HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 5 (2)I /=MAIMS
_ •
ranee Seats, Seale items $1.110
eereseletly baste stele •
ASIISIX5 traiself. t.040os1i. '
. *St. Marro Pror to the r deprturis
to theirtornorat tfln Bay, ,
*.liontbanArrt was -
tho end 11r4 MuntLi.
with* handSocuo gold wate
ie ring by the citizens.. W.
be manager .of the,. Rank of
il t that pkoe.
. •
o th
ity ,in their
Mr. Errtt=had ruched the. age of 1
, ,aiid 0 II3010*. ,his autI4co , death,
occurring u the row,* F•4•100'
/kW cit.*
riVe, It10
10131 Mgchi
make therresells
A'nsoet beautiful line of Station. How viten t.lo we 1 ear . sullen say; "It
°ryZliWeL Hymn Book* s etc s seems Its tissue!) my 'uvula break,,'
- ess.s or "Doretiepeak m,am all out of
841-9Wit IrelleeSs sorts?" These eignifimnt remarkeprove
that tile system requires attention.
ottoo Root
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only sato effectual *outlay
Qron whisisstamenettan.,
:----tteetterstusi-44. =
Argos* Wenger 0. ele
lot, 1908
1 itooner or later MecTerii- itielit
may be 'caused by disewkd kideeysor
tiOnia derangement of the organs. Nature
141.4:Lek "
netanuy asserts its curative powers in
*11 those peculiar ;diluents of women. It
has been the standby of intelligent
Amerioan women for twent - year and
e ablest judges agree tht it ste
most universally successful nmiedy for
, esnWasilleskroyetrtessnedieineess=ses
_Atte �.&k, and Mr._MacNamee.,
Halifax CSountys-Nova
"anada, writes :
pear Mrs. Pinkham
what_ your Vegetable Compound
4114 far me, 1 ant a firm heliever that it is a
who is troubled with any of the ills we
. su from should try it and she will soon
her convinced of its worth. six bottles
=changed me from a peevish, despondent,
-siekly, ailing. 'woman to a sweet -tempered,
healthy one, who rarely ever has a pain
now, and who before was rarely without
one. .As ot regulator, strengthener and a
tonic. 1 think it has no superior and
certafply endorse it."
Mite. Anna R. Ma.eNamee of corner
. Queen and Wellington Stieete, Kingston,
Cold . Water)
See our Catnadi-
Ott and Amer+.
can samples.
Oasts writes:
Deer Urs. ?Sahara .
"Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Cord*
pound has ne ell the goodein the world
Mrs. Inkhanes Advice—A Woos Rest Ilitterstaits Wean's Ills.
for Inc. 1 suiTt.liwi with into.
ache -and severer 4lao all tbrengb, n17
and:Wes-very -nervous -and blues 1„
Iused a dozen differentkinds; .efirtediehatie,
some prescribed by the doctor Allt/$50
ommeuded by friendesp# one bottle of
*te tit :if 0
completed • !tbeweatberforthi, kind,
of work could, not b more fay
orable,,,,Hoiner Cra1k. 1rogre
brother111j.ott the G.T.R.
Mrs. 11. .1, Craft is vloitingter parents
in Thedford,---E. Mel.ean has removed
to the building lately occupied by
. Hodgint.-Georg9 Betts has
neg up a repair shop in the build.
log formerly used as a laundry. -W.:
Crawley, who has been here attending,
the funeral of his mother, has returned
to his home in Hartford, Conn.
attacket.Ieurisy, ii con etc. .
h 'transacting some begin* at
the talidaysl 114nkePerkkillsOsnissY
Tfox tither, in a lit of ahoentroin
nets, lett; .4 roll of bill* amounting to
*Won the teller's desk. He had matched
Moray on hio way home before he die.
covered his lose, Svisen be inunediattely
returned to town OS make the search;
In the meantime the roll liatisbeen tile;
en in charge by the teller, .Who restor-
ed it to the owner. at the same time
refusing all reward.
1**art tO IMPrOTlit "45004
to tiSe the Compound, and in
hree weekqiwass. perfectly well woman.” '
When, women are troubled with
bearmg_ own feeling,-bilarnmation of
the female organs, backache, bloatins
(or flatulence), general debility, inh
beset with each syinptorns u dasinces,
faintness, lassitude, excitability,lnitabi
alteeries"sgtiass"seifitsW- -WC
kine" _
Commund at Ortee removes
ueh troubles. sl‘.
No other medicine has suena viand
of cures of female trembled. No ether
medicine in the world has received this
wi espre an uzlirualdied endorsement.
Refuse to buy any subetitute.
Remember, every' woman is cordially'
invited to write to Mrs. 'inkhorn 31
there is anything about her symistothe
she does not understand. Mrs. rinks
ham is the daughter -in -taw of Lydia E.
Pinkhatn, heraesistant before her decesse,
and for twenty-five yesins since her advice
has been freely and cheerfully given to\
every ailing woman witO asks for it. I
Her advice and Medicine have restored
tetbettitle.innumemble women. Address!,
SSrm, Mils&
nished on application.
*al Solicited ,
ur D. Davis
RE8/1)81/0E: CornerJames and Ans
drew Streets
your spare time at hone,. or
Take & POOP nal Course at 'School. akabo....1 J. W. wEsrEitm.v.
Toenable all ttelVaill we teach = Associatum. rtlatelaal. Lea
or Instalment plan-. Are also teachI
svespest .elass at school 0ee_ses, nestesse,
ast IiieidaY et mita%
Ittiontlx. TheSq„Jessons teaches how to A -tit,
fit -4W Vit,1,044.011g.t,any sesrseeet.frorn tLi0.,
ate d'es.§. Tbe*hole tearn front
tkOe 4oUrSt:, "ti.To have titught over seven
• 'thousand dress4naltintr, and guerentee to
kive' five Vuoitrcirittiltd6iTa-Iiity-bliCAlif
rAtiria Elarit" hettvecn the age ef es and
asS, Vtimt Stilolt.1
'thorough a*. tell* etutme teaches if you
lat, 'Ana* .eware,
tt. 'Wo fltintioy no ono outside tho
'Fhkhthe only experienced rhvss Wanted.
Canada a d excelled by
You want to learn bookkeeping so You will know the correct way o
that when you finish your course enter up every conceivable kind of
you %Vial feel sure of yourself, don't a trensaction by either single or
you? '1/4 • double entry.
That's the way we teael you You will know every- phase -of
bookkee‘ping., modern banking methods.
We will thoroughly instruct you You, will "Make good in actual
business life. And, do you know,
in the theory of bOokkeeping and we cannot supply the demand for
then make you apply your theores our graduatesf
kat kneweesee in_a_practica Large, illustrattertscsaalogste free
= n ‘ms! her country. "Write at once.
forparticle tissue weshave cut our rate one-
. third .rot a short time. Address: ......
ts-etratt nada
We hate ides to in
,ber.( smart young ladle
-1Yretioantking. .having one
totratralette they liva-
have worked at dress:oak.
rred. Magid*. not eeety
rsthlestiate. mesas _
Tait acatoot
re. ayailable with renewal ot
Activities in early
PRINOE nu desire one you
W. Short, sham
ter those whose
I4� oi money IS limited; and
t comp
f4r those wh
than ordinar
2 reliable MetirlIS agents for Exeter
'and surrounding country to sell out
laptnisaltile% MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ-
and a gen-
eral line of fruit an ornamental trees.
'Yottcan make money' out of our stock
where you would fail 'with cowmen:
stock, Vire p&p' cash weekii, suPP1/
..freetaAd give excluilve territory
Write to,0/04111A14' NURSERY - 00„.*
qrowers of high grads nursery stock,
Toronto, Ont.
N,13, Special terms, to snit - 440_0!
entered tile shoe
night. Nov. 28, and quantity or goods
was taken. Entrance, WAS ' made
through * barred window; the door
was then opened and this storey' DIP.
locked. Besides shops; it, quit case,
several pairsofgloves., and. purse
eatitaining it small sum or money were
taken. A large turkey was taken
from the wantroom of Skinner,
next door.
Deatiteis Cannot b� Ca*,
1,0604410,00,4 they OW
Of the rem qiithere k etey
thee Is by sesetitet
motet sky los eetaetee esestitio* et the
twee mute rosteshiet Tuhe 'Into tele
sseed. soft have * astedetter *seed et 1st -
(t heans, ettatehte l iseettrier cioste, DOW
*ad WASS the iikaatalisatiaa
is tabs' re00,0064 Wits
retri#4 iterSt*ti,arne
Nome wows is
Of thotattotaailieri
NOSAtit 1* a*
eittafittik freit
Geo. Douglas of Blake has rented his
Ale; and intends mewing to Seafor h
where his daughter -Irene it attending
the Coll4clate.--lifrs. D. S. Faust has
n Milverton.--Ohester 'Ottani has re-
turned to his home in St. Joseph after
-a brief stay at Powossan.-Wm. Dow--
stay in the West, have returned -and,
are now settled down on their farm
on the 14th con. Of Ilay.---Loulsjeffer$
has his house uttW moved to its new
lotattion On* lot he purchased, from $.
• rude. Do man and son Seth of
St. 4oeeph have zeturnea from . the
est. We.,underetand flethwinte
Mee Sara Allan' of e is o
weekeilsit to -114milWo. Sec.
ker has returned from 'llasketcheyran
where be *lilted hit lione-sillisas Green
bite returned -to Itt'eter afters gement
,visitrat the home of Pied: Witwer.,..
Ernest* Gies has sold bleb to Simon
Dietrich,. for $OMA 11` given
Itt• Utlfl rilfabd that C.
Schrag 1,11/ttattotrifatfittratita
r 10 in 00aneetionNsith. his
erniir 1Catb;
tleieeh were in Toronto...lest Ott
itVErii.Iitinneon Lines:
hid ulte log through Ore Friday,
when his iireoke house and
,ing house was completely • trilled
togetherritln Iot of *poles in. pro-
test drying, Mr. Erb had only to-
cently put the dry house , in first-class
ioa the', cost will be consider.
able to have the 'building wit*, etc..
replad..jOhn Howard the 10th
had: thetnistortune to get hi* tight*
hand in tbe gear of te‘lottaw cutter nn,
lifolutty, with 010 roitilt that Dr.
arnoteted three 13 to
two et thonwlejoint and the thfrd
'eh** to th4liand.Ht-4.-Preeter has
tilted the contrOt of inatedli
la furnace in the Lutheran parson*
in time of the Wood furnace.
vnt-The death of /now Rerati
of WO* 4,011PtS AO* *.
to bit jr ft
red en ay. a
'--' Quft, Of Senile%
th4i-5vi8iting Alm L. Hall.--Oira.
Riga% of Dublin,' is visiting her
father, hirt.,Oollintre--14ro. P. Glavin is
visiting friends at Detroit. -1). Apple -
0 h $ gone to the lumber woods. -
or n_, es v *
ing her sisters Sas. McCarthy.--
Mtu1Mra aa.Doyles1014.41414
will make their. hero. in future Their
_ . 1. -
--51%:,::, EtVORt,:',:'-402-:;',:thlt
''«estea&-The moving 'au -
ylEsro '".sL-Stslartsot
Toronto, on Monday and Tuesday
evenings this week were well Patron-
ized.: On Monday evening the pictur-
es were of the Life et «Christ. Tues.
given of assorted pictures. Every one
present seemed to enjoy the program
immensely. The pictures were cer-
tainly fine.
Dschisit-On Tuesday, Timothy
Lyncli„ one of the pioneers of this
to vnship. died at the home of his
daughter, -Mr!), Jae. McCarthy, at the
age of 82 years. His life *lark was
done and weary oftUffering and wait-
ing, he lay down to reat. Hehad
been in poor health for a number of
sneers and death was a happy release.
Only his family survive - him,
Mrs. Mcertrthywith whew he raided
and SisteMary--of Toronto, -whowas
alter present at the 'funeral. Inter-
wenttookplace at Mt. Cannel (4B20.:.
tery on Friday morning, requiem high
tnass being celebrated in the church
by Revs Fr. Fotater, The funeegi Walk
largelyattended by thtsoldfrilltdsan
neighbors of the deceased.
Settforth: - liarr Carnochan, who
has been for sere ears wine clerk
at the Royal Hotel, has assumed the
proprietorship of the GOP Hotel. .
selititorit Miiits - Maters -Doherty,
daughter of George Dohertsi, hots been
engaged by the-Goderich Collegiate as
commercial specialist for 1008 at a eal-
ary or$000, -
Tuckersniiths S. Reid, Of the Mill
from one of his eyes by. Dr. Forester.
of Stratford, and he is delighted with
the results. His sight is quite improv.
ed, and he can see nearly , as' well as
ParkVil: BALSA Phelanetswsithe
:WWI* iterde kit -on Saturday by being
hit on the head with it large block of
wood whiehva farmer *at throwin
:-at, er,-.4tOrOIA
.:74-..- , _ .7-!= .
Was it severe one and required two
stitches to close it. , . , ' "
Parkhill: A quiet batpret weds.
iiiiirr*iig --Okinntriel- a I�ndon on
Wedneoday, *hen Mao Edith Kutphy,
daughter of Wat. Murphy, formerly
of Parkhill, Was united _Marriege
with Harry Ciernent.-it-P Ichill bey,
lately erSanit Ste. Marie,=at which
Plum They will retitle. .
. Clinton: O. 111clireerN:wito hut been
teller of the local brooch of the ,Sover-
eign Bank for the pot couple of vats
hat been transferred to W odor. His
Auccesser is F.4.ward G. Ferris, W. O.
P -
junior. pod, Mr; Porter retirintS to take
it positJon on the 0.1'. It. sk&BOIY*10. '
Egmondville: A very iiniet wedding
took lace on Saturday afternoon at
k at the residence of Mn.
*Aeon, When her, youngest
ti, Annie Li. 'we* nnitod I
rna age to George Wellington Close,
of Toronto. The Rev..Nell Sim*, per.
formed theiierezriony-in.the n
of the e's tonally only.*
* ........... ..+,. ., a. — ,u
4....4.4.4111P1.......44.06.1.. •
• -'The-November-issue closes theeec
e of this poptdrirs n on
illustrated *notably. It ,contains the
usual delightful selection of pictures
many of them fine full.page ones -
making up in all about one thousand
square inches Of illustrations.
Atnong the more notable pictures
(prize picture), and a. splendid selere
ionfronetheerecent sphotos4onspetie
Mess_ „the news _Ministate- of Pobies
Works, this'iron,W*.-Pulkilerlia-iiiie
trait 01 Mrs, Pttgley;sthesseeten-
Indians; pictures of airship% balloon-
ing and wireless telegraphy that are
worth oolrunntil_ot descriptions: the
Prince of Wedge, on the grouse moors;
Pirite41-Mgerian-ssarenieture;- an
fine full-page portrait of Sir Thomas
Lipton, the famous yachtsman. NUM-
erous !Ater timely ,pictures, fashion*',
patterns. news of the month, hints on
Christmas gift.making, and other in.
teresting features go to make up a
most entertaining number. Annual
subscription, $1.00; single copies ten
cents. Next issue (the Christmas
number) will probably icontain about
1.500 square inches of film etchings.
142 St. Peter St„ Montreal.
. 1.
,ytem, IS •
wi:i i1r msuv a sleete 11, ,it
wiliest, 'Is preventive as 'Fel
,,Illicn , y0 th?4htg
• cell. or heve -ehilly feeling or, gehiese
in any ..pert .of the body or load, Or
&:4*reek., tired, sli S unfit for we*,
pain in ,the be or beck of the neck,
es rot vegleet tikes danwrove symp-
terse. but SOrid immediatoly to your
lcugg,i5t and pv't it _bottle of Psychine-
tesouounced S-Ir.esit), lind prepare as
"Psyehine, _2 teaspoonfuls.
"Sherry, whis-fry or water, 2 tea.
spoonf u Is. --• - . -
"Choice of the latter can bp Made
according to the Judgment and pre-
ference of tho atient.
-me* -and- at tire*.
pre,cription hes been ea, is
u vorslitS1 successful- t1a a num
of lending physicians reguLsrly pro-
seribe Psychine in their practice for
Any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, westing or constitutional dia.
celty. It is the moat reliable
he entire system, (smug it feeling of
vouthfulness and vtger,eddigur maws_
3F-6.-ttri to tEtilite7O"f those wbo-nee it.
- si ea este nysteirser
_ , _
.. . , itStss„. -........._
s — s. see. se
neabca tlwoght.1 woud xxeur
4xegan.,±0,-dsear istrser,.,-,Jksing
ix-youd 'description thuetteettt had. I seemed to
wain with every dole. Inside of two weeksa was
able to attend to my ticaseweric Mori
Are, STIniitetn., et contataptton about ma now:
'I had been suffering from La orippe. iI
lung3 were weak snti I had a cough, hut rasehtes
cured me."
Cheipsideo Oat.
' lisychine can be proctired from any
drugzist at 50c. and $1.00. It is Teti
Seaforth: A quiet event of 4s4ssses''i-essk-
day, was the trearriage .ef Walser
Kemp and Mrs. Wm. M twat. both
well-known residents of town.
Whatever amount ormatitTone
puts byht an Investment -whither
is $106000 Or $100 -the first
consideration is tke decurity of
the InvestMent. • `
. 11 siddst to the secntity there is
II profitable tha hureat,
nient becomes an Ideal one.
euctly. the kind that the saitini
people, of Ontario most desire.
The Debentures of tbleCompany
ate such AO invretintot, Safe- --
beyond question. 4sele totalling
over $10,000,000 are pledged to
their redemption. .4us • their
,They'pay Per cent. peranrium.
Pitt your wimp ink) this safe
and profitable form of tanstment..
*rite asking for fidl Particulars.
---'-ts.----0.1agd-titi-Areir ----7, -: -
!here liatsnot enough of the beauti-
ful fallen to make eleighing '', yet.
And Mt* Coning are home, ' f
spending the surnmo et tirend
Islitis Bock- of Zurich it Visiting in
town. -'-Mr. and litt. kersille ,o,f
lentrelin and Mr. end„ ' rs. Broken.
ire of Shoot* spent ' tindity, with
Alec eanning.-Mr. Hoskin and 'WIN
of Brantford spent * few days With,
Mt' . and WC LAM to -04* E. ‘Itetitle
Of llterton paid, oho* * 41 114
visit. one day, boa k, Mr. Dan
him and 'fie
last -week at
eral eir **phew, who dIed in 8t..
ospitsil White und-ergoing an
fc't APPenditit
Stewart of Toronto eriterte
erowd in the Nitothodiet ante n
dayiknd 'redo evening-vritle uioing
4etnres and Saturday evening In, the
halL (Nellie eentitrigheis lins toter*.
London Otte
with hie parents k.rRant
*Ill soon he
In one
The Paridore
,venblated.s, e ay in the .
oVett is const&ntty king -
renewed witl. fresh sir
'Orawn through three vents
aween on Etna grelOot
und Stuffy. #15A, do, the
Jun/on/rip -
Feed eeeke4 in it is tnote
liesithfut as ‘itell. as more
appefizing and soilsfprig.
It r"Gui• loe4onar blire
yatx "compWsk tolormatioa stout At
Pandora. *Ater slihret 13r irco
anntiter act
vizis in btick
end of oven; nit
4*lsn Ly illus*