HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 6 (2).111, • OOP ••110011,111
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'Dr. ferbes Whulow ,,. hes Sound In
. **tidying ataieiDes ol insanity that loco-.
, • .4leative engineer* end, firemen. are un -
Usually apt to :become nientally de!
• raPlIed; In a list of ,seventy-four trades
•and. preifeasjons that or Lilo. ekigineees
. &lands seventh. from •the •toe , this, re-
. tee' :1,411Ve tt0•011 4t 01,1.01114r.
• 6rantInyn.$4!
'botectly' Itiefri'Spei$ And:poltIoh it
*-'eritical *matnettti. there' tS
slava distussion of the'. etralte•which
!mad of 'the•eateet-to--which they -weakete
- feat 10 the P0111Paildrial*Ites least 14?
at of *unreliability' of attenUon during
work. The railway unions have
emphasized the II414tvy requirements of
the reads upon the engineers in the way
.0! makMg time. and the roads have tried
to place all the blame upon the men.
• It is the conclusion of Keighley Snow-
den, writing in cne of the*,current Sri;
----fists reviews; basett ca
• accidents in question, that the engineer -a
L• •
work than they thor-
• . qughly and unfailingly. U'hat between
- taking time, caring for the running of
iheir coniplicated• machine, and watChing
cut for danger_signaLs, they are bur-
-dined beyond the limit. And his .remedy
• mtist..,bf_adopted:.on.. ad: lines_ren-
-nine feat
. '-heving-the-sole duty of watc ling out for
• the signals. The installation of autcma-
. tic signals is expensive. and cannot be
done in a day. Where it is most needed
- • .bi'firoet orTei-petietree-Tigi'thftflUkfl
. substitute would be perhaps e reason-
able temporary expedient. • -Certainly
. the fact that two men were enough to
• run a twenty-mile,en-hour troll% a gen-
eratton ago is no. argitinent against he
need ef three men .on many• trains to-
'Alfalfa hag made millions of money
, • Ind 'added thousands of Intiiihitantb to
Nebraska and Kansa* 'within the last
• '..
High Ideals Are Isleceisary for High
• tainment -a '
^ . •
e1t.04 'CA
' *iliazar
' • „•\.
AI unto 1h'
.; Ckieriees
.11:!••be.-1'141ror 0.0.*-,kiertY*11411180,1iC ),e4
Sieeiett•eppedieed 1adch.
111:6 'earth, when
lope. Thli• *as -this thelighte that
Ilsbl!binat,titSgairitNAPROAllabiriiiid_ Zkr-44)1
infogine, Jtie.rfekortly of tis •Cen think
et God more'. easily. when We gase from
sofas lowerintekvation inits"tifeallesece
iirthe alarry"sky." and feel." alaidIti 1.4:e
divine preisence, "the sleep" among 'the
lonely lints." .•' •
It is absolutely necessary for us to
have ideals. If we have none, then we
will sink to tholevel .of the. beasts of
tlio field. We willsgo through life as
dumb driven cattle, and not. as heroes
with -the ligld of God shining in QUI'
faces. If we wish worthily to achieve
oue destiny. then there must ever be be.
.... ,. '•.4..,..,.•••\., . .e. .....e -
--3/iii• -14. - ei-tget. '-' quite •:h• arti 1--bekire-
.-- e
....-.........ea7..... A on t..nott......no................,..
' 1
li :''. .--.T'--1:1TILISUNDATSC 0 ....,.
.g . .., .
„ ,. , •.. Always- $pak Onions,-Ilekiie ociaiiitia - '.* .• -
ill in wartn.• Jolted e 'ger For ltiventy min-
utes, and . you wt1 find the flavor Im-
PmIlevedtnv'e 'Jade. Inure Ma' ric...-A elo- Ili- ', Tkilt.N.POiSiL -1.1S-44.- ..
altnoSt :Instan.tty.;_,ilien.._ the _chueren. can ' IPEC. 1. ,. • .
dipped n .eelt • d anrubbed. on frosted
windows will reiteave the thickest. incest -
:leis aut ' hi „whiter, ... ....- : . ••• , • .. 7 . .. -Les** i..., 'Julie.. VLso Clioke. Go4dio7..
, • • .
'77.11e7.1.itt&t:Illiara-krr: -L•A't'il-H.:_tiz diti41_:::z.L:!-:
:: - .- . --
.14%1"Iftil.ttulte.,„:rnhf-tei'•. Out.)IY. --n-7-.r.. -... 1./-:...' ,-... iless- •• ‘f -:-1.•.. -1'4'.:. '.-- ' '' •'''''''''''''''''''''
1t.ing'ilte./in&4-/t0441.t.14:.,On.:11.1e4...ti-iiti-.: - 7. .:T.I I 1•:. 1:•ii1.i::WitTi-i-Ir•-til-f-iii-•;;;;7•7••:'''.::t-'•',7.77,77t
yets-,svill,,,syrri•jfintlf.retluo 'Ilici‹.'gsifOr:. 4.,:‘ • " '...•' -.1•.•.'7.,' ..,,i, •:.....'' ...'. ','' .::''") ;.. , /','.. .'..., , .,,'' i,. ' . /',,'' '''.,.f .`, . • ... ,. .. ' ,..,. ,
.t4liS ,' of k.- ii ,NV .r- ,..i ..:.. 411 0 -Xi! d ‘. _s ,64.,.. :'il)t; 1)04 ' . ' ' • ' )'d . 4u.'•the"•t!.,i1::•0.1....*.1•-..\‘'.01
1.!..A., lli,,?,a-,;,..,W1:10,&.,,-.1.*Otild*-•'.Cerii:;7,7-tislpii-',...'..ists*.fts.-•-•-•.*:-..-‘,•-!•,..,,•--"....•.--......-,•._4-...`„.••,.-.!:.•,*;",";•-,;:,..--••,
70n09.1he-endi....dip'•fr Iti1.s.....:10 -...,ettierk ....i;dtv,,'..-...L..:Ilitt'ilkiolt it.) l...... f tiltleielhe ;1/tit..._ Mitt Atilt:. ,.
t-F-proces4s. ttie."Steel...quictlYIKieiss.: ' iL7 ll,Ili; UV Issiong.: tO „,-4.0t,..-- Iktt?i $.. „Vs' 11'0.1, .4k4'..‘;:,
.*•;:.%1'-:•.''' :.'`..' ':' .': :':.' ,'''- i:i ''.'. '' -:: ':•• --•:.:•':.':14411.1g0'.':',riti4ite4;1.:7,7. I 014 Iti4i) ,', i.14111;ti47j.111$
• •-•• .',174:..•,ISI3st)ii..f.-i f .1iW. Att.;elii.ifil.-1•:..4fiace,:.:-. -.Alt•?).E:100.:1,2.41R.tin.Ve-..AN*44.',001"*7!.Vr,,';',';',..•
.reWMs,-.'ll 1..‘...tiiit,'•:Con,Ventoit'..IO ' fito4 •-1...tt"rtt"" ../.''''..1'°•`" 101'.1"PT:f.,;11.1,1PO4-.4•
,.i,:14•17'..tnatt,:thosvelt4,..of thtsjilsioryAeilic.h...s!..e.
.:..C7V.L.3.1bednr4esie:is'e.11,'.11ent•',en/'..p.l':eptl.11.,:eri.tbet•i:(1;:i6:1.u'ii.e_.3sfililiti.nindii'f'•%1*.P1:11'1,•.z11611441:::rilV'int':4:1eriliallit.je:e.:.:111tahat frIFOtelftli-..boek ..ciettita-tyr Pg1.1.!..•t!Ir44.r-:•'•." ..4
le! iletennified. with'. ceetaniey. espeeitilly..
• - •-• - - - ' - - . 4 • • ....." - fell Iteelf.--lt • bal-beerepitWeefig .•elegoist---
. _If ,rice Ls, to''.be a
treed,,,•1 1' should- be' -
3,IE C.‘001PN°`
7 .
': .7 i% 1 Ir: A PP4404::`;li t4714111 C 4 I 7'.' 4.1.4t--..
-,-. ....,-,4,„......- Iii-•makinesnificemeatthWfailltrehi*
. , ....
- - •.• Ping. itiec•filfple.S.-Witheut;*pfilifig Ageni.,
: •
1.• Not-gwilyloy'ipi, saveltiniffinit.,e0Oes4
•,,,,;, t , - .s. ,•,., ., .
, pill), the,-,shfinceinevif.-Will ' be 'hilkov4
'',..i ilis.,..,"; l-y•.,glitle.rs isilly .tbeir
s.'Prgif... •In'•,Hlaiiketittie,;,!:_telloii4Ing
'11.4141"..44;i:tiiihs..er'titinristopir.ti:uidt)14.1.*4010.441',,so°'ti...W. raelfeib,..st;delletonst-itiricAfecitt. 4i,"th434104
Ifs, siffinfoliterlfi'.. it.s-,ideslied;'::' pecrerehlY
.1..4i1)01*1.1h:.ilreter.'.eti4r. re.r.44•:14)10.6k:
.Iiiorge :*,4one.1,,,...-Diallit,ivrafs,'...eaOsZsirsier
*tt/411roi'illits;.:.%441.,Iiii:josseitiies41.1f,..#1011rse,41441464fand's crfsg* iff-•.**•• iill0'. *et Iketd410;-..; bieolu .,,..Ft.'e
-sdiat09-:Seirits 401 .eixtetibt**X;•19....'iti.e, -Wi!i,i'l .i0tillitcri:-'*; nil 460' in. lot: lard.
,o,ntritt,,.. ;:.f,: it- is. .uwey*.o. our '„own,,,faUlt, • ItaitiONitil,'Wheit - rei golden •,..! il9Wri : *0
f.,'"1.00lc'let' Ukfit',be* :11141Lientr"2nuilltisilill,,iffiertiloutleialr .ino'-'llo':, *.. yrileerey,liiiiriett,,,ece.firitgsligYn;4"ea'rd ..,. •sa.:it' ets....4...stittiii;
not.,061,00k down." .:,'I.Ocik at • the:things •
isolidwatitamirmtootewasis_wri4y,preer_. itoc_dAnwee- , lin4 ..etafiber**. make
ife;d2fecIa.4f;. - 0 liked,
net at the thin- which Produce sheeted a delicious • jelly. may be •1110(14.- Y
racalre... Ksep
i. siiefit;lessireowniat(itieat=
reporL SO
leitilly• turned away rmu-itlingi \
I 01.64111k eye& wie be Lew -
We eltall have opportunities every day,
almost every hour, of showing our phlio•
eophy of life. It depends entirely upon
ourselvee In what -dtreMlon we will
direct our gaze -toward those ibing.s
which will lift -us up or drag us down;
toward the snow-capped mountain
peaks, glittering in the sunlight. or to
. -ttstrdaAc-.- foutrieversimunteti-swanips-of
Ou: religion, as ths of -Weida-, iiimyan, rrogress."
becko_nauk_nywa„ rd +11{1 11.-S 6'9 for sees' a man wide a uniek-nike. Over his
Ilafrillre and drit-77-----Y c WiralittrlerertharNetilaf'fitsffi
If it be true that nio‘t Well "dialler
and love and. hate, gather and squander,
nee raised aloft, are hifried In the dust,
striving blindly, achieving nothing."
then let fru. of us... We cap if
ese 'will. cherish some splendid kical of
character and service, Many •niete,liave. ' GEORGE DOWNING SPARKS.
in his handle: But the nian will not look
up and continues to,,ruke together the
sticks and straws the !Icor. It is a
hue picture. grim in its reality, of a man
with ncLebteels• the _saddest kind ot
bunion tragedy.,
.4 -
Ait apple each day keeps the doctor
, -away; •- - • - - - • -
Another el night starves hint outright;
An apple each meal, and one for -sleep.
Will -kill him and shroud him and bury
him deep.
. .
This Mile jingle ehould have a place
4g1 the door of every medicine closet,
and indeed, if the apple were more
',Teiterally regarded from a maidoinal
‘iewpeeni. the contents of the niede
decade. It meaty; the es.tablisliment ofreine eins,ta could be very largely dis•
crennieliTs arid cifFes-e-fitlories-iireverr --ied-Wilh."-- • -
town in the airieultural districts. 11 A prominent physician once said
• hat "if one-half the meat. One fourth
' means the pultiplying of dairy herds; 1.
the bread and all the candy *given to
Vie establishment of combination dairy t,
.. hildten coulerhe• made to give tace
and stock farms; the relsIng of ' hngs.. -11 fruit. of wiitch apples formed a "rge
ant! the establishinent of a system of 1.roportion, lila death rate would be
diversified. farming_ anti._ the reelemptkai !really _reduced. _their bodies being
of all exhausted lanik4. .1Iorstss, cows and, 1 eter (mined; iiiid-ill-SSTOCilirbe-liteilth•s-
le.r and have far better brain activity."
s -sheep thrive on alfalfa, either as a pas -
C d, well -ripened apples. •oateit in
. tyre or as _cured hay. Hoge not only reasonable qiiiiiitille3. not only will
thrive on It but grow fat when pinced
•.: .- never be injurioug to a child or growp
• And the hen. although not classed as a most accept:1bl . satisfying and health -
in an alfalfa pasture with no other food. persaii. but if ;eke) as aloof!, are the
ruminant, will browje on alfalfa day _NI one1TIZIllythiat canotetbettecr_hotsentse;. ilendeattlensn
• atter day and gc to the roost chewing IS
rre%h or after Preserving. canning - or
* the end of oontentment. . The value o. droll.. . . • .. . (Awl IING COLD.
alfalftt as a 'soil restorer lies in the fate ''is athe apple oontains niore. 065. A great deal of lung trouble, etinsump'•
• that, ilis roots, which penettate the. soil phoric. acid in easily digested form Con, and throat difIlculties are charge-
• abk directly to, the habit of laughing
to a great .depttu'die and are constantly than *ny other • fruit, it is of _high
and talking' km gcing out from treated
_renesved-thus...enrichitig the soil with it value es a brain food. It iiie,...:10' so a.
uth. audience 1*001114.- Pep, le sit for liourein
1hoiough--dieinfectant-of -I
supply of, lennus, and. what Ls more that important doorway lo the Ann- tt•e cold air. They 'are in high spirite.
warm rooms, then go out sinklenly into
with two tablespoonfuls of butter ad- '
Important. the nitrogen whiehlhe plant itch, and if eaten regularly does much and naturally inclitted to chatter. and ded, and mix wIth one She is a handsome, ilark-lulired woman.
&is...gathered_ frOul .Mie...P1.tl4O!P_Ilg....rtt:-.....i.‘A .-i10.L- prevent, &road...diseases- • • lettithroltell-keePind"illis"uP kn-s-iong" oil" --T - nib "*'-"- - -*- --- "1-WeitIterd;--aniVannidmirableintisician.:
c eese. a e cayenne. two t"
cunfuLet ri.r 1,.. and a perfect dresser; Is clever. witty.
a butter fat and milk producer alfalfa There is no better remedy , for inSotn- limo. 'the sudden redueing of the teinT, _riponnede„,14_ . tard., fifurni_ari.
_ fist ofr ensilage._ ._As .4ia y_ i t_ is Avon li. from .
• keep up the milk flow as well tie when
Dairy: cow.; teed 4:01 the cur,,d bay and before retiring. ,Its w-bolesonie add inhulation of very cold air Le productive - to
inote_Ti hound jind relreghing sleep_
• -.2f.F...ti•H__Ihe.Saine-:_reason -art-Titpple.2.'eateri sfrengthAindAttlailly_--iareseeducetk maks .:-_-___.--.
excites the. action of the liver and pro- of congestion and chills innumerable. • _
When one 1•1 very much' fatigued _the coveraSe‘ill:".1
Able ha -e • - cov ri "-the.- -hole- with
h0ef- atheaueel)°,. iraeokleastli.eines•atatebru..,be,6raind 1)titiowmcliesa tak_itteL=17. one.of Iht
aro-u-nti tht-em-S4444and AcilIA)-wersPa.inats-nelPrtieratiric,11-"ureswellif:ils!Ye-41.enielin
% i" u, „ , . - ' 4 . _ ..illeadot-icitti7:giiii,:iiik=afidilier.
, on. - View in 'London exhibitions. Tit(
filliS-Tic-niperlar-ifr-thir-ranwriat-lonige:- -ttiv-then•-sr-vipeslifiey-epple-sitten licatarinsrlik'UnliOnfrille ellcrnunis with croutons. arrange
Ed to S15 per ton in the market. accor- before' breakfast every inornin •• _will ing one' susceptible to cold and illness "" graLtu• drives tandem or four-in-hand ana, when
• ding to seasons. and more than that to prove the beet of esinvilexioe uti. that umler-ordinaq condillons would be. cheese and very brown creutehs, and
flees. - No devotee of apples ev r sufs harmless. When one feels thorctighly Grand Duchesse ot nesse useA tii ride al
hackreanibnerryth7j07.: for about twentY tbs. head of her own regiment. Site wee -
feed on the furm.
-ee , ---ssonrisinsdrce or liver epees -am tired.eiut.-theeveryebest Plan -le -to -like -a- Zninuks.-- -
oyspeptic.s are ahno.st Invariably, or- warm bath' MI°wed by an 81(1111°1 rub, lio--il-i-e.---o (1 -i -71;r -is -be' r---'1A-Isecorniid- ntnalSmtaell'at;i'lluNrrilta.1"4bur ie ekwi'ionseVn 'Iasi
and then teL into bed, if only fer len ries In one pint of waler until -.soft. "Ducky" to her family tied intimates.• .
dered sipples for their wholessmie action
CRIME DETF.CTING TO-D,V. minutes. Tha, nal& should not be, hot then
Different Methods Now 'Titan Thai ol
Ten Veers AV. -
catteinglone to cough at night may be
uptin the dIges!ive organs.
The kekling sensation of the 4hroat enough lp cause perspiration; it should
ci:ly be warm enough to allow one to re-
lix. The stay in the tub must -never . cools a:tnndp 1,t). ia,ndsda uataciiitile .
11 until It begins
press through sieve: measure thie - The 'Duke .41 Atholl, who 15 flOw in
Eletigs:;.117°U11.11en 1
nstaugathnt.,1 residence at tits beautiful Perthshin
seat. !Mali Caslle. ki the lord o f °vet
3oluctillanifilici:iiiiiftittelie. bILnrced.srl
crime. •"Descriptiens of • the persons
wanted were posted upon every pollee: cd by, a deSire to cou;111.
place. Unmet& and garnish With mer ‘I"4"-
(1%1Frri of
Ten years age ele!ectivis relied upn apple by the broside.,and taking a tee-
irelitlY 4*.14!1& by Piacing.. n masted longer than' five niinutes. The 1 -
should be ready to get into ImmOitely iletcePci°oonliciu.twt)afttfrattfunrne
stereotyped methods of . dIsc.overi g Kremlin! of the" pulp wlienibt-er ennoy- 0,1 leaving -the tub.- into ii wetted mold and 'set, In I foraliie d
As the apple can be had in fresh HEALTH IS QUEEN.01: BEAUTY. Marquess and Fart of Tullittar.
Sias-consideesid enough. Now the Kyr.; ,.
Portion of-ttiO year.Than any other of and that is good health. To try to mould. quarter tealpoonful cream of tartar and ' art of Stratlitny and Sivilliardale.
station -throughout Ilietoiluniry,_and_that Ilnet.-Tperfect_ixndition,dulinult'erealer ---Tiiiee' --14:144:00-rOartx-iiid'. 10-;--lie-atil, i:if Hires -4e- Until- foatny.- adit - ' '1`154-**°11""lenlitmmd'-;Attia - tilegill".4
ingifelnade_ai_follew5; Beat !tie :whiles dine. E , _._____ . ..
. km has undtvgonall drnslic change.•and-
the tnethods of the detectives of fo-day the 'fruits. lite appetizing Ways of pre-
paring 11 have grown lo be\ legion. so e beautiful ligtire. and a pretty face out beat tinfil dry. fold in ihree-quarters straueit. Earl striiiiiite, Karon ITetcy. Bile -
*Ile' Viscount\ Salquhlifiler. Lord Gat*, and
NI vanilla. Drep n oiled paper or •
italquiddder. la•rit Ilaivenie,• Baron
: tees 11G lees rontentic thnn (hose of the
• Dint one need never lire of _it through e.weied be foe len archlikel• to build his cupful of sugar and one -hall teaspoon -
of an unhealthy body Ls asAinpeesible &a
, , sleuthhounds of Action. -
•Tb. Abbe Delarue eanished some little lsek et veriation. And A% tile heat ars foendation on a bed of 14011(1. Before press through star : ube and bake in on. Mit y Cf•Sinnley. Baron Murray ni
..1.11ed- In -cooking breaks. down the cells you .lry your beauty esercises lo neduce .,„..,. da,,,,,. ,A,.....,. ,.. ,. t ., Tullibardine, and Itaron Glenirm. 'nit
• i tom, to disoover any trace of Min. and tn0re lhorotileilY blends the itC1(18 He` hips and waist and to f111 out the '-'-' i ""'". "" " ‘" -6ouilt latrq. duke and- his duchess dislessed- of ..theti
,_, dukedome dales. from 1710. The third
time ago, and the French ranee were.at
-end super of the fruit illierewith. Ha hollows of thelieck. stop and think if minutes. _
That, he had, been done to 4 eattwas
Imitation. Ginger. -To - every pound sintbit:4nGitIVeirillit'iliellieit l'ifealbr' 117Net,(10110. 4:1 lit:
tallin !oar granted, till a detective wholesnmeness ntid dtgestibility elle in- you liaVe Me phylical foundations to .
oesrehed . the -surrounding country- with- tee*. 41e411-- ley; cooking:, - --: --H---- 7---- build-ii,n,,---11*-40n- find -you- are- iiiteitike---P: 11--P-P---le5 *114)w • Ihreelluertera o• r-sis3ourth-ditke-dIsposetl_01 hia-rtitntillifIS
round of:,: sugSr and one and a half r.repetly and priVileges In the .iste fo, the
- s • hyena. These tinfmale can scent a Wise'in her deS is fhe housewife and exhausted and tired. postpone the beauty
• - - "shoWed no -611111.4_ of having, diseavercd
--dead- body- train- illa r. --w het lAr-- buried- oe mother ....who._.nomber...,__.....Doeitl...:-Apphelt. it‘8414•4x,044-411/4 '.44,1C.Ild,..--Nur •.tiete-resting .„0uncesLALitie_hest_white..41-ager ' P• edit.- - Crown -tor--
her. --bousehold.-1.:41ilh. E: ihttse.. •-,...... -3'011.-can• hike knlit-walki-
A.-411-regutar-amt-boatured-memlor-of. Isti&tittig_sip,114......5,xczall '.1-31°-ece_43.,,pare. and •quarter thelm.ataeLp ' •
dri ik kits. of the 0;u1r.-Ifinger,....and.....Sugar in -.layers vacate ci.lbe.:opentate; i e. _ ii„spi lA
to '01 14011(1011 is -astroug ad.
. aheosuch horror. " • , ___. Wider and do not eat many s -refs.- 'into ft wide mouthed jitt. Let thein re. Ids !wavy duties he' Manages 10 sixiiii it
• ., Then the POlice tunied Uicir atlesitka MAI.IGN.S.N'T.- PCSTULF.. '. , .,.., " - g.,. • „-- ,-,,,,,_.. ' ,, ' -Main two, days, then, Inffise an ounce few hours. en ' the volt links every sVeek,
.. stile tniising abbot In tinissels. elive and 1 W"rien a cinder 1.1.1we into the eye elose
1 1°"''.T".'.,111-t•IlOvji A 1:1Nlif..1..•• ' ef ginger' and L 'half a p101. of 'boiling and often plays tennis" Mr an hour
.-. ,febewhere. and finally they 'discovered
This le the tonal -nen forra in which an-
. ..well. - • /. • . . thrax begins In man. arid so the tenn is
_. ,,.., lid and sub 6eutiy_ with,,thd.!fluger _main , d. day. This: quantity, of • gingee,•
w-ater... Cover it carefully and let It sP. fere dinner. Nioreover. he in -ser letS
orteh emploi:ett ag--a atsilblirtn-ot tnat %is' year pest; without. going into camp for a
/ 111 11111111i.titithrat 4., a disisise st anl- Often when, the-rubbin: Is' iciompanied flittc. with the „other. 'y Ingredients! in 'fade' 61 ',Ilich t"Ps'illi li the'thaPiiiii:
prance -MM. I'll! all in a daror two& Willi- the-Lontkin .'.IIititi;ttri=
Another novelly in the, elteeitlAion of.
disease.-- ... t_ : .**..H -*-,"1-,', l',-"*.: • ova soft handker.-hief-kiwanillie nse. send --,water is..lotahree' pounds .of tips
"I. icrime is the adoplkm of the ididliod or
• •,
• rads detective suspected a man ef a
computsinry coutesskin. - Recentlyi--fi
mats. elii.ills gristiig)ininifithrep and „mot. to.. remoyed,,, .1. -or It mat:porn ram with The water strained.. from the Af„,.., Wit he
p *. mina NOt Only,' however..., skies , the... Bishop
hy hiCiving" of • the nose. the. offending
cats and-accesed him nf the er,ime. •
however. he ,acecisted the -suspect in" a uneonimoU cause of &nth. •,'
,,Itelignant pustule • Waxes from Mom- .1.1.0iiriniiirri,hetto.iteitt.slienitii:I.aprotteh:an:orni:iirtnuc,:;•ItIliteleiem....,,,,,I: 1„.4.44,.,,..,.,7isupu,rLiftuThe s, set: k, ' strelditisaih ii.talli .hit, '$;'.1:111:'.
ii• spend as much tinte-ai possible:out of
Diet one 0 t ottAtitrgenrr:t ylitinnirve, 1,1aiiifelirollne,istts Is‘n‘eil.lisp
ratite; but f11011. li Siseceotible 14 Lk p01..
sat,. was larking. Without hesitation.
brutal Pointer. but the evkleuce n
son. and in certsin coutilrlit* it Pen net cinder use a •ftolulion of baracie field. ginger. boil tintIrtlic Opole% took Cif% .1...'.L. ' --- ---:(*unula f!"1.31me elatiti4)
... ' 71.004c r . he fink!. • "'The third betton littkui of 0 little wausiii-an nbrasiotifie li
, 'Ll.mf pitrilefetrit ipsIlini 11;fet Litse• Ol; youirt Las. !sr) serntelitld-stvilli, Wntillor fel - icY4`, .4 Ifor a l'eUi Inlati9K:•:1"rminontly thr 4., bt4atilc' i‘e" a' ------•%4.-.),(47 'ipme-witrivili\ 4:: asidisaindsuamopilsiVittlionstiLaway T1 Wyrjat,
Hon. The litshop , looked at hien . and
, bon May run over tho pupil. •471/7,41.7-1.1ie have n albeit hotline • , iu s.... I
perhaps rt 'pimp e (rum which .the •Ii *
• /. • victim. Cenfessr
,. This Was the merest blurtbut the sils. Willa hilcillilli or the vim*, riliir be "-Int-
. ,; . 1 taininki the' gerrieeit the -41410.i. the 8p. GC" moves the cinder 10 the cskrherl _' of 'he ism, S'orre I gliini disttett for \defs gi:..t-nst for -.an. bear or- Ws portz.‘
the eye. while it may lie easily nem/vied.
. It begins He a entail mil pimple which • 111,NTS Mit THE. i031F7,. •
a .bkyelsi and ,uat It." The
4 .
$babliy Velvet can - Impren44 'SC:
•-•• * _
I ill Wit ell* the finger or any foreign /Ott. ' . . . . : . - • • .
...,--...../......., --........ Oche.% and bunt' * lillie. bist•detisi ..ned .
4e-440044hereetei.:4,4ewsei1ess40-11111!"- , bowever,,wai.a vary peer es* end Ilai
• I y• 14 late.
pect al cnce 0:rakes/Yd. • • planted by a biiing Ity. . ,
siibstance ks town the. eye." ...-- t.s
ltristrwrirspecift a. . . . . cook wads sot avellabiolor a. bicycle, sod
, ..... wow* lb •••••••.••••••,i0 .
few. 41110. i um, .. A lillovsa: arinst
44--a„pin-beed.lonoon Abe,: Ito pliN'.:ontd pint ' lif (bur. l'our en toiling wafer tr.iwn' by adding two •Ocbes' ef buck.. ---.0.1./.'argiltdvlerari. --it;iliasni 111.11.14 146 ellaiillita dreWillisaittioelit:it'fb4: 1141"1, and
In a day 01 Isto.a nantife: bil4lOr the size 14111-41 reminen-vilillening add 'half ..ri. COVetori- cr- felt -frame cheap.' rai.44: lb* Wevels
ihf% ga(Ktft br,i0k4, and isai-es..a mirk eel{ in -4- ‘ittlitlflit littantitr-td-ttiietert-it -ifiln:-and 'ttlik...-..."-.- ' . '''' ' " ' • * ' ' '': * '.'1". *.. '' 7 .:- ris-..it-ria-i. -117-0.Tiare-' drisierirenti,i,ii: m-iiiiiiciictsiltipait_1,4,14.441ift Tt% 41 ovtli..t,
crist...osind, 104611..a. :Hit ,01, nen bli,;.. l'ben „add-i4is garrins' of fl?e' little, and , hrtpare "wood 'Stir 'paInttitir.-1-11y • ap.: swistidsig,, :beireier,-, Ithig.1111O' 1.110010 mem, it soot *be trionelet et It
4a. kriviii.;,,.mme,,441; a) ingi , are,: 1 'si.aI' '. !and' atir,":fo;ither. Iliireniblt, rlyIng,' 'a '',Vcry 111in:soot ' et.glue-$m,kkaows soossetoirobINI10.:• • ' '' '' aa..4
rel' ' ' -
1 ' . . . .,
, ' I , t. .,... ••
• • ,. I, . • , -.'‘..:'
•••-•,-..'..11.,,.......••••....-. ti,..., ,„.,..
. . ... ' '' ' '''' t' ••is • • •*•- .,
• ' ', tt" ',••
straining •„and•eakling .eaine 'moth) of
sugar. Ifluteet"-bolt ". a •!.feve-filinuies
pour Into', mold or-ifITlir'-""' •
Simple • Deserl-Scald one quart of
milk. Beal an egg -and' adit to it one
trent cup of sugar. five lablespootis 'if
cern March.. live tablespoons .of grate.'
choPelate, one cup of cold 'milk. •Mix,
41! le -either and add to the hot milk.
atirri;ng-,-1111-71.1iiek..--.-Add-one-fourth of:a
traspoon of vanilla. . In the inters.al
slice thinly or chop two or three ba-
nanaae_place in dish ..and
Canned Pumpkin. -Take a medium
sized pumpkin, wasti, cut in- half. and
oughly cooked. Reniove pulp Wm skin.
pass through Colander twice, measure,
cnd take an equal quantity of sugar.
cook together for at least half an hour.
1 1311111-41-442417-4erkl-mt"-:"--"itelcans and seal. Thii iseTsimein- •
.plished. on. Arcutitig das•-• as -tho--tirst haeregitia Go...0,-/p. Abikoi._-some of tho .•• Verse ---11:- .A-Verittiti--1-11}411,-FAM"'".11. -------4,
17,1.1nvigtm, hot justrbseivmthoreogolioZtrign7e_tzt_Tus. Seven - ' -4( 'netitiehetit -111-4WItttr`--Uitir hrv-trtft--------7-
. Wortere,Prendriassei-Prople.------7-ee-- \--e--- =7-
----- •7---6-77.-.7..............,........,......,.......rieTrertizainta....71; .-reltree bre --veliii- la -qutie, - -*--.------,,-ng-lt ZeillliCed ._ - „..,..etlie,--Ne. tereiteeeLee-seieffeedeim„ -amernemni. -,..-217"jeetiTireite,retliiarn, -1r..,14ere-ciltrui.greneeentalLfrinndaives---,.. ...„........, /.:-
itTifT) ii-edlifb i his wee- the welch'
a_sur ar-,e-*ordfil,g_DitIC --Waltifft-till- .-C7--(›-frifill----=.11;tifi 74- celebrated- his,minevenin 71:dritulay,_ iF tihtent-ht-Al"ol'• •11*"' -'41/4"""v4-4413-4-1.--.'22----- ---1.-77-------""
. a 0:1110L-----PartS•441(-44-ellgil4h iratIllItr"ardlittr1W10-"KOrKINISIW-raillittlinf
blanched -almonds- and c,elery cut Ink -not the largest rent roil, enjoyed by any tionsnarry N1031)111411 WireS. Tit" ft1111.9.
tEtiiiiiiteelr aildI`NriaiiiI7Ititiliteirrtiffillefe'""'"""
below the general level. el the. sk . this
Tho skin ourroueding it is swollen. dark
Ls really gangrenous, or -dend. tissue. stnall pieces, or our own naUve nuts subject of King Edward. More than a end t.sitit SfalS die. whereupon Nautili de-
esev po.ple in .
can be used. Mix them together. e..edition acres in England anti, Scigiund
r -sl -and hard. •- - -. -- -. - - .-- -- eides to return unto her
By thihisf. tibikinexiihlettadisvieliesegenwienil iiiiatc;elnini; -lect ii)iiie firm' Iiiiiali. Ih.r tees dinigliters-tti-Inw. tnpati ,
round beets. all -the LitAl under the lerdship el las father.. the
toniS of. anthrax will have declared' but a ,red shell remains. Fill these ated Built. arenrapnny her srie ittistnnee
4.1 same siz.e and boil until tender, skin Duke of Sutherland, while the Marques.
and sOop out thi-rifsIde-M1111 -notlittrer-of-Bretiditibane;-- ute• 1-5. Pronaht3-1hr t-41 -14/tirtter;--wlierett 'n Nt "4-414-
breathing.- and a-- weak and •Intermittent put.st generous spoonful of mayonnaise
. next largest proprietor in ihe killg(101IL Vi4t4s t int they turn back and remain ill
Although Caruso, the great tenor. Lt
thetneeives. These • consist in fever,
on each. Make a bed of !Duce leaves :eeir own native land among their .fel-
shells with the celery and nuts .ind does not own half that amount of land.
which is usually not very high. rapid
on Slake a bed of lettuce leaves low7countryinen. the Moabites. 1 iii. -
severe caecei there may be.'delirlitin. .
the centre.: •
the ImPerial Opera House, Vienna. Ite• earrative begins.
fc• receive U.5(10 a -night for dinging ut beings us to- the peini- where our leeson .
pulse. There is headache . and in the
infection occurs by \inhalation and ,there sugar. one-helf cupful or sour cream: anicunt is net it record. mine. melba. Lifted up their voice -Iii laud emend.
• 4
There is nnother form of anthrax,
One-third cupful i, of butter. one and fee an American tour some year's age. I !
1:, the thought of belng eeparated from
Spice. Cake.-Three-quarte.es cupful of 10. instancc•, received as much per night
called "wool:s.criers' disease," in which ,
is no external mark! The sYmploina are
tho same as the constitutional Symp- one-half cupfuls \ (scantrof flour. two and when she toured the State -s last ilrentiY route to .love ‘.ery 4leurly.
t_ier if:oilier-in-law. whom loth haft ap- .
tons of malignant pireiiiie. -with the eggs. one-half teaspoonhil of soda. on. e autumn every night in the concert plat- 15. lier PottPle-The Ntolibite,$. a
feria made her the richer by fli.G00. ---•icieel," akin te Isrlit'l.• .dwediag i u't anti
chest. cough. and other signs cf pulnion- spoonful each of cloves. and cinnanxm. aelflicicens"°:-Iiiicliiigtistreie% eiutheest of Judeti. • •
addition of oppmsion and pain. in the Cupful of 'seeded raisins. one-half , tea- Mine. Patti has rir•alleil and excelled this ,
ary trouble. . - Hub the sugar and the butter tokether. den, London, so king age, as' 1870, slii • %•4" the "nib"' d'bitY "r' tli I*4thelir"'
inuFdot.r, ustixtreeAnveraippear Unto her god:-Cheinosh. the lial,onat.
that the'symploms are often so mild- that. sour cream, then the soda. ivhich mind.
add Abe yolks • of the -eggs,- lees the received the eriornicuS sum of .S.ttis,0006".. .fiellielYr;ifirtI:Pir:q114111-nlibittrecre‘ferrniliNtetisi7 .11:114. Zan::
-Al thing -eta/et 41ds --dieenee -is
peeled 101 the suffem fulLs int _cum' spiees. 'raisins •and 'flour. and Iasi of eighties found her in .‘inerica. where Jelly ill lite Ohl Tr41/1111011i. It, t‘i'll Os
be (11SS011ed in. hot water. then the ec 40,000 for each, performance.; but the
the gravily of the condition Ls il sus-
, ..:
till-lhe whiles of the eggs well beaten. '1... Inman. Nfont.ite stone. 'mid not sel•
!tribe case of malignant pustule the
Before putting the. raisins in roll -them nightly fee.
es at New Orleans, s6,nt1 was het -loin the Nhat;ifes nre is•ferreil .14 rt '11'.
.14 t should.' be cut out as soon - as the-
in flour. wept.? of I liemosh" (,..)inetin.• \tam_ 21. _
maitre of the affection is suspecled..or.
Fried Chicken with Oysters. -Cut up a
. .. • by one of their most..reputable join -nab, -
-Parisizins base _lately .been informed •NI Jer. IS- 16), jiist as the isrr.ellles ai-e
41 the gerins will be destroyed and the
treated-thoroughly-witir-powerfulLeause 1., Ferve; Dredge with salt. "poer _tm.s_photogt-_aphic_cuioera.wveh_ie_ue_ .•Iferieg human, sacrifices lo ties deih . . ,..,...-
Lea, or the bot -iron should be used. The
leipe in thie treatnient is that SO ninny
virulence of the disease se modified -as end ()Our sand fry brown in butter •
fee- Make a cream, 8/11lee With. one
beeping tablespoonful of Mite •
mixed cials who are presenttid, from -Mile -it
teched ko hiS watch chitin, and that w•iiik.
which ore LitrutIsf 2 Kings ea. -13)-
likililitgsds :111.1°`.!71.)°‘:.1e)frlesoirflIjt;,(4.11Viiti.I.I.r1:::11.;:-1.,114;21'
.4.-. have built a high p1 t' he cu..11...,..1,..
if this cannot be &me. it should be 4:ounivehicken_fatuv_ivha,s,been_eican_ that King Edward carries with him a ,
pustule is not 81Ully& fatah although the
add -gradually one cuprui •
of. hot cream nitcroscopic, are given over info - thr
1:irlec)ttsentitkiheg-vniorLuiosy peescwiti:zutlIgItii.s lap:1(11,10111.1p.: :::::reiti I --TZTitils- I 1".-7.--S7Iziliaai Te rep„.e.d. -..,..._
until the nine Of. Josialt's reloinrit:on
eel) at -the joints &Q as to have it ready")
I.. give a chance of recovery.. ?Malignant
with one tablespoonhil -of hot butter, time. The 11111151 'rens seminary menu-. 1ii have e.sitsuled •
fil'OMilMtif(11 of Moab." Thi. '.d.o.••
mortality is extremely .high. -Youth's
Gumpankm. -. •..ou milic. ,season with -salt, -;pepper and charge of an exper( i i
eriarges them. The leitiptftlion te tuki
pao.ographee. wit( tii. Thy people slain be my peepee
a picture -elf- a welt -known strife:inlets or •mil thy God my GkAl;---Ituai. hall tl.ii WO r-
let11011 jinee. Cook One pint of -oysters n •• Court official while eniosing forty !II••Iltilsr'i--.1-1-initilertlY lt-,4c1-111iiiiiiigli..-."1Ife ii.e.s.'1;1;1-1:ki!e-11.1 leiliTtli
in one tablespoonful"- oi, butter until 'whiles is sometinies too _great ki he- re- her 11111!*lital allettiance end fier l'oliet•Th '
pour PC/thUerstatulecine 13/1.e.err ty.,,t1:wchhotleek.en iseissti }ed. , and the collection which fil.‘• ma. iTi order to remain with Nesiiiii• , *
auce_cd_one_cupful-of-milk-lhickened- The Grand Duchess Cyril af (tussle. ti 'faillitY seimMter. or 10111h. ave"r!ling
17. There win I he Lurie:sr-Tina is. in
berled144°p•oestaloaeslainFtoti°smildelges.-candutprels4panrele owns Ls periraps uniqUe. .:7
with Eine tablespoonful of flour and
V110 has been staying in. Isinden. IS LI) ' '
hr of the late Duke of Saxe-esseirie 41t.' puts into actual pruelice at 4 awe. her
:. the etistom.vif thy people. -
Jele-vieti de sa ti' me_ end mine alsti___•
qtowal 10 become a wolshiper id Jelio-
-4--Ilie-Nloabilit-4-lan-npuh-Jeluitiik.,1110- • ----': ''' • tali in ilia' she .11.. no uron the poi::
18: Steadfasti,y ininded,--Full) • 41...er-
lidlitlic.d• Itettilehem-Beililelieir of iiiden. •
• __.the_turuip.b.c.e.:a....uaLto
-,ittite,or1.-xti.Ar.-.--,--.:-nu i--;1own.,-431-- Oily. relled..-------.4*stsss
slise. liplirathati. lies tA4*Alfill file. MO ' •
IttillUllitilitillirll M)SpIlliir'll ptjjeeert11111SigikSlilitgrIliii) ;1111:11‘:.1
...1 l'OW tit hills.__The hileibitaids ef m••• ,
•leril Relliletieni are Airistiai..A. niiil lire .
•Iistinguislied 'by 'heir pee/fliei. cie.toms.
flic plaze, to -day. is nuted for the Clinton •
'i! the Niillvity and its attached monee- .
Iery. tie well n•i. fir ils oreharile of ilgs\
and .klivee. and 'kinevirde while sur- \
revile'. geeeprospereme village.
All the city wits moved allsail .41411,- - •
The -return 411 Neeinit.% .togelher, ei reaps.
with 111e fart Dial he laiihglil uilts her
a. alalighler-in-law ii „nciabitess. caused
or., 11111e coinintinomin,lit'...t- nal i vg -141W11.___..
20.• Ne....iii(•-•"Thet is. "pleasniir. liner- ,
spirit -Or. "1.itter" iiiiiirgiiit.
. 21. The..%Imighly hath nfllieted ei... .
lu permitting the owl atilfeteui which
enme iqwei Iii•i• Iii the kies et her lois-
144nd mid lOth of her PIMA u line sojour-
ning is* -a foreign Inuit. •
. In. the beginning of harts". liar.
seAts-lii :cern.' •s, i.i.ffitiier. probabts a
41.uran-ep:i. - Itu'iTi. -17trt me% -11 ,sitputiTr m tliff
mooing IN- c11,141111 4;1 the ‘leotttelt 4,1
0.._ .144! ,_0IL .1.i.2.dilIewnt commenlators that. lie book. .
. •,, •.... ,
t.sele_attill -utva,r,lki4,14:'.-.614. , .
want of i nourui ..fat^T'wito ., tniie• .4.'.1:14er2dtiatitrriesdirogetiolfli-rieel,iite4_-_•win41411441._potitTii4.4tr. .---
Iriiiii. Whitlf une inui ,giither,a sire. „ a
.butter, or•stotk.• which' will suPply the 'argument. -in favor.....tii......11eritibLittg_ he -........:„.•-7.i.
111 makiiii! Ezra. •againSt whose-etrAirtM•• .• • .01.1,::::
puddings of rice, always allow three times nictinsklerate..reform measures il
hours' skiw C•ooking. It Ls a good plan registkt u strong pritest. It the look
Li--staain---rieti-for----curry,for-11---It.-14---aetuali ---414ites-fisan_the_, . - • - inie.
boiniltedhe. e‘.:alutearb.le-.parts are thrown away teen olivkiuely its urtaitne it in hie...e• tif •
ter' .1.4;1.11,65xig,r%te sypeiri)n.kdrees.17:‘,1101en n • 'son.. ;.,,irernlitmhililiguilirileaiguesahltnpuiurici,ele..oreiginhed4:it•doe.17ks.
mode impost. _ ...., :. _law.,Tectlilier.vit.sit., •I'l!ere ere. however„ at last twee other- -
1r1' the extraction by steam as Aug: (titViflU.S pUepotes, Willett the book may
. .9,4.,
spot.. The • suction draws the flesh
tg106'lsititt7eval'er-Hea. ii:/ -1- p1:17. ulnaundt rttalirthe -i tnciut tette; ..--ialts.`":-‘4d, in::::‘,114:17.1.1.d:;,4147:en. ,r4:Na:nes-s.11:1:::::-.fr",,7rdni-1,:"-rael-i'lIge,e1-11-if„-„",":Vd,-: .,
4kmon,...44ten,iwtliftiemtpressurr-46A#4,*_. :),O.'-' -****()-7-- -17 ---- ------. • tat '-. - • I.% *Ireill- ....
the splinter has been in for Sorne- HMO
' • 7: re. 'EktuiRirniena-WthTt.tilt:64ffl."-%:-7el'ilrtrit1:4P-s1417d 'ellill:friee'hte'44-4-HI:
laws of the Israelites. fer a more spOt`l (..
'-';',#ifilf:447.14-1-t444";-MilfilitS-4-44C4.7•11 .4. ."' L." . * ' . '. '' . . ' . ' . ' " . . . ."ie iiii ' ' ' .Zitif ' - . . . 4 4 Wile'.. ±. . .'.."....''. - " 7 ' " '
'moves both splinter and inflammatinn.
-This method is particularly good. wnen, g i 4.) h e le
compare Ezra a.- 1. -2; Nett. '10. ti4-11, to-
- l' -1.--.....a..---- • eellier with' Deut. 23. 3, 4. - -
• e
flied of Iteliz. ',I:110)0414es. '-•••!t7r:r:
" 1 klndly trialied /11111
ilitat to share tht* meal of the retiprs.".
end is i.eniaIIfrd ntlinie
4:01: Boaz during nie entire harveet •04•4'.. ,
itdlit • tehapIPrL 21. ; Frotn-theeettiluile
Itonr-townrit Itulb No.ofil"is`
ri:nsInNs1 Stint Ise willw.t ntIuse 10 fast -4»
fill the .111.iii044 1.11 n ,;1411 Leksoty/
Wy‘ril -shl4bes,4 for Nr.veniloer 1111 I•nvitrtt...
Muth.awl tal.e her to 'wife. Naomi....
-11,teefoie connects Itsathip jn(Iteale• Lher:,
willingness to *mildest* In,111i6nutioflaU
cusloin c.ithe lIelirewe, which fteillit', •
an afterokird heooMing the ,*11.1
of Doss. '.•Tha" 'entire becfcshould. be
. Friend:" NI suppose tins baby is• fond a
• ' se -43s ill day Moil" I fun net at !foam
'and eters los all night just Io enfoy , my.
striefy r:
• ..
• A;
.4 •