HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 8 (2)errs. JIOL r'ell enterrt ai;ned her Iri
a `taoffee:pull•!tett l t.
«... « St'w trst .,.entertainer
yy4:s her of l t t f i iendast * morin ',
R�•� • . d ( tel` '1 4 h �' ,
Mr.11obert'i ,Ialut b ' t !
atlun clerk , in: t , ('oar
On Wed itoa ay ,evening Mi ,Cora
welt eu i•t eibe a few'r':r iida.
stkt Thursday, ;t at in: (A' near ar peter,
lair of; buck skin glover Finder'.
.iudly return to, A»voiwrN offic
Y�► s **4 L' t', for Tike•
t *tut hai f *it; ie ,)
�' : *erf<ed. haia
, . f'u*t ed one 1�..nd
t' owe * ria
Wheat .. «... f... «....r„
►aatarr.. we.wr49i11ag $1
a y.. .'tl *if, 1.,
' 'l�sur, +' .. rfa i1 . .
I4u�trai pais tri .
tat, a.,:.,� 1a a,►•'1r:�'>1 .
7' n �+ r 5 �,'7
'M'�'r5�13.'17�lJlr.`�• G46.(G��
e:Wi 1.draea i >rp tlie` tie»'`
ri ftie 040'0
Vitppeer'4nee:ct'tIutaa fier a great t1e
�,f� �e este ' ... well f `
tlra#1 ga►rtuentra,Yair on e•0? . heFbeaet tip,
vestments a yourng mail .can rpt;ate..
Have your clothes. made to order.
We ratlike the kind of Sults mid
f iai''ei vette
"wellele used' appe aan esoss k
desired. We make the Clothes to
. fit the anan. '
'sines Locals -- Read Dem
Thirtytlit,t diPerent Toilet Sets to se-
lect from at Stewart's. Y'es they "an
srcell,_$450 err ay s" rare+� kar<l ties..
�fd$`l:.w.u.J19NC��hR.P'A '� �'� i{ V • QYRY���• �� j��� •y Y • K'.gNat'c.:14 R'a4rC�4'.mvb> ...
"Tire rrr itc_has hs k good •drlvia?tg
C 9'• _
- , to-
• €t- ndo
Stewart'A ,for -fancy .A.ntus. t_'leancr.
Big.q':tstu f ,n i 'at tames L1Z 3.
Their 10-j'iece Dinner. Set at e10.50
and X12.50 are certainly the .best we hare
Get ym1ar Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate, ffice.
• .1 carr of Iiedpitlt's sugar ju. t arrived
at Stewart's. JI,.sell s no other. Don't
• .. monkey with cheap sugar.
Two Rouses to Lot, .
Two eo. eel frame houses to let, apply
at this office.
Sufnetlriirf doing iia .'Ecus' and ..boys'
Oei'reataf:3 at 'Storcart's: Money sating
prices is the order.
Pay Your Taxes.
The T•« x Collector will be at the
Town milt, lt, on each Friday from '9 to
12 and 1 it, 5 o'clock for the collection
of taxi►", tats() on December 12th, i thl
and "let h. •
A Hirsch.
�A lot qf ""rarcllers'samples in Ladies'
1"u,-' urea£ (oaatsr i i Saabte. C'ollar,r' _gat
;tars: , tilted with 4 trt, fre viiia
:1,iarinutaand Hamster. Every Coat a
special bargain. Stewart,
Ur. Ova -Coating...-
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surges,;;, wil be at the Commercial
Hotel,, Exeter, on Saturday; i ovembeti'
30th. Glasses properly Qtted;and dis.-
eases•of Eye Ear and Nose treated.
Every I.atd'p fronting as swell ,sat of
furs should no to Stewart's. Ask to see
their stone Martin set, special trt , $18.
It's lovely.
Tilrrizsitriltreutibilig rate too :gu.
ru ._.—fo -,l�-; votm Ee-Subseriberf, We i '`
. the i>,V ..tiread.C'he ape t..11atr...that.can-he,
secured, and all you bare to do is call.
. and eike aadvnntrage of it.
•15c. the araist 't nal for nice American
Opera Flannel art Sten -4'111S.
i)r. . Butler wit1. �'io_ " .
��:s_ _ a flex Centra -1
to Cie .fin ;;tuz day* ikeD iv
Tatliktitko Optical "Co„ 233Biafdes St ,
.eunetcin "•►r local
dealers' will
attend to prescriptions fortrlrsteO.
-Stewart's Sailor Boy Japan Tea 25e;
einailne arattaa mrrire& tea at $00, a are
two of try; best tea values in Canada, ",n
experts soy, P•
Ttie Burt Line Minstrel Co. at the
Exeter Opera Banns Thursday, Dee.
12.h. 'Talk cyte on Bale at Bro ;til ti
Drug btu, 0. Get your seats eat y.
See the biggest *minstrel show travel.,
ling in- Cle.n da- -eoi
g ,.. u���,�.of' alG�attaaaa�-
atis -See .bag Lew 7 st as e>r, intact
Leonora. the three pretty'; M*1as the
Mei eTerta baonns and tbiety
I>i ntit'es of letuilitcre Come and'et oe
To ,be best &tiled
• deaesn'.t.lneenn to pay!
OM Jana paythan
ric'e,:rorr hisc� thet
s3 >, t took* them
lookgood; The tea'
toiled may be the
fiaiii.t,h t the f ' iniey
not i might, Al.
Wog- the -Mtei t and
best fa+aliricss of the
et)r'iireet Ate :here.
.0e' tititeting is firsts
e"ia+►ep•aailaa+, defray' reieee
within retch of * 1,
a>k re you renew rem iru't'<af ri titin
yet? Don't , forget ' that the ' iter
;eV he mons to y'b t .
oIlei wilrheitexio
�h a
Mx. A 'E.'� orrison, of xi,sra,' v.
ineial bee . or, made a tour of the
hoteis;a in utbHuron, a seem hied
by.Iiispecter Terreneeeltetweek.
For Quality and Quantity, askour
dealer for the new big plaits of `." b&'
,,Stag" and "Currents*' Chewing
Tobaccoes.. ,
The Jaynes- .Street Leaguegird a
friendly visit to the Main st. paid
Tuesday night, and: furulshe&t e,.. +,
{,,..Monthly► Tveiets are eontem:
awins of Huron Ooll.
ege, London, preached in the Trivitt
Memorial church Sunday in the ab-
sence of Rev. D. W. Co1Iiine, who MS
at Granton.
Rev. Toil of Ilensall, who preached
at the-.Jmrnes--tree --eh .-u- . .
even; -being' '.
utt eVart evil=
liie'nt .e effort.
---- ----b- -
xe er p+e'ln• uileirilc�h sa -a t
zere care-iroin -`1u - cases. ' e
ase is of a-thild_ty :
The Trustees of S. S. No.3. Stephen,
have engaged Mr. Wm.Triebner to
teaeh•in their school during1908. is
Triebner'is now attending. Model at
Godericb. The salary is 3390.
On Saturday Mr. Nicholas Beaver of
Stephen bought from Mr. Chas. Box
the. Cornuaorciai Hotel..Exeter the
Lot 3
1$. Hay. .fifty acres,
which was offered by public auction.;
The price was $1550.
The wind on. Wednesday night last
blew down the large chimney at the
House of Refuge which crashed
through the roof; fortunately none of
the inmates were hurt but some Al
them had narrow escapes.
Mr. Geo. T. Case last week.- sold his
fifty -acre farm in the township of 's -
borne, being part of Lot 32, COD. I. to
Mr. John Coleman of Hay�townsbi
for a good -figure, possession to be giv
en MarchL Mr. Caa$e' will dispose o
bis stock and implements on Dee. 11.
A quiet: Wedding took place at the
James street parsonage on 'Wednesday
evening last when Jelin Kellet of- Us-
youngest daughter of Mr. Jas.:(aotrld,
sr., were united in inaarria ge by Rev.
Going. The young couple have. tide
.nest wishes of, their many friends.
They will reside on Huron street.
Mrs. Maria Gill, who left here a few
weeks ago on a pleasure trip to differ,
eat its of British Columbia, writing
to the 4Advetate says:- Have been have
ing a very pleasantvisit; this is an ex-
ce ,leant country -to live in and is part.,
iculatrly noted'f'or Its beautiful scenery;.
The weather is lovely here, roses • and.
other flowers fining ail in bloom. We
meet people here from all pante of the
Three Bra Baaraaia ascii.
here 1'VI
beet_ r Ce i bi �$ aaa ip & y �
ee . thexetere ,ite0-Me. ,suds-Me.tore
Thursday, Fridayand Stitnrdit -_;
the stock must: be cleared out at make
room for as etock of .*Boots and Shoe,,.
Crackfng Bigg Baargeins for three days.
3. W. Broderick
licks" rc'Ca*Jtir s r ' '+si r. .:
eactitirsr trt' .
�"� ,-; . es a Caen
Ftraal on tie last.three days in the.
moral*. This period_ will reach its
crises on the 80th, t . edate upon Which
zmn crma
t ie i
teles ale '
'going eoutheterd. Atmospheric ode,
like icea-i 1 deas, o O* then in
its declinaations6 -no, and south.
Hence. the stern' periods in which the
Moon is inoving south of the equator,
are much thine liable to lase followed
by change to•cold,boreal conditions,
as the atmwiliberlc current: tend from
tenth tea aninth.;, bringing the :told out
of the .north.'" As re rule 'c�the tempera.
o colder with` the .;soon on the erivat�
tort ;Electeicaal stow a ten in winter,
£re int eitmore ltaaible in storm
at stteh time.. rlodal
11t"ruc,a.+•1Y'cl'aa'!'ti'ili!"r' will
out wttb ra t,. d...Powlibly igbtn.
opt and thunder ins rmraanay placestooth
rata, with rising horometerread rapid
change to much colder beading down
from the northwest With the incorniog
of Per/ember, •
toim ass las et
' Dearathr sanddened the , lrs nose .
> `aarie oillW d, crnt
'When the- rit his bol
vao i
' ra et Beaasniaih',�. took 1 .
Mr*. andfo was ed ye
10 months. She hiddtt arlait�
al t.:twa 704.0,0,00thyearst..;a
cbiilw, haat Was 'able to be u1
tresrraat.n etit two week. wb
h+ alatne-*Orttevi Ikea as
fss w` day*death
was ung
the enkettle sisal* a sbock .to this
sh<orrll . wafter, rnkis 'fight .Frida
iog. rn asr4 aaiap1 s ,�
� t ,. she �de+d `t a a.til
y 'ti ref/low/0sac► her at�asgs
she''ta to Do*
Thi who survive are er 3
err, yrs« Bs at tilta'ha, of Gran►,
satt+err,r •''Ieir of 'wtlr�aaaat
F na nf' St +sat i . y,
' ht:two'bro
of l i ;and Rithored :M l
b tom.• husband *roe to aIIy
ctalid tt. a ebildr, t
11000, f`11tie, ,Lyd; sed Baa>a
heeinUT tbe syaes ratlay ,let
ashy In ter tattithatit..• .$1.1
z UUeP, nritra . un; . er
liaaa day
taa>lel lfa?urf
y '•,warwa rather die-
t abto braaaat thettha a econsd , y , fethe
weather i+of Anreet. rout w`
uuty + erre �prrear>ent Time t
Fifa one bar ,Fred
i ... 4
close second ha the rock event getting
160. The following are the m'or'es;
Birds 10 15• .1O Total p;se.
A Tillman • 8 13 7 , ---. 30
F' Barr 8 15 10 -- --f Oi
D aartleib 7 13. 7 - 27 - 77
W Sanders 2- 2 - 20
N j) Hrrdon 3- -- 3- 30
d E Cantelon $ 12 0 .20. > 74
J Triebnat 0
F' Triebner 7 T --- �0
M1a8 AND ace.
1st -Kerr and •Saanederaa
22nd-Kerr.and Cau teltm
3rd-1Cer{rL + Q
,^ v.4c;rmsiu,+erre:. L,. i... (-'•aF' »&it�b` ;,n� 'o tdt�5,@
" ' et3n 14 1 I' e t `" ere. i4 18 17-140.70
15 1t le 10 28 15 18 11' 1.5-1fi2.--as0
•..� w1>Msca 'r.r n?t t•+r,: vi.a.arr.,.'. A
.�..r ( r •-�F��rc«.x_•1.9-115 #.�•bl^9�W»'!>1,'!F?
;7c7..iima -
Widmer 18 11 1014 -1'i •10 lta 1$ --
.. ,i % awe `]G ~ T �;i I ri" "1 .. i. Ca; —107 =r0
w 1!thncs 15 14 11 I _X14
Messrs. Stone and Wellington, the
well-known nurserymen of Toronto,
qffultwourmlutst y r_. 8.
Sanders, (who is at personal' acquaint-
ance of Mr. 1Vel1ington), have sent
their agent to Exeter to increase the
fruit pr,oauctions, in this, vicinity, ,by
cies � .l
s. 9 t ►ea LaeterC<°aoaasanC.
anti P'reserviing`('o. will consume in
,large quantities.
Mrs. Thomas returned to London
Dr. McDowell of Listowel spent
Sunday= here. -
Mrs., Powell returned from Windsor
Mr. Thos. Harvey went to Lucknow
- i Vednesday. •
Miss Gregory has returned from a
visit in Woodstock.
. firs. J t hies Dignat ie visiting her
son William et Lucau.
Mr.Eli Steell has gone to Thames -
Mr. James Bont;hron Of Toronto
spent this week in town._
Mr. Win. Taylor' for of Toronto is visit -
in his father, Exeter North.
Mrs. D. L O'Brien was ate guest of
Mrs. Glaadrala» pn Friday last.
-Mr. Taylor of .Ferest visited at' Mr.
Th. Cobbledick's over S.unday._, .. _
tlisatsaa E. Holliston of Listowell.hs the -
gu(eat of`.t� e and tire. Rot ton. ,
Mrs. Fred lla,iavksshaw'haass returned
after as visit in Toronto fur some weeks.
Mrs. 1sa:Aac: of Grand Bend visited
her daughter, Mrs—Wm. Street, last
weak. _ - ,
Mitt. Shirley Dottier is visiting in
London. Mr. 13obier• spent Sunday in
Saar -ss, sDrr-}{iraaaae-of Centra+ li
the letter .ant of last week wit)"
. e • ar '
veli«. ''rt1e,
Mre. W. J. y White and daughter,
Mrs. Sibbitt, of Ottawa, are gnats of,
Mrs. d'. White,, a sr. '
----•; sa innt+e-- bders .rete • .
: wee o rl� , s a l e
t tbe millinery Pastan..
is. `a bel :i aid: a"rlenn F'ltntoff of'.
Stiaatford; s nt a few :daa a wit thei
y h
siste M
r . J.
0. Snell,
lire. Bert Sweet and daughter
e e.retnrrned.to .theirhet a.ia
Clinton. wafter ra pleasant visit here
Dr. Harry' crowning left Tuesday
morning to assist in eating for 'the
anialtpcsxpaatients in andnearGoddericb.,
Mr. Wm. Earrovis Spent pert of hist
week. in 1Bl t eowood. Mars. Barrows
is. this week, visiting in Detroit, wblle
Miss Mabel spent Tres y in Landob.
Miss Georgi* nth; Toronto
Colline and Miss. Kate Bottthron. lif saes
1 ontbtrron haw just returned from ` as
ewe, rrtio> alas Gln h.
The eobitell wetly the Tossri
oia'ondasalr 1Y'or, 2;i,1U07: alit 8
Conncitlorr Heir Heitman a int. ae
liters of ;the meting -held oris s';,.
wereread and lelibra vred,
Solicitor L. l`. Dicksoss * '
with the SY-IA* 4w drafted by
th►ae tlib b :Eva or aro r
mruniclpolity. i p nt` wbl
forrwinded tote tornps
t ring receive wordibbicifr
t next or �ia:1 tneetin
- �. dohtts'Poei
Winner *waste ra new iou
ttnree foe engine also , to 1
n p the Pipet heatd%ng to of
raater',tsnks, ''carr cl. .
Bpi** railing f a
ingot thr Eleeture and
a �rs
Bale at of , l). party aEer
��tM. ,1�G� :� �t KrY •.,�.. t.�if p• f'',gf•'M.
1144 N . i ?' .. Ori 1 , • *. •.. 'i°..+•r r
y:•..- .•, ,,,,, n�..,ey+m..,yr 1jC, .rw =u7rs+,u •.w.� ..
its tatitls pt a aoaipisrecomwend,
_._..mow fir--�e using and 'healing off"
wounds, in, maanyr • fo'rnis of skin___
,disnrders and sa speeia lly for sham-
a;A pooing the heir, use freely and it
--.._will-naak:u..a nielit, soft-.-and-abund
ant lather, it possesses all the well.
knower healing awl antiseptic praa-
pertiesof Pine Tarr.
The .rest place to buy fine toilet soaps
Annual Bazaar.
The annual Bazaar of the Trivitt
Menioria:l..chur-ch. will. be. held in._ the
Town Hall, Friday, Dec, filth. After-.
norm --*tea will be served from 3 to 0
cr'Cloek, admission 10c. Evening—Cori-
1,r 444n•i ;ii 4 ..
talents extra.
Have YOU Seca the Lithographs?
The 13ert Lane Minstrel Cv., 30 white
people 1» Burnt Cork Comedy, corn.
Posed of new jokes, latest New York
songs and the cleanest show showing
in --its nada-thnt bath cant fon -o€ :e
clergy. See\Lew ocketa er, the big:
interlocker be pry putty iris in the big
Sextette; the,great aaug `prodticingE
Trorator;see the fierce count, gentry,
servant, prisoner end Pretty Leonora,
Get your seats early at Browriiing's
Drug store, Exeter.
we carry. it iS o to-dateevery.-
p►airleuiar and is the best .paying line
for any buyer. Call and inspect our
_stock fore_purcbasinb .
� M
'there are a lot ca ,thus s orr u
►'s`ca're. for` le leo ~ , _--
for instance, we have all kinds off
rubber goods for Winter ,or 811111tnerrP
and made so their don't bust firfet
h �
Get rub r
the dur
t .
prtcee t� .th . t ere
"Goott Quality" is otn' motto We find it pays to keep the best
that can 1* procured Our'customers are wde awake to the fact
that, they get the best 'here for their money. flere are a few
items of interest for the cold weather.
Bear Cloth; Blanket +Moth
Iri White or. Grey, 52 inch' wide; Navy bine or fed, 50 Inch wide,
just *the thaing for babies' oats and ' 'very suitable for Child's or Misses'
ts p1rjaireer-ctrir • i i ci 'oa 15 o warm utnonas,
pea _. - _ . '.tot_-. .r � a,
- ~"ajtyt`tle8
of new coats Don't forget us if yon need a Fur
rjtaet.to bind. We are keeping up, of attny'kind. Yorr sari find every.
our ;stock to you are cure to get the thing in the Fur line here: Coats,
-right-s ;
A: . - ,_ .__ --
yaat bsiave you one rif our :near - We are in first-cl ?tom► _in thia
' artan Ties. - bey eare,rrearemail line; have eves .ihiin.needful
g in
and It
All the rages" ,A.,1aig raw of Cllnxace. Mocha. Wool, Silk -lined,
'all the newest things in ncrckive art. Kid, uekakln,1,'into and Mule.
t alikrl bats to
along for acheap haat
*e steel of
greatly tednced te.
Cone right
to prove her tiklit 1*
by 1ras1dtn;g
%Tata wasrY'eisad
stns and laid over until t
r i`rrssttliug;
foliorairirtg: ae"ountaa were
Jerre drtkial r on ibe Treasii
' wdrn, leaf«
trritet ai ent walk.
I►.l 91t, Frsd rte;
r be i r* t1, petr
10131th Bet. man
hark our thott haat
rtlity to a[atiMNrilstlre slits$
idtaIn k18t.*