Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-05, Page 3 (2)•
I k
r.r.r. • r•
ignati iHe,
ettitige. es Wit w-aet itettiog
'Arty tar eetbee atertingionti
'4314440M lm,* et 'into Meet:di-Kee
' Tt%''
'mutt Pe."
ingii vete
nW Stich' .a marked ensii.
o ne•who had liCtiCT:ITell her
Anil a Slight ttnasitteeariIflrd
at ltett lent destiettded upon tter.
.preventeit iter iquiotioning Ms.
Ft'I,- tervernitss, and her charge, OS
4:1 the beautiful stratigerte fiiiiting in the,
UtHtentreeinitglaten :her. eeteitir indisbe
eoilitexhat h her die-
tutelar.- tor it: wisiaid to. Va.-In:kr i
'Jsatsite .hatl ;dotte tit provoke Snell
zuii aniipatity. end ' tongal for the
• oftteingise _with the oniou
v '
atitelerttlettuteriii.ge. Itea
t 'et lit
e to in Sunbeam. hot Witt% .&xc1teinet.
"Whitt Sir italpte tient booth le wetatiivien,
onglit enit know. MYtattier 3 .no.
Ithtitg.htit• a burglar. ..Ilo has been in
ilieeien-Seeen Yeat's . giant your tier-.
vente 'weetild shun me,. if They Itnew it.
the:villa e. people did, uudeee" '
at4.-ttaie tie. hint Inihelt and ki
°That 'name ite ditteretette. Sun,
Ram. I feet -sure you are right. To,
hungry heart t3t4e41 things are trifle%
And now I ask you to he a daughter to
t1r 1Ik
itit , and Sun/teem lunelied
Bed isehoo oom atter et eitort walk in
t Park, heti "-eent -up
it her to io to•lbedrataititte'
at !tree o eteett, rea, tin_ to -octave*,
ote- a -shopping expedition in
blain the vertous necessities
. she hatil. Rut it was long fore
'that hour %viten Jaxites came to n est
e preeence. „ glen
ftininivingly at Me Field oe lie iieft
eatioette otter delivering -his message.
intert in young girls. No
ektubt Lady In kin has told tier about -
yen airead,y."
* .°W1 is stir, int et
r 4
nuribetine,---i, emir
:he sPolte.
in$* it -is itecaitse she lest her ()MY
gir1. years ago," replied Miss
118111 4 will tell yott about that
nate,. You 'tad better go down
Onee„ii.tternaps ebit' knows -of 40,i110--
Ihut may :suit If she tip.
ete of elm. Mid I amtkre she will
. .
4"1 tente se," faltered Sunbeam., smooth.
trig her hair with, a hasty hand. "Peri
haps it is silty or me, Miss Field; but I
„leet rather nereoue," •
aiettietnees, Initiated, .1fer ,soutewhati
etittatir *lie exerenined, gently:
Aru1you eibeill nee They are both the
-nest souls in lite world, ever reedy,
:0 help these. loss "fortunate. than them-
. seivei.",
- talt 111 epite or that cheering assurance
'the girl lett iter knees shaking beneath
ter as- she entered :the deawirogirooto,
itttealarer. a moment, -the nest, before her
eie prevented her from distinguishing
,.ny Ineet distioelly.
t that Eileen was there,
. Lady , Larkin and a stranger
y„. •They had stopped 'talking., and
isereing her, -
you. are Sunbeam?" .safd Lady
tieing rind lin:ding out her hand.
..arkin lets told me all About yoth
fielt that I must make your ac-
t nee at <Meet _ ,
letter ettenered Acne tei* -iatuc3. lo
ruilOtt nq she roee. Senteara stoop.'
nut ptded. it hp. Lady Cruse laughed
11 exclaiming :
al Ws 1 •'.
k say It he )(new -that
d 4t, Adetee Ateo what should
trite -tame wt1i-p1
de little protege. Ile dislikes
feee, "My little 0116
• PororfrllatIP.11/ 140
"if it tits quirt it
ithei'-. So. if Sir Hulph oonsents, wit
you comeir_
Sunbeam :nesiteted.. Again the, bet
blood ruished to her brow.
°It Sir ROO* „and Me, Sinclair say yes,
I do, I must' irsk then,. as 'they
mati6 Inc ptx-mrise to do, milling withoutt
couselling them. And Mil
flalplL Freer." interposed Adele,
het „etinly.- ttYon eeee, :$0ttn
t up. wflh
r. 4;
ntitt It.
tat. awe
ttr• tr,7!•.* ' •
, tv
1 1 fl
it in read.
)ftIyietittlelettirentein rintn 11 _
vit reaming tieein ltiit'Lf ettiie a
ne downiteire tele stuirned` tee*
her atterk, ot that inotp,mt,
4s1d in prepetting•the trentiroste,
e •
"itti itietniee
A, A
. PIS te4 t.ue nieete,ottteo
4Stinneam ititeyed'anItY'ps
litiNtitestratt efe
vVP,h. BS 6pokg Ills !care nr.
Evku night hadiereeirnettaanteatitiii
esitteil-by lite wetting depresskin from
the evening's liquor. Ile reeatied her
race at the bar window, 'Perhaps Dan
as speaking gosetet. !tulle and she heti
really gene. if se, where? - Ji turned
ppeeihigey• tt
atty _. what, with &eon
-lose the de-ir leading Into tne pessag
Noneenseti" retorted Dan, dropping
hilt; a ellair and 1110PPIng his brow
vitnirousty. "You .knoviv vU eno•ugle
Tiet-Ste ette not _..
, .
at -win -be- gitteetteTritt- lett
tette:erngltinciarat her, puzzled.
'101 course,' sho ,said.
- "Or eottree."' she inesitatinglyeeeplied,
" ,tteette-Shielair toundenteeettaFlutow
iii-totti-- ' - •- • - '
"Yes, yee,"-exelaithed Adele in some
collusion. "Ile handed the resiponsihili
ity on to his uncle which was sensible
ct him; for his flaucee, eliss 'Eileen litii
%tierce takes up all his spare time, and 1
aita -afraid, yam N11•41114-- lov& found- hi
semewitatiot u batten reed."
Bottt women tualleed the effect of ticase
words tmen Sunbeam with different feel: -
lop. Adelies heart sank as the girl's
blush changed to a ,deatitlike .pallor, a,
pained expression lilting her dark eyes.
And for Itte tnoment elle telt Vexed with
!horsey for itaiteing boliti, though; fof
Ei're#n .,sake, she knew be had.
he wisest thing. " .
Lady Cruse, not seeing Ike neitesSity
•fer it, felt angry with her friendtor her
bluntness. it was lemiltille., 44, oouraN
that Adele should at once thinit it wise
to nip any bit of leitnli rt, US things etood, but foonsti also,
are theichiltre
"n . net. itntouclaed, with feminine mean -
me s. Tlwrefoee, sho sought to change
the subiret by eaying kindly --
"Ail I ask is for you to leave youe
iitinerttleel ene----etatele-aitleti-ellee
lieltdCtiaes, I do not think that would
.1)it ouch a terrible testi, genie you wish
i. ' It remain iniliiilittg .froin ‘.hitn."
.° "ph - no-iat least notoi at present,
thoegli the day might come when I
shoted feel that, 1 imist see him. You
tette-a-MOW ne- -le-never 'quite dissolvedi"
• Lady Grua° shoolc her head, - .
"I lieotv, my" eltild. Nor perhaps. then:
eliouldel -wish it lo...bei I sneuld 110 the
twit ppiiion tc rob ; ti, parent of a ehild
milliligly. Iltit we efill consider thel
1,1: tW1de
atter later: For the Present reit have
2 i
(now where ou are. Nov, Adele, I,will
leitt•e yott both. As soon as Sir ltalpli
FrdS Neff- my pr.opoitallo ;Imre -Sun-
beam, for a time, at all events, let „me
etti- wheinetetteafiretiesetee
1141 '4J at'zille-iniglit-bistlhat gift':
tltaVe weight for so long as ;companion
-Now I beim sten iter I de not wish to
elinqui.sb the plan, • I want her exceed
- ,eturalteettiferente"
ttlentilitiamengairient iletent
ter , . Arid 'the Intl was consclott
A grea longing I Wont liar attat
unit the 'stately,. net, • She; had neve
ten any ohe iii Watiiihne en
oraingeas tble, saditaced Women, 0,1 -
eyes pierCed to her F.,hll. Iter beart; w
eeeritoteltigt -with, gratitude to her. whets
.t,dt. fierkin re -turtle -if, saying ibrightty-
°You are a'tueley girl,: Sunbeanti Lady
'..i'se 34 the nicest women 1 linft. 0
1.11\l''0 Sir Italpit will adehie yeti to,
vet)i her offer." ' i i
"But she !mike -itY)' unbappy that I reit
inclined to cry. kl 44110 utthapete Lady'
-Letliiitil" , , - - ,
esitteioitted-aliteLeteetterete, ainnteeet,
iiii7-ielieiliiiititterilit nil gide ltitietil aid di
appeared !tom her home Aietfitst--,1".0-d"
reeve. was at a kali. She %Ls, a. widow
tbett, citta engaged to Lord Cruse.. And,
t34i-4l$)i AltiP and: ler Intabood 41'0.41(1.-
-Jape! 14, coat ,ultter. oho has never tote
tien that terrible .griefi- itven, now elle
mete:111)g fees the vititil. Tirmgri
eaerf.ilaidy tut itareelf iii iture. that the
Elite thing aims', have alied.'t -a i
, "C1;, rio5r. ;1,,Ald-,v-triErt-rkifiCt"--diTra-dla
41r -tier!. -Mut- sheetate- ireverettitardi
fiiiig at all ab --.:4_ thP eltikli?" •
tinily Lettiin ehieitiiiiiiiribeerilie , .- ---
..ittNiiiteere- iloweelteedieepparired.- lite
+lakt Wiltili,fikt,'' aii? 4NOtile„ciq tweed in lite
&pike a •-t-lery„ • i'ttlt that .‘,1,10: NeAux
ago. Tile etiri entret hate 'brew %unit
teat eintlived. , I'm glen „site .tilitts
Sintlit,atee cis iteu eill he eery „Itepater''
there. it tear ..iiito. Likeetioott hanteettlie.
;Ow: iii'Ow iit4-.0 .i,linti011tid'utri beetle *t
Tat etiitit.., 1 4Iid itet expeat Littlie C'ruse
i <tett aitieviittill"toidey. tthsit ebe did ts'.
r ill witiive Mal yo:t luti,e, won her° to
3,4,,ttr vi tiler Iiii 1 01 .1C3%e .Afittifq vied' es ,411,
elite teitl,"i ' -
tasee, to:t an; ' idtill1
twining.. ten witii tt MLitt,
iiii atet teeitietit u:_ •)4.1
tale. . \
°Vallee ail el them
4' i'). ilititiaite hie -tieing i• and even.
ilitaine, if the ateitii ettilaieti gitittly IMIS
dt.17,,b, tO 1;03 th,,lat4t1V`K,-f, Vtfit 1)::: MU
'fi netaietd I al. Mei en. . ... -i
itte.tetiti ?*-,Tcy 1 to.:01'hci.`,' (.4ortittestintl
et it ie Letter. Iiiittit natte.t eiti tektite
4n. „Her tetticeeti t; ittreette 1 tii
i 't ; it time ment le ea,: raitela tiee etc,
Teton. tit C‘lli,‘",, - lk1.0 I filn143,
thIAICtlil Lig lia '11.11Ael(
I..d citittIVial .
n A , She eSelainrict
unit, Wil Sapi -that -.1te. is
C1Ufl14 111) 111 * f1. 10 make final
ten etin ecenfert. • I
tkie reetiVelo-pre-
y entelleing at bis parttelpatioit in
tette thinlie :it wiser tvd etteite
4 onceiTtierereerettatilitil apriears,
.in IntSt rexpian fith tile; inly
thiales .it better'. But' eite inutst
fljVll;t ;0.4iis Mild (Aker • iiewn,
ifineanie have great,ileat to say,
- on, littering you want le do
Lae. kindly sttggested Yelle
144, ,('.1APPltitilt.. It isigeed
up the ettiljels net ton. :too 141
littie. Ile glee
IYI'sothellting to tele eett ateatt ivour
when tie iteutee. !nay teen
blet henna:then." -
olo Poo," rfpliftd $un.
ii#314-xing tt4fItti 1,
reltito My 'fattier will he,
a' a long tette, ateti---iie
illa-eitinteete erne7i interyieeed
Lah te.-tagetiv.„---.444t--,wycs- --height
ifh seitenietit, Mt' 'she Pit etraitgey.
dnvnn) thie eirittel..the pieattlie. tit elite.
441 ft, 311114; itUfk=11114
',10(.61)':.'d again a5 83)....o. tit al
frown otte ttle OGIZCV crteilrbning.
114 the taiontent feited tier. el.
'though * Deis,
hetet. teith etattrietwet leg ft ere. nee., trt
.11mil are 4antitil bilyttlalta 4) a-:: the
aadtie‘.- leitily';inet-,e.S
1.04),ro ehit tett ste altre;itati 'by tiny
one,. .
AVIt-,7414 ‘1,011 ratf,% te,c+61-i,".4) Satre
Antl. tifitilt-ttrlei nay p,tr.ti at tine
alkedetedy tmt
teetang !Ike woon,
inttit ifteofstkre. Alta .1 nettle tele;
kietei0entrioppiet \\ !:t de
Ink ab6ut , N-c.1?t.
approw, 103 :soot ittrwr,
hnukt like, 'to A;.a tttii;gt.,
Vitt -1'#)#4 MI' Oil. "Pd. 11%fwiii C`L'At*
Use I ought lo tett y4.1o.. Vett int, net
&sieve all *bout
Wire lie."...Ilafeft, c.
41kler atentsnie
litiviv elionatt,' ;at
sk ring t*Sr,„ itouog l( l4i
i*14. lie nett think. 1 rit6N1' Voir anythin
Atiogii;II*1 now 1 hir‘o,,fin itettitheito
• 11•4.1 rfio Ihsit, *Al
) pang
tt tittle tea Ards
lied Lady
groiled t3flIv glaring viciously
at his weeplog .s5eiter, who. had seized
Owes oral. eeeleiming:
, "What do extu mean ? Where is she?
ilas she run ttway really, Dan It $0,
the &ding may he killed -fallen over
the cliffs and got 011ished to death I'
She 'sobbed conyuiSivelyi H1U siti-
ap re., though exclmed • aogrilyi
turning... toilete,otherMtianee
- °You IttloW better, then 1.
Fbi windoie was b.oa net she hate. net
_touched it , a.e.. door .ya.sitocked,
Somehow or other 34))) got her out.
Where is sitein____Foreecutresisteris_eatie-
uienlOrseenle at eayeralei_for.
game's up. fin bound to Zia you out
In the nd." • •
"On my oath, Dan, know. nought.
This is a shock to me-. I was eating triy.
breakfast so as to come to eou ed•once.
I dunno what to think, on nly oath."
tirourecntlel.` Phellgher- sneer-WM'
with a low voice, "What's that, Bill
Green? Ciente. confeso your game. or
nie dead it I lie. steyed' at 'An Way
'-"ean motheris bones, then, eirike
ileuse and then came 'owe. But re-
member now seeing ier eyeslookingin
through the"barewinder at nue And yet
• n t -1*fined-ja4t-slted .gern. and I
bought it -wee Paley: But ittust.
have been 'et-. Why didn't gess that?
Where the deuce then can she bee Can
she have a0 thoen beers. ago?"
11 stopated• aghast. eris heart.sank in-
to boots. A horrid fear clutched his
throat. Ile tried to speak again; and
choked tilolently In the effort.
Deny; wiping her tears, turned ekpec
Lenny ftan, who- looked utterly bewil-
dered as he realized -that Bill' was teil-
111, te u 1,*111was as umic
in the matter as himself.
"She's- goner be explained, atter
Might pallED. "And perhapie you did see
hTr then. . ei 'When itot Inoue I found
lee light in the kitchen out, and think-
ing that funny I event to :the foot of the
etairs-tre listen; But sex Ineeic light shin.
trio unclog her doer thought nothing
rnr,r,. about it, and settled tnyeett in the
eiliteeetignte---tesiept soWntlYi
and only woke about an intuit or so ego.
Then I went up to oat) her, angry With
fitr the train we ought to catch firi ,
, Very short time. Even if we non", be
nowewie cenitaget iteenetting-emeenewele.
1 pielied up the key .1 had dropped the
night.befor-e, and opened. the de:or.
_174nne teitlizaVnIttee„eNoter.stteti.eamb-ritazt-
elute, the candte had burned away k
likely 'and . the bed wes .untotiehe
Naturally 1 . ih6ughi• you i must have
sneaked baili tuld let bee old, liteliin
- NtIgn1tkieJlittielti, * kelati
-tin t 'tittlitis, Site inenaged • ion
he Ley in, andi,----et' • . ; .
°Neter Mind 'that now r iNedaluicit
I Nip, risiogeeeititedly, "the thing le to:
1 t lifl,,,• he may MAI beciitlrythfir., 464
1810.." "
or voice dropped to an ontinous
wleaper. ' i ii
. ° "es," eitieutated Bill, "weanust look.
ter "et*, See tuttet be neer. .AS 'reit her
being..deadv, Het, 'old .your noise; . Von.
°talways cackle zioneeruse' when you open
yotir jow. sheet stuff your lodger's ears,
-and 'keep Yeur eyea on inn. Dan 'and ane
vill- go and loele, Weeletetietinnt Any.
ne to- knew- yet • .... tot settee *nolo
eieirineY.-. Wietine7nightie We - -
1)0f "en", i iii
I'set me' eetrie with ,isvp.', . . . shall
id'i werreing en ,the time. about 'her, ,
pteinittee. laying A &lathing hand on it ,
Wilder': ii : , ". e
"Newel:Lao! i De you Went, to renste
ioesPaition9r rettleted Den„ 'es eitill shook
leituettf :tree Witte a low euree, ewe
ellen tent tier niding in (inc ot the emelt
tieviat .1intetiittettne entree eiViittpinincietet,
borne. flow that, eiltientrit,'„,teoeilikeelter
' iiiitiFiiiiiii* iditittli 'Wel inglit. a n II • as „ lite'
rifst 'leered , 11 tatty *Mei-dark etre 'ettee
sv: t tette met :It enieniretitieny "Site -Well
fled Lee tight • Iteettle and go ttt it aiittite;
7 .
by theantest treiti: , '. ) •
Itettai talent:tit beretiii, 'Hui iilitt etieelaid
ter atOi. eillhOugh her heart Was full tif
eitagivingie -tier-she Unripe Mete...es Often
Piero:vie she Moak give; itt to the two Inert
that had rulect...het,theire; er teteiter en
teeny. pollee. . - •
• . 'I 'Melt you beet' eitteed attriat eti
thilii.* elle einepPed. 'her sift*
. .
1 Zeit 11114bod. i: .•
atis' kind tO Illie.eitte ', et bettn
‘s41 liYftbNimi 7,1ou *0 1,(,t1P .31kt 11041 C1411:404A Ain't
etteitieitettititetettiteit "
teetnif Vet ing tel bushes. and if 5o
NtitelterP• ieeite tongue teol ttipging.
4k, Act mattee to the whist you think,
roreid her Iitellette d1iimg un to the
teni lifting the Udell,
eltee %ere
teed Pr. UI1I * 41 JmW. ‘4404
.4 C,t4; le.`. lien LI ete fie ISOM
• enele411b s-r,ro
#0,Ekev.. "444L Vt41 f 1» tete in on." aten
Writ Itkv. oty„ +Vfitin
s!,t, nkv , frote <1r4,41itg- !Min
S:13 Liee yen* picket'
• ,11tI A4.eltee ire% eet yeti teisei pot
t i4eliIikIed Dineen,. li.tienderling
vied site Meant, and looking up sittuilie
"Then kntiou salit'she was iivbed
and fast 41sieep last night you really did
not know if that was truer
She looked confused. ,
„, "Nee" site steininered; "r don't exec
le. lint it wes Me. and es site watt with
quiet .felle--1- Owsried 1 spo1.e ttier ;truth
;i113 C°111Lia 10,40Y, Fov they Ti;3v;
suede tertoStinP on, and there's pree
done $t. leivirence wfult lo
matte her *ante back. .hoipti you've all
V4331.343ult.. gisketeih
St I.awrence. Perhaps, toimorrew air
'tne next day. f Shull go. up to town.
have tS311P,S3 that Inaaailemand my pre-
sence there.!'
Ile, stoned bie lit:itself as he lteard her
of rel*I, but as. ehe closed the door
ki4k<I intense ,eletvity etouded his
fntuies and be Unit Ws' brows
p e. . -
"What do.c lit mean?" Itei tents .
toes' iette flee r ittitteittinee casette- tO.1
-Geritleman Dart's unceremoniou
i rran ie. - Tht- raattille have genii:4)ft
ait. I Wender -what' will haPtien? BY
now-innele-ftelpheia rkincl with Adele.
Peen* little .Sunbeerat . ,. e I must not
o fieentreartelente Yetiehi caseatheitiseantriii
get on, to the tight scent. But 111 not
quit' tbe, villege to -day. I'll 'sketch the
church . . .My landiady looRed glum
when I told her. I should.rmaln. - Foie
eon or other she wanted toiget
itriettelliteeittinit,--tittrei-talled- i elide-.
erebly. Neither Is it advisable to ...put
/Jure -bred, or any other icInd of fowls,
Into a Ilithy 'house, thinking you will
house them there' for a short tithe,. and
clean. -up 'later attiesigiiiit oft bllYtun 1014'
foivls. unlit everything is ready. Clean
up elle prernises Thoroughly, and plow
tinter every bit of rail -routed by thick --
44'1.5-U* have beteele:. d to pate eteliany-
tone enee: before Stertenn, -Opt atour
,INards and toops into good condition,
and ("ten igo ahead. .
Sae* money on eVerything,bdt your
stock. Make your coops out! Of old
boards, and CON'Or With Straw. or corn
tedder; Make coops for little :clacks -oti
of store boxes; nest boxes ut of cheap
4 rr 744)76-wii-•---dowit. cuelieus
loxes; use 'old' dishee r r drinking
vessets, and, illiiyieievetniieteeteitehtee
4e: „Just 'as *well in O. cheap coop as an
expensive one, peovided it .1.5 -dry and
iwarm. Even a frametveriteer .polea
4benked with redder Pr straw to be
burned the fottowing spring lute been
ainownito ecep chirkens sale and wartn,
t all. winter, an.4•One successful ehtelien-
wattsigetalii.ii4v4'3idy.s, raked
ia tub: infatottilllev 'aisisunannItY1
*overeat with stratto for ibex /met's. In
thil tvliy she has a. new cOoli every
all. ,0:u-ltit et*hshkee bito 41 pet:init in-ozt .hottueseei
etei but, she liked, °Ibe..`"vmid. *house"
1 is ljoor econotny . to sterste the
chickens under the itnfirsion that you
ond rash theireTiiTitifilmetWrii iliniTibee
a -lot of hungry, peeping -fowls 'at s.:011t
tof.14 whenever you set your ifeet.,-,out.'
doom, , A hen will lay lust .1. fine,ege
-Afrit'431:fiti ArlOil.:r44.071f,II0.3iiiffiz';Iti"t1t,
in nipattint. ne4: bon -but She Inns,
hes' veep -Welt Med wilti,eason.'
eibl food to 'rnitIce lier, :worth, !tnything
&I-TA-440.pr 4ait--,111.6-'table. itewMitt
is -very cheap, fa your , 'totality, 'do got
discdrd, it tor.expensive Ora; Mat Warn
ge to Ave late - rents ittieetty_itiee
d, end use a variety., _Milk, a t
corili telint titirai pst.fresit. tt*.at
het. `things wilt keep- ebielts in d
"1114tftan:A,V1 a -LW x'no. ney buying' .a: tot a
medicines In tbe start. Just rententber.
iltet. litteentel. filth . ere -the- bottom- -fa
otAtt intliry .e411,ionid idea eat
- ittietvithotetenotheaeAttateeetatateittit. .1
of nente• *ea Of PoulttyfoOd tend ther
r tunny -good . liiintiA) will do: 4011.01t
i Aril teeepittg ,tit disenAK4v :NA el4110-
I is ,and °este. will 644 snore then Olt.
1 Mettioittee etetlie weirldi Tee be4
• 1
enterreetetrot,r Oi A
+++++-11+++.4- 1 to eta oft their !heads and bury them
i ."'" neer+ in the earth.
t When, it e Ines to buying your first,
ettintaniii Ilar- 4P-,, ,Iiii.l,r- Mind- whittnelse
like best Peet fair ever- peettliareondie
lions, and then huee of It- reliable ileft1"!
er If you want ,an altiurourat -hen' se-'
lect that type; if -yeti livie in towne
where nae range is littlitC41, get ille.
ti-th - bie
tsenteintlitagiittni" beglnraNng
to , and to these ,who are °tired ot
long -,slipshod Ittsbion year glider
tIto best OdYtee IS to begin, right.
a good start, ...rattle bielf kthe battle
is ver. If you Ore- now at the -busi-
ness, read ,and 404 'all the tlite.gs you
pan about pulley, end that will do no
4 it
egteit e 5 exited t y Patrons,'
keep them in. intital when you sterti
Witile it would be foolish- lo spoilt
tiMe committing ail teetes, It would bei, •
ienuallet 'foolish to buy 4 variety fett
evhielt There. no inI tt.yOur,
melethorbood. Begin Modestly in eve
lerythitig but the grade of the fewle, and
1 ,
tn eats .and, 'want nr wake- eneneY- The
aing 418c sure_ youVe-rIght. rad
Owl., in
'T‘ref-yttiln ess-later,
Several things enter Into getting a
In the nese, platettenneemite
litaireY'should not be 'spertte in the see.
ond, you must be sure you have time
liner pcnacieteeeeniafelteteworniteiiiiid-IN
you must _Sludy conditions. It is fool-
-IA and usetess introduce a few pnre-
„bred el kens into a mongrel flock and
pect- them to .be tbe leaven Uwe will
leaven. the whole Wain! „have
i t
o be certtirm
.r.isim,v, MIXED AT 110ME AND
_ _
Mirtlit3 ALL 1111ELtelATISM.
FuR Direetions to Maker and Tette Wits
• Simple Illomeettlede Mixture - Makes
• Kidneys Otter Acids.
i!to *
When an entinenteinhority announe-
t at dreed Amerlean desease, Ilheu
ti rn, with just ommon, • every -day
ditige found in any drug store, the Op
melons ivere slow imleed to attach intleh
Importance to his claims. This was only
a few months ago. Toiday namely every
newepaper in. the etountryei ietien--
enetropeliten., are announeing
and ihe splendid reetiltseaeltieved. _1.
se Simple ehan .arty ono ean_prekare I
home at srnMl cost. -It teiimaide up as
follows:et from any 'goed drug-
st Fluid Extract Dandelion. one.
half ounce; \ Compound- ti'argittle/olle
unce; Compound Syrup tareattatillaa
teireeeiturteisi Mie
Ile and lake iiiiteaspeonftil- doSes alter
czt'h nteal and at bedtime. These are
iteitiedy it little
hentriatismi .05 every one linews, IS
yreptam Of deranged littinena.' It is
• tinditionieneedueteleitinetheiefailureerit
fir4i,perlyL-Mt-ee' eirintrein
trent the blood the prie, acid and other
matter which, it net eradieeled, etther
itt the 'urine or ittranign the skin poi*,
:omens an the blood, deoor,mpa-e3 and
forms about tho• joints and -muscled,
;causing the untold suffering and de -
fertility, ed. ittetimatisra-
intnrinieserleitiein Is eind bo Le a Spittle'
haling, -cleansing and invigorating
tO ,the kidneys, end gives altraist
immediate relief in all foetus of bladder
ond urinary' trottblee and backache.
Judge _ Ilene erltinal StOrj, and Ordert
I itear!,e-14:44trnritnt9: et't11444:001::41Prilitid ti,
3jgi. Millis, ,the, ScitithIstirk.
Cottrt, trigland, hr ihe priease
%Ito had , been erriette
-it And t• t Ittitittiti -et e t'
atxpbiltiitir thatieliticift
c141(10.1t 411, tstte' 14;-).-'(4d vttv,
°eft ottnet
ticm atnoney.:ender.in 4;r1e .
-4 la. 4NP1' 34 eitior inkalidsc!,--ltea
:41 to promte Mem 111 a tette tees
tetiteent. She tiaatitht tite
repty, ihrf iItl.! ly1,ctisy nslaI-
eiettlei telt .ther • Ifilbite -cattle.
/labeled 'fractured lee knee arid 1t-48
1if,1.4111411 tier three .otonthiti
-She: eliti lotire the lirietaitedge eit
anefreeittelliM, end etvliett evoke .0,,)nt-
,4-tned elleteleid the itaiiitt. teatt etett
n'er,tif 4. liet 'the. trienity-lettiler, tad tO
pplear, tteesennentlyi•She as !cm,
rid !Ike, lirard t444 'that
h itrotietett„ Ie w4a111
at his '
Mid 4 e
ement the
' etniy IIYe ar1h-np*
:itititiritaWital!ilaltd it d 1qw rh
tik Lee lrer 31143Pf
' etatie to• Briefest) /Viten *714 1
the' ttlitre taps* !row 81,10on.
* 4 et.
*W43,r. YP4r. tillattintn; Witt
e tperied to itunt
heir toed entirely, and- --welt
oiansitteration_..reeMi -their limner, ANIL
will be unable to give a. satisictetory____
return for the space they occupy on
the farm.
. • •
A grain inixture consisting by weigh
of linseed meat two parts, wheat bran'
-twee parte,- and corn -and, {tate • -
parte; fed in quantities adapted to !Ito
Size , and tapacity Ibe Enamels, front
,sie to ten, pounds... (Jelin,' ehould keep
erp the 'flow of milk. The quality ol-
the milk will vary with the aninull.
Root; and tubers sliotild form a iarge
part of the reed for calves in The- winter.
trnrnips, artichokes and beets ere all
good, ago feeds for calves muleshee _-
en the winter season. They wilt ..do
;ouch better -On% half the grain ration •
with, roots and tultere. Calees ct
tired of all Iced in winter. and otteti
get so that they do not eat their feed
awn. They relish some, suceulent food
epoch better.
It has .bene found that the sante
pew calving the Iasi, of October, andi
ell jtept, housed and fed ,during Ute
nearly ZO perrantainore ittilte-tha.neettei
will if she calves in Aprii; and win •
additeati to 34 per cent. more milk; there
is a paying denten(' for tine Inittet, or
the winter, and lite milk ef this .dalry. -
ptioleniged .by . (be grazing ot the Gum.
eater -pasture:1i, -can lie feudal "into fled
the etaien will be rinsed In odin- •
meratat intpertanee. anti lie put on, a”
‘,.et more substantial task- Of courRi
here must be reinspentotis -farm itn- •
rovernent to carry aitt -Owen 'plane,
iiut a farm ideireieeielit is always ate-
improverneill that paya twofold. .
a weaning colt feed following:
lee* .pounds\ cut nay* three pewees
wheat bran, wo •,. petinde lInsced meal.
1..e! Om wheat bean- and tinseed Jnea
° tfor rnot 21
1 if
e moistened eut litty. This mey
given in twee feeds with what twig hay;
it eheeises to eat. Cornmeal is a ,very4.
ifor -4-growing-,zoltv-but-AvIteltti•
ran colitahis the best elements • toi
• go6d 13ore. The Thverd.,
meal be igsettlentto,jtop' nee
gestive organs In health; grOw rintseler
1,rttd• glire Hie. colt a smOoth coat.
It will not do tofeed bilvecl:inari
t !• veldt, affeet all of thein, 1Pilett,
,e the e.31411,* of abertion to one cr Imre;
And a fa therefore. ungiffe feed
ror • tnated- Mares feel with ent 034
tWo lximute corniiteal and three mantle
brere • and' ,if trent their IteavY weigtit,
they ricatniaiet ntorif, add one.y•pound'bnatu.
Jes ttuffifolis Irian good •
moth: .corittnieel ittiproeer fitod tor
breoil ritaree, beeause of ila beetingielie
netts. Bran ie itoeling ft.cd,..ond
lt,'Cilait to keep op Mit Into! on'orgo,7
41vai makrial, 10. devenepitigitteet
V 1
• ,
• r1.11141
' fig