Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 1 (2);err • , _ . T...
subscribe for tbo ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
O above stated; or else
take as trial subscription
off.► Ala
PARMERS who want
big crt td aC, t hPir Eiktet
r kaouldcet their Gills at
the ADVOCATE and ad-
Terri: e* ,irQ the AM MMOs;•A 'E
-Arta. Vitae
A. a DlemEzex. -7 asatr.. P.
HON. I'Bruit MCL.AR E°N,
W. . MC:1a rca TIT, Earn, :u -P.
•4t Ex. Drawer. Earn, LC.
4R a ', - - Genera:.
**FT. _ .pmt. Gener!ra
we -will rale the Wales
prices for HIM CM) 8E,
SPRING CHtilKE$!, ti.",,
TU KEY kiwi.of
its ---
laterct rt bencurrent rates paid quartette.
Branches at Meter, Dashwood, Zur-
ich and Crediton,
. for . ,
VouneiI wet1 a ortn,^1 *11, Dee.9, at
thm, .A.11.Present. Minato of -1:a-0
nieetiug read and approved. -.
Arab= ern. MitelteB asskett for a rand
of $1 for dog tax. not °sitting a dog.
The Reeve eplained; to °Mr. Mitchell
hat the-eouncil hattntr iiower to `
fund taxes.
After the Court of Revision. h.:t
.uf+LR.' .D 4AW410 pale-"dPPd,TT�oF
be of e P tar Board
asking a grant of $35. Granted -on mo-
tion of Knight and Heattaan. —Carried.
SolicitorL.H. Dickson reported . av-
fng received the agreement as pre ar-
tied-- ' tirnra-nd°-forwarde •to the'' ` r
Evaporator Co., Hamilton, for signa-
tare, the sa=ne having been properly
signed and witnebeed.
Fuke—Johns--that the By -Law, re
Gibbs Evaporator Co., as now read be
accepted bvy_tbis Council_iiiiand.ft_has_a
Aw`n:�:� rFm-r c:�%nn.>"'wi�:cx"v�".:+6+ri.wn•�a ;.e:,�n'.rk` i+wu 7. +r..rw p�,�mw.>
Heatfian-Fuke--theClerk andtoun-
cillor Johns confer with the printing
offices re publishing Gibbs By-Law.—
Johns--Neaman—the Council accept
$40 from Main et. church Board in
a ment for the constructi ► n of ave.
meat as ong a ctoriaa st.—Carried.
---....111111 Beaman --Puke— the Council grant
Mrs. Sutton charity to theamountof
.r � '..'T.. c.•}. .: i:•N•.: W -.}M «TMµ”
': Ax : r{....- •.u.....:.i..,:..:i.... ]wd.-:A..«.... Y"- . ,•, i '!.'M.F .T` ;U' w.9.e _ "Y. .i•§
.r.'ci�:... '�C An. 'c., - . .F v.�.:.G�!- :.i-..I3':"..[i3. f i e•1 ,:'. +MR :.]Ili:%: ' Lo_ r 2 �tnj fViy.. }:tineetabit
"Cl�rr€a�itfi{is f8 heai,r alttlaCid:i
EiT L�[lttiona.te_Reerr+-,.: 'cto,r._
s lots and Public School Trustees and
the appointment o£ D.R.O. and Pall
� WaNt
Clerks. was read a second time and on
• 4notisn--ef-Faire-and• l iearmana-
t •sam * .
be now read a thrd._ tee land finally
passed. the Reeve and Clerk signing
same and the seal of the corporation
affixed thereto.
The following accounts were read
and ordered to be paid: Jas, Weekes,
Fire chief, salaries, etc., $240.15; O. B. -
+�,y ,f�,,�y (�,�y� �c ':. �¢o �elyry �at-A..--Ji.:kph..n4.-+.+'.Ii►W��%?y;1c^,»«�.a4q
�.ta '� i*oin 4nd FSppR ,fpr 4i. T
, RiOg, to tarts esteem ‘ i4 ; hieli *:he •1s .
foie . i WO11tOf, w r*ir the • will
ak tap thele . bod`e, ° W044 he
itet� Tat Happe. bofup `reit the [leg
ottaWsb, DO. ffi It. fl. G pn; + +c n*
seritative member far Smith Huron,
died at'$.4 r n' leek to -night r<n':the:hast.,
pita l hereafter after° an illness of; ultoitt oue
The end. 'thte not unexpected as' it
Was known since Friday idaay night'that
the patieor' J condition was mostser-
.411'a:�uFrLy;°r'fvvmura�mFM^�"^�'LTi.:'�k�'7r;+;FG°°"kCi'.iyvr�,it l.'W' "•n::'+�Att '
M rz ' l b:ttF not - -been of 0
the best for some weeks, and shortly
after arriviug horse in, Seaforth he c
Complained that he was not improving
al�si-ha�3, expected. Acting on the c
.., f�
tong. happy and p�. m
Sperot an ied,
rife. its boh ace lnip;bit 'esteemed
dung pimple and have maw. many
mein stance Elimonton.
•� .�
halt o
Li �'....��, Q:: +tl. '., also grand
Dear sirs, --I beg to acknowledge re-
eipt of cheque No. for one thous.
and dollars fn settlement of asurane
laaitrh of wp deceased wife �nie tat_
'eel) is-pimicia r; cher red -the
hospital. where for the first few days
he aimed to i tllprnv e, .Friday ..night,
howesvetr, be became worse add he
gradually sank. This afternoon it
was known that lie could not last long.
Mrs! i41111 aatici hid two nope . ?ip
Bart. ly thank the members of your
Council for their kindness and sym-
Wpathy showin nay late trouble.
th Wishing Exeter Council 91 and your
oble order at large a *very success.
Respectfully yours.
:eshtw lnlirrnt"atdisra;^
The late 13. B. (lana was one of the
A one dollar' bill cannot be better
moat popular amen that ever sat
in the invested than by mailing it to the
Dominion . parliament. His good Family Herald and Weekly Star, of
nature was ever with hint, and it was Montreal, for a year's subscription to
contageou•. He was considered a that great weekly. To have it come to
• rat
No doubt there are many things you need and a lilt more yon w
buy that you do not need. We have things for the needy and
-things for the needless. We are now stocking up with a view to
big, trade. -
Pure Demask Bleached Table Linen with -1' 'app, to
match, sizes 20x20 and 22x22; Jap Drawn -work TraO
-Cloth and Dollies; Damask Drawn -work and Hem-
stitched Towels, 50c. each; Embroidered Linen,
25, 35 and 50; Tapestry Curtains and Table Cov- p
ars in all colors, ranging from $2 to .50; Tap-
roldered Tops with -
_ -co for -ltiatch; -Ladles' Hi mstitcbetl aid Farcy Eva-
-broidered Handkerchiefs ittt Silk. Liiacit and t,aE ,�__._
choice e, .lino its a(izc Collars and Belts, * very
cholas- 11�to nt B��c
ts' Mufflers, H*ndkcr-
claisfs el lral s,: Ti,vtlwBraces and aka
Town Hall lighting. $3.60; J.Murray,
account. less what was chargeable to
cemetery Board, $4.70; S. Sweet, labor
and cement, $30.09; _.Tief es _Printing
Co., printing to date. $9.20; Bell Tele-
phone Co., half yearly rent cemetery
hone, $12.50; Queen City Oil Co., as -
ohne, $794; for repairs and sup ies,
Connor Bros. $5 25, Ed. ` Treble 4.73,
A. E. Pym $1.30: H. Spackman, sup-
plies -for fire hall engine, $1.35; lames
Acheson. night watch. $1.50; Jerry
noir, do., $ 1.5O; for labor, T. Cornish
$1.25: T.Oree+cb, 50; J. Creech, $1.50;
'G€ .
Westoott, $1. ; W. J. Bissett,pt.
'earls $33; Do., refund of fines, $0.0
W. 'Cross, cemetery, $27; Dr. Brown -
;inn, M.H.O,a $5; J. Senior, Secy, B. of
„ j a ' 1i,. $5; Do., balance of salary,1907, $30;
F. Gillespie, freight and cartage, $14.x:
4 rlareaslsaa1.Caards. a
O. It *DIMON. L. D. 8., D. D 8.
• D-nNTIST .
Iter of the R. C. D. 8, of Ontario and Honorer
o1Tc/onto ilsiversity.
Over Dielogan A e irling's Law Office, in
D#. iiadersou's former Dental Panora
DLO. A, R. KINSMAN.' L. D. 8., D D. 8.+_
a u�►te. ai-tsotonter-Untvertstc.
Teeth *extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
a„DIAcino tHiadman..t.Stsnbury's,otftce, Main street
Agent Confederation Life As nee
Corn ' any, also Fire Insurance in"lead=
Main -St„ Exeter.
For Sale or To Rent.
Let No. 15, -Con. 2, Tp. of Step . Q ty el
neon. containing 100 acres of rind. fenced
nd drained; with good orchard, a".m •3, tweasty acres -
god•...bush; -modem- 1di ; to
hoot, church and market and issiiireabo ttwo
�'le from
will Village of Eurtear. mt enc sad before
bq rented. Fcr t t.:.tr diets
apply to
o..trtLra4thorn,.:..aztn- to Until rg.
Wellington st. . Earrfecre, tn.
London. Ont. Easter Ont
A1F. MALLOY, D. (Tar. Univ.) MEMBER
e Cane et >t clans ruldrurgeons, Ontario.
.feri ter Mena Burgeon Toronto • Western Hospital.
• fleeces w to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: on
grhll reettirrort3: ofo der .
Mrs. Sutton, c arity. $10.49; S. Buck-
ingham, caring for benches in park, $1; .
A. S. Davis, repairing Town Hall win.
dows,.50c. Amounting in all to $620.07•
Johns—Funke .—Carried.
leaman-Joins--the offerofT. Haw-
kins& Son for -a 22 -inch lire bell for
$125 was Bled. --Carried, -
Fuke-Adjourrnnent to Dec. 10, at 8.
J. Senior. Clerk.
The Huron County council met 111
Wingham -last week. The county
bridge ,eomzni ionner: parted_that. ire
had examined ell the bridges in the
countywhich were over 2:3 feet
lengthiandgave-aan eslimit off ►,
as te amount required to renew the
wooden bridges: The last wooden
bridges were built in 18--4, and some
yet, but the above alum would cover
the 'cont of placing th"e wooden
bridges with ir4tn ones. New y.4 bridges
had been constructed this year art fol.
lows: Bluevale; one south of Win -
tram; Caampbell'e bridge, in Aebdel
St. Joseph, in Hay; Grand " Bend, in
Stephen; Sauble, on the boundary be -
e-0 green Huron and Middlesex;'Kirkton,
on the boundary between Huron and
• Perth. Bridges will be re meed next
DR. Z P. I e ACoUf 1N -
Has rammed practice atter spendingA. year (Col-
lege) et British and Continental Hospitais. General
lrxactice With special attention to Eye. (with refrac-
tion Saar Nose and Throat*
..._ .....z - . ninety t *Thaood, Ont.
1. . Cliltt�dgr�►.
MOta li TO LOAN. .
!►tfia>rei rla ie.liaao,s oi private funds to loan
a Una awed r� Pepe:ties at loco .rates of inter
41 uOitt* TANnuir,
1 alrrtete*, i'iC;lielteerr,Ntln at.. Exeter On
Wham Brown
. r erg, Di a of Roysl Incorporated Society of
Yank lane, gland; Organist eat Trlvitt Memorial
Churrb,lt sete r. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
er li�a te. Tiiegni eri application. Exeter. Ont.
�s oNTARIo
Wletl_T'icatttrf truant err .J $-4a� Ot
women a ssnactatty.
In the matter xrft Henry Wing, of the
Villtge+r $bipka„in theTownship
of Step n, County of Horeb, Ren.
eeral rnerchitrit+.•'
2�4"a>ti s is hetes! y�i: uer that Henry c,� of the
ci etoI Ahil►brall►r T rraitl .} cf8tcp'trn,Ocncral Iter.
0 -ha tib t+Mada an atisighr.;t t under 1I.$.0. t ?.
!:sp,1il`, "astl amen Ale often lass tante, .-ren.
rte And effete t J at an 3. Bernet, f the Vilisge
(,. cf Sari' i Teretabij4r a 1Ts,7,Coatlay ci Maar. , Gen-
eral )1e the general t emet of to erect!.
ec a cr i t will
hate be: in the
at the hon 01 eacea o"dl ck Era the forenoon.
to rec:ei*e a .t*te,t#+!irt Of abates', to appoint in
tcr's fuer � of the east, generally. t`iret .
- q*P (M lr�;lstir*i� With the aka=
ase e f' and partietarara thereof ret'
rlsat , is -. befsa+at the ie Of ins,
R atte� rfa.teritar got"era, Hist after the
,lirara�,1 ' the. A ghee iI3 �pre�ct+tsa4
ufra'Ww carte too btor ati: to
'�tf tering toter mit? to the
tM stat+l ear a +ast+ri tufa hst'o bete oeet.11. ar:':i that
w tr iI ala 1r+ar'letkt, e I test!! mod C? *V' pan thus.
xti dtitC Oka
nee pe, o .a to Nee
!'t 1 wtiti:t'.li
e Geta rl ,l. t1:rhei',
;il�:e 4 st 1Cstr a, t �+t t i cid cf �!L�lt",g axe,
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
The tinder s;gracd auctioneers hare et. i tmrt ell t
seltby public aantic� a.
Thomas /landlord's old Sate ;Stable
The following prprety;
HORS • -1 hen isare. # ;fra. stmt LI J,1 heavy
Beare, 3 yearn with foal; 1 draught toasty s years;
draught Nines, 3 yrs.;1 drang t 2 tars.; 1 drly
Ing mare, c'ycars with feed and ravel ti, l� cede;
driving mare, 12 years with foal; 11 dttz" -+ aa -are.
yre.;1 driving mare a years, 1 driving mare
1 pafcing horse, 4 yrs ; f aged perry.
noes - s come, steer 2-yr.0; 11 Oro ez i;
n pig.
alit°LENTS Binder;` most
, aced
drill. manure spreader, sided€lie r disc
barrows, iron harrows+, roller, acue&ar. s i •Fir,
walking plow, 2 -furrow plow. ten211 leaks' gap. . p
Iha., watertrc�h, crag holderattl!ar la, , 4 art=
cane. sausage grinder, caa� pul:ey. a4 rte, t r'k,
spade, crythe.wooden ppu�mp, ehcvea cr..'w _.tam
sett team Karnes, est light dont#e Exr_ps, m- •
her cf collars. 3 tet light si.2r'tas harms. r, warm.
neighs. hay rack. wagon bcx, rai...t d tom
top huge, cutter. rep. p ler, wire r
stretcher anarhlne' ferputtiug�fic�<;sah
and hitx,lsamrner, wrenches. wh e+` tea.
hand•asw, horse ellppere, ecru e beat &mon
The above are a IA of good tip! cte and acres
he sc d without reserve as the eropaie•zr taw ell
tl:e Mantle property and has no rarest an
months'rcditonfrnrnishingag :alt ne
r cent cif for cash en credit a � , a •
. Bossenberry and The* Cameron,
C. E. - HACKNEY. Proprietor.
tome each week means a treat
e year round, O a: r 0 ar is a
very 'small aatnount when one considers
that every week for fifty-two-- weeks
y w^YSR4R
�•,�RR Lit.
rIy%t :ice .aa_ svnp 1erful - laedp. At this
sOaso-nr-eft+ ea t not de better than send
a dollar to the Family Herald and
Weekly' Star. of Montreal,
he United �Staates:Subscr€bers
to the -ADVOCATE are bow -
et re of the fact that we have
to :ay lc. stags on each a r
means Fate. in a year. Conse-
quently the price to subscribers
in United States is $1.50 a yeAr,
and as we must pay the p stage
in advance; sowemust a our
jy i:Aar- leers -to pay4w-advan tv—
Many subscribers have already
renewed for next year, saying
they cannot do without the
ADVOCATE, even if they do pay
postage. Kindly remit at once.
Itmea;ns much to us at i hale w"
Saintsbury : The annual Sunday
School Christmas et t tan'
connect on with St. Patrick s e a urch
will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 10
when the 4isuzd pro ,r to r4 liege. teas,„„ . ....
.T ...:.L:...+ -T. riY`S[L...CL aSY'• kt `C_^r• i-,
._ ,_. -.. Y ...,...V.0.......... _.
man of good business ability and was
well above the to erage as a debater.
*Among [lie fells>..s he was respected
foe hie hlgb ideas of, life, heir,* a man
of Ynost"'�tnpiairy It a.blts. Mr. ' Gann
wast conspicuous figure in any gather-
in ,'being of picturesque appearance.
Hispula tty� was amplyevidenced
during is 1 t illness, whemembers
calls to learn Of bis condition.
The remains will be- taken to Sea -
Little did the people of Exeter and
district think three weeks ago las
night when they heard Mr, Gunn
speak in the Exeter Opera House that
that would , be the " last time they
would hear him. On that occasion he
remarkedthat he did not know wheth-
er herwould be the r_an ate...,ghosen .o=
contest the next election, but little did
he think -that death would -remove-
him so soon. He then looked the pic-
ture of health, although he was not
fcllinj °
welt' -Thi e` s of" hi death'
was received here with the deepest
= meow.-,--Lle-was=-kindly; -goon natured'
and charitable—a man of excellent
a;haracter, honored and respected by
all, whether political friends or oppon-
euts ._ He. was an_. active_ m
t . e T et r , , est , '= rch�in -rho trivia of
Seafortb, Where previous to hitt elec-
tion to parliament at the last general
election when he defeated Thos. Fras-
er by 111, he was *general merchant
Ills wife. two sons, Gordon and John,
and bis mother survive, and have the
symptathy of the whole riding in their
bereavement. Mr. Gunn was- r47 years
of age. The funeral takes place Thurs-
day at 1.45 p.m. in Seaforth.
year as follows: Hall's bride, Goder- - -
:>� tch Torten 'lit �itV C it ..........,...
s p; arren ree one m e
south of Hensall; Josephine street,
north of Winham; and a bridge on
the boundary between -Grey a and-Ettma
townships. The commissioner has is-
siuedorderaa' to the amount of $13,428.911
8 since tle last meeting of the council.
'�' a House 'of R4fu gge committee,
9 i consisting of Reeves Middleton, Geig-
er, Willert and McLean, Warden Cur-
rie, Clerk Lane and inspector Tor -
ranee, visited that institution last
week and were very much pleased
with what they saw. They expressed
themselves as well saddled with the
management of 11r. Match and his
better half who are not only getting
good resuite, for the unty, nit*rem
well very popular with the inmates.
Why- Mot Escape. Colds?
The new way
il, v i r.A
-- r
Pot np En cap.
4 auto: Harm-
.J ' less and easy
keara to take:
Prize 25e.abox
glsii wzt�' , to entree 1
n :old. only hos
8.o eye, `�. .
+ henntilt and (*Waal. t .
I'ULLIC NOTICE Fs hcrebyy given that a tnectjng
of the electors o1' the Township et Stephen mill b
held In the TOWN nem. (REDITON, on MON.
DAT, DEC. 50,13(C, at ONE otlock in the afar -
,soots, far the purpeee of making and receiving nom•
in&taone far Reeve,tl�trr Reeve and Councilmen.Arad further notice la ere!. icer, that in the event
attune candid atts being Cee for any efirtica.
aim — require tar e than reire\�t,to� t ected. the pr brans
wail be ,fonrreft-r ti11,114Of1DAY, JANUAR. ..th,
R.D. 1 . whets u ll be e a et t9 * sts. at
the fo rani, fixed ty Tcwi*h!p lay , s',
poll r, ai irei *hoe si:c.p. la r cuss. 1; Pen.
hales kitchen, lot 29. Con. 1; S. Retber fabs• ;ltd. 11,
ren. C; 4, Torn Irall, la!, 1t?. cos. • • 15. tlstnit4as
hana°e kitchen tot H. con. 11; c. Z nyeaer's Hal,
E 2J Win, N. • 7, Iiva letaJl rtl,IA 11.c�n. If;.
le, R.isenli Ila 1 at. 40, Con, 8. 'E, 0, Yettbee e
11.2. !ct 1, Bauble. And all electors fare hereby re.
vested to take n01i e a govern ton/nicest a n.
:n 'y,HENRY intent
RtitirbingO ! er.
Creeutar, nt, 0. 1100
t drool trottion No.13, Sodom S=1,
int.- d holding tbelraatrinual(liristn as
t1rer entertainment nment on tom. 19th, whet
1* et ted that *good 'pr, ram w111,
ke re
red. '
Mr. George McNorton of the lOtb
con. of Blanshard has been engaged to
teach in our school for 1908. Mr.Benn
the present teacher will continue - his
studies. go€pg to Normal.
Hibbert: There died at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, on Dec. 8th. 'William
Barden, at the age of 54 years. and 11
months. The deceased had been taken
to the asylum _ - from, here for
treatment, but gradually growin
worse be passed away. Deceased w:
a bachelor. His rema€ns .were brough
here for burial Tuesday, the Toner
takingPlace from the home of his
brother -:n -law, Mr. Jas. Bodkins.
y Dolitis-wA1tn�-At London. Dec. 10,
by Rey. Sage, Thos. Dobbs 'of Lon-
don, to Miss Maggie Ward of Lucan.
CHESNEY—PIcl.AIID--At the home of '
Ithe bride's parents, Dec. 9, G. L.
Chesney to Miss Edna, daughter of
Mr.. antL Mrs. W. Pickax
A.NOIE-- t ENOMY—At Drysdale. NOV.
26, by Rev. Loiselle, John Lanoie of
Drysdale to 'Miss Nellie, daughter of
Edward Denomy, Sauble Line.
STEEPER—MAWSON--At Alleva Craig,
Nov. 27, by Rev. Baker, John Wine
Steeper to Miss Margaret Mawsion,
both of McGillivray:
FI —Its rah --At the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert .Kerslake, on Dec. 11, Mr. -
William Frayne to Miss Alrnenaa
Kerslake, allot Teborne,
: OUR ,_. NEW &Tom OF
Watches,- Jewellery, Silverware, --Toilet
Sete, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up, and we ma
sa a say thattWis is the finest stock
..that- asp ---elver =b n► ssh+ ' vnlnMt-46i%
.. _ �. 5 _-
They Win Suit . You
Call and Examine Earl
The Rector -.of -the Trigitt Memorial
is delivering a series of sermons dur-
ing Advent on Sunday evenings on
the Bible.' Last Sunday the sermon,
was on The•8ouree of the Bible and his
exposition of the subject was most in-
teresting end instructive, showing
that the Rector had given the subject
much forethought and preparation.
He dealt with many of the ancient
writioge that had been. derived from
God to tnaao and how the Bible had
stood the teat of all ages. Nett Sun-
day he will deal with some of the
iest versions and their trnitione.
.third Sunday he ,will- deal with the
aid Authorized aReviled Ttstait`atfone.
.This aeries of sermons is proving very
interesting to the congregation.
Married at-1.detoaittl*. -
rA very ret_t...and pleasant event
t��t=_. _ r
a 4
eigbt o'dcck at the lionte of Mrs. _ .
Ilegglth, Belmont, Alta, it being the
marriage of her eldest daughter Jen-
nie, formerly of Centralia, to Mr. jet.
E. Smith, formerly Of Centralia alio,
and now one of Edmonton's merchants.
The gcoon took his stolid under an
arch . 've ss d flowers, while.
the L ri +e, Owned is a 'tea tiful nay
bltle travelling suit, with a katal€dei°edd
white silk, Mouses Orn e*ryryin a him eb
ofK white -ehryeanthe roulnhe, entered
leaanin on the aer ii of her brother, to
the stains of the usual - wedding
maa h, played b Mrs"., Vail. The
°ceirnrotly was timed in the pre-
w friends by.
aaerate of fe �m t ., tic 8the-.
Herta W. 3 aggith, 13 A.03. , Of
areas brother of the bride. Alter
the veretnony was over fill, scat down
to *sumptuous repast, nes *UAW id
ample circ �tit t�d after
it was s>arVd the reomttiingp r'tof the
evening was [pent 111 pint *OW
int r sss, eoliteotak by mole. etc.
The *isle was the reel0eitt of ,many
This -Shore is Full -of Th .
Pocket, Pen and Jack
-Enivesfraiitic-tip-to 411—
Razors from ,.25c. to
r `1.50. Star Safety Ra-
zors $1.00. .