Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 7 (2),4t
--:',,,z;,‘„,,;455.-.Z.,;-:..45.-..-.,-,,,,•,..15,15,-7.7.,. Z,T.,,,,,,;.c*,;1,,,V .•,-5.'4,5,5","7., :.-;.:,..'",",:.• •••,747,4--. ,,. „...„,,, ,„.„.
e e
V fr< cry:raorningur.i:t0
teJ. So large ',was the ett-
.. Cates; in , the
fIsr tir.trauroutsfltle i 1 .
set , apart for
a his -year e/allantly
tLe.fair. Even In .tha cell"
1, lb pacts reserved tor
0. •diPV
leialie repIe ntalives ...drag
My 'Ministers ar.4,1 ether important
stages.. reeve oecupied by the
UK, , Over thirty Senators hid ,to,
-*iai4 tQ4V The bar in lhe reservation
sel sJrt kr this day for Commoners,'
1 ,t... jlte..-,•01, ;
-, . nit kir- ve
,...' _ .ExcettencY. ..wno end 1
coaMher preceded by a brilliant staff.
After itla Excellency had • taken bi
;moot-a:Sae a
' -**--eatiliyAltreiiitly.
,ter$ Uw Cornmon..
4g te none was RS
• IlSr
.patciltleakt - - lb VAX Me gr
111 a - ----ame to congr u
' u <4n lite remarkable expansion 'of
the tre ti ot Canada withother mum.-
•ries„-itte•-lotaf --trade Of the past year
r exeeeding that of any of its r
„surs-„,----4"-gratifying result of this
. -Wit .'waS tbat the 'revenue n t the
OS ,,,tal Orloci of niri4 months, was
o ,• ihron-Stifileient to 'meet expenSes
Solidata tutid-,--Nutional -Trans:,
inertial fialiway, capital and speciat
ta.l.'s. ail expenses of the. Doniinton
otvcry kind, and leave a .balanee ot
4,mi1lion dollars lo be applied
Ti TCdflion of the public debt.
'flie 'am of immigrants coming
Oa . continues tee. increase in
voltt . I year drawieg--to--tv close -
larger number titian, atilt
ar, and it is gratitying. to
I einany---alorniarg---from -I
irtkut has been blessed by
les or prosperous:years,. and
te present trivalent Its bust.
-triele by the financial
aiy .hieh vfolfs-stitrough
f Teel assu eel that this un-
ndition will be temporary,
ie 1, - tab e ,resourees-o
t'1a and Ilte worldovide recognition
them give
s ample guarantee- of
utinuJ lnateriat progress.
f ....' 1-,e-aIZd
meie ' Itee4r,,-te'llie 1,10-..ta4.en, MO 1.
edmineneentent Of ,,wOrk, at bott*..t 0
terrt-aud: western rends'oit 'the menu.
"'..diVisKire -TITO-- .--10--a vrv .stew
tbe. whole Werk fI?LjQn2tL,n '1{i
be Pacific. Ocean will be It ,r. vigor-
.--01IIMAte IMIN-11GRATIO.',-, -,-
-.construction. ''', • ,
Ti' unexpegteil -Influx .,ot iratolgra-
tion of Oriental /countries into British
(k/lumbia .0-raused .A. Strallg. reeling of
oppositioa. A member of my .04avern-
anent bas bee'n- depated to, proceed to
447.7.4%0141,01.4)0W -
..ment...on. this. Subjett- '
T40au(Wen and, unexpected Oollaps
')t:the gre"St. eantilever bridge In Course
conatrudien -across tlw St. Law
!» tbyjt it Oue1t.r Ita(iit
e reOrd s"' a n&hiaila
and the event hea evoked much Serrew
fr the lives 'which were lost on, that
commission h s been appointed
0 enquire into the causes which led
te -the-dtsaster. •-Wlear-reetive4-3, lite
41 „ it ke iaa
mr..a.ss .0tss 1,=.*Ut
, *
held in Lando* In.
April--anct-May -lett
ernnlent ofthe flatted
tungcloin end the Geverannents of the
Prftizh 4rdillons beyond the teaS
atJ.sfacIorfly dealt will; many sub-
Jrts in **bleb the Empire at large fa
inieres.ted- A copy or the minutes of
Ibe .Plineeedings will be laid before
Two 'of my Atiolgtort„ duly atithoilz-
tat'by his Majesty for the -purpose, and
ficting !n ,i,,,,,,-,T_Pf00,04141...„AvifIL.bis...xta,..
"muasmonm at Paris, have re-
nt gotiated n conventku with
the:Government of the French fleptib-
peeting the tounnerrial relation
• ot,--itrodreirt
ha;nb'r ini the Canadian Partite:
trietet. 'A, 4VpY Of ibis oonvention wl
be Stibirtitted to you ImmedlatolY, and
yOU vitt berasktar
, .
Of Newfoundland
involved In a eontro-
, Versy 'Wl 00Vernmertt Of the'
ofstatee the tem meaning of
Artiele1 Of 11* .oenvention re,specting
elialterite,' 0110114A lit the 3,.eai 1818
between the, ttlitedeliCingdom and the
Eulteat .,,Stateae 014g.
• wet,,eaereellit--Ttfv
,rir.kia-Ortinient IntS' iett.ted,..with'-the
• errirnerit tit NeWfeundlaitd hi an agree-
.',Iretrat le: refer tettatters, 0.1 difkreneo
arising .untler said- Artielo I la The
-40-4-4Htlituttilty---of Oblain.big_ :labor -,and-
raateria/A . at, tt tithe 'of tmsiness
htts iOntewliat ret13,101 the
anitchat, W
No. 1 roctt
No, -3, 11,Crtbe
.„ 573 t4 D7NC.; "
eeciala, $15,50f *litter, wbeat
,5,73; straight, • rellera„ 0,50;7
age. 3) o"W„',,k5;.- extra,. .•
' 0:: • htanitot4 -brana
t.1n '
r 1,
t,`" itoti
re:te httie
s ate :unchanged.
eemery. prints'
det kAlida , « 04, 0 • tt,e to 27e
Dairy prints 240t027c
1 .V;fro, • . 23-Clo
Che6se.--13gc tor large end 13.70
for twins, .
Eggs. Sktrage ere 23e per alor.en\ 111
sc lots; seleetS, 260- to 27e; flew -laid
flbcut, notritnet-iit_
infrJor. 5c to Sot choke 'ducks a
Mese isteadY at /a to ft; tat, clean,
ry-Pleked turkeys, ite to 13; thin
tr here.,
n 5 to 10.85 for pme B21d
.85 to $1.05kr nand -picked.
•• o
• ti 4
123c k. oeocoltn
baeort. 14e to Ilie; W
030 to :161.4e; fresh Idileti
dressed begs, 88.50 to &175; alUe
5,0 to OA.
re Is 0'1:try firm tone to the toe
beese market, November lail-eiads
re selling et 11X0 to 11147,.e. and O.
tober at 12e to 123c.
A„ moderate and tteady eazan&1
1; receipts, 270
LHYd 13.c
4 ,
• ammo MAMET.
• •
t; Winter, rini, ,, Cern
Higher; No. . v,thite, 6,111te,;: Kn. ,el
iIwt 67c. Oats thisettled;* No.
Tito lire areund itt
after ',the I a,- had • etired
smoke • Noic.44't7.1)Ourtt ,
slafrway +rattically it 4Tt t
stairs front escape. Deilaluirg
awakened by tho smell of smoke, and
rushed down air. fle then' called to
. i?,,A 4,
) •. ,
ak that ,she may reeaaver. Th*.
re. was -pa kintt theMen: 'In t.4.
Biari and Der -a. Bllx b.d falien Mtn.
their bed; 'tut tbe dime sinfUe.- caused-.
them, to ito,!,,e sentsed direetien, and,
they could nkt 110 tainvay.
On Ilkionday" iast 210 womienlied
for &divorce in St. fzuis.
-Seven men were burned 'to
• -
GibtlE7. --- - ' ,' ' .estoloWtvo* 4 iy.
An air rifle, fired by a fre-Yearetld boy,
"frightened two burearg from Abe base -
meat of a house. in. Cleieago.
tatplt.Bride .Frani Our Os and IneffOrts to find oil in Harmon, Ill.,
..-,• . 41#:as
t 1
per lb: for 604b. pailS, and ite to 13c
for A lo 10 lbpalts—Oorabs. at. $1.75
$0 dozm *
ItT irifiter
'd rffigzfititlaWrie • •1-.
'A Is moSt gratifying to find that,
notwithstanding the large ,reduction
of postal rates 'Which have been made,
the revenue -of the Post-oMee Depart-
ment has continued to increase,rapkily.
urge -recelials-of--this---
the Government business will enable
the department to make still mere
t oral provision for the extenSion of
IroMal,faellitiesAhroughout the Demin.
The time has arrived „when the pub
lie interest requires that telegraph and
lepitone companies bolding Federal
healers should be placed .under Gov -
trivalent control. ,A bill will be intro-
fuced-,-for-iltat purpose. Gentlemen
the House of Unmans':
The public„ -accounts for the nine
-mouths ending .31st -,Itarelt last wal-
be. laid 'before3,-anz without delay. ,
The: estimates for the coming ilscal
year %%ill he submitted tor your appro.
vat at an early day.
Hon Gentlemen of the Senate:
Gent/ m n
- -
N't 11.
Barley-05ct $1.10fly0-o. 21 $7
P000 X 0."' •*,% •
ilated-Htty-Timothris quoted
Baled Straw $10 to $10.50 aper
on track here.
_ • afteitlVo., f _north -
Duluth, 1.194 to.b. atiOat; No. 2
ton hard winter. $1.11%.,101) aftoat
V4. te
Smkd and Dry Salted meats
Long clear bacan, 1031c to 11 for tons
and cases; hams., median and light.
ISc to 153214'; heavy, 13,4c to 14c; bac,
-16W to --11e; --th(itil&iw.- '10et 1c
10e 10 Ile; breakfast baWn.
-15c to 1532vc; green meats out of pickle,
le iess than smoked.
Pork-7Short cut, ' '84.2.1..75 to V3 for
barrels; mess, $.1.9 to $20.
Lard, -Firm; tierces, 12e; tubs, 12.31e
its 12e., •
Montreal. Dec. 3.--Mantldba, No. 3
Toronto, Dee. 3, -1 -Good leads ots but.
.ters' cattle, $4 t6;$1.25; inedhun to fair,
,11.50 to $3.75; cows, good, $3- to $3.25;
wws, common. $2.25 tO $2.50; ednners
Sec to S1,50 per cwt.
--Trade - feeders-- arld-stoditirs-vt-ellg-
(lull. Feeders, best' 1;000 to 1.100 lt4s,
$3.25 td $3.75; fair feeers, $2.75 to $3;
stockers, 050 to 650 Tbs.
$2.40 to
comnora stockers, at.2,5to 11153; stock
calves, $1.50 to $1.75 per cwt.
Sheep, lamb, and c Ives were steady.
Export ei.ves, $3.75 .to $4; exPort, bucks,
S.54) if' g,Lper p.wt;..landta, 43-4 Wel
3 to 60.per .
Hogs weat, down o lees,
l_vghts and fats sold at and Sirq5t.
IW OatS Ori spat,. liec; Wart* arta- at.-,
uebee No .. -2 -white, 58e to 5834e; No. want
• Among the measures 'to be submit.
fed to you is a bill for the melension
of the boundarle,s ,of Manitoba and of
'other provinces, also a bill, to Provide
for lite issue of Governmerit annuities
for Old age, 'a bill respecting insur-'
ince and bilis to amend -the ElectiOrr
Act mid The Dorninion -Lands Act.
I commend to your thoughtful eon.
sideration nie•several Subjects to which
have referred, and I trust that in your
deiitedation- you „may be guided by Di,
vine light.'
Ike Crop May Aggregate Seventy Million
\A despatch from Ottawa says t The
Dkpartment of Trade and Commeree,on
Friday mornin received a letter from
Victory :For Qutario Agricultural College
at Chicago.
A despatch from Chicago says: ',..For
the 'third- time in successkin the Stu -
4101)1 Item rfiam the Ontario Agricul.
ture College at Guelph on, Saturday.
won the tro h in the live stock ud
rig con est aV the International LIY0
Sleek Exposition, Against the :stn.
ents triallL were,-pitteit,,i‘iree,
sentattves front the State eoUege of
South Dakota, Kansas, Thas,
Ohio, Iowa and This.trophy,
,which has been presented by oto
ta judge each ciasS ;arid two
Minutes in *which to state- his reasons
for the'dectsion. The Gitelph leant se. -
cured art, aggregate of One hundredtJa:
It- any other learn. _ ,The rnentber
of the leant erez. E. S. -Archibald; *fru.
,.0ourity;: L. A: flow.dg', Mealerd; 0,;
Meleertaie, tirade tOunly„ and.. 11. 11.
Itedson, .1kfyrite, '
While, lie :I d1-ot 1 Ibe °Markt
A 'A g a t '
T1i fr,� 'ectkinut ilie
t ,ekt.15 11 tot with The
tribe-- itfer,i, .A Teoglay
Stier botidairding several valitigea. A,
wheat, yield thts year may possibly
aggregate seventy million and
the percentage of grades 4 and' Under
y.. _be Its kiva-la-torty--per-e001-.-Ft
early to make any accurate estimate.
adds, that, it ,is yet. a ittlt6 too
Alt Are Beim; Used in Getting Out the
Grain Crop.
A despatch trout Perak; 13.C.;' flys
There is a. great shortage of earsito th
.hm Me the wheat. crOp. The"„slwriage.
Ilar, due to- effditp ofitio (J.0.-:ite, to
ran mite to 'fitly per cent. The win-
panies have made ,frequent protests to
tiv ,d0claring that they are un -
le• tolilt orders, Jand pointing 'owl ftinti,
fixar not Ite heidiresponsible it a -fuel
-rtiiiiiii6-iryoeurs ilL tl„ke prairie- 1,rovinees
1(tbere the ,eoci reservesare unfelt losvee
Lae ; I peLsed.
euty ougali
it bunt Ztttogy ,Vtonti for
.dttn4;er Dittnapon,
4‘latet1 ft ;n A
met 'seek:here fs;4Atirt 'recent Drale,
rnander Apt the Proxicti itciA*3
reqm that 4angeat1ary
;SIM *tiii#11 tribM*11 atiit
Dining 'the be;glit r nu, tattk 1
?.$154a, trbeinin who **lei figtiting
Abtletfizi„t4 u4e1en1y went
onemy, atter WhC1 thlot Suit
itfortl, woo ' lo raltidett„
yo it esikge et Gwlpb.
The animals juded vere:---1Iors.
Podium', Octant!) eeateh and "shir
sheep, itamixtulettl, Shrepshir44
Ifswedds--s, wine," lionvaltiresi---Der
shires amt 'Yorkshires.; -cattle, ;Short;
horns; Angus and, 'fat grade steers.
Ench eeudent as 4124e4 .g1--fiffen
• I
• •
Arthur Kaiser, 13 years, ol age, of Md.,
CANADA. -auteee, whlie try'ing t b a. cowls:W.
Ottawa doctors /PIM; agreed to rats
their rates. '
Plans 1,91.Litillleal„
e lessor) a.car, 81M1 now
f death in lu•s home.
a 7 ThIrfattert-e1144P
4 - ^
tj-Oopfl T!
v4.4 4r,
rtc• - New-
t'ete-rtiona lloard of Health wale th
erection Or an- iSolationr-Twsplig;
• hers win not be litereaecal.
Ite total yield 014 WI* 6.1zt in the wes
is estimated at it'&J36.500 bushes.
Another totiden,. Ont., man...Jaas offt
$10,000--towards-a hospital for con
inpftires. , • • '
Over._a Afillion „bushels of grain were
-kV/4041 last week
Centrticts-liar-fitrther construction t
the Temiskamilig flaihray have • been,
London hotels jive failed' 40 earryout
their plans to raise the Price of -liquor
n -Stafe.s, ts estimated at S7,41 -
(moan oar . above_ehat -•
/ 3. I. BM says New York has reaclied
I 15. X 0
E. Shaill1,, of 11C1311, has just
ended his fittf-,seeond. season 011 thp
takes. , • •
. 'Two Winifred alla fifty Bavarians it
•Toronto4 out of work, have applied 'lc
ale `Tern
Hessian(' miners, have agmed to actent
reduction in,wages, and the mines will
ts'-kept running. •
A second direct line,of stealtaers' from
Frairee-WCanada has,,been inaugurated,
b!14.4:tcoat.iiirtbs-jellearn.„ totntren,e,drW4chedrPnPldre8sittro4sY°41-fier:In---d' forla% b1(31'°71 -111e'
I' d bridge into the rapids at Niagara
ard • s carried over the Ralson Tinos -
WC It 4fg bouns in the M. -V. R.
shops *ESL, -Thomas hay been redUred
-fr°Tniorri5°bybaltrirs '8011r1114541PehQufarsekvOlt Wtottl*
iirtAul.44%o„ ,g60,000 _
Apple txpOrtets 'oomplatned to the
ratio:lads ' that 'one niillion- dollara'
worth Of apPles are tied up for lack of
flroeke Jortesi-a un ma
he Y.
, ;-- -
Ming ten in a city n u ,f.ay
,whtle the attendant 1v0 absent- •
-10.631.75 -damages from the Plotestant
:Settool!4.Commitestetters. •
.The C. P. ft. stearners Tartar and
Ath21an have been telelto the Japanese
the climax' of her C4 in supra,.
eineforth- ust seek, „
other outlets.
Srherman Cass. a seitool Walter, has
., or debt, and ny the laws 01 the
stele may be kept there f:' life: -
While a "cereing out," reception for
Miss Sydney toyee was bejlag held in a • ,
'Chicago- hoWl, $4,0.10 y.rorth"oi jewellery' -
was stolen Item her apartments. . •
Chaties CallE011. (1 Bristol, Pa., chal-
lenges any racia in the warld to gnat
'• regard _tor the present year, ,pt, cu -
ting 5g,450•thrn stedis; or 235 .shechs a
Lt0rne Myers, -nurse A4 ---At‘.
'kidnapped the ltve. tie sons sons of
Mrs. Alltert Johnson,' bera.U. $15 was
die= her. and she had not tn rabic to
11.While 'shaping a tooth' u sharp•--- -
tool, Dr. •D, J. Reese, altarrisburg den -
fist, strtzek in the eye by fra erg
,f the te_oth-and .iost-the slight- -of- e --e„-
re tiiiis u 1 eir..! Detroit
meld and their furniture placefl ur,On the
sidewalk, beeliwe a drunken lather
failed to pay rent.
To Wye the Ideal a girl Wilo had
been badly burned, Dr. R. A. (-Asturian,
Mti-Yor 01 'Princeton, Ind., had u- quantity,
skin rernoved from his arra and
alled on the.ehild.
England's climate has cured Kaiser
Wither/es Catarrh.
-La--,Taque tranth o1 -the. f„,).artee Za•
John Itallymy ties been ol,?cned.
ence • Nightingale, we Crimean
nurse, has hami'decorated with' the Or-
•,, „
ty --men-Avere,,,earned-into.--the__
herne4at tiondon. on Thursday by the
all of a steel Carder, and two Isere
• vned.
Mists have decided
that *it are In4tt41i(1
'vlgtory, intliithng ibe two jriiir
uus, have given the Oritatio Sitttlextts.
e-eteetde.fHtrestige. All meinL.
t the team are fourti. year inert' a the
college. The trophy is valizett at
ly OW.
1' fiend Murdered ffer Otrause .;$0Pfhe
• -Was Not tteady.
• A • delpateh from- jet: ity A5.0e,a,e
mght aitd anneunced to -friends that ibee
had LiI his U 'had Itfurnod
licate to filld no supper awaiting Ititn,le'
said, had• accused. his „wife of drinking.
mid itegletling their hrrnt, ,tild finally.
14'111.'41MM' In the tialliwak of the
Olwell lione the Itxdiee unit lite svoi,
Um's. Gathered QbOUi bet wir
fourJiLlie ebildren inaying pgful effOrts
p. Geo s
A-- lespafelt I otreal
rankfklef4e, ice-bresidelft.an
manager o the ,t4raitd Tata
l;-eirte; feint -tied lo Atantreat on TinArs*
ta after a throe 11)4.'1111s* trip:through
Western (..anail,a. Dur;twihig trip 'Mr.
M5rie inspectiOil
tof et,-ery pat{ 4-4 4;t4n1,'Krivalt
4:1 i15trir1icit.i dui taq rktitri:otat to hio;tit.
!ILA bilog wade the yokiri.. 44
tuittlingct • "!
1.I1tttib trout fitls.,
(if riltberekrt 17; 4,*eitt
;overnines11 tv,nih4-0 b.
41 V_ ether 4imine4i4., titti Wid
r itZ,040 and 4,1*4'apowd.
filtiners Imprisoned at rip
the City.; Penn.
etwoen Witty, 'atiCsi$tyz:TritiWli
are ,entonibed itt tfle, NaiTunt mine Of ltie
United 'Coat Co. at Payelfe.tity. aS' tl
riqUit vt-anoxplaskof ol blaek damp
SaluNey, night. it is thought hany
aro dead behind tons :of roCk unctleoal
whielt fell" during •Ille-ooricasslea and
Waked the /entrance.: Ttte exrak;Sion
*3.s cateied; it is eald, when er„
4. an open lartlp eitlerM fn 4+1 Tht
has beet;
scnt' leant Ntratortgalaefa, end Surtottrid.
itTg Ayr*. 1eta1te--ai'6--fileagrf3.--4wtit
• ; .0 rjtO
etInft70i1414an, 10414
A 4a r4.1a tfavga
101;d1144,!, ojLaI44)y fill:Cut year.,
• t‘ae 14160,04 "to 'Water ,,Sfre•Je
lIc'pital„aen' ev,raDitg rrot Ltlj
Marr„ Oue, With 1.4ct1 etr4
tclt,et fr,gion. ,` 714,1tip
ittrnol 4:.031144 li3unzie",,
Iwttio, Hal \as 10..,\ 1104 ii74r.ltet--4) to 06
,i1P W611d0Coia! Into tik tvlitre,
sis-nt itigt?,t tirid part of 4 Vott--11
ivi re..2 4#4
ya lint! t4,74i
le route3 .14,Caeuta and Yoko.
11,4Thiiised Vestern Ontario Gout'
tion that4t JOCtI
. i
places lor lodging.;
Pobert Braithwaite,. the Oreille' 'home-
s ea cr., vita fiii-asedarbits--.
d was Shot by .Corporal Dann, tired
so the epOliceman, Avas absolved
frin bitl,
On Ids return to Tokio, Boron,
HP _Japanese Gomintsstoner, advised.that
bur *migration to , the, United Staita be
poilintied, end ibat to Canada: be greatly
it 'the „Bank of Cornmeree-. and Est-,.„
.,I1arriatt",;d4lieetor of lite ),klaCdottald
dlcd, on
VirPaatiYie.1)6,vdre ,I.vps' fatally injured.at
exibaltrli falling under temoving trai
Ort.fliday. Allore was killed and
tulip floy probablk fatally injured( In
r431:k.114 1sk shaft by. an -Okt
Irtngtli a
me rule.
Eho British AdiniralfY111 etlalP a
n1ers to torlikg the
es, !net by torpedo ikats diregt,
f m .the lip*J1g ports.
Prot Ilowins‘ Setr4ais Uri/.
ish "Itclorm ikaigne. Says' flit
,FranoorCanadian rats materially re-
duces .the preferen liritaln.
'Sir PILSebuster,* President ot !be
• Dritish," Inetilute ot tankers, elated the
othernight that Indieattons pointed
not -to att_if,tpagAt.cn In tresle,',ut itt
reatrietiCil. •
. ,
' "-- -
ey ttc-t W& famine.
is again ltoreaterilng Oruro-
loftierir calltreok i9 threaten-
netir Paelt
, TP.iirteeft torr(,,7-,s!..; .were 14inged
3 la.§1, Week.
h 414I
e o
1„t400- ;411., 41-01prrz5&t
Incuf.t.ng vociito:n
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