,,proporlionifo4lisoo.tholgsan*d of -efela carried. • 111P '1+114111' to passenger Irnitle are `.1,;0 sr, S1111eM'fial stirprbilng. hi view ..sf 4.;' cusilIng of' Ilse stiltutter weather awl Itte'7,•:- genet/it inclemency wfileii twa '." reasons. whlett were exoertisd 10.cmie ..4"; ri &create . Instead of thr.t: howvvrre. Inn figurer of last guntritcr nrr 1 ettetcd I) upwartil thou.and. ) It, total 0)11,140 thi. 111h-eilt‘entbm-talt 143 alittost Iwo hundred thousand Ins. The principnl shipments !if the season are as follows: • 1007c -1900.7,-ii.m Wheat .bushels 16.411.914 01,411;1113 -,,fl' Con), ushels., 11 • 3,770,843 1.14.644',:a'' Peas, Wallets 3.683 '..„.11,107s,' oats, bistiek .. 3,211tro s.1 1:131 Barley, bshel.s. • 489,5.00010 • .t3$ 1•Rye,izbfgeetdishi eblu.‘shela 1,7571sit, Flour, 'brirrelif eases .0.937:",,i. Lititter;• eases /.. 4.1 Cieise; ittei • , Va