HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 4 (2)Opera -Horse, ter, Tlitirial ,Dee, 1.2t1sOet youv ,seeta.. rrning'si "§elitlt" :ha's - lett IVO 0'90 te tif,1100!" Itt.144: nnt, hew ''.ur. lor in An • or** Co.. 10"1 'ISputtirig. up onestCoods' At and oine tirerheed bridge* for tbe' Mow , lary, - Mitunfacturing „ Co.-.4famee ,Horteitt Prices ‘ anYte I, t avaluable steer in the Mud - - 0„ reer. 0 .da:f !aet, week. The entrust Must prevail:in garnientawhich appeal neeatne ixecg In the oat muck and to:the 'butter elms of trade. • - slowly sufflocatede-Di itte.lsarte of'Zus,.. ids tare accepted a situetion 0.0 black-. ALL:EARLY. . with with Alonzo Rodgins.-Mr. - Crompton of TOr01110 Wag in the 'village - i on Thursdey ' friepectingfrthe - local licitt43111a411:1trzrgZifie7tror''niIcr'tj;;ttt!:-*aa CREDITON- few days here last week the guest of - her parents. -Fred Brown, who has been visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Wine Wen- NOTE AND COMMENTS rennte are wonderingjust now what ou overnthent in,poWer when -11SentsdnrreEirl'i eatue n-Laition, a Town. ship Engineer, J. Lewis Thonunr,of r4,41tio ..10:*1- araaayittotie4ttaireirti trilfidneger roa,ttersi in clispate..--A. Q. Bobler Of Exeter was in the .village Thursday.- -Our 'seedineti, 0 Zwioker eina S. mita, are buying.in theannual qu*n- tity of clover, timothy andalsike seed. . Hoare of Clinton. .representing tithe.Xiano Co., '.(riutin-the illage-Thuraday- Carr K rettirmatinna-trom iss44:1*411 ara Halst.eniertarn ber,freenatilast Monday evening. Alt .had a fine time. and Mrs. Harry Mills and Wilily .,of Centralia spent last Sunda in town the _guests of Mr. Mbrook The high wind last Friday night levelled Mat- thew Winer* garden fence. -John Rays has sola his farm on the South Boundary to Gilbert Grieve of Green- wa.y.-Mr. and Mrs. August Hill were in Waterloo on Saturday ettendin the funeral ot Mr. Meyer, tv-brothere Mtn. „ Hill's. -Again our people are talking railroad. This time it will come for sure, at kola the wipers- stet - ed so last week. Probably ito Only a pipe dream. _nerd isn't one here who wouldn't wet -Come the iron horse, as it well be the means of our people placing tneir grain, livestock, etc.. on the market, -bodges-getting better ship. ofacturing men. -Leonard Grill of OWASSO. Mich., spent a few days here last week the guest of Mr. and Mt* Joseph flaist.-Chris. Vahner'sold bar hearse was shot- Monday Morning. Soule of our boys -make &speciality of this bOsinese and have *tame quite rhantly.-The acetylene gas piping and fixtirres are being placed in the Oran- gelleal chard,. Eilber and firarry -Beaver *redoing the ,wia& and it is expect -ed the gas can be used in & week or so. -Council roeeting Was held here Monda,y. Tbelasineetingof the year Will be held the 10th of the month. No doubt the Municipal- Por will be. gin to boil before long. and every body wilthe yotartriend for a few days at least. -Mr. Collin of London will be in our burg next Sunday. He will deliv- er an addres. on Y.111.V.A. work in the Methoaiot church:in' the morning and in the Evangelical church at night. e-Male-ChorusLofthe-lstter church intend singing the seine evening. They have made woriderfril progrees, come -and see. -Chair hericpc visiting friends n Witirton.The'L Sunday school of the Methodist thureh intend IvingAgrand.entertaininent,..,.*EAhe Town Mill on the Ifith or the ' month. eurthw-Erinairelillirehorch Wilr have their Xiners FeStiviii on Xmas* eve. Commit toes of the both churchei are t.avarklweetteing-7-.,..1 snd making preparations to make these enterteiornenta a success). Val itteirthat *ill shortly cornea drug on the ,nuoket. Womlee where it WAS all hidden. , Itlers been.11 ' .43tinada $705, , per session to pay the -senators and members of parliament-. $202,600 pays for the senetors, a small amount that the countrymight as well -.save by-abolieliing the senate,: Nova Scotia no longer ;sends an .un. larakertlistof fAbeftl--membera- to the Dominion House, John *Airfield, a Conservative, haviog been elected in the bye -election • in Colchester on ' Thursday. Liberal majorityof101 ,\.1A,. was turned into a Conservative major. ity of 250.' he result is looked upon *a a strong endorsement of Mr. Bor. den's Halifax platform, to which Mr. t-Sandfirelagave unqualified improve'. The Conservative leader, Piro, a 1,,. Borden, was accorded * most enthus. iodic reception In Ottawa the evening prior to theappening of the Dominion parliament. Over ZOO people gather. ed. at the Allis -sell Theatre to hear him. So positive is he that the Conservative party conducted *pure election in JIM that he seta in answer to Mr. Pugsley's Charges: lir am willing toga before a - --------commissiow*nalinswer.any_question put to me by Mr. Pugsley. I welcome a commission." The country And . party are proud of Mr. Borden. The Dominion Govermrient opened . in Ottawa last week With the usual booming of tanner'. blare of trumpets -and-Ale/gay -Of' frnery. Imksortant matters are to be petesenteelduring the sessions,such as: -For the extension of iManitoha and other provinces, to pro. - •• Vide government Annuities for ata age, - "respecting insurance, to ammend the ection-rictand-theLDo Act, to lam: telephcem.s, telegraph's ete ,n er government contra. and regarding Orrentalimmigration. .Iudge- Winchester found the tofu, Londoner., George M. Reid. Wm, 'lliilloA-DatrWiler and 'Ititity-Oviiic ----initalinitty-ofeoneniraerto-britne-lted- corrupt the general electorate of Ont- ario. at the trial of the Liberal Vutdon Election workers in Toro sia julfgo - pounced that jurisdiction, was . *clearly within the bounds of the coast.' -that conspiracy had been, amply prov. sum 01":10,000 each' was allowed 'Lila the detenclents will -come op for sentencebefore the. aenize .court in March. The nubile necounta laid on the trade of the Dominion MUSS trti4t week . tot Ham W. S. Melding. &ranee min- . show thefollosving summary of ,vittrenue and expenditure fats. the nine rtionths, ending ritareb 31st. klitelrenue *Ai +St .320 t*pendlture on consolide , won „, — .... II.320,143 Ballsray *ubiides 1,S24,8 P4iti nn bounties, cltitisl expenditure - *Surplus of .revenue oier expenditure *2191,182 211nronditl:- ' Following is the report of the stand. lug of the pupils of 14. S. No. I. borne, for lloveraltit: _DiatnetuirLorder of sueritt-IV Olairs,-.1 Strang', - N Roarcliffe,, A Itnweliffes• 1# Mover, Oki*. 0 Down. Illistehford. Sr. /It Strang. .1* Dungan, It Down. T D011011, Ire Moir, A *sir. Jr, /4 Moir, White, Si. Down, W Strang, W Dougall. Hag.. . 4) -ft --r--41Milgaii. 0 Mair, V MIL Jr. It. Dew, M Stows, L ()keg , Average atteodanie 21X, • J. A. %lone% Teacher. Th is out reason why Ayer'.s 'Chem Pectoral is so hie, in consomptio1.1 It *top* the wear slid tear of. usciess ,foottithltoiro,1)3et , —*controls quitts4the rover) soothes) heals. Ask your doctor about this. - tato. *bit toKuoiroila ' *too row,* LtIO*, Mit CAIIIttet P1.4..„, 004.s.st kft well in* bottle And fateAtest., nfu) dose net efteh meal and at 111*0. vie,itrentisklered by an itthority, wbo write* in ail* pa per,As the finest pre wt itte* tr* relieve Rae Weak Bladder* rinarydiftleulties. Mein ire itet. promptly on the elitninativ iw.wsnf thekidneys', traihilo tbern o Wet and strain the Mit atd and thee *mate *natter, from the hieh otos* itheamatiom. • Son e perttoo$ Whosuffer Ik&ions may not feel leek *Itch ton Monte in th is elm et thoist who have tried it say Ibe re ,Atesimply antorisi effeetet wititeett- lr)10 the•stOmaell'Or *tit MoaandIve It it t,rIal. It highly prssctlptioa of an es1aent tea o 'Oa ight it, wit* arranged to throw the .new church abed open, to the public the lot of Ian: The abed Is A cement structure 1.0040ett and hal & metal oisa rouk support br trusses on the bridge, Willett.% well lighted by nuinber of whitlow*. It is tare of the 'Meet structures of the kind in the eountrel reflecting much credit to the liberality of the corigref gation.....Another Ileetalt landmark is gone as Geo. Brown has torn clown the 44 It, onthron'astore,,,which hes WAS A 40* POWS. HO Will use aterial foe a building to be erected, beside the blacksmith shop, on et other_ side_oLthe._stree ...t.:.&1.— *Taxrrone, CNT. EXETER, 'CENTRALIA , 1 THE LEADING SCHOOL .ANII CLANDEBOirti - - . - ' - - 'i - 1 rinwing an better come Or trent* sine tbsts.r. en by any other similar 'Institution Ontario. we 14 i barn become 0130.01 OM 1004 13 neat training in Caned& Ogr Mdllaten are In demand: as oflke litantiand bus/nese college tenchsro. Our courvta being the beet our gradorteS succeed. It kommeniourrameargammortionis / • Entereeted In your welfare w -rite now tor our cats, - I ; it to tree. We base three depa uts. Cow on-Siittie day and was installedin Mr. blacksmith shop by Mr. Dennis of Landon.-Mlea Ante' Hopkiek. enter- tained a large number of friends wed'. nesd*Y night. -The ladies of the Ocr- mci church are holey decoratin .the hell for th azaar o e on ee. TAY hilaiwitirtfitiiiiing the aebooltheir _akiktyk . Witt beirelCiii-Dec.--ik It-proinises to for this season. -Quito a few took_ *d vantage of the snow on Sunday and were out cutter riding...4. McDon. ell is visiting Toronto friend -Mr. and Mrs. Redden of Credit have moved to town. -06 Sa ur ay r.• Sellery received the sad news of the ante McGregor to Arrand in Corbett Much church on Saturday last conducted by death of Olive. Rev. S. A. Corriere of Grand Bend. syruplike is felt.for the parents as she was the only daughter. Three weeks ago fainting ?It and never 'recovered. Centralia ehe was ...at church _and took ie. Bright's d seaseasts her trouble. Dr. ,Sellery and hie wife left for Rincar-, dine to attend the funeral. DEATH -On, Monday night Mr Wi. ferd Ifondertleft his home in \ gond health, and went down street'. He stepped tnto Mr. Macarthur's hard- ware store with some hoys, • Almost rttii itaiNEY c4HD1 c; 1110,Traf,,..* -N ELLIOTV& rrncIpis -Mies Millie Sherritt, who has spent some time with, Miss Deltmey, dress- maker. or Parkhill, returned home thee end of hurt week totelp to prepare the irgis-Trersentertaitimentin connection- e-Sunday-Schoolii r. add -141F1. Stephen AirAb,o,f4P4-4k-14,1r,-;:sgraprkbottox Onallieldgen--mr-Privarlaistritter pending ar!reek *mom; their friend has -ring been calledoverto attend the. foneral of his brother. David, who died very suddenly of heart ,Mist Mamie Crawford and others at - Do • orliately--kfter*far4c-he--fe -Wartl-on-his-tioad.-desdi part, trouble ezitl WAS the canoe. It was ' terrible blow to the mothey/ who le alniost, heart- broken. - Be was lig la year,, 5 mos. The funeralp o . me- rry W nesday,'Rev. Deterty °Mei._ t ,,,, • tcrinatto-A very- pretty wedding took place on Wednesdaiy, Dec, 4th, at the honie o. XTELSON'i RICKS -Woo Production and Sing. AA • ing-Pu_ pit ot London Conservatory at Mole. 11, Rutbven SloDonehl. -Charles White, London. 1*Ig, Ernest tardier. London. Eng. A limited number ot pupils will be accepted. Will Fraser returned from London Monday night *here be spent a few days with.his brother who is ill of Pneumonia. -The bit of sleighing that we are enjoying, although, not 'very -very-vrelcome.-.Au Atarothtng work of more than the Mina Interest is now going on in our village. We refer to the building of the new school house, which is now about read for the roof. The object is to have it ready for occupation in planner,' when school commences after the holidays. We understand there is a side bet of $100 between two of our villagers re. _EesFiuI Atibet8 1330000,000 . IXTy-TWO BR.ANCHES THE figAft;Ntot(34,14,l1.4; EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS IS si„ ut. to3 SOURDAYS. . in. to IN So. SENIMAL SANKING SUSliNES.TraliSACTEIL -DEPOSIT ReCeipts ittatled CAPPetit-Pitte Of interest 0 avintr Bin On I quart r as r it power solo us" tank upartment* unegilttrher**Ttriritonrcgoontsru mut, of St and . upwards steely Agents at Exeter for the Dominion GOvernment, Dicreoti eSt Gums% Solicitorh. N. D. 711RDON, Manager, Dashwood , * The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. at the Opera Rouse, Exeter, Thursday night, Dec. nth. Get your seats early at Browning's Drug -store. ,Come and heye a goodlaugh. Edward Dietrich of the Goshen line A Neil return home from Muskoka with two line de 1... -Ezra Blathers, of Hutchtrison, returned from Boisevain, Tai., and reports fine weather in that icinity-J. Morgan had of hi. moved with his family to Berlin on fine turkey* stolen one night recentlY a r eine gerditigiticompletion, and this add wish the when two of our. most popular -young to the interest.-EoColwill is making perky in their new home -Henry people were made man and wife. ,The improvements in the interior .of his Willert and Jacob Kellen:nano, reeve contracting parties.were George Fa' store, and he repbrts business good.- and-ae attended c an s ea rice ° Rev. W. B. Butt to holding revival nuptial knot was tied by Rez, Toll. cervices in the Methodist church. The The bride was very 'daintity attired, in meetings. are being well attended., white silk, trimmed with lace and They will continue . throvjg_l_root Dec - applique. Shir-vras-attendea inr---Pities cram . Lucy flunetnerson, who was dressed ..., tiARD,OP TIIA111;411‘. James Hand- ing, gown of *embroidered min's' veil. ford and family wish. to thank their ing, trimmed with lace. The groom - - -many friends_ for -the kindness shown was supported by the bride* -brother. Edgar McQueen. The wedding march them during their bereavement. wag, ;staved byLklies Lura Ttolt - After it grand dinner the bridal party. drove to Seaforth and took the train f Berlin d P • Th en The Bert Lane Minstrel Co., at the or an Preston e travel -Opera 1101413P, Exeter.Thursday night, ling dress was. of brown aad hat to Dee. 1,2Dba, Get your Seats early at snatch. After their return they will Brocvning's Drug store. Come and liresakNorth Itichmondetreet, where ksireArigoodlaugh.- • the groom liali-SC:eturifUrte.b144-1fit .,tte,« Sleighing has cornmen-ce4 the We-extend-4ougra. tubttic°48:41,4143,:gvel„P.- inerrylingleisttirertAls is a; rethitider 'tithe* for a inn& naPPraugfrolulwie' that winter hes come. -Mr., and Mrs.. married life eer the matemonial see. John Deunidst, of winchebeit spent SturdawithmtvanalthwisRicts Seaforth: Noble W. Bollarel, of the es. -Alfred Brooks wbb b*$ Ifeetren. Huron road, west, has invented. and gaged wsth Sam'! Skinrier for the past has knit bed patented an ingenious and number °final% ha* returned to his uttelut contrivance for lacilltAting 'The 110/01,' working of iricuhistore for hatching .Tom Brooks spent Sundiir with Elim - eggs. This invention consiiits of an vine friends. -Mr. and. Mrs. Frank automatic'. thermometer lifter. As Coale* visited at the latter's brother% e Oen-knows A thetOTOAIstita• 1,V111--Diekenit, Ifirldulpti.---Me. Harris an it'd speneible attachment to An in,. of London Township is visiting his catheter. It has to be laid on or close daughter, 4r8. John Essery....Mr. and to the egg* so the exact temperature, Mrs. Sher °MI -Loiter were Sunday can be`,"aacertained. The removal of „,,Itisiters at Wid Greatese.-Mia. the, thetmotnetor now attended by 1,110013, WII0 113A* been quite ill of late. eonilderible. 'trouble *lidfiequcntly: 1.01Bwiribit.',401,Sanal Esetry*lah4 danger.of Ireakingtheeggs. 'rhea :anent the -pot threelveekals.i .11m It attachment enabies the' Aber. Welt* returned home rei401 :Oh- -eesect moinetir to bertanneed- ittitOniatiOralY.',01rord_y_lay,the .operrin and clesing.of the incubator door.. GreettiVtliY Lena, Litugbliri of is tbe nest of her friend Mita Mat VVII. • .on. ---A. Stinson of Ripley 1. spending .* fewdaya with his neice, Mre. WV J. SfeivAid*Ob Ab4 :1310: friend from TerOntO are ifeltin bit. ijw •uncle.-Thotr.'fitervardillnit Olson of Foreat *pent Sunty itt hi.r. otne,:here;r - - '- "ViritiVING A pretty wedding,. 'wit: roilebratedon SAVO t At OOPOOVit, Corot*** whet* .,1411-4 May,0114,04. daughter of .(Mr; and • M John McGregor, *at -warded to . ante* Attend. The bride wise attend. by her, sir, Mies Edithilloaregor., Ethel Attend, .iliter Of the room, while" two pretty little ttirist, IIadysPaxm*n Margiireteiltritt*, as flower girl and rin ***et V tively. Tbe groonteestis rted by -hilt toted**. jameis. and Otero oftleleted, ,et the which took ,plao, in the' Iestuyterlan Church. Mr. -n. A. Humpbrles, 101 Plairt4 the *443 e extend congratniatiosis and best wishes for along, and proIItabe mar*i.d ;life 0.s.sr theAtratriMo littittfailt of returned home fro*a the We.t on tottiity eteutos bit has apent rtfio 'Weafry Me -114n and Utrt mush:who *614 to t moo MO* twhielltiotPlbarelYtsmir respectively,sesinssmallP("tion in1Wn bitting ot the council on Monday and on Tuesday they left to attend the CoOnty Council, which on account Of The contractors were busy last week putting gravel on the roade.-There is some talk. °fere business changes in our village n. -Wilbert -Truetoner of DakotA, is t present visiting Mat. Ves- in the -village.-11-en-and Fred Baker were elected on Sunday morning to the °tikes of class leader and ea:barter for the German class. - Milton Edighoffer of Blake visited in the village on Sunday. ------Att-Exteirsernr-Stnzt=The other day some little boys from. the villa e were fir -the the number had his dog along. On their wayback to the vinajm,they:prosso aTeld, in which -Viers elite -Redeemers and Henry Nauesch. *anger Were working and with whom dsittcPpla40.balite & 004 upon .01arence took their little rifle and made as though be wall goltig to shoot the dog. During this tine the borrmadepretenet to plough, and- Clerence in turning to see what the rifle. which by his act of turn ng hod boys were going to do discheried the brought it in islmost direct na with the dog, whiels received the bullet In his hip,, With tile result that it _die.1 during ,the night. The lad *Wee dog It wta felt tovily over the Jou of over a. So,ereign ve spot. WM'S of eneetk-thieVee.-T, Dale tuts'. moved to hie new home in 1:,,,endon township after a few day's visit, at /I Citesidy's.-Alex Jones has returned to Bay City, Mich. -Wm. .tandeson,of the Klondike. ligor.piirehased the west half of F. Iraustio farm, acres, in this township. -Thos. Carter, of, the Alaskan gold fields, visited in this vic- inity last week. Ile is a native of this township, havjog resided IA his young., er days with.his parents, Mr, and Mr. Gilbert Carter, on the 2nd con. He went to Montana a number o years o-andengagedlutheranching riess afterwards going to Alaska,* where he is at present interested in mining. lie is quite au interesting conversationalist. • ------Dtaut-Itiewith-deep-regreV'that------ - We repnrt the death of . John Ellison. whotliedirt-hirhorneln-MeGilli On Wednesday, The 'Nutria was held Saturday and hie body was laid to rest in Parkhilt-ceirieterli'Alie-dedeatior' wrisborn England and emigrated London, Ont. tHe ***worried in Lon. don in 1863, _altd shortly afterWarde, McWea to CatflibleTiredkirk. For yea he was *traveller for Um. Mcularyr Store Foundry of London. In 1807 0, mOved to the Ith non, of McGillivray, where -he hitt siticellfed'imd-Wherelte- wis highly respected by every neigh- hOr with whilin he 'came in contact. A. wife outd,five children are left to -mourn" his toes and in this their time of grief, much sympathy le expressed for then*. , The children are, Rueben. at home, Mra, ft. Smith. of -McGillivra.y. M Mary Ann, of-Detrolt. Um D. Tor el 8*naia, o Al 'Ciath0 Oak Botill to$1!O tabttnits iook riti) die% o.